May 11, 2012

"Backlash Poll: Obama Trails Romney 7%."

Drudge headline in shocking red, linking to the new Rasmussen poll:
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday shows Mitt Romney earning 50% of the vote and President Obama attracting 43% support. Four percent (4%) would vote for a third party candidate, while another three percent (3%) are undecided....

This is the first time Romney has reached the 50% level of support and is his largest lead ever over the president. It comes a week after a disappointing jobs report that raised new questions about the state of the economy....
It comes after Obama embraced same-sex marriage. I would think that was the most notable thing. But maybe people are focused (like a laser beam!) on the economy. They should be!


X said...

don't panic garage. it's Rasmussen, Hitler's pollster. And West Virginia is indicative of nothing!

brian said...

Nothing to do with SSM in my opinion. just the drip, drip of one side steadfastly avoiding the most important topic on everyone's mind.

Matt Sablan said...

This calls for a renewed pivot to the economy!

vet66 said...

It looks like the electorate is pretty good at connecting the dots between what Obama says and what he does. Drunk on power and desperate to continue for another 4 years they are amping up their desperation. Showing fear through words and actions they are on total defense. Some cracks are beginning to show in the left wing media support as the administration embarrasses itself with silly gotcha stories from 50 years ago. The administration is spiraling into the black hole of hubris, arrogance and disrespect for those that elected them.

Carl Vero said...

While trailing in the poll, Obama is leading in diversionary attacks:
I am not the Democratic donkey
But I was called upon to bray,
Sometimes it's downright ghoulish
It's gutsy to improve it every day,
If something is so foolish
Even Biden turns away
There's always a media monkey
To gleefully fake a fray.

Roman said...

Barry is not hard to read. His "evolving" position on same sex marriage was just a code word. He had every intention of changing his mind after his reelection. Gay money was withheld and forced his hand. In every state that has voted on same sex marriage (32) it has been defeated. Political miscalculation? Perhaps.

ricpic said...

It's gonna be a blowout. Six more months of BS from the MSM about a tight race and then, bam, a blowout. What a bore.

Anonymous said...

I couldn't find a link to the actual poll question, but 3% undecided seems awfully low for this early in the campaign. Was "undecided" actually offered as a survey response, or was 3% the number of people who volunteered it anyway?

pm317 said...

Now don't go around making this all about same-sex marriage issue. I think the people are seeing obama for what he is -- an opportunist amateur. It may be the Romney pranks story in an esteemed national publication like the WAPO that may have tipped the scales.

Best Twitter today yet:

Righties, mock, mock him and his away.

I'm Full of Soup said...

The coming MSM anguish will get that 80% pain pill number up to 95% or more!

garage mahal said...

Drudge and Rasmussen. They seem to always tell me just what I want to hear.

I just LURV my ConservaBubble World!

Dan in Philly said...

What people should do has little bearing on what they actually do.

The homosexual agenda has been working on the youth for a long time now, getting them to equate an objection to gay marriage to hate, and have by and large succeeded. They got the president to overplay his hand a bit, though, as the majority of actual voting people object to the practice to a greater or lesser degree. As much of a hack as Obama is in most things, this was one subject which he knew it was best not to touch for another decade or two.

But as I said his hand was forced and now all those who are subject to the intense scrutiny that group can put upon people (that is, most of the media) are acting like it's a watershed moment. It is not. It came too early. There's a pretty strong possibility it might set the pro-gay marriage agenda back a generation, because if this becomes a big issue it will end up with a marriage amendment to the constitution, which will pass.

Obama really allowed himself to be pushed somewhere he really didn't want to go.

Christopher in MA said...

Drudge and Rasmussen. They seem to always tell me just what I want to hear.

You've still got the WaPo, NYT, CBS and CNN to give you the *snicker* truth, though, right, garage?

I just LURV my ConservaBubble World!

The economy has turned the corner! Funemployment! Hope and Change! Bush's fault!

And there are no American tanks in Baghdad, too.

Balfegor said...

If gay marriage had something to do with it, we should be seeing a massive drop in Obama's numbers next time:

Daily tracking results are collected via telephone surveys of 500 likely voters per night and reported on a three-day rolling average basis.

I don't think gay marriage is it, though -- it didn't even budge his re-elect numbers on in-Trade, suggesting that all the bettors made the assumption that people knew the President was lying about his position before. And I think that's right.

Matt Sablan said...

Garage: You could have Dick Morris' opinion. Or is he tainted now that he's not a confirmed Clinton spear carrier?

Brian Brown said...

The most unpopular president in modern memory comes out in favor of an idea that has been voted down in 30 states and anyone is surprised by this poll?

David said...

What Romney did was more than a prank (assuming the story is true.) It was a crime. I am surprised that Romney does not remember the incident. It's pretty dramatic.

I went to a school that was a sports rival of Cranbrook, and similar in many ways. An incident like that at our school would have attracted disciplinary attention. It's not just a casual prank.

Romney has a long record of good character as an adult to counterbalance this incident, but it's striking nevertheless.

Brian Brown said...

Look at the bright side!

'Clooney listened intently to POTUS throughout, his hands folded as if in prayer…'

Isn't that nice?!

Brian Brown said...

It was a crime

Oh Really?

Which law did it break and how do you know which are the relevant statutes from 47 years ago?

David said...

It's a poll.

And it's May.

Interesting, but not conclusive of much.

Brian Brown said...

What Romney did was more than a prank (assuming the story is true.)

The story isn't true, there is no evidence it is true, so it is time for you to try and change the subject to something else.

David said...

Jay--it's battery. Classic case.

Matt Sablan said...

David: The sisters of the alleged victim never heard of it, and WaPo lied about one of the witnesses witnessing it (they have since corrected the article, but did not issue a correction at the top of it to make it clear they had made an error). One of the other witnesses says that the school knew about the incident, and in a school where a kid was kicked out for a single cigarette, not one of the remaining adults there recall the event or recall every disciplining Romney.

It did not happen, or if it did happen, it was in no way similar to what WaPo reported.

Between this, the fake but accurate National Guard documents and Vicki Iseman -- I'd like to go one presidential election without a major media outlet lying and blundering basic journalism to smear a Republican candidate. Not that there's bias; just incompetency.

Tim said...

ricpic said...

"It's gonna be a blowout. Six more months of BS from the MSM about a tight race and then, bam, a blowout. What a bore."

I hope enough people learned from their mistake in voting for the least qualified man ever nominated for president by a major political party that it is a blowout, but experience tells me idiots repeat mistakes. As for entertainment value, I could care less.

David said...

The law of battery has been pretty consistent for a long time.

KCFleming said...

"(assuming the story is true.)"

As with Obama, it is usually more correct to assume that everything the MSM says is a lie, partly a lie, or in service to a lie.

Pics or it didn't happen.

Brian Brown said...

David said...
Jay--it's battery. Classic case.

No it isn't.

David said...

Matthew--If you read the article, you will see the sister said it was something that her brother would have been unlikely to reveal, if it happened.

Brian Brown said...

David said...
The law of battery has been pretty consistent for a long time.


In which state? All 50?

PS: You're beclowning yourself.

You can stop at anytime.

Brian Brown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Matt Sablan said...

If it happened, yeah. It was an assault of some sort. Five (or four, since the WaPo isn't really clear on the issue) pinning another and cutting his hair is a crime.

It probably would not be charged since they were kids being stupid and no real damage was done.

Also, apparently, Romney also gave him a dye job, since if I recall the WaPo story, by page four or five, his hair isn't blonde any more. How nefarious.

Brian Brown said...

David said...
Matthew--If you read the article, you will see the sister said it was something that her brother would have been unlikely to reveal, if it happened.

Who cares?

It didn't happen. There are no witnesses, nobody can verify it.

Go peddle your silly, weak bullshit somewhere else.

KCFleming said...

"...if it happened"

I call bullshit.

In contrast, Obama wrote that he used drugs -pot and cocaine- and bullied a fat black girl.

Classic battery by an addict.
Where is your outrage?

David said...

I will quote Wikipedia, which as we all know is always the last word:

In the United States, criminal battery, or simply battery, is the use of force against another, resulting in harmful or offensive contact.[1] It is a specific common law misdemeanor, although the term is used more generally to refer to any unlawful offensive physical contact with another person, and may be a misdemeanor or a felony, depending on the circumstances. Battery was defined at common law as "any unlawful touching of the person of another by the aggressor himself, or by a substance put in motion by him."[2] In most cases, battery is now governed by statute, and its severity is determined by the law of the specific jurisdiction.

Brian Brown said...

David said...
I will quote Wikipedia, which as we all know is always the last word:


Are you really this stupid or just goofing around?

Christopher in MA said...

IF it happened, yeah.

Keep hope alive, right, Matthew?

Matt Sablan said...

"Matthew--If you read the article, you will see the sister said it was something that her brother would have been unlikely to reveal, if it happened."

-- They also said that the WaPo story was not factual and pointed out the WaPo couldn't even bother to call him the right kind of student (though, they may have fixed that now, without a proper update at the top, I'll never know).

"She also corrected the story, saying her brother was a boarder, not a day student."

-- So, since they're wrong on so many other facts, and one of the individuals is an ex-Obama campaign employee/volunteer, why should I trust the WaPo when they won't even honestly issue their corrections like a news organization should?

Brian Brown said...

David said...
It's a poll.

And it's May.

Interesting, but not conclusive of much.

Why don't you point us to a poll showing an incumbent at this stage of his first term with less support who won re-election?

Hint: You can't.


Brian Brown said...

David said...
Jay, you are full of shit.

You're not that bright and easily misled. And you're typing silly lies on the Internet.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...



Fishing Poll.

That's a joke, son!

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

If an inmate got 40% against Obama.. I would expect Romney to do better.

Tim said...

The real unemployment rate, under the least qualified man ever elected president, is just about 15% (U-6); the nation's debt is increasing by $1 trillion per year, and assholes like David think a tenuous story of Romney bullying some poor homosexual while a teenager is conclusive of his unfitness for office?

Fuck, with morons like David voting, we are doomed.

edutcher said...

This would tend to bear out something that hit me when I saw the story of Halo Joe apologizing to Little Zero for "jumping the gun":

Maybe their internal polling is showing this as a negative, after all.

garage mahal said...

Drudge and Rasmussen. They seem to always tell me just what I want to hear.

Well, there's the AP poll that surveys 49% Demos and 37% Republicans.

Matthew Sablan said...

David: The sisters of the alleged victim never heard of it, and WaPo lied about one of the witnesses witnessing it (they have since corrected the article, but did not issue a correction at the top of it to make it clear they had made an error). One of the other witnesses says that the school knew about the incident, and in a school where a kid was kicked out for a single cigarette, not one of the remaining adults there recall the event or recall every disciplining Romney.

On Hannity last night, Eric Bolling reported that all of the "witnesses" had been established to "lean Left", so take this with a pillar of Lot's wife.

PS Having gone to an all-boys school as well, I recall stuff equally goofy. This was not battery, except in the mind of the PC.

The Crack Emcee said...

Maybe people are focused (like a laser beam!) on the economy. They should be!

Replacing Obama with the local dog catcher would've improved the economy. We didn't need to go with this bumbling doofus. But now we're stuck with him.

And we're going to regret it,...

Anonymous said...

"America loves a winner, and will not tolerate a looser."

Obama's reflection of American back to the people is bitter and repulsive, and the public is rebelling.

No American president will ever succeed telling Americans that we have to reconcile ourselves to being losers.

David said...

Tim, you are jumping to conclusions.

It's possible to believe that Mitt's "prank" was a matter of some seriousness and still find him fit for office.

I realize this concept is difficult for you, but we morons have strange ideas.

ndspinelli said...

Too bad Romney beat up that kid, the lead would be double digit.

KCFleming said...

Mitt's "prank"

Repeating the lie does not make it true.

David said...

Edutcher, you hold a person down and cut off his hair and this is not battery? It might not be prosecuted because of the age of the people involved but no doubt it's battery.

Brian Brown said...

Gallup's Seven day rolling average is Romney 47 & Obama 44

roesch/voltaire said...

Some how Drudge and Althouse missed this: Records show that the leading Democratic candidate for U.S. Senate in Massachusetts identified her race as "white" on an employment record at the University of Texas and declined to apply for admission to Rutgers Law School under a program for minority students.
So Druges focuses on the hype, and propaganda that will blow over just all like the cry about high gas prices are the fault of Obama, and now that they have dropped, Fox wonders if lower prices are good for America-- And the polls will swing back and forth and who know how long the sheep will be bullied by the right.

Brian Brown said...

David said...
Edutcher, you hold a person down and cut off his hair and this is not battery? It might not be prosecuted because of the age of the people involved but no doubt it's battery.

That's right!

Never mind you have no clue what the statute said, where it ocurred, or if it even happened.

It is battery, dammit!

PS: Note you've been utterly silent on the BATTERY Obama admitted to in his book.

Gee, I'm shocked by this development.

Brian Brown said...

Records show that the leading Democratic candidate for U.S. Senate in Massachusetts identified her race as "white" on an employment record at the University of Texas and declined to apply for admission to Rutgers Law School under a program for minority students.

Which of course makes Warren look even worse in that she "discovered" she was an "Indian" at U Penn.

You really have limited critical thiking abilities, don't you?

buster said...

David is right that what Romney is alleged to have done--the allegation may be false, of course--would have been a criminal battery at common law. He is also right that most modern statutes are loosely based on the common-law crime. This doesn't necessarily mean that Romney violated the statute in effect in whatever state his boarding school is located. One would have to look at the actual statute.

What is certain is stuff like this happens among teenagers every day, and is almost never prosecuted. When it is prosecuted, there is usually some unusual circumstance that explains the decision to prosecute.

Therefore it is utterly misleading to say that Romney committed a crime. It is unlikely that anyone involved--including the victim--thought it was a crime. Apparently the people in charge of the school did not.

Brian Brown said...

So Druges focuses on the hype, and propaganda that will blow over just all like the cry about high gas prices are the fault of Obama

1. Keep telling yourself it will "blow over." Everything you post is a lie or in service to a lie.

2. It is the stated policy goal of the Obama Administration to have high gas prices.

3. Gas prices are still up 100% since Obama was sworn in.

edutcher said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
edutcher said...

edutcher said...
Jay, Gallup extended its poll (registered, not likely) from 4 days, in the opinion of many, to try to make Zero look better.

Obviously, it ain't woikin'.

Paul Zrimsek said...

I couldn't find a link to the actual poll question, but 3% undecided seems awfully low

Typical Ras, very small undecided. He's usually quite accurate, but YMMV.

David said...

Edutcher, you hold a person down and cut off his hair and this is not battery? It might not be prosecuted because of the age of the people involved but no doubt it's battery.

Where I went to school, one day, 3 or 4 guys waylaid everybody doing their laps for soccer practice (through some woods, so they got them coming past one by one), held them down, and pulled down their shorts to see if their pubic hair had come in yet.

I have yet to hear of anybody traumatized by that.

Martin L. Shoemaker said...

One of my nephews (age 2) pushed his brother (age 4) to the ground. It was intentional and with malice. That, also, meets the legal definition of battery. I can't wait for the Washington Post expose on that!

Steve Koch said...

Startling post by Dick Morris, Bill Clinton's pollster in his poll driven presidency:

Morris states:

"If the election were held today, Mitt Romney would win by a landslide.

The published polls reflect a close race for two reasons:

1. They poll only registered voters, not likely voters. Rasmussen is the only pollster who tests likely voters, and his latest tracking poll has Romney ahead by 48-43.

2. As discussed in previous columns, a study of the undecided voters in the past eight elections in which incumbents sought a second term as president reveals that only Bush-43 gained any of the undecided vote. Johnson in ’64, Nixon in ’72, Ford in ’76, Carter in ’80, Reagan in ’84, Bush in ’92 and Clinton in ’96 all failed to pick up a single undecided vote.

So when polls show President Obama at 45 percent of the vote, they are really reflecting a likely 55-45 Romney victory, at the very least."

Read the article, it is chock full of interesting stats and insights.

Christopher in MA said...

Somehow, Drudge and Althouse missed this. . .

And somehow, you, RV, missed the reich-wing rag Boston Globe story that Fauxcahontas Warren was listed as a minority in the "Minority Equity Report" of the University of Pennsylvania, where she taught law from 1987 to 1995. As well, her name was highlighted in bold, which was how minorities were designated in the report.

Facts are stupid things, aren't they?

MadisonMan said...

Gas prices are still up 100% since Obama was sworn in.

True. However (you knew there was a but coming) they were temporarily low at that point.

Here's where you can see a chart for the past 8 years. Eyeballing it, I'd say prices are about 50 cents more in Obama's term of office than in GWB's last 4 years.

Brian Brown said...

ay, Gallup extended its poll (registered, not likely) from 4 days, in the opinion of many, to try to make Zero look better.

Obviously, it ain't woikin'.

Yep & Yep.

I'm starting to believe Dick Morris is right. Obama's support is a mile wide and an inch deep.

Nothing about the state elections since he's been elected indicates he's at all popular.

cubanbob said...

David said...
Tim, you are jumping to conclusions.

It's possible to believe that Mitt's "prank" was a matter of some seriousness and still find him fit for office.

I realize this concept is difficult for you, but we morons have strange ideas.

5/11/12 9:59 AM

Hmm just like Clinton's raoes and harrasment or Zero's coke use?

Scott said...

The margin is too small to matter, and it's too early to care.

Steve Koch said...

"But maybe people are focused (like a laser beam!) on the economy."

Love the use of the "focused like a laser beam" cliche, it enabled me to understand very quickly, with minimal effort, that people may be extremely focused on the economy. Cliches are comfort writing and have their place.

edutcher said...

KY and AR will be the last Southern states to primary. It will be interesting to see the results.

Of the Demo primary.

Looks like the War on Coal is being rethought after WV. Don't think it's gonna help, though; they can forget WV, VA, KY, and PA.

Even so, how badly will Zero do against "No preference"?

ndspinelli said...

Like so many people who aren't able to put things in historical perspective they are just dealing emotionally. Currently, Romneys actions would probably result in criminal charges. However, in 1965 this was not the kind of activity that would have resulted in criminal charges. It was horrible what he did. It was 47 years ago. However, for any idiot who didn't think the Obama epiphany on gay marriage wasn't contrived, w/ the MSM being complicit, this is the smoking gun. This story was planted and coordinated. Get used to's going to be a very bumpy and nasty ride.

Scott M said...

I haven't read through the comments yet (had to go move a trampoline, of all things), but let me guess. We've got at least one of each of the following; Rassmussen is biased, Romney's bounce comes from bigots, and the bully vote has come out for Romney.

Carnifex said...

The left flails. Zero is "Casey at the bat" for these guys.

During the election of Rand Paul, the local rags ran off with a story about Sen. Paul, and some teammates on the swim team hazing some other know hazing right? the teasing that older students to do younger ones in college? And I know all you leftist go to college, you're so smart.(Who's a smarty pants... who's the smarty smarty smart. You are...Yes you are!)

The voters went crazy, and turned on the local rags like never before. I still to this day believe Sen. Paul won so handily because the leftists running the rags were just so freaking ham handed. They don't even try to hide it anymore. Just print shit about the Republican, and praises (all from union leaders) for the Democrat.

As 7M predicted last week, and I the week before. This will be an epic failure of an incumbent president. Maybe worse than Carter v. Reagan, but I don't see it quit that bad...Mitt isn't loved by the base, he's just anybody but Zero.

Those who will be surprised and shocked by the landslide loss will be Garage, most of Hollywood, and the entirety of the MSM. NYT and MSNBC staffers will be so shocked that they'll have to be put on suicide watch. And maybe, just maybe, all these commie loving movie stars that keep threatening to move out of the country will finally get off their asses and do it.


Are you ailing? That was so weak I thought Garage wrote it. You're usually more erudite than that. Hope you feel better soon, I don't like beatin' up on sick people :-)

yashu said...

There's a pretty strong possibility it might set the pro-gay marriage agenda back a generation, because if this becomes a big issue it will end up with a marriage amendment to the constitution, which will pass.

Obama really allowed himself to be pushed somewhere he really didn't want to go.

I don't know. IMO Obama doesn't really give an F about the pro-gay agenda per se, whether it's advanced or set back; he cares insofar as it plays a role in his political campaign strategery.

He needs the Hollywood & gay money; he needs to re-energize his base (especially the youth vote); he needs distractions from the economy; he needed some HISTORIC UNPRECEDENTED schtick to recapture some of the 2008 buzz.

In the final analysis, this may end up hurting Obama. But if he loses the election-- and IMO if he loses it will be for other reasons-- having done this will be a great post-presidency boon to him. It will allow him to save face: the MSM explanatory narrative for his loss can blame it on those religious homophobic bigots (bitterly clinging to a traditional definition of marriage), blame it on Obama being a visionary, ahead of his time.

No one is going to buy the "USA is racist" excuse, but the MSM can run with "the USA is bigoted and homophobic" (or too social conservative) instead. So the MSM narrative for the 2012 election can be: O was just too good for us, too brave, instead of: O was a SCOAMF.

And of course it's a a boon to O's "legacy", the history of O to be written. How embarrassing to be a POTUS of momentous historical importance just for being elected (getting a Nobel Prize for the same reason), but then have little else to show for one's term (other than economic & legislative & foreign policy incompetence or worse). How humiliating to be Carter 2.0. But this gives O's narrative another "historical" point, another "gutsy call" to work with. That's of inestimable importance to O's ego and to his post-presidential image & career.

Comanche Voter said...

Gay Schmay. If you've got no dough why do you worry about what's happening under the covers in someone else's house?

Petunia said...


Hagar said...

Has anyone seen any article or post identifying the other participants in "Romney's prank" and whether they confirm WaPo's story or not?

Hagar said...

It should not be too hard to do for an enterprising reporter. Most of these kids probably are listed in the "Who is who" by now.

Carnifex said...

Don't expect much in KY. Zero will win by dint that Louisville is the lone leftist strong hold in the state, Mitt will win by dint of attrition. And in the real, even though registered D's out number R's 2 to 1, Mitt will win not handily, but comfortably.(these people register as D's because if it was good enough for daddy, it's good enough for them)

You can take that to the bank.(I know my people)

My wifes grandfather was a republican who ran for sheriff. When he lost, he got drunk, pulled his pistol, and was going to shoot every democrat in the county. They stopped him...too bad. I would have liked the ol' codger.

edutcher said...

Petunia said...


If you liked that, you'll love Crockajawea, both courtesy of Mark Steyn.

Hagar said...

Has anyone seen any article or post identifying the other participants in "Romney's prank" and whether they confirm WaPo's story or not?

The other "participants" have been ID'd and described as "leaning left" politically, as I noted above, so take it for what you want.

Steve Koch said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Roesch-Voltaire is 'erudite'in the same manner as Kevin Kline's characer in A Fish Called Wanda.

traditionalguy said...

Writing "backlash" into a Post headline about the first black President may be racist.

That aside, the bounce may be evidence of my prediction that the social conservatives that were luke warm at best for a Massachusetts Moderate named Romney just came into the fight.

And once a fight starts, these guys seldom abandon a man that they back.

W won his 2004 re-election by winning their loyalty to him because of his showing strong war leadership in face of the Dems cheap shots.

wyo sis said...

Today, as we are living in today, Obama has failed to bring the economy out of the toilet even with billions of dollars to "invest" is jobs. Today Obama's justice department has failed to prosecute real known criminals, and has caused border control agents to die. Today Obama has misused his office to create unaccountable jobs for his socialist friends. Today Obama has been directly responsible for the loss of millions of jobs related to one of the most vital sections of the economy, namely domestic energy production. Today Obama disrespects women in the White House. Today Obama is flip flopping and calling it "evolving." Let's talk about what's happening today for a change.

Scott M said...

Roesch-Voltaire is 'erudite'in the same manner as Kevin Kline's characer in A Fish Called Wanda.

Are you suggesting that apes read nietzsche?

Chuck66 said...

Romney may or may not have tacked a kid and cut his hair 47 years ago.

35 years ago Bill Clinton (husband of our sec'y of state) raped a woman in Little Rock Arkansaw. Few seem to think that is a problem.

Some one should ask Hillary about that.

Steve Koch said...

dutcher said...
"Looks like the War on Coal is being rethought after WV. Don't think it's gonna help, though; they can forget WV, VA, KY, and PA."

Carnifex, did not realize that dems are so strong in Kentucky. Losing swing states like Kentucky, West Virginia, Virginia, and Pennsylvania(!) is a reelection killer. Losing these vital states due to misguided fears of excessive CO2 release was politically deranged.

edutcher said...

PS Hagar, here's a piece listing 4 of the 5.

The fifth didn't want to be ID'd.

And remember, there are more women out of the workforce than at any time in 30 years, but it's the Republicans that are waging a War on Womyn.

Hoosier Daddy said...

"... t was a crime.."

So is smoking pot and snorting cocaine so you should probably stay home in November.

Hoosier Daddy said...

"... Are you suggesting that apes read nietzsche?.."

They do. They just don't understand it!

The London Underground is not a political movement.

Don't eat the green ones. They're not ripe yet.

Chuck66 said...

Obama didn't snort cocaine, he "did a little blow".

Now that is a role model.

No, not a deflection, just saying if this election is going to be about what the 2 main candidates did in their youths......

Carnifex said...

Ohh! I predict that Joe Dumbass.. I mean Biden will have another slip of the tongue inside of 2 months. This one will be about amnesty...I mean immigration reform. Zero will have to consult Sushi and Mongolia again, before he evolves into believing in amnesty...I mean immigration reform. But he just won't be able to fit it in to this term(wink wink nudge nudge). You know...because the republicans are just haters...and Sarah Palin.

After his announced nuance change, the LATimes, WaPo, or (maybe the big guns are needed) the NYT, will run a story about how while working in Massachusetts an ill(damn)...undocumented worker, got deported by Mitt, personally. Mitt will have gone to the local Home Depot, and hired him to cut the Governors Mansion Lawn. Then after refusing to pay, Mitt will have whipped out zip ties, cuffed the poor hispanic(my guess Guatamalan, Mexican would be too trite), dragged him down to the Rio Grande and pitched him in while laughing "Ha-HAH".

The story will be retracted the following week, in type so small an electron microscope is needed to read it, but it will be written in Vulcan, backwards, and upside down, located in the crease of the fold.

Wally Kalbacken said...

Returning from five days of complete isolation from the news, at sea, to this. And trying to understand, in retrospect, this bullying thing regarding Romney. I think that if Obama is going to pander to gay donors with his shift on position on gay marriage and then release the Washington Post to do stories on Romney being a mean frat boy, it shows that Obama has had the "Pat Caddell moment" for 2012 and is now officially desperate. And likely voters can small that.

Chuck66 said... can be sure that the Democrats have already investigated every employee who ever did work for Mitt. Looking for that one illegal who may have cut his lawn or did some child care.

Hoosier Daddy said...

"... No, not a deflection, just saying if this election is going to be about what the 2 main candidates did in their youths......"

I agree. The fact that the left had to dig up the Seamus on the Carroof story and now Mitt was a bully in school screams of desperation.

Having Democrats run things is like handing a 16 year old the keys to the car, a bottle of Jack Daniels and your credit card.

edutcher said...

Roman said...

Barry is not hard to read. His "evolving" position on same sex marriage was just a code word. He had every intention of changing his mind after his reelection. Gay money was withheld and forced his hand. In every state that has voted on same sex marriage (32) it has been defeated. Political miscalculation? Perhaps.

One more thing. There was a piece on HotAir last night about the disparity between the polls showing how acceptance for same sex marriage growing and the fact that every referendum for it has failed (about halfway down right now).

One commenter attributed it to the fact the polls were bad.

The other answer may be they're crooked.

Polls are often commissioned to push an agenda, after all. Like that AP poll.

Just a thought.

Carnifex said...

@Steve Koch

Lots of dem's but the majority of them vote republican. This state is schizophrenic. Was a Union state for the Civil war but became supporter of the south after the war because of the carpet bagging. Been that way ever since. Think Zell Miller democrat.

Don't worry about KY. We will vote for Mitt.

MikeR said...

Much ado about random variation. This isn't far from other Rasmussen results recently.

wyo sis said...

If an illegal did work for Romney it will cause Gloria to "come out of retirement" to represent her/him in a lawsuit that will result in the worker getting deported as progressive tactical acceptable collateral damage. If Romney never hired a Hispanic worker he's a hater. If any Hispanics made money because of Romney they will be filthy 1 percenters and Romney will be responsible for keeping the 99 percent down. If Romney had ancestors who live or lived in Mexico he's not a citizen. Oh, the hundreds of ways one can get that Republican bastard! I can hardly wait!

Curious George said...

"Carnifex said...

...Zero will have to consult Sushi and Mongolia again..."


John henry said...

So how is Ron Paul doing? Did he get a bump too?

He had been tied with Obama in a theoretical november matchup in a number of polls since January.

I wonder if this helps him or hurts him? Paul is sort of for gay marriage. "Sort of" in the sense that he believes it is up to the states and that govt has no general right to interfere in people's lives.

I suspect that since he has held this position for a long time, any hurt it might do has already been discounted in the polls.

John Henry

Justin said...
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Justin said...

The most unpopular president in modern memory

You must have a pretty short memory. Recall how Obama got into office in the first place.

edutcher said...

Carnifex said...

Was a Union state for the Civil war but became supporter of the south after the war because of the carpet bagging.

Don't worry about KY. We will vote for Mitt.

It's on the Stars and Bars with MO as one of the 2 "captive" states, so it really was divided, apparently.

John said...

I wonder if this helps him or hurts him? Paul is sort of for gay marriage. "Sort of" in the sense that he believes it is up to the states and that govt has no general right to interfere in people's lives.

That's the Romster's view, and mine FWIW. It's a state matter, not a Federal one.

Whether you think it's a good idea or not is another issue.

Hagar said...

Read your link. It sounds like Cranbrook had not quite caught up to the 60's yet, and they were still doing the 40's and 50's kind of stuff, and now this article comes along written in the lection year of 2012 by a guy who grew up in the 70's.

Chip S. said...

Recall how Obama got into office in the first place.

By beating Hillary Clinton in the primaries.

How unpopular was Bill Clinton?

Justin said...

I wouldn't read too much into this poll. Remember that, for better or worse, this is about electoral math, and Democrats have 30+ leg up on the electoral count from the get go. Obama can afford to lose more swing states than Romney.

Romney really needs to pull numbers with Hispanic voters a la Bush in 2004. If he can't, I'll be he's toast. It wouldn't surprise me if his hard line stance on immigration reform "evolves" between now and November...

Justin said...

Chip, Obama won by (1) beating Hillary in the primaries and (2) because Bush was extremely unpopular at the end of his presidency.

Rocketeer said...
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Rocketeer said...

My wifes grandfather was a republican who ran for sheriff. When he lost, he got drunk, pulled his pistol, and was going to shoot every democrat in the county.

What county, Carnifex? Just wondering if your wife is kin. My grandfather was a state rep for a short while post-WWII. Politically speaking, he would have been safe from your wife's drunk gradnfather.

Carnifex, did not realize that dems are so strong in Kentucky. Losing swing states like Kentucky, West Virginia, Virginia, and Pennsylvania(!) is a reelection killer.

KY is not a swing state: It just looks like one to outsiders.

Hoosier Daddy said...

"... You must have a pretty short memory. Recall how Obama got into office in the first place..."

Indeed. The worst thing Bush did was give us Obama.

Carnifex said...


yeah it was. We had slaves. We had Lincoln(who freed the slaves, but not for the right reasons) We were split half the state union half confed, but supported the union all through.

You want confusing look up Quantril. He came from a fierce abolitionist background, but fought on the side of the confederacy. While writing letters to his mother about the evils of slavery. He finally died here in Kentucky, shot near Taylorsville, and died here in Louisville.

edutcher said...

Hagar, all I thought you wanted was the names of the other 3 or 4.

I wasn't interested in reading the whole thing for that reason.

Carnifex said...


Larue county if I membervate.(real close to the county line) The Johnsons. They've been there for over 200years.

Ky's got more counties than Carters' got little liver pills(or peanuts in honor of the subject)

Renee said...

One of my relatives was going to vote for Obama again, now she isn't going to vote.

He was forced into it, and that may happen to a local state representative, but to see it done by the President of the United States didn't make her feel comfortable.

Even U.S. Senators and Representatives can get away with this, but not the executive branch.

roesch/voltaire said...

Chris if you read deeper into the Wash Po story you will come across this quote: “Her appointment was based on the excellence of her scholarship and teaching,” said Stephen Burbank, who was acting dean of Penn’s law school in 1995. “I do not know whether members of the faculty were even aware of her ancestry, but I am confident that it played no role whatsoever in her appointment."
The important point being that she did not use what-ever ethic status she has to get into law school, or later to apply for a faculty position. That is the important bottom line. But of course those with ideological blinders can not see that.

X said...

RV, can you provide a quote from Penn State or Harvard or Texas where they admit that they did hire someone because of affirmative action? It would make their denials in this case more plausible and that's the bottom line.

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