Anyway, Obama was born in Honolulu, Hawaii. (Deal with it, birthers!) Honolulu is about the size of Colorado Springs. Looking up Obama's birthplace, I just went to Wikipedia, naturally, and I noticed something I'd never noticed before. I did not know Obama's full name. I asked Meade, and he got it wrong too.
Obama's full name is Barack Hussein Obama, II. II? What's with II instead of "Jr."? Generally, Jr. is used for a son who has exactly the same name as his father (when the father is still living), and "II" is used when the relationship is other than father-son, such as grandfather-grandchild.
But you don't have to follow these conventions. It's just interesting when you don't. For example, FDR and Eleanor Roosevelt named their daughter Anna Eleanor Jr.
The decision to put "II" rather than "Jr" on the birth certificate may not have been the parents' choice.... It could have been taken by the Hawaiian official who registered the birth.And then there's the comma. One reason I don't like these Jr. and III style names is that people aren't sure about whether to put in a comma or not. Usage books disagree. I wouldn't want a name that brought along a fussy issue like that.
Barack Obama's Kenyan father would have been perfectly comfortable with the idea of passing on his own name to his son - it is a practice common not only in the US, but in his own country too, and especially among the Luo tribe, to which he belonged.
But there too, it would be normal to use the word "Junior" to refer to the son, according to the BBC's Noel Mwakugu in Nairobi....
I'm not trying to make any political points about Obama here. I just thought it was interesting that we didn't know the President's full name.
I'm getting a James Baldwin vibe here.
John Jacob Jinglehymer Smith ("his name is my name too")
Obama's full name is Barack Hussein Obama, II. II? What's with II instead of "Jr."?
We don't even know his real name.
Great job vetting there, MSM.
What's with II instead of "Jr."?
Royalty would use the II. And a narcissist would hate being reminded they are a "junior".
"I wouldn't want a name that brought along a fussy issue like that."
I can never remember if Ann or Meade has an "e" at the end, so for us in shallow end, you're all awash in fussy issues.
And a narcissist would hate being reminded they are a "junior".
Yep. That is it.
Generally, Jr. is used for a son who has exactly the same name as his father (when the father is still living),
I'm a III. Even though my father is dead, I never shifted to Jr. Too much of my ID stuff says III and my mother still has documents using Jr.
I knew his name without looking. Do I get a prize?
Whenever we go out
The people always shout
there goes
John Jacob Jingleheimer Smith
Althouse, birthers don't deny that that Barry was born in Honolulu but you wouldn't know it and we won't know it until he provides a valid COLB.
Past that inconvenience, no one denies that Barry was born of an American mother (who had not yet reached adulthood in order to transfer her citizenship to her offspring) and supposedly his father was a Kenyan national and a British citizen. Sorry, but Zero doesn't seem to have the linage to be POTUS under the Constitution.
I know a Jr. who preferred to use II because he didn't like to be called Jr. Consistent with Fen's point, he was an incredible narcissist. However, this doesn't apply to Obama, since it was his parents who named him II. Probably just ignorance of the convention.
Most people don't know the full name of Mittens either.
Sheriff Joe Arpaio cannot find Obama's birth certificate, at least not a true copy, so how is it that the BBC was able to do so?
@MadisonMan: Schmidt.
I have a friend whose kids have three or four names in the middle and I would do the same if I had the chance. My wife's grandfather recently died. Coincidentally we needed a copy of our youngest son's birth certificate. While at city hall she asked about adding the old man's middle name to my son's name but it turns out modifying a birth certificate takes a lawyer.
Royalty would use the II. And a narcissist would hate being reminded they are a "junior".
If the new-born infant that eventually became President under the name Barack Hussein Obama, II was smart enough to roll over and say, "Mom, I'm too important to be a Junior" when they were filling out the birth certificate, then he probably is as smart as his worshipful followers claim. Also, probably was correct about not wanting to be a Junior in that case.
Althouse: "Anyway, Obama was born in Honolulu, Hawaii. (Deal with it, birthers!)"
Phew, we can finally put that canard to bed.
it was his parents who named him II
You are clearly an amateur conspiracy theorist, at best. Obviously, the real birth certificate said "Jr." BO couldn't bear to be revealed as a mere junior in public, so he had to have it altered to read "II" before it could be released.
Obama's grandparents named their daughter Stanley. The white Anglo woman named Stanley named her son Barack, which was just as unusual as naming a daughter Stanley in that era.
FDR named two of his sons FDR, Jr.
George Forman named ALL of his sons George Forman.
Frank Zappa named two of his kids Moon Unit and Dweezil.
I don't think there's any convention when it comes to naming children.
John Mellencamp sang "Small Town" at an Obama rally...
Barack's middle name isn't very cool. He should change it to to something that will really impress people, like "Cougar." (Well, at least it would impress the kind of people who think John Mellencamp is cool.)
"My name is Raymond J. Johnson, Jr. Now you can call me Ray, or you can call me J, or you can call me Johnny, or you can call me Sonny, or you can call me Junie, or you can call me Junior; now you can call me Ray J, or you can call me RJ, or you can call me RJJ, or you can call me RJJ Jr." ultimately ending with, "but you doesn't hasta call me Johnson!"
Obama's full name is Barack Hussein Obama, II.
I'm hoping that it's just his name, not his term in office, Part Deux.
Perhaps she feared there were too many other Barack Obama Jrs already running around.
Leslyn: You think it is "red meat" to discuss the unknown II? How incurious the left, how easy to gull.
In a passport amendment submitted Aug. 13, 1968, Obama’s mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, identified her son with an Indonesian surname and asked the State Department to drop him from her U.S. passport. The amendment requested that “Barack Obama II (Soebarkah)” be removed from her U.S. passport, No. 777788.
Anyway, Obama was born in Honolulu.. and I'am Shaka Zulu.
Maybe it's not a Roman numeral. Maybe it's I squared.
Sheriff Joe Arpaio cannot find Obama's birth certificate, at least not a true copy, so how is it that the BBC was able to do so?
Add to that that Sheriff Joe's document experts have testified that they believe that the birth certificate that was produced for us was computer generated fake. Plus there are the unanswered questions about the President's social security number and selective service registration. Plus, they claim that a number of public records have been surgically excised - such as a single critical day or two of customs records mysteriously disappearing.
Of course, being down in Sheriff Joe's jurisdiction right now, I realize that there is a lot more going on there than makes the public eye. He has a running war going on with the Administration. He is investigating the President's credentials to be President, while AG Holder is investigating Sheriff Joe and his department for any number of suspected ills. I do think though that Sheriff Joe started this. Maybe.
Oh, and this week his allies, the former county attorney and his top assistants, were disbarred (absent reversal by the AZ Supreme Ct., which is, IMHO, extremely unlikely). The thirty odd charges made interesting reading - I can hardly wait to see the full report in the next issue of the Arizona Lawyer. This was in response to them, working with Arpaio, investigating and charging their political enemies, including one of the county supervisors and a sitting (now retired) judge.
The citizens of Maricopa county seem to still like the guy, and this investigation into President Obama's eligibility for the office could be part of it, as are the tent cities and his stand on illegal immigrants. Still, he seems more and more a whack job, and if I were still registered to vote here, don't know if I would vote for him next time around.
Wow! "Deal with it" certainly was a cogent and well thought out response to the findings of the Cold Case Posse.
So you have no reservations what so ever with the President of the United States producing a forged birth certificate?
You have no reservation about the Presidents Selective Service Registration being a forged document?
You have no reservation about the records for incoming flights to the US are missing for the dates Aug 1, 1964 through Aug 7, 1964, the only week for that year is missing? Barry's birthday is reported to be Aug 4, 1964, for those not knowing.
You have no reservation about the President of the United States using a stolen Social Security number?
You have no reservation about his grandmother stating she was there for his birth? In Kenya.
You have no reservation that Chicago newspaper headlines touted him as being a "Kenyan born Senator"?
You have no reservations that the document released as Barry's BC looks nothing like the one described by the one person who claimed to have seen it? "Half written, half typed" was the description.
You have no reservations that Barry has sealed every record that could ever exist on his past and spent millions of dollars to keep them that way?
You have no reservation that there are no past best friends, girl friends, pets, anything to connect Barry to any past?
You have no reservations about Barry begging the Russian to just give him a little more time, till after the election, when he will be a lot more flexible?
Wow. Hey, I got this bridge I need to unload, I can't really afford the up-keep. It's a real fixer upper, and once you do it, you'll be able to place toll booths on it and double your money. Primo location too, place called Brooklyn.
I figger' if some one could fall for the Obama bull shit, they'll fall for anything.
If you can't see that something is wrong there is no hope for you. He may very well have been born in Hawaii, but there is absolutely no evidence to date to prove he was.
Deal with that!
Set the whole Barack Obama thing aside for the moment, and let me tell you that being a "Jr." can be a real pain.
1) On many forms, when you fill in your name, where the heck do you put the "Jr."?
2) Is there a comma before "Jr." or not? According to Strunk and White's style guide (which is not necessarily the word of God) there is none. And yet almost everyone puts a comma.
3) The presence or lack of a "Jr." has occasionally caused minor legal problems, such as when one form of ID with it is compared to some record in a database that doesn't show the "Jr."
4) In graduate school, for some reason I wanted to assert my independence from my dad, thought "Jr." sounded goofy, so I officially changed my name (in school records = transcript, diploma, dissertation) to no "Jr." Now that my dad is gone, wish I hadn't done that.
5) And what about credit cards? When paying for something online, who ever leaves a field to accommodate the "Jr/Sr"?
6) Long story shorter = am proud to be a "Junior" but when it comes to "official/legal" matters it's often confusing and awkward.
Being a junior myself, I can tell you the comma goes before Senior, Junior, and Yr (younger, for a daughter named after the mother, like my sister), but not Roman numerals.
So, like bowing while shaking hands and Stimulus, the Obamas get it wrong again.
And, yeah, like Maggot, I was thinking of George Foreman because I'll bet there's a Barack Hussein Obama I or Junior or something somewhere. Not to mention a III and a IV and a V...
And, yes, Bushman has it right.
Generally, Jr. is used for a son who has exactly the same name as his father (when the father is still living),
I'm a III. Even though my father is dead, I never shifted to Jr. Too much of my ID stuff says III and my mother still has documents using Jr.
Some times this back fires. My grandfather started life, we think, with a name starting with "E" as his first name, but somewhere along the line, either in HS or when he joined the Navy in WWI, not liking it, he swapped his first and last names. We didn't know any of this until many decades later. My father went through much of his life as a "Jr". And, indeed, that is what many of his relatives called him.
We would ask him what his middle name was, and he would tell us that the "E" was for not having a middle name when he joined the Army in WWII. His story was that the Army needed something there, and they picked the "E". We knew something was amiss, because he always seemed so sensitive about it.
His father (Sr) died when we were young, and then his mother died when I was out of college. He finally saw his original birth certificate, and found that he really didn't have his father's middle (and, originally probably first) name, but rather, his parents had only used "E" as a middle initial for his birth certificate. Which meant that he was really a "II" instead of the "Jr" that he had gone as for so many years.
I'm a III also. But since my grandfather used "Sr." and my father used "Jr." I found it was easier to just drop the suffix altogether. However, after my grandfather passed away, my dad started dropping his Jr.
Oey Veh, what a mess.
Thanks dad!
That should be Oy Vey.
II != 2.
II is an acronym. It stands for Ignorant Idiot.
Of course Obama, 2 has proven nothing of the sort. Can you go to the post office and show them a pic of your BC on your IPhone and get a passport? Has any Congressperson TOUCHED the supposed raised seal?
Then there's this:
"The Constitution does not in words say who shall be natural-born citizens. Resort must be had elsewhere to ascertain that. At common law, with the nomenclature of which the framers of the Constitution were familiar, it was never doubted that all children born in a country of parents who were its citizens became themselves, upon their birth, citizens also. These were natives or natural-born citizens, as distinguished from aliens or foreigners." 88 US 162,167
Or this:
"Nothing was more to be desired than that every practicable obstacle should be opposed to cabal, intrigue, and corruption. These most deadly adversaries of republican government might naturally have been expected to make their approaches from more than one querter, but chiefly from the desire in foreign powers to gain an improper ascendant in our councils. How could they better gratify this, than by raising a creature of their own to the chief magistracy of the Union? But the convention have guarded against all danger of this sort, with the most provident and judicious attention"
----Federalist #68 ("an improper ascendant" means "improper ancestor"-- Websters 1828 Dictionary)
Then there's the FACT that in 1790, anyone born (white or black), under the same circumstances as Obama (born in America (supposedly) to an alien father), would have been considered an alien, who would be naturalized by the naturalization of the father during the child's minority (SEE Naturalization Act 1790, sect. 3). Since A2S1C4,5 has NEVER been repealed nor amended, it is then impossible that Obama is a natural born Citizen today.
Of course the "law prof" is oblivious to all of this. Has she been told to shut up, or is she hypnotized? What do they teach at that "law school" anyway?
I have filed suit in Fla. 2/15/2012 (#2012CA00467), contesting Obama's nomination as D candidate for President by the Fla. Democrat delegation. He was served Monday. I am a patriot, with an oath to protect and defend the Constitution (Fla. voter oath).
WHOM do you protect Althouse?
And then there's Harry S Truman...and that's "S" without a period. IIRC, Truman insisted that the S did NOT stand for "Shippe," a family name. It was therefore just an initial, not an abbreviation, and thus should be written without a period. At his swearing-in, the judge began, "I, Harry Shippe Truman...." Truman replied, "I, Harry S Truman...."
I've said in other blogs, I hope for your case Mick, but truthfully, you're in for disappointment. No judge is gonna touch Obama and risk being harangued like no other person in the history of the country. I mean the supreme court has admitted that it was ducking the issue. The press will literally call for his head, and the NBPP will call for his crucifixion. Sharpton would be elected Gov. of NY, and Farrakhan would be transported to what ever after life he deserves. Cities would burn, and Korean shop owners sitting on the roofs of their shops with shotguns would be called haters. Hoodies would become mandatory dress for students in public schools to show support for the usurper.
It will surprise most on this site to learn that Mick is a Democrat. One with principles, which is more than I can say for most of our political critters.
I thought I said it was in Brooklyn? Same thing:-)
Another "Wow" moment.
The silence is deafening.
To Carnifex,
I could not, in good conscience, do nothing. It has been allowed to happen because a lot of people are doing nothing (especially supposed lawyers). My lawyer sister in law claims that she's "not a Constitutionalist" (WTF-- then why are she a "lawyer"). There is no doubt that I am right, and my argument cannot be proven wrong by anyone. I am hoping against hope for 1 honest judge, but believe me, I know what I am up against. I won't have to tell my kids that the Constitution burned, and I didn't try to put out the fire.
Althouse, on the other hand, does nothing, and she has a large platform--- her conscience will be scarred. People like her are most responsible for allowing it to happen-- JEEZ, she even voted for the Usurper. Is she not that smart, told to shut up, hypnotized, or scared of the "birther" epithet? If the Usurper is allowed in the Oval Office again this country is finished.
I named my son after myself and didn't want him to get stuck being called Jr. like several family members already did so, i named him Jupiter II. Unfortunately everyone now calls him by my nickname 'Jup' and call me 'old one'. heh
"The silence is deafening."
One simple reason: don't feed the trolls.
The only naming conventions should be as follows:
1) Do not give your child a name that is likely to make him/her more likely to end up getting arrested. (Courvoisier Winetavius Richardson's parents, I'm looking at you!)
2) Do not give your child a name that will likely cause them to end up in therapy latter.
Anyway, Obama was born in Honolulu, Hawaii. (Deal with it, birthers!)
Thanks for doing this. It lets us know which commenters are idiot birthers and can be ignored from here on out.
leslyn: No one other than an awfully stupid liberal would think that Obama named himself. And no one other than a very slow witted progressive would believe that it would be perfectly normal not to know the full name of the president of the United States and that to express surprise at learning the name in the fourth and final year of his first term is not the mark of a foaming birther. You surely did not know the II at the end of his name or you would have noted it. An interesting thing would have been to say, how interesting. But snark is default for you is it not? Poorly conceived and timed snark.
leslyn said...
My father insists that he knew a girl named Oleomargarine ("oleo'-mar-jar-een') Johnson
I'm an Aggie, a Cal Aggie, not a A&M Aggie, anyway, one of the Cal Aggie cheers went.
you gots to be a farmer I guess.
PS: I know pulp, and it's not the Florida orange stuff.
Mick! I am so glad you are here. I knew you would be, like a tiny lhasa apso responding to a dog whistle. I scrolled down looking for you.
So, dude, how is it going? How is Voeltz v. Obama going? Are you Voeltz? Are you paying Larry Klayman?
Let us know how it all works out. Please -- please! -- keep us updated frequently. I want a summary of every court appearance, no matter how mundane.
Also, you tell that attorney sister in law a thing or two next time you see her. I'm sure she loves to hear you expound on law, especially about that one guy who wrote that one book in 1700 or so.
"Jim said...
"The silence is deafening."
One simple reason: don't feed the trolls."
Really? So prove me wrong. NONE of you can, and if any of you are lawyers then you should REALLY be ashamed.
Carnifex -- Why do you hope for Mick's case, Voeltz v. Obama? Is it because you are naked grabber of power who wants your side to win and your opponents to lose, and by any means necessary?
Mick is wrong on the law and wrong on the facts and wrong on the justice. You belittle yourself and embarrass yourself by supporting such a cause in any way.
"Andy R. said...
Anyway, Obama was born in Honolulu, Hawaii. (Deal with it, birthers!)
Thanks for doing this. It lets us know which commenters are idiot birthers and can be ignored from here on out."
Right. And now we can see who participates in treason.
Oh wait. I see reading backwards through the thread that Carnifex is a full-on birther loon who claims all kinds of goofy shit he does not and cannot know as facts. He leaves out the obvious fact, which are that Obama came out out of the vagina of an American woman from Kansas.
He's a raving idiot beyond help just like Mick. Sorry.
Carnifex -- Why do you hope for "Mick's case, Voeltz v. Obama? Is it because you are naked grabber of power who wants your side to win and your opponents to lose, and by any means necessary?
Mick is wrong on the law and wrong on the facts and wrong on the justice. You belittle yourself and embarrass yourself by supporting such a cause in any way."
So you think you scare me by using my name? I wear your ridicule as a badge of honor. You have NEVER proven me wrong. How could Obama be a nbC if he would not even be born a US Citizen in 1790? We have served Obama, and I will have my day in court, just like I said. The courts are compromised, but my oath is to protect the Constitution.
now we can see who participates in treason
The jails are going to be mighty full when you get done, Mick. You are going to need guillotines and gulags. Or will you just use trees and lamp posts? You should ask Bill Ayers for some pointers about how to round up people efficiently. He has put a lot of thought into it.
I thank God every day that disgusting Robespierrean Stalinists like you will never have power in this country.
Seven Machos said...
"Oh wait. I see reading backwards through the thread that Carnifex is a full-on birther loon who claims all kinds of goofy shit he does not and cannot know as facts. He leaves out the obvious fact, which are that Obama came out out of the vagina of an American woman from Kansas.
He's a raving idiot beyond help just like Mick. Sorry."
Ah, so the Obama bootlicker internet protection brigade has shown up. ATTACK WATCH!!! It's your shift?
my oath is to protect the Constitution
Your oath to what? What oath? Is it like an SS Oath? An Oath to the Communist Party?
Are you involved in a secret cabal of some kind? I hope you aren't in violation of RICO. Watch out for moles. Maybe you are the mole. Usually it's the loudest, bat shit craziest bitcher about the cause who is the mole.
Seven Machos said...
"now we can see who participates in treason
The jails are going to be mighty full when you get done, Mick. You are going to need guillotines and gulags. Or will you just use trees and lamp posts? You should ask Bill Ayers for some pointers about how to round up people efficiently. He has put a lot of thought into it.
I thank God every day that disgusting Robespierrean Stalinists like you will never have power in this country"
Yup it's your shift. Are you going to tell your boss that you made direct contact? Obama's alcoholic Communist father was an "improper ascendant" (improper ancestor). How do you get around that damning Federalist Paper, by a man that was THERE, and who also proposed that the qualification be "born a US Citizen" but was overruled in favor of "natural born Citizen"?
Mick is Michael Voeltz. He lives in Florida.
Florida elector oath
What? No "Soetoro"? *heh*
I'm not a birther.
I have given no money to the cause, posted no screeds.
Once President Obama was inaugurated, the issue was over.
He is our President.
However, I do think this is a valid point: releasing a .pdf of a birth certificate is not the same as releasing your birth certificate.
We have less documentation of President Obama's life than we have of any other modern President.
We don't know his grades. We don't know how his college was funded. We haven't seen any of his writings.
Are any and all records of his college experience completely gone?
No? Then why can't we see them?
Why do Democrats push back against finding out more of President Obama's past?
What are liberal Democrat Progressives afraid will be revealed?
"Nathan Alexander said...
I'm not a birther.
I have given no money to the cause, posted no screeds.
Once President Obama was inaugurated, the issue was over.
He is our President."
It's not "over". That's why the 25 Amendment provides the Quo Warranto provision of the DC District to oust an ineligible Federal employee. Obama is now a "candidate" so his vetting starts all over.
I have a friend who has always claimed to be the "III," his father was a "Jr." However, he looked at his birth certificate a few years back and found it said he was a "Jr." However, his son remains a "IV" and that son's son remains as a "V."
There shall be justice rendered at some point, perhaps!
The 25th Amendment:
Section 1. In case of the removal of the President from office or of his death or resignation, the Vice President shall become President.
Section 2. Whenever there is a vacancy in the office of the Vice President, the President shall nominate a Vice President who shall take office upon confirmation by a majority vote of both Houses of Congress.
Section 3. Whenever the President transmits to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives his written declaration that he is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, and until he transmits to them a written declaration to the contrary, such powers and duties shall be discharged by the Vice President as Acting President.
Section 4. Whenever the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive departments or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall immediately assume the powers and duties of the office as Acting President.
Thereafter, when the President transmits to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives his written declaration that no inability exists, he shall resume the powers and duties of his office unless the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive department or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit within four days to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office. Thereupon Congress shall decide the issue, assembling within forty-eight hours for that purpose if not in session. If the Congress, within twenty-one days after receipt of the latter written declaration, or, if Congress is not in session, within twenty-one days after Congress is required to assemble, determines by two-thirds vote of both Houses that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall continue to discharge the same as Acting President; otherwise, the President shall resume the powers and duties of his office.
by a man that was THERE, and who also proposed that the qualification be "born a US Citizen" but was overruled in favor of "natural born Citizen"
Much text for the Constitution of 1789 was proposed but discarded. By your own admission, the text you allege was discarded and was not used. It is therefore not in the Constitution and means nothing whatsoever.
Tell us about the lawsuit, though. How is it going? Tell us your strategy, such as it is, for getting a district judge sitting in Florida to get a judge in Washington DC to do something that has no basis whatsoever in the law you cite.
I wish I was a reporter in Florida. This goofy shit intrigues me so.
Barack's middle name isn't very cool. He should change it to to something that will really impress people, like "Cougar." (Well, at least it would impress the kind of people who think John Mellencamp is cool.)
Nah, that wouldn't fly because Cougar has accumulated other meanings in our modern age. Maybe something like "Skinny Hercules" or something.
And can we just drop the birther thing? The guy has been in office for 3 years. There's an actual record to run against--digging up this birther thing is not only distracting, but it discredits the right by making us all look like crazed conspiracy theorists. Moreoever, no court in this country is going to take this up and declare "You're right! Obama has *not* been a legitimate President the last three years."
"My father insists that he knew a girl named Oleomargarine ("oleo'-mar-jar-een') Johnson. But he says the strangest name he ever came across was a man named Belvin Haiyai."
A co-worker of mine many years ago claimed to know a lady whose name was Urin Burns.
A girl at mu junior high was named Ann Heiser. That was sad.
The comma would be edited out by the editors of the Harvard Law Review and most other law journals. Have you checked to see how he was listed on the Harvard Law Review masthead, Prof. Althouse? (I don't have as ready access to that, either online or on dead trees.)
@ Seven Machos, and Andy R et al
You do a fine job calling names and yet you haven't rebutted why they President released a forged document as his birth certificate.
You can piss and moan as much as you want, but beyond name calling you have nothing. I on the other hand have years of experience using scanners and photoshop, so I know that when you scan a document in, it doesn't make multiple layers, it makes 1 layer, and the way you get multiple layers is you manipulate the scanned image afterwards.
So the best thing you can do is just shut the fuck up before you look dumber than you really are. Or is that possible?
I never said he wasn't born in Hawaii, I just gave evidence that what he claims is false.
Like I said in an earlier thread, you throw a stone into a pack of dogs the one that yelps is the one that gets hit.
yet you haven't rebutted why they President released a forged document as his birth certificate
You have evidence of what exactly? You have evidence that Obama forged a document. You do not. President Obama did not release a forged document as his birth certificate.
You tell us where your original birth certificate is, dude. Not a copy from the clerk. The original. What, in fact, is original? Who made the original and under what auspices?
You are a moron, dude. You have no idea about the law or the facts, and it's pointless to argue either because Obama is not going to be ejected from office by some local judge. Further, Obama is, was, and will be an American citizen no different than any other who came out of an American vagina until the day he dies. Even if he renounces, he can get citizenship back easily.
You people are such an embarrassment to have around. But I do love to tell you how stupid you are. I do.
Seven: You have evidence that Obama forged a document. You do not. President Obama did not release a forged document as his birth certificate.
Carnifex never said that. He said Obama released a forged doc, not that he forged it himself.
Did you misread Carni? Or are you deliberately creating a strawman to show how "moronic" he is?
You people are such an embarrassment to have around. But I do love to tell you how stupid you are. I do.
I'm not into the birther conspiracy, but you aren't the one making the other look stupid.
Isn't that sweet? He'll always be #2 in my book.
Isn't that sweet? He'll always be #2 in my book.
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