State Attorney Angela Corey, appointed as a special prosecutor in the February shooting death of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin in Sanford, Florida, has decided against sending the case to a grand jury, her office said Monday.
"The decision should not be considered a factor in the final determination of the case," Corey's office said in a statement.
"At this time, the investigation continues and there will be no further comment from this office," the statement said.
April 9, 2012
"Special prosecutor in Trayvon Martin shooting has decided against sending the case to a grand jury, her office says."
Breaking news at CNN. From the CNN email:
Did LoafingOaf pick the wrong time to double down on this one or what?
Does this hint at the State Attorney believing there's not enough evidence to appoint a special prosecutor?
Does that office have access to all of the info of a local sheriff department's investigations?
What time does Jesse Jackson's plane leave for Florida?
Interesting. The normal mode for a DA with a politically awkward case is to kick it to the GJ and let them take theheat. "it was out of my control..."
I thought the armed neo-nazis patrolling Sanford has this all under control?
Garage: As of this morning, the Sanford Police are reporting no signs of the alleged armed neo-Nazis.
They may be there, but somehow, the police haven't seen them.
Decision only means the Special Prosecutor has chosen not to present the case to grand jury. There may not be enough evidence to proceed or there may be enough evidence to go directly to trial.
Drill SGT: Looks like she just kicked it somewhere else than to the Grand Jury: "The decision about whether or not to charge George Zimmerman in the case now rests with prosecutors."
So, still punting, but punting lower.
She will most likely file without a grand jury. It won't be first degree.
I thought the armed neo-nazis patrolling Sanford has this all under control?
Are you and LazyOaf getting your spew from the same de-bunk-free zone?
Scott: It is a very remote possibility they are there; there's an interview with a Fox affiliate with a member of the group making the claim that no less than 10 men in black are patrolling from their building to City Hall.
This seems like something the Florida press could, I don't know, investigate and prove one way or the other. A small group of 10 men or so could very easily not be noticed with the amount of other demonstrations happening.
Odds point to it not happening, though I could be wrong.
I have yet to see any evidence that Zimmerman committed a crime.
But the kerfluffle served its purpose. It got the right groups riled up and pitted people against each other over something as silly as skin color. This is all Obama and his surrogates really wanted out of it and the people it enraged will never know the truth of it nor would they believe it were it presented to them.
NBC, the NY Times and the rest of that sordid lot played their parts and got everyone marching to the tune of the racist pipers. Sharpton still has his job and Obama has been bolstered. What more could the left ask?
Oh, and the lesson about not attacking people because you might get shot has been erased. That was the only good thing that should have come out of this mess and the media made sure it did not happen.
I'd also seen Fat Albert wasn't going to hold his march, either.
Like the War on Women, this must not be polling well for the Demos.
Which explains why Dictator Zero is back pushing the Buffett Rule today.
garage mahal said...
I thought the armed neo-nazis patrolling Sanford has this all under control?
No, if garage had been paying attention, I had mentioned yesterday the Sanford PD had said no Nazis anywhere, as verified by Professor Jacobson and Newsbusters.
WV "degivers" Otherwise known as taxpayers, otherwise known as Republicans. Opposite of "detakers", otherwise known as Democrats.
Man it seems everything Obama touches turns to crap. Right decision was made here.
Though, really, everyone should have been suspicious by the reports. All the ones I saw had pictures from places that were NOT Florida. Which made me wonder: "Where are the pictures of the people IN Florida?"
So, if some do turn up, I'll be surprised. Because I really doubt they are there, even though there's a nagging "But, wait" at the very back of my mind.
As of this morning, the Sanford Police are reporting no signs of the alleged armed neo-Nazis.
Local news in the area also see no signs of these Neo-Nazis; but it has been reported by a local media source that a "Civil Rights Group" from Detroit is patrolling the streets of Sanford.
That's the interview I was talking about; they interview a guy saying that they're going to do this. What they need to do now, is get a camera and show him doing it. Because, with all the things they've been getting wrong on this story, they do not get the luxury of "Just trust me," on another thing.
Don't the "New Black Panthers" dress in black?
And yet it was just a month ago that the narrative was that Martin was gunned down for looking suspicious.
Why, it is almost as if the race hustling left, led by Obama, are liars or seomthing.
A Grand Jury is at least half of part of a a hearing of evidence and testimony done in secret from everyone but the Grand Jurors. So that must be taken off the table.
The Investigation continues... and continues... and continues.... Somebody wants something in Florida covered up bad.
traditionalguy said...
The Investigation continues... and continues... and continues.... Somebody wants something in Florida covered up bad.
Notice how you just can not bring yourself to even think this could have been self defense and you were wrong.
If they wanted it covered up, the investigation would not continue. A statement like this would come out:
"Given the initial decision to not press charges, combined with the special prosecutor's inability to find anything with which to charge Mr. Zimmerman, we have concluded that no charges will be filed. The final report will be filed by X date, which will contain our final findings. Thank you."
You don't investigate when you have such an easy out for your cover up.
purplepenquin said...
As of this morning, the Sanford Police are reporting no signs of the alleged armed neo-Nazis.
Local news in the area also see no signs of these Neo-Nazis; but it has been reported by a local media source that a "Civil Rights Group" from Detroit is patrolling the streets of Sanford.
No, it says the Motor City SA has told Fox. Fox does not confirm.
PS Eric Holder thinks the New Black Panthers are also a "Civil Rights Group".
From an AP story that should clear this up:
"The announcement means the decision on charges now rests solely with Corey, who had a reputation for not presenting cases before grand juries if it wasn't required. Under Florida law, only first-degree murder cases require the use of grand juries."
Reportedly, Zimmermann will be charged with something later this week.
The prosecutor is not current on the media coverage, obviously.
No, if garage had been paying attention, I had mentioned yesterday the Sanford PD had said no Nazis anywhere, as verified by Professor Jacobson and Newsbusters
Maybe it's taking a few days driving over from Arizona.
"Maybe it's taking a few days driving over from Arizona."
-- The Neo-National Socialists were allegedly either from Detroit or Twin Cities (which I think is in Florida? Maybe?), not Arizona.
At least get the conspiracy right.
George...When two men struggle and one pulls a gun and kills the other man with only self serving tales as evidence of why it happened we are into Res Ipsa Loquitor territory. Traditionally that was charged , investigated and brought to trial if a Grand Jury true billed it.
The current SNAFU seems to be from a new No Fault Murder Statute that directs no law enforcement is permitted in the State of Florida when a claim of resisting fear of death or serious injury is alleged by the killer.
The racial angle comes in where the prosecutors must decide if there is probable cause to believe the killer's tale before they grant him immunity from prosecution.
But the mothers and fathers of black children are convinced that Florida prosecutors will always believe a white killer while they would never believe a black killer who was wearing a hoodie in the rain at night and carring a 9mm while he tracked down and possibly confronted a suspicious white teen.
We need to think for ourselves about this stupid shooting without fear or favor.
The Sessionist movements in 1860 cotton States demanded no thoughts were allowed because fair thinking made us betrayers of the whites to murder by the blacks. Why go back there again? Do you think we will get away with it this time?
purplepenquin said...
As of this morning, the Sanford Police are reporting no signs of the alleged armed neo-Nazis.
Local news in the area also see no signs of these Neo-Nazis; but it has been reported by a local media source that a "Civil Rights Group" from Detroit is patrolling the streets of Sanford.
That would be , The New Black Panther Party.
"Don't the "New Black Panthers" dress in black?"
-- If our journalists can't tell the difference between Neo-Nazis and the New Black Panthers, we're in worse shape than I thought.
State Attorney Angela Corey will sit on it till all of this stuff dies down then quietly just forget it.
They want it to go away cause a) they know Zimmerman is innocent, and b) they don't want riots.
The only way to do what is right and not get anyone hurt is to wait till it all blows over then pronouce the clase is closed.
Res ipsa
Um, I don't think that "word" means what you think it means.
I see that nifong-guy is off and running again.
"-- The Neo-National Socialists were allegedly either from Detroit or Twin Cities (which I think is in Florida? Maybe?), not Arizona."
“In Arizona the guys can walk around with assault weapons and that’s totally legal,” Schoep said, referring to the group’s patrols of the US-Mexico border. “What I can tell you is that any patrols that we are doing now in Florida are totally within the law.”.
Asked if the patrols wouldn’t just make things worse — spark a race riot, for instance — Schoep insisted they were simply a “show of solidarity with the white community down there” and “wouldn’t intimidate anybody.”
I believe Zimmerman will be indicted. This has come straight from Tallahassee.
Corey will go for 2nd degree murder or all of the manslaughters (the Casey Anthony Effect), and the governor will pray for a conviction.
First trial, 3 jurors will acquit because of 1. Sharpton 2. Gun Rights 3. Miami is worse than New York 4. They are racist
After that, who knows.
Disclaimer – I was born in Orlando when it held 26,000 people, and lived nearby for 40 years.
Bonus prediction – Calls for boycott of Disney, Florida Beaches etc. will be met with cheers from people who were born there.
But the mothers and fathers of black children are convinced that Florida prosecutors will always believe a white killer while they would never believe a black killer who was wearing a hoodie in the rain at night and carring a 9mm while he tracked down and possibly confronted a suspicious white teen.
Um, George Zimmerman isn't white.
And what "Mothers and fathers of black children" think about this case is irrelevant as their thoughts have little to do with the actual facts.
As exemplified by your comments.
Ah, remember the rioting which ensued when OJ Simpson got away with murder? Glad to know we still live in a post-partisan America
garage mahal said...
-- The Neo-National Socialists were allegedly either from Detroit or Twin Cities (which I think is in Florida? Maybe?), not Arizona.
“In Arizona the guys can walk around with assault weapons and that’s totally legal,” Schoep said, referring to the group’s patrols of the US-Mexico border. “What I can tell you is that any patrols that we are doing now in Florida are totally within the law.”.
Asked if the patrols wouldn’t just make things worse — spark a race riot, for instance — Schoep insisted they were simply a “show of solidarity with the white community down there” and “wouldn’t intimidate anybody.”
What Schoep says doesn't count.
What the law says does.
I'll wait and see, but, if the Gucci SA is patrolling and getting away with it, it may be because protesters have closed the entrance to the Sanford PD and the real law can't function.
As a particular point of emphasis on your incoherence, note:
The current SNAFU seems to be from a new No Fault Murder Statute that directs no law enforcement is permitted in the State of Florida when a claim of resisting fear of death or serious injury is alleged by the killer.
The law isn't "new"
Said law exists in more than 20 other states
Zimmerman was handcuffed, his weapon taken into police custody, he was questioned and returned to the scene the next day with detectives to re-enact the events.
To you that is "no law enforcment"
But of course everything you said is false, so why would anyone believe you?
The State's Attorney may believe that a grand jury might fail to indict Zimmmerman and wants to avoid the adverse consequences of such a decision. If she applies for an arrest warrant to a Florida Circuit Judge, she only has to show probable cause. In Florida, Circuit Judges are elected and therefore subject to suasion by the electorate, or by the mob.
"Schoep, whose neo-Nazi group is based in Detroit,"
Try again?
If the prosecutor is opting not to go to a grand jury it means he doesn't think the jury will return an indictment. That's the reality of how grand juries work.
A Grand Jury is at least half of part of a a hearing of evidence and testimony done in secret from everyone but the Grand Jurors. So that must be taken off the table.
A grand jury will indict a ham sandwich if asked.
You've gone way off the deep end on this case.
But the mothers and fathers of black children are convinced that Florida prosecutors will always believe a white killer while they would never believe a black killer who was wearing a hoodie in the rain at night and carring a 9mm while he tracked down and possibly confronted a suspicious white teen.
So prosecute because some parents are morons? Hardly seems like "justice".
We need to think for ourselves about this stupid shooting without fear or favor.
The Sessionist movements in 1860 cotton States demanded no thoughts were allowed because fair thinking made us betrayers of the whites to murder by the blacks. Why go back there again? Do you think we will get away with it this time?
Yes, a Hispanic man shooting a black kid who attacked him is identical to slavery.
Same thing. Really.
@ Jay...The facts will come out. Then you can crow about how wrong my guess is compared to your guess. But not until then.
Try again?
The neo nazi group's leader said they are patrolling the Arizona border. Are they patrolling Detroit?
But, that's not where they are from. They're from Detroit. Not Arizona.
If the prosecutor is opting not to go to a grand jury it means he doesn't think the jury will return an indictment. That's the reality of how grand juries work.
In Florida grand jury indictments are only required for first degree murder. The special prosecutor in this case reportedly has a history of not using GJs when she indicts people.
As to why she bypasses them is another question. But Florida law doesn't require them.
Given the seriousness of this matter you'd think she'd go that extra mile and use a GJ. Apparently not.
nalguy said...
@ Jay...The facts will come out.
And here I thought from listening to you there was a big coverup.
Damikesc...Most black parents love and protect their children too. Their expecting equal protection of the laws for their children is not moronic. It is brilliant. And it is a literal reading of 14th Amendment Law.
The Judicial System will work if the Special Prosecutor in Florida decides to air the evidence in this stupid shooting before a Judge moderated Court with rules of evidence, and with witnesses examined and cross examined, and with 12 Jurors from another area kept in seclusion from the claque of firebrands like those 1860 Southern Secessionists.
The result would be a more perfect union from an acceptance of a just outcome.
Why should we fear that?
The neo nazi group's leader said they are patrolling the Arizona border.
I can see why a Pat Buchanan fan would be willing to take neo-Nazi statements at face value, but the rest of us would like some actual supporting evidence. ;)
In Florida grand jury indictments are only required for first degree murder. The special prosecutor in this case reportedly has a history of not using GJs when she indicts people. As to why she bypasses them is another question.
Fear of them not returning an indictment. There's no other reason that makes sense.
It doesn't matter that she'll never get a conviction against Zimmerman. She needs to indict and prosecute him for *something* or her career's over. A sizable minority of the population is baying for his blood.
In Georgia an indictment is not required in all criminal cases, but it is required in Capital Felonies and in cases where the probable cause bind over hearing before a magistrate dismissed the charge, or where a prior Grand jury refused an indictment.
All other criminal prosecutions can be brought to trial under a written accusation filed by the DA/Solicitor.
I can see why a Pat Buchanan fan would be willing to take neo-Nazi statements at face value, but the rest of us would like some actual supporting evidence. ;)
Nazis are on your side patrolling the AZ border and I'm assuming patrolling Sanford showing Solidarity! with whites in Sanford.
Do a google search. Or do a google image search on "neo nazis arizona". Good stuff.
Since Jim Arness's opening scene in Gunsmoke back in 1955, the man who drew his gun second has been allowed to shot down the man who drew his gun first.
We've gone a long way back, baby.
Quick Draw has become the Florida's law of the streets. The unarmed folks should have armed themselves. Florida is now a No Fault Murder State, and ignorance of the Law is no excuse.
traditionalguy said...
Quick Draw has become the Florida's law of the streets. The unarmed folks should have armed themselves. Florida is now a No Fault Murder State, and ignorance of the Law is no excuse.
Your ignorance of the facts and law in this matter is pathetic.
The new angle in Florida's reformed Statute is that a traditional Self Defense claim was an affirmative defense to be raised by the defendant; but now an affirmative probable cause that there was no self defense must be found by the prosecution before the prosecution can start.
That delegates all of the hard cases to public opinion resolution only, which is old fashioned vigilante action outside the Judicial system that has washed its hands of taking action.
The Special Prosecutor must walk back that result quickly.
Jay ... We are all ignorant of the Double Secret Facts that cannot be released...because.
Have you seen an autopsy report released without my noticing it? Or the witnesses statements taken? Or the investigator's interview tapes made that night before Zimmerman was ordered to be released by the Chief of Police and by an Assistant DA both of whom strangely showed up at midnight, and overruled the opinion of the lead investigator?
Why, why, why are you folks engaging with Nifong?
It is foolish to try to reason with a fool.
traditionalguy said...
Jay ... We are all ignorant of the Double Secret Facts that cannot be released...
No, you are.
Your characterization of the law is a perfect example.
Have you seen an autopsy report released without my noticing it?
No, because in Florida they don't release autopsy reports when there is an active investigation.
But of course you're ignorant of that, willfully so, and you get to pretend there is no "law enforcement too"
that night before Zimmerman was ordered to be released by the Chief of Police and by an Assistant DA both of whom strangely showed up at midnight,
That is a lie.
and overruled the opinion of the lead investigator?
Meaningless statement since "lead investigators" don't really prosecute people.
So as we see, you're ignorant and lying.
Statute that directs no law enforcement is permitted in the State of Florida when a claim of resisting fear of death or serious injury is alleged by the killer.
Such a tortured sentence. What you are trying to say is:
Under the Statue, Law enforcement may not arrest Zimmerman unless they have reason to believe he used force unlawfully. But they may still investigate the shooting for evidence that he acted unlawfully.
Its so much less sinister than your version.
Ah, remember the rioting which ensued when OJ Simpson got away with murder?
Have people really forgotten the OJ response? Watching people cheer that murderer getting off had a profound effect on me.
If they have any substantial evidence to disprove self-defense, send it to trial. If not, tell everybody complaining to pound sand.
@Traditional Guy
Your allegation that: "the Chief of Police and by an Assistant DA both of whom strangely showed up at midnight, and overruled the opinion of the lead investigator?" Has been explicitly denied by the State's Attorney.
Whatever the merits of the case, it just seems like a bad idea to forgo a grand jury.
Hypothesis 1: Angela Corey thinks she would not get a conviction: Better for this to die in a grand jury than to loose in a courtroom.
Hypothesis 2: Angela Corey thinks she has a strong case and will win a conviction. Fine. The grand jury will easily hand down an indictment. And it makes it look a little less like Zimmerman is getting railroaded.
Most black parents love and protect their children too.
Do they?
Then why is there an epidemic of Baby Daddys? Why are so many black children raised without fathers? 85% born out of wedlock. 85%.
And the systemic slaughter of black children by black children. Are they focusing all their rage on why so many of their kids are gunned down in the streets?
No. Its the racist angle that has their attention. So its not that they want to "love and protect" their kids, its that they are racists.
If Zimmerman had been black, this story would have been just like the other 9,000 murders of black kids by blacks per year, ie. we would not have heard about it.
Most black parents love and protect their children too. Their expecting equal protection of the laws for their children is not moronic. It is brilliant. And it is a literal reading of 14th Amendment Law.
No argument they love their kids. I'm not sure what case you're hoping to make here, but you're failing miserably in the effort.
Hint: Equal protection and lynching a guy because a black kid was shot ain't the same thing.
The Judicial System will work if the Special Prosecutor in Florida decides to air the evidence in this stupid shooting before a Judge moderated Court with rules of evidence, and with witnesses examined and cross examined, and with 12 Jurors from another area kept in seclusion from the claque of firebrands like those 1860 Southern Secessionists
And with dolts like you making insane claims, the odds of finding an impartial jury is virtually nil.
But continue with your slavery references. Doesn't make your posts seem even remotely psychotic or anything.
Nazis are on your side
Wasn't aware conservatives were Socialists.
You seem to be projecting again.
Damikesc... Who has lynched Zimmerman?
The same due process that is given to a black shooter who claims self defense will be given too a white shooter who claims self defense.
But immunity from prosecution is never even considered for black shooters whom everyone knows commit all of the crimes and deserve that treatment.
My point is that losing rational thought about this is too high of a price to pay just to close down the Justice System from considering a stupid killing done in the dark, and so far kept in the dark because State Investigations are held in secret.
But immunity from prosecution is never even considered for black shooters whom everyone knows commit all of the crimes and deserve that treatment.
Speculative lazy assertion. Is that how you feel? Or is that how you feel black families feel? Or is that how you feel law enforcement feels?
My point is that losing rational thought about this -
Seriously? Right after you go on about what you feel? Are you parody? Perhaps an extended April Fool's joke?
Fen... The police always assume the worst from underclass 16 to 23 yr old young men. Being a black man doesn't help with that prejudice at all. Being dressed in a hoodie tells that story.
Reading the comments in this blog is enough for me to see that this response is still true.
The defense offered by Zimmerman is that he was following a suspicious man and then was suddenly attacked by the man, and when he was near death, he executed him. Hmmm.
If Zimmerman was a police officer, he would need to say nothing more. Case closed.
But he had no authority. Yet within several hours,he was clothed with a policeman's special right to kill suspects they are hired to confront. That must have been done for him because of the presumptions against 16-20 year underclass black men that I mentioned.
So let's hold a trial and find out. That would be equal protection.
Don't forget, here in Florida, Grand Jury's aren't used for charging/investigating EVERY crime. They're seated for a six month term and only determine if charges should be brought in CAPITAL offenses and investigates reports of malfeasance by public officials.
They have nothing to do with 2/3d degree, manslaughter or misdemeanor crimes. Those are charged directly by the DA. It's very different than in other states.
I did a term as a grand juror and it was fascinating as well as not very taxing. We were rarely called upon.
As of this morning, the Sanford Police are reporting no signs of the alleged armed neo-Nazis.
Oh man, I just *hate* invisible neo-Nazis-- they're the worst.
Don't the "New Black Panthers" dress in black?
No no no, those are the old black panthers--the new ones wear plaid and bold stripes.
So let's hold a trial and find out.
And find out what? What crime would they charge him with, and what evidence of such a crime is there?
You need evidence of a crime to bring someone up on charges. As of today, there is NOT ONE shred of evidence a crime was committed. Period.
This seems to be getting to you emotionally to the point that no amount of logic can get through. I hope you're not an attorney, because if you are, you should find another line of work.
Yet within several hours,he was clothed with a policeman's special right to kill suspects they are hired to confront
There is no "special police" right to lethal force in response to assault. Every human being on Earth has that right.
Let the Macho Macho Men of the world beware. :)
You can whine all you want about how black men aren't afforded that right. You can continue your habit of scrupulously avoiding any mention of actual examples of them being denied that right. What you cannot do, and thus have not done, is explain why "black men are denied their rights" equates to "we need to deny Hispanic men their rights too, to keep things fair". That's an utterly insane reading of "equal protection under the law".
I Callahan...Corpus delicti is proven. It's what Trayvon's corpse shows that has so far not been given out even a shred of evidence. Its double secret, you know.
Reasoning is not the problem. Release the information and everyone ramps down their fiery and out of control emotions. But that is not Florida's goal so far.
The Floridians are circling the usual wagons against Outsiders. Florida is overwhelmed with hatred for an invasion of outsiders all year long. If locals hunker down, they figure that in time the outsiders all go home or die of retirement community boredom.
It's what Trayvon's corpse shows that has so far not been given out even a shred of evidence.
What's that mean in English?
Not sending it to a grand jury seems to indicate that not enough evidence is there to seek to indict. If they do file it may be aggravated manslaughter down to involuntary manslaughter. Otherwise, they are seriously looking into whether the stand your ground legislation can be broached here. The call for blood demands it even though the facts so far don't justify that call.
Rev...Sorry. ...NOT even a shred of evidence.
The standard of needing to first prove Zimmerman guilty with most of the evidence still secret, except what has been ferreted out and released by the Martins, is a trick to shut up complaints.
Showing the evidence is what will shut up me and all of the others who doubt Zimmerman's story as told.
"Showing the evidence is what will shut up me and all of the others who doubt Zimmerman's story as told."
I think that's a little optimistic.
But immunity from prosecution is never even considered for black shooters whom everyone knows commit all of the crimes and deserve that treatment.
I suppose any evidence besides your beliefs --- which, less be honest, have been less than sane thus far --- would be far too much to ask.
The police always assume the worst from underclass 16 to 23 yr old young men.
Every. single. time?
Most people would shy from such, well, extreme rhetoric --- but hey.
Yet within several hours,he was clothed with a policeman's special right to kill suspects they are hired to confront.
...or by the "special right" to defend oneself. Whatevs, right?
Showing the evidence is what will shut up me and all of the others who doubt Zimmerman's story as told.
You're convinced the authorities are covering up for a Hispanic man with no real name recognition for reasons you have never actually spelled out --- there isn't evidence out there you will buy. You are so worried about this leading to "race riots" (and I should note you fear ONE race, specifically, of rioting) that you will toss somebody under the bus.
The police always assume the worst from underclass 16 to 23 yr old young men. Being a black man doesn't help with that prejudice at all. Being dressed in a hoodie tells that story.
Yeah, that's just rational. I don't really fear old women when walking down the street late at night. But young men dressed a certain way? Hell yeah they scare me. And my reasoning is the same for why I don't gamble or play the lottery: it's about the probabilities.
Damiksec...In Florida the history of race riots has been that of the whites rioting and shooting the blacks for existing. Florida ain't Detroit or L.A.
I am about as insane as that certain General from Ohio who was called insane and relieved of duty for sending in an early report to the Union Army about needing more troops to meet a coming high level of casualties from white southerners in rebellion.
Like Sherman, my beliefs come from knowing these people well and from experiences in how these matters are handled.
Sherman knew the Louisiana society where he was an early college President of what became LSU.
He was right about them, and to quote Shiloh, after Shiloh no body smiled again.
Trad long ago did that happen? When the hell did Zimmerman become white?
I'm done. You are batshit crazy and not worth the pity any longer.
Get medical help.
You do realize that no one in the South now was alive during Sherman's time, right?
Rev...Sorry. ...NOT even a shred of evidence.
"It's what Trayvon's corpse shows that has so far not been given out NOT even a shred of evidence" doesn't actually makes sense either. Third time's the charm I guess.
The standard of needing to first prove Zimmerman guilty with most of the evidence still secret, except what has been ferreted out and released by the Martins, is a trick to shut up complaints.
You're demanding that he be arrested and prosecuted even though you concede you are unaware of the existence of any actual evidence of his guilt.
Our refusal to take you seriously isn't a "trick", a "cover-up", or a "conspiracy". It is the appropriate response to someone who thinks "prosecute first, find evidence later" is the way to run a justice system.
I believe that someone has hijacked Traditional Guy's handle.
He was never like this in the past and the ideas and method of expression is completely different.
Either that....or he has had a stroke.
Rev...That's the way the justice system has always worked. The police who are called write up their reports and decide if they want to request an arrest warrant.
After arrest, the case must go before a Magistrate to set bond and rule whether there is enough evidence to find probable cause and bind it over, which is a low standard.
Then a DA's Investigators, who are usually former policemen, then pull together the witness reports and discusses the case with the arresting policemen. The DA sometimes will then offer to cut a deal to a lesser offense with defense counsel.
Then arraignment takes place and a plea is entered and trial date is set and the dates are set by which discovery motions that have been filed must be complied with.
Then the DA decides whether he wants to go on to trial or nolle prosse the case if his witnesses have gone missing or gone soft on their stories.
The Defense counsel tries to learn the truth from his client, but most of them think they are so smart they keep telling only half of the truth. Which is adeadly defect, since in Court all of the truth works, and none of the truth sometimes works , but half of the truth is a disaster.
I'm sticking with my theory that he ran out of right-wing positions to be wrong about and branched out to the left. :)
I believe that someone has hijacked Traditional Guy's handle.
He was never like this in the past and the ideas and method of expression is completely different.
I believe he's from the south, and of a certain age, and like a lot of Americans so afflicted, he seems to have a completely neurotic, guilt-ridden and distorted relationship with "racial" issues. Althouse, though she is much more reasonable, also seems to share this problem to a smaller degree. To younger people, who were born well after the black civil rights era, this neurosis seems incomprehensible.
Of course, people's weird ideas about race seem even weirder to me, as I have black family members and spent a good 7 years or so of my early childhood living in a majority-black public housing project (which, while I lived there, very well-kept and virtually crime- and drug-free... from what I hear, it's sadly not this way today). I never even knew that there were such people as racists until I was in middle school.
Funny how a right-wing neo-Nazi gun nut is using the term "assault weapon", the term put out by Lefty anti-gunners to describe anything more sophisticated than a muzzle-loader.
We should consider the possibility that this is a moby operation from the start.
"In Florida the history of race riots has been that of the whites rioting and shooting the blacks for existing."
I lived in Miami during the Overtown and Liberty City riots of the 1980's, so now I can confidently assert, from personal experience, that you are full of shit. In fact, not just full of shit, but confabulating, babbling wildly about things that did not and do not exist. Sad.
(Averts eyes, walks away.)
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