April 16, 2012

Pro-Walker signage.

At Saturday's Tax Day rally, as photographed by Meade:


That's actually David Blaska, by the way. (Should we be repurposing the female candidate's name like that? Doesn't it make it harder to bitch about Sly mocking Rebecca Kleefisch?)

I don't know who this is, but I like the composition:


And I like this composition and don't know who this guy is, who looks like he's in more of a relationship with me than he really is:


Meade says I backed up into him, which accounts for the composition.

By the way, lots of people came up to me and asked me if I was Ann Althouse, and I invariably confessed that I was (and am). They all said they read the blog and liked it or thanked me for it, and none of them said "Where's Meade?," which made me realize all the more that those people at those other rallies who come up to me and say "Where's Laurence?" are really creepy.


Anonymous said...

I would never ask, "Where's Laurence?"

I might ask, "Where's Lawrence?"

Would that be, like, double creepy?

caplight45 said...

Meade drew an "Instalanche" for his Little Red Hen poem.

Chip Ahoy said...

It's a parable goddamnit, not a poem.

Chip Ahoy said...

srsly tho, I look at these pictures you're showing and think that as a group I don't fit in there either.

edutcher said...

Listen, it doesn't matter if that guy's isn't in more of a relationship with Ann.

That guy wants to be in more of a relationship with Ann.

Just look at him.

You look good there, Madame.

PS Better "Where's Laurence?" than "Where's garage?"

CJ said...

It *is* Madison, after all...

tim maguire said...

I'm not sure "creepy" is the right word since when a creep makes you feel uncomfortable and/or unsafe, it is usually unintentional.

Meade said...

Better "Where's Laurence?" than "Where's garage?"

Heh heh. Okay, but in seriousness and despite all my myriad differences with him, I have zero doubt that the real man who by night and day trolls these comment threads as "garage mahal", would not hesitate even for a moment to come to the aid and protection of Ann Althouse if ever he were to observe our beloved blogger to be in distress.

Also, I would trust garage to feed, water, and care for my dog. If I had a dog. (And by "care" I mean "take swimming, fishing, and hunting".)

FedkaTheConvict said...

>>Listen, it doesn't matter if that guy's isn't in more of a relationship with Ann.

That guy wants to be in more of a relationship with Ann.

Just look at him.<<

Are you suggesting that the guy is Peano?

garage mahal said...

Heh heh. Okay, but in seriousness and despite all my myriad differences with him, I have zero doubt that the real man who by night and day trolls these comment threads as "garage mahal", would not hesitate even for a moment to come to the aid and protection of Ann Althouse if ever he were to observe our beloved blogger to be in distress.

Also, I would trust garage to feed, water, and care for my dog. If I had a dog. (And by "care" I mean "take swimming, fishing, and hunting".)

But of course.

Original Mike said...

"I would trust garage to feed, water, and care for my dog."

Yeah, but I'd warn my dog not to waste his time following garage's links.

chickelit said...

And I like this composition and don't know who this guy is, who looks like he's in more of a relationship with me than he really is

I'm sure he'd like to post a rebuttal.

TWM said...

"Meade says I backed up into him, which accounts for the composition."

And his smile too, no doubt . . .

David Blaska said...

Ann, you ask: "Should we be repurposing the female candidate's name like that? Doesn't it make it harder to bitch about Sly mocking Rebecca Kleefisch?"

Not at all, unless one can also accuse our WW2 G.I. Joes of intending a sexual slander when they said things were F.U.B.A.R. or S.N.A.F.U.

Whereas, accusing the Lt. Gov. of performing fellatio on all the male talk radio hosts in Milwaukee will admit of no other interpretation.

Do you disagree?

Original Mike said...

Come to think of it, following garage's links is like a big game of fetch.

edutcher said...

Meade said...

Better "Where's Laurence?" than "Where's garage?"

Heh heh. Okay, but in seriousness and despite all my myriad differences with him, I have zero doubt that the real man who by night and day trolls these comment threads as "garage mahal", would not hesitate even for a moment to come to the aid and protection of Ann Althouse if ever he were to observe our beloved blogger to be in distress.

Agreed, garage is a mensch and I don't classify him with the other trolls.

I've always tried to cut him some slack as he put in some kind words when The Blonde had her cancer scare a couple of years ago.

garage mahal said...

I found a golden retriever years and years ago. Called his owner a few times, left messages, and he didn't call me back. So I took him pheasant hunting with my lab out in Dunn. The guy finally called me back on that Sunday, and didn't sound none to impressed I took his dog hunting. It was more of a walk with a dog than a hunt anyway.

Roger J. said...

going way off topic here but Garage's stry about the golden retriever reminds me of my beloved english setter--a family dog, grossly overweight, and when their family moved to Germany I adopted dutchess. a natural hunter--took a while to get her weight off, but she was a wonderful hunter and wonderful companion. A natural hunter on ruffed grouse and a good retriever as well. I really miss her.

tim maguire said...

How did this turn into a garage mahal love-in?!?

Fine, here's my garage story: he's not a troll at all, just every bit as one-sided in his outrage as he often (and occasionally fairly) accuses everyone else of being.

On those occasions when he and I are on the same side of an issue, I generally think he makes sense.

Opposed that with someone like Alpha Liberal or Andy, whose posts, on those occasions where I am on their ideological side, are ignorant, insulting, and just plain embarrassing.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

That last photo has a sort of Three Stooges feeling about it.

It makes me laugh.

LarryK said...

I think I can identify the guy getting in the Professor's space on the last photo, but I won't to protect his privacy...however, he's nothing to worry about, just a harmless, gun-owning, constitution-loving, Tea Party patriot with a big smile on his face.

Meade said...

Oh! Sounds a little like garage mahal!

chickelit said...

Meade wrote: Also, I would trust garage to feed, water, and care for my dog. If I had a dog. (And by "care" I mean "take swimming, fishing, and hunting".)

Would you trust garage at the helm of a pontoon boat?

Amartel said...

"Doesn't it make it harder to bitch about Sly mocking Rebecca Kleefisch?)"

Short answer: no.

Long answer:
Bitch!?? What? OMG! The Sexism!!
(Please tell me you did that on purpose.) The language re-purposed a previously innocent bystander of a word into a sexist insult and now, an all-purpose disapproval noise of vaguely gendered origin. (oh crap, I said 'gendered'.) Kind of like 'fuck' but more nounish.

Saying "don't Falk it up" does not make it harder to COMPLAIN about [local grotesque windbag of self-righteous hypocrisy] proclaiming that female pol goes down on other radio hosts and "pulls a train."
1. The hypocrisy
2. The unfunny
3. The personal and specific defamation.

Anonymous said...

Did someone say three stooges?

Amartel said...

What's with all the manbags around Madison?

Meade said...

No, but then I don't trust anyone else at the helm of anything. I just barely trust myself. Must be the enumerated powers limited self-government tea party savage in me.

Anonymous said...

DBQ, so right that guy looks like Larry, at first I thought he was Sly himself.

garage mahal said...

Not to worry, if we hit anybody with the pontoon, you'll come out on the winning end. Aside from the Betty Lou maybe.

chickelit said...

Is Betty Lou the name of your vassal?

garage mahal said...

This is the Betty Lou.

Anonymous said...

On my lake, we tie our pontoon boats together and float around the lake during cocktail hour, someone usually gets wet after a couple of hours, it's a Wisconsin thing.

Wally Kalbacken said...

In the middle photo I'd say that Jerry Garcia is back, and he supports Walker!

chickelit said...

On my lake, we tie our pontoon boats together and float around the lake during cocktail hour, someone usually gets wet after a couple of hours, it's a Wisconsin thing.

Sounds like a blast unless the Betty Lou goes all PT-109.

chickelit said...

@garage & Allie: Are the pontoons divided into watertight compartments?

Peter said...

If Professor Althouse backed into me I'd smile too. Just for a second thogh, my wife has had a gun since long before the Great Female Arming.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Guess what..

These Pro-walker people have never worked a day in their life.. they have never really dealt with the kinds of economic issues that a majority of the Falk people are facing.. in terms of how do we feed our kids.. how do we send the to school and why do we worry about their future.. and yes is about the positions.. and there will be a war of words about the positions...

They started it with the teabagger pejorative.

caplight45 said...

@Chip Ahoy
"It's a parable goddamnit, not a poem."

Hey, Buddy, back off the espresso.

Garage, since we are having a love fest today, next time I'm in MadTown let's do lunch or dinner.

garage mahal said...

Caplight, sure. Give me a heads up when you're in town next.

Anonymous said...

Chickie, I had to call my son in law to find out, yes they are. He takes care of the boats in summer.

Aridog said...

@chickenlittle ... on our lake, Lake St Clair, there's an annual Michigan/Ontario boat tie up thing, too ... it's called The Jobbie Nooner. Everybody gets wet, eventually, plus a few other things, and, yes, the police are part if it all, too. Here's a shot of the Gull Island overview for an idea of the scope of it all.

Takes water sport to a whole new level.

jeff said...

I'm in Madison in June. I totally want to be in a picture with Meade. But in a non-creepy way.

ricpic said...

Big beefy midwesterners
Packed with lard;
Like Hillary, in cushy berths
And no ways tard.

Curious George said...

Speaking of signage, I saw a big ole Yukon XL with a "Recall Santa. I didn't get what I wanted" bumper sticker today.

Cornroaster said...

Would you trust garage at the helm of a pontoon boat?

Not if the left channel led over a waterfall and the right channel to a safe harbor...he could never turn right.

Unknown said...

Message from God!


SukieTawdry said...

I think it's a dandy "repurposing" of an opposition candidate's name. In fact, it's an all-purpose repurposing since it's not a gender-specific insult and would work equally well if Falk were a man. She's a candidate for governor in a hot and heavy race, after all, not a hothouse flower.

Steve Koch said...

The fat guy in the beret is so happy to be that close to Althouse.

David Blaska said...

Houston, we have docking.