১৯ এপ্রিল, ২০১২

"Obesity is a manifestation of a cultural deprivation in its most displeasing-to-look-at form."

Just a quote from this Politico article "10 little-known facts about Ted Nugent."

Here's a quote from me, chez Meadhouse, just now: "Boy, Ted Nugent is really getting himself some great publicity."

Or do you think he's got a problem because he said something bad? It's Ted Nugent! How is this bad for him? He's a bad boy. Bad is good. And now the Secret Service men are hot on his trail, just when the Secret Service men aren't really well set up to receive publicity.
Secret Service officials planning a wild night of fun in Colombia did some of their own advanced work last week, booking a party space at the Hotel Caribe before heading out to the night clubs, hotel sources tell ABC News exclusively.
ABC needs editors. The term is "advance work," not "advanced work," which sounds like something they'd give you in the gifted class, which you don't belong in if you write like that.
As first reported by ABC, the men went to the “Pley Club” brothel, where they drank expensive whiskey and bragged that they worked for President Obama. The men were also serviced by prostitutes at the club.
But the night didn’t end there. The men brought women from the Pley Club back to the hotel and also picked up additional escorts from other clubs and venues around town, sources tell ABC News.
But, hey, they're tracking down Ted Nugent, who might be threatening the President... who, by the way, is threatening poodles.

Man, I am experiencing cultural deprivation in a most displeasing-to-look-at form.

UPDATE: Nugent cleared:
"Good, solid, professional meeting concluding that I have never made any threats of violence towards anyone. The meeting could not have gone better."

৩০টি মন্তব্য:

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

Kill it and grill it.

The rule of Lemnity বলেছেন...

The term is "advance work," not "advanced work," which sounds like something they'd give you in the gifted class, which you don't belong in if you write like that.

At ABC, English is a seconded language.

Wince বলেছেন...

With Nugent's screed on obesity and his "kill it and grill it" philosophy you'd think he'd be a natural ally of the Obamas.

As first reported by ABC, the men went to the “Pley Club” brothel, where they drank expensive whiskey...

Based on the name of the club and the carousing, I wonder if Joe Nameth had anything to do with it.


edutcher বলেছেন...

Actually, obesity comes from not depriving oneself.

Since Nugent has never intruded much into my consciousness, I won't let what he said bother me too much.

Expat(ish) বলেছেন...

Well, if I was the SS, I'd go strapped if I was going to bother Ted Nugent. Just saying.


Eric the Fruit Bat বলেছেন...

Boorish though he may be, Mr. Nugent did make the world safe for wango tango.

Richard Dolan বলেছেন...

The "investigation" of Nugent is mostly just for show.

The courts have long held that, in order to prove a threat against the president, the Govt must prove more than the defendant spoke words that could bear a vaguely menacing meaning. In U.S. v. Bagdasarian, 652 F.3d 1113, 1119 and n. 18 (9th Cir. 2011), for example, the Ninth Circuit reversed a conviction for threatenting Obama as a candidate in the 2008 election on the grounds that federal threat statutes do not “criminalize predictions or exhortations to others to injure or kill....”

In Watts v. U.S., 394 U.S. 705 (1969), amplified later in U.S. v. Kelner, 534 F.2d 1020, 1026 (2d Cir. 1976), the courts drew a sharp line between a “true threat” and “political hyperbole.” To prove a "true threat" (a term coined in Watts), the Government has to prove that the defendant’s words were “so unequivocal, unconditional, immediate and specific as to the person threatened, as to convey a gravity of purpose and imminent prospect of execution.” Kelner, 534 F.2d at 1027. In New York ex rel. Spitzer v. Operation Rescue Nat’l, 273 F.3d 184, 196 (2d Cir. 2001), the court emphasized that, for a threat to be proven, “a court must be sure that the recipient is fearful of the execution of the threat by the speaker (or the speaker’s co-conspirators)” and not some third party.

These rules are all rooted in well established First Amendment law. The First Amendment is “[p]remised on a mistrust of governmental power” and gives political speech its highest protection because “[s]peech is an essential mechanism of democracy, for it is the means to hold officials accountable to the people.” Citizens United v. FEC, 130 S. Ct. 876, 898 (2010). A criminal statute in particular cannot be applied so broadly that it “chills constitutionally protected political speech because of the possibility that the [Government] will prosecute—and potentially convict—somebody engaging only in lawful political speech at the core of what the First Amendment is designed to protect.” Virginia v. Black, 538 U.S. 343, 365 (2003).

It is simply fanciful to think that Nugent's words met the standards for a true threat or could possibly be prosecuted given the applicable First Amendment standards. But nothing stops the Govt from announcing that it will take a close look nonetheless, in an effort mostly to encourager les autres.

Steve Koch বলেছেন...

Now that Althouse is no longer doing her Carol Herman shtick, the Carol Herman style is creeping into more Althouse posts, making for an interesting and entertaining style.

The rule of Lemnity বলেছেন...

..just when the Secret Service men aren't really well set up to receive publicity.

But they are presumably upset about it.. enough to release the hounds.

Carol বলেছেন...

ABC needs editors, and they also need literate "talent." I used to grade papers at the J school here and broadcast news majors wrote the most ignorant news copy. Just check your local TV station sites for some real howlers.

They live to be in front of the camera.

Andy Freeman বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
SGT Ted বলেছেন...

Farrakhans calls for the deaths of National leaders? The dead or alive contract issued by a racist black organization on George Zimmermans head?


It's just the latest front in the Civility Bullshit war of the left to shut up critics.

The "free speech" movement in the 1960s was the Darling of the Left, because they affirmed their right to advocate the adoption of totalitarian, often genocidal, political systems within the USA that would invalidate the Constitution and replace it with their Will to Power.

Now, when patriots stick up for their right to revolution to protect the Constitution, all of a sudden, free speech isn't so precious.

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." -Thomas Jefferson

Such an extremist wingnut

bbkingfish বলেছেন...

Ted Nugent is a whack job, and, at one time, was a fairly popular rocker. His audience is pretty well reduced to NRA types these days, and that's who he was talking to when he unleashed his screed against the President.

I agree with all who have observed that there was probably nothing serious about the noise which emanated from Mr. Nugent's pie-hole on this occasion.

However, due to the extreme incoherence of his blathering, and his "remarks" about guns, death, and Obama, I can understand why the SS would want Ted to clarify what the hell he thought he was talking about. I'm betting the retread rocker appreciates the extra publicity.

Fen বলেছেন...

I can understand why the SS would want Ted to clarify what the hell he thought he was talking about.

Nah, its all a pretense.

Nugent knows where to find decent $30 hookers.

Chuck66 বলেছেন...

I saw Ted play a few years ago. He had one song that included these lines:

Michael Moore....you can kiss my ass
Jesse Jackson....you can kiss my ass
France.....you can kiss my ass

gerry বলেছেন...

He's threatening poodles? Is Bam into French cuisine?

wyo sis বলেছেন...

"enough to release the hounds" At least the ones Obama didn't eat. Annnnnnnnddddd we're baaaaaack.
Nthe Nuge should get together with FLOTUS on an anti obesity campaign. Let's Mooooove.

Andy Freeman বলেছেন...

ABC may have gotten it right. After the SS agents finished their advance work for Obama's visit, they did some "advanced work", which for them was visiting hookers. ("Advance work" is work done in advance of a visit so they can't do their own advance work because they can't go somewhere in advance of when they get there.)

By mentioning "their advanced work", ABC may be hinting that Obama did some "advanced work" in addition to his typical geographic ignorance and diplomacy gaffes.

Dust Bunny Queen বলেছেন...

I can understand why the SS would want Ted to clarify what the hell he thought he was talking about. I'm betting the retread rocker appreciates the extra publicity.

Say what you will. Ted Nugent has been consistent in his belief system.

He made sense then and he makes sense now.

Why is the SS making a big deal out of the remarks from an "entertainer" anyway. They should give him the same latitude that they gave all of the Liberal entertainers when they made actual REAL death threats and fantasized about killing Bush.

It wasn't much of a concern when there were actual films made of Bush being assassinated and the constant posters and photos of dead Bush and dead Chenny.

The double standard is breathtaking.

As I said. The Nuge makes sense and this is why. He is saying what WE are thinking. WIMPS. And he did not make any threats against the President. If his speech is squashed we are in more of a totalitarian dictatorship than we suspect.

and for a treat. Here he is playing in the same segment.

ricpic বলেছেন...

I assume saying the most fat are the most culturally deprived qualifies as hate speech - which explains secret service snooping - since the most fat by far are members of our sacrosanct under-class.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

Maybe if we had to respect and work for our food, we wouldn't be so fat.

Revenant বলেছেন...

If the Secret Service is really investigating Ted Nugent then the Secret Service clearly has too many men and too much spare time. :)

BarrySanders20 বলেছেন...

Mitchell says: Boorish though he may be, Mr. Nugent did make the world safe for wango tango.

And also for Wang Dang Sweet Poontang!

Ted can use that subject to break the ice when the SS come calling, as they have a common inerest in this interesting and delightful topic.

ElPresidenteCastro বলেছেন...

Obama must have a trip to Michigan coming up. If anyone knows where to find prostitutes there it is the Motor City Madman.

Toad Trend বলেছেন...


Stolen thunder notification. I was thinking the same thing...

One two three four!

DBQ said

"The double standard is breathtaking."

I don't think this is your first exposure to the admittedly redundant 'liberal hypocrisy', DBQ.

But I am amused. We live in the Orwellian fog where liberals regularly choose those that are 'more equal' than others, make no mistake.

Toad Trend বলেছেন...


You clearly don't know anything about Nugent.

He'd be one of the last to waste his time with a hooker.

joated বলেছেন...

"And now the Secret Service men are hot on his trail, just when the Secret Service men aren't really well set up to receive publicity."

I initially read that as "..hot on his tail..." ad thought: "Now that's a change."

Robert Cook বলেছেন...

"I saw Ted play a few years ago. He had one song that included these lines:

"Michael Moore....you can kiss my ass
Jesse Jackson....you can kiss my ass
France.....you can kiss my ass'

I see he hasn't lost his flair for the artful phrase.

wyo sis বলেছেন...

The Nuge might have meant that he expects the administration will do something to him, not the other way around.


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