১৯ এপ্রিল, ২০১২

The Obama-eats-dog story is needed to nullify the Shame-of-Seamus tale.

I understand why Obama opponents are frying this story to a crisp, e.g., James Taranto:
One time Barack Obama went to an Indian restaurant and ordered the lassi. Was he ever disappointed when the waiter brought him a yogurt drink!
And Instapundit... just go over there and scroll. It's brimming with Obama-eats-dog nuggets. Like this link to "Dogs Against Obama" — which corresponds to the much promoted "Dogs Against Romney."

My preference would be for everyone to stop talking about the dog stories, but that's not how speech works. No one notices that some speakers are refraining from speaking. In a free-speech marketplace of ideas, you've got to provide more speech. You might say, well, let's be high-minded about this and say things like: Let's avoid distractions and discuss things that really matter, like the economy. But that won't drive the Seamus story away. You've got to offer an equivalent product in the marketplace of ideas, and Obama-eats-dog is that product.

ADDED: The Obama-eats-dog meme makes jokes — especially visual humor — incredibly easy. Everybody's suddenly a photoshop comic genius with stuff like this:

You can scream for mercy now, but the cat is out of the bag the dog is out of the strapped-to-the-top-of-the-car kennel.

৯২টি মন্তব্য:

Fen বলেছেন...

Let's avoid distractions and discuss things that really matter, like the economy.

But there's really not much more that needs to be said about the economy. If you want to discover what dog meat tastes like, re-elect Obama.

Bob Ellison বলেছেন...

Breitbart is obviously there.

bagoh20 বলেছেন...

There is a serious angle here:

The bad economy (yes it is) has led many people to abandon their pets sending more dogs and other animals to shelters and often euthanasia. Big government is murder. If you can, adopt a lost pet... and don't eat it right away.

Scott M বলেছেন...

Sorry, but this is just a meme-winner.

POTUS wrote about this in a memoir, did he not? Release the hounds and follow them closely with BBQ sauce.

Amexpat বলেছেন...

Unfortunately, political free speech often becomes a dog eat dog world.

chickelit বলেছেন...

Humor is contagious when there is much to mock.

Fen বলেছেন...


"somehow in 2008 the passage of "Dreams From My Father" that Treacher highlights escaped the notice of the watchdogs of the press, which is why it is news now, four years later and 17 years after publication. If a Republican turned out to have eaten dog meat as a child, the mainstream media's vetting would have included a visit to the veterinarian."

pm317 বলেছেন...

Obama people thought they had a winning narrative in Seamus and that needed to be squashed. Romney got lucky. I am more interested in the dynamic of twitter than anything else here. It is a perfect vehicle to a marketplace of short, witty ideas, creating the right buzz.

It was one doggone day yesterday. See what I did there. I would send it over twitter if I had an account.

chickelit বলেছেন...

This episode also neutralizes Romney's "Who let the dog's out" moment.

Scott M বলেছেন...

I believe this is a concrete example of the usually proverbial "man-bites-dog" story. It only makes sense that it would get legs and run. Dog legs. Juicy...tender...dog legs...

Will বলেছেন...

It is "Rules for Radicals" turned against them. Rule #5 - "Ridicule is man's most potent weapon.". Like I read on twitter - the problem isn't that people are upset over Obama eating a dog when he was a kid, the problem is that now they are openly mocking him. And it is WONDERFUL.

Superdad বলেছেন...

This is a very stupid subject to be spending so much time on. The guy is a train wreck and we are spending time on his childhood dietary habits.

Hell, I'd eat a dog right now if it meant we could move the conversation back on track.

Fen বলেছেন...

So when Team Obama plays the magic underwear card, Team Romney can respond with "at least we don't eat our pets to take on their powers".

Hey, Obama is behaving a bit more frisky today. If you own a cat, check on it.

Fen বলেছেন...

Hell, I'd eat a dog right now if it meant we could move the conversation back on track

Think of it as sorbet. Or a spoling attack to prevent Obama from talking about Romney's dog instead of the economy.

We're going to talk about the economy all summer long. Don't worry. And this little episode shows that Romney's people have game.

Fen বলেছেন...

the problem isn't that people are upset over Obama eating a dog when he was a kid, the problem is that now they are openly mocking him. And it is WONDERFUL.

Even better, Obama is so thin-skinned about mere criticism, there's a good chance he'll react to this ridicule in a manner that makes it even worse for him.

1775OGG বলেছেন...

Walmart's email flyer came out today saying: "It's puppy day!" Don't recall whether that was for its grocery store business?

Wonder if that product came with hot dog buns?

Scott M বলেছেন...

And this little episode shows that Romney's people have game.

It also gives me confidence (along with the Ann Romney fracas) that Team Romney knows how to fight the social media battle. On top of that, the right seems to be a lot more internet savvy than it was just three years ago.

If this little morsel was unreported, buried in the dusty pages of a memoir written by a guy who hadn't even made it to middle-age yet, what else is in there that never got mentioned?

Tim বলেছেন...

To the degree there is an issue here, it is the gross incompetency of the Obama campaign.

How do they not know their candidate ate dog?

And that resurrecting a stale attack on Romney regarding Seamus (great Irish name, btw) wouldn't result in mass disclosure of Obama eating dog?

I take it as a given Obama is incompetent; I expected better from the professionals who got their affirmative-action, least qualified man ever nominated by a major political party for president actually elected.

Brian Brown বলেছেন...

Obama, after more than 3 years of failure, if finally being ridiculed and mocked.

Come Jan 2013, many people will pretend they never supported him the first time around.

Roger J. বলেছেন...

it really isnt hard to mock Mr Obama--who, in my opinion, is not particularly well ground in history, geography or economics. That said, it it take "dog gate" to throw the bum out, I am all for it.

When the "leader" becomes the object of ridicule, you know he probably lost the game.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

It's hilarious to see journalists on the left make the dog-on-top-of-car story a big deal.
So the economy is bad and all of Obama's lofty schemes are failures, not solely because of Obama, but because punitive redistributionist death to free markets neo-Marxist ideas themselves are failures. No wait. Romney once drove with his dog on top of the car. Squirrel!

A glimpse of what the desperate Pro-Obama media will do for their master. They will obey Axelrod's commands and dig for any bone they can find on Romney. All while democrat failures are ignored.

rhhardin বলেছেন...

It's mockery of soap opera, which is the only way to positively affect the women's vote.

The entrenched line is the media's reassuring of soap opera audience women that they're serious people.

No Greek columns this election, is the current approach.

Hagar বলেছেন...

Give it up, Professor. The White House crew lit a cigar, and it blew up in their faces. They had it coming. Get a beer and enjoy!

It is raining cats and dogs!"

FormerlyUnknown বলেছেন...

The dynamic of what happened on twitter with the Obama ate a dog story was fascinating to watch in real time. Those who seem to believe that the right was seriously saying that they had a problem with Obama eating dog as a child has missed the entire point. The point was to mock the trotting out of the Seamus story by an administration that has nothing to run on. The point was to mock the entire dynamic of a media who have no problem turning big nothing-burgers into minor scandals so long as they get to choose what gaffe or minor biographical detail, and whose, gets targeted.

The point of the Obama Ate A Dog viral joke meme was to point and laugh as official campaign spokesmen took great umbrage and came out to very seriously and solemnly refute... a joke. About eating a dog.

Imagine Bill Clinton's spokespersons taking to the airwaves to bat down every viral cigar joke. Yeah. That. Would you laugh even harder? I would.

The point of the viral Obama Ate A Dog meme was to give a big finger to the entire "We Control The Narrative" political and media complex.

The fact that they then stamped their feet and screeched "Stop that! Stop that right this minute!" was just gravy.

On a dog.

Christopher in MA বলেছেন...

When the "leader" becomes the object of ridicule, you know he probably lost the game.

Time for a Luther quote: The best way to drive out the devil, if he will not yield to texts of Scripture, is to jeer and flout him, for he cannot bear scorn.

And no, lefties, I'm not calling your SortOfGod a devil - just that he's a thin-skinned, self-absorbed prick with a glass jaw when it comes to people making fun of him.

Roger J. বলেছেন...

Clearly, Saemus got off lucky--probably enjoyed his ride as did my great danes in mastiff when put in the back of the pick up.

BTW--anyone seen Bo lately? Any state dinners we are not aware of/

Wince বলেছেন...

The mainstream media's liberal bias isn't so much found in which stories are covered, but instead in their resonance.

In other words, while "scandals" and other stories harmful to each side are reported, only some are covered in a way that allows them to resonate enough to become part of the conventional wisdom.

What we're seeing is the new conservative media challenging the ability of the old establishment media to pick which issues will resonate enough to enter the public consciousness.

This is the new media's "punch back twice as hard" strategy that Obama implored Democrats to follow.

While you certainly don't want to flog a dead... dog, you do want to neutralize the issue so that it becomes toxic to your opponent.

If it provides a trove of humor, run it just as long as it stays fresh... like slaughtered dog meat.

BarrySanders20 বলেছেন...

Fen says: Hey, Obama is behaving a bit more frisky today. If you own a cat, check on it.

Michelle says: Don't worry -- Barry doesn't eat pussy.

Fen বলেছেন...

Unknown: The point of the viral Obama Ate A Dog meme was to give a big finger to the entire "We Control The Narrative" political and media complex.

Interesting point about how Twitter was used to do an end-run around the MSM myth-makers.

Kevin বলেছেন...

Boy, was Obama disappointed when he went to Doggie Diner for the first time!

Fen বলেছেন...

Michelle says: Don't worry -- Barry doesn't eat pussy.


[coca-cola all over my screen now. thanks!]


bagoh20 বলেছেন...

I wonder what the record is for autobiographies.

BTW, is what I just wrote a question or a declarative statement?

Scott M বলেছেন...

Don't worry -- Barry doesn't eat pussy.

He's half-white, so I bet he just works the outside a bit and then moves back to where he can see himself in the mirror.

Fen বলেছেন...


The Drill SGT বলেছেন...

I was introduced to dog meat (tough)...

Obviously O'bama was not raised with a silver spoon in his mouth. Those in the know, know that Puppies are the way to go.

I am absolutely serious. Roger J is on the thread. Tell them about seeing puppies in the food stalls. not infnt skinny puppies mind you. The fat rolly polly kind. Puppy fat kind.

If they ate dog, the could not afford puppy apparently....

PS: being the fodder of late night comics, photoshop and twitter cant be good....

PPS: McCain, as much as I respect him, would not touch this. The Romney camp demonstrated, they're agile and punch back well.

Scott M বলেছেন...

AND...just in case you were wondering, (I know you were), yes.
Hitler did find out that Obama had eaten his dog.

wyo sis বলেছেন...

"Escaped the notice of the watchdogs of the press." Brilliant!
Maybe they were afraid of what Obama might do to/with the watchdogs. Up until now liberal watchdogs enjoyed immunity, now they have to worry about getting stamped USDA standard.

The rule of Lemnity বলেছেন...

Almost as funny as the jokes at Obama's expense have been the discomfited responses of Obama supporters who've been dining out for months on the Seamus story.

I don't know if Taranto left anything for the dogs.

Lucien বলেছেন...

At first I thought "That dog won't hunt."

Then I realized that man bites dog is, by definition, news.

robinintn বলেছেন...

Ann: "It's brimming with Obama-eats-dog nuggets."

C'mon don't try and tell us you're not playing too!

bgates বলেছেন...

POTUS wrote about this in a memoir, did he not?

Somebody wrote about it in a memoir attributed to him.

Turns out dog meat is illegal in Jakarta, which means two things: whoever wrote that vignette wasn't terribly concerned about the truth, and the Left's best defense against this story is to say so. Of course, that would open a much bigger can of worms. On the other hand, maybe Obama eats worms too.

edutcher বলেছেন...

Anything that produces a good Hitler video is a valid campaign issue.

JHapp বলেছেন...

If I had a dog it probably would look a lot like the one Obama ate.

The Drill SGT বলেছেন...

bgates said...
POTUS wrote about this in a memoir, did he not?

Somebody wrote about it in a memoir attributed to him.

"Were you lying to us then or lying to us now, is an interesting defense" :)

AllenS বলেছেন...

Obama's administrative helpers helped create this ridicule of Romney and his dog. Which only goes to show, none of them read Obama's stupid book.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

And here I thought a desperate president would only Wag the Dog.

edutcher বলেছেন...

I could say something about the Hitler video getting it wrong; Al's dog wasn't named Fluffy, it was Blondi, and so Zero ate Blondi, but, being a gentleman, I won't.

Fen বলেছেন...

Thanks wyo sis, but thats a quote from the piece Althouse linked to, not my own words.

Dust Bunny Queen বলেছেন...

The bad economy (yes it is) has led many people to abandon their pets sending more dogs and other animals to shelters and often euthanasia

It is not at all uncommon in this area to wake up in the morning and discover that someone has, in the middle of the night, dropped off several horses, mules or donkeys on your property.

You went to bed with 3 horses and woke up with 5.

The people who do this don't want to kill their horse "pets" and the cost of feed has gone through the roof. It is cheaper to haul your animal up to where there is pasture and people are able to take care of the livestock. If the animal isn't sick or diseased, the land owner will usually just shrug and suck it up. One more horse....oh well.

Very sad.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

I think Mitt really does have a direct line to the deity. Every time the Obamaniacs unveil a new attack, it blows up in their faces!

War on Women? Women losing jobs in Obamaconomy in droves. Dog on Car? Obama eating dog. Fiscal responsibility? No humor needed there.

Fen বলেছেন...

Unknown: The dynamic of what happened on twitter with the Obama ate a dog story was fascinating to watch in real time. Those who seem to believe that the right was seriously saying that they had a problem with Obama eating dog as a child has missed the entire point. The point was to mock the trotting out of the Seamus story by an administration that has nothing to run on. The point was to mock the entire dynamic of a media who have no problem turning big nothing-burgers into minor scandals so long as they get to choose what gaffe or minor biographical detail, and whose, gets targeted.

The point of the Obama Ate A Dog viral joke meme was to point and laugh as official campaign spokesmen took great umbrage and came out to very seriously and solemnly refute... a joke. About eating a dog.

Imagine Bill Clinton's spokespersons taking to the airwaves to bat down every viral cigar joke. Yeah. That. Would you laugh even harder? I would.

The point of the viral Obama Ate A Dog meme was to give a big finger to the entire "We Control The Narrative" political and media complex.

The fact that they then stamped their feet and screeched "Stop that! Stop that right this minute!" was just gravy.

On a dog.

Unknown, you've got the best breakdown of this that I've seen on the net to date.

Grab a screen name and settle in.

Dust Bunny Queen বলেছেন...

@ Fen

Check out my post in the yesterdays man eats dog thread. It will calm your fears about dogs leashed in the back of pick up trucks.....in Calif at least.


This whole Obama/Dog meme is the funniest thing that has happened for the longest time.

Unknown has nailed it. And it does give me hope that the Romney campaign has the ability to 'punch back twice as hard'.

Now if Romney can just explain in simple concepts what his platform is on economic recovery. Give us a BIG VISION like Ronald Reagan did and don't get mired down in the itty bitty minutiae. That is where the MSM will try to derail the campaign.

Keep it to the bigger picture. We can handle it.

bgates বলেছেন...

Which only goes to show

AllenS, that gives me an image of Romney squinting at Twitter, taking a cigar out of his mouth, and growling Patton-style, "Obama, you literal bastard - I read your book!"

Lori বলেছেন...

I'm glad to be able to get off serious topics for a couple of days. We need a breather before the real fight begins.

+ it neutralizes the dog-carrier story,
+ the jokes write themselves,
+ you have to be able to laugh or you look uptight and unhip,
+ it exposes the media narrative hide /spotlight game
+ Romney's team has game!!

Hagar বলেছেন...

"I was not born with a silver spoon in my mouth."

Perhaps not, but it was at least fairly good quality silver plate.

And as for Romney, while he had the advantage of being born to wealth, he and his siblings chose to give up their wordly inheritance and start over. In that sense Romney is more of a self-made man than Obama, who has always been carried along by others.

Chip Ahoy বলেছেন...

Insty is demonstrating a preference cascade. He's mentioned that before. Where it becomes perfectly ordinary to joke about your president again like the good old days, by being that cascade.

James Pawlak বলেছেন...

When Mr. Obama appears in public there should be NO "cat calls". However, I do suggest chants of "Bow Wow, Bow Wow----YUMMY".

Fen বলেছেন...

DBQ: It will calm your fears about dogs leashed in the back of pick up trucks

You caught my mea culpa, yes?

Smilin' Jack বলেছেন...

Everybody's suddenly a photoshop comic genius with stuff like this:

Can't someone animate this? It would look so much cooler if we could see Obama chewing.

Rialby বলেছেন...

"Obama's administrative helpers helped create this ridicule of Romney and his dog. Which only goes to show, none of them read Obama's stupid book."

Colbert, Stewart, et al have been pounding on the Romney dog jokes for months because they think that the meme (like that of Quayle and the potato, Bush and the scanner, etc.) will sink Romney. When they get pushback, they shit themselves and we're all supposed to collectively say, "can we get serious?" Fuck that. Keep pounding away. Like Obama on a visla cutlet.

Cedarford বলেছেন...

Obama will also lose this on the mental imagery.

On one side the electorate will imagine nicebut slightly bumbling Romney, whole 7-person family packed in an all-American station wagon. With Seamus and luggage on top. Going to Walley World.

On the other, they will image a scene of Obama. As fresh in white robe and prayer cap - coming home from the madrassah school past tin shacks where men are beating veiled women. Then, home, pausing in Muslim prayers of thanks, before eating dog rolled in exotic Indonesian spices.
Coincidentally, Romneys famous trip with Seamus and 6 other family members happened in 1983, which was the year the classic old comic movie came out.


Could be updated:

Romney: I feel terrible.
Motorcycle Cop: How do you think that little dog feels?
Romney: Look, I told you I was sorry. It really was an accident.
Motorcycle Cop: Well, I guess I can buy that, sir. But it is a shame. I had a pooch like this when I was a kid.
[both Romney and the motorcycle cop sorrowfully look at the station wagon dribbling in dog shit behind them]
Motorcycle Cop: Poor little guy. Probably shit his doggie brains out until he ran out a few miles back.
[tearing up]
Romney: "Well sir, I am a fine businessman, and I have a recovery plan for this situation! Hose the car and dog down. No more junk food slipped to Seamus by my 5 sons after that!"
Motorcycle cop: {looking at Romney's ID} Look, Romney, as a fine businessman, surely you would like to help out some Heroes in Blue by donating to our widows and orphans fund.
Romney: It's Mitt. My friends call me Mitt. Not Willard as it says there. And instead of money, I have spare Mormon literature those widows and orphans will likely enjoy more than money.
Motorcycle cop: On your way...ROMNEY!

Dust Bunny Queen বলেছেন...

You caught my mea culpa, yes?

Yes :-)

I just didn't want you to be worried.

This Obama eats dog story has legs. Juicy doggy legs.

Cedarford বলেছেন...

We can also start a "Bo Watch".

Bo spotted alive and intact today, Aug 13th. Still has all 4 legs and tail too! Nothing of Bo has been put in a Muslim curry...yet!
UPDATE from last Bo sighting July 13th.
In comment Aug 12th, Obama demanded the nation move on from this distraction..and adamantly denied that he refused to get a dog before becoming President because they made his mouth water.

damikesc বলেছেন...

Colbert, Stewart, et al have been pounding on the Romney dog jokes for months because they think that the meme (like that of Quayle and the potato, Bush and the scanner, etc.) will sink Romney. When they get pushback, they shit themselves and we're all supposed to collectively say, "can we get serious?" Fuck that. Keep pounding away. Like Obama on a visla cutlet.

Indeed. If they wished to make this a huge issue in regards to Romney, why on God's Earth should anybody pull punches with Obama --- especially when we are getting some golden Photoshop work out of this.

Is it sad that Ace of Spades is routinely funnier than Stewart or Colbert?

And isn't it nice that we have not only our first black President --- but the first President to have eaten dog?

Amartel বলেছেন...

"My preference would be for everyone to stop talking about the dog stories, but that's not how speech works."

That's not how politics works. Dems are already onto the next "dog" story/fake scandal about presumptive nominee Romney, and concern trolling on the news about Mormons 'cause they're weird and all, not like other religions.

After years and years of cheap one-sided digs against conservatives and phonied up conservative "scandals" delivered up by over-celebrated second-rate comedians with entire programs, entire goddam "news" channels (some even funded with our own tax dollars) devoted to the amplification thereof. Our very own cheap one-sided dig.
And we should stop??
I. Think. Not.
I could go for a new topic, though.
It's not like there's a shortage.

Amartel বলেছেন...

Ace is funnier than Colbert and Stewart in his sleep.

Thorley Winston বলেছেন...

That's not how politics works. Dems are already onto the next "dog" story/fake scandal about presumptive nominee Romney, and concern trolling on the news about Mormons 'cause they're weird and all, not like other religions.

I’m not sure that Democrats really want to raise the religious issue this fall. It might bring back stories about Obama’s 20 plus year close and personal relationship with a “minister” screaming “G** D**n America” from the pulpit.

Thorley Winston বলেছেন...

My preference would be for everyone to stop talking about the dog stories, but that's not how speech works.

Agreed I felt the same way when the “dog in the carrier on the roof” story was circulated during the 2008 primary and Obama supporters kept harping on it. Now that the fork is in the other paw, they’re suddenly not as interested in discussing dogs just like the “war on women” theme ended when the attacks on Mrs. Romney backfired. That being said, I agree with Romney that this election is about jobs and not about dogs.

Fen বলেছেন...

Alinksy's Rules for Radicals:

RULE 5: Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon. It’s hard to counter attack ridicule, and it infuriates the opposition, which then reacts to your advantage.

RULE 6: A good tactic is one that your people enjoy. If your people aren’t having a ball doing it, there is something very wrong with the tactic.

Bigwig বলেছেন...

So how long before we see an attack along the lines of "Sure Obama was born an American, but culturally he's anything but?"

Tyrone Slothrop বলেছেন...

JHapp said...

If I had a dog it probably would look a lot like the one Obama ate.

ROFLMAO. By far the best remark of all. In sixteen years of internet surfing, I have never typed ROFLMAO until now.

Caroline বলেছেন...

Obama will also lose this on the mental imagery.

Good point. When you see his quote "I was not born with a silver spoon in my mouth", doesn't your my mind immediately jump to the photoshop images of Obama with a dog in his mouth?

I saw one comment somewhere- "No silver spoon in the mouth. Just Labrador."

Thorley Winston বলেছেন...

So how long before we see an attack along the lines of "Sure Obama was born an American, but culturally he's anything but?"

Especially to those Americans who cling to their guns, religion and pets.

dreams বলেছেন...

That liberal piece of dog Gail Collins apparently can't write a column without referring Romney and the dog episode, thankfully I know this without having to read her column so I'm glad for the Obama dog eating push back.

el polacko বলেছেন...

the dems have already tried moving on to "romney hates cookies" or some such drivel. they really are a pathetic bunch.

The Drill SGT বলেছেন...

Just Lurking said...
I saw one comment somewhere-

Go with:

"No silver spoon in the mouth. Just Golden Lab."

Thorley Winston বলেছেন...

the dems have already tried moving on to "romney hates cookies" or some such drivel. they really are a pathetic bunch.

I also understand Romney detests pop-up ads as well.

Horses AgainstObama বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Horses AgainstObama বলেছেন...

Hold your horses! Before there was Dogs Against Obama, there was Horses Against Obama

Horses Against Obama is a real issue. In 2011, Obama reversed existing law and legalized the slaughter and consumption of horses in the US (after specifically promising the exact opposite in his 2008 campaign).

Dogs Against Romney is a fake issue. Maybe that's why they won't give us a Like and are deleting our comments from their Facebook page. Apparently they don't really care about animals, just political talking points.

Romney is handling this wrong. Both Mitt and Anne are equestrians. They should counter dog with horse. Obama eats both.

Horses Against Obama

Caroline বলেছেন...

The Drill SGT said:
Go with:

"No silver spoon in the mouth. Just Golden Lab."

:) (Wish I'd thought of that!)

Saint Croix বলেছেন...

Oh no!

Who is going to tell Hitler?

Obama Ate His Dog

Synova বলেছেন...

Wow. I followed links from Ace to a McCain twitter joke about eating a dog and the comments were amazing.

You see... McCain was attacking a CHILD. OMG! Talk about no sense of humor at all. Talk about taking everyone making jokes about it seriously. Personally, I don't have a problem with (someone else) eating dog. The outrage over it (or over eating horse) doesn't do a thing for me. (I might eat horse... at least it's not a carnivore. I am personally icked out by the notion of eating carnivores.)

In the real world (as opposed to in America) people eat dogs.

But I still think it's funny. Enormously funny. And people complaining about how mean it is to attack a child just make it that much funnier.

Maybe it's impossible to accept that going on and on about Obama eating a dog is transparently a put-on because doing so would be admitting that the bull-sh*t the other side gets outraged over is every bit as much opportunistic bull-sh*t.

We're supposed to keep on pretending that all the outrage is real... or something.

Bruce Hayden বলেছেন...

One interesting thing to me here is that the "Obama ate dog" meme points to another thing - that he really isn't an American - by that, I mean that he doesn't have our shared experiences. He emphasizes a lot more with the 3rd World, because his mother did. Married to two Muslim men, and spending a lot of her life in the 3rd World. Opposing the creative destruction that has made our economy so great, but has destroyed so much of the 3rd World throughout history, and esp. during the 2nd half of the 20th Century (for, what many of us would say, was a better world).

The line about eating dog, snake, insects, etc. is just too foreign for most of us. That isn't what Americans do. We eat steak, hamburger, etc., but not dog or grasshoppers, and rarely snake. But, he says it with no apparent conception of how alien it makes him sound. I hate to say the word here, but unAmerican. He comes across as not having the sensibilities of an American, but rather, those of the Third World.

Sure, that is likely attractive to a lot on the left, esp. those who share with him their distrust of much of what is American. But, for the middle, the rich guy who piled his five kids in his station wagon and dog on top for a vacation almost 30 years ago, is a lot more comfortable than the guy who thinks eating dog, snake, etc. is normal.

Gary Rosen বলেছেন...

"Ace is funnier than Colbert and Stewart in his sleep."

He's also a damn smart guy. He banned C-fudd for

This (#51)

Gene বলেছেন...

Hey, hey, Obama, say
how many dogs did you eat today?

Gene বলেছেন...

JHapp: If I had a dog it probably would look a lot like the one Obama ate.

a funny and effective retort

dreams বলেছেন...

"It really isn’t unfair at all to bring Obama’s canine consumption to public attention. The president isn’t really one of us. He’s a dog-eater. He tells the story in his memoir to emphasize that viscerally, Obama identifies with the Third World of his upbringing more than with the America of his adulthood. It is our great misfortune to have a president who dislikes our country at this juncture in our history."


Scott M বলেছেন...

Oh no!

Who is going to tell Hitler?

Beat you by almost half a day :)

Scott M বলেছেন...

It just occurred to me that nobody did the obvious, caricature politician promise, something to the tune of; "A hybrid in every driveway, and a dog in every pot."

wildswan বলেছেন...

A dog, a snake and a grasshopper went into a bar. The dog said: I've got your back." The snake said: 'Till after the election. The grasshopper nationalized the ant's savings.

Becky বলেছেন...

You can scream for mercy now, but ........ the dog is out of the strapped-to-the-top-of-the-car kennel.

Okay, that's seriously funny.

Rex বলেছেন...

No shame in Seamus its a dog
