April 23, 2012

"Hilarious week lined up for Obama..."

"... prez to appear on Fallon, Kimmel to roast him at White House dinner."

It's one big comic performance.


Bob Ellison said...

Kimmel will roast Obama? That doesn't sound kosher. Is he aware that Obama is partly made of dog?

Sydney said...

"It's one big comic performance."
It feels more like tragedy to me.

Kev said...

(the other kev)

He's like a real President, only humorous.

ndspinelli said...

Leno was interviewed by Howdy Doody on MTP yesterday. He talked about how Bush was open to anything, no handlers saying what could be done..just down to earth. For Gore and Kerry it was tedious and his reaction was why even come on if it's going to be so tedious. Leno even had the temerity to say he likes having Republicans on his show and dislikes the Dems because of that. Howdy Doody just had that Howdy Doody smile on his face.

Fen said...

Is he aware that Obama is partly made of dog?

Or that the purpose of eating dog (according to Obama's Uncle) was to gain their "special powers"?

So what "special powers" did Obama gain? The ability to lick his own butt?

Once written, twice... said...

Red meat all the time for the Althouse Hillbillies, eh Ann? I guess you have to keep your readers somehow. Why not do it the lazy way!

Paul said...

Well Obama is the fool, so why not a "Hilarious week". Heck, he can take another vacation while he is at it.

But considering the economy, the foreign policy disasters, the scandals, well it won't be so 'hilarious' for the rest of us.

Yea, 'hahahaha' we will do all the way to Nov. and the election.

Palladian said...

Is dog meat red meat?

Bob Ellison said...

Jay, as the man who had a dog named Chunks said, I don't think you understand. Obama ate dog.

pm317 said...

Will be hard to top the dog show last week.

caseym54 said...

Can't they get Coulter to help with that roast?

Anonymous said...

Obama's dog and pony show.

Mmmbmmmbmmmbmmbmm, pooony!

Wince said...

Shouldn't it be the Jimmy Kennel Roast?

I'm here all week.

rhhardin said...

A nation awaits Obama's Presidential Memoirs.

The Doofus Letters.

Hagar said...

I am beginning to wonder if Obama is a real president or just plays one on TV.

traditionalguy said...

The Obama 2012 campaign's plan is to get Sympathy voters to come back out for Obama's display of courage under attacks made by WWWs (Wimpy, Weird, White Guys.)

When Obama gives his smile and laughs about the WWW attacks, then he defuses them.

Bob Ellison said...

rhhardin, I'm looking forward to the corn dogs and hush puppies that might be served at the Barack Obama Presidential Library cafeteria.

Brian Brown said...

Yeah, federal debt up 37%, over 2 million jobs lost, gas prices up 104%, federal deficit doubled, record number of people out of the labor force, federal agent dead by Fast & Furious, and the Secret Service acts like a low rate college fraternity, and it is like a laugh riot!

Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk, nyuk, nyuk!

Once written, twice... said...

Ann, don't you ever get bored with being just another partisan hack blog? You're like Kos with fewer followers.

Bob Ellison said...

Jay, dog. He ate it.

Christopher in MA said...

Ann, don't you ever get bored with being just another partisan hack blog?

Well, there you go, Althouse. When you've lost the Jay Retread vote, you've lost. . .well, nothing, really.

There are plenty of other sites that will fellate your sort of God all day long, Jay. Try NBC, for example. They're just like Kos, but with more intelligence.

Curious George said...

Obama, Fallon, and Kimmel...wait,is that the Three Stooges thing I keep hearing about?

David said...

Let's see if they do any dog jokes.

And if they do, will Obama laugh?

(My bet--no dog jokes. It's in the ground rules.)

Will Obama try some jokes? Not advisable. Humor is not his long suit.

Bob Ellison said...

David, I'd guess Obama will not only approve dog jokes, but require them. He's a smart campaigner. He could diffuse this silly bomb with a few laughs.

jungatheart said...

A roast of a sitting US president. By someone as tacky as Kimmel. Pa-thetic.

TWM said...

"It's one big comic performance."

Tag line for the Obama presidency. Of course you could just as easily substitute "tragic" for comic.

Bob Ellison said...

deborah, it's not a new thing.

SteveR said...

I for one, am already laughing my ass off.

Ipso Fatso said...

Come November, hopefully the American people with have the last laugh.

Saint Croix said...

I remember when Obama was first elected, and all the comedians were like, "we can't mock him, he's too perfect to mock."

Well, you can mock him now. Arf!

It will be interesting to see how much they do make fun of him. And how well he takes it, if they do.

KCFleming said...

I hope someone in the audience barks and then whine-yelps during the interview.

Because that would be awesome.

cold pizza said...

Marx Brotherhood.

paul a'barge said...

Hah hah hah!! We're F'ed. Hah hah hah.

Lyle said...

They were on duty when they whored it?

I don't have a problem with them bedding down with a paid someone off duty.

jungatheart said...

I know, Bob, but has there been one as declasse as Kimmel?

As I've said before, I can't hate Obama, though at times find him excruciatingly annoying. I was laughing so hard last year at his perfect skewering of Donald Trump.

Anonymous said...

New bumper sticker for Obama:

"Dog is my palate."

MadisonMan said...

I really have no idea why this Obama ate dog thing is important. Is it because Romney had a dog on his car, and now it's Obama's turn?

Of all the things to be concerned about...

Palladian said...

Politics is a god eat dog world, MadisonMan.

edutcher said...

I thought all the Lefty comics agreed not to make fun of Zero because it was raaaaacissst.

PS Uncle Saul must be spinning. It's the Lefties that are supposed to use ridicule, not be the object of it.

Kind of like Jay Retread.

Mick said...

Oh yeah, it's all a big joke, until your liberty is gone.

People Died, The President Lied said...

Jay Retread said

"Ann, don't you ever get bored with being just another partisan hack blog? You're like Kos with fewer followers."

Yeah Jay, good point. Because the 'No Labels' gang and their popular blog really cuts to the chase about things. Sort of.

Leftists really are as dumb as we think.

crosspatch said...

I'd like to see one of these shows say "Sorry, Mr. President, but it would result in a drop in our ratings and cost us money in ad revenue".

FWBuff said...

I wonder if The Roots will play "How Much Is That Doggie in the Window? (The One with the Delicious Tail)" when he walks out?

People Died, The President Lied said...


"Tie that noose tight! It's got to hold the weight of a pig!"

Tank said...

Mick said...
Oh yeah, it's all a big joke, until your liberty is gone.

Too late, it's mostly gone already.

Hey, will Zero tell the "not so shovel ready" joke again? Ha Ha.
That was a good one.



Sue D'Nhym said...

I hope no one dogs him.

Matt Sablan said...

"I really have no idea why this Obama ate dog thing is important. Is it because Romney had a dog on his car, and now it's Obama's turn?"

-- Obama's not so much the target as the media. It made a huge stink about Seamus the Dog. It has done everything it can do to pretend this story is a non-story, which it is. But it is as much a story as Seamus the Dog. So, the whole point is to show them how silly they are.

They didn't know about it, yet the NYT probably praised the Obama book. Each of these journalists who is surprised by this? They probably claim to have read his book. This is showing that the media is wearing no clothes; no one really cares what Obama did -- it is kicking the media while they are down, because they deserve it.

CWJ said...


You've got it exactly right. It's not important, and it's because of the left not letting go of the seamus on the roof story. Its just goooood fun to talk about hush puppies and corn dogs (hound burgers anyone?) Instead of piusly telling the left to give up on the dog on the roof story. They're equally unimportant and this way even the left might figure that out.

Rocketeer said...

I like:

"Dog is my Chipolata"

Matt Sablan said...

Basically, the reason we're talking about this is to make a show of the partisan hackery within the media. Politifact, all the people who claim to have read the book -- all of them did not know this. Instead, they decided Dogs Against Romney was brilliant. But it wasn't.

RonF said...

The fact that he's enjoying himself so much is simply that he's applying the well-known first rule of comedy:

If something bad happens to me, it's a tragedy. If something bad happens to you, it's comedy.

CWJ said...

Bush again? Really? OH PLEASE!

Tank said...

It's Bush's fault that Zero is a joke.

CWJ said...

Actually leslyn, given the subject of Ann's post, yours is the most (unintentionally?) Hilarious avatar I've ever seen.

cold pizza said...

Squirrel! Behind that Bush! Let loose the dogs of whore! -CP

Rusty said...

Hey, will Zero tell the "not so shovel ready" joke again? Ha Ha.
That was a good one.

"Most Transparent administration evah!"


Roger J. said...

It seems to me there is something genuinely sad about the President of the United States doing comedy schtick--My suspicion is that is doubling down on trying to win the 20 something vote, but thats just my opinion.

Mr Obama will I suspect go down as the worst President this country has ever had. Somewhere in Plains Georgia, Jimmah Carter is breathing a sigh of relief.

SteveR said...

leslyn: Dubya's not president, not running for president. Who cares about the sad and funny things about the first 43? Get in the present. Obama had plenty of time and political capital to change a lot of the things you are whining about Bush doing. And he squandered the chance.

Amartel said...

Concerned Liberal #1: Oh nooooo! Obama's in trouble and the usual humbug is simply not working.

Concerned Liberal wearing glasses with no lenses and White House issued Obamacare photo-op labcoat: What shall we do? [pause.]
I know, wheel out FrankenBush!

Concerned Liberal #1: Brilliant!

[Sound effect: Heavy door opening.]

[Sound effect: Creak, creeak, creak, creak. (wheels)]

Frankenbush: Hi! heheheheheh. [grinning]. It's me I'm here to help with the winning strategery. 5 trillion in debt and nothing to show for it? My bad! Multitudes of dead Mexicans and several dead Americans in failed "Fast and Furious" plot to end-run the 2nd Amendment? Yeah, I TOTALLY thought that up. Solyndra and assorted other green energy and other taxpayer funded "investment" boondoggles? All fine ideas, fo shizzle. Parties at the GSA? Hey, man, I STARTED that shit. Secret Service hiring hookers? Wait, that's a BAD thing?

Go ahead. Blame me for everything, retards. Pretend you're doing so much better. I'm FrankenBush, I'll play along. I don't give a shit. Do. Not. Care. I'll never run for office or hold a job again ever in life. All I have to do these days is answer to Laura (diplomatic skills: Intact), maybe do some work at the ranch. Otherwise, free as a bird, suckahzzz!

Of course, you all still have to earn a living, maintain a credible reputation, and chart a reasonable path forward for yourself and the country so your FrankenBush mileage may vary. You might consider examining the facts.

CWJ said...

OK, Leslyn manages a three for. 1. A Bush distraction. 2. A picnic basket avatar. And 3. A claim of "boo hooism" when all anyone is doing is laughing. There's the three act play. What do you plan for the encore?

Amartel said...

FrankenBush: I once ate a cat. You fucking amateur. An ENDANGERED cat. It tasted like endangered cat.

MB said...

If bringing up Obama's eating a dog is verboten, I hope the WH forgets about cats.

'Come Mr. President, you are telling me you have never eaten ...'

Ethan said...

I thought last week was pretty comical. Gonna be hard to top that.

Penny said...

Pleased that Jimmy Fallon will get some added exposure. The man is FUNNY!

Well, plus he's on NBC, the Obama Network.

Do you think they'll include a little promo on the NBC Nightly News?

I'm Full of Soup said...

Maybe it is time to end the annual White House correspondent dinner? Or suspend it until we get someone competent in the WH?

It's been a long 12 years with Dumb & Dumber as presidents though I believe,at least, Bush wanted to do the right thing.

Larry J said...

sydney said...
"It's one big comic performance."
It feels more like tragedy to me.

How does the old saying go, "First as tragedy then as farce" or something like that?

If you voted for Obama in 2008 to prove you aren't a racist, will you vote for Romney in 2012 to prove you're not an idiot?

garage mahal said...

I really have no idea why this Obama ate dog thing is important. Is it because Romney had a dog on his car, and now it's Obama's turn?

It's probably the right's favorite rhetorical weapon. "I know what you are but what am I".

"Oh, there were hundreds and hundreds of weird/creepy anti women bills introduced by the GOP last year? Well, Hilary Rosen said Ann Romney hasn't worked in a day in her life. See! ALL EVEN"

See also Robert Byrd, Chappaquiddick, and Clenis.

Patrick said...

Yeah, 'cause Chappaquidick was nothing. Nope, just a drunk guy, driving off a bridge, leaving his girlfriend to drown. At least he knew how to make a decent waitress sandwich.

Patrick said...

KKK membership? Ah, don't worry about it. No big deal, as long as you name lots of stuff after yourself.

Patrick said...

Racism doesn't matter, as long as you help them keep their power.

Killing young girls doesn't matter, as long as you help them keep their power.

garage mahal said...

KKK membership? Ah, don't worry about it. No big deal, as long as you name lots of stuff after yourself.

See! Lifelong immunity for virtually any Republican.

"Oh Yea!? What about ___________?????

Patrick said...

The dog eating thing is important only because it is one more way to ridicule the President.

garage mahal said...

The dog eating thing is important only because it is one more way to ridicule the President

Oh yea?! George Bush tortured small animals!

KCFleming said...

Hey, how come PETA's not on Obama's ass?

Amartel said...

"Hey, how come PETA's not on Obama's ass?"

OOOOHhhh, oooh, oooooh, Mistah Kottair!?!

Because they're lodged too far up his ass.

CWJ said...

Seriously, leslyn,

That's it? Two or three comments to which you made no previous reference? And even so, they don't exactly scream let's reference Bush. As to an avatar, that's YOUR (rather illconceived) statement. Not mine.

gemma said...

It's good to be the king

cubanbob said...

It's one big comic performance

If we are lucky, O! will quite his day job.

Toad Trend said...

Class clown that isn't funny anymore = pitiful, tragic figure.

Or, an avowed socialist quite pleased with his handiwork, pushing us all off a cliff.

Fen said...

If Obama's smart, he'll make a joke about eating dog. But I think he's too thin-skinned. We'll see.

Steve Koch said...

The dems trying to attack Bush is forlorn and not going to work. The public doesn't care about Bush because he has been gone for years and isn't running anyway. Obama will have to defend his incompetent, disastrous, corrupt, anti-democratic presidency.

Romney seems to be employing a counter punching strategy: wait until Obama makes a specific criticism and then respond with a tailored counter criticism. For example, if the dems criticize Romney for taking his dog on vacation via the roof of the family boxter, Romney responds with "that's better than eating the poor pooch".

The key points are that Romney is willing to attack and is doing so in a way that makes it tough for Obama's media allies to effectively criticize Romney (since the dems are initiating the insults).

gk1 said...

Didn't the last time obama go on a late night t.v show he started ripping on the retarded? Maybe he needs new script writers.

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