April 25, 2012

Here's "the Barackness Monster" doing 5 minutes of...

... I think it's comedy.

Doesn't he have a job?

Dialogue chez Meadehouse at about 4:00:
ALTHOUSE: Does this go anywhere?

MEADE: No. It doesn't go anywhere. It's embarrassing. It's a comedy vehicle for Jimmy Fallon, and it puts Obama in a beta position.
At 4:29, his voice even cracks — like a pubescent teen. Look at his eyes. He looks like he knows it's a disaster. It seems that he's supposed to be doing some sexy Barry White style intonations, but he's obviously decided not to. It's a far cry from the actually very cool Al Green tribute he did back in January. It's like he wanted to recapture some of that charm, but it was so not happening.


garage mahal said...

You need a "Althouse the jealous girlfriend" tag. :)

glenn said...

M a y b e B a r r y i s j u s t
s t u p i d.

rhhardin said...

Imus wondered why birds didn't stay on the telephone wires instead of flying into jets, and his staff blues singer said he'd only been in jail for conjugal visits.

Those were the two good jokes of the day.

Imus has stopped saying Obama is a nice guy, which means that nobody at all likes Obama now.

Temujin said...

"but it was so not happening"

Just like his reelection. He was a fraud in 2008. Now he's just an embarrassment.

Todd G. said...

Embarrassing when juxtaposed with Romney's speech. Which seems more presidential?

Paco Wové said...

This sounds like an attempt to recreate the Clinton saxophone moment. Sounds like it didn't go so well. I noticed that Google News has been gushing over it for several days now.

David said...

I watched the first few minutes this afternoon. It was such a shameless political plug that I turned it off.

Does anyone in the media plan to point out that Obama signed the bill that put in the increase in interest rates? He's campaigning against himself.

wyo sis said...

I don't like Obama at all and yet I feel sorry for him here. Maybe they're right he really IS just an incompetent nice guy. How embarrassing. all that pre 2008 election political planning to have the school loan issue come up in 2012 and he blows it on Jimmy Fallon in April.

bagoh20 said...

Look, I don't like the guy, but that's now why I hated this. It was embarrassing on a "whole. nutha. level.

Just bad. Because the issues are not funny when your class warfare is from the top down and pitting American's against each other. This guy has incredibly bad judgement, and apparently isn't capable of seeing it ahead of time and just resisting the foolishness. I'll even give him, personally, the benefit of the doubt, and say he has extremely bad advisers. But that too is his call.

pm317 said...

It was creepy and he looks weird and creepy.

Anonymous said...

I am NOT an Obama fan, but that was hilarious. It is a political plug, but as a Romney supporter, I'm jealous.

garage mahal said...

Just watched Fox & Friends report on this. Petty and jealous by thy name! looked like a lemon sucking contest.

bagoh20 said...

That is one hell of a stretch to blame the GOP saying "no" as the reason college cost too much.

There are some people that you just want to slap, and take the keys before they kill you.

edutcher said...

I agree with Paco.

He'd have been better off doing one of those Top Ten Reasons things with Letterman.

Stuff like this is why I don't think it will be at all close in November.

bagoh20 said...

Garage, It's great that you think this was good. It's very encouraging to know that your side has such a low bar and nobody sees a problem with it over there. The guy never looked so vulnerable. I don't know any President who ever has. Don't change a thing. You guys got this wrapped up.

garage mahal said...

Garage, It's great that you think this was good

It wasn't. But that's not what I found funny. The Roots are always friggin awesome though.

Carl Vero said...

Give the President a break, he's just trying to lift the gloom. In these trying times, we've moved on, from hope to hubbub, from change to chagrin. The reelection campaign is about retaining positions, and its slogan is something people can recognize and relate to: “We Can't Wait For The Future, It's Left”. The theme song matches the festive mood: “They Are Coming To Take Me Away”.

rhhardin said...

Obama is just Ted Kennedy, Harry Reid or Nancy Pelosi without the talent.

Automatic_Wing said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
yashu said...


Don't give up your day job, Barack.

Oh wait, on second thought...

Automatic_Wing said...

Kind of funny how Obama's schtick was 100% offering a payoff to his audience and 0% idealism/changing the world. It's like a politician making a promotional video of himself speaking to the Farm Bureau about his plan to raise the corn subsidy by an extra 50 cents a bushel.

Anonymous said...

When they stop taking you seriously, dance, brother!


Paul said...

Jimmy Carter had his rabbit and I guess Obama has his dreams of being a singer.

Sad really. Can America stand for four more years of this bozo?

Fr Martin Fox said...

As far as the President doing this schtick...*shrug.*

The policy and the demagoguery are dismaying.

I seem to recall the argument was that we would run these loan programs on a business-like fashion; that's why they were loans--not giveaways, oh no, it's a loan and they'll pay it back and the taxpayer won't get ripped off. It was supposed to be a good investment. Remember?

Oh no. They hired the money. They pay the interest.

And anyone who defends this...you do realize that you and your precious Obama are making it so that anyone in this country who pays his bills is a sucker.

And folks aren't stupid. They'll figure it out.

Then where are you?

David said...

President walked into a bar . . . . . .

Methadras said...

Are you fucking kidding me? Urkle using Fallon as a political ad for college loans that he enacted himself along with his leftard cadre? Oh wait.

Anonymous said...

Nobel Peace Prize!

The Jimmy Fallon Show!

Is there ANYTHING this guy can't do?

I'm thinking he could even be on The View - he's that good!

yashu said...

LOL, Quayle.

Rosalyn C. said...

Horrifying. And what's worse is Obama's need to remind us constantly that he is the President of the United States. Too bad he acts like an ass. But the audience liked it, so what do I know?

It's going to be an ugly campaign. Hopefully the GOP and Romney keep hammering on the economy and real issues and don't get side tracked by gay marriage, etc. issues.

Barry Dauphin said...

Wasn't that a campaign speech? Gee, where's McCain-Feingold when you need it. And to think old Rupert was being grilled about his coziness with politicians. NBC gets a pass.

gadfly said...

BO is, in the words of Lt. General Russel Honore, "Stuck On Stupid" and I am so glad.

bagoh20 said...

Who's idea was this anyway? If this was the best use Fallon's people could come up with for having the President on your show, then they are incompetent too. I guess the half-Black thing is just too hard to get over for some people. These shows have a bunch of writers right? It's like they just asked the guy outside selling t-shirts what they should do on the show.

JohnJ said...

“Embarrassing when juxtaposed with Romney's speech. Which seems more presidential?”

Seemingly so obvious, but I wonder. You should have seen & heard the thunderous reception he got at Univ Iowa today when he did his signature head-bobbing, jive-hipster stroll to the podium.

sane_voter said...

Having Fallon in front and the two black dudes behind is racist.

traditionalguy said...

We all see through the Obama hustle and his sweet smile he is selling while he dismantles the USA from within. But that hustle is his plan to win re-election.

Obama and Axelrod are going to sell the coolest dude, and even cooler, our first black President under fire from weird white rich guys who hate women and believe Mormon stories.

If the Media wing of the campaign does its job the word will be spread that the economy is about to take off and that prices are not going up.

They will run as news a created hoax by paid experts hired from their last gig selling the Global Warming Fiction as fact.

In the end his election will turn on Romney being a good communicator.

Fr Martin Fox said...

By the way, Romney and the GOP are just as dishonest and craven on this interest-rate issue. They want to do the exact same thing.

Meade said...

"Look at his eyes. He looks like he knows it's a disaster."

He does. He knows it was a mistake. He is actually pimping HIMSELF. He pimps and disrespects the very idea of the President Of The United States.

And he has NO idea how to extricate himself.

Unknown said...

By the way, Romney and the GOP are just as dishonest and craven on this interest-rate issue. They want to do the exact same thing.

--- Want to do or are trapped by the little financial booby-?

Its just like the payroll tax reduction extension. Those evil Republicans want you to pay more payroll taxes -- just before Christmas. >>>>>Six months later "The Social Security Trustees announced today that Social Security will go broke three years earlier than previously calculated"

Slap forehead - who didn't see that happening?

Anonymous said...

When you boil it down to the essential message,this is really what Obama is saying to us all.

"Voters!, Oooo voters......"

XRay said...

I haven't seen everything, but so far in my six-four years, this is the lowest that I've seen the Office of the President of the United States sink.

What a disgrace.

Just another punk on the street, with Harvard versus Harlem after his name, is that the message?

How cheap and tawdry.

I'm so pissed I can't write coherently.

Real American said...

Naturally. He's the Beta President.

JorgXMcKie said...

I understand that the Obama campaign has decided on a change in their campaign slogan. They're now going with "Hope and Change. And this time I really mean it."

Bruce Hayden said...

Wasn't that a campaign speech? Gee, where's McCain-Feingold when you need it. And to think old Rupert was being grilled about his coziness with politicians. NBC gets a pass.

I don't think that this is a McCain-Feingold issue, but rather, of the equal time rule: Obama's Fallon Appearance Violated Campaign Law.

The equal time rule reads, in relevant part:

Section 315 [47 U.S.C. §315] Facilities for candidates for public office.

(a) If any licensee shall permit any person who is a legally qualified candidate for any public office to use a broadcasting station, he shall afford equal opportunities to all other such candidates for that office in the use of such broadcasting station: Provided, That such licensee shall have no power of censorship over the material broadcast under the provision of this section. No obligation is hereby imposed under this subsection upon any licensee to allow the use of its station by any such candidate. Appearance by a legally qualified candidate on any –

(1) bona fide newscast,

(2) bona fide news interview,

(3) bona fide news documentary (if the appearance of the candidate is incidental to the presentation of the subject or subjects covered by the news documentary), or

(4) on-the-spot coverage of bona fide news events (including but not limited to political conventions and activities incidental thereto),

shall not be deemed to be use of a broadcasting station within the meaning of this subsection. Nothing in the foregoing sentence shall be construed as relieving broadcasters, in connection with the presentation of newscasts, news interviews, news documentaries, and on-the-spot coverage of news events, from the obligation imposed upon them under this Act to operate in the public interest and to afford reasonable opportunity for the discussion of conflicting views of issues of public importance.

This law is, btw, why Gingrich and Santorum gave up their talking heads gigs on TV to run for President, and one reason why Gov. Huckleberry may not have run this time.

Of course, this is NBC, which has been in the tank for Obama for quite awhile, and still is, despite being majority owned now, apparently, by Comcast.

Wince said...

Are we supposed to believe the audience was surprised when Obama stepped out from behind the curtain?

David said...

bagoh20 said...
Who's idea was this anyway? If this was the best use Fallon's people could come up with for having the President on your show, then they are incompetent too. I guess the half-Black thing is just too hard to get over for some people. These shows have a bunch of writers right? It's like they just asked the guy outside selling t-shirts what they should do on the show.

This is a product of Obama's writers, not Fallon's. It's part of the college student blitz, and I don't think it's ineffective at all. Obama gets an uncontested message out in the form of simple lies and exaggerations to his target audience. Most of them don't give a damn whether he's "Presidential." He's wearing a suit--isn't that enough?

The major embarrassment here is to Fallon. He is being used as a complete puppet. Now does that matter to him? Probably not, but it's really just a campaign ad. Fallon is a suck up ass kisser? Hey, his audience doesn't care.

Election law violation? Perhaps. I don't know the law well enough to say. But if Republicans make an issue of it, it will seem like sour grapes.

The people most hurt by the Obama presidency are today's youth. It's just so unfashionable to say so, plus it takes a little thinking to understand why.

David said...

Althouse: He does have a job. His job is to get reelected. This crap is part of the job description.

KCFleming said...

This is why people under 25 should not be allowed to take out loans or to vote.

Ralph L said...

he did his signature head-bobbing, jive-hipster stroll
Stolen from Bill Clinton.

Fen said...

Yah, I would rate his performance around a C+. But since he's a "well-groomed articulate black man" we'll bump that up to an A.

Story of your life, eh Barack?

Mumblix Grumph said...

It could have been worse. He could have come out wearing his Nobel Prize around his neck.

Guildofcannonballs said...

I have thoughts.

And then, I don't.

Fen said...

Barry says: "Marbury what?"

Guildofcannonballs said...

By God, I liked it so much, I'll damn well say it again:

I have thoughts.

And then, I don't.

yashu said...

The people most hurt by the Obama presidency are today's youth.

That's right. And this is what turns this farce into tragedy.

FRANK said...


FRANK said...

Smoke a joint then watch it. It's FABULOUS!!!!

Mary Beth said...

This sounds like an attempt to recreate the Clinton saxophone moment.

Funny that you should mention that, while I was watching I was wishing it were the Arsenio Hall Show. "Woof, woof, woof, woof...."

Rabel said...

From the AP, April 25, 2012,

"NATO reports 4 troop deaths in Afghanistan.

Associated Press – 16 hrs ago

KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) — NATO says that two service members have been killed in separate attacks in southern Afghanistan, while two others have died of non-battle injuries.

The coalition said in statements that one service member was killed by an improvised explosive device Wednesday and another by a similar weapon on Tuesday.

NATO said the two other service members died of non-battle injuries, one in the south on Wednesday and another in the east on Tuesday.

The U.S.-led coalition did not provide their nationalities nor disclose other details.

So far this month, 31 coalition members have died in Afghanistan, bringing the year's toll to 122."

Barack Obama was their Commander-in-Chief.

Fuck him.

Rabel said...

That's his job right there.

Fuck him and fuck his Goddamn comedy act.

jTAM57 said...

I just don't know what I'm supposed to say to this.....he's a party boy. He's that guy I married that was so much fun but when real life hit us he flaked, he just couldn't deal, he wanted me to deal with his flaky screwed up world. Well, it was my sanity or...my sanity won and I dumped him so fast it wasn't fast enough. Now it's just me and my 2 kids and another screwed up jerk is messin with my world and I've had enough of these kind of people, I know I'm not alone either. Fire his ass and let's move on already, sheesh!

Yos said...

Let me remind you, Ann and your readers: You Ann voted for this joke. Just a reminder ...

damikesc said...

Nice to see NBC, who is quite supportive of campaign finance law, violating it for the President by giving him a free five minute campaign infomercial.

Joe Schmoe said...

Meade, I disagree with you. There's no doubt in my mind that Obama thinks he crushed it. There is no humility to that man.

I didn't think the bit was funny, and not because I don't like Barack. The out-and-out campaign pitch didn't mesh at all with Fallon's comedic stylings.

And note how the true believers are still projecting their yearning for Obama the Great Uniter "Let's get together, make this happen, blah blah blah." Have they not been paying attention the last four years? When's the last time he united anyone on anything?

Rusty said...

AAaaaand Obama jumps the shark, again.

Nathan Alexander said...

So far this month, 31 coalition members have died in Afghanistan, bringing the year's toll to 122."

Barack Obama was their Commander-in-Chief.

This point cannot be over-emphasized.

Barack Obama does not demonstrate the least bit of caring about those who die overseas in our national interest. He will only mention the deployed and their range of sacrifices if it helps him politically.

He does not even try to pretend to be the President of the whole United States; he's made it painfully obvious that he is only the President of his favored group, and is deliberately antagonistic to the goals, aims, views, beliefs, etc, of his disfavored groups.

He is the worst President we've ever had, by far.

comatus said...

Did no one notice the similarity to the poetry slams in "So I Married An Axe Murderer"?

Jane, get me off this crazy thing.

Aridog said...

Jimmy Fallon is who? Oh, yeah ... the guy who loses to a baby in a credit card commercial about "wanting more [free] money."

Guess that's appropriate for the Obama meme. Meade's right, it couldn't go anywhere. IMO that's because it starts from nowhere. Next up, Jimmy Kimmel? Who dat?

Curious George said...

"Joseph Schmoe said...
Meade, I disagree with you. There's no doubt in my mind that Obama thinks he crushed it. There is no humility to that man."

I'm with you Joe...he's thinkin' "no other President could pull this off. I'm so fucking awesome!" I do wonder if the kids will buy into this crap though. Sure they want cheaper loans...this latest generation is nothing if not self absorbed and selfish. But those that are sitting home at the parents house because the have no job may have other ideas. They might not vote Romney, but they just might not vote.

Meade said...

Yos said...
"Let me remind you, Ann and your readers: You Ann voted for this joke. Just a reminder ..."

AAVFODS (Ann Althouse Voted For Obama Derangement Syndrome). Gee, thanks for just the reminder. Want to REALLY protest? Wear shorts.

Aridog said...

Want to REALLY protest? Wear shorts.

Now that is funny ... and true too. :-)

Ann Althouse said...

"This law is, btw, why Gingrich and Santorum gave up their talking heads gigs on TV to run for President, and one reason why Gov. Huckleberry may not have run this time."

Candidates go on the late-night talk shows as guests all the time. This is just that. If he'd sat by the desk and said the same thing it would have been nothing. Who gives a damn if he stands a few feet away from the desk and there's other comic bullshit going on?

Seriously, stop being so repressive.

Aridog said...

@Ann Althouse said... Who gives a damn ...

You certainly have that part right. :-)

WV: easualtu ramicure ... what Obama does to our ears, and the cure he advocates.

damikesc said...

Candidates go on the late-night talk shows as guests all the time. This is just that. If he'd sat by the desk and said the same thing it would have been nothing. Who gives a damn if he stands a few feet away from the desk and there's other comic bullshit going on?

Given that one of the few exceptions to the "equal time" provision in campaign finance law are in the case of an interview --- this runs afoul of laws Obama himself professes to support (while ignoring them constantly).

This wasn't an interview. It was a campaign infomercial that NBC gave to him, no different than if they ran his campaign documentary for free. On the same show where the band decided to insult Michelle Bachmann when she appeared.

...somehow, they didn't do that here. I guess The Roots are EDGY to some people, but not to others.

Note to Romney: DO. NOT. DO. A. DEBATE. ON. NBC.

We've seen what NBC and their news division is good for. Editing tapes to create a narrative. Pushing a story about a dog in a cage on top of a car and dropping it when a more embarrassing story about their dude came out. SNL STILL cannot find anything funny about Obama --- though, in their defense, they don't seem to find the ability to be funny about much of anything.

Ostracize them. Personalize it. Mock them. Just ask "Why should Brian Williams moderate when I can simply pick up a mailing of Democratic talking points and get the same questions that way?"

Hint: Do the same for ABC unless Tapper is the moderator. Do not ever let Stephy moderate.

Unknowable said...

For what this says about the president, Fallon's producers might as well have given Obama a fiddle and introduced him as President Nero...

Anonymous said...

This is embarrassing. And with the economy in nosedive, it would seem the President has a lot of work to do- he should be putting in 12- or 18 hour days. Instead, he's goofing off on late night TV, scouting out vacation spots, and cruising college town bars. It's an absolute disgrace.

Martin said...

I'm old enough to remember Nixon on Laugh-In in 1967 or 1968, saying "Sock it to ME?"

That seemd pretty weird at teh time, but since Clinton on Arsenio and any number of other adventurs, with this the latest and greatest, it's pretty clear that no depth is too low to sink if there might be a voter there. Kinda sad.

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