April 24, 2012

"Getting yogurt on the president, you've got a story to tell."

"I'm very embarrassed."


Wally Kalbacken said...

A reverse Lewinski.

rcocean said...

I don't get it. I've been eating yogurt for 30 years and never split it on anyone.

Accident? I think not.

madAsHell said...

If the Secret Service members can take their minds off the hookers, then they would call this "shaping the battlefield".

...but pussy always beats protecting the president!

edutcher said...

President Arugula ought to lighten up (no pun). Roosevelt would have patted her on the hand and said, "There, there, my dear, no harm done. Accidents will happen".

Alex said...

Off with her head.

The rule of Lemnity said...

The president wiped himself off with a towel and made a wry comment about the Secret Service..

Even Google is trying to get into the act ;)

rcocean said...

Talk about Trooper bait.

pm317 said...

Arrogant prick.. he thinks that is the highlight of her life ever..

Irene said...

Uh oh. Was it Greek yogurt?

Wince said...

It's hard to think about baseball when you're standing next to the President.

wyo sis said...

In truth, she does have a story to tell. If she wants to tell it.

leslyn said...

She'll dine out on this story. He was nice to her. Y'all are just crabby. But why should that be any different?

tim maguire said...

right on, pm317--this woman spills yogurt on the president and his reaction is, "how wonderful for you".

Same shout out to Lem--if they didn't hear the comment, how do they know how wry it was?

The amazing thing is, I know a lot of reporters and they really do wonder why they don't get the respect they're so sure they deserve. They think their lives are fascinating, and that they do important work well.

Zach said...

The pool report is wrong. The Sink has fantastic whole grain pizza. It's also famous for having walls covered in creative murals, and ceilings covered with the names of pretty much everybody who's ever lived in Boulder. (Robert Redford was a janitor there, and the subject of one of the murals)