April 30, 2012

"Bus, under."

"Top EPA Official Resigns Over 'Crucify' Comment."

Imagine your career wrecked over a slightly edgy analogy.

Meanwhile, Hilary Rosen — who said something much more inopportune — was back on "Meet the Press" yesterday.

ADDED: Based on the comments to this post, I'd say the problem wasn't so much that the analogy was edgy, but that it was too true. He said something that can't be said so openly. The setting wasn't really too open, which is why he said it, presumably, but the analogy was so vivid that it busted out into the internet-o-sphere.


Chip S. said...

A career that can be undone by one comment must not be studded with accomplishments.

Hagar said...

That was not "slightly edgy" if you have had any experience dealing with the EPA.

chickelit said...

Another victim of the blunderbus.

Brennan said...

Wow. I can't believe President Obama's team isn't thrilled with his portrayal as Pontius Pilate.

Matt Sablan said...

Rosen's comment didn't imply an entire government organization was stringing up random companies to keep the others in line. I'm going to disagree; what Rosen said was awkward, but salvageable. Armendariz, I think his name is? Not salvageable. He made his organization look bad and criminal, that's worse than Rosen picking on stay at home moms.

Sydney said...

I would rather have some reassurance that the crucifixion analogy is not the standard modus operandi of government regulatory bodies. Just firing this guy does not convince me.

YoungHegelian said...

Armendariz's crime was to give the Republicans a sound bite to use against the Dems in their "Obama's war on the economy" theme. He said it two years ago, so it's not a case of bad timing, it's just poor judgement.

You can't be a Fed employee & go around laying verbal time bombs for your bosses.

Brennan said...

Armedariz did say someone at the EPA gave him the analogy.

So Obama still has his Roman Legion to fire.

rehajm said...

Imagine your career wrecked over a slightly edgy analogy.

What makes you think this will wreck his career? In academia a resignation over inflammatory liberal comments is superior to checking the 'Native American' box...

Paul said...


I do think they needed to 'crucify' him. His statement was so vindictive he needed to go. Shades of IMPERIAL ROME and Caesars. Yes he needed to go, as in 'your are fired'.

Hilary Rosen? Aw, the news people are 'different from you and me'... hahahaha. Really they think they are!

Amartel said...

"Imagine your career wrecked over a slightly edgy analogy."

Happens all the time. Just ask anyone ever sued for harassment.
One minute you're on the edge and the next your under the bus.

Amartel said...

and the next you're correcting spelling errors. "you're."

Anonymous said...

You can't be a Fed employee & go around laying verbal time bombs for your bosses.

You mean things like praising Mao, or talking up communism, or comparing the current American federal government with the Roman Empire?

The reason these speakers get banished so quickly is because their words are too revealing of the underlying truth, not because they are ridiculous and outlandish.

Michael K said...

Ask the Yale quarterback accused of sexual harassment by an anonymous student. There went his Rhodes and a big Wall Street job.

Amartel said...

Hilary Rosen's higher up the food chain so she gets to keep her job. The "crucify" guy is just a foot soldier. He doesn't matter. Also, Hilary Rosen was following orders from even higher up the food chain so she's got the political equivalent of naked photos. Can't fire her. The "crucify" guy has, um, the satisfaction of knowing he spoke truth to video? Experience with crucifixion from both perspectives?

Original Mike said...

"Meanwhile, Hilary Rosen — who said something much more importune —"

I don't think so. What Rosen said is just one more contribution to the tedious, dishonest "Woman's War" that has been going on for years. The EPA has real power, the power to ruin people, which it flaunts.

Original Mike said...

"Bus, under" deserves to be a tag.

gadfly said...

I'll only give it a "4" because you can't dance to it.

paul a'barge said...

good riddance. Now we need to ride this mutt like a wet horse to ensure that he never has a job ever again; anywhere.

The Crack Emcee said...

Imagine your career wrecked over a slightly edgy analogy.

It's a government official - not a private citizen. This is what should happen when they screw up. And then, if what he said was true, not only should more heads roll but there should be some serious truth-telling, and straightening out of the situation, that follows. How many other careers, or businesses, have been wrecked by the EPA's desire to "crucify" them?

Fuck this guy and his (publicized) resignation - who has he/they hurt that we don't know about?

This is like the NewAge/religion thing (as usual, being a cultural phenomena) where people want to focus on what "good they've done" (or all the people who support, say, alternative medicine) and ignore the individuals who've faced the horrors of getting financially destroyed, raped, or killed, so that a priest, healer, or guru can continue. It's sick, reducing victims to an almost non-human status for someone's "beliefs."

Joe McCarthy had the right idea, and, I'm telling you - considering the way progressivism has set us back in time - he will be making a comeback in the very near future.

I guarantee it.

gadfly said...

Oh, sorry right answer, wrong thread.

BarrySanders20 said...

The Romans decimated their ranks to improve fighting morale, so this more measured and targeted reprisal is appropriate justice for the crucifixion utterer.

If you are inclined to see his point of view, he said it two years ago when "I won" was still fresh, so he really was not so far off the reservation. The seas were beginning to recede, the planet was beginning to heal, free health care for all, etc., so really, nailing up a few examples is not a big F-ing deal.

I like the Obama as Pilate analogy.

Obama: "Why do they titter so?"
Axelrod: "Jewish joke, sir."

Chip Ahoy said...

My bleak little heart both glees and feels disappointment at the same time so they cancel. Happy that particular individual is gone from that particular job, disappointed that it is not an actual crucifixion and he will be replaced with someone similar who does not use damaging analogies.

Bruce Hayden said...

I think that the poster who pointed out that Hilary Rosen was further up the food chain was right. Besides, she isn't directly on the federal gravy train, and doesn't directly control a large chunk of our oil industry through blackmail and the like. I am surprised though that she was resurrected so quickly - would have expected her to lay low for a couple of weeks, at least. After all, Mark Fuhrman had to disappear for a couple of years before reappearing as a cable news talking head, after having blown the OJ trial, been shown to have been a racial bigot, and arguably violated OJ's Constitutional rights.

Sorun said...

In government, you not only have to act ethically, but you also have to appear to be acting ethically.

Joseph of FP said...

I doubt this wrecked his career. His views and aims are shared by many in Washington and amongst the environmental left, so I imagine he will find a comfortable place to recover as soon as the bus passes over.

X said...

The correct response from Congress would be to shrink the EPA by 10% to instill better morale and morals in the agency.

Toad Trend said...

Hopefully it was a dirty, loud, diesel-belching bus fully loaded with passengers.

Karma can be so cleansing.

traditionalguy said...

The dude gave away the EPA's Roman Imperium style war planning against Americans which seeks to depopulate their rebel province in North America so that the world Governance Central Committee from Brussels ( near the Emperor's Summer Palace in Trier ) can re-take control over the energy strangulated area of poverty and the famines which make their designer plagues work quicker.

That is simply a replay of the Western Roman Empire's firstattempt at a take over of North America in the 1600s to 1760s era that culminated with the first actual World War fought over ownership of North America. We called that The French and Indian war here.

But that George Washington guy lead a rag tag Army of mostly Northern Ireland originated Scots Presbyterians and got away with blocking the power of the Pope ordained Kings over the former Roman Provinces of Britania , Gaul and Hispania who had fought that war among themselves calling it the Seven years War.

Now with Obama doing their inside work as a 5th columnist, they expect to reconquer their Rebel Province after a mere 230 year wait.

I'm Full of Soup said...

When she was asked about her 35 visits to the White House, how did Ms. Rosen respond?

Chip S. said...

Wouldn't the preferred metaphor in this case be that Al was hung out to dry?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Guess what..

That EPA official has never really worked a day in his life. He's never really dealt with the kind of economic issues that a majority of the businesses in this country are facing in terms of how do they employ people, how do they get trained people, and why do they worry about the future.

Toad Trend said...


I'm making my 'shocked' face.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

That Rosen comment is malleable like clay... Andrew Dice Clay..

No dice?

Anonymous said...

Ann, this is why your conservative commentariat gives you grief. You appear to be incapable of understanding that the issue with this analogy is not the severity of the punishment - which would make it merely "edgy" - but the randomness. Armendariz is telling you, if you have the wit to listen, that justice is not his goal. Fear is.

geokstr said...

His career ruined over a "slightly edgy analogy"? He's just making a sideways move, from midlevel bureaucrat to head of some Soros-funded attack group. In other words, he's just vanjonesing(tm).

How about going from a frontrunner in a primary campaign for POTUS to private life over one word - macaca - which the left discovered was sort of like the word for "monkey" in some obscure African language, and the "unbiased" "objective" "news" media ran with it?

hawkeyedjb said...

"He made his organization look bad and criminal"

No. Even worse, he made his organization look like what is really is.

Ann Althouse said...

I did an addition to the post based on these comments.

chickelit said...

Legal Insurrection is linking to the new campaign slogan for Obama: "Forward"

This should guarantee months of focus on Madison and Wisconsin.

Sigivald said...

Imagine your career wrecked over a slightly edgy analogy.

Well, I'm not a "public servant" who made a "slightly edgy analogy" about using my legal powers to "make examples" of people to suit a political agenda.

So, I find it kinda hard to have much sympathy.

(You'd think Progressive types would realize that sounding like that is never good for their project, which requires government to be looked up to.

Comments like that don't engender respect for the institution.)

KCFleming said...

Telling the truth is never advisable at work.

Truth-tellers are usually:
(a) whistleblowers
(b) arrogant and stupid

CWJ said...

A classic example of the famous Michael Kingsley quote that a gaffe is when a politician tells the truth. The EPA guy's comment was more true than Hilary Rose n's. Therefore his was the greater sin.

Bryan C said...

Wrecked? He'll have his own entry in the book of martyrs and a regular gig on MSNBC before he finishes emptying his office. His fellow Romans love a hero who's not afraid to slaughter barbarians in the service of his gods.

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...

"Importune," Ann? I know from importuning, as it's what's my cats do for two hours before feeding time. I think you mean "inopportune."

Richard Fagin said...

What is to be solved by having Mr. Armendariz lose his job unless it's one more attempt to fool the rubes? His replacement will likely harbor the same sentiments that led to the crucifixion comment. President Obama's EPA is uniquely hostile to certain industries (fossil energy and petrochemicals to name two), and any appointed position is likely to be filled by an equally industry-hostile person. I am reminded of a comment made to a proponent of the Ford administration-created ERDA (thinking that because it was created and initially run by Republicans it would prove benign): One day you will be gone, but "That Horrible Thing" will still be here. One wishes the same advice had been given to President Nixon in 1970.

KCFleming said...

The victims of EPA enforcement have been decrying the 'crucifixions' for years.

At least the Romans had the balls to avoid euphemisms.

edutcher said...

In the old days, people like Armandariz weren't thrown under the bus.

Tar, feathers, and a rail made a stronger point.

As for Ms Rosen, does she realize even people on unemployment have 10% withheld?

BarrySanders20 said...

The Romans decimated their ranks to improve fighting morale

The origin of the phrase, "The floggings will continue until morale improves".

bagoh20 said...

Live by politics - die by politics.

It's deserved.

It would get the same result in private industry if an executive said a similar thing about customers or employees, and if about the wrong employees, he could end up in court.

caplight45 said...

"Hilary Rosen — who said something much more importune"

Importune? I don't think that is the correct use of the word. Can we get a ruling?

dreams said...

Isn't the slightly edgy analogy in actually what is commonly referred to as a gaffe? When someone in authority inadvertently speaks the truth.

caplight45 said...

Sigvald said: "(You'd think Progressive types would realize that sounding like that is never good for their project, which requires government to be looked up to.
Comments like that don't engender respect for the institution.)"

What good is power if you can't occasionally flaunt it?

Pastafarian said...

The shame of this is that he'll be replaced by someone who will follow the same policy, but have the under-handedness to keep it a secret.

bagoh20 said...


I would like to importune that you use the more accurate term "cirque du internet".

Wince said...

Christ, you know it ain't easy,

you know how hard it can be.

The way things are going...

they're going to run a bus over me.

David said...

He told the truth. That can get you in a lot of trouble in politics.

Michael said...

"Imagine your career wrecked over a slightly edgy analogy."

Imagine the future career prospects of a police commissioner who used the slightly edgy analogy of crucifying a few black youths to control pickpocketing.

edutcher said...

caplight45 said...

Hilary Rosen — who said something much more importune

Importune? I don't think that is the correct use of the word. Can we get a ruling?

To beset with insistent or repeated requests.

Palladian said...

Importune? I don't think that is the correct use of the word. Can we get a ruling?

In this case, perhaps "imposthume" would be more appropriate.

Anonymous said...

Back to the faculty lounge at Old State U. for Mr. Armendariz, where he will be hailed as a martyr to the cause!

Firehand said...

The line about "A verbal gaffe is when a liberal tells the truth in public" comes to mind. And I'd have to agree that 'slightly edgy' doesn't cover this, especially with a lot of the crap the EPA has been caught doing. And trying to do

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...


Importune? I don't think that is the correct use of the word. Can we get a ruling?

I do believe I beat you there by a half hour or so:-)

Prof. A must've meant "inopportune." At least, that's an adjective, whereas "importune" is a verb.

Peter V. Bella said...

This is a weird administration. If fires people for saying dumb things years ago. It keeps dumb, maladroit, and inept people on the payroll. Eric Holder, Kenneth Melson, Steven Chu, e.g.

Penny said...

If it recently became known that Althouse had visited Obama's White House over 35 times, I suspect, even our "conservative" blog hostess would have been invited to NBC's "Meet the Press".

Danno said...

Crucify him!

Penny said...

Perhaps if NBC knew that "conservative" Althouse had 35+ Obama tags, they'd invite her over next Sunday?

Not enough?

How about 81 unique Obama tags?

Ha ha


Yeah, I know. I'm ashamed that I counted them, but hell, somebody had to do it.

Pretty soon she'll be in "Althouse as Girlfriend" territory.

Revenant said...

Classic example of a Kinsley gaffe.

Anonymous said...

Only reason I keep coming back to this odd blog is The Crack. Dead on as usual.

Ann Althouse said...

Sorry about importune for Inopportune. Don't know how that happened.


caplight45 said...

Sorry about importune for Inopportune. Don't know how that happened.


Good. Now I can go to bed knowing all is right with the world.

Jerome said...

"Imagine your career wrecked over a slightly edgy analogy."

Imagine your company destroyed by a clueless pinhead boywonder bureaucrat.

If I had a hammer...

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