April 4, 2012

At the Checkered Daffodil Café...


... let the games begin.


Curious George said...

King Me!

David said...

I hope Chip can put a tiny little white man on the flower somehow.

Almost Ali said...

Is it just me, or is Erin Burnett just fill-in-the-blank?

Jaq said...

How is spring so much more advanced there than here?

Meade said...

David said...
I hope Chip can put a tiny little white man on the flower somehow.

Yeah - a tiny little white man with a hermit crab, a dwarf hamster, and an exploding bajingo.

edutcher said...

I see Meade finally slung Ann over his shoulder and got her to take a walk in Nature.

rehajm said...

"tim in vermont said...
How is spring so much more advanced there than here?"

..from here your name reads 'tim in antarctica'. I will be headed your way for Easter- and I'm not looking forward to it.

Anonymous said...

They are called Snake's Head Fritillary.

purplepenquin said...

Almost 450 comments (and counting?) on the post where our hostess gives advice to Obama.

What is the most comments for a post on this blog?

Anonymous said...

(first choice) I will vote for Romney-Ryan,


(default choice) I vote for Obama-Biden.

edutcher said...

purplepenquin said...

Almost 450 comments (and counting?) on the post where our hostess gives advice to Obama.

What is the most comments for a post on this blog?

Last one was about 1/2 hour ago, so it's probably history.

If memory serves, the most I ever saw is about 550.

I think I heard something about 600, but I think that's wrong.

Perhaps the proprietress and her innamorato can look it up.

Anonymous said...

Erin Burnett has a consistent theme: If it is anti-White, she embraces it. There really are a group of anti-White haters in the media. It's very annoying.

Patrick said...

Purple, back in the day, there was a post discussing, more or less, the breasts of some feminist blogger. It was something of a to do, and some of those posts probably got near 1000 comments. "Let's take a closer look at those breasts" in the googler might get you started.

Freeman Hunt said...

If there is a post somewhere about Althouse voting for Obama, Palin, abortion, New Age mysticism, and fat people, I'm sure that's the one with the most comments.

Patrick said...

A quick trip through time shows me my memory does not serve me well. 550 comments on that, I think there were a few related posts.

bagoh20 said...

I think the expression with checkered tulips is : "Gardeners, start your engines."

Pete said...

You had me at "Let's take a closer look at those breasts."

Patrick said...

The Professor took a lot of grief for that post, undeserved. Most who ripped on it either didn't read it, or didn't understand the point. Maybe I shouldn't be bringing it up again, she has enough traffic as it is.

bagoh20 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
bagoh20 said...

Dump Biden. Incompetence is already over-represented on that ticket.

Obama/Paul would be a cool ticket. Then the pollsters could do some interesting work.

CWJ said...

Actually I thought the campaign advice comment thread was great. Not because of the usual tedious sophistic back and forth, but because so many new posters came out from behind the curtain to state their case. Good for them! Our hostess may have become a bit peeved at how the commentary developed, but she should take note that she posted something that got the juices flowing in a group beyond the usual suspects. That alone was worth the candle!

Tom Spaulding said...

Ann thought the comments were boring?

Here's some REAL boring for ya:

Obama 2011 vs. Obama 2012


Revenant said...

Obama/Paul would be a cool ticket.

Except that the only belief the two men have in common is the belief that Rick Santorum is a giant douche.

CWJ said...

Patrick, I think people understood the post just fine. Our hostess spiked her own post by personalizing it. The claim that she's only giving advice falls a bit flat when you insert lines like "I still see those qualities in you", and "sublimely (emphasized) likeable.". People who don't see those qualities in Obama are not, nor should they, going to ignore that.

purplepenquin said...

"Let's take a closer look at those breasts" in the googler might get you started.

Yeah, that blew up my google.

(Just kidding - I actually got far less results than I thought anything with "breasts" would get...and the thread you mentioned is at the top of the list)

Saint Croix said...

One of the cases the Supreme Court relied on to declare a baby in the womb a legal “non-person” was a California case, Keeler v. Superior Court. Here are the facts of that case.

Petitioner and Teresa Keeler obtained an interlocutory decree of divorce on September 27, 1968. They had been married for 16 years. Unknown to petitioner, Mrs. Keeler was then pregnant by one Ernest Vogt, whom she had met earlier than summer. She subsequently began living with Vogt in Stockton, but concealed that fact from petitioner. Petitioner was given custody of their two daughters, aged 12 and 13 years, and under the decree Mrs. Keeler had the right to take the girls on alternate weekends.

On February 23, 1969, Mrs. Keeler was driving on a narrow mountain road in Amador County after delivering the girls to their home. She met petitioner driving in the opposite direction; he blocked the road with his car, and she pulled over to the side. He walked to her vehicle and began speaking to her. He seemed calm, and she rolled down her window to hear him. He said, “I hear you’re pregnant. If you are you had better stay away from the girls and from here.” She did not reply, and he opened the car door; as she later testified, “He assisted me out of the car…It wasn’t roughly at this time.” Petitioner then looked at her abdomen and became “extremely upset.” He said, “You sure are. I’m going to stomp it out of you.” He pushed her against the car, shoved his knee into her abdomen, and struck her in the face with several blows. She fainted, and when she regained consciousness petitioner had departed.

Mrs. Keeler…had suffered substantial facial injuries, as well as extensive bruising of the abdominal wall. A Caesarian section was performed and the fetus was examined in utero. Its head was found to be severely fractured, and it was delivered stillborn. The pathologist gave as his opinion that the cause of death was skull fracture with consequent cerebral hemorrhaging.

The baby was in the 35th week and weighed five pounds. The District Attorney attempted to charge Keeler under the murder statutes. The Supreme Court of California found that the baby was not a person entitled to the equal protection of the laws, and thus it was legal to kill him as a matter of California law.

The people of California were so appalled by what their courts had done they expanded their murder statutes to include the killing of a human being or a fetus. That is a direct repudiation by the people of California to Keeler v. Superior Court. And yet Justice Blackmun ignores this repudiation of the judiciary. He coldly and callously cites this murder of a baby as justification for defining a baby in the womb as sub-human.

rhhardin said...

Spring lawn sign.

Patrick said...

CWJ, actually, my comment referred (unclearly) to the breast post from way back. I agree with you about the post today. Sometimes the comments veer off in ways Prof. Althouse does not anticipate. That seems to annoy her sometimes. Usually, I like the unexpected, unless it's directed by the difficult to define "bad faith.'

CWJ said...

Patrick, thanks. Now I understand.

Saint Croix said...

I don't know why a man would go to Yale.

It seems like a vicious and inhospitable place.

rcommal said...

Why I would respect this guy even if I didn't know him. Especially paragraphs 3 and 4, + # bullet 1. Favorite sentence = last one.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

The professor voting for Obama again would severely rankle a boatload of people here.

rcommal said...

That said, para #5 is the soul of what I think are the most neglected things, and I love that one perhaps most, but in any case "too."

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

The baseball season started today.. and a poll on ESPN got my Sox least likely to make the playoffs behind the Yankees and the Marlins..

There is a silver lining believe it or not.

The Sox were favorite to win everything last year (ESPN commentators) and they had a historical collapse in the last month of the season..

Don't pick'em to win and maybe they do just that.

rcommal said...

The professor voting for Obama again would severely rankle a boatload of people here.

A continuation of a meme, and no more. Would? It's to laugh. It's a rolling, continuing rankle of years' provenance. "Teh rankle" is a point of bonding and connection for a critical mass of commenters here and has been for years. Sure, there'd be even *more* rankle. But "severe"? LOL. I think not. That wad's been shot so many times that, by definition, it's ever weakening in terms of impact. Keeping powder dry was never considered a truly important thing.

rcommal said...

Liking to be rankled is a feature here, not a bug. The freedom "to rankle" is a corollary of that, which goes a long way (but not at all the entire way), I think, toward explaining why liking to be rankled is a feature, not a bug, here. Sow, reap. Reap, sow. It's cycle-of-life thing.

MadisonMan said...

What is the most comments for a post on this blog?

Let's take a closer look at those breasts. That remains my favorite thread of all time. Oh, the misunderstandings, and the outrage.

But I do recall a thread of more than 600. Within the past two years maybe? Subject? Not sure. Probably Palinesque however.

rcommal said...

Oh, those damn breasts again.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

The professor voting for Obama is like a ten million dollar chandelier.. with incandescent light bulbs.

bagoh20 said...

Saint Croix said: "don't know why a man would go to Yale."

That story alone would make me avoid Yale even with a full scholarship. How can such a place, lauded for it's brainpower, act so stupid and unlawful of all things. It's freaking Yale.

This is an example of why I remain a proud anti-intellectual. It just means I don't like jerks with credentials. There seems to be a higher percentage of jerkage among the well educated. Maybe it's a grad school required credit. That atrocity could never happen at an institution run by high school grads or drop outs - they would know better.

rcommal said...

oh and by the way i DO miss a whole lot of voices who went missing along the way starting from way way waaaaaay back

what a shame that so unnecessary thing

but that is just imo so f*** it

i get it

rcommal said...


This is an example of why I remain a proud anti-intellectual. It just means I don't like jerks with credentials. There seems to be a higher percentage of jerkage among the well educated. Maybe it's a grad school required credit. That atrocity could never happen at an institution run by high school grads or drop outs - they would know better.

Lucky you, in your life! Apparently--perhaps manifestly?--you've only gotten coming OR going, not BOTH coming AND going.

This explains a lot.


Proud, pride. Signifying what?

rcommal said...

You, bagoh20, always assume as a default that "those other people" haven't done hands-on work in their lives. This is the essence of my problem with you. In contrast, I *never* as a default assume that "working people" aren't smart, sharp, creative and even--dare I say it?--intellectual so forth, etc. I know better. Why the hell don't you?

shiloh said...


St. Paddy's Day ~ Erin Go Bragh!

621 ~ Prosser/Kloppenburg

613 ~ Obama's birth certificate

Indeed, only earth shattering events can garner 600+ posts at Althouse. :-P

rcommal said...

"Proudly intellectual"
"Proudly anti-intellectual'"

Hail, the twin sons of different mothers! Not.


Not much use to me, either of you arrogant suns o' beotches.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Said I remember, when we used to "say,
in the government you're entrenched now."

Said I remember, when we used to sit, in the government yard in Trenchtown.

Suffer that Alize with a chaser, as I say.

(wv #1 : tweadmi sinifer - something I've always refused to do

bagoh20 said...

rcommal said:

"I *never* as a default assume that "working people" aren't smart, sharp, creative and even--dare I say it?--intellectual so forth, etc. I know better. Why the hell don't you?"

I know there are intelligent people who live both worlds. I like to think I am one, and that's part of why I come here.

I've spent many years in college, and I've spent many years working at skilled and unskilled labor, so I know both parts. The difference is that the credentialed, like our President, rule over people that are more experienced and often more capable, all the while looking down on them as lesser people.

There are thousands of people in our country more capable than this President, but who would never even get a chance at it, because they would be judged as unfit by the only people who have a voice in our culture - the intelligentsia. A group of people with a limited - mostly homogenous - set of skills and experience.

You notice me, because I'm not one, and I remind people that there are a lot of others out here doing hard work every day who don't get to say much except on election day after their choices have been lined up for them by the chattering class.

In my position, I have power over people too, but I have personally worked every job they have myself. In fact, I make a point of learning jobs I don't have to do myself so I know what people under me live with and what I'm asking of them. I do the janitor's job at my company, cleaning toilets with him. I weld, I assemble, I grind, I design , I manage, I sign checks. I don't see any of it as above the rest.

It used to be the norm. Even well educated people had experience with manual work and possessed skills other than verbal.

I do attack the intellectuals, just to remind people they aren't all that and a bag of chips, and of course they don't like it, but I'm the only one here doing it. Is there no room for even one such voice.

I know it sounds condescending when I do it. That's the point. Some people never hear what that sounds like as they tell us what to think, and what to do, and who to vote for.

Does it really kill you to listen? Would you prefer I describe the size of my loafs with the intellectuals.

Is there really no room at the cool kid's table for someone a little different, who doesn't write perfect, have a law degree or letters after his name? And is it really that hard to accept a little ribbing from him. I do respect you, or I would never do it. I assume you are able to handle it.

bagoh20 said...

To put a point on it: The leader of our nation of 330 million people never had a real job or did any manual work in his entire life, and he's telling us how to work, live, and treat each other. He doesn't even know his own shit. Even a rube like me knows what Marbury meant. It just pisses me off to no end that I have to listen to people tell me how smart he is. I could bitch at the lefty intellectuals, but I'd get banned. Please don't send me over there. They suck, and smell bad.

rcommal said...

As for the query about lengthy comments threads here, how about this one?



rcommal said...

There"s plenty of room, bagoh20, plenty (which is the point).

Fen said...

Patrick: back in the day, there was a post discussing, more or less, the breasts of some feminist blogger

Uh no. That's what Valenti and Marcotte would have you believe, but the post was about 2 things:

1) Althouse pointing out the hypocrisy of feminist dems all giddy at the opportunity to share the room with serial abuser Bill Clinton, who was impeached for obstructing justice in a sexual discrimination case.

2) Valenti protesting that she really didn't mean to dress up and pose as a monica-wanna-be (after one poster noticed the similarity)

Fun times. I think they made Valenti a martyr or something, involving a medical condition. I forget the exact symptoms - but in layman's terms she's one of those girls that uses her rack to flirt with you and then gets pissy because you can't help but look at her breasts.

[Guys, you know the ones I'm talking about, right?]

Oh, in Valenti's defense, I'm pretty sure she pays for her own birth control. So there's that...

Joe Schmoe said...

Re: long threads, wasn't one of the Sandra Fluke/Rush Limbaugh threads in the 600+ range?

Carnifex said...


Story time.

You might have seen my postings about how I grew up. Parochial school as a no shit alter boy during the week, and dragged out into the woods by my father on the weekends. So it was kinda' a mixed bag with chocolate sauce thrown on top, with a cherry. But between the nuns teaching me how to think, and the good ol' boys teaching me how to act I got my fair share of local "color".

There was an old time comedian name of Jerry Clower down here(the South). You might have heard of him. He was from Yazoo City, Mississippi. He used to brag he was so country he could get a settin' hen to keep on the nest, just by clucking to her. He could make biscuits however you wished them creek slung, stump tossed, or just whack the tube on the counter. But up next to Loretta Lynn he was a city slicker.

I would compare favorably to Ol' Mr. Jerry. And I got a friend who would compare to Loretta Lynn. He sounds like Larry the Cable Guys hick cousin. He also has a Phd. in Metallurgy, and a Masters in Forestry.

Runs his own logging company right now. That lets him be free to indulge in his hobby, gunsmithing.

The point is that not all educated people are educated fools. I will be the second(you being the first) to jump on the educated fool person of the day. Our president being one of the prime examples. But not all educated people are educated dummies, nor are they (having a brain fart now, and can't think of the word I'm looking for) unfamiliar with working with their hands.

By the way, kudos to you for your span of expanding your employment vitae. I agree that the honor of doing a job is in the person, not the job itself(learned that from Kung Fu I did. Also Robert Heinlein.

Kepp up the "good" work. Ciao.

edutcher said...

Only bathtub swabbie would dig through past posts to see if there were over 500, 600.

Spring cleaning in Mom's basement must be over.

Toad Trend said...


I applaud your sentiments, and have thought and written the very same things before, myself.

I am college degreed but also took a parallel path through manufacturing the past 25 years.

Fact is, the intelligentsia you refer to would be in HUD barracks if it weren't for the 'little people' that live their work lives in the skilled trades.

Unable to find the windshield washer fluid reservoir or re-set a breaker, they would be lost without us.

Toilets everywhere would be plugged with processed brie and arugula.

All the left-handed screwdrivers in the world couldn't save them.

Make no mistake.

Toad Trend said...

"He could make biscuits however you wished them creek slung, stump tossed, or just whack the tube on the counter."

Now that there is funny.

Carnifex, those few you speak of are an exception!

I worked my summers for years with academes and made countless drinking money on the side doing things for them that you or I would do just by accident.

The running joke where I worked among us 'functionals' was that if it didn't come with an assistant, it didn't get done.

Carnifex said...

Now that that's outta the way, I've been waiting 3 days for an open blog so I can say, "I TOLD YOU SO!

I am of course referring to the University of Kentucky winning their 8th National Championship in Basketball.

The final game was between 2 of the bluest blue bloods in the sport. Uk who is #1 in total wins ever, and KU who is #2 with total wins. It was also a rematch of a earlier game where the 2 teams in Madison Square Gardens.

In the first game KU lead for the first half with UK surging to start the second half to take a comfortable 20 point lead before cruising to victory. This second game played out almost exactly the same only Kansas never lead except for the first few minutes. In the championship game, UK saw a 13 point halftime lead swell to 18 before cruising to the victory.

UK used a punishing rebound edge in the first half to sprint out to a lead. KU, usually the team wanting to run had no answer for the bigger faster Wildcats. In the second half, the Jayhawks sold out of trying to get offensive rebounds for getting back in defense instead, send 2 to 3 guys back as soon as they put up a shot. This had the dual effect of slowing the UK fastbreak points down, and turning the game into a grinder, a style that neither team excels at, but both teams can do.

You may remember my earlier posts that you couldn't beat these Wildcats if they played their A game, and could only hope to stay in it if you you DID play your A game and UK didn't. In point of fact UK did not play their A game. Their freshman center and POY Anthony Davis only made 1 basket in the entire game. Not unusual for freshmen to have such jitters on such a big stage. He was MVP for the game because he had 16 rebounds, 5 assists, 3 steals, and 6 blocks. And when he wasn't actually blocking shots, he was in the heads of the entire KU team who missed or turned down uncounted shots because he was in their area. As far as I can see the only downside to Ant Davis is he has to restrain himself from blocking his teammates, and his own shot as well.

KU was able to make a game of it because of Davis' poor shooting night and had the lead down to 5 several times with the ball, but as I said earlier, they weren't playing their A game either, and committed 1 unforced turnover in 1 possession, and another took a wild shot over Davis' long arms. It as fitting that the last shot taken was a miss that was corralled by the even keeled Davis whose 1 outburst of emotion came after the previous game against rival Louisville when he strode to center court and proclaimed to the world,


Yes big man, it most certainly is as you say, your stage.

Sydney said...

When I was making rounds this morning I noticed this week's Newsweek on my patient's bedside table. The cover story is Andrew Sullivan writing about "Leave the Church, Follow Jesus" or some such. (I may have the phrases reversed.) Does that mean Andrew Sullivan has become an evangelical?

Joe Schmoe said...

Carnifex, congratulations. UK was the best team this year by quite a wide margin.

Enjoy this championship now, because in a couple of years the NCAA will probably vacate it for some sort of rules violations. Those seem to follow Calipari around.

KCFleming said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
KCFleming said...

So the fate of American liberty falls to one man, Kennedy, who gets to point the ship of state towards slavery or freedom. Damn; how is that even possible??

And the fate of the next election falls to women, who largely prefer less freedom and more government control. Shit, shit, shit.


If Obamacare is found "Constitutional", Walker is dumped, and Obama is reelected, I suspect I will abandon the internet and focus on my small corner of the world, preparing for the deluge.

I was a fool to believe Americans would recognize the peril of collectivism. My words were but sound and fury; signifying nothing. Total waste of electrons.

First thing I'll do is dump my large collection of books on socialism and communism. I more than well-understand how to live under such systems, having read them. No reason to keep them around.

KCFleming said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
KCFleming said...

Hint to socialism newbies:
When walking outside, stare straight ahead, looking at the ground. Acknowledge no one.

PogoПОССУМ said...

Bah! Not listen to товарищ comrade Pogo.

He is идиот idiot! Future she is so bright, оттенки shades must to wear!

And is funny. Good joke:
Q: Will there be KGB in Soviet America?
A: As you know, in communism, the state will be abolished, together with its means of suppression. People will know how to arrest themselves.

Ha! Ha! Is to laugh!

I have here ideas for posters in New Soviet America!

Briskly, full speed ahead. Complete 5 year commitments in 4 years.

Comrades, let's keep our word given to dear leader Obama! Give beyond expected!

Young builders of Soviet America, go forth toward the new achievements in education and labour.

Does it not feel full of государство любовь state love?

Free advice: When Obama speak, never be first to stop clapping.

Paco Wové said...

"People will know how to arrest themselves."

Can-do individualism! Now that's America.

rhhardin said...

I learned how to press small lathed parts to the proper diameter using a micrometer, working with swiss screw machines one summer.

This is a skill that turns up all over in life.

Patrick said...

Carnifex, my 10 year old was thrilled because he picked Kentucky. Congrats to all Kentuckians and fans. I'll give the Jayhawks a little credit for showing up with around 4 minutes to go, although I'm not sure it was a good idea to wait so long.

I wonder if Bo Ryan will ever outperform expectations. Not looking like it.

Rusty said...

tim in vermont said...
How is spring so much more advanced there than here?

The hot air coming up from Illinois.

speaking of anti intellectual;
shiloh said...

St. Paddy's Day ~ Erin Go Bragh!

621 ~ Prosser/Kloppenburg

613 ~ Obama's birth certificate

Indeed, only earth shattering events can garner 600+ posts at Althouse. :-P

Dude. You don't say much, but when you do, you don't say much.

Rusty said...

rhhardin said...
I learned how to press small lathed parts to the proper diameter using a micrometer, working with swiss screw machines one summer.

This is a skill that turns up all over in life.

In the industry it's referred to as '"turned"' parts. A lathe is a machine that turns. in pre-industrial times workers of wood lathes were called turners. But I digress. Having spent the time and learning how to use the tools you have a better appreciation what it takes to get things made. As for education, a tool and die apprenticeship was four years a screw machine apprenticeship was seven years. After you were done and spent a few years on the job you could begin to teach the engineers.

Carnifex said...

@ Joe Schmoe

I thought so too when he was coaching elsewhere, but when he came here he was well vetted by the BBN(Big Blue Nation).

The UMass sanction was specifically for what Marcus Camby did, signing with an agent. The NCAA notes that Calipari had no knowledge of that infraction and was innocent of any wrong doing.

The Memphis situation was stranger by far. Derrick Rose was approved to play by the NCAA clearinghouse. And no coach in the country would not play the #1 player if he was approved. Again, let me restate this...the NCAA said it was perfectly legitimate to play Derrick Rose, they had no reason to withhold him from the court. It wasn't until after the season that the NCAA rescinded that okay. Again, that bares repeating, it was after the season that the NCAA retro-actively said Derrick Rose was innelligable. So, a kid that had taken a test under the auspices of the NCAA, and passed said test, plays a season under Cal, and THEN the NCAA says, "He cheated, and you should have known he cheated." Remember, the NCAA gives the test, not Memphis, not Calipari, the NCAA. So tell me again, who really was at fault?

Besides. I'm still waiting for the Duke punishment for Cory Magette. Oh that's right, Duke would never, ever have a player take inducements to play for them. Hell, I'd be happy if Laetner would admit he should have been ejected for the game in '02 for stomping on Aminu Timberlake, but that will never happen either.

I do worry though. Mark Emmert, head of the NCAA has a big butt hurt over losing both Terrence Jones, AND Enes Kantor to the Wildcats. See, Emmert was the Pres. of University of Washington when Jones had given them a verbal commitment. When Cal came to UK, he backed out and signed with UK. Kantor, a rising star in Turkey was also being recruited by 2 schools, UK and UW. When Kantor signed with UK, it sealed his fate because Emmert was then voted NCAA President. One of the first rulings to come out of the Emmert regime was that MSU player Dee Bost who had declared for the NBA draft, and had signed with an agent, wanted to renege and come back to school. But the time to withdraw from the draft had already passed. In a move that was widely touted as player friendly, the Emmert led NCAA allowed Bost to reclaim his eligability.

In Turkey the situation is different, and good ball players, in their teenage years, play professionally. At age 16 Kantor played for a pro team in Turkey, his parents put the money in an account that was only used for school supplies. They kept impeccable financial records(his parents are doctors by the way). Because he had played as a pro, he would have to be cleared by the NCAA, which had already proven itself to be flexible to the players benefit. Instead, the NCAA ruled that even though at 16 Kantor was not legally able to sign a pro-contract (he was a minor), never the less he was a pro-player. It didn't matter that the money went to pay for school supplies, it didn't matter that he was not able to sign a contract, all that mattered was that he had been paid. Exactly like Dee Bost had been, only Bost WAS old enough to sign a contract.

When pressed, and he had to be pressed repeatedly, Emmert said, it was obvious that Kantor was a pro player, and that no one should have ever recruited him. This of course ignores the fact that his own basketball coach was doing that very thing!

Mark Emmert is a small man in charge of a big organization, with a lot of butt hurt over Calipari and UK.

shiloh said...

edutcher, Althouse's #1 ♥ ♥ ♥ sycophant ♥ ♥ ♥ fool, no like Bush, I know how to use the google!

And Rusty, thanx for the shout-out! :D

"I think I heard something about 600, but I think that's wrong."

Althouse's lover boy, edutcher, was wrong, but I repeat myself!

take care my #1 groupie/pet! :)

edutcher said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
edutcher said...

edutcher, Althouse's #1 ♥ ♥ ♥ sycophant ♥ ♥ ♥ fool

Ooooh, bathtub swabbie sounds jealous!

shiloh said...

Let the record show edutcher does not dispute the fact he's always wrong!

The truth shall set you free!

And one wonders what Althouse really thinks about her lost pup, edutcher lol.

edutcher said...

More right more often than bathtub swabbie (I end up bitch slapping him about once a day), and I don't spend half the night checking comment counts.

He must have a lot of free time on his hands IYKWIM.

shiloh said...

Indeed, edutcher follows me around 24/7.

Funny and pathetic at the same time!

rcommal said...

I have to confess that I did not spend half the night checking comments counts in order to find the link I pasted at 2:39 to the live-blog of the 2008 VP debate , but did not hyperlink (sorry, posted from a device other than my computer and was being lazy). A little bird e-mailed it to me. But I do think that's probably the longest comments thread here, at 1046 comments.

Christopher in MA said...

Carnifex - I wonder if dilettante might not be the word you're looking for?

Joe Schmoe said...

Carnifex, that is a ton of info. Thanks for taking the time to write it out. Way more than I knew. And interesting stuff, too.

rcommal said...

Entirely different topic, I know, but how cool is this virtual dissection technology! Wow.

Deborah M. said...

St Croix @10:17: I read the article. What was the motive for leaking the info to the Times?

Rusty said...

And Rusty, thanx for the shout-out! :D

You're welcome!!!

I only hope, that when I grow up, I'm only half as stupid as you are!

Carnifex said...

I am considered a dilettante fan by some of the BBN. Someone who has never experienced it cannot conceive of the lengths UK fans follow their team. Fans will buy season tickets from other schools to see the Cats play. Of the 70,000 fans at the Championship game, I would wager that 70% were Cat fans. I don't know but I am confident enough to take that bet.

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