March 1, 2012

What the left blogosphere is saying about Andrew Breitbart, on the day of his death.

I'm not searching for nasty things in any kind of effort to make the left-o-sphere look bad. I've simply opened up the full set of bookmarks that I keep in my browser bar in a folder titled "left."

Balloon Juice sets up an open thread and reminds readers of the principle "If you don't have anything nice to say about the deceased" and "treat his death better than Andrew Breitbart treated Ted Kennedy's death, at least." The second comment is: "Fuck him. If there is a hell, I hope he isn't enjoying it."

Oh, hell. (Speaking of hell.) This project is going nowhere. Get up and get blogging, lefty bloggers.

ADDED: Here's the Twitter feed on Breitbart.


Patrick said...

People will say anything for shock value, especially if they can do it anonymously.

"All you're ever gonna be is mean.."

Matt Sablan said...

Daily Kos's position, tomorrow is OK to start trashing him.

The comments aren't as bad as I thought they'd be.

Bob said...

Matthews Iglesias on Twitter:

"Conventions around dead people are ridiculous. The world outlook is slightly improved with @AndrewBrietbart dead."

John Stodder said...

By this time, it's not a surprise that the left will use the death of an enemy to reveal their true nature. What was a gobsmacking surprise in 2000 -- liberals are indecent now? -- is sheer redundancy now.

Over the past year, when I was locked up, I got to hear Breitbart on the radio a lot, subbing for Dennis Miller or guesting on various other shows during Weinergate. He hardly fit any of the left's stereotypes of the right, and that's why he discombobulated them so much. They want the right to be like Santorum, wagging fingers at gays and unmarried women. They want easy targets like that. They don't want the right poking a stick at ACORN and how it fits in with labor and the Democratic party, and such like that.

I hope for the country's sake that he mentored some successors. Very sad for his wife and young children.

Dean said...

I believe this is a hoax in order to get reaction to his "death", and it'll be used inhis movie "Hating Brietbart".

Three days from now, he'll be back.

If you look at his twitter account, it even has a piece of toast with his picture in it.

We'll see.

Henry said...

Top few comments at NY Times were all in the "Sorry for his family, but ...."

I didn't bother to read further. Bile is boring.

Matt Sablan said...

"Top few comments at NY Times were all in the "Sorry for his family, but ....""

That reminds me of my mother teaching me if I ever had to say, "I don't mean to be rude, but," that I shouldn't say it.

And never ask someone if they are feeling well, because the implication is: "You look terrible."

It's just little cultural niceties like that that keep us from murdering each other.

John henry said...

Joe Hill's last words keep running through my mind:

"Don't mourn, Organize!"

John Henry

edutcher said...

Anytime, a prominent Conservative or Republican died or something unfortunate had happened to them or a loved one, Little Green Footballs would copy vast swaths of comments from Kos, just to show how compassionate and tolerant the Lefties really were.

Usually, the trolls would alert Moulitsas and they'd feel obliged to shut down comments.

Most people here, regardless of the deceased's affiliation, will offer up a prayer or an RIP.

jimspice said...

"In the hours immediately following Senator Ted Kennedy's death, Breitbart called Kennedy a 'villain', a 'duplicitous bastard', a 'prick' and 'a special pile of human excrement.'"

Perhaps all the negative comments are simply homage (with the french pronunciation).

Lyssa said...

What did Mr. Breitbart say about Sen. Kennedy, does anyone remember?

(My general take is that you should speak respectfully, but you shouldn't whitewash - i.e., it was completely appropriate to ensure that Mary Jo K and his full legacy was remembered while people were lionizing Kennedy, but it was not appropriate to call nasty names and celebrate.)

Lyssa said...

JimSplice said: "In the hours immediately following Senator Ted Kennedy's death, Breitbart called Kennedy a 'villain', a 'duplicitous bastard', a 'prick' and 'a special pile of human excrement.'"

No link, but I'll take your word for it. Yes, that was inappropriate and BJ's suggestion was right.

traditionalguy said...

Sometimes I was not sure Breitbart was a Conservative, so much as he was a truth lover.

Breibart had that extra-special talent of seeing the left's narratives weakest spots and jumping on them hard.

Much of his material was technical and almost boring, but the desperate reactions that he got from Progressives was like watching the old "Raids Here!" commercials.

He was a HoneyBadger of media criticism.

rcommal said...


Not being able to sleep but in bed, I started reading a twitter feed I keep (as a type of info/news feed, not for tweeting), and one of the threads I was seeing was about the latest involving O'Keefe launching a suit against Olbermann and Shuster (with the twist of a young woman making some new [at least to me] allegations). Breitbart was tweeting about this. It can't have been long before he died.

In fact, the last tweet of his I read involved his retweeting someone asking folks to follow the woman who was making the charges. In checking just now, it turns out that this was his 3rd to last tweet (I just checked, after reading the news here, at Althouse, that he died). His 2nd to last tweet (I had fallen asleep in the interim) turns out to have started: APOLOGIZE FOR WHAT?

As I said, "Eerie."

And I am a little creeped out.

PoNyman said...

The retweet thing. Is it the 'mic' of the internet? Using the Occupy communication method against the left as a whole I guess.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Here is Braitbart Feb 10 2012..

.. revealed to the audience he had “videos” of Barack Obama from his college days. “I have videos, this election we’re going to vet him,” Breitbart disclosed to raucous applause. “We are going to vet him from his college days to show you why racial division and class warfare are central to what hope and change was sold in 2008.”

Its really creepy watching it knowing now how he conveniently died.. There is something here.

Sheriff Arpio has a press conference.. I would not be surprised if he calls it off.

edutcher said...

Agree (sort of) with commal.

O'Keefe will take up the gage for Breitbart, so the Lefties should hold their crowing in abeyance.

Pastafarian said...

I'm having trouble coming up with a worse possible person to die, for the sake of the nation.

It would be a horrible thing for the country if, say, Mitt Romney died overnight, as he gives us the best chance of beating Obama; but we'd still have a shot with either Newt or Santorum.

Breitbart was completely unique and irreplaceable. Imagine how different things would be had he not been around for the last 3 or 4 years.

This was one man who made a difference. Those are few and far between.

CJinPA said...

According to FOX/AP, his last Tweet was:

"I called you a putz cause I thought you were being intentionally disingenuous. If not I apologize."

I think that's pretty damn good. Good for passionate discourse in general, off the web or on.

Christopher said...

I know it is cliched but:

The Left loves to talk and the Right loves to quote them.

Expect many non-apology apologies within the next few days.

Pastafarian said...

Lem, I generally hate conspiracy theories, but I wouldn't put anything past the leftists currently in power.

Professor Lindzen of MIT might want to invest in a guard dog, and a home surveillance system.

chuck b. said...

"No link, but I'll take your word for it."

The man is dead, but his Twitter feed lives forever.!/andrewbreitbart/status/3553169520

I don't have any good or bad feelings about Andrew Breitbart. Or Kennedy. May they all rest in peace.

Methadras said...

Leftards celebrate another death in euphoria. Shocking.

rcommal said...

Oops. Posted my "make that more than a little creeped out" in the wrong--other--thread. Belonged here. And I still am.

Rusty said...

It's just little cultural niceties like that that keep us from murdering each other.

Personally, I credit the death penalty. And armed citizens.


Joe Schmoe said...

I don't care what the left blogosphere has to say today. I really don't. I'm not biting at all. While many may express sadness at a young man gone too soon, all are no doubt relieved that he won't be around to slaughter their sacred cows anymore. I hope his enterprises redouble their efforts in his honor. They really are an amazing check on progressive media power. Hopefully he built a lasting legacy in a short period of time.

chickelit said...

CJinPA said...
According to FOX/AP, his last Tweet was:

"I called you a putz cause I thought you were being intentionally disingenuous. If not I apologize."

"being intentional disingenuous." Underscore that phrase. That's what hate too--wherever I find it. It utterly poisons discourse. I fight it too.

rcommal said...

This seems appropos, with regard to reactions.

le Douanier said...

Is anybody checking con commentary?

Are any of cons suggesting that this could have been a hit job?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

They kill Andrew Breitbart.. and we are just going to break the new civility and call them a bunch of names..


CJinPA said...

chickenlittle said...

It was a PERFECT last tweet.

Paraphrased as 'I thought you were being a lying ass. If you weren't, I apologize for my attitude.'

He really liked confrontation, but apprarently not for confrontation's sake - it was to make or defend a point. Strengthen a stance. I love debate too. Love it. But I want to be right, not just piss people off. He generally pulled off both.

Brian Brown said...


Inglorious Basterdz ‏ @TheLibertyLamp : Andrew Breitbart destroyed lives based on LIES, I will not be some phony liberal and pretend condolences. ROT IN HELL ANDREW U BASTARD!

Lovely people, those tolerant leftists.

garage mahal said...

Are any of cons suggesting that this could have been a hit job?

Lem and others are already on the case.

le Douanier said...

"Lem and others are already on the case."

They're not alone. Beck called for an autopsy.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

How does somebody die of "natural causes"?

Freeman Hunt said...

Gabriel ‏ @gabriel0923 : Andrew #Breitbart has died having been finally consumed by his revolting hatred! The world is better off without him!

That one is my favorite.

Almost Ali said...

I would have forensic pathologist Dr. Michael Baden, medical examiner Dr. Henry Lee, and forensic/toxicology expert Dr. Cyril Wecht perform the autopsy. Or did Breitbart leave notarized instructions just last week regarding immediate cremation.

RazorSharpSundries said...

Man, I don't know what to think. I truly admired and adored this guy. There is no-one like him right now. What a great spirit gone.

Hoosier Daddy said...

"... treat his death better than Andrew Breitbart treated Ted Kennedy's death, at least.".."

Why? Did Breitbart ever get shitfaced, plow his car into a river, leave his passenger to drown and then go sleep it off before calling Dad?

chickelit said...

pbAndjFellowRepublican said...
"Lem and others are already on the case."

They're not alone. Beck called for an autopsy.

Of course there should an autopsy you hideous poser. There should be an autopsy on anyone who dies so young & so suddenly.

To suggest otherwise is wrong. Please distinguish your disingenuous rhetoric from conspiracy theorizing.

Freeman Hunt said...

Extraordinarily controversial figure dies unexpectedly at a young age. Of course you're going to do an autopsy.

Matt Sablan said...

I thought autopsies were routine for any sudden, unexpected death -- regardless of age.

Hoosier Daddy said...

"... Are any of cons suggesting that this could have been a hit job?.."

It's probable. I recall a poll back when Dubya was President that 30% of self identified Democrats beloved 9/11 was an inside job.

I mean when when that many folks can buy into the belief the US Govt. murdered 3000 of its own citizens so we could be mired in two wars for a decade, I'm sure to likeminded folks, taking out a pesky journalist is not a stretch.

virgil xenophon said...

What Pastafarian said@ 10:14am

Matt Sablan said...

Also, when someone receives as many death threats and wishes as he did, I can't fault people for thinking maybe someone did it. But, the evidence, as it is, does not make it seem like it was anything more than a guy with a bad heart having it give out on him.

le Douanier said...

Is it too early to speculate about who ordered the hit on Breitbart?

Hoosier Daddy said...

"... They're not alone. Beck called for an autopsy."

I don't know. I'm 44 and if I suddenly keeled over I'm sure my wife might order one too.

Especially since I am a model of physical perfection.

Hoosier Daddy said...

"... Is it too early to speculate about who ordered the hit on Breitbart?.."

Probably. I think you guys waited a couple months before claiming Bush and Cheney wired the WTC with thermite.

CJinPA said...

"I recall a poll back when Dubya was President that 30% of self identified Democrats beloved 9/11 was an inside job."

That's a load of bull!

*It was 35%. A plurality.

le Douanier said...

W/o Buckley who will write "Breitbart and his Enemies?"

If only I could think of a lawyer from WI.

Pastafarian said...

I'm not saying it was a hit-job, pb&j; I'm just 'asking questions.' Isn't that how it goes?

I can't think of another person the left would rather see die. John Roberts, maybe.

Anywho, congratulations, pb&j, Cookie, garage, shiloh bloody shiloh. Enjoy your celebration.

Lyssa said...

Just FYI, contrary to what you might have picked up from cop dramas, there are other reasons to do an autopsy then because of suspected murder. It's always useful to know why a person died.

CJinPA said...

reveling pbAndjFellowRepublican said...
Is it too early to speculate about who ordered the hit on Breitbart?

...oh, it's never too early. During his funeral/pep rally, supporters of Senator Wellstone wondered who conveniently planned the snow storm that conveniently caused the plane crash that conveniently killed the liberal lion.

Jesse Jackson is still searching for the right-wing assassins who brought down the plane carrying Commerce Secretary Ron Brown.

And Spike Lee thought George Bush might have blown up the New Orleans levees during Katrina to kill black folk. It ruined Lee's reputation on the Left. After that, HBO would only give him $2million do produce a documentary on the event.

Icepick said...

A champion of free press, free speech, and strong direct discourse. I won't fault those on the left for finding this to be good news, as he was their gadfly.

I will find fault with those pusillanimous twits like Matthew Iglesias who love to be perceived as civil and mature but like to get some cred otherwise from time to time. Own up to it, you fat stupid pig. If you want to dance the Dance of Joy just do it, don't be a fucking hypocritical piece of amphibian shit. Iglesias is a putz.

Brian Brown said...

pbAndjFellowRepublican said...
They're not alone. Beck called for an autopsy.

You're against the Whitney Houston autopsy, right?

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Freeman Hunt said...

Breitbart is comparable to Kennedy in what way?

Anonymous said...

What did Mr. Breitbart say about Sen. Kennedy, does anyone remember?

How many women did Breitbart let drown after he drunkenly ran his car into water? Does anyone remember?

Anonymous said...


Kennedy used his family money and political connections to cover up a death he caused, then when that failed, he used that money and political connections to get special treatment, avoiding any punishment. For this single act alone he can be labeled a 'villain', a 'duplicitous bastard', a 'prick' and 'a special pile of human excrement.'

Andrew Breitbart is given those labels because he exposes the duplicitousness of the left, not for having killed anyone, lied about it, then used money and power to avoid punishment.

virgil xenophon said...

What Ken said@1:14pm--IN SPADES!!!

Nathan Alexander said...

Let's not forget Kennedy's witting lies in his borking of a qualified, highly intelligent Supreme Court Justice nominee.

Those lies would also earn him the epithets Breitbart directed at him.

Although, to be fair, I would not have made those statements public, and I wish Breitbart had not, either.

Epithets are never good, but especially not when mentioned in context of someone's death. Better to just repeat facts:
"Ted Kennedy left a woman to die and used his family influence to get away with no punishment, constantly betrayed his Catholic values, lied about Robert Bork, was implicated in rape and covering up rape, etc, but we wish death on no one and offer condolences to his family."

chickelit said...

As a rule I don't cut and paste links. That being said, I think your sole point must be to point to what you might call "grave dancing."

So disappointing that you felt compelled to add your penultimate line: "I guess payback is a bitch." The temptation to pile on was too much for you, huh?

Sal said...

Somehow, I don't think Breitbart really gives a rip what's said about him.

Anonymous said...

chickenlittle said...

As a rule I don't cut and paste links. That being said, I think your sole point must be to point to what you might call "grave dancing."

So disappointing that you felt compelled to add your penultimate line: "I guess payback is a bitch." The temptation to pile on was too much for you, huh?”


Ann posts an entry stating that she’s not searching for nasty things in any kind of effort to make the left-o-sphere look bad. Really?

My comment about payback being a bitch refers to the fact that since Breitbart didn’t have kind words for someone who passed then it’s to be expected that he will receive the same treatment from others. Nothing more.

Personally, I didn’t agree with his approach. However, my intention was not to pile on.

As I stated, I hope he rests in peace and that his family may find comfort during this difficult time.

rcommal said...

Josh Marshall's post at TPM is pretty classy.

Robert Cook said...

"...I generally hate conspiracy theories, but I wouldn't put anything past the leftists currently in power."


Matt Sablan said...

"...I generally hate conspiracy theories, but I wouldn't put anything past the leftists currently in power."


-- Redefining "left" to further left than what most people accept as left doesn't mean that no one on the left has power, it just means you are even further left than they are. Much like when conservatives call Romney and Bush centrist; they are not. They are, at most, center-right, but still right. Your extreme position does not change other people's leanings.

Pastafarian said...

Robert Cook, to be honest, I don't subscribe to the notion that Breitbart was somehow assassinated.

I think people are attracted to theories like that because grief is painful, and they'd rather feel hate and vengefulness. They're less unpleasant feelings than feelings of loss or empathy.

But I'm not discounting that theory because I think that the Obama administration is morally above the assassination of political enemies. I'm discounting it because I have no evidence, and such an assassination would entail considerable risk of being found out.

I doubt that Obama could actually give such an order; he's too feckless, weak, and vacillating. More likely it would have come from one of the many Chicago machine cogs that actually pull his strings. Those leftists, Cook. The ones you don't see, who launched Obama's campaign from their living room or funded it with their billions of dollars made in currency speculation and insider trading.

Robert Cook said...


They're not leftists.

test said...

Matthews Iglesias on Twitter:

"Conventions around dead people are ridiculous. The world outlook is slightly improved with @AndrewBrietbart dead."

I guess we know what to link to when he's knifed to death instead of mugged after McArdle's next cookout.

John Althouse Cohen said...

"And this is where it becomes difficult to honor the Roman injunction to speak no ill of the dead. It’s difficult for me to assess Breitbart’s impact upon American media and American politics as anything other than poisonous. When one of the leading media figures of the day achieves his success by his giddy disdain for truth and fairness—when one of our leading political figures offers to his admirers a politics inflamed by rage and devoid of ideas—how to withhold a profoundly negative judgment on his life and career?" — David Frum

Republican said...

I'd rather speak ill of the living, and will start with David Burge, the career-belonger who followed Internet mavens like Breitbart around for years before he finally found "success" as an online personality.

I have known of him since 1999, and I still wince when I see his name pop up because he has perfected being part of the mob.

That he's being quoted here, is a big ugh, because I read it as just more sucking up to the suckups.

"You're so great!"
"No, you're BETTER!"
"Nuhuh, YOU'RE the best!"
"I'll link to you!"
"Ohhhh, let me link YOU first!".


Breitbart was no more noble than anyone who fights in the trenches against the nasty left. In fact, he didn't fight in the trenches for years when others were getting beat to death.

Dropping dead on a sidewalk after a few glasses of wine isn't a bad way to go out.

Gary Rosen said...

"They're not leftists."

You heard it here first. The science is settled.

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