March 17, 2012
Rosie O’Donnell's TV show was just canceled.
Did you even know she had one? Yes, it was on the "little-watched" Oprah Winfrey network. It was little-watched on the little-watched network.
blogging every day since January 14, 2004
The show -- I didn't watch -- apparently had an interesting format: No audience. Just two people talking.
I blame Bush.
No worries, I heard she was in development with MSNBC for a show. The working title is "Republicans are Evil and Want to Eat Your Children".
The MSNBC brass doesn't like the title, it mentions republicans in a better light than they can stomach. Their first choice is "Obama, Our Lord, Savior, and Dearest Leader".
I foresee a combining of the titles to settle the dispute. Something along the lines of, "Obama, Our Lord, Savior, and Dearest Leader, Says That Republicans are Evil and Want to Eat Your Children"
This was the first week where I have not focused on policies. America's Politico, the best there is, RIP.
I have no interest now. It is over. I am thankful to Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich for doing me this favor.
Now, I time to do productive things, like planning to campaign for Obama-Biden against Santorum-Gingrich.
It was not supposed to be that way. I was supposed to contribute to Romney's general campaign.
What a blessing! Thanks Rick and Newt.
Good. She is one annoying "human being"
I had to stop a minute and remember who she is. I had her confused with Roseanne Barr.
Bitter, hypocritical, unattractive Lesbian with angry, uninformed views couldn't maintain an audience?
So when does MSNBC cancel Rachal Maddow?
Oh, my bad. That network doesn't exist to make money.
It was an inside job. Did you know that steel can melt? It's true.
Bitter, hypocritical, unattractive Lesbian with angry, uninformed views couldn't maintain an audience?
Bore. Bore. Bore.
That's OK...She can still do guest appearances on The Spew.
For the first time in history, fire melted steel.
But but neither of them is little..
I remember long ago there was a Simpsons Halloween episode where Homer and Bart mistakenly got on a space shuttle heading towards the sun. The world was ending on Y2K, and this shuttle's mission was to take all of the annoying celebrities to their doom. (Lisa and Marge made it on the shuttle taking the leading lights of society to start a new world.)
On Homer's shuttle: Tom Arnold, Pauly Shore, Spike Lee, and Rosey O'Donnell, who was leading all of the passengers in a blaring rendition of the Trolley Song. Very, very fitting.
little-watched on the little-watched.
People vote with their pocketbook.. its a substantially more substantial vote.
This is what democracy looks like.
Maybe it was hateful, but, was any or all of it true?
As a side note to cancelling things Occupy ST. Louis rapists, I mean concerned activist, had a bunch of their chiclets cancelled by the SLPD.
The are now occupying jail cells, and are adding to their demands "free bail".
Her "all anger, all of the time" format didn't really match Opera's happy happy good good schtick.
Carnifex, did you get that bit of info from crack reporter Jim Hoft?
The cancellation is fitting coda to your posts on happiness.
She seemed an unhappy and angry person, which does not make good television. Ellen Degeneres seems happy and garners millions of viewers, so it's not lesbianism.
Degeneres is not political, either, which is what harmed Oprah's brand.
Fat, angry and stupid is no way to go through life, girl.
And on film or TV, I gather you can only be 2 of those 3 at a time.
Isn't it interesting I always know who the NewAgers are - and have posts about them before they fall? O.K. - there's nothing interesting about Rosie O'Donnell - but what about me?
I'm interesting, damn it!
I'd seen a piece that the show was in trouble.
She wanted to do it her way, the Oprah people wanted to do it the right way.
And nothing's gone right for Oprah since she intro-, inflicted The One on us.
Perhaps she could return the favor.
"The show -- I didn't watch -- apparently had an interesting format: No audience. Just two people talking."
Do you find the Charlie Rose show interesting?
I don't find that "interesting." Presumably, it was done to make it very cheap to produce, like something on YouTube.
O'Donnell is a comedienne. I think she needs an audience to bounce off of.
I can't believe she could pull of the Charlie Rose kind of encounter well. Sounds really grim.
"Isn't it interesting I always know who the NewAgers are - and have posts about them before they fall? O.K. - there's nothing interesting about Rosie O'Donnell - but what about me? I'm interesting, damn it!"
Does it work to say "I'm interesting"? Reminds me of "Rose's Turn."
Carnifex said...
Maybe it was hateful, but, was any or all of it true?"
They're just facts.
Since when are facts hateful?
@ garage
I think your confusing OWS rapist. It's easy to do, there are so many of them. Unless they get caught, then they have absolutely nothing to do with OWS. Except for staying in their tents, eating their food, and holding up their signs. Otherwise, these rapist just show up out of the blue.
Also infiltrating OWS camps but having no affiliation what so ever...Thiefs, drug addicts, marxist, Nazis, communists, truthers, exobitionist, public urinators and defecators.
But everyone knows that these are all right wing agents, sent to discredit the good name of the 99%.
But to your question, I had to look it up, yes it was Hoft. Now I have a question for you. Are you implying that someone in the media might have a bias in reporting news?
Anyway knowing how leftist think, I looked, its being reported in the St. Louis papers too, so...Maybe it isn't Hoft that is to blame.
@ Tim
You are right. I should have said less than polite.
The cancellation is fitting coda to your posts on happiness. She seemed an unhappy and angry person, which does not make good television. Ellen Degeneres seems happy and garners millions of viewers, so it's not lesbianism.
I find it fascinating how, since the 70s and the advent of the cult of the smiley face, if someone "seems happy" they can get away with murder. They can screw over people willy-nilly, but plant a smile on their faces and everyone is conditioned to go "Awww" and the world is their oyster.
I mean, Obama-promoting anti-vaccine Ellen? The "neurotic and crazy" woman who sold "The Secret" even before Oprah got her hands on it? Who famously abandons pets ("tell the dog privately that she'd be going home with Ellen") and insists we must "save the planet"?
Yeah, she's one happy camper - deserving of a show on American airwaves, promoted to American airheads, everywhere. Now everybody smile.
The Maharishi would've wanted it,...
Ann Althouse,
Does it work to say "I'm interesting"? Reminds me of "Rose's Turn."
Is "Rose's Turn" a comedy? Because my claim was a joke,....I'm interesting, damn it!
True, Crack, and I have never watched more than a few minutes of Ellen by YouTube, so my guess is of her general persona, at least the managed one.
Although she believes a lot of stupid things, I gather she does not trumpet them on her show like Rosie did, and even Oprah came to do.
Dr. Oz is an example of what hurt Oprah. Even though he is doing well, he's a nut, and she increasingly felt free to expose her nuttiness to the audience, and that's what felled her.
Ellen may fall the same way. Arrogance by way of fame has that effect.
So when does MSNBC cancel Rachal Maddow?
I don't think that they cancel Madcow, at least any time soon. I checked the TV listings a week or two ago (when we were talking about Rush, etc.), and she had the best ratings on her network. Partly, that probably had something to do with the time slot, but she still may not be alienating as many people as you and I probably think that she should.
But to your question, I had to look it up, yes it was Hoft.
Then there is a 99% percent chance of it being wrong. Hard to figure who is dumber: Jim Hoft, or his readers?
Oh well!
Ellen Degeneres seems happy and garners millions of viewers, so it's not lesbianism.
And, not surprising, almost all of them are women. I think some of the Oprah crowd. I don't like the show personally, but can see how it and she are attractive to a large number on the distaff side.
She is a pretty good comedian, has good writers, and brings something to the morning bon-bon circuit that the others seem to struggle with. The other female-oriented late morning shows seem to have hostesses who tried to learn comedy after they were hostesses, where Ellen did stand up long before she had her own show.
Being a guy, I don't like her show, but I find almost all of the female directed morning and early afternoon shows to be offensive to me in some respects. And, sometimes wonder why the audience doesn't go and get a job, instead of wasting their lives watching this sort of stuff.
That said, Degeneres' show is actually less offensive to me than most of those shows. Worst for me? Probably The View.
And The View has fat, angry and stupid, but not all in the same person, so it doesn't suffer Rosie's fate.
You gotta spread it out.
Although she believes a lot of stupid things, I gather she does not trumpet them on her show like Rosie did, and even Oprah came to do.
She went pretty hard on The Secret, but otherwise, you're right, you've got to have my antennae to catch a lot of it. She'll talk of visiting a psychic or something in the course of telling a story - and she's not above having a John Edwards type on - but mostly she soft-peddles it as much as possible.
Dr. Oz is an example of what hurt Oprah. Even though he is doing well, he's a nut, and she increasingly felt free to expose her nuttiness to the audience, and that's what felled her.
Thank YOU! That fruitcake (married to an even bigger one) should've been over and done with years ago, but he carries on, with hardly anyone making a peep, giving out quack advice every time I catch a glance at his program. It makes me feel like I'm in some alternaverse whenever I see him, and my faith in humanity is lessened. I swear - if all the evil and misinformation Oprah has unleashed on the world was exposed honestly - she and her "guests" would be strung up on flag poles all over the nation until there was nothing else to work with.
Bruce Hayden,
I don't think that they cancel Madcow, at least any time soon. I checked the TV listings a week or two ago (when we were talking about Rush, etc.), and she had the best ratings on her network. Partly, that probably had something to do with the time slot, but she still may not be alienating as many people as you and I probably think that she should.
I was talking to a friend in S.F. not too long ago and he was amazed when I convinced him Rachel Madcow is a liar, because he thought she was the ultimate straight-shooter.
I was amazed he could think that,...
Imagine if you will that you are in prison and haven't seen a woman in years. The warden hates you. He offers you the chance to see one of the following shows: Oprah, Rosie, Ellen, or The View. You desperately want to look at a woman while you rub one out. Which show would you choose?
I actually agree with O'Donnell being fat and stupid. That's why I think her and Rush Limbaugh would be a match made in heaven.
I wonder what Limbaugh's wife thinks as Limbaugh is lowered onto to her for sex?
She's a lucky girl!
The View....because of Elizabeth Hasselbeck.
I've always thought it a mark of how little I understand my fellow Americans, especially the women, when I think on the marvel that is Oprah Winfrey.
I'd barely give her the time of day. My fellow Americans have given her over a billion dollars. Go figure.
Ann wrote:
O'Donnell is a comedienne. I think she needs an audience to bounce off of.
Ass fat isn't resilient enough to bounce. Ass fat goes splat! and just lies there jiggling a bit.
GM, that is just childish. You can do better. I think.
Joe Schmoe, that Simpsons episode was an homage, I believe, to a short story called "The Marching Morons" from back in the 50s, by C.M. Kornbluth.
It's well worth looking up and reading.
The show -- I didn't watch -- apparently had an interesting format: No audience. Just two people talking.
It can be: if the host isn't a boring chore. Rosie O'Donnell is a tedious bore and unable to actually have an interesting discussion because she lacks the intellect to pull it off successfully.
She is a pretty good comedian, has good writers, and brings something to the morning bon-bon circuit that the others seem to struggle with. The other female-oriented late morning shows seem to have hostesses who tried to learn comedy after they were hostesses, where Ellen did stand up long before she had her own show.
Rosie was a solid comedienne once, however, Ellen is the best one I ever saw (most female comediennes just aren't that good but Ellen, legitimately, was hilarious).
Ellen is also entertaining. Keep in mind, when she overdid the lesbian thing, her sitcom died quickly. She learned.
Ignorant Jew-hating bitch got her show cancelled? Boo hoo.
====I wonder what Limbaugh's wife thinks as Limbaugh is lowered onto to her for sex?
She's a lucky girl! ====
Garage is on drugs this morning.
I didn't even know she HAD a show. I thought she was still on that morning show with all the women.
Nice dodge of me relating that it's being reported in the St. Louis Papers too. You might want to rethink that remark about intelligence...genius.
In my post upstream I said "Anyway knowing how leftist think, I looked, its being reported in the St. Louis papers too, so...Maybe it isn't Hoft that is to blame."
And still you went with the ad hominem...Like i said, I know leftist.
Pogo and Crack,
Dr. Oz is an example of what hurt Oprah. Even though he is doing well, he's a nut, and she increasingly felt free to expose her nuttiness to the audience, and that's what felled her.
Thank YOU! That fruitcake (married to an even bigger one) should've been over and done with years ago, but he carries on, with hardly anyone making a peep, giving out quack advice every time I catch a glance at his program.
Thank goodness I am not alone! I hear several times a day from patients the latest nonsense that Dr Oz is peddling. Drives me crazy.
Very hard to dissuade them from his advice. After all, he's good looking, he's on television, and he went to Harvard!
If we're defining hate the way Garage does there is a lot of it on this thread.
Why is that? Is it politics?
Sexual orientation? Self-righteousness?
Maybe we need a different definition of hate.
Who? On what network???
What if everything about Rosie was exactly the same except she clocked in at 120 pounds?
Can't stand O'Donnell, but she was funny on Curb Your Enthusiasm (or maybe she was just part of a funny episode, "The Bisexual").
Oprah has really hurt her brand. Ending her show to start her own network, her very OWN network, named after her, has so far been an embarrassing flop.
Ted Turner has networks named after him (TNT TBS TCM), but those networks aren't *about* Turner. It's kinda creepy to own your own network named after you, the content of which is mostly a shrine to your person.
Oprah's long cultivated a cult of personality, but this seems like a step too far even for fans of her erstwhile show. More importantly, it just doesn't work in a business sense-- her network just cannot attract the kind of viewership it needs to survive.
Hence the embarrassing appeals she recently made on Twitter to Nielsen box viewers, which got her in trouble, see here.
Rosie did have 190,000 viewers, but that's only about 3% of the Major Fucking Idiot demographic.
"What if everything about Rosie was exactly the same except she clocked in at 120 pounds?"
Maybe she'd be less angry, who knows.
Is Ashley Judd appealing just because she's a stick?
Ms. Judd has a new show, btw. It's "Mother uses skillz learned as a CIA agent to find and rescue her 20 year old son who disappears in Rome."
Synova said...
"What if everything about Rosie was exactly the same except she clocked in at 120 pounds?"
Maybe she'd be less angry, who knows.
Is Ashley Judd appealing just because she's a stick?
Ms. Judd has a new show, btw. It's "Mother uses skillz learned as a CIA agent to find and rescue her 20 year old son who disappears in Rome.
So bacically the Movie ,"Taken" with a female lead.
Hollywood sucks.
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