March 2, 2012

George Clooney doesn't care if you think he's gay.

He says:
"I think it’s funny, but the last thing you’ll ever see me do is jump up and down saying 'These are lies!' That would be unfair and unkind to my good friends in the gay community.

"I’m not going to let anyone make it seem like being gay is a bad thing. My private life is private, and I’m very happy in it. Who does it hurt if someone thinks I’m gay? I’ll be long dead and there will still be people who say I was gay. I don’t give a s---."...

Making a comparison with Cary Grant, who some people still claim was gay, Clooney said he thought the late star "would have laughed at that and not cared what people thought."...

Rumours about Clooney's sexuality were fuelled when his friend Brad Pitt, also a campaigner in favour of same-sex marriage, joked that he would not marry his partner Angelina Jolie until Clooney could legally marry his partner.
Nice attitude. Good points.


chickelit said...

He's not?

Icepick said...

Who cares if Clooney is gay anyway? The vast majority of people that either want to fuck him and/or be fucked by him have no chance anyway!

Icepick said...

All I'm sayin' is that the dude isn't even going to slum lower than a nine. (By his standards, as tastes vary.)

chickelit said...

I don't care if he's gay--I can't stand his political agenda.

Kevin said...

I've seen Clooney's current girlfriend (former WWE Diva and aspiring actress Stacy Keibler). If that's gay, I'll have what he's having.

Andy said...

"I’m not going to let anyone make it seem like being gay is a bad thing."

Dear Christian anti-gay bigots: this is what losing looks like.

edutcher said...

He's a lousy actor. Which way he swings doesn't change that.

And he should live so long as to be compared to Cary Grant.

Andy R. said...

"I’m not going to let anyone make it seem like being gay is a bad thing."

Dear Christian anti-gay bigots: this is what losing looks like.

Yeah, a dud actor afraid to say whether he's straight or not because all his Lefty friends will go all PC on him just screams winning.

Revenant said...

I like George Clooney. His politics are way too left-wing for me, but he seems like a nice guy and he's a fine comic actor. He's also willing to be made fun of and to appear in roles that make him look ridiculous, which a lot of big-name actors don't have the guts to do.

He's the opposite of humorless louts like Sean Penn or Tim Robbins.

X said...

I like Pitt's excuse.

chickelit said...

But Andy R, you're militant gay anti-Christian bigot. You neutralize yourself. You don't even know that.

Palladian said...

Dear Christian anti-gay bigots: this is what losing looks like.

Dear Sensible, Grown-Up, Intelligent people: this is what a loser looks like.

Palladian said...

So, dear Andy R, are George Clooney's good-natured comments what losing looks like to Muslim anti-gay bigots? How about atheist anti-gay bigots? Or Buddhist anti-gay bigots? Or Jewish anti-gay bigots? Because, beyond your myopic American perspective, the majority of the world's inhabitants hate us faggots and wish us dead. Maybe you need to travel more...

Anyway, to the non-stupid among us, there's no such thing as "winning". There's only surviving.

Michael Haz said...

Why are liberals so obsessed with gay? I don't get it.

We're all taught that gays are just like everyone else, except they prefer same-sex partners. Okay, fine, we accept that. No biggie.

But then it's always so-and-so is or is not gay, like it's a bad thing.

Take Andrew Breitbart for example. Reading his retweeted Twitter messages for detractors, the mos common thing was for liberals to call him gay, usually in awful ways.


It's always the liberals who try to out (people they accuse of being) gays. And liberal men, at that; the same group that is all equal-opportunity-for-women-y, then turns misogynist at every opportunity.

Liberals are really screwed up about sexuality.

Bender said...

this is what losing looks like

So now you're calling Clooney a loser?

But at least now you have (properly) qualified your attack -- "Christian anti-gay bigots."

If any Christian is "anti-gay" and bigoted, he or she should be taken to task, even if as an act of fraternal correction.

To be Christian is to be a witness for love, not hate, including love for our brothers and sisters with same-sex attractions. Any Christian who, instead, has hate in his or her heart for anyone is not worthy of the name "Christian."

"Whoever loves his brother remains in the light, and there is nothing in him to cause a fall. Whoever hates his brother is in darkness; he walks in darkness and does not know where he is going because the darkness has blinded his eyes." 1 Jn 2:10-11.

Amartel said...

Clever statement. If you think about it he's kind of saying he's gay. Because if he's straight then how does denying gay rumors in any way hurt his good friends in the gay community?

Peter V. Bella said...

That's OK. I don't care about George Clooney.

Palladian said...

Michael Haz, the left uses us queers like they use all "minorities": as bludgeons, pawns and cannon-fodder. It doesn't mean they hate us any less than any other hateful person. Look at a bigot like Barack Obama, who expects the fealty of gays yet proudly opposes gay equality. The message? Smile and accept it, doormats!

Palladian said...

Bender, you're casting pearls before swine, I'm afraid.

Peano said...

Dear Christian anti-gay bigots: this is what losing looks like.

You must be referring to your avatar.

SteveR said...

I agree with Reverant. I disagree with Clooney's politics but I appreciate his attitude.

Toad Trend said...

Count me as another that doesn't share George's political views, but I like him as an actor and agree with Kevin about Stacy Keibler. What a hottie.

And no, I couldn't give a rat's patootie about whether he is gay, or not.

Michael Haz nailed it about liberals and gayness/sexuality.

I'm straight as they come, and someone that self-identifies as somewhere between conservative and libertarian. IF you believe what the libs say, then you wouldn't believe that I was as huge a Freddie Mercury/Queen or Elton John fan as I am. Or Rob Halford/Judas Priest.

I accept all of these guys for their 'talent' and do not allow their gayness to wreck my enjoyment of what they have to offer.

Liberalism is a charade put on by shameless projectionists.

garage mahal said...

Haz wonders about imaginary liberals.

Palladian responds to them!

Amartel said...

Is any commenter on here who is actually "anti-gay" in the sense of being opposed in the abstract to gay people?
Just wondering since there's a running sore in here who seems highly invested in your opposition. If so, maybe you two could get together and say dumb things at each other.

MayBee said...

Now, I think Cooney is a slut.

Rob said...

He definitely is. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

MayBee said...

Also, Brad Pitt lives his life in a way to show marriage is inconsequential. I don't think he makes a good case for gay marriage.

Original Mike said...

Gee, I've never given it any thought, George.

Still haven't.

Nomadic100 said...

Maybe Brad doesn't want to marry Angelina. If so, his ploy is clever.

Chip Ahoy said...

He seem like a very nice person. And that was a funny joke.

Speaking of marriages, I was proposed to today. True. A couple days ago I made some really good chocolate ice cream with coffee in it. Then this morning about 3:00 I got the idea to make vanilla wafers and they came out great. Today I made little ice cream sandwiches out of both of those things, wrapped them, and took them to two women who are trapped in a tiny office like two little birds. A lot of people go in and out of there bothering the two birds with one problem after another and then I show up and give them ice cream sandwiches and one of them says, maybe she had just marry me. That counts for a proposal dunnit?

Smilin' Jack said...

Leviticus 18:22: "Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination."

I'm with God on this one. Especially since He obviously has no problem with hot lesbians.brurc itegem

Freeman Hunt said...

I don't think it's a nice attitude to pretend that saying the truth about yourself is somehow insulting to other people who are different than you.

bagoh20 said...

This is denial 2012, new style but still, he's gay, NTTAWWT.

William said...

Do gay people think Clooney is gay? I never really thought about it, but I would have considered him straight. If, as was recently alleged, Walter Pidgeon and Spencer Tracy were gay, anyone in Hollywood can be gay.

Freeman Hunt said...

You may as well say that all gay people are babyish if you're going to say that no one should say he's not gay to protect their feelings. I would not like that if I were gay.

Sigivald said...

On the other hand, it's okay to take offense to intended insult, even if you don't think the assertion is actually a calumny.

Still, a classy way to handle it in any case.

Freeman Hunt said...

I love Clooney as an actor though. I'm not anti-Clooney.

Bender said...

Do gay people think Clooney is gay?

He did get his heart broken by Stan Smith, so who knows?

edutcher said...

William, I thought Tracy was supposed to have done all his horizontal mamboing with Hepburn.

tim maguire said...

Amartel, I think it's a clever statement, but for different reasons.

If it came out that he was gay, it would really hurt his career. Gay men only get to play gay men. They don't get to play romantic leads.

That's why Tom Cruise fights so hard--if people think he's gay, he's done.

But this statement says Clooney is so comfortable in his straightness that he doesn't care if you think he's gay--that is exactly the right note for a closeted gay man to hit.

Not that I think he's a closeted gay man. This is the first I've heard of these rumors. And, like George Clooney, I don't care.

Bender said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bender said...

If it came out that he was gay, it would really hurt his career. Gay men only get to play gay men.

What about Doogie Howser? Supposedly he's a big womanizer on How I Met Your Mother.

Although, whenever someone comes out, as is the style these days, with "HEY EVERYONE -- LOOK AT ME! I'M GAY! HEY, PAY ATTENTION, I'M GAY! COME ON, STOP AND LOOK AT ME!!" it does tend to be a little hard to take them seriously in a man-woman romance.

somefeller said...

Haz wonders about imaginary liberals. Palladian responds to them!

Be nice to Haz, Garage. His memory leaves something to be desired.

chickelit said...

I like Clooney as an actor, but like I said earlier, I don't like his politics. But at least he's not an in-your-face type like Sean Penn or Jane Fonda. When an actor (I noticed on the Oscars that "actress" has been banished) becomes so politically radioactive, it becomes harder not to judge them.

I also know many actors don't care.

That one reason I'm seeing "Act Of Valor" this weekend.

traditionalguy said...

I am glad to hear Clooney or any other person is happy. Why would anyone be against gaeity?

Penny said...

In the past month James Lipton's "Inside the Actor's Studio" had both Clooney and Pitt on as guests. Both spent quite a bit of time talking about their running prank fest.

Clooney said his next prank against Pitt would be career ending.

I suspect Pitt's comment was preemptive.

Hoosier Daddy said...

"... So, dear Andy R, are George Clooney's good-natured comments what losing looks like to Muslim anti-gay bigots?.."

That's different. Since most Muslims tend to be non white, their bigotry against gays gives them an exemption.

That's why the AndyRs of the West will cry over the oppression of not being able to marry but quietly overlook that homosexuality is illegal and punishable by death in many Muslim countries.

And I like Clooney even if he's queer and a lefty. He's a good actor. Loved him in Dusk til Dawn.

somefeller said...

That's why the AndyRs of the West will cry over the oppression of not being able to marry but quietly overlook that homosexuality is illegal and punishable by death in many Muslim countries.

I'm not AndyR, but most American supporters of gay rights (whether they are gay or straight) don't overlook that. But since such people live in the United States, they tend to focus their attention and energies on matters at home, particularly given the fact that whatever amount of influence they have in this country (even if it's rather small) is much greater than their ability to change public policy in Saudi Arabia or Iran, for example.

jeff said...

It never even occurred to me to wonder one way or the other.

"Dear Christian anti-gay bigots: this is what losing looks like."

I'm baffled as to why he thinks Clooney is what losing looks like. But then I see who posted it and it all makes sense. Who was that other guy here who's mission in life was to make gay people look as stupid and anti social as possible? downtownlad? Something like that. Either they are determined to undermine their supposed cause or they are long term mobys. Also possible they just are not terribly bright.

MayBee said...

I don't think it's a nice attitude to pretend that saying the truth about yourself is somehow insulting to other people who are different than you

Freeman- I suspect Clooney is thinking of his gay friends who are actors who don't want to be public with their gayness. He won't answer the question because he knows they don't want to have to answer such questions.

somefeller said...

By the way, I'll agree with Palladian to a certain degree in that the hands of liberals and Democrats (not always the same) haven't always been clean on gay rights issues. But they are hell of a lot better than social conservatives and Republicans (I'm deliberately leaving libertarians out of that group - they probably have the best record on such topics) have been on such matters over the past couple of decades, and they at least are willing to do some self-examination on the subject.

edutcher said...

The Lefties only cared about homosexuals when they realized they bloc vote.

And any "self-examination" goes bye-bye as soon as the talking points come out.

Hoosier Daddy said...

But since such people live in the United States, they tend to focus their attention and energies on matters at home, particularly given the fact that whatever amount of influence they have in this country (even if it's rather small) is much greater than their ability to change public policy in Saudi Arabia or Iran, for example.

Undestandable. But when AndyR focuses his energies on 'Christian bigots' because they oppose his 'right' to marry, I just kind of yawn since that type of 'oppression' kind of pales in comparison to being executed by hanging in Tehren.

I always look at life in perspective. I guess if the 'right' to marry is your paramount goal in life, forgive me if I don't break out my violin.

Hoosier Daddy said...

Also possible they just are not terribly bright.

I've held a theory that the hatred that such militism breeds burns more brain cells than smoking pot.

Hoosier Daddy said...

Also possible they just are not terribly bright.

I've held a theory that the hatred that such militism breeds burns more brain cells than smoking pot.

Hoosier Daddy said...

Oh and just for the record, I have withstood the urge to bail on this blog when the moron trolls like Jeremy and Montana Urban or whatever his name of the month was ruined threads by the dozen but I persevered.

But this bullshit dual word verification with words I can't even &#*(#ing read is almost reached my tolerance threshold.

Writ Small said...

Good for Clooney, but a young, unattached straight man suspected of being gay could not use the his approach.

DADvocate said...

Despite some of his politics, Clooney's a good guy. As I've mentioned before, I live in the area where he grew up. Everyone I know who went to high school with him liked him and says he was a clown. He premiered Leatherheads in Maysville and treated the local high school basketball team to the premiere because they had won the state championship.

And, I completely agree with him on this. Who gives a shit?

DADvocate said...

Dear Christian anti-gay bigots: this is what losing looks like.

This is what being an asshole who wants to perpetuate hate sounds like.

bagoh20 said...

I wish I was gay. I'm never gonna get chicks like Clooney gets, and I need an excuse, if not a complete new strategy. I know it's extreme, but I gotta try something.

My man would still need to be a wingnut or a libertarian not living in his mom's basement. I could more easliy take dick than I could a leftist mindset.

Now Palladian sounds about right, but he already admitted to being a big man. It's a big step to switch teams, and I don't think I could jump all the way to being the little woman. Andy is too stupid. Titus is too materialistic. Dammit, this isn't any easier at all!

Revenant said...

I don't think it's a nice attitude to pretend that saying the truth about yourself is somehow insulting to other people who are different than you.

I think his point is that you can say "it is none of your business" (which he typically has), but if you say "it is none of your business but I'm totally straight", that sends an entirely different message. The former says your privacy is important to you, but the latter says your privacy is less important to you than your fear of being thought to be gay.

Joe Schmoe said...

That's nice of Clooney to say since Tom Cruise is apparently anti-gay.

Nora said...

"Nice attitude. Good points."

No, it's polital correctness running amok. Why straight person saying he/she is straight can be offensive to gays? Why a statement of fact can be offensive to somebody?

Leaving the issue at "no comment" because it's nobody's business would be nice attitude, but his statement as it is is expedient

Joe Schmoe said...

What about Pitt? Is he making a joke about Clooney being gay? I thought it was no big deal.

I don't give a fig. I just hate it when lefties cry homophobia all the time, but when they suspect a conservative is gay (like Michele Bachmann's husband) they make all kinds of crude gay jokes and titter about it. Basically belittling homosexuals whom they purport to support.

JohnJ said...

“…the left uses us queers like they use all "minorities": as bludgeons, pawns and cannon-fodder.”

Case in point, what of Pitt’s assertion? If it were meant as a joke, it’s funny only because of the “inadvertent” slander.

bagoh20 said...

I didn't know what Stacey Kiebler looked like, so I just Googled her. I changed my mind. Hopeless or not, I gotta at least keep trying to get one of those.

When I see a beautiful woman like that, I think about how they must have looked that way 20,000 years ago too and were all running around naked. How the hell do you maintain order with anarchy bombs like that running loose?

rcocean said...

I not only don't care if George is Gay, I don't care about him at all.

Which will probably make Mr. Clooney happy.

Synova said...

"Dear Christian anti-gay bigots: this is what losing looks like."

Is it?

Or maybe it is, but I'm not sure who is "losing" here.

Because it seems to me that the main people who make like being gay is a bad thing, are people on the left who attack every other Republican with "gay" (when it's not "fat" or "trailer trash.")

And if a conservative attempted to say what Clooney said they'd be vilified and "outed" with malice. How dare Clooney think he gets to decide if he can be "out" or not? Oh, right... he has the proper political ideas so he gets a pass.

So who is winning here, and who is losing?

Conservatives don't want to know, and Clooney doesn't want to tell.

n.n said...

Is this solicited publicity for Clooney? I thought his star was still shining bright.

In any case, no one cares what behaviors he engages in (until they lead to negative consequences, including but not limited to STDs, and a demand to socialize their costs).

His reference to marriage in this context is meaningless. The institution of marriage is objectively a derivative of the natural order. It is not in response to individuals who seek unproductive self-gratification; although, it has certainly been corrupted to where that perception is overwhelming.

That said, since a progressive measure of our society has deemed that evolutionary fitness is no longer the normative standard, it is unconscionable that marriage be further restricted by an arbitrary criteria of physical intercourse. With the rejection of social and natural standards, there is no legitimacy to enforce any discrimination to any standard.

somefeller said...

Because it seems to me that the main people who make like being gay is a bad thing, are people on the left who attack every other Republican with "gay" (when it's not "fat" or "trailer trash.")

It may seem that way to you, but reality differs. People like Rick Santorum or Rick Perry come to mind, for example. And in the case of the latter two terms you mention, well, if the shoe fits...

Synova said...

If the shoe fits, it's still a case of the political faction that claims to be for the common folk choosing lower class signifiers as the "go to" insult when they feel someone needs to be insulted.

In other words... lies or hypocrisy.


somefeller said...

If the shoe fits, it's still a case of the political faction that claims to be for the common folk choosing lower class signifiers as the "go to" insult when they feel someone needs to be insulted.

Not all poor people can be described with that term and plenty of affluent people can fit that description. It's a description of a particular cultural type and it's not uncommon to hear poor people use that term to describe a part of society they don't want around them. Plus, I've heard more than a few Republicans use such terminology. But if your mission in life is to be permanently aggrieved against those darn snobby elitists with their highfalutin lattes and inability to comprehend the magic that is the Palin family, be my guest.

Titus said...

Synova is insane and has no clue.

Gay is not any consideration for any republican ever running, gays are just as equal as straights. Republicans don't see gay/straight. They just see the person.

Anonymous said...
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Chris Althouse Cohen said...
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Chris Althouse Cohen said...

Some people still claim that Cary Grant was gay? Everyone knows that Cary Grant was totally, totally gay!

Steve Koch said...

Nice response by Clooney. Pitt's joke is funny in that Clooney is adamant about never getting married again.

Clooney's comment about the great Cary Grant was funny in that Cary Grant and Randolph Scott were supposed to be deeply in love and lived with each other for many years.

Darleen said...

Unless I missed it in the comments, no one grasps the reason behind the "Cary Grant, Errol Flynn, George Clooney" et al, are secretly gay.

First off, these whisper campaigns are rarely the stuff of fans right of center. It is usually perpetuated by those who are contemptuous of mainstream American principles and culture. What better way than to stick a thumb in the eye of the "average" American but to tell them that the Movie Star(tm) that epitomizes heartthrobbing masculinity is homosexual? And, as with all vicious whisper campaigns, the absence of actual evidence is the proof of evidence.

In actuality, I think Clooney is mono-sexual - he has room in his life to commit to only one person he loves above all others, that's himself.

Henry said...

Reminds me a little of Morrissey:

Morrissey has always taken great pains to maintain the 'undecidable' nature of his sexuality." In 1983 he claimed to be "a kind of prophet for the fourth sex," on the grounds that he was "bored with men and ... bored with women."

I'm not sure if Clooney would use the word "bored."

Love said...

Darlene - "In actuality, I think Clooney is mono-sexual - he has room in his life to commit to only one person he loves above all others, that's himself."

Well, aren't you the kind, open-minded one.

Typical jealous conservative jerk.

dbp said...

"Making a comparison with Cary Grant, who some people still claim was gay, Clooney said he thought the late star "would have laughed at that and not cared what people thought."..."

This is nuts, Cary Grant sued Chevy Chase for slander due to Mr. Chase claiming Mr. Grant was gay.

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