Your $1,000,000 donor Bill Maher has said reprehensible things about my family. He’s made fun of my brother because of his Down’s Syndrome. He’s said I was “f—-d so hard a baby fell out.”...Best move for Obama? Call her!
What if you did something radical and wildly unpopular with your base and took a stand against the denigration of all women… even if they’re just single moms? Even if they’re Republicans?
March 19, 2012
Bristol Palin is waiting for Obama's phone call.
Given that he called Sandra Fluke, she says she's "a little surprised my phone hasn’t rung":
1 – 200 of 210 Newer› Newest»Right on, Bristol!
He is good at apologies...
"Best move for Obama? Call her!"
He won't, because he'll offend his base. Not sure who that reflects more poorly on; him or his base.
The Apologizer-in-Chief!!
His people can update the automatic signing machine and have an automatic apologizer:
Hello, [INSERT NAME], this is Prsident Obama. I wanted to apologize for [INSERT CONTROVERSY]. That must have been tough for you. Thank you for all you do for our country. Endeavor to persevere! Goodbye and best wishes.
It would be even more awesome if the inserted voice was synthesized and not Obama's.
She better have a comfortable chair to wait.
Bristol! Not bad babe.
Bill Maher's really taking a beating in all this.
Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy.
Blogger Moose said...
He is good at apologies...
There is a difference though. He is good at apologizing FOR OTHERS but not for himself. It is a mind game. If you say you are sorry THEY did it, then you have obsolved yourself of any responsibility and look good and magnanimous and you have deflected the blame on to the other person. That is what Obama does even when he is responsible -- the buck never stops with Obama.
Meh. Bristol already knows that her parents are proud of her; she doesn't need Obama to tell her that they should be.
Never too late for the Palins to try make them a news item, who cares if this happened three years ago while her mama was calling Obama a Muslim etc.
I see, RV.
Calling women sluts, c*nts, bitches, and f—-d so hard a baby fell out was okay 3 years ago, but now it's just beyond the pale.
Is that right?
His people can update the automatic signing machine and have an automatic apologizer:
Is that roboApologizing?
"while her mama was calling Obama a Muslim etc."
Cite please
Yeah, RV, but Obama took Maher's money "yesterday".
And not that I'm saying your wrong ('cause I don't know), but you got a link for the "while her mama was calling Obama a Muslim" charge?
who cares if this happened three years ago while her mama was calling Obama a Muslim etc.
So you are claiming that "Muslim" is a derogatory term similar to "slut", "cunt" or "twat"?
Well on your way to 400+ comments.
Take Mahler off the air.
No, the best move is not to return her call. He missed the best move about two weeks ago.
That's when conservatives first pointed to the double standard and hypocrisy when his SuperPac accepted the $1 million from Maher. Had Obama immediately returned the money and created a big publicity stunt by condemning Maher, he would have scored huge political points.
But it's too late to score any political points by returning the dough now. If he does so now it will correctly be perceived as pure, unabashed pandering.
All those highly paid geniuses who advise him how to campaign blew this one big time.
"So you are claiming that "Muslim" is a derogatory term similar to "slut", "cunt" or "twat"?"
He shoots!
He scores!
Original Mike, I'm thinking Hidden Mahdi Party at R/V's house....
If Obama actually apologizes, I will immediately donate $100 to his campaign.
"... who cares if this happened three years ago while her mama was calling Obama a Muslim etc.."
I must have missed that.
I'll bring the beer.
So is her mother.
And it's nice to see Miss Bristol, contrary to what Shouting Thomas (where is our last curmudgeon, BTW?) averred, is very much her mother's daughter.
Your money's safe, Rialby.
Hoosier Daddy said...
"... who cares if this happened three years ago while her mama was calling Obama a Muslim etc.."
I must have missed that.
An understandable oversight. You know how the media overlook stuff Palin says.
You're right that the best thing he could do would be to call Bristol.
I think he will call her.
I'm not being optimistic - I'm purely cynical. It would be a sister soulja for him and he needs one.
I bet she's not waiting very hard.
They could drink a beer together with that woman who uses the designer birth control.
I don't think any president should be calling anyone about this stuff.
It's not his job.
What Obama should NOT have done is call Fluke in the first place, and calling Ingraham, Malkin, various Palins, et al., is not going to fix that mistake, especially since no one will think he's sincere anyway.
I also think it's a bit grasping of Bristol to jump on this issue in order to start her blog off with a bang (no pun intended), but the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
He could just clear out his schedule and call all the women who've ever been offended by men. This should keep him busy and unable to break the economy for the rest of his term, plus the full four years of his probable next one.
Obama lacks the imagination to call an "enemy."
Two wrongs don't make a right. The mistake was making the first call to Fluke. If he calls Palin, that first mistake becomes even more obvious, since there is no reason to stop there.
He's more suited for the job of small town mayor... somewhere very remote.
The person he needs to call is that woman who thought he was gonna pay her mortgage and put gas in her car. She must be really pissed, especially since she has to vote for him again.
Now he not only the boyfriend; he's the lying boyfriend. They always take them back.
"How all the other guys lost me."
Does even Ann think Obama has a sincere bone in that skinny body?
...while her mama was calling Obama a Muslim...
You mean the guy with the middle name Hussein? That guy?
Why is the delicate flower spin back again?
All I would ask is sincerity when you call a woman a cunt.
You mean the guy with the middle name Hussein? That guy?
Yeah, the one with the Muslim father and the Muslim step-father who attended some Islamic school when he was younger. It's shameful he got called a Muslim like that. The next thing you know they'll start saying he's half-white. NTTIAWWT.
"I don't think any president should be calling anyone about this stuff."
Well, that ship has sailed.
You're right, of course, and most everybody here agrees with you. What we're doing is highlighting his pandering.
What he really should do is give the money back.
Bristol, Sandra, Maher and Obama should get together and have a beer.
I also think it's a bit grasping of Bristol to jump on this issue. . .
Nope. Make the enemy live up to his own rules, as they say. She smells blood in the water, and I applaud her for posting this, because frankly, it seems the Palin women are the only people willing to punch Little Black Jesus back twice as hard.
He's stuck. He can't call Bristol, because it would piss off his base, but more importantly, it would validate the criticism of Maher and the double standard. SCOAMF wants this whole issue to go away, and if there's anyone with any sense advising him - and I hope to Allah there isn't - the best thing to do would be to let this "slut / cunt" kerfuffle die on its own.
Who cares if this happened three years ago while her mama was calling Obama a Muslim etc..
You know, Roach, if you'd just stuck to "palling around with terrorists, you might have a leg to stand on, but without a cite, you're exposing yourself to be as much of a dishonest hack as Garbage.
But I do like knowing that there's a statute of limitations on vile language. So please note for future reference that on March 19, 2015, my statement calling Moochelle a ghetto trash twat will no longer be operative.
What he really should do is give the money back.
About as likely as R/V backing up his claim about Palin.
Obama won't call Palin. I wouldn't be surprised if Fluke does, however.
What he really should do is give the money back.
he can't. It's not his money to give back. It was not given to his campaign.
I'd like to see Obama take the offer to debate Sarah though. Maybe she could do it from her Hello Kitty Pretend Oval Office from Alaska. Mano-a-mano. No Lamestream Media asking gotcha questions, like, "what do you read?"
Wonder what Limbaugh will have to say about this "Friday night dump"?
That's what he gets for playing Captain Save a Ho.
I caught a couple minutes of "Game Change" - Julianne Moore's revolting parody of Palin has got to backfire - and that's probably where the 'she called him a muslim' comes from.
The left's #WarOnWomen knows no bounds. Good for Bristol.
Did Bristol Palin manage to mangle the Maher "baby fell out" quote? The only similar Maher quote I can find uses different words, which makes me wonder if Bristol Palin understands the concept of quoting.
On the issue of free sterilizations for ALL college women, as mandated by Obama last week, Eric Holder was heard to say, "We need to do this every day of the week and just really brainwash people into thinking about babies in a vastly different way".
"he can't."
Of course he can. All he does is asks the PAC to, and both sides agree that the phone call "never happened".
He's from Chicago; he knows how it works.
Of course he can. All he does is asks the PAC to
he can't ask the PAC to do anything.
11:47 CDT roesch/voltaire wrote: ...while her mama was calling Obama a Muslim etc.
To which Rialby challenged: Cite, please.
A bit later Icepick, true to his name, skewered roesch/voltaire's puerile mot thusly: So you are claiming that "Muslim" is a derogatory term similar to "slut", "cunt" or "twat"?
About an hour has elapsed and -- gee whiz -- no roesch/voltaire.
Notice the reference to Sarah Palin as "her mama," a weak attempt to diminish Bristol as a worthless hillbilly. I suppose in roesch/voltaire's social circle everyone calls his female parent mater (Why is it that persons who are so pretentious as to use mater pronounce the word as if it rhymes with Tater?)
Assuming there's an afterlife I wonder how the real François-Marie Arouet feels about lame-ass blog trolls appropriating his name and image? Unknowable. But I can assure everyone that the real Voltaire would never offer such an libelous comment without a rejoinder in his pocket.
Heh. Wonder if he will...he just might.
Is anyone else besides me coming to the conclusion that Obama is really a bad campaigner? He's fine when he's agitating (in glittering generalities) for "change" but now that he has a record and a persona, everything he tries blows up in his face. Obamacare, Volt, spending, war on women and Limbaugh, FAIL.
Be careful what you wish for, community organizers. You will then be judged on results, not rhetoric.
Notice the reference to Sarah Palin as "her mama," a weak attempt to diminish Bristol as a worthless hillbilly.
So when Sarah Palin talks about "Mama Grizzlies," she's making a nasty "worthless hillbilly" remark? o_O
Update: Rutherford B. Hayes just Skyped Bristol to declare his support, assuring her that if only he weren't dead he'd have that d____d b_____d Maher horsewhipped.
Calling women sluts, c*nts, bitches, and f—-d so hard a baby fell
Isn't that the average MTV music video?
Maybe I'll get a robocall on theme with Obama's campaign emails.
Hey lady patriot, this is your President Barack. I just want you to know that you're strong. Some other guys might be giving you trouble lately. Maybe they're calling you a bitch. Or maybe a ho or a whore. A cunt, a twat, a slut. Trick, tramp, tart, hussy, bimbo, skank, broad, floozy, harlot. Or whatever. I just want you to know that I'm not like those other guys. I understand you, and you make me proud. Everyday you make me proud. Just wanted to let you know that. Take care, beautiful. You'll be on my mind.
Obama could go the traditional route with Maher and challenge him to a fistfight.
makes me wonder if Bristol Palin understands the concept of quoting.
How well do you understand the concept of "missing the point", which you've missed by a mile.
Commander in Chief, Defender of the Female Honor.
I, for one, am quite impressed with the way that Bristol Palin, without any obvious skills or talent, has managed to make money off her family name and her teenage pregnancy.
Did Bristol Palin manage to mangle the Maher "baby fell out" quote? The only similar Maher quote I can find uses different words, which makes me wonder if Bristol Palin understands the concept of quoting
Here's Bill Maher talking about Bristol Palin:
Bill Maher Takes Shot At Bristol Palin
Maybe she was just paraphrasing? Left out the parts about Levi, but otherwise sounds fairly accurate.
"he can't ask the PAC to do anything."
Gee, thanks for splaining that to me. :rolleyes:
Yes Williard, that clearly makes it okay to call her a whore and talk about her sex life in public.
I for one am impressed that you manage to be even more vile than the average leftist. That is no mean feat.
Hey lady patriot, this is your President Barack. I just want you to know that you're strong. Some other guys might be giving you trouble lately. Maybe they're calling you a bitch. Or maybe a ho or a whore. A cunt, a twat, a slut. Trick, tramp, tart, hussy, bimbo, skank, broad, floozy, harlot. Or whatever. I just want you to know that I'm not like those other guys. I understand you, and you make me proud. Everyday you make me proud. Just wanted to let you know that. Take care, beautiful. You'll be on my mind.
Isn't this from the beginning of a Barry White song?
I'd like to see Obama take the offer to debate Sarah, though. Maybe she could do it from her Hello Kitty Pretend Oval Office from Alaska. Mano-a-mano. No Lamstream Media asking gotcha questions like "what do you read?"
Sounds good, garbage. But let's make it a fair fight. No teleprompter for Little Black Jesus. That way, the Lamestream Media won't trip him up when he's asked "how do you pronounce c-o-r-p-s-m-a-n, Barry?"
Ok, DADvocate doesn't understand the concept of quoting either. :(
Anyone else?
I, for one, am quite impressed with the way that Bristol Palin, without any obvious skills or talent, has managed to make money off her family name and her teenage pregnancy.
No skills required to mindlessly barf up KosKid talking points, either.
Maybe she was just paraphrasing?
Possibly, but then she shouldn't have used quotation marks.
garage mahal wrote:
he can't ask the PAC to do anything.
That's just absurd. (Why am I not surprised?)
Obama can ask anybody to do anything, including the asking the folks at Priorities USA Action to return Bill Maher's million bucks. Not that they're obliged to comply...
To illustrate I'll ask you to do something: Garage Mahal, please begone and never return.
I don't believe you're obliged to comply. Only Althouse and/or Meade can make such a demand in expectation of your compliance.
(following Hagar's link)
Free sterilizations?
What does sterilization do? It means who don't take advantage of the program outbreed those who do. Who's gonna take advantage of such a program? Not conservatives or libertarians. Sebelius is obviously in cahoots with the Heritage Foundation and the Cato Institute.
Yes Williard, that clearly makes it okay to call her a whore and talk about her sex life in public.
Ooh, a front-runner for the daily straw man award! Good luck!
I for one am impressed that you manage to be even more vile than the average leftist. That is no mean feat.
Excuse me but being "vile" is obviously a "mean feat." How did you manage to make such a simple error? o_O
Maybe the black Jesus could give Palin a history lesson about Rutherford B. Hayes.
It is funny to watch garage and other lefties live in denial of America's dumbest President. I seriously doubt Obama has an IQ much above 110. But they still have to pretend he is brilliant.
Isn't this from the beginning of a Barry White song?
I was thinking more of the Ryan Gosling meme, but Barry White works too.
Iŕ©©Dullard - Obviously, you think Bill Mahers public, televised attacks on a teenager are just fine, as long as the teenager is the daughter or son of a Republican. But, I bet you defend stupid cunts like Wasserman Schultz, or female law students who whore themselves out for the Democratic cause.
Poor edutcher. As usual, he has no rebuttal even though he finds the facts very very annoying! :(
Ooh, a front-runner for the daily straw man award! Good luck!
If it doesn't make it okay, then why did you bother to make the comment? What relevance does it have other than to show that you are a dickhead?
I, for one, am quite impressed with the way that Barack Obama, without any obvious skills or talent, has managed to make money off his skin color and white guilt.
What he really should do is give the money back.
No, he shouldn't, nor should the PAC. Obama should just come out and admit that he's an asshole and that he only cared about the Fluke/Limbaugh thing because he needs a distraction from all the real shit going on, and so forth.
He could also add that upon reflection he believes that free speech is sacrosanct, that he supports Limbaugh’s right to call Fluke nasty names, that he also supports Maher’s right to call Palin nasty names, and besides, “Bitch had it comin’.” He could then go on to a 30 minute digression on the vaginas of the Palin women, based upon the trailblazing work of Andrew Sullivan. (Because who would know more about vaginas than a Catholic gay catcher journalist who just happens to be British - NTTIAWWT.*) At the end he could tell us how he’s doing on his NCAA brackets, whether or not he believes in the “Sheet of Integrity”** concept and if he still has a chance in the West Wing pool.
* Obama will do at least as well citing Sullivan as a reference on vaginas as he did using Wikipedia as a reference on Rutherford B. Hayes. He'd probably do better consulting with Ron Jeremy, though.
**Note to dumb fucks before you even go there, this is a sports reference that has nothing to do with the KKK. In fact, we’re not even talking about those kinds of sheets.
Obviously, you think Bill Mahers public, televised attacks on a teenager are just fine, as long as the teenager is the daughter or son of a Republican.
Yay! Another fabulous entry for the daily straw man competition!
But, I bet you defend stupid cunts like Wasserman Schultz
I see. Your position on indecent personal attacks on public figures couldn't be clearer. Thanks for sharing.
Last I heard Obama's sheet of integrity was doing quite well, like top 2% of the six million ESPN entrants. Good to know that the black Jesus is concentrating on the important stuff like college basketball and his golf game.
Your out of your depth here, Willard. Back to minors.
If one sees Willard as foil rather then someone wearing foil, I think he/she is doing a great job at herding normal people into Romney's camp.
Maybe the black Jesus could give Palin a history lesson about Rutherford B. Hayes.
And how to pronounce corps, how many states comprise the United States of America, the language they speak in Austria... could go on for hours.
I ♥ Willard said...
I, for one, am quite impressed with the way that Bristol Palin, without any obvious skills or talent, has managed to make money off her family name and her teenage pregnancy.
We're just amazed you can type.
Let's hear it fro theatricks!
Willard, take a bow!
If it doesn't make it okay, then why did you bother to make the comment? What relevance does it have other than to show that you are a dickhead?
Oh John, I'm so sorry you don't understand a simple line of reasoning. Bristol Palin put her name to a public statement that quotes Bill Maher. However it appears that the attributed quote isn't accurate.
Obviously I can't help you if my investigation of facts and disdain for people who fabricate quotes leads you to form baseless opinions. In any case, thanks for taking the time to support your entry in the daily straw man contest. Good luck. :)
Of course he can. All he does is asks the PAC to
Garage: he can't ask the PAC to do anything.
The $1 million is going to Obama's election campaign, regardless of how you spin it.
Bend yourself into a pretzel over that, it still stands that Obama can take $1 mil from his campaign warchest and donate it a few battered women's shelters or somesuch. I would be a simple thing to do while claiming "I'm taking the money Maher donated and..."
But instead, you make all kinds of excuses for remaining a weasel.
If one sees Willard as foil rather then someone wearing foil, I think he/she is doing a great job at herding normal people into Romney's camp.
Mr. Little may not be as dumb as he seems. ;)
Obama can ask anybody to do anything, including the asking the folks at Priorities USA Action to return Bill Maher's million bucks
That would be considered coordinating with a SuperPAC, against the finance rules. This one tripped up the Palin too, so you're in good company.
I don't think any president should be calling anyone about this stuff.
It's not his job
However, Obama doesn't seem to know what his job description IS.
He seems to think that he is King of the World. Somehow he is in charge of aspect of our lives from what we eat to how we should handle our health issues, birth control and what cars we should be driving.
He thinks we should be scolded into doing what he thinks we should be doing. Scolding the police for 'acting stupidly' and chastizing us for our religion and bitterly clinging to our guns. (All this overreach makes us want to cling even tighter)
None of these things are in his job description.
Perhaps, just perhaps, the President of the United States should concentrate on running the country and BUTT out of running our lives.
man! those Palin bitches play hard! She's gonna make you cry, B. That's what you get for your slam on the slut-shaming. If you just left those slut shamers alone, you would have been all right. She Alinskied your ass, bro. You been smacked. Poor, poor Obama. Try a little tenderness! You sensitive asshole. Put some cream on that.
Make jokes not jibes.
We're just amazed you can type.
I know many things amaze you, Rusty. That explains why you spend hours flushing the toilet and giggling.
GM, You better call Maher and tell him to stay on message. He seems to think he gave the money to Obama.
Maybe I'll get a robocall on theme with Obama's campaign emails.
Freeman, that reminds me of the form letter sent out in Catch-22.
Last I heard Obama's sheet of integrity was doing quite well, like top 2% of the six million ESPN entrants.
[long slow whistle] That's pretty good! I think we know what his post-WH career should be....
Where's Crack Emcee for all this?
Willard, take a look at the link to the Maher monolog provided by Alan Marcus and then tell us what you find not disgusting about it. If this is the statement Bristol was referring to, she indeed did misquote. In doing so, she did Maher a favor, since his actual statements are worse.
Particularly interesting in the clip are the shots of Bill's uncomfortable guests, none of whom have the guts to object to the host's slime. I also enjoyed the attack on the Republican candidates for being environmentally irresponsible because their families are too large. (No, he's not kidding about this.)
Maher is a pig. Pigs are just as entitled as all others to contribute to candidates and candidates need not decline the money of pigs. But perhaps the candidates and the pigs could refrain from politically driven sanctimony about others who act piggishly.
At least the conservative pig apologized.
The only similar Maher quote I can find uses different words, which makes me wonder if Bristol Palin understands the concept of quoting.
Oh, so now she's a bad quoter! Will the viciousness never end?
I will say this for Obama, I think he could beat Maher in a fistfight.
Let's decide the female honor on who has the best fistfighter. Actual boxers or other professional fighting athletes don't count because they have records and that takes all the fun out of the hypothetical comparisons.
Louis C.K. doesn't look like much of a fistfighter. Todd Palin looks like he could brawl.
Biden could be the guy who rings the bell.
How is it that in real life Biden is the Vice President and not the guy who rings the bell?
Actual boxers or other professional fighting athletes don't count because they have records and that takes all the fun out of the hypothetical comparisons.
I disagree, you've just got to even the odds a little. For example, could Gina Carano take on all the people you mentioned? How fast could she take them all out? Throw Limbaugh in for good measure, and ask Gina how she would feel being called a cunt, slut, twat what-have-you. Then let the fun begin!
You know, kind of like the old story about the midget wrestlers taking on the tiger!
Freeman, you made me look up "jibe." And I hate looking up 1 syllable words. Makes me feel stupid. And the funny thing is, you got it wrong!
Obama's gonna have to jibe, though, you watch.
Give the money back, you hater!
There's no way that $1 million bucks is worth more than this Republican slam.
"How is it that in real life Biden is the Vice President and not the guy who rings the bell?"
As I understand it, unless the President dies, the Vice President is the guy who rings the bell.
How is it that in real life Biden is the Vice President and not the guy who rings the bell?
That's easy. Because in real life the guying ringing the bell needs to ring the bell on time and then SHUT THE FUCK UP. When has Idiot Joey ever STFUed? You may as well just ask gravity to stop working for all the good it would do to tell Idiot Joey to STFU....
And the funny thing is, you got it wrong!
Nope. Variant of gibe. Variant is better in this case because it uses J like "jokes."
One thing I noticed in the last week - conservatives are starting to appreciate what Saul Alinsky had to say. Is this going to be a trend? Will Saul Alinsky be the new Ayn Rand to the right? The timing couldn't be better.
"That would be considered coordinating with a SuperPAC, against the finance rules."
Everybody understands that. And everybody also understands that if the shoe were on the other foot, you'd be screaming, "of course he can give the money back!"
And you'd be right.
Sure Mike, we can play this all day
ISSUE: Will Team Romney disavow Ted Nugent calling Hillary Clinton a "toxic cunt" and a "two-bit whore"?
After all, he endorsed Romney!
Poor edutcher. As usual, he has no rebuttal even though he finds the facts very very annoying! :(
Rebuttal? Of what?
That trolls mindlessly barf up KosKid talking points?
Maher is a pig. Pigs are just as entitled as all others to contribute to candidates and candidates need not decline the money of pigs. But perhaps the candidates and the pigs could refrain from politically driven sanctimony about others who act piggishly.
He does have small, beady, porcine eyes.
Original Mike, just remebeer what they're saying about the Super Pacs now, and kindly remind them of that when they're complaining about the Koch brothers ruining democracy latter this year. BOOKMARK THE QUOTES NOW!
@Garage Mahal,
You seem to be under the impression that the White House can't coordinate anything with the SuperPAC.
That's not the White House opinion:
"President Obama's decision to have White House officials and Cabinet secretaries help raise money for a pro-Obama superPAC is raising questions.
By law, it cannot coordinate its messaging with Obama's re-election campaign committee. But coordinating other things? That's possible."
It took me 10 seconds to Google.
"... I'd like to see Obama take the offer to debate Sarah though..."
So would I but I don't think he has the guts.
For the record I have no problem with Amereican candidates getting and spending as much money as they want on campaigns with two provisos: First candidates should only be allowed to take money from people that can vote for them, and two all donations need to be publicized so we know who is buying the slimy sons-of-bitches running for office.
More Nugent:
Decked out in full-on camouflage hunting gear, Nugent wielded two machine guns while raging, "Obama, he's a piece of shit. I told him to suck on my machine gun. Hey Hillary," he continued. "You might want to ride one of these into the sunset, you worthless bitch." Nugent summed up his eloquent speech by screaming "freedom!"
Disavow, NOW, Mittens!
@Garage Mahal,
How many millions of dollars did Ted Nugent publicly donate?
I think you are depending on yet another false equivalency.
"conservatives are starting to appreciate what Saul Alinsky had to say."
Using Alinsky is very Alinskyish.
I wonder if Alinsky could write an autobiography for a Mormon?
The funny thing is that it would not include polygamy this time.
@garage--You're bewildered again.
If Team D says to Team R, "How dare you call our teammate a slut?", and Team R replies, "Well, you call our teammates worse stuff all the time!", it makes no sense for Team D to respond by saying, "Yeah, well, so do you!"
See, the idea is to hold Team D to its own professed standards. Try to keep up.
"just remebeer what they're saying about the Super Pacs, ... BOOKMARK THE QUOTES NOW!"
I should have bookmarked them they last time they were screaming to "give the money back".
Ted Nugent. Heh.
@garage: Colmes scolds Nugent: link
Colmes scolds Santorum: Once [voters] get a load of some of the crazy things [Santorum's] said and done, like taking his two-hour-old baby who died right after childbirth home and played with it for a couple of hours so his other children would know that the child was real…
It's turtles all the down. Is the guillotine up on the Square yet?
Let's see. Bristol Palin, yep. $1,000,000, yep. Bill Maher, yep. Obama, yep. Yep, they are all part of the original post. Ted Nugent? Not so much. GM's not winning the on Super Pac points, so time to go off-topic. Its a sad thing when talking points don't pan out the way they were promised to do.
Rebuttal? Of what?
Poor edutcher, still in search of a rebuttal.
Keep looking, little guy! ;)
The President cannot instruct the Super Pac to return the money, that is true. He can, however, loudly and vigorously state that he doesn't want the support of someone who uses words like that to describe a woman, and state that he doesn't want that persons support.
I admit, however, that it doesn't matter much to me whether he does so. I sort of doubt that he likes what Maher said, but figure he's made the political calculation to let it go, figuring it will help more than it hurts his chances at re-election. I've got other reason to not vote for him.
So if I donate to Obama then say mean things about my ex-wife, does he have to call her too?
Only if there's nothing good on ESPN.
It's funny to watch liberals like garage get super-outraged about the Fluke thing but get all giddy when some left-wing TV host trashes Bristol Palin who is barely an adult.
"I sort of doubt that he likes what Maher said"
I have no doubt at all he yucked it up.
Cee Lo Green, Keith Olbermann, Louis C.K., and Bill Maher have made it clear what is permissible in public speech, so I thank them for their lessons.
I will keep my remarks about women confined to those words in the future.
I ♥ Willard said...
Rebuttal? Of what?
Poor edutcher, still in search of a rebuttal.
Keep looking, little guy! ;)
Letting the bathtub swabbie rap slip again?
♥ should give up the pretense and start lol'ing and doing his :P graphic.
BTW Miss Palin owns BMSP, a PR and consulting firm working with Candie's Foundation.
And ♥, of course, can't do anything but hang around here mindlessly barfing up KosKid talking points.
God I hope Todd Palin knocks C.K.'s block off. Any self respecting dad would do so to defend his wife & daughters's honor. Go Todd!
Given that Fluke testified on Obama's behalf and in support of his legislation, there is a plausible reason for Obama to personally thank her and express regret that she went through what she did.
Fun as it may be, calling for Obama to apologize to Bristol doesn't actually follow.
BTW Miss Palin owns BMSP, a PR and consulting firm working with Candie's Foundation.
Poor edutcher. He keeps making my case for me, i.e., Bristol Palin, a person with no obvious talent or skills, has done a fantastic job of using her family connection and her teenage pregnancy to make a lot of money.
Thanks edutcher! :D
Sounds like Ms Palin (the younger) has considerable skills and talent and is making a boat load of money; rather like the Kardashians.
Given that Fluke testified on Obama's behalf and in support of his legislation, there is a plausible reason for Obama to personally thank her and express regret that she went through what she did.
Fun as it may be, calling for Obama to apologize to Bristol doesn't actually follow.
Obama explains why he called Fluke:
"One of the things I want [my daughters] to do as they get older is to engage in issues they care about, even ones I may not agree with them on," he said. "I want them to be able to speak their mind in a civil and thoughtful way, and I don't want them attacked or called horrible names because they're being good citizens."
So Obama wants his daughters and others to be able to speak their minds, even if he doesn't agree with them, without being subjected to "horrible names". That mean that yes, he does need to call out the assholes on his own side, or admit that he is just being a disingenuous bastard who is fine with nasty personal attacks just so long as they are against his opponents.
That's using the President's own explanation for his call. Claiming he meant otherwise is simply incorrect.
Rather like Chelsea Clinton, except for the pregnancy part.
More Obama from the article I linked to in my previous comment: "What I can comment on is the fact that all decent folks can agree that the remarks that were made don't have any place in the public discourse."
So, Obama's lack of comment about similar remarks about others on the other side just means that Obama is a hypocrit and believes that Palin should be called a cunt and a twat, and that attacking her and her children is fair game. He ONLY comments on these issues to suppress his opponents, and rarely if ever calls out people on his own side. He has refused to man up on this issue and grow a pair, which ironically just makes him a dick.
Viewed thru a political prism, Mr Obama's demarch can be viewed as simply a tactic get try to get the women's vote. He has a lock on the black vote, but desparately need the women's vote for relection. Its not a bad tactic electorally speaking. Whether its enough, remains to be seen.
Sounds like Ms Palin (the younger) has considerable skills and talent
I suppose so if you include as skills and talent her ability to get pregnant while in high school and her cleverness in not changing her surname.
oops--lest the language police descend on me, its "demarche," not demarch.
So, Obama's lack of comment about similar remarks about others on the other side just means that Obama is a hypocrit and believes that Palin should be called a cunt and a twat, and that attacking her and her children is fair game.
Yes, yes indeed! Obama believes that Palin should be called a cunt and a twat. That is a perfectly sane conclusion. o_O
heart willard--I dont quite understand you comment--could you flesh it out a bit? Miss Palin, and Miss Clinton, have been able to use their family names. I did not see Miss Clinton change her name. More power to them. I don't see where pregnancy is an issue. But YYMV. Both are doing quite well and I wish them both every success in the market place.
I ♥ Willard said...
BTW Miss Palin owns BMSP, a PR and consulting firm working with Candie's Foundation.
Poor edutcher. He keeps making my case for me, i.e., Bristol Palin, a person with no obvious talent or skills, has done a fantastic job of using her family connection and her teenage pregnancy to make a lot of money.
Thanks edutcher! :D
No, thank you for conceding she has successfully turned her life around after making a mistake, so, obviously, she is quite skilled and talented.
Miss Palin has a successful business, managed by her. Her fame may have gotten a foot in the door, but she still had to make it go, which she has.
As for using family connections to get started, the same could be said of Donald Trump and Bill Gates.
OTOH, all bathtub swabbie/♥ and the rest of their zany cartoon characters have yet to show they can do anything but mindlessly barf up KosKid talking points.
The moronic thing about the whole Fluke "controversy" is that we're spending so much time on it. The President and his lackeys could ask for nothing better. Instead of discussing the worst economy since the Great Depression, the worst sustained unemployment since the Great Depression, declining median incomes, declining real wages, energy policy, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran and what to do about their potential bomb program, the cluster-fuck that is the Middle East generally after the Arab Spring has gone to Hell, Syria, trade policy with China, healthcare and its “reform”, and any number of other issues, we're discussing the significance of a radio jockey with an audience that is approximately 5% of the US population calling some semi-random woman a slut.
All discussion of this topic is a definite win for the Obama Administration and its worshipful sycophants, even if it does make the Obama look like a dick.
PS Sounds like ♥ is conducting his own War On Women.
edutcher: only certain women where, one suspects, has more to do with political ideology rather than philosophical consistency
ISSUE: Will Team Romney disavow Ted Nugent calling Hillary Clinton a "toxic cunt" and a "two-bit whore"?
I suspect that Romney would disavow it, if he was even aware that Nugent said it. But I'm not really sure that he knows who Ted Nugent is.
Still, you never know. I would give good money to see him, at some primary victory celebration, break out the air guitar as Papa's Will plays on the sound system.
Yes, yes indeed! Obama believes that Palin should be called a cunt and a twat. That is a perfectly sane conclusion.
Given all the hullabalou in the intervening time about Bill Maher in particular, and the President's taking time out for such trivialities as the NCAA Men's Tournament, yes, it absolutely follows.
(Has the President spoken about the NCAA Women's Basketball Tournament?)
Jess, it would be funnier if the song were Stranglehold!
Icepick: good observation, but why should the president focus on mens NCAA, and not a bunch of nappy headed hoes playing hoops. Where is Imus when we need him.
Where is Imus when we need him.
These radeio guys always bail out when the going gets tough....
Biggest obscenity of all is Obama classifying himself as one of the "decent folk."
Miss Palin, and Miss Clinton, have been able to use their family names. I did not see Miss Clinton change her name. More power to them. I don't see where pregnancy is an issue.
Bristol Palin, high school graduate & teenage mom, was named Teen Pregnancy Prevention Ambassador for the Candie’s Foundation. Her only obvious qualification for the position was her teenage pregnancy.
Chelsea Clinton is a Stanford graduate, an Oxford graduate, a Columbia graduate, and a doctoral student at NYU. Although I have no doubt that she benefits from her family connections, she doesn't suffer from a clear lack of talent and skills as does Bristol Palin.
Thank you for proving my point with an apt comparison. :)
LOL Icepick,
Have him watch this and concentrate on getting the fret work in the last 30 seconds right - that's the part I really want to see :D
Given all the hullabalou in the intervening time about Bill Maher in particular, and the President's taking time out for such trivialities as the NCAA Men's Tournament, yes, it absolutely follows.
Alright, if you say so. Please check in with your local mental health professional at your first opportunity.
OTOH, all bathtub swabbie/♥ and the rest of their zany cartoon characters have yet to show they can do anything but mindlessly barf up KosKid talking points.
I don't read Kos, but obviously you must follow it quite closely if you can keep track of Kos talking points.
Frankly edutcher, I don't understand why you object when I give credit to Bristol Palin for making big bucks in spite of the fact that she has no obvious skills or talent. She's using her family name and her teenage pregnancy to make money. It's the American way, right?
Chelsea Clinton is a Stanford graduate, an Oxford graduate, a Columbia graduate, and a doctoral student at NYU.
And she can stop clocks too.
PS Sounds like ♥ is conducting his own War On Women.
Of course! I'm conducting a "war on women" because, as a woman, I have no respect for women. o_O
Really, edutcher, you write some of the most incredibly moronic things I've ever read on teh internets. That's a truly remarkable accomplishment, btw.
In edutcher's world, acknowledging Bristol Palin's lack of higher education and teenage pregnancy is the equivalent of conducting a "war on women." What a sad and dull world to inhabit. Poor edutcher. :(
Jess, that's brilliant! I'm not really a fan of that song (it runs about 8 hours, right?), but that was a fun link, and I can imagine watching Mitt trying to do that. It would be worth it to see the complete mystification on his face!
Also, I wonder if John Kerry could pull it off. He wouldn't, of course, because Uncle Ted is too reminiscent of Genghis Khan*, but I wonder if he could....
* I say that with much love, of course.
Willard I missed your point about what the comedians said about Chelsea Clinton.
Could you repeat it please?
heart willard--you do appear to have a fixation on credentials--if thats your metric fine. Miss Palin, less the credentials you appear to put a lot of stock in, are much less important to me, than they are, apparently to you.
But do carry on. Miss Palin seems to be doing just fine from a financial standpoint. but, as always, YMMV
BTW heart Willard--given Miss Clinton's credentials: why is she working as a "correspondent" for NBC, and according to Huffpo, it isnt going well. Help me understand this, please. With all those credentials she should at least replace Ms Legard as president of the world bank. No?
[Palin] was named Teen Pregnancy Prevention Ambassador for the Candie’s Foundation. Her only obvious qualification for the position was her teenage pregnancy.
Her obvious qualification was that she's *famous*, silly. That's what all the "Ambassadors" for Candies are chosen for -- name recognition. The organization picks them based on their ability to attract attention to the foundation.
Did you think she was being dispatched as a diplomatic representative to Pregnoslovakia or something? :)
I ♥ Willard said...
PS Sounds like ♥ is conducting his own War On Women.
Of course! I'm conducting a "war on women" because, as a woman, I have no respect for women. o_O
Is that why the graphic?
I thought ♥ was trying to convince us he was a woman, by giving us a self-portrait, laying on his side, one leg raised.
PS ♥, while claiming Miss Palin has no skills, has yet to show any skills himself, except mindlessly barfing up KosKid talking points.
PPS What are ♥'s skills, other than claiming to have served on the LPD Shiloh?
Heart Willard--here's my position: I think Miss Clinton has matured into a very vivacious lady and has survived her very dysfunctional parents. The fact that she went to all these schools, I submit has more to say who her dad was than her personal qualifications. But thats just me. Now her correspondent gig has gone tits up. She is clearly credentialed, but, based on performance seems to have fallen short of the mark.
After seeing her "work" at NBC News...I have serious doubts about Chelsea having talent.
Anyway, Obama set the standard. He needs to be held to it. Rush seldom discussing drugs was enough to label him a hypocrite after all.
If Bristol doesn't get her apology, she should invite Maher and Letterman to join Todd Palin together in a locked room for a few minutes.
If they decline, she should invite them to join her Grandpa Heath -- or maybe Grandma Heath -- individually in such a room.
I'm an old fashioned guy who likes the idea of just deserts for cowardly bullies
@ I*Willard
Really, edutcher, you write some of the most incredibly moronic things I've ever read on teh internets
I don't think Bristol mispelled the in her post. Just holding you to your standards of perfection. Then again, there is a feature where you can go back and remove that comment.
"Perhaps, just perhaps, the President of the United States should concentrate on running the country ... "
Don't you mean running the executive branch of the federal government?
Don't you mean running the executive branch of the federal government?
There are three branches of government. It would be nice if they would do their jobs. You know President do his thing. Congress pass a budget.
There are many more important thing out there than if some private citizen called another private citizen a cunt or whatever.
"(Has the President spoken about the NCAA Women's Basketball Tournament?)"
Icepick - unbelievably, yes. He was on with the ESPN hoops babe and the women's bracket.
All distractions, all the time.
If you like $4-$5 gas, by all means vote democrat in November!
"There are three branches of government. It would be nice if they would do their jobs."
Of course, most are terrified to take a stand against our first black president. The die has been cast that anyone that speaks out against this man is a racissssss!
Its a chilling situation, really, with the PC police everywhere (yet they have selective hearing, civility bullshit, etc.) and the press in the bag due to their at-risk access if they don't toe the line of the regime'.
The press has abandoned their post as sentinels of the people, we are in bass-ackwards times.
Who was it who said "my muslim faith"?
calling for Obama to apologize to Bristol doesn't actually follow.
She’s not asking for an apology. She’s asking for her sympathetic phone call!
Are you kidding? She nailed Obama to the frickin’ wall.
His whole charade is falling apart. His "I thought of my daughters" sob story, his utterly dishonest ode to girlhood, his comment that nobody with any morals would laugh at what Rush said (I did!), and his declaration that he would set a better example, Bristol Palin blew him and his hypocrisy out the fucking window.
Now he is utterly exposed as a shallow, partisan hack who cares more about money than protecting the virtue of women.
And when liberals say, "oh, Sarah Palin, she's a politician, it's different," what the fuck can they say to Bristol? Other than, "oops, we are sorry."
Why doesn't Bristol Palin remind you of your daughters, Mr. President?
The soap opera's out of hand! Maher will be lucky not to be driven from the airwaves.
As for Obama, he wishes we would all change the subject to the national debt, stagflation, unemployment and the price of gas.
He really doesn’t want to talk about that $1,000,000 he got from the slimy asshole with all those snarky video clips hating on pregnancy, vaginas, and whores.
This is so fucking funny even the drive by media is playing along.
If this was a movie, it would be like Father Knows Best joined at the hip with the Million Dollar Misogynist.
Just so we're all clear on this: Obama is a jive turkey, ie bullshitter. Thus the jig would be up if he called Bristol Palin.
I still believe as a matter of constitutional law that articles of impeachment should be drawn up against President Obama, and duly presented - as opposed to assuming he'll be thrown out by the voters. Articles of Impeachment will serve to formally memorialize his acts of malfeasance and sedition, and demonstrate [fill in the blank] of the electorate.
Best move for Bristol? If he does call - hang up on the chump.
Holy Crap! What's Ben Stiller doing with a Frank Zappa-style mustache while posing as Bag O'H2O?
Regarding Palin, I say yes, go ahead. Make her and her families' never-ending grievances from years past into opportunities for sympathy. I really see this idea going somewhere...
See, the problem here is that the liberals don't understand that everybody is equally deserving of the same amount of sympathy! No matter who they are or what they've done.
And especially if they're disingenuously shameless, grievance-mongering opportunists.
Those types deserve more sympathy than ANYONE!!!1!!1!!!
Props to Alan Markus for providing the Maher quote.
What's really great about it is the way it shows democracy in action.
Maher's video: 259 likes to 28 dislikes. 43,584 views.
Bristol Plain claims that her virginity was "stolen" video: 26 likes to 218 dislikes. 29,089 views.
Face it. People think the Palins are a bunch of talentless, opportunistic douchebags.
But what would you know about talent? At least Maher gets a live studio audience to laugh at his jokes or boo when they're not funny.
Fatass Rimjob just blathers on over the airwaves with no one to judge how humorous he is other than his lackey studio hands.
You people are all humorless, idiotic dickwads if you can't see that crucial difference.
It's like the Republican Party suddenly impaling itself on a more democratic nominating process.
Rather like Chelsea Clinton, except for the pregnancy part.
Lol. Stanford. Oxford. Columbia. Almost as talentless as Bristool Palin, right?
I'm an old fashioned guy who likes the idea of just deserts for cowardly bullies.
Well, you're OLD, anyway.
What's with all this shit about Chelsea Clinton? She got made fun of plenty by comedians, when she was even younger than Bristool. And that was just on account of looks. That's seriously not meaner?
Any more of this premature hooting and hollering over Todd Palin's alleged rage and I'm going to conclude that he's suffering from some serious sexual deprivation. Thanks for sharing. I guess you knew something that I didn't.
And once again, thanks for proving how contemptuous you are of public opinion. Maher and the, you know, REAL comedians get laughs. Who knows what Rimjob gets from his gaggle of traveling salesmen and other assorted wage-slave zombies as they drive to and from work with the AM dial stuck on his station.
There is no such thing in America as a "conservative" or a Republican Party. Just a bunch of people who are defective at understanding humor and using reason.
Now go fuck off already.
You're trying too hard for too little effect.
Your moral equalivancies fall very short.
Your analysis is defective.
This is not funny.
Not even to a highly developed "liberal sense of humor." (which doesn't exist)
It's just sad.
Oh boy! Look at all these wonderful, fact-free, unreasoning PERSONAL opinions above!
Isn't it wonderful that we have this entire subspecies of Americans, who believe that as long as something exists in their heads, it might as well be real?
I find such creatures and the made-up, make-believe mental world that they inhabit, adorable.
Too bad that the only things that meet their approval are imaginary.
Lol. Stanford. Oxford. Columbia. Almost as talentless as Bristool Palin, right?
I once worked for somebody with a Harvard, Stanford, Cambridge (UK) pedigree. Smart guy, but an utter boob in many ways. YMMV
This is not funny.
I may have to respectfully disagree. He's using the YouTube audience as arbiters of taste. Now that's funny!
I may have to respectfully disagree. He's using the YouTube audience as arbiters of taste. Now that's funny!
I use it as an arbiter of popular opinion.
But it's funny that you're stupid enough to equate that with "taste", which as the yardstick you prefer, is arbitrary, personal, subjectively defined and opportunistic.
Which makes you rather like Bristool Palin.
I am however pleased to know that you are just as inept in your willingness to insult popular opinion when it comes to - no matter how tangentially - vaguely political matters. That certainly gives me hope.
Now go attend to your other snobby tastes and indefensible ethical judgments.
I'm sure they're just as tasteless as your own asshole. They call them "opinions" for a reason. As with assholes, everyone has one. You believe your own is special at the expense of exposing the nasty smell to everyone else.
Just beware of how others will react to that.
I once worked for somebody with a Harvard, Stanford, Cambridge (UK) pedigree. Smart guy, but an utter boob in many ways. YMMV
Ya. Like, my mileage asks for specific failings (we all have them) and puts more stock in that than in a generic insult.
But this constant bashing of intellectual achievement is intriguing. You seem to not do it as persistently as the other "boobs", but maybe you can explain to me why your fellow conservatives are so contemptuous of intelligence generally. Why do they think wealth is a virtue (even for such obvious boobs as Paris Hilton) but that intelligence is beneath contempt. What is wrong with them?
I don't understand how cons can hold humans to be any more potentially noble and dignified than animals when they constantly berate some of the most important distinctions we have over mere beasts.
Having a university degree and being intellectual are not the same thing. Having a degree and being smart are not the same thing. Smart people don't have to cite degrees to prove their intelligence. Say something intelligent.
Generally speaking intelligent people don't need to use profanity and potty words to get their point across.
Intellectuals of the type you describe have made some of the stupidest decisions ever made, and caused some of the most horrific damage to society ever known.
I, for one, am quite impressed with the way that Bristol Palin, without any obvious skills or talent, has managed to make money off her family name and her teenage pregnancy.
That's nothing - Obama did it with his family name and his mom's teenage pregnancy!
the liberals don't understand that everybody is equally deserving of the same amount of sympathy!
Obama is a fraud. He's phony. He's pretentious. That's why the Bristol shot hits him so hard.
He hates Rush Limbaugh. It was like 30 days into his administrations that he was bitching about Rush Limbaugh.
The press hates Rush, too, of course. So the press was crucifying Rush over that prostitute analogy. Which, I insist, was fucking hilarious. "And we're the pimps!"
What Obama should have done is laugh about this with his aides. "That fat asshole stepped in it now!" And promptly forgotten about it. Because, you know, he's got shit to do.
But he couldn't resist calling her up. That was fake. That was fraudulent. "I thought of my daughters." Oh bullshit. She's fucking 30. She's not a little girl, she's not embarrassed about her sex life. Did Rush Limbaugh make her cry? No. Was she fazed at all? No. She's like, "he won't shut me up." She was enjoying the battle.
You thought you could participate. You wanted to pile on. "Poor, poor. little girl." So you called her up in a partisan charade. And released it to the press.
Tell me, Mr. Unifier, when you call up a girl--and we've established that you think of her as a girl--to express sympathy, do you leak it to the press?
Who told the press? And why?
And then at your press conference, you were asked about it. Because, you know, you leaked it to the fucking press.
So instead of talking about all the important shit you need to be doing, you decided to have an Oprah moment. So you made a lot of phony and pretentious comments about good behavior, and bad behavior, and how good people don't talk that way. And all the rest of the civility bullshit.
You have a deeply partisan streak, Obama. So much so that you interrupt your work to participate in talk radio.
Instead of recognizing how partisan you are, and how mean you can be, you are deeply committed to hiding it. You put up this utterly phony nice guy front.
And Bristol Palin pointed out, smartly and succinctly, just how phony you are. She pointed out your double standards, your hypocrisy, your phony calls to unity. She threw your civility bullshit and your feminist facade right back in your face.
You lie!
And the point of the Bristol Palin comment was not to get a sympathetic phone call from you. The point was to remark on the absurdity of your phone call to a victim of Rush Limbaugh. And the release of said phone call to the press. And the press conference where you tried, once and for all, to drive Rush Limbaugh off the air.
Now you've been exposed as a hypocrite, and you know it, and there's nothing you can do about it. You can continue the fraudulent sympathetic phone calls, and have your entire base mock you. (Althouse is not your friend!)
You can give the million dollars back, and have your entire base mock you again. (I'm not your friend, either!)
Or you can hunker down and hide as your minions try their hand at more misogyny aimed at the Palins. Yeah, Ritmo, call her trash some more. Or ignorant slut. Let loose your inner misogynist. Because it's all part of Obamaville now.
Since we are talking somewhat about politicians' kids, I thought it might be of interest why AFP story on Obama daughter’s Mexico trip scrubbed from Internet.
"An AFP report that President Barack Obama’s 13-year-old daughter, Malia, is spending spring break in Oaxaca, Mexico appears to have been completely scrubbed from the Internet news sites that first reported it. Pictures have appeared in Mexican magazine QuiĂ© allegedly showing Malia visiting Oaxaca."
After the Bush and Palin girls being fair game, it is a bit worrisome to me that someone at the White House was able to totally cleanse a number of left leaning "news" sites within hours of any news whatsoever of the Obama girl supposedly going to Mexico for an early spring break with maybe 9 friends and 25 Secret Service agents.
Most troubling to me is the cleansing, which means that a number of these sites not only pulled the articles within an hour or two, but gave no explanation whatsoever. Rather, you just got 404 errors. Or, directed you to the main site.
But, you do have to wonder why the Obamas sent their oldest daughter somewhere his government is advising travelers to avoid, and then having the taxpayers spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to provide security for the trip. I do think that these are legitimate concerns of the American people, much more than the sexual or alcohol related, or supposedly related, antics of other children at this level. And, compounding this, this appears to be maybe the third vacation this year for the Obama daughter (and we are only in March), and they have all involved significant cost to the taxpayers.
My answer to the White House and the Obamas as to propriety of this being reported in the news is that if this were really of concern to them, the easiest solution would be to just keep their kids in school, where there is no extraordinary spending involved (and, where security is significantly cheaper, since it is semi-permanently installed). It is the Obama's fondness for expensive and exotic vacations at taxpayer expense that makes this an issue, and, I think, exempts the Obama daughters, to this extent, open for discussion in this area.
A girl who keeps the baby is not exactly Obama's type girl to call.
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