March 25, 2012

At the Narcissus Café...

... reflect.


xnar said...

It looks like me!

m stone said...

Hotchkiss: Narcissists hold unreasonable expectations of particularly favorable treatment and automatic compliance because they consider themselves special. Failure to comply is considered an attack on their superiority, and the perpetrator is considered an "awkward" or "difficult" person. Defiance of their will is a narcissistic injury that can trigger narcissistic rage

Wisconsin unions?

Beta Rube said...

So if Falk wins, will School Districts once again be forced to buy over priced WEAC health insurance rather than take low bid?

I think this is a BFD.

Anonymous said...

Please God, have the GOP ticket be Santorum-Gingrich. Make Santorum the GOP nominee. No one will want to be his VP other than Gingrich.

This will ensure our victory (Obama-Biden) over the GOP in each and every state in our Union.

crosspatch said...

So now I read over at Drudge that Santorum has said that Romney is the "worst possible Republican" to run against Obama. Since I became politically "aware" in 1976, I don't believe I have ever heard a candidate this late in the process who basically stands no chance of nomination saying something like this about the candidate who will likely be the nominee. The closest I can come is when George HW Bush called Reagan's economic plan "voodoo economics" but the nomination was still very much in play at that point.

Santorum is blowing his chances at even the possibility of a nomination at a brokered convention. He seems to be on a path of "if I can't get the nomination, I will torpedo Romney's chances at beating Obama".

Basically, again, Santorum is not acting like a Republican candidate. He's acting like he's trying to get Obama re-elected.

Carnifex said...

@M Stone

Barry Zero?

And in important news UK used a First half surge to throttle Baylor to win the SE regional, and coasted over the finish line to the Final Four, where they will face the School of Darkness known as U of L. UK's 20 pt. halftime lead was the biggest in the tournament since 2004, expanded to 23 in the second half, and with the Cats coasting baylor was able to make it a respectable 12 pt. differential in the final score, 82-70.

This brings up a rematch with UK and their former coach Rick Pitino, who now coaches the University of Louisville. UK, with coach Calipari at the helm has never lost to UL, and coach Pitino. That hasn't stopped the Cardinals from starting the smack talking with Junior point guard Peyton Siva promising to "shock the world", and freshman power forward Chane Behanon from saying that the Final Four was "easy cake"

Ul started the season ranked #4 in the country preseason before a rash of injuries led to a losing record against teams in the Big East with winning records, and only an improbable run through to win the BE Tournament assured the Cards a spot in the NCAA field.

Uk started the season #1-3 in the poles and ended the season as the #1 seed in the field of 68. Lead by 6 probable NBA first round draft picks, UK is no the overwhelming favorite to win the Championship in New Orleans.

Their precocious freshmen, and sophmores are joined by senior swingman Darius Miller, a Kentucky native, as versatile player you'll ever likely see. At 6'-8' he can shoot the three, he can drive to the hoop, and can post his man up. At times, fans are disappointed in his unselfishness, wishing he would take more command of a game, as he has demonstrated he can do, when needed. When UK needs a basket, a rebound, a steal, they can rely on Darius Miller to provide it.

Freshman center Anthony Davis, leads the nation in shot blocking. When he is not blocking shots his mere presence alters them. He has blocked more shots this year than all but 15 teams in division 1. With his prowess and trademark uni-brow he led UK to a new NCAA team block record that merely increases with every game played.

I could go on but I'm starting to gush. Bow down to UK, you basketball mortals. We might not win it this year but the smart money says otherwise. Resent our past, and fear our future. We are the Big Blue Nation, and we will come to your home gyms as the Big Blue Mist. We will outnumber you wherever we play.

MadisonMan said...

So if Falk wins

Won't happen.

Santorum:National Republican Party::Falk:Wisconsin Democratic Party.

Perhaps after this election the Democratic party in Wisconsin will realize it can't serve of Dane County Clunkers to state-wide office and expect results.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Romney is “the worst Republican in the country to put up against Barack Obama”..

Santorum is the worst jilted boyfriend in the country to put up against Obama the boyfriend.

Chip Ahoy said...

Narcissus. So called because the original Narcissus was a fairly shocking shade of yellow with a comically orange face. It was a most unfortunate pigmentation abnormality that set Narcissus apart from his mates who tormented him incessantly throughout his formative years. They called him Buttercup at first but that name didn't stick because it was already taken.

They said he hung out with Echo but this is false, he just repeated himself a lot. Bill Schultz does this all the time on Red Eye. I want to punch him in the jaw.

The hostess says, "reflect," but of course you must not reflect. She knows that is how Nemesis tricked Narcissus, the poor boy's last known words down there by the pool, ".... must ... pull ... away ... from .... pool ... "

MadisonMan said...

Santorum should go back to gazing at his earnest Conservative Soul in his ornate bathroom mirror. No way after today's little outburst will he ever be nominated. This year, or any year.

What a prick.

MadisonMan said...

Or maybe I meant

What a prickly candidate

john bord said...

Was expecting to see Obama's mug shot.

Icepick said...

I'm reflecting on all the pipe I laid this weekend. I feel certain that I laid more pipe this weekend than Obama ever has, and I'll likely be laying more pipe in the near future.

Unfortunately, I'm not speaking metaphorically. Discovered a leak in the gas pipe Saturday morning, so I had to replace the pipes over the weekend. Taking showers colder than Odin's Frozen Beard (c)* took away all the desire to lay any kind of metaphorical pipe this week for me and the Mrs.

Hopefully I can defrost my testicles tomorrow....

* I believe Odin's Frozen Pubes also gets appended with a (c).

Icepick said...

MadisonMan, you were closer the first time. You just left out the "stupid" before the "prick".

Michael K said...

"Santorum should go back to gazing at his earnest Conservative Soul in his ornate bathroom mirror. No way after today's little outburst will he ever be nominated. This year, or any year."

Don't worry. Unless the GOP has a death wish, no one would let him near the nomination. As Romney said last week, Santorum thinks more and more that this is about him and not Obama.

More nonsense in trying to comment. Hopefully, I invoked the right spirits this time.

Nope, more crap

Chip Ahoy said...

If you would get a potato that comes to a point then you could make a better hedgehog than this.

In lieu of a pointed potato you can probably carve a pointed hedgehog face easily enough.

Here's how I'm imagining it carved; position the potato how you want it. Carve out 1/2 of one end with a single curved scoop to produce a flat surface for the eyes, that's it for a flat face, and curve into a snout. Except the snout is not pointed, the bottom half is still rounded. The snout can be left that way, cartoonishly potatoishly rounded, or trimmed on the sides for a better point. The trimmed potato pieces can be used for little hedgehog feet.

yashu said...

From the AP:

An agitated Rick Santorum on Sunday called Mitt Romney “the worst Republican in the country to put up against Barack Obama” even as it appears the former Massachusetts governor is on pace to clinch the party’s nomination in June.

Santorum later lashed out at reporters, using a profane word as he accused them of “distorting” his speech.

Santorum told voters that Romney is “uniquely disqualified” to be the GOP’s presidential pick and urged his supporters to stand with him even as he faces an increasingly improbable pathway to the nomination. Santorum said “the race isn’t over until the people of Wisconsin sing,” and urged them to give his underfunded, underdog campaign a chance to derail Romney.

“Pick any other Republican in the country. He is the worst Republican in the country to put up against Barack Obama,” Santorum said at an evening rally near Racine.

Santorum used a profane word! Heh, I wonder what it was.

It's strange to think how not too long ago, Newt was the one having the public nervous breakdown (cf. the infamous press conference). and Santorum (by comparison) was all dignified and presidential. Now it's the reverse.

Watching Newt and Santorum "turn" like that-- like curdled milk-- is kinda scary. If it's Romney that drove them crazy, here's hoping he'll drive Obama crazy too.

But it's more like, the GOP nomination this year is like the Ring (in Tolkien). Once that nomination actually seems within reach, so close they can touch it, the candidates start hissing "my precious" and lose their shit, consumed with hatred for Romney (even more than for Obama)-- because Romney's the one who's taking their precious away.

This is especially surprising coming from Santorum. The Ring corrupts even saintly Santorum, the "team player" who fulsomely endorsed Romney in 2008.

edutcher said...

As I said, he's a sorehead. Winning LA wasn't the big deal it looked like Saturday night and it's sunk in.

PS Thank you for answering my question, Madame.

Lyssa said...

Crosspatch said: Santorum is blowing his chances at even the possibility of a nomination at a brokered convention. He seems to be on a path of "if I can't get the nomination, I will torpedo Romney's chances at beating Obama".

This stuff amazes me - Santorum's still a young man, and the GOP loves to nominate the last primary's runner-up. Santorum's in a perfect position to walk into the nom in 4 or 8 years. Why does he blow it?

Adds to my already-in-place belief that he's absolutely not suited for the presidency.

pm317 said...

This video of Santorum lying and attacking NYT reporter is proof he is not going anywhere and he knows it.

pm317 said...

BTW, Santorum must have read A B Stoddard's article about how he blew it when he stopped using his old message of going after Romneycare. So he tried to resurrect that by saying that is what he meant in his confrontation with the NYT reporter but it is not working.

Lyssa, you're right. He has blown any VP aspirations and any future runs.

Carnifex said...

I was sorta pulling for the Saint to at least make Mittens work for it...I'm not inspired by any of the R nominees. My guy was Cain, but he was made short work by the "black men lust for white women" crap pushed by the lame stream media who are afraid of any black person that follows the elephant. I think it was our Uniter in Chief, Zero, who talked of how his grand mother would look askance at a young black man walking towards her. Because black men just go insane with the rut if they are confronted by a white woman.

Regardless, it's easy to see how Santorum lost his seat so soundly.

@America's Politico

I must have missed your response to my question from before so I'll ask it again... Do you think it's a good election year strategy for a sitting president to admit his policy is to drive up the price of gas, inflate the dollar, and have a stagnant economy? You do realize every knows that HE is the reason drilling for oil is almost dead in this country. I know you're gonna say that the president can do little about the price of gasoline, but then why does he want to release anything from the strategic oil reserve? Won't that drive down the price at the pump? And if you say yes, then you have to admit drilling for more oil will reduce the price also. If you say no, then why release anything?

As far as inflating the dollar, it is the fed. and its leadership under Ben Bernekhe(spelling?) that has printed money, and continues to print money in a ponzi scheme they have labeled quantatative easing. In other words, if you owe so much money, just print it up. Problem solved. Of course that makes the real value of a dollar less, so prices rise to adjust.

Now here is an Econ 101 question for the great mover and shaker...what happens to the price of gas when the inflationary cycle of QE nth hits? It's already reaching $4 a gal. Do you really think releasing oil from the SOR, AND drilling is going to lower the cost to the American public?

Now we have an inflationary spiral, a slow economy because people need to buy only basics and gas, that's all they can afford. Maybe the president can make us buy things because of the interstate commerce clause?!? That's the ticket!

Oh! As a bonus, because of the slow economy, tax receipts will decline, making the deficit, and the debt even greater than expected(by D economists). So congress and the president will be forced to choose either higher taxes, which will stagnate the economy more, causing a death spiral. Or they can cut taxes to try to stimulate the economy. Which do you think a D controlled federal gov't is going to jump?

Anonymous said...

The Times' report's question wasn't so far off Santorum's original comment that a calm clarification wouldn't have sufficed.

So I really don't get Santorum's whiny baby attitude.

MadisonMan said...

So I really don't get Santorum's whiny baby attitude.

It's always been there. It's really noticeable when he's desparate.

Damon said...

Wondering when Althouse is going to weigh in on the Teyvon / Zimmerman tragedy and the apparent miscarriage of reporting. There has been no investigative journalism present. If half of the below is true it would be nice o see some reporting on it.

purplepenquin said...

Did Santorum really say that this isn't over until the people of Wisconsin say it is over?!

Wow...that's a pretty controversial remark to make. After all, a lot of folks (especially in this forum) find that kind of talk to be violent and over-the-top. (Or is it only considered "thuggery" when the other side does it? I'm still kinda confused about the rules 'round here...)

Anonymous said...

Or is it only considered "thuggery" when the other side does it?

Thuggery when it is said right after a vote, not right before it.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Last night I dreamt I was in front of the Supremes arguing against the Obama mandate.. When it was the other sides turn they said the law was constitutional because Limbaugh had called a student a slut..

I was speechless by the airtight argument.

Bob Ellison said...

purplepenquin, you seem to misunderstand.

Longer Quale: some time ago, Russ Feingold used that phraseology (bad word, I know) to promote anti-democratic action. Santorum seems to be using it to promote the opposite, since Wisconsin's primary isn't 'til April 3.

Does that help clear it up?

Beta Rube said...

So is Obama's open mic gaffe with Medvedyev something or nothing?

Bob Ellison said...

I just occurred to me that a "this is my persona" tag would be handy. Commenters who want to make clear that they are Mobying or trolling or Godwinning could choose to alert others, perhaps slyly, with a little mark. Maybe .__. for a Moby, for example. Just a thought.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama is using privileged access to one of America's greatest landmarks to reward his most generous financial supporters in ways that Republicans Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum can't match: More than 60 of Obama's biggest campaign donors have visited the White House more than once for meetings with top advisers, holiday parties or state dinners, a review by The Associated Press has found.

edutcher said...

Damon said...

Wondering when Althouse is going to weigh in on the Teyvon / Zimmerman tragedy and the apparent miscarriage of reporting.

There was a long post Friday.

purplepenquin said...

Russ Feingold used that phraseology (bad word, I know) to promote anti-democratic action.

I still don't understand. Exactly what kind of "anti-democratic action" was the former Senator promoting?

Quaestor said...

So is Obama's open mic gaffe with Medvedyev something or nothing?

Definitely a something, a deal he's willing to cut with Kremlin mafiosi in his second term when he's "home free" and not now when he's highly vulnerable can't be in the national interest. This is likely a BIG SOMETHING, but our news media being a wholly owned subsidiarity of the DNC won't even acknowledge the incident. Instead they concentrate on Obama's banalities on the subject of North Korea.

I'll tell you what's going on, Obama is setting us up for a nuclear-armed Iran. He wants the Russians to carry a message to the mullahs which says in effect "Go ahead and build your bomb, but don't announce it or conduct any tests until after the election. If you'll agree to the delay I'll block any counter-move by Israel."

edutcher said...

Considering the oath he took, I'd say it's just about grounds for impeachment.

They fried the Rosenbergs for less during the Cold War.

Rusty said...

They fried the Rosenbergs for less during the Cold War

Oh no. They were pretty much up to their eyeballs in it. Which makes Mort Saybel's(?) disingenuous biography all that much more odious.
The President, being head of state, can get away with that stuff.

edutcher said...

Rusty said...

Oh no. They were pretty much up to their eyeballs in it. Which makes Mort Saybel's(?) disingenuous biography all that much more odious.
The President, being head of state, can get away with that stuff.

A POTUS who offers to sell us out to the Russkies isn't?

Sorry, if treason weren't so specifically defined in the Constitution, I'd say Zero's conduct qualifies.

PS I know it's Ann's blog which means she decides what's posted and foreign policy isn't her bag, but, if anything deserves a post, this does, including the legal (impeachment, treason etc.) ramifacations.

My $.02.

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