"Andrew passed away unexpectedly from natural causes shortly after midnight this morning in Los Angeles."
He was only 42.
ADDED: Here he is, a year ago, explaining himself as "the Upton Sinclair of the mainstream media."
ALSO: Here's video I made of Andrew Breitbart, speaking at a Tea Party rally here in Madison on February 19, 2011.
Barukh dayyan emet. May his memory be eternal. We have lost a warrior hero.
Now, watch the left's reaction.
This is a terrible loss for our country. He was such a brave man. Rest in peace, Andrew; we will not forget you.
Damm, Lee Atwater and now him.
Wow, that's young.
"If my body is found, even if there is a suicide note, it was murder."
Iowahak tweeted that we should all retweet every nasty thing anyone says about Breitbart and his death because Breitbart would want it that way. I agree.
At first I thought the person who called to tell me this was kidding.
O.K., That Hurts,...
I'm 42!!!
And watch the "tolerant" people at Daily Kos go wild with hate-filled bile.
RIP Breitbart
How does one die of "natural causes" at age 43? Dying that young is inherently unnatural.
He did a lot of great work for the people of this country. He will be greatly missed.
RIP Andrew. You will be sorely missed.
Terrible loss! I was hoping it was a joke but alas, it's true...
I don't think it's necessary to retweet anything, but I do think he'd likely enjoy what is going to happen.
What a shock. How terrible for those dear to him.
Breitbart made a living raging against what he thought was wrong. That's admirable. Condolences to his family and friends.
How does one die of "natural causes" at age 43?
The men in my Mom's family died in their 40s -- heart attacks. I seem to have escaped that -- thanks Dad!
I know of a family in Madison with the same thing -- the brothers died in their 40s from heart attacks.
I hate to bring it up but it seems a little suspicious for a guy like Andrew Brietbart, who is hated by the left, to die... suprisingly... of natural causes at age 43.
I don't think political murder is out of the question, and perhaps this is just the beginning. Hopefully he died in a red state so it will be investigated fully.
How does one die of "natural causes" at age 43? Dying that young is inherently unnatural.
My wife, the nurse--who guessed Whitney Houston's COD before it was announced--thinks heart failure. I doubt it because I think Breitbart had a great heart. A wicked tongue, but a good heart. Probably something stress related though.
"May his memory be eternal. We have lost a warrior hero."
"This is a terrible loss for our country. He was such a brave man. Rest in peace, Andrew; we will not forget you."
Warrior hero? Brave?
Gawd, that clip is obnoxious.
Breitbart managed to find someone who out-obnoxious'ed him.
I'm guessing a heart attack. He dies in his sleep, the night after Davy Jones died (also too young) of a heart attack in his sleep.
He looked and acted like the kind of person who seems to be at risk for a heart attack, don't you think?
He raged!
Too young. Too young.
So long Andrew.
Heart attack makes the most sense; this is going to cause a stir across the Web.
Damn. A brave dude. If Cook doesn't think it takes guts to go against the grain like he did, he's wrong.
Didn't Breitbart say he had footage of Obama in college that he was going to reveal close to the election?
Andrew focused on sabotaging media narratives that were creatively being made up. He went for the media's jugular, and that made him into their public enemy#1.
Where will we find another man with the courage to jump into the lion's den and do that?
Cook disdains anyone who questions leftist ideology so no surprise his reaction.
Where was David Shuster last night around midnight?
I've a friend at the UW who works in cardiology research, and many gene markers for the various early heart death ailments are known. So if you want to know if you are at risk for an early death from heart attack, tests are available.
If Breitbart was cursed (is that the right word?) with such a gene, it should show in his family tree. Is his Dad alive? Brothers? Uncles? But Wiki tells me he was adopted. That makes tracing the family history difficult.
What a terrible loss. I keep thinking of this quote from Matt Labash that had me laughing last week:
"Breitbart once asked me to teach him to fish as a much-needed de-stresser, then thought better of it, “since every time I see a tree, I just want to kick its ass.”"
Rest in peace.
"Scott M said...
I'm 42!!!"
And I'm almost there myself. It's something like this that stops a guy in his tracks and makes him think about mortality.
Breitbart's 42... I will be in a couple of months... man, that makes a guy feel weird.
Obama is one lucky guy. People who seem to make trouble for him die (of natural causes). Even if it is natural causes for Breitbrat, it will probably silence other people.
I'd like to know where Eric Holder was last night. Sheriff Joe Arpaio wants to know where he is today.
"If Cook doesn't think it takes guts to go against the grain like he did, he's wrong."
"Go against the grain?"
He was just another in the too-large mob of hateful yahoos in the world. He was not in the least unique or brave or heroic, but was a panderer.
Apologies for duplication. Computer indicated that my posts were rejected.
"He was just another in the too-large mob of hateful yahoos in the world. He was not in the least unique or brave or heroic, but was a panderer."
-- His lack of uniqueness is why he was so often singled-out for ridicule, derision and flat out bile. If you can't be civil about the dead, best not speak at all. For politeness sake.
He was not in the least unique or brave or heroic, but was a panderer.
You have such compassion.
I enjoyed watching him puncture that needed to be punctured. I agree that this does not make him brave -- in a way that, say, firefighters are brave -- but it does take some gumption. It helps, I think, if your psychological makeup enjoys poking holes in bad arguments, and I think, from what little I've read on him, that his did.
That he made a living at what he did is testament to his abilities, however much you might downplay them.
Four kids without a Dad now, and a woman left to do it all. I hope he had good insurance.
Cook -
"Warrior hero? Brave?
It is a typical Leftist tactic to simultaniously loathe the military and then castigate any political opponent described as fearless and brave as not so -
Because only Heroes in Uniform (they secretly or not so secretly loathe as stupid victimized war criminal murderers),courageous progressives, minority leaders, and Leftists practicing the Ultimate Patrotism of Dissent (like the OWS creatures) are brave risk-takers.
Breitbart went where his beliefs took him. He didn't care if he was making powerful enemies. Unlike Rush and Hannity - when he saw a conservative scumbag, he was not blocked by his personal politics from calling them a scumbag.
Ann Althouse,
I'm guessing a heart attack. He dies in his sleep, the night after Davy Jones died (also too young) of a heart attack in his sleep.
He looked and acted like the kind of person who seems to be at risk for a heart attack, don't you think?
He raged!
Oh, stop it, people are of different temperaments. That's why I hate the way some decide to punish those of us who are more passionate than the rest - what else do you expect us to do?
Also, I hate to break this to you - because you're an adult who should know this by now - but people die. For no apparent reason. Our bodies aren't some perfect instrument but an exceedingly complex series of almost-mistakes that can go wrong at any time for almost any reason. You can try - try - to lower the odds of something going wrong but, if you're born, the odds are against you.
Andrew made the most of the time he had - oh boy did he - and we should all be happy for that. He's done a lot of good work, created a lot of jobs, set a good example, and righted many wrongs. I'm proud for him. His was a life to be celebrated, not this silly he-was-the-type bullshit. I've outlived almost all my friends, and I know there's no good reason for that. Doesn't have to be:
We are what we are.
He was just another in the too-large mob of hateful yahoos in the world. He was not in the least unique or brave or heroic, but was a panderer.
I look forward to seeing what you say about Michael Moore after his demise.
You know, Robert, as someone who has moved from Left to Right, let me assure you that the thing that everyone who is not on the Left remarks on is the Left's self-righteous, entitled rudeness.
The man's dead. You had your chance to slash and burn while he was alive. He's beyond all that now.
Tragic and sad. He leaves behind a wife and 4 kids. And I agree dying of natural causes at 43 (I have read he was 43 not 42) sounds unbelievable. Or maybe I don't want to believe it because I am 41.
Very young for this to happen. Very sad.
Robert Cook, you may think he was just another in a mob, but even you would have to admit, he went out, confronted those with whom he disagreed, and mixed it up. If you think about it, that's something very few will do, and that number seems to be declining, with many just doing so online. You don't have to like him, but you can't deny that about him.
Calling it "natural causes" 8 hours after death is a bit premature, I'd suggest. Surely you guys have noticed that Breitbart was acting a little out there recently even for Breitbart. "Unhinged" is an understatement. It will be interesting to see how this plays out.
Condolences to his family.
According to another site, Breitbart had a known heart condition. He went out for a walk and collapsed.
There's no conspiracy here, except a conspiracy of genes.
I'm sorry he's gone.
How does one die of “natural causes” at age 43? Dying that young is inherently unnatural.
Hardly. Prior to the 20th century it was about the average lifespan. And before the age of antibiotics of the mid-20th any scratch could result in an infection that would kill you. Now that we're in the counter-age of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, we're returning to that situation. My own father died a dozen years ago, not of “old age” (though he was old), but from just such an antibiotic-resistant infection.
A great loss to his family and to American conservatives.
"You have such compassion."
Oh, I have compassion for the family he leaves behind, they who loved him and will miss him.
I won't pretend to any respect for him or for the sentiments of those who falsely aggrandize him as "brave, heroic," or, (gag), a "warrior hero."
He found success and celebrity by pandering to the ugly passions of the crowd, by following Barnum's credo that one will never go broke underestimating the taste of the public.
"I won't pretend to any respect for him or for the sentiments of those who falsely aggrandize him as "brave, heroic," or, (gag), a "warrior hero.""
You don't have to pretend at respect; you just have to avoid disrespect.
It's really not that hard to just not say hurtful things, is it?
Aside from his political courage, he was a wonderfully quirky and funny guy. He used to be on Red Eye frequently, before he was a household name. And he often substitutes for Dennis Miller on his radio show. Always, always fun to listen to. That's right, "fun." When the subject is politics, that's rare. He could easily have been an entertainer if he'd wanted. His father-in-law is Orson Bean, by the way.
Just a great guy, and unbelievably brave. It will be interesting to see who shows up to his funeral. He knew a LOT of in-the-closet conservatives in Hollywood.
Heart attack makes the most sense; this is going to cause a stir across the Web.
Or aneurysm.
Been a while since I have cried over the death of any non-family member/close friend.
I have tears in my eyes now.
We need a hundred or a thousand Breitbarts riding herd on all the bastards. Unfortunatly we only had one.
And now he is gone.
John HEnry
Whoa!! That's a surprise! A great loss for freedom and truth.
I never met the man, this feels almost like a personal loss. May he find comfort in the arms of Angels.
If he was not unique I'd like to know who was like him? Who are his equals, who did what he did, on either side of the spectrum? He had people actively trying to destroy him just to shut him up.
"You know, Robert...You had your chance to slash and burn while he was alive. He's beyond all that now."
My comments here today are more to do with the sentiments expressed by those who praise him (falsely) as some sort of hero, and less to do with him personally.
I won't pretend to any respect for him or for the sentiments of those who falsely aggrandize him as "brave, heroic," or, (gag), a "warrior hero."
He was more of a man than you'll ever be, and accomplished more than you ever will.
You're reached a new low, which for you is quite a feate.
Robert Cook:
He found success and celebrity by pandering to the ugly passions of the crowd, by following Barnum's credo that one will never go broke underestimating the taste of the public.
Bullshit. (Typical, why should w expect an epiphany from the likes of Cookie?)
Speaking of Barnum, it's too bad he's gone. You could have made a fortune as an exhibit.
See Robert Cook, the Incredible Shrinking Intellect! Come one, come all!
Madison Man -
I agree that this does not make him brave -- in a way that, say, firefighters are brave -- but it does take some gumption.
I disagree. Much of what civilians or those who were never familiar with government employees in uniform (cops, firefighters)- see - is people that do jobs that involve physical risk - ergo they are brave heroes.
Most of that comes from training. The Draft, volunteer military, the firefighter screening process does not look for "The Brave". Does not test for ability to steel oneself up to grab a cobra by the back of the head, but for ability to do math and follow instructions.
Bravery in most part comes from unit cohesion, a worker adapting to the expectations of the "Norms and Culture" of the job - including civilian jobs with far higher personal risk than the average cop or soldier or firefighter (commercial fishing, extreme sports, drug dealing). Or is displayed by someone that goes "in the arena" day in and day out.
Breitbart was brave on the last count. He was in the arena everyday, he had real enemies waiting for him to make a mistake and pounce on him, hopefully end his career - for a single mistep. He was not a 'go along to get along" journalist, parroting the narrative of the NY Times and the Pregressive Jewish/liberal media bosses for job security. Living safe in his little cubicle like thousands of other journalist drones.
That made him brave. And exceptional.
"He had people actively trying to destroy him just to shut him up."
Who? How?
Shocking news, and terrible news for the conservative cause. Breitbart truly lived by the Hunter S. Thompson credo that one has to be "willing to challenge the bastards on their own turf." An untiring foe of leftist cant and hyprocrisy, he will be sorely missed by the conservative cause and champions of freedom everywhere.
Robert Cook,
He found success and celebrity by pandering to the ugly passions of the crowd, by following Barnum's credo that one will never go broke underestimating the taste of the public.
Please. He found success by sticking Andrew Weiner's dick in your face. He found success by helping james O'Keefe expose ACORN and NPR. He found success by making it clear people like you are liars in support of some of the skeeviest characters and policies American politics have ever known and, by extension, you have every reason to be looked at as just as unethical as your heroes and their "ideas." He kicked your ass, Cook, and he did it with style.
Nobody will ever say anything like that - considering your lack of ethics, I doubt they'll (we'll?) even say anything nice or complimentary when you die, asshole. It'll probably go like this:
"Robert Cook died? He's LYING!"
There are times, Mr Cook, when it is best to shut up. You clearly have some boundary issues.
My comments here today are more to do with the sentiments expressed by those who praise him (falsely) as some sort of hero, and less to do with him personally.
What a ridiculous statement. Telling someone that their praising of someone as a hero is akin to telling them their praise of a particular piece of music is wrong. Apparently you were striving to find something negative to say, but at least try to make some sense between the objective and subjective.
Andrew was like the Tasmanian Devil, except instead of randomly destroying things, he went after the liberal MSM obfuscation and bias. He will be sorely missed by conservatives everywhere.
I hope, for consistency's sake, Robert, that you also consider Michael Moore to have found "success and celebrity by pandering to the ugly passions of the crowd." Even more so, in fact, as Moore was invited during the Democrat convention to sit in a place of honor well, honor to the left) next to that vile Jew-hater Jimmuh Carter, while Breitbart never received such an honor from the right.
Moreover, Moore has been repeatedly caught out in lies while Breitbart - to my knowledge - never was.
And if nothing else, the deadly silence from the left when he offered $10,000 to anyone who could produce video / audio of a TEA Partier screaming "nigger" earns him a special place among muckrakers.
Crack Emcee at 9:40 a.m.... that should earn you a slot at Breitbart's memorial. Great tribute.
Please. He found success by sticking Andrew Weiner's dick in your face
This sums up Breitbart's life quite nicely. He carried around a picture of Wiener's dick on his phone.
Robert Cook "My comments here today are more to do with the sentiments expressed by those who praise him (falsely) as some sort of hero, and less to do with him personally."
That was shortly after he wrote:
"He was just another in the too-large mob of hateful yahoos in the world."
"He found success and celebrity by pandering to the ugly passions of the crowd, by following Barnum's credo that one will never go broke underestimating the taste of the public."
Shamless liar and troll, who insults our intelligence by thinking we will forget what he wrote only minutes earlier.
"This sums up Breitbart's life quite nicely. He carried around a picture of Wiener's dick on his phone."
-- Having evidence to prove one's claim is important, Breitbart knew and had it.
I think his taking over the Wiener press conference was his crowning moment of awesome.
This sums up Breitbart's life quite nicely. He carried around a picture of Wiener's dick on his phone.
He got a piece of scum unseated from the Senate. What's your count up to?
Garage: you are better than your comment. get a grip
"Moreover, Moore has been repeatedly caught out in lies while Breitbart - to my knowledge - never was."
Shirley Sherrod?
Garage, I actually feel sorry for you, for thinking that was the essence of Breitbart. We all have blinders I guess.
This will make you feel better. An in-the-bag-for-Big-Labor guy got to write an article in New Yorker about your favorite governor: http://www.newyorker.com/reporting/2012/03/05/120305fa_fact_finnegan
(I assume you have a subscription. It's locked down.)
One of the good guys, a true freedom fighter who understood how the Left operates and beat them at their own game.
He will be missed.
My sympathies to his family. When the loss is sudden, it's that much harder to bear.
PS Odd, another young death, probably from heart.
PPS Cook once again reveals his own irrelevance.
"This sums up Breitbart's life quite nicely. He carried around a picture of Weiner's dick on his phone."
If we're using proximity to "dick" as a measure of one's life, garbage, I'd love to hear your characterization of Bawney Fwank.
Breitbart only had a picture of a dick. You, on the other hand, embody one.
"He dies in his sleep"
From what I gather, he died walking his neighborhood after midnight.
""He had people actively trying to destroy him just to shut him up."
Who? How?"
5 seconds on Google and you will have a nice long list with examples of their work. Are you really pretending Breitbart didn't have enemies? You can see how far you have to go into silliness to try and make your point. Maybe it's just wrong.
What's your count up to?
My count is zero pictures of congressmen's cocks on my phone.
"Shirley Sherrod? ACORN?"
Just what "lies" did Brietbart tell?
"Shirley Sherrod?
Sherrod -- he did not lie; his original post had the information.
ACORN -- Also no lies, hence why ACORN suffered as much as it did.
You do actually investigate things before regurgitating, them right?
"Shirley Sherrod?
What were his lies there?
Robert Cook said...
Moreover, Moore has been repeatedly caught out in lies while Breitbart - to my knowledge - never was.
Shirley Sherrod?
What lies did he tell about ACORN?
As for Sherrod, all he said was he would have done it differently; he never said he had been wrong.
Make that quite creeped out.
Nothing like the death of a conservative bring out the absolutely humanity and empathy of the left wing--well done Mr Cook, and Garage--very well done. you do your cause proud
"Garage: you are better than your comment. Get a grip."
No, Roger, he isn't. I certainly don't think so. Although he was better, long ago, when even Alpha Liberal had some interesting, cogent points to make. But since Obama's win - and especially since Walker ate his lunch - he's been rapidly going downhill to where, very soon, he'll be like AL and Jeremy (or Love, or whtever he's calling himself): the internet equivalent of the drunken bum at the side of the road shitting his pants.
"'Shirley Sherrod?
What were his lies there?"
People like Breitbart and Bill Buckley are too few. We need more of them. I'm very saddened to hear of Andrew's untimely death.
Yesterday, Pastafarian said, in effect, you guys are nuts to think Davy Jones was great.
Today, Cook said, in effect, you guys are nuts to think Breitbart was great.
Breitbart did some good work; he will be missed greatly. I hope someone has the guts to take his place.
I only have to read the first two paragraphs of that Salon article to see it's not going to prove a lie, but rather prove that the author is one of his enemies that you asked about above.
They state right up front that he lied about Sherrod and framed her by apparently showing her in a long continuous video tape speaking her own words. That's hardly objective, but rather it is doing exactly what it's accusing him of.
Cook: Fail.
The full, unedited videos are available. Any site that reports that they are edited has not done their homework.
If the best you have is: "We thought he was wearing a silly costume, and not just telling people he was a pimp," then, well. You've got it wrong.
Try again.
seems to me that one can recognize passions that one exhibits--I give you Senator Wellstone, whose politics I abhored; and Senator Kennedy whose politics and personal life I abhored--but when they die, the appropriate response is to wish the requiste in pacem, and let it go. Wish the family members condolences.
the political issues can be taken up later.
Is there no humanity left in our discourse--apparently not. A sad commentary on our humanity.
No one remotely like him.
What a loss!
Wow, my first thought was - is this somehow April 1st and not March 1st? But it seems to be true. What a shock.
I loved it when he took the stage and got behind the microphones at the delayed Anthony Weiner presser. He ripped gaping holes in the supposed journalists in the room, which they richly deserved.
Almost daily, Cook or Garbaage make me glad I abandon liberalism years ago. Their hate goes to the level of the worst of any side.
Why does Breitbart deserve his own thread? Rhetorical.
Althouse just wanted to give her flock another chance to apologize for him. ok, not a good reason, but a reason nonetheless.
Maybe Breitbart encountered Satan, which Santo keeps talkin' about ...
And no, as Lee Atwater at least tried to atone for his sins, albeit after he was told he had cancer.
As Althouse is baiting both conservatives and liberal w/this thread, eh.
"... He found success and celebrity by pandering to the ugly passions of the crowd, by following Barnum's credo that one will never go broke underestimating thetaste of the public..."
That's funny because that pretty much describes to a T you and much of the leftwing and Occupy crowd that demonize anyone who attains wealth as if it was done through nefarious means or our veterans as war criminals or anyone who desires limited govt. as hate filled racist anarchists.
Maybe look at yourself and your compatriots with open eyes and look where the real hate lies.
Moreover, Moore has been repeatedly caught out in lies while Breitbart - to my knowledge - never was.
Then you are willfully ignorant. You could have at least googled "Breitbart lies" before making such a disprovable statement. Here are ten of many lies attributable to Breitbart.
He was shockingly dishonest and lied, ignored or distorted the truth frequently to further his goals.
nothing like a "death thread" to bring out the best in commenters.
"Breibart’s Web site was the central agency for disseminating videos that were later shown to have been heavily edited in or"
The full tapes are available, if you can't make it beyond #1 without the source lying, I see no reason to go beyond.
Damn, Althouse has given Breitbart two threads lol so one can assume when her heartthrob Limbaugh dies, he'll get 5 or 6 ...
And no, no mention of Breitbart at kos ... yet.
take care, blessings
Shiloh: Read the second thread; there's a thread at Daily Kos. I know, I linked it. The thread maker's opinion is you have to wait till tomorrow to be nasty.
"... He was shockingly dishonest and lied, ignored or distorted the truth frequently to further his goals..."
We're talking about Breitbart, not Obama.
RIP Andrew. You will be missed. What a damned shame. When my wife told me this morning, I actually gasped in shock. Still can't believe it.
Take a deep breath and listen Johann Sebastians wonderful aria--this is the human condition--RIP Mr Briebart. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eytB4RnUVr8
"Then you're willfully ignorant. You could have at least googled 'Breitbart lies' before making such a disprovable statement."
Freder, your link's as pathetic as Cook's idiotic Salon piece. I didn't have to go beyond their whine about the ACORN tapes being "heavily edited" to know that. Don't presume to lecture me about what I "could" do, you mendacious hack.
Matthew, interesting concept as can you imagine if Althouse let her conservative lemmings also "submit" and post diaries ...
As if Althouse and her lemmings hatred of Obama wasn't already enough. :D
Shiloh--hatred seems a rather strong word--I disagree with Mr Obama's policy but I dont "hate" him. you seem to be rather off the charts on this one.
"... Nothing like the death of a conservative bring out the absolutely humanity and empathy of the left wing--well done Mr Cook, and Garage--very well done. you do your cause proud.."
It's not like they even try to keep their masks on.
Fuck you Robert Cook.
Breitbart crapped bigger than you.
Hope some personal misfortune comes your way.
As I said, time for those 3 word captchas.
What did John Donne say: ask not for whom the bell tolls--it tolls for thee. I dont recall he stipulated politicl persuasion.
The bell will toll for all of us, and at end times we will have only our works to be recalled.
Something for Althouse and her conservative lemmings to consider:
Breitbart's cause of death? Hatred!
It's not like they even try to keep their masks on
Irony is rich. Read the post that immediately follows this comment.
Don't presume to lecture me about what I "could" do, you mendacious hack.
I presumed you were just ignorant and not outright lying.
Sorry about that, my mistake.
Roger J wrote:
Shiloh--hatred... rather off the charts on this one.
Freder: "Read the post that immediately follows this comment."
The post after this post? The one about James Gandolfini?
Or do you mean the comment after your comment, again by you, where you call someone an ignorant liar?
I'm not sure what you mean by "the post that immediately follows this comment."
this thread serves to remind me that we poor humans are flawed creatures.
They state right up front that he lied about Sherrod and framed her by apparently showing her in a long continuous video tape speaking her own words. That's hardly objective, but rather it is doing exactly what it's accusing him of.
This statement doesn't even make sense.
A truly sad day. A brilliant light in the world extinguished.
the death of one person diminishes us all--politics nothwithstanding--that seems to be a difficult concept to grasp for many of the commenters-Thanks to John Donne for the pointer
What a shame. We need more watchdogs over gov't excess and abuse.
Garage, I'd have thought you'd love Breitbart's finger in the eye of authority approach. Instead, you celebrate a prank call to Walker that unsuccessfully attempted to catch him with his metaphorical pants down, but rage against Breitbart catching Wiener literally with his pants down. Why is that?
It's not like they even try to keep their masks on.
3/1/12 10:37 AM
Very next comment:
Fuck you Robert Cook.
Breitbart crapped bigger than you.
Hope some personal misfortune comes your way.
3/1/12 10:37 AM
Freder Frederson said...
Then you are willfully ignorant. You could have at least googled "Breitbart lies" before making such a disprovable statement. Here are ten of many lies attributable to Breitbart
Laugh out loud funny.
Coming from a left wing hack Web site, no less!
And the "proof" is that Acorn was exonerated!
Huh? You mean except for the fact that Acorn admitted wrongdoing and people were fired, right?
"Lie" does not mean what you think it means, you idiot.
Or do you mean the comment after your comment, again by you, where you call someone an ignorant liar?
No the comment after HD's comment:
"Fuck you Robert Cook.
Breitbart crapped bigger than you.
Hope some personal misfortune comes your way."
And I didn't call Christopher in MA an "ignorant liar"; I said he was ignorant or lying. I have more respect for him to think he is both. (Now, I do believe that Simon and Cedarford, among others who post here regularly, are ignorant and liars).
I said he was ignorant or lying
Coming from the most ignorant person who ever posts here.
I wasn't raging about anything. But perhaps a fair point. Telling you equate Breibart with a prank though.
Freder Frederson said...
Here are ten of many lies attributable to Breitbart
And the "proof" is that someone from ACORN was suing.
Yes, because as we all know all lawsuits are successful!
Watching you reality based community idiots try and engage actual facts is tragic and sad.
You are a not that bright and easily misled dupe.
a genuinely sad thread on on human empathy-I suppose this is what the internet has become. Enjoy the feeding freeding frenzy.
Huh? You mean except for the fact that Acorn admitted wrongdoing and people were fired, right?
You are an ignorant liar.
In December 2009, March and June 2010, independent investigations by the former Massachusetts Attorney General, the US Attorney of Brooklyn, and the US Government Accountability Office found no evidence that ACORN workers had misused government funds or participated in the criminal activities represented.
I know "exonerated" is a big word, but you should really check the definition of hard words before you use them.
(Now, I do believe that Simon and Cedarford, among others who post here regularly, are ignorant and liars).
WTF? Why bring either into it?They haven't even posted in this thread! Which, by the way, is rapidly becoming a disgrace, not to mention wandering off-topic into another, directed-personally-at-other-commenters mess.
What a bunch of clutter.
Sheesh. This isn't even the OTHER Breitbart thread, where it might--might--make some on-topic sense, though not the crap about bringing in uninvolved commenters and then insulting them.
Talk about bad faith.
wv: nativio illegio
Roger J. said...
a genuinely sad thread on on human empathy-I suppose this is what the internet has become.
They come to bury Caesar - since they couldn't discredit him while he was able to defend himself.
The Gospel According to Dr Goebbels ("If you tell a lie often enough, you can get anybody to believe anything") lives on the Left.
Stupid Stuperson said...
I know "exonerated" is a big word, but you should really check the definition of hard words before you use them.
Two more ACORN officials were fired Friday after a second video surfaced showing staffers in the community organizers' Washington office offering to help a man and woman posing as a pimp and prostitute acquire illegal home loans that would help them set up a brothel.
The United States Census Director has sent a letter to the National Headquarters of ACORN notifying the group that it will no longer help work on the 2010 census.
The group's leaders said Friday they were "appalled and angry" at what their staffers had done, but insisted the videos were part of a political "smear" campaign and not representative of the institution as a whole.
"But that does not excuse the behavior of the employees," wrote ACORN's president Alton Bennet and executive director Mike Shea. "We have fired them and are initiating an internal review of practices and reminding all staff of their obligation to uphold the highest legal and ethical standards."
"Exonerated" organizations don't fire people, admit wrong doing, and lose their working relationship with a federal agency.
You've demonstrated no, that would be zero, evidence there would be any "lies" as related to ACORN.
"... Irony is rich. Read the post that immediately follows this comment."
Indeed. Funny cause its always the leftwing hacks who pride themselves on their 'compassion', civility and how dissent is patriotic yet immediately turn into foaming at the mouth hate machines when harm befalls some conservative.
Freder Frederson said...
You are an ignorant liar.
See, "But that does not excuse the behavior of the employees," wrote ACORN's president Alton Bennet means the wrong doing and people were fired, just as I said.
But you go on pretending I "lied" you idiot.
"Fuck you Robert Cook.
"Breitbart crapped bigger than you."
No doubt...his "work" is testament to that.
MSM articles about his death repeat long-since debunked lies (Sherrod video context, etc.) and are followed by utterly vile comments. Eg, the silly kents want you to believe that heroin was found at the scene. There are creatures in here too who cannot bring themselves to be decent.
Even dead Andrew Breitbart exposes the left for who they truly are.
A federal appeals court on Friday threw out a decision that had barred Congress from withholding funds from ACORN, the activist group driven to ruin by scandal and financial woes.
The ruling by the 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals in Manhattan reversed a decision by a district court judge in Brooklyn that found Congress had violated the group’s rights by punishing it without a trial.
Congress cut off ACORN’s federal funding last year in response to allegations the group engaged in voter registration fraud and embezzlement and violated the tax-exempt status of some of its affiliates by engaging in partisan political activities.
You've beclowned yourself yet again freeper.
Don't worry, that ignorance is a virtue according to the people you vote for.
It's kind of early but I'll have a Cuba libre, please.
What? Yeah, I know it's a pussy drink. Matter of fact, make it half strength, I intend to have a lot of 'em. Thank you.
Worst reception ever. That's something. My favorite part about Breitbart was where he taught the Right how to bait the Left by predicting their behavior, in my view brilliantly. Save the most damaging bits for the second reveal at the peak of the firestorm created by the first. I love that and now look for it in everything and I think so does everyone else.
Hoosier Daddy said:
"...much of the leftwing and Occupy crowd...demonize anyone who attains wealth as if it was done through nefarious means or our veterans as war criminals...."
Not everyone who attains wealth has done so by nefarious means, but the banks and big financial houses--"Wall Street," for simplicity's sake--has attained much of their wealth through nefarious means...hence the name Occupy Wall Street.
As for the veterans, you're just playing to the cheap seats. The only soldiers who are war criminals are the ones who have committed war crimes: knowingly killing unarmed and defenseless persons, and particularly women and children; or committing torture. No, when critics of the wars condemn war criminals, they're referring to those who planned and executed the wars...the President and everyone below him and around him in a decision-making capacity. (This is why we prosecuted Nazi officers and high officials at Nuremberg, and did not haul in every ground-level German troop who fought in the war and who killed Americans and other Allied troops.)
(This is why we prosecuted Nazi officers and high officials at Nuremberg, and did not haul in every ground-level German troop who fought in the war and who killed Americans and other Allied troops.)
No, it isn't, or you would have included that we should have hauled Roosevelt and Churchill (and all their decision-makers) in for all the women and children they had slaughtered in the name of allied victory. How many died in the firebombings? How many collateral deaths caused when munitions factories were carpet bombed by B-17's that were ordered to drop their ordinance by generals, bureaucrats and, ultimately, politicians?
Weren't they war criminals by your definition?
Wow. I had no idea that Breitbart's father-in-law was Orson Bean. Fascinating!
GM: "Telling you equate Breibart with a prank though."
I don't equate them at all; unlike "Fuck the troops" Murphy, Breitbart had an extensive body of work, didn't call US military personnel "murderers", and actually recorded people compromising themselves and their positions.
At least I'd understand if you "equated them". What I don't understand is that you glamorize a POS like Murphy (who also happens to be ineffective!) and demonize Breitbart.
That's a damned shame. He was an interesting guy and did a lot of good work.
Rest in peace.
I'm stunned by this death, I think more than any other recent "public figure" death... because, I realize, I was counting on Breitbart to be around for a long while yet, doing things-- e.g. holding the MSM's feet to the fire-- that would directly benefit my life and world for many years to come.
A very sad loss. RIP.
So a liberal jerk comes in and is an unprovoked asshole for no reason.
A conservative reacts with an FU, and supposedly that indicates...what?
That the Left isn't childish and hateful?
That Breitbart wasn't a hero?
That Cook wasn't being an unprovoked asshole?
You guys flop worse than a incompetent soccer player.
If Ann will let me repost, here's my obit for Andrew.
This thread (and many others throughout the blogosphere) is example one of how there is no reconciling or compromise between the left and the right anymore.
At this point, states should just secede at will, and we can have two Americas.
@I Callahan,
Not a bad idea.
If we did split, the liberal nation would rapidly depopulate from govt subsidy to encourage SSM and govt funded abortion, so we'd get the territory back within a decade or two, anyway.
"...we should have hauled Roosevelt and Churchill (and all their decision-makers) in for all the women and children they had slaughtered in the name of allied victory. How many died in the firebombings? How many collateral deaths caused when munitions factories were carpet bombed by B-17's that were ordered to drop their ordinance by generals, bureaucrats and, ultimately, politicians?
"Weren't they war criminals by your definition?"
Probably so, yes.
However, one could make the argument that, as the Allied powers were attacked by the aggressive Nazi and Japanese forces, we were fighting in self-defense, and thus were not fighting by choice, (as were the Nazis, and as we have been in virtually all the wars and "police actions" we've been involved in post-WW II). Thus, those innocent deaths could be said to be the fault of the Axis powers, whose aggression ignited the fires of war, which, once unleashed, cannot be controlled. (This does not necessarily excuse some of the tactics the Allied powers used, such as firebombing cities in Germany and Japan that were homes to non-combatant populations, or dropping atomic bombs on two cities in Japan at a time when victory was ours.)
More practially, (and cynically); we were the victors and they were the losers, and the victors always set the terms and punish the losers as they choose.
Law professor William Jacobsen has a moving tribute to Breitbart -
“A Personal Note on the death of Andrew Breitbart” wherein he announces that he now knows what to do with his blogging and outreach
(Legal Insurrection is a fabulous blog that has followed Wisconsin politics in an amazing way over the last year of astonishing events)…..
Like you, Professor Jacobsen (someone I have admired more and more over the year as I am a conservative teacher living on the front of Madison, WI) – I now know what my efforts need to be in light of the loss of our flag holder – our rock star – or reminder that real liberals evolve into real conservatives as they continue to stay engaged in their skepticism of Big Government.
I am with you 100%. This matters – that we keep the flag running through the field even though the brightest (most effective) flag holder has been laid down…..
I now know what to do – just like you.
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