February 22, 2012

A year ago at the Wisconsin protests: Jesse Jackson — with Tammy Baldwin at his side — held court in the Capitol.

Meade followed them about (and I edited his video):

By the way, we have much more video of these 2 moving about in the crowd, interacting with people. Meade followed them around for a long time.

And here are some of Meade's stills from that day — for example, a sign reading "If you voted for Walker, then you voted for Nazism."

Meanwhile, the Democratic senators were hiding out in Illinois.


traditionalguy said...

I thought the Fleabaggers were going to stay in Illinois until walker caved. But the quorum issue was end-arounded by Walker, but I forget how.

Meade did a difficult reporter's job well last year, and that is not flattery, he really did it just right.

Jaske said...

Reverse cafe, time travel.

edutcher said...

Forgot about the Tilted Kilt. We haven't had such a glorious moment in the history of the Democrat Party since the Chap of Quiddick and the Friend of Angelo invented the Waitress Sandwich.

Second that, tg.

chickelit said...

Jackson does look at easy and comfortable around children whereas Baldwin looks repelled by them. Not sure how well that optic will play outside of Madison.

Titus said...

Please join me in protesting and calling out all girl scouts.

They are members of radical fems and homos.

No girl scout cookies ever again. And make sure you let the 8 year old who is selling this crack know it.

Family Values!

Republican Values!

Love said...

Meade is one creepy dude.

Love said...

traditional suck up - "Meade did a difficult reporter's job well last year, and that is not flattery, he really did it just right."

Ann...give the little guy a cookie.

Methadras said...

Marble mouth... No wonder there are games solely related to trying to understand what this jackass says.

Carnifex said...

I am O/T

There seems to be another death of an ICE agent as a result of FF. Only the DOJ denies it was FF. It was a program similar to, but definitely wasn't FF.

Texas recently sentenced Manuel Barba for trafficking a gun that was used by a Mexican drug cartel to ambush, and kill ICE agent Jaime Zapata. The most open administration ever failed to notify the Zapatas family, or his partner, who was shot but wasn't killed, that anyone had been arrested and tried for the crime.

In fact, the DOJ has denied the families FOIA requests for information about the shooting.

I feel safer already.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Meade is one creepy dude.

Is that so?

What is a Reverend.. that hid a child out of wedlock while "ministering" to president Clinton's Lewinsky affair.. doing in Madison?

IMHO It is the Reverend/Shakedown artist that you should be creeped out by..

Cloth abuser #1.

Jaske said...

I bet,

Ann advises a politician

S/he wins.

Reporter: Ann, what is your job?
Ann: Why do you have ink?

edutcher said...

Well, give Titus credit.

He vindicates the old stopped clock wheeze.

WV "itsEurfo" What we'll say when we follow Greece.

Fen said...

One thing I enjoy about these "looking back a year ago" posts is the whining of our Lefty guests. They really hate it when you turn the lights on. I think they're struggling with their shame. Which means they *do* have a soul afterall. Who would have thought?

Curious George said...

Ha, remember this? The Koch's were going to steal the power plant!

"roesch-voltaire said...
We must hurry and pass this bill before the Dems return so that that the Koch folks can clean up--16.705 (1), the department may sell any state−owned heating, cooling, and power plant..."

I guess the Koch's didn't get the libtard memo...

pm317 said...

I don't understand the point of these 'one year ago..' posts. Why? First time around, they were boring and you think we will find it interesting second time around rehash?

The rule of Lemnity said...

"I don't understand the point of these 'one year ago..' posts."

States are not allowed to incur debt.. they have to balance their budgets.

Our federal government however can borrow money on our behalf and does.. frequently and massively.

Wisconsin's Governor Walker set about to balance its budget in a responsible way and the protests ensued.. the protests covered by the MeadeHouse.

Some of our citizens as best exemplified by the tea parties believe our federal government should also start balancing its budget and stop if not at least slow the massive borrowing that is mortgaging our prosperity and that of future generations.. things that in the past have been deemed irresponsible.

Should the tea parties wishes come true it is very possible that the reactionary forces that gave us the Madison protests will come to life once again.. using the same tactics, slogans and so on.

I believe keeping fresh the memory of what happened in Madison will be to our great benefit.. for one the bubuzelas will be greater in numbers and therefore that much louder.

just saying.. not that this is necessarily what the professor has in mind.

chickelit said...

pm317 said...
I don't understand the point of these 'one year ago..' posts. Why? First time around, they were boring and you think we will find it interesting second time around rehash?

The old posts are like baseline measurements. They have comparative value to whatever today's take on the same issues.

They also serve as a mirror to those involved here. For some it's just narcissistic glimpse at our past selves. For others, it a rude reminder of the aging process--the aging of a phony visage. But if the ideals are true--they are ageless.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Sorry about the lack of commas.. I might be dificult to read.

MadisonMan said...

Wisconsin's Governor Walker set about to balance its budget

...and failed.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Althouse used the word "accountability" in response to a similar question before.

garage mahal said...

Wisconsin's Governor Walker set about to balance its budget

...and failed.

After all the bluster, a balanced budget never really even mattered. The budget deficit right now is largely than the deficit last year that necessitated the budget repair bill. What a bunch of fucking phonies.

The rule of Lemnity said...

...and failed.

You mean there is a "projected" shortfall.

I cant believe you are making me look this up Madisonman.

If you are going to object.. tell the whole story.

That $143 million shortfall is projected for the end of fiscal 2013; Wisconsin runs on two-year budget cycles. But this doesn't keep the state from tracking where its finances stand at any given time and -- you guessed it -- Wisconsin currently boasts a surplus.

bagoh20 said...

I simultaneously find it all boring AND fascinating.

Boring, because, being in Los Angeles, I'm used to seeing the left's complete abandonment of fairness, responsibility and logic in pursuit of taxpayer goodies and power - it's basically their raison d'être.

But I'm still fascinated at how:

1) They let themselves do it and proudly wear the embarrassment, seemingly completely unaware of how it looks to others.

2) Get away with it with so many people actually seeing their side as an equal, but just different point of view. It's clearly not, just on facts and simple fairness.

Demanding more from a broke government, and seeing your leaders running away as something noble in a democracy. My God, people, get a mirror!

TosaGuy said...

If we have a deficit, then we should follow the lead of the good Democrats of Illinois....cut people and programs, close prisons and other institutions and slash Medicaid. In a spirit of bipartisanship, Governor Walker should cut government like an Illinois Democrat.

chickelit said...

The budget deficit right now is largely than the deficit last year that necessitated the budget repair bill. What a bunch of fucking phonies.

Maybe it's time to start herding the rich into special camps, garage. Their seized possessions could be put towards the medical and dental of state workers.

The rule of Lemnity said...

The projection probably assumes a static growth.. the projection is an assumption.. a theory.

And a wish? maybe.. just a little bit?

Like Rush said he wished Obama failed?

Brian Brown said...

garage mahal said...
The budget deficit right now is largely than the deficit last year that necessitated the budget repair bill. What a bunch of fucking phonies.

And that would be false.

Is it even possible for you to post without lying?

Chuck66 said...

Civil rights 1950. End to lynchings

Civil rights 1960. Allow blacks to vote.

Civil rights 2011. Middle class white folk shouldn't have to contribute to their benefits and still should be able to retire at age 55.

garage mahal said...

Maybe it's time to start herding the rich into special camps, garage. Their seized possessions could be put towards the medical and dental of state workers.

Or seize mortgage fraud settlement money meant for homeowners to patch a hole in his budget, which Walker is doing. What a guy huh?

The rule of Lemnity said...

Despite political "projections", historically lowering taxes has actually increased tax revenue.

This is not a "projection" is just fact.. it has worked every time it has been tried.

Let producers keep more of their money and they produce more.. when they produce more they pay more taxes.. its not rocket science.

James said...

Doug LaFollette is running....

Chuck66 said...

Dougy "don't ask me why I changed the spelling of my last name when I moved to Wisconsin" La Follette?

Madison Falk, Angry Vinehout, and 1960s LaFollette.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

Doug sounds like a real loser but I'm still leaning towards Kathleen "quid pro quo" Falk. She seems to be the most entertaining of the group.

James said...

They probably think they are running for Madison City Council seats.

Ann Althouse said...

"I don't understand the point of these 'one year ago..' posts. Why? First time around, they were boring and you think we will find it interesting second time around rehash?"

Well, right now, Tammy Baldwin is trying to get the Democratic nomination to run for the open U.S. Senate seat. People might want to check out how she looks in this video, which is available to be used in ads against her. You might want to concentrate on the part where she looks like Jackson's puppet. Also note how she relates to the people — and these are her people. Picture her campaigning around the state.

Ann Althouse said...

And calling my posts "boring"... that's a shibboleth of lefties.

I'm also "stupid" too, don't forget.

Why does anyone read me?

bagoh20 said...

"Why does anyone read me?"

Oh, OK, we get no credit whatsoever. Look, we don't hate you enough to keep coming back, but we do hate each other that much. Get off your high horse, you look ridiculous Ms. Godiva.

Roger J. said...

"why does anyone read me...? Channeling titus: because you have great tits? apologies to both Titus and the Professor, but it was a high hanging curve ball.

James said...

No one is forcing pm317 to read these posts. If he/she wants incessant chatter about Hillary Clinton, as frequently demanded, he/she could head over to Hillbuzz.

Methadras said...

Fen said...

Which means they *do* have a soul afterall.

Soul? Leftads don't have souls. They sold their souls to their ideology long long ago.