February 9, 2012

Union leaders ask candidates in the Walker recall election to promise to veto the next budget unless it restores collective bargaining for public employees.

One candidate, Kathleen Falk, immediately agreed.
Falk, who received the state teachers union endorsement Wednesday at an event in the Madison suburb of Monona, said Walker used a budget-repair bill to pass the repeal of most union bargaining so it was appropriate to use a budget bill to undo it.

"I have said that I will veto a budget bill if it does not have collective bargaining," Falk said. "The way you undo (Walker's) damage is the same vehicle by which he did the damage."

Unions spearheaded the recall effort against Walker in November in response to Walker's labor legislation, garnering more than 1 million signatures for the attempt to force a recall election....

Sen. Tim Cullen (D-Janesville) briefly considered running against Walker in a recall election then decided against it. He said that he was asked by leaders of public-employee unions if he would veto any state budget that didn't restore collective bargaining.

"I said I could not make that promise and I did not think any serious candidate for governor could or should make that commitment," Cullen said of a veto of the state budget. "It's a $60 billion document."
I don't know how many times during the protests I heard the assertion: This is not about money.


Fen said...

"I have said that I will veto a budget bill if it does not have collective bargaining," Falk said.

Hey Falk, how much taxpayer money and forced dues did they promise to launder back into your bank accounts?

Sofa King said...

"The way you undo (Walker's) damage is the same vehicle by which he did the damage."

??? What budget did Walker threaten to veto? Wasn't it the Democrats who tried to veto by leaving the state? This makes no sense at all.

Tim said...

"Union leaders ask candidates in the Walker recall election to promise to veto the next budget unless it restores collective bargaining for public employees.
One candidate, Kathleen Falk, immediately agreed."

Of course she did.

When the union dog whistle blows, all the Democrat dogs come to heel.

Bob Ellison said...

It's not about money. It's about monopoly.

TMink said...

I appreciate Falk's honesty.

It would be nice if the union bosses (those 1%ers) were as honest as she.


Brian Brown said...

I don't know how many times during the protests I heard the assertion: This is not about money.


And just like on every other issue, these leftists were lying.

TosaGuy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
TosaGuy said...

Scott Walker once again thanks God for his political enemies.

There are alot of people who don't like Walker because of his style, but they also won't hand the state unions. Lots of people had their eyes opened over the course of a year.

Brian Brown said...

So basically the union is admitting that they want more money from the state taxpayers and will vote for candidates who will give it to them.

Isn't transparency grand?

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

Sounds like Falk has a great plan to bring jobs and prosperity back to Wisconsin. What could possibly go wrong with a plan to bring back collective bargaining, huge tax increases and instant billion $ deficits?

kjbe said...

Vinehout has also said (as Cullen) that she could not make that promise. She's in, he's not. Tells you something about Cullen...and Vinehout.

Larry J said...

"What do we want?"


"Who will pay for it?"


Tim said...

From the article:

"WEAC President Mary Bell said at the endorsement announcement that the union was recommending Falk because she supported education and union issues, but she did not address the issue of vetoing the budget over collective bargaining.

"The recommendation was based on issues that matter most to educators, like commitment to strong public schools, support for children and working families, giving employees a voice in their workplace and a common-sense, collaborative leadership approach," she said."

I'm sure everyone here understands the code "collaborative leadership approach" to mean exactly what it means: "...we own the bitch, and she won't slip her leash and go free-lancing for the betterment of Wisconsin and her people."

It's a losing strategy, of course, but unions aren't exactly noted for being intelligently run.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

quid pro quo, anyone?

Sounds like a job for Don Ho.

MadisonMan said...

I agree that it's nice to see exactly what you're getting. I give Falk points for that. Points, but not votes :)

I'd like all politicians to be as transparent.

Brennan said...

What could possibly go wrong with a plan to bring back collective bargaining, huge tax increases and instant billion $ deficits?

Would a growing economy, an improving jobs picture, and another stock market bubble provide a tasteless medicine the public may want to swallow?

Leo said...

It doesn't make it about money just because they are going to take the budget hostage in order to protect collective bargaining rights it just means they like collective bargaining rights. If collective bargaining rights are actually about money then its obviously about money but we already knew that...

I think the way that they try to get back these rights or "rights" is orthogonal to whether they are about money.

Rusty said...

This is not about money.

It's about control.

The fascism of the left proceeds apace.

The good news is that outside the petri dish that is Madison, it isn't selling very well.

X said...

she's going to shut down the government? call my bluff.

Brennan said...

It's a losing strategy, of course, but unions aren't exactly noted for being intelligently run.

I'm not really up to speed on the power of unions in Wisconsin. I know the Illinois variety. The Illinois variety is HIGHLY effective at operating an unintelligent strategy and running away with a victory.

What works in Illinois are weak, shallow, elected officials in both parties that can't say no to drugs, vice, and cash.

Michael in ArchDen said...

Whenever someone says, "It's not about the money", it's almost always about the money.

MaggotAtBroad&Wall said...

It's about the union bosses being able to steal, er I mean collect "dues", from union member paychecks so the union bosses can be in the 1% and finance the campaigns of Democrats who then use taxpayer money to create a bigger bloated government bureaucracy with more union members from whom to steal, er I mean collect "dues". It's a vicious circle. It has nothing to do with good government.

BTW, liberal political observer Charles Lane gets it EXACTLY right in this WaPo column.


MikeR said...

"I said I could not make that promise and I did not think any serious candidate for governor could or should make that commitment." Apparently there are no serious candidates running. Good line for a campaign commercial.

pst314 said...

I wonder if she's a descendant of Franz Falk, the founder of Milwaukee's Falk Corporation. If so, it would follow a common pattern: Grandparent creates a company, building it from nothing into a big business. Children run it competently. Grandchildren go to Harvard, learn that business is evil, and make a career of destroying such businesses.

pst314 said...

"I'm sure everyone here understands the code "collaborative leadership approach" to mean exactly what it means"

Do you remember the young Madison revolutionary who wanted to unionize Noodles Restaurant so that he could stop his boss from telling him how to cook the food?

Fen said...

It's about the union bosses being able to steal, er I mean collect "dues", from union member paychecks so the union bosses can be in the 1% and finance the campaigns of Democrats who then use taxpayer money to create a bigger bloated government bureaucracy with more union members from whom to steal, er I mean collect "dues". It's a vicious circle.

Nailed it.

Its a racket that Micheal Corleone would envy.

Curious George said...

Well, Falk will never be governor, but if she does, she will never follow through on this. If she does, thousands of layoff will occur across the state, or massive tax increases, or a combo of both.

But that said, Walker will beat her to death with this. There are countless examples of wasteful practices legalized fraud due to collective bargaining. WEAC insurance rip-offs, shift stacking, double dipping. There are also countless examples of millions being saved through elimination of CB.

This will have to become an issue in the Democratic primary.

Thank you public unions!

garage mahal said...

Just when we had this state running like a finely tuned Swiss watch!

David said...

"I don't know how many times during the protests I heard the assertion: This is not about money."

Rule #1: When someone says, "it's not about the money," it's completely about the money.

Fen said...

Garage's link is more of the same crap. Don't bother.

new york said...

Meanwhile, the Gov, who seems to do most of his fundraising out of state, has this response:


garage mahal said...

Garage's link is more of the same crap. Don't bother.

More the same crap indeed.

I thought crushing unions created jobs?

Big Mike said...

I don't know how many times during the protests I heard the assertion: This is not about money.

It's always about money!

Hoosier Daddy said...

"... I thought crushing unions created jobs?.."

Garage what local do you belong to?

garage mahal said...

It's always about money!


Rep. Mark Honadel, R-South Milwaukee, wants to get rid of required cost-benefit analysis forms the DOT has to fill out on nearly every engineering project. The forms show the estimated difference between the cost of state engineers and private contractors. Honadel wants to have the DOT only do a year-end report on that comparison.

A WISC-TV investigation last year found the DOT spending millions more for outside consultants instead of state engineers, based on these forms.

Anonymous said...

" It has nothing to do with good government."

And it has nothing to do with what's best "for the children".

Fen said...

Wow. Garage is really flailing on this thread.

Fen said...

Garage: "I thought crushing unions created jobs?"

Garage stumbles into the post hoc ergo propter hoc trap. You go girl!

edutcher said...

Falk, "It's nice and comfy and warm, here in the unions' hip pocket".

Rusty said...

The fascism of the left proceeds apace.

It's the only kind there is.

Beta Rube said...

I'm sure if Walker made a similiar quid pro quo with the Wisconsin Manufacturers Association Garage would be understanding.

MadisonMan said...

I'm sure if Walker made a similiar quid pro quo with the Wisconsin Manufacturers Association

It was more likely to be with the Wisconsin Roadbuilders Association.

garage mahal said...

The pledge was stupid, but I don't know what the quid pro quo is here.

Brian Brown said...

garage mahal said...
Garage's link is more of the same crap. Don't bother.

More the same crap indeed.

Right on cue:

garage mahal said...

You and your cohorts are in the position of rooting against anything positive in the economy or in morale, because you want to beat Obama so bad. It's fun to point that out. It's so obvious.

2/6/12 9:01 PM

Do you wake up every morning and say to yourself I can't wait to beclown myself on Althouse?

Remember garage: pointing out Obama's abject failures is bad for unity, but you taking shots at Walker = good!

Brian Brown said...

garage mahal said...
The pledge was stupid, but I don't know what the quid pro quo is here.

Of course you wouldn't.

Expecting more money from the state taxpayers is just business as usual for you and your ilk.

Fen said...

Garage: The pledge was stupid, but I don't know what the quid pro quo is here.

Sure you do. Falk promises to reinstate collective bargianing and, in exchange, the Unions funnel stolen union dues and taxpayer funds into her campaign so she can authorize even more complex scams between Unions and Democrats.

TosaGuy said...


The roadbuilders support who they think will win or destroy who pisses them off. They singlehandely took out my Republican state senator in 2006 because he sponsored the repeal of the automatic increase in the gas tax. Doyle also had them in his back pocket.

garage mahal said...

Remember garage: pointing out Obama's abject failures is bad for unity, but you taking shots at Walker = good!

The country is outpacing and outperforming Wisconsin on jobs, and has been since Walker's budget was passed. It's not working.

And Obama wasn't in the Chrysler ad, was he? Maybe I missed that.

Brian Brown said...

garage mahal said...

The country is outpacing and outperforming Wisconsin on jobs,


Um, 5.6 million people have left the work force since Obama was inagurated.

You go on believing that.

Brian Brown said...

garage mahal said...

And Obama wasn't in the Chrysler ad, was he? Maybe I missed that.


You mentioned Obama.

But don't worry, your silly hypocrisy is on display for all to see.

purplepenquin said...

It is a shame how so many otherwise-intelligent people seem to honestly beleive that "collective bargaining" is about just money. I reckon when you're sitting at a desk all day long (NTTAWWT, of course!) you don't have too many concerns about safety issues and workplace conditions so it ain't on your radar at all.

It is also too bad that so many people buy into this whole "union boss" meme...reminds me of the folks who call tea party members "terrorists". Neither group is really aware of what is actually going around nor do they have any interest in learning more, so they instead just call names that have no basis in reality.

Despite what ya'll may have heard from talk radio, the leadership in Unions are elected by the general membership and these "bosses" don't have the power to hire/fire/promote any of the union members.

The president of a union ain't a "boss" anymore than the president of the PTA is.

Fen said...

Detroit, the Blue Model, coming soon to your neighborhood.

Hopey Change!

TosaGuy said...

"It is a shame how so many otherwise-intelligent people seem to honestly beleive that "collective bargaining" is about just money. I reckon when you're sitting at a desk all day long (NTTAWWT, of course!) you don't have too many concerns about safety issues and workplace conditions so it ain't on your radar at all."

But the union side only ever talks about the money. In fact, many folks on that side use the talking point of Act 10 was a "tax increase on the public sector." You are correct that CB is more tha money, but the only points the pro-CB side brings up is money.....not my fault that is the talking point that side has settled on.

Curious George said...

" purplepenquin said...
It is a shame how so many otherwise-intelligent people seem to honestly beleive that "collective bargaining" is about just money. I reckon when you're sitting at a desk all day long (NTTAWWT, of course!) you don't have too many concerns about safety issues and workplace conditions so it ain't on your radar at all."

Here we go again. Even if we take your absurd position as "true", it doesn't apply to 100% of actual government union workers. Because those workers are just desk sitters, or are protected by processes put into Walker's legislation that provide for worker safety. This has been brought up time and again here to you. Yet you offer up this "worker safety" bullshit time and again. You are not a member of a government employee union. Your union elects to work under government contracts. But we should recall a governor because you and a handful of other apparently useful idiots don't get scheduled lunches.

garage mahal said...

You go on believing that.

I just linked to the jobs report, jackass.

What's your excuse again? Why is the country as whole vastly outperforming Walker's budget on jobs? You must have some unlinked, unsourced bullshit red herring handy that you can pull of our your ass?

edutcher said...

purplepenquin said...

It is a shame how so many otherwise-intelligent people seem to honestly beleive that "collective bargaining" is about just money. I reckon when you're sitting at a desk all day long (NTTAWWT, of course!) you don't have too many concerns about safety issues and workplace conditions so it ain't on your radar at all.

OK, make it about safety issues only - nothing even remotely connected to money - and see what happens.

purplepenquin said...

You are not a member of a government employee union. Your union elects to work under government contracts.


My union represents workers who are both in the public and private sector. Why do you insist that means we get some sort of waiver when it comes to the collective bargaining law? Please show me the law/regulation that backs up your assertion.

As far as your other comments I have to once again ask: Why do you beleive that fatigue & physical stress isn't an issue for any jobs/trades?

You keep bringing that issue up but you refuse to clarify your remarks....are you wanting to have an actual good faith convo about this subject or are you only interested in throwing poo and calling names?

kjbe said...

Even Steve Garvey thinks this is a stupid idea.

I couldn't agree more.

Fen said...

bad linky, Kit

Curious George said...

"purplepenquin said...

My union represents workers who are both in the public and private sector. Why do you insist that means we get some sort of waiver when it comes to the collective bargaining law? Please show me the law/regulation that backs up your assertion."

What union do you belong to?

All government employees have processes that ensure that safety issues are addressed and corrected. That's the law. This is not only at the state level, but at every level of government in WI. It's the law.

Petunia said...

Well, now we see two things proven beyond all doubt. One, these recalls are all about public union power, and nothing else. Two, if Kathleen Falk is elected governor, she will be a complete union puppet and is willing to damage the state in order to appease her masters.

Here's a hint, Kathleen, when NONE of the other candidates, potential candidates, or former candidates on your side thinks this is a good idea...well, maybe they have a point.

BTW, I'm surprised no one's brought up the Koch brothers yet.

Fen said...

/emph added

Walker's legislation, known as Act 10, ended the requirement that state and local workers pay most union dues even if they don't join their union. It also ended the practice of state and local governments collecting union dues from workers' paychecks and all union bargaining over anything except salaries, with even that capped at the rate of inflation.

Beil [AFSCME] said that restoring those practices would take legislation such as a budget bill, but that a Democratic governor might be able to use "some mechanisms toward restoring workers' rights" without lawmakers' approval.

Workers Rights = being coerced to give money to the Unions

But its not about the money...

purplepenquin said...

What union do you belong to?

Like I told you before, given your (and others) violent comments and rude behavior I don't feel comfortable releasing too much personal information. You keep on trying to make this personal...why is that?

That aside, can you please provide a link to the law/regulation that says unions which represent both private and public employees are exempt from the collective bargaining law? If what you claim is true then I would be interested in learning more.

Also, will you please clarify your remarks about how fatigue & physical stress aren't a safety issue for any trades/professions? Or is ignoring that polite request your lil' way of answering the "Do you want to actually talk or do you want to just throw poo?" question?

Peter said...

purplepenguin said, "It is a shame how so many otherwise-intelligent people seem to honestly beleive that "collective bargaining" is about just money."

And it's quite right. It's also about union work rules. Such as,

Rules that require those with the least seniority to go first if there's a layoff, even if some of these are a far better value than those retained.

Rules that make it cost $100s of thousands for a school board to try to fire a low performing teacher, with a good possibility that they'll lose in arbitration.

Rules that require equal pay for everyone with the same seniority and grad credits, even if some positions are all but impossible to fill while others attract hundreds of applicants.

Rules that define the duties of each job classification and define the work day down to the minute (thus requiring employees to say "That's not in my job description!" if asked to do something outside their job classification, even if they're fully capable of doing it, and supporting refusals to work one minute more than required).

It's about protecting the worst (short of actual criminality) and creating a workplace where there's never an incentive to do more than the absolute minimum. And then setting that "absolute minimum" as low as possible.

It's surely not just about the money. It's about giving effective control of government workplaces to the unions, thus usurping the authority of the People's elected representatives.

Rusty said...

A stunning new report by the Illinois Policy Institute revealed how Illinois lost one resident every 10 minutes during the past fifteen years. As Illinois lost residents to migration the state also lost out on a net of $26 billion in taxable income to out-migration from 1995 to 2010.

This what happens when a whole state is run like Madison

Roger Zimmerman said...

The collective bargaining change was made in June, right? If you want to play the statistics game, this would seem to indicate it has been pretty effective.

Rusty said...


Maybe this will put the cows whining into a better perspective.

Could be worse. Could be Illinois

Brian Brown said...

garage mahal said...

Why is the country as whole vastly outperforming Walker's budget on jobs


The unemployment rate is not "falling" There are 87.9 million people who are not working. The largest population of non-workers the country has seen since the government started keeping records in 1975.


garage mahal said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Brian Brown said...

MaggotAtBroad&Wall said...
It's about the union bosses being able to steal, er I mean collect "dues", from union member paychecks

The moonbattery taking place in the comments section at the link you posted is epic.

Fully 20% of people in America think that "the rich" steal money from the "working man"


Brian Brown said...

Who could have predicted that taking over 1 billion out of the state economy would have consequences?

Except $1 billion wasn't "taken out of the state economy"

Brian Brown said...

garage mahal said...
Oops. Who could have predicted that taking over 1 billion out of the state economy would have consequences?

If the government spending money leads to more government revenues why is Obama running such a deficit?


garage mahal said...

Wisconsin's budget condition worsens; at least $143 million short

MADISON — Wisconsin’s state budget condition has worsened to the point that Gov. Scott Walker and possibly the Legislature will need to take emergency steps to avoid being out of balance.

A large reason for the change is a projected $273 million loss in tax collections.

Oops. Who could have predicted that 2.3 billion in tax cuts and taking over 1 billion out of the state economy would have consequences

gail said...

Some WEAC members are pushing back against the union big shots by peitioning WEAC to withdrawl support of Falk.

Story at Media Trackers,.


Anonymous said...

I don't see any problem with this pledge. The whole point of the recall is to punish Walker and the Republicans for doing away with CBA for most government workers. What is the point of a recall if the CBA rights are not reinstated?

I'm a strong union supporter. I belong to UA (pipefitters) and the union is much more than wage issues. I dont want to die in a collapsed trench. And government only shows up after someone has died.

I'm ambivalent about public unions. I understand the problem with unions negotiating with politicians they helped elect.

Automatic_Wing said...

What's really strange is that purplepenquin's boss - a state employee - has no problem breaking every workplace safety law on the books, but rigorously enforces any safety provisions negotiated through the collective bargaining process. Weird!

MaggotAtBroad&Wall said...

I was on the board of a small but fast growing Chicago based manufacturing company from 2001-2006.

When the time came to open a new manufacturing plant, we did not even consider expanding in Chicago. Even back then the city and state was not very business friendly. We created a committee to explore options, and ultimately decided to locate the new manufacturing plant that would grow to employ about 200 people in Louisiana.

If I were still a board member, all other factors being equal, there is no way I'd vote to expand in Wisconsin. It currently has the most insane political culture in the country, with the possible exception of California.

Saying Walker's policies haven't worked while ignoring how liberals have done everything in their power to sabotage those policies and the state's own economic interests is a shallow analysis.

The entire country watched as elected politicians ran away from home to purposefully create dysfunction in the legislature; we've seen teachers abandon their jobs (effectively engage in an illegal strike) for several days so they could bang on bongos in the capital; we've observed medical professionals write those teachers phony excuses to defraud taxpayers; we've seen private businesses targeted for boycott for refusing to endorse the extortive demands of PEUs.

Evaluating the effectiveness of Walker's policies in a vacuum without acnowledging the never ending political turmoil and electoral recall efforts is disingenuous. All else being equal, no rational business person would agree to locate a new manufacturing plant in Wisconsin in such an unstable political climate.

And if you think I'm exxagerating, note Caterpillar's press release today citing concerns about Illinois hostile business climate and uncertainties about future tax policy to deal with the state's budget deficits as reasons why Caterpillar has decided to locate a new plant that will employ 1400 people in North Carolina rather than its home state of Illinois.


Chuck66 said...

Bill....there are a lot of us conservatives who don't have a problem with most private unions. Especially those in areas like construction (as opposed to SEIU).

I am not a big fan of union leadership, but when you have a project that needs to be done quickly and correctly, your best bet is with union construction, electricians, etc.

Chuck66 said...

Maggot, quite true. If you are going to expand in manufacturing facility, would you go to Wisconsin right now knowning that some very anti-business people could take back control of the state at any time?

If it is Illinois vs Wisconsin, then fine, go with Wisconsin. But you also have to compete ti SC, Lousiana, South Dakota, etc.

But speaking of Caterpiller....they partnered with Exodus of Superior and are bringing 300 jobs to Superior.

Brian Brown said...

Caterpillar has decided to locate a new plant that will employ 1400 people in North Carolina rather than its home state of Illinois.

Has a company ever moved from a blue state to a red state, I wonder?

Brian Brown said...

Meant to say from a red state to a blue state...

Michael said...

Garage: Wisconsin needs to radically raise taxes to fund the deficit created by Walker asking union members to pay a tiny bit of their insurance costs. Raise taxes across the board in Wisconsin and the problem will be solved. I would suggest that in addition to income taxes that sales and property taxes be hiked to build up a nice reserve. And why not?

Scott M said...

Meant to say from a red state to a blue state...

...thought so. Too many examples the other way around to be used for snark purposes.

garage mahal said...

Since Jay is all bark and no bite and doesn't have any answers, perhaps could you tell us what's gone wrong for Wisconsin since Walker & Co passed their budget.

MaggotAtBroad&Wall said...


Re: Cat's partnering with Exodus.

As you know, there are many variables to consider when deciding where to locate a new plant. That's why I tried to qualify my remark by saying "all else being equal".

For example, if our business had a major supplier in Wisconsin it may be a mitigating factor. But our firm had no presence there, no suppliers there, and our products were distributed to end user customers via national retail chains.

So without direct ties to Wisconsin already, if I were still a board member I would be against creating a new manufacturing presence there given the adverse political climate. Again, all else being equal.

Joe Schmoe said...

Purple Penguin, I think most people are concerned with safety, but until you get specific it seems like you're wildly exaggerating the impact. I am open to your argument, but until you get specific I treat your posts on the subject as unserious. Nothing personal about that at all. Certainly you'd agree that people are correct to discount vague warnings, especially if the warnings are incessant, lack specificity, and never happen?

MadisonMan said...

I am not a big fan of union leadership, but when you have a project that needs to be done quickly and correctly, your best bet is with union construction, electricians, etc.

This is about what I think too. I am a big fan of teachers. The Teachers' Union, not so much (if I may understate).

When I was in the AFT, I lost money bi-weekly to them, and got absolutely no benefit. Unions should have Pledge Weeks just like NPR.

traditionalguy said...

If I get this right, the Labor Union Bosses demand that the the next Governor go On Strike and shut things down in Wisconsin until the Union can re-negotiate back their natural right to get what ever they want.

Hmmm. This sounds like a job for Althouse and Meade Media: All the demonstrations that are fit to video and put on the internet...always fair, if sometimes over their heads.

Anonymous said...


The difference would be if the supervisor violated safety rules the union members would do a work stoppage and we would know the union would protect us from being fired.

Too many conservatives take the knee jerk reaction that unions are bad and unions serve no purpose. This is not true. Unions provide many benefits: training, safety, jobs, etc.

If unions provided no benefit why do they exists in large numbers in right to work states?

Anonymous said...


I'm not a fan of union leadership either. They have really hurt the cause by siding with the hard left on too many issues. I wish unions were more bipartisan (like the membership).

For example, last fall all the union information was talking about hiring apprentices, etc for Keystone XL. Now the latest communications are silent on Keystone XL but are pumping the latest decline in unemployment.

UA members would have been one of the largest beneficiaries of Keystone but Obama killed it. Yet the union is still shilling for him. Maybe the union should not endorse or support anyone this year?

Curious George said...

"purplepenquin said...
What union do you belong to?

Like I told you before, given your (and others) violent comments and rude behavior I don't feel comfortable releasing too much personal information. You keep on trying to make this personal...why is that?"

Shall I file this latest bullshit into the same file that contains:

1) Your accusation that I was one of the arrested protesters?
2) I have asked for your bosses name and to see a pay stub?

I was going to say you have some psychotic condition but really you want to keep this murky because it's required to keep your inane premise alive. But it really proves my point...if telling me what union you belong to puts you in peril then it must be a very very small union effecting virtually no workers in WI.

"purplepenquin said...
That aside, can you please provide a link to the law/regulation that says unions which represent both private and public employees are exempt from the collective bargaining law? If what you claim is true then I would be interested in learning more.

Also, will you please clarify your remarks about how fatigue & physical stress aren't a safety issue for any trades/professions? Or is ignoring that polite request your lil' way of answering the "Do you want to actually talk or do you want to just throw poo?" question?"

You are twisting my premise. So let me repeat for the umpteenth time. If you are not employed by a government agency you are not effected. Period. Act 10 effect ONLY public employees. Being contracted to a government agency is a choice you make...it's not a burden placed upon you.

If you are a government employee, state, local, school district no matter...there are provisions in Act 10 that directly allow grievances regarding worker safety. If you are a government employee, and the conditions are as unsafe as you claim, they can be addressed through this process.

Curious George said...

"garage mahal said...
Wisconsin's budget condition worsens; at least $143 million short"

Pretty sure $143 million is less than $3.6 billion. So it is actually better by $3.857 billion.

Curious George said...

"garage mahal said...
Oops. Who could have predicted that 2.3 billion in tax cuts and taking over 1 billion out of the state economy would have consequences"

2.3 billion in tax cuts? WHata were those.

$1 billion out of the economy. WHat $1 billion was this? Where did it go?

garage mahal said...

Huh? Tax cuts? Wha? What was that? Deficit? Duh?

Curious George said...

"garage mahal said...
Huh? Tax cuts? Wha? What was that? Deficit? Duh?"



1)what constitutes $2.3 billion in tax cuts as you stated.

2) What $1 billion was removed from our economy? Where did it go?

3)How is having an estimated deficit of $167 million in this budget "worse" than the $3.6 billion we had when Walker took office?

I look forward to your response.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

For the record, the projected deficit is for 2013. Wisconsin is expected to have a surplus for 2012.

Anyway, it's good to know that everyone is now on the same page regarding deficits. It just shows how important the Act 10 changes really were.

garage mahal said...

The 2.3 billion in tax cuts is easily googled, if you want the answer. It's in the budget, combined reporting, HSAs, and tax deductions.

The budget shortfall I linked to related to this biennium budget, unless you believe the 2011-2013 budget had/has a 3.6 billion deficit?

Boyd said...

I'm curious. Since you guys know all things WI, if Walker survives this have the unions considered what the executive can do to them if you really piss him off? I'm not even sure what that might be but I gotta believe with this much bad blood he could/would be as vindictive as the unions. And he would have direct legal authority to be so. Could they even legally attempt another recall?

Curious George said...

"garage mahal said...
The 2.3 billion in tax cuts is easily googled, if you want the answer. It's in the budget, combined reporting, HSAs, and tax deductions."

I think that why you are being evasive is that it is a projected cut over ten years, and in this budget only $94 million. Of course that does not factor in the incentive they create for businesses, and the revenues that will come because of it. I guess we'll see, but your $2.3 billion in context is just bullshit.

"garage mahal said...
The budget shortfall I linked to related to this biennium budget, unless you believe the 2011-2013 budget had/has a 3.6 billion deficit?"

The budget shortfall going into 2011-2013 was $3.6 Billion. It's not projected at $167 according to you. That's an improvement.

Stil lwaiting for this $1 billion plus out of economy. What is this? where did it go?

carrie said...

Making that promise is Falk's only shot at being elected. I like Tom Barrett because he opposed the collective bargaining changes but then, being a responsible elected official, used them because they benefited his city. Falk, on the other had, not only opposed them but did everything she could to circumvent the ban without thinking about what was best for the county. It's liberal totalitarianism at its worst.

Jason said...

Oops. Who could have predicted that 2.3 billion in tax cuts and taking over 1 billion out of the state economy would have consequences

Take a look at the budget shortfall back in 2009 under Doyle. Of course, since he's a Democrat, its not that big of a deal.


Jason said...

I'm curious. Since you guys know all things WI, if Walker survives this have the unions considered what the executive can do to them if you really piss him off? I'm not even sure what that might be but I gotta believe with this much bad blood he could/would be as vindictive as the unions.

Move Wisconsin into a full-fledged right-to-work state.

Brian Brown said...

Stil lwaiting for this $1 billion plus out of economy. What is this? where did it go?

Don't hold your breath, garage got that talking point from a left wing blog and he doesn't know what it is supposed to mean.

It is comical to watch garage, who never expressed the slightest concern about billion dollar + deficits under Doyle, start railing about $143 million dollars.

I guess in his mind he has credibility.

SGT Ted said...

It is about Public money being cut off from Unions and Democrats.

It's what started the whole big tantrum thrown last year in WI.

Of COURSE it's about money.

SGT Ted said...

How is having an estimated deficit of $167 million in this budget "worse" than the $3.6 billion we had when Walker took office?

It's worse because Walker is a Republican. Just ask any Obama voter. Bushes spending was going to bring down the nation, but when Obama spends 3 times as much, it is NO BIG DEAL and we're going to be fine. Dear Leader will make everything Better.

The funny part is their lack of comprehending that they make no sense whatsoever.

Anne said...

The same goes with depuy hip lawsuits too.

lizabaker said...

I guess that The asr hip recall issue has a huge effect on the lives of many.

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