"But I want to be clear. You floated your rubber ducks in bathtubs the rest of us paid for. You hired interns the rest of us paid to indoctrinate. You were safe in a swimming pool that the rest of us paid for. You didn't have to worry that Jackie would return home suddenly, and ruin everything... Now look. You built Camelot and it turned into something terrific. Great idea - God bless! Be a hunk in it. But part of the underlying social contract is you take a few of those Cuban cigars and leave them in the Oval Office for the next kid who comes along."
Meade, commenting on the post about JFK and his 19-year-old intern.
ADDED: In case you don't recognize the source for this satire, it's this.
Hey, Don't pull your punches there Meade!
channeling E Warren again?
seek professional help ASAP.
I want us to forgot JFK. We now must think of Obama on Mt. Rushmore.
The election is finished.
Santorum will win the nomination. Santorum cannot win his home state (PA) in the general. He cannot get to 270, no matter how good he is in math.
So, what will happen? He will demonstrate himself as the ANGRY, WHITE MAN who wants all to be MORAL POLICE. Even GOP like me will not vote for him.
Newt Killed Romney. Romney also Killed Romney. Then Santorum finished Romney to win the nomination.
Romney should have kept positive. Since Santorum is going to lose in the General, Newt wins by default as the GOP spokesperson till 2016. He will the king maker.
The real issue is that it was irresponsible. It was slimy enough that Jack had to tell his girlfriends to keep their doors locked because the old man went prowling, but that was at HyannisPawt.
In DC, he was playing with the lives of the world and, as was said in another thread, he was a bumbling fool.
The Russians could have had all kinds of fun if they could have proven it.
The Mafia apparently did.
PS "Nobody got sex on their own"?
Then you think Hatman and the rest of the trolls don't have hands?
"Newt wins by default as the GOP spokesperson till 2016. He will the king maker."
Give that man a cigar!
Is there corroborating evidence that she came a lot?
And why is her story more credible than the Hollywood pimp who just went public?
Sex sells books
To Meade: The guy is dead. he can't hear you. The guy who is alive and thought he could pull a JFK and get away with it (foolishly in my opinion) got impeached for it. So there. Well done, you Republican gatekeepers of all things moral?
Who said, "Romney should have kept positive."?
I must have blinked.
One more thing! Why not go after Obama? I am pretty sure he has many skeletons in his closet. After all he is the heir apparent to JFK, no? Or are you moralistic Republicans too chicken to look through his junk?
JFK is one of my heros. The first President to have the balls to nuke the Soviets and got more tang than James Bond.
To pms317: The guy who is alive and thought he could pull a JFK and get away with it did not get impeached for it. He got impeached for perjury and obstruction of justice.
pm317 descreed: Or are you moralistic Republicans too chicken to look through his junk?
Not a Republican here but I'd love the chance to volunteer for a major newspaper of record combing through government emails only to discover a heartfelt letter to her friends and family describing the impending birth of someone the MSM still hasn't bitch-slapped a certain someone for lying about.
Where do I sign up? Can I rent a place next door to snoop?
One more thing: I'm sure Obama is well-aware of current sexual harassment law. Look through his junk yourself, looky lou.
@Alex (when he gets here): I wonder if JFK made the lady squirt?
"He got impeached for perjury and obstruction of justice."
And that screwup came about because of what changed in the law and in public understanding about sexual harassment, a reframing of sex in the workplace, which was done by liberals.
Clinton got caught in a liberal web.
You built Camelot and it turned into something terrific.
Oh, rilly?
Meade said...
One more thing: I'm sure Obama is well-aware of current sexual harassment law. Look through his junk yourself, looky lou.
Huh, I thought you might say that. 18 million of us did look through his junk in primary 2008 and alerted everybody. He is using your hard earned tax dollars if not for sex but something even more egregious.
Why were there quotation marks around it in the original comment.
Just wondering.
At this point, do the revelations detract from Kennedy's reputation, or enhance it?
Kennedy was glamorous. He was smart, charming, good looking and rich, and he took full advantage of all of those things. And one of the things he used them for was to get laid, and to get others around him laid, too.
The thing that comes across in the Post story is how much of a system Kennedy had. Powers picks the girl out, invites her to the residence, gets her drunk. Kennedy shows up and has her in bed in minutes. It makes you wonder what Powers was getting out of the arrangement, aside from poolside blowjobs.
Meade sounds bitter, unless he is being deliberately over-the-top.
ok, let's go w/bitter. :-P
JAL, I'm a klutz and forgot to take the quotation marks out.
"it" being Meade's comment / post.
I wonder if it all gets back to how you succeeded. Meaning how you behave as an adult. The best rich/successful people in the world, seem to have a couple of things in common.
A) They started out poor
B) They succeeded due to hard work, taking risks, and just being smart. (vs getting ahead due to easy money...lawsuits, inheritance, entertainer, connections)
Read Clarence Thomas' auto-biography. Or look at John Bolton's background.
Obama is smart and careful. And as much as I dislike him, I have to say he appears to be a good husband and father. I have no problem with his homelife. Actually, unless something new and unknown comes out, I say he is a model father and husband. I cannot see him sexually harrassing any young women. He has more and bigger things on his mind.
I dislike him and think he is immoral due to several other things. He is power hungry. Disregaards the consistitution. Is anti-religion (come-on, does any out there really think he is anything but an Atheist, the religion of his mother). Anti-traditional American (its hard to march with you Boy Scout troop in July 4th parades when you grew up in Indoneshia).
I'm looking forward to Scott Brown beating Elizabeth Warren over the head with that original video.
There's a lesson to be learned here, kids.
no matter how green the grass. no matter how sweet the fruit. No matter how firm the breasts.
Never screw around with anyone who has less to lose than you do.
Always tomcat up the social scale. not down.
Now go out and play.
I find it odd that nobody knows the name of any of Obama's girlfriends before he married Michelle.
Kennedy was glamorous. He was smart, charming, good looking and rich.. he was on drugs.He raped a woman. killed Marilyn. Was lucky that his counterpart was the first soviet leader on his mind. Began the escalation on Vietnam. Was supported by leaders of mafia and his campaigm was financed by a smuggler( his father)
Sure, but does Mimi Alford have a goiter?
Oh, the passion. The forbidden pleasure... He used to dip his bald head in oil and rub it all over my body.
wv - "satiserf" - those who used to answer "on the right track" to public opinion polls during the feudal times
I remember when I learned of JFK's affairs (he was still in office) from an insider and the shine went off Camelot, and I learned of Clinton's open marriage from an insider durning the primary and I wondered why the party wanted to take a chance with him, and I learned about Gingrich's multiple adulteries from the newspapers and wondered why Republicans want him to run for president, but leave it to Meade to be the cute scold to put it into perspective.
"but leave it to Meade to be the cute scold to put it into perspective."
Indeed as everything is black and white w/Meade! Gotta love those absolutes unhampered by any grey area.
hmm, ok I won't go there. :-P
Well done, you Republican gatekeepers of all things moral
Actually, I learned of the evils of workplace sexual discrimination, workplace sexual harassment and sexual assualt from liberal feminists. They lectured us about it for 10 years, then stuck their head in the sand* once one of their own was guilty of the above.
* exception: Virginia chapter of NOW.
Kennedy shows up and has her in bed in minutes.
Mary Jo could not be reached for comment.
Obama is smart and careful. And as much as I dislike him, I have to say he appears to be a good husband and father. I have no problem with his homelife. Actually, unless something new and unknown comes out, I say he is a model father and husband. I cannot see him sexually harrassing any young women.
The last doesn't follow from the first. Yes, I think that he is probably a good husband and father. And, no, I don't think that he is going to rape or sexually molest any women, young or old.
But, the definition of sexual harassment has been greatly broadened since the time of JFK, and I would suggest that President Obama may routinely be violating the new norms in this area. He seems to be much more comfortable with men, and the women in his Administration seem to be sometimes treated as second class citizens. Obama apparently listens much more closely to his male advisors, and some of his (few) female advisors have made the types of complaints in this area that would be actionable in the private sector.
By most indications, George W. Bush ran a much more women-friendly Administration, at least at the top, with Darth Cheney and his wife being instrumental there. Both Bush and Cheney had two daughters, and that seems to have affected their view on women. (And, if that is the case, then there is hope for Obama, as his two daughters grow up). Remember the day care that Dr. Cheney was running in the EOB for top WH staff? That sort of thing. Just ask yourself this - who is Obama's Condi Rice? Hillary?
That said, I don't think that there is much chance that Obama is following in Clinton's and Kennedy's footsteps. Just like I don't think that either Bush President did either. Just not in their personalities.
Meade has a good snark going on there... pretty funny.
"There is nobody out there who got sex on their own. Nobody." ... Somebody please help me and explain what this means?
It's sheer nonsense.
I got plenty of sex on my own through most of high school.
We got video of the "quote".
That was pretty Meade.. it took me a while.
wv: fumetern
The last doesn't follow from the first. Yes, I think that he is probably a good husband and father. And, no, I don't think that he is going to rape or sexually molest any women, young or old.
You have no idea.
People have no idea if he is a good husband and father.
You don't know private people from their public persona.
And you know what? It doesn't matter.
That's why you have to not care. That's why you have to not judge them for good or ill based on how they seem to be with their families.
everything is black and white w/Meade!
Everything. Could there be some things that Meade sees in more complexity? No! Meade = black and white, always always always.
Gotta love those absolutes unhampered by any grey area.
I see the Drill Sgt got it too.
Gotta love those absolutes unhampered by any grey area.
Here's an absolute: A married man who is also President of the United States shouldn't overawe teenage girls who work for him into sex.
I meant pretty good.. back there.
@ 1:39 Thanks Meade. I am a bit scattered today. I figured it out after the fact. Sort of.
I have no idea what this is supposed to mean, and/or why it's being posted.
"why it's being posted."
Althouse thinks Meade's funny, plus she's run out of relevant topics.
Never screw around with anyone who has less to lose than you do.
My father beat that into me. "Don't EVER crawl into bed with someone who has more problems, and less money than yourself"
He also said...."If you ain't gonna lick it, then don't dick it" and "Ladies first!"
I miss Dad, and his pithy comments.
Who knew MadAsHell was Patrick Kennedy?
The Crack Emcee said... "I have no idea what this is supposed to mean, and/or why it's being posted."
That's hilarious coming from you, who write a blog that's full of hard-to-fathom satire.
I didn't think this one was that hard to see the source of, but then, chez Meadhouse, we do Elizabeth Warren spoofs all the time.
....My father beat that into me. "Don't EVER crawl into bed with someone who has more problems, and less money than yourself".....
Yeah, I have to give advice to a couple of acquantances, if she is a single mother approaching middle age......she probably isn't looking for just a one-night stand.
I don't care about Mimi. I want photos of Fiddle and Faddle..the two "near identical looking" petite blondes that joined JFK in menege a trois trysts and romantic "midnight swims in the nude".
Most of us weren't born (Americans that is) when Kennedy was around. 50 years back. Strange, persistant pre-baby boomer gen obsession. Strange like in if people in the late 60s were all about obsessing about Woodrow Wilson and all his Admin's pecadillios fifty years hence.
Imagine though, putting the Kennedy people in a time machine and bringing them to present day America for a full-day tour o Detroit and a recitation of America's present fiscal situation - annual trillion dollar deficits, China taking tens of millions of jobs and holding the IOUs.
They'd vomit.
"Strange, persistant pre-baby boomer gen obsession."
Oh please, the #1 show on tv is AI ie reality tv as in gossip tv as in catering to the 18 to 34 demo as in tabloid tv.
Although, I will say it's human nature to be nosy, but on the other hand young folk, as a rule, just don't care re: gay marriage, gays in the military, abortion, racial issues, sexual proclivities etc. as they are now growing up w/an African American president and are more concerned w/the Kardashians then the debt and deficit.
They may not know the SC justices, but they love Judge Judy.
Nothing new under the sun as Elvis beget Dylan/Beatles/Motown beget Led Zeppelin/Michael Jackson/Pink Floyd beget Kiss/Springsteen/Fleetwood Mac beget Van Halen/Metallica/Madonna/Prince beget ... Justin Bieber ie total crap lol.
I digress. Ah the 60s.
Hey, at least "we" got out of the house on a regular basis and weren't glued to MTV.
ok, folk are now glued to the net, bad analogy. :D
The more things change, the more they stay the same ... except for SAH moms.
Ann Althouse,
That's hilarious coming from you, who write a blog that's full of hard-to-fathom satire.
Hat tip.
Didn't have to know the satire of Liz Warren when I see it. Leftards always know how to victimize everything.
You know what's really unfunny is that Elizabeth Warren has absolutely no concept of venture risk.
Once again, C-fudd shows up on a boomer thread pretending he's not a boomer
But he's only
Meade, now I see why Ann married you.
"Santorum will win the nomination. Santorum cannot win his home state (PA) in the general. He cannot get to 270, no matter how good he is in math."
Barry G. and LBJ all over again; Who ran the Daisy ad, and what happened to the winner of THAT election? What legacy did he leave? (Rhetorical, don't answer just think).
Barry went on with life and became Mr. Conservative and kept his principles.
...just sayin!.
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