February 24, 2012

"Sarah Palin’s top aides held a conference call to denounce the forthcoming HBO movie 'Game Change'..."

"... which like any ultraliberal media production, knocks Palin as a mentally imbalanced moron. Reporters are already underlining the Palin aides haven’t seen the movie."


Somebody sounds mentally unbalanced.


SGT Ted said...

The press is so utterly ideologically compromised as to be not credible in anything they report.

edutcher said...

It's called battlespace preparation.

From the piece:
"Zurawik loved 'how deftly the film uses documentary evidence to show Palin’s incredible ignorance of foreign and even national affairs'."

Like Hawaii is in Asia?

Christopher in MA said...

Big Hollywood has been all over this. Palin's people haven't seen the movie because they weren't given a chance to - although it was promised by the filmmaker. It has been seen by reporters and reviewers, but anyone with a positive word for Palin has been frozen out.

And as far as "mentally imbalanced moron," I suspect her grades - modest though they are - outdistance those of the crack-addled teleprompter baby who thinks Hawaii is part of Asia.

Christopher in MA said...

Beat me to it, E!

Steve Koch said...

Julianne Moore is not as attractive as Palin when portraying Palin. Moore looks kind of skinny and scrawny.

machine said...

Please keep defending her and please please please nominate her!!!!!!

chickelit said...

Julianne Moore is not as attractive as Palin when portraying Palin. Moore looks kind of skinny and scrawny.

At least she finally had her teeth whitened though. That might get her more roles in the future.

YoungHegelian said...

It's too bad they didn't do a story on the Edwards campaign instead of McCain/Palin.

That story --- including the media collusion in burying the Edwards affair --- is really a fascinating tale of sociopaths seeking political power and the people who enable them.

McCain/Palin was, by contrast, just a badly run campaign.

chickelit said...

It's too bad they didn't do a story on the Edwards campaign instead of McCain/Palin.

Yes, but we know how his career ended. With Palin--at least there still some suspense.

MadisonMan said...

I remember when a Sarah Palin topic would mean 200+ comments easily.

bgates said...

Somebody sounds mentally unbalanced.

Who? Is that kind of arch, obfuscatory comment considered good writing at Madison?

Original Mike said...

Hell, I've already seen clips on television. Palin's aides are right.

yashu said...

Ugh, seriously.

Palin has lost her charm for me, but this kind of thing just rallies me to her side.

Though of course what they're doing is not even so much about Palin now, as trying to import some of those 2008 vibes into the 2012 election (repolishing Obama's faded luster by reanimating the Tina Fey Sarah Palin foil-- in a "realistic" dramatic incarnation).

When are we going to see the HBO movie on John Edwards and Rielle Hunter? Or Clinton and Monica! (Can it be true that no movie has yet been made on Clinton and Monica? Wow.) I mean, the John Edwards and Bill Clinton stories are *made* for cable TV.

Any day now, I'm sure.

Oh, I'd love to see the Obama biopic. Someday! Now that would be something,

garage mahal said...

Palin likes to be talked about, and hates being talked about.

yashu said...

Young Hegelian beat me to it.

sakredkow said...

I can't imagine anybody, anybody at all, wanting to see this movie.

DaveW said...

I really like Palin but this is why she isn't a national candidate. She simply can't leave this stuff alone. If she and her staff would just shut up it would die off eventually and she might be able to remake her reputation but I guess it's hopeless to think she would do that.

(OMG this is the worst WV yet. 9 + 8 digits of pure guesswork. iansftrtc aredingl as far as I can tell.)

Matt Sablan said...

I guess she's just that darn interesting that she got a movie made about her.

I never read Game Change, but I guess there just wasn't any research to be done on the winning campaign.

Jason said...

Will it be translated into Austrian?

BarrySanders20 said...

The viciousness with which the left attacked (and continues to attack) Palin is astounding. She came from humble beginnings and has made her way completely on her own merits, something many Americans still admire. Yet the left has a hatred of her that borders on clinical pathology (the glee of those who wore the "Palin is a C_ _ _" t-shirts was utterly shameful).

Are her beliefs really that different from a vast number of fellow Americans? Is it that she is a woman? Attractive, confident, self-reliant?

Seems this movie is a bit dated, reliving the delusion-induced ecstasy of the hope election results from four years ago. Porn sells, even political porn.

I don't think Palin would be a great president, but I do admire her for what she has accomplished even in the face of such irrational hatred. I disagree with many of the socially conservative positions Palin holds -- but it is the mentality of those who attack Palin personally that convince me that I could never join the political side they support. I am reminded that my detest for the Palin-hating left overcomes my disageement with the social conservatives of the right.

Paul in the primary, then whoever is opposite Barry in the general.

Wince said...

On a subconscious level, this movie is likely to help Romney more than Obama among independents. Voting Republican will seem, by comparison, less risky this time.

Hagar said...

Well, she does seem to awaken some kind of primeval fear in them.

John Stodder said...

Agree with Young Hegelian. Hollywood stepping over the Edwards story to focus on the Palin story should prompt stockholder lawsuits against HBO's parent company. The Palin story, as it is told in this film apparently, is not only evidence of bias, it is evidence of a lack of storytelling skills. You've got a narcissistic candidate, his dying wife, his utterly spaced-out girlfriend, sex on video, Edwards' relationship with Young, Edwards' relationship with those wealthy donors who shushed Hunter and Young, the political angle, his betrayal of his staff, his loyal followers (including in the media) and his funders... and they forego all that because they'd rather tell the story of Palin saying (or not) that she can see Russia from her house? SNL did it for cheaper, better and when people actually cared.

tim maguire said...

Palin never had much charm for me beyond a compelling personal story. I like her mostly to spite the people who don't like her.

I brought a pencil with me to the voting both in 2008 and pulled the lever for Clinton.

What was the popular Daley phrase from a month or so back? Corruption that works.

That's the best I hope for generally.

damn wv never works right the first time--even when I type it right. It's not that it's a pain, it's that it's crap. And no, this particular wv is not necessary.

machine said...

"Vicious"...really? I never saw the shirts but most "attacks" just exposed her as being out of her league. I don't "hate" her...

Edwards? Yes, there should be a movie made about this sociopath...there were even sex tapes! Perfect for HBO.

edutcher said...

machine said...

Please keep defending her and please please please nominate her!!!!!!

We will and one day she will run.

And hand the Lefties their heads.

MadisonMan said...

I remember when a Sarah Palin topic would mean 200+ comments easily.

That was before Althouse, Mistress of the Dark, banished the trolls.

machine said...

Make it happen Ed...make it happen...
she would just quit when it got hard (like on day 2)...

Tank said...

BarrySanders20 said...


Paul in the primary, then whoever is opposite Barry in the general.

There won't be an "opposite." There will be Barry and Barry Light + some third parties.

Portia said...

'Will it be translated into Austrian?'


That made me laugh!

Toad Trend said...

Pat Buchanan has it right.

The manhole cover is there as a reminder, a warning, if you will - below, the politics of personal destruction, a staple of the left.

And if you believe Skeletaur Pelosi is 'smarter' than Mrs. Palin, I've got oceanfront property for you in Arizona.

edutcher said...

machine said...

Make it happen Ed...make it happen...
she would just quit when it got hard (like on day 2)...

No, she left when she could no longer perform her duties because she spent so much time addressing frivolous lawsuits brought by Leftists every bit afraid of her as the automaton.

Such legislation does not exist at the Federal level.

But keep telling yourself that nonsense. Especially after she is elected.

Women never forget.

Especially a grudge.

Mary Beth said...

Wow, Woody Harrelson is in it. He should do a reddit AMA to promote the show.

Geoff Matthews said...

Seeing as the movie is based on a book, why is it wrong for people to denounce it, if they've read the book?

bgates said...


Here's D-list comic Christopher Titus joking about assassinating Palin, F-list person Sandra Bernhardt saying Palin would be gang raped (by Bernhardt's "big black brothers") if she came to New York, you may have heard about a national magazine giving a crank a platform to investigate whether she had faked the birth of her own child, oh and somebody set her church on fire.

Not an exhaustive list by any means, but vicious all around, yes?

Christopher in MA said...

"She would just quit when it got hard (like on day 2)."

Which would still be one more day of work than Little Black Jesus has ever done in his life.

chickelit said...

you may have heard about a national magazine giving a crank a platform to investigate whether she had faked the birth of her own child,

You mean The Atlantic?

Henry said...

Just to clarify, the quote "which like any ultraliberal media production, knocks Palin as a mentally imbalanced moron" is from columnist Brent Bozell, not from any of Palin's aides.

I did get a kick out of the idea of a Palin aide standing up in front of the cameras and announcing "my client is not a mentally imbalanced moron."

"Nor is she a crook."

Saint Croix said...

What people forget about Palin is how everybody loved her in Alaska. She took on corruption in the Republican party, and its ties to big oil. And did right by all the people in her state.

She was Tea Party before there was a Tea Party.

She totally fired up the base. She would fill up stadiums. It was like Beatlemania on the right.

And the media hatred was unbelievable.

She really was a threat, to the whole status quo.

The attacks were unrelenting.

I've never seen anything as vile as the treatment Palin and her family received.

It was deranged and obsessive.

They hated her when the election was over. They hated her when she wasn't running.

Who does that?

hombre said...

Buchanan and Barry20 got it mostly right.

With the msm the manhole has long since overflowed.

While I wouldn't support Palin for president - unless, of course the other choice was Oblahblah - there is something satisfying about the extent to which the lefties attacking her, and their dupes, put their vicious and excessive douchebaggery on display.

yashu said...

Henry, don't forget "I'm not a witch."

chuck b. said...

I can't wait! The DVR won't let me add it to the queue yet, but I've put it on my calendar.

Henry said...

@yashu -- Much better! I was looking for the right reference.

chickelit said...

Who does that?

The same kind of people who hang others in effigy. Bigots

garage mahal said...

Who can forget the horrible Lamestream media attacking Palin with "what do you read" type gotcha questions.


victoria said...

Ok so they are slamming something they haven't even seen yet? Wow. See it and then slam it, if you want to. I suspect that they don't want to see it because it is way to close to the absolute truth than they want to admit.
I won't watch it or slam it. Just the thought of watching anything that involves Palin gives me the creeps.

Vicki from Pasadena

machine said...

Ed, every Governor in the nation goes through what she went through. By this reasoning, Walker should quit...but he won't and he shouldn't.

Look at the crap Presidents Obama and Bush had to put up with...leaders keep on truckin...they don't quit their job.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

So knowledgeable commenters provide numerous examples of the obscenely vicious treatment of Palin far out of proportion to her political power. Even after stepping down as governor they continued in unseemly ways.

Loony leftists like Garage cannot even admit such behavior has no place in a public forum, even when directed at a public figure. No, Garage's contribution to the disgusting list of acts perpetrated on Palin and her family and wants to pretend that Katie Airhead Couric's highly edited out-of-context gotcha performance is the worst that Sarah endured.

You're a pitiful creep, Garage. But you should disabuse yourself of the notion that your blood-lust approach to politics is acceptable behavior outside of the town of Madison.

People like you fuck up this country more than any politician because you direct your hatred indiscriminately, though not bipartisanly. Thinking there's an EXTERNAL source for your hatred is your biggest mistake. Look inward asshole, look inward.

garage mahal said...

Get it off your chest, Mikey. I'm here for you.

Did anyone ever tell you that you look like Dana Milbank?

Justin said...

No, she left when she could no longer perform her duties because she spent so much time addressing frivolous lawsuits brought by Leftists every bit afraid of her as the automaton.

No, she left because she had extremely lucrative job prospects that her governship was interfering with. I don't think it's really that big of a deal, but let's be honest about it.

Governors in every state get sued all of the time, and it costs states and the governors themselves money. When faced with an abnormal number of them, as Palin was (most frivolous, but some not), wouldn't it be better to make an issue of those lawsuits and try to obtain reform than to simply say, well, I've had enough of this, so peace out.

I'd be interested to know how much money she saved the state, and herself by resigning. For the former figure, you'd have to account for how much it cost to have a governor step down mid-term without warning.

By the way, in addition to the lawsuit business, Palin also claimed that she was stepping down because everyone knew she wasn't going to seek reelection and therefore she was a lame duck and it would be unproductive for the state for her to continue as governor. The flaw in that logic is so incredibly obvious. Especially coming from a Republican governor in a state with a house and senate controlled by Republicans.

It was all about the money.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

No, Garage, but when my hair is really short I sometimes get Bruce Willis comments.

Justin, she neither saved the state or cost the state money by stepping down. It was about money, but not as you tell it. The Governor is personally responsible for addressing ethics lawsuits. It's a strange and perhaps even unique system that Alaska has.

The Palin's were never wealthy enough to the extent she could afford to fight hundreds of lawsuits, and that was the conundrum. Stay and go bankrupt or resign and negate the accumulation of more nuisance suits. She did have lucrative offers and that would have figured in my choice if I was in that position.

Alaska is just a bit different from the lower 48.

chickelit said...

@Mike: I don't recall garage ever being vicious towards Palin. He saves up that sort of animus for Scott Walker (hmmm). Every so often he gets worked up and blows a big load of hooey about the Wi Governor.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Well this photo of Milbank does look my shot from the Santa Monica pier.


Not a bad call, Garage!

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

I would be happy, on behalf of California, to trade our Governor for yours, Garage, and I'll even throw in a future Governor of California to be named later.

Amartel said...

Well said, Mike. You do not resemble Dana Milbank.

Palin, like Bush, was a popular governor before hitting the national spotlight. Left to their own devices, people liked them. Then the mudflinging moron rage machine went into immediate hyper turbo overdrive and they just cannot stop. Honestly, Palin haters, you are being led about. The jokes were not that funny to begin with and the lies are transparently false or grossly exaggerrated, and yet it continues. To her benefit, BTW.
Hello? She's got a Facebook page and occasionaly guestspot on Fox.
That's it.
But go ahead and roll out your latest pitiful one-sided shmear. You're only making her more popular.

chickelit said...

Steve Koch said...
Julianne Moore is not as attractive as Palin when portraying Palin. Moore looks kind of skinny and scrawny.

Well, I do think it's an objective fact that Julianne Moore pales in comparison to Palin. It doesn't often happen that an actor or actress has to play someone living who obviously eclipses their own likeness in agreeability. That's a totally separate topic.

Justin said...

The Governor is personally responsible for addressing ethics lawsuits. It's a strange and perhaps even unique system that Alaska has.

Well, that's a stupid law. I didn't know that.

Still, I suspect that the lure of vast amounts of money played a major if not dominant role. Who can really blame her?

garage mahal said...

I don't follow Cal politics, and honestly I don't know a whole lot about Jerry Brown. But in the spirit of cultural exchange, I'll take you up on it! I'll take the weather, and the ocean too. Thanks!

chickelit said...

Maybe the sole reason there's never been an Edward's biopic is that Hollywood can't come up with a likeness? Or maybe the role is too toxic and no actor wants to touch it. Yet people have played Hitler.

That guy on 30Rock, Jack McBrayer, could probably pull it off.

I Callahan said...

Still, I suspect that the lure of vast amounts of money played a major if not dominant role.

What vast amounts of money? Like a prior post said - she has a Facebook page and an occasional guest spot on Fox. That doesn't sound like that much money to me.

machine said...

Wasn't it Sarah Palin's ethics reform package, that she personally shepherded through the state legislature controlled by her party, the law that required her to pay her own defense of ethics complaints?

and now she is the ultimate victim...run out of the state on her own petard...so sad...

Justin said...

What vast amounts of money? Like a prior post said - she has a Facebook page and an occasional guest spot on Fox. That doesn't sound like that much money to me.

She has a multi-year contract with Fox. She has a facebook page. She had a book deal with HarperCollins. She had a reality television show. She gets paid for speaking engagements, and magazine interviews. I'm sure I'm forgetting other things.

It may be drying up, but she's made a lot of money since stepping down as governor. Keeping her job would have interefered with her ability to do a lot of these things.

chickelit said...

When the alternative Palin biopic comes out, Paul Giamatti might be credible in the Sullivan role. He'd have to do a screen test hunched over a computer though.

As for playing Joe McGuinness? Maybe Stephen Fry (but only if he can do an American accent).

Amartel said...

Trading Moonbeam for Walker won't work unless we throw in at least half the zombie legislature with him. (See, e.g., Schwarzenegger, Arnold (former gov.))

MadisonMan said...

The Gov-for-Gov swap might work for me -- and think of the blogging opportunities! -- but I will not accept any legislators.

You can keep the ocean, however, we have a beautiful -- some might call it great -- lake!

chickelit said...

You can keep the ocean, however, we have a beautiful -- some might call it great -- lake!

I would trade some ocean front for more fresh water but you can keep the Wisconsin weather.

Chuck66 said...

"Zurawik loved 'how deftly the film uses documentary evidence to show Palin’s incredible ignorance of foreign and even national affairs'."

Remember when Obama said he was happy to be "in the great state of Eau Claire"? Twice.

Amartel said...

Okay, no legislators. But you seem to have a liking for public employee contracts. Yours for ours, straight up?

Chuck66 said...

"Zurawik loved 'how deftly the film uses documentary evidence to show Palin’s incredible ignorance of foreign and even national affairs'."

Three different occasions.....Obama talked about the US building an "intercontinental railroad". Yes, Obama thinks we built a railroad to England.

machine said...

Do you think he thinks we built a railroad to England, or that intercontinental means the same thing as transcontinental?

chickelit said...

machine said...
Do you think he thinks we built a railroad to England, or that intercontinental means the same thing as transcontinental?

I think he misspoke. It's a slovenly habit and unbecoming for a POTUS in charge of transcontinental missiles. :)

machine said...

Good thing he is the only POTUS to have ever done it then....

chickelit said...

machine said...
Good thing he is the only POTUS to have ever done it then....

Wanna know what's interesting? How easy it is to google around and see how demonstrably false it is for a person to stand at sea level and see Russia across the Bering Strait. Yet you ggogle and easily prove that you can see the Russian mainland from certain vantage points in Alaska under clear skies. And yet the textuaries will insist on the misremembered version. It's become a matter of losing face for them.

The left will never live down their treatment of Palin. It's not so much a matter of politics as just common decency. The average American senses this. So many on the left willfully misconducted themselves. And they are still out there, still trying to do it.

They are breaking rules which should apply to both sides.

Rusty said...

chickenlittle said...
machine said...
Do you think he thinks we built a railroad to England, or that intercontinental means the same thing as transcontinental?

I think he misspoke. It's a slovenly habit and unbecoming for a POTUS in charge of transcontinental missiles. :)

I think he is of middling intelligence at best. For the position he holds, he's mediocre.

chickelit said...

One last thing. I think it's quite easy to see why some on the left get exorcised by Santorum. He appears to be the real deal Catholic. What I don't get is how many so-called pundits on the left screamed "christianist" at Palin last time around...how for example they insisted that she was rabidly anti-gay, anti-feminist, etc. The charges are all of historical (hysterical?) record. The charges are demonstrably false. Yet they were believed by their flock because they wanted to believe them…they wanted to be victimized…I think because it validates them somehow.

Kirk Parker said...


"Oh, I'd love to see the Obama biopic. Someday! Now that would be something"

No kidding. I think Oliver Stone should have a go at it; Obama made a point of how he was a blank slate, so Stone would have an even freer-than-usual hand in making sh*t up.

Alex said...

who is the term "Christianists" supposed to resonate with except for the Manhattan cocktail circuit?

chickelit said...

Alex said...
who is the term "Christianists" supposed to resonate with except for the Manhattan cocktail circuit?

I'm glad you put a fork in the term. It's over done.

machine said...

and what of the Right's treatment of President Obama?

Has she been treated worse than he and his family?

None of us can claim clean hands...

Alex said...

machine - have stalked Sarah Palin?

machine said...

nope...I like em blonde...

chickelit said...

I think Alex may have referring Mr. Mcguinness. Has anyone stalked a candidate or ex-Governor like that?

I ♥ Willard said...

Oh my gosh! There's a website called Rightwing News! Now I can get the real story without having to wade through the liberal counterpoints at "Fair and Balanced."

bgates said...

Well, that's a stupid law. I didn't know that.


Keynes*: "When the facts change, I change my mind. What do you do, Sir?"

Justin: "Keep on truckin, dude."

*supposedly - see the link.

bgates said...

Has she been treated worse than he and his family?

Go ask 100 people whether they would rather be treated the way Obama has been for the past four years or the way Palin has been for the past four years.

I'll go first: "Obama".

yashu said...

chickenlittle, agreed that the "Christianist" "fundamentalist" labels thrown at Palin were utter nonsense-- worse, utter lies.

I don't doubt she's a social conservative-- but that's because conservatives who follow Palin tell me she is one. I myself never heard or read Palin discuss religious topics, nor was religion a focus of her governing agenda.

On the contrary, one of the reasons I really liked Palin early on is that, from everything I learned about the way she actually governed, she struck me as a small-l-libertarian-- or at least very compatible with small-l-libertarianism.

And the anti-gay thing was nonsense too; IIRC she did some good things for gays (re civil partnerships? not sure).

So yeah, that was always an arrant invention, a figment of the left, a fictional Palin that had nothing to do with reality. (Remember all those ridiculous false quotes that circulated, e.g. fooling Matt Damon and others. Democrats just came up with shit about Palin and passed it on; pathetic attempts at parody became fact.)

Anonymous said...

Only 85 posts? Man, they sure don't make Palin threads like they used to, back in the day.

BTW, Palin functions as a very interesting Rorschach test.

David said...

Julianne Moore won my heart when she stole the hospital scene from Harrison Ford in The Fugitive. I joined just about everyone else in saying "Who's That!?"

I will not see this movie because that's how I want to remember Julianne Moore.

JAL said...

Austrians speak Austrian.

They don't? News to me. He said.

JAL said...

Keeping her job would have interefered with her ability to do a lot of these things.

Keeping her job would have interfered with her ability to do her job.

JAL said...

I don't think Palin would be a great president

Seriously -- she wasn't running for POTUS, but I would put money on the fact that our economy would be in better shape by virtue of the fact that she would be more responsible with our money. Our energy policy would be on solid ground. And the rest of the world would not be in any worse shape than it is now.

We definitely would not have Americans "paying for the privilege" of being Americans. Sheesh.

Carol_Herman said...

I don't think there's gonna be an audience for this.

I think even Tina Fey's act has grown tiresome. Or you'd see more of it on SNL. And, you don't. All you got is Tina's performing as Palin, saying she sees russia from her front porch.

Everybody loves the idea that you can see things from a front porch.

There are also kids today who have no idea who John McCain is. And, Chris Rock has the line: "He was a captured hero. Wouldn't you prefer one who got away?"

I think Sarah Palin and her team are handling this piece of crap with the "appropriate Charmin swipe." (Wipe?)

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