February 28, 2012

Romney says "I’m not willing to light my hair on fire to try and get support. I am who I am."

WaPo reports:
Romney suggested that Santorum was winning the support of the GOP’s most conservative voters with “incendiary,” “outrageous” and “accusatory” comments.

“It’s very easy to excite the base with incendiary comments,” Romney told reporters. “We’ve seen throughout the campaign that if you’re willing to say really outrageous things that are accusatory and attacking President Obama that you’re going to jump up in the polls. You know, I’m not willing to light my hair on fire to try and get support. I am who I am.”

A few minutes later, when a reporter brought up Romney’s comment about lighting his hair on fire, the well-coiffed candidate interjected: “I’m not going to do it. I don’t care how hard you ask. It would be a big fire, I assure you.”
I think Romney has a nice demeanor. A nice sense of humor. Ever notice that when he talks, he always seems to be sort of chuckling?


Crunchy Frog said...

It would be a big fire due to the ten pounds of hairspray contained within. He should have large signs on at all times warning of smoking within 25 feet.

Andy said...

“It’s very easy to excite the base with incendiary comments,” Romney told reporters. “We’ve seen throughout the campaign that if you’re willing to say really outrageous things that are accusatory and attacking President Obama that you’re going to jump up in the polls.

I love how delightfully condescending Mittens is.

It's like he agrees with me that the rubes in the Republican party shouldn't be taken seriously/

lemondog said...

"I yam what I yam."

Alex said...

Romney is right, the rubes will be the death of the GOP now and forever. It's time to cast off the religious right, make a clean break.

Hoosier Daddy said...

Romney's the only candidate in some time that displays any class. For the Democrats you probably have to go back to Truman.

pm317 said...

Both Newt, the serial cheater and Santorum, the serial breeder (?) have used religion-based extreme applause lines to garner their support. But in Santorum's case, it is scary that he believes in much of it and does not have much else to offer -- a sitting duck for Obama. Romney seems like a straight forward WYSIWYG kind of guy. He seems like a kind and gentle guy -- like what you expect from a religious person. That is not enough for these stupid conservatives.

traditionalguy said...

So is Mitt assuring his GOP establishment friends that he will beat Obama without charging that Obama has an agenda, but by chuckling that Obama is merely confused by money.

That's a plan. It's RINO 101 as written by David Brooks.

But that Santorum has been getting some positives for being himself, religious faith warts and all.

So Mitt is saying that whatever Santorum can do, he can do better. Mammon is a faith, and NASCAR is OK with him... he owns several cars.

How many Cadillacs does Santorum own?

Bender said...

That's who we need when the country is crashing and burning -- yet another business as usual, more of the same, go along to get along, spineless squish who is eager to cave to those who are supposed to be the opposition, but who he actually sympathizes with more than his "own" side.

edutcher said...

Good for him, although he's held a match perilously close a couple of times.

That's how he has survived this year.

Be interesting to see how MI turns out now that Mr Roger And Me says all his friends will be voting for Santorum.

Andy R. said...

I love how delightfully condescending Mittens is.

It's like he agrees with me that the rubes in the Republican party shouldn't be taken seriously/


Bender said...

Ever notice that when he talks, he always seems to be sort of chuckling?

It's that trademark sincerity of a robotic politician or used car salesman.

Gov. Weasel doesn't engender distrust for no reason.

sakredkow said...
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Carol_Herman said...

Yup. Romney's the White Guy on the order of Bob Dole, and John McCain.

I think Obama is loving every minute of this.

And, just like in sports, your team could lose by default.

In a default arrangement, one side doesn't even put up a fight.

Yes, it's possible this can get funnier when Mitt picks his veep.

sakredkow said...
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Carol_Herman said...

Yup, Mitt uses hairspray. And, probably because of his wonderful underwear, you never see a sweat stain forming on his shirts, around the armpits.

How I long for the good old days. When women worried about "ring around the collar."

You know how you count voters? First, state-by-state. Because we have an Electoral College. Then, by groups. Do you know how many different groups there are?

sakredkow said...
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rhhardin said...

“We’ve seen throughout the campaign that if you’re willing to say really outrageous things that are accusatory and attacking President Obama that you’re going to jump up in the polls.

The sound clip on Rush had "accusative" not "accusatory."

Come in with an ablative and you'd win. Indirection is everything.

ricpic said...

Nothing's that big a deal to Romney. A nip here a tuck there, that's all it'll take and things'll be humming along fine, just fine. Obamacare? No big deal. The safety net? Romney's fine with big welfare government and he'll take away those pesky 1%er loopholes to keep it well funded. The Mexican invasion? What Mexican invasion? Muslims? Just keep making nice to them and they'll come around. The key is that everything and everyone can be handled. Leave the deep thinking to Romney and his establishment posse. They know what's best. The important thing is not to care that the country is slipping away. Best of all is to not even notice. Play, children. Romney and the grownup suits know best.

traditionalguy said...

America has had no upper crust/aristocracy since 1782.

We filled that void as best we could with Lawyers until 1880 or so, and then we substituted the immensely wealthy industrialists. Rockefeller Republicans has a meaning.

After WWII the aroused Democracy began its rebellion and demanded a Truman, a JFK, a Nixon, a Reagan common man. Many RINOs have played the common man role since Reagan.

But the cats out of the bag now. King Obama the wealthy Marxist Slush Funder reigns supreme, and that calls for a King Romney to outclass and replace him.

But the aroused Democracy has its own opinion about that and Santorum is playing to that dynamic.

Poor Mitt. He is a combined Mormon/Massachusetts/Auto Industry/ Venture Capitalist/Royalty, and he still can't get no respect.

edutcher said...

phx and Carol Herman are only being snide because they've taken a look at all the good news on Drudge today.

Like Durable goods.

AP says 65% say rich are paying their fair share.

The Lefties and Demos are stuck with GodZero, who now has to hustle for support from everybody who loved him in '08.

Rosalyn C. said...

There are a lot of independents who would love to see a Republican candidate who is really capable of leading the country and is strong on foreign policy. Not a serial apologizer.

Santorum really is too creepy, Paul is too off the wall.

Maybe Hillary could switch parties... Just kidding, she won't.

sakredkow said...
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Peano said...
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Hoosier Daddy said...

"... Romney and his people will be so angry if Santorum pulls this.."

Undoubtedly. Much like Hillary and her people were when she was upstaged by a junior senator that her husband once claimed to Teddy K, should have been fetching them coffee.

sakredkow said...
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Ann Althouse said...

Once I set a boy's hair on fire. His name was Newton.

sakredkow said...
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Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Michael Moore pushing for Santorum. The ugly jr. high school girl crowd has company.

Tank said...

Ann Althouse said...
Once I set a boy's hair on fire. His name was Newton

No picture?

Mitt, Ron and Rick all seem like ok guys, but Mitt is not a small gov't conservative which is what we need. Gingrich - not a nice guy.

Bender said...

Poor Mitt. He is a combined blend of four prior presidential nominees -- Dole/Algore/Kerry/McCain -- and he still can't get no respect.

Cedarford said...

Hoosier Daddy said...

Romney and his people will be so angry if Santorum pulls this off

"Undoubtedly. Much like Hillary and her people were when she was upstaged by a junior senator that her husband once claimed to Teddy K, should have been fetching them coffee.

Hillary and Bill were done in by their foolhardy belief that they would retain a large loyal black following. That black following went tribal as soon as the race card was played against Bill Clinton by Obama's advisors....starting in S Carolina and with blacks 1/3rd of Dem voters voting 95% Obama over 5% Hildebeast and the progressive Jewish media and "hope n' change" youth in Obama's pocket - Hillary was doomed.

The situation is different.

"Team player Santorum" is openly calling for union Democrats to help Obama by crossing over and voting against Romney and for Santorum.
This treachery will cling to Santorum...who past all his santimonious Christian preaching, is just another greedy, ambitious DC influence peddlar and lawyer.

Henry said...

I prefer the boring candidate. But that's just me.

That said, there was something really boring about Obama. If you weren't in on the adulation you realized the guy was kind of vague and tight-mouthed and robotic. He's kind of a cross between the phlegmatic and melancholic, between sluggish and negative. Like our economy.

To counter the melancholy, the Republican base seeks a choleric candidate. The reason it's easy to excite the base with incendiary comments isn't because the base are rubes -- as Andy R. declares -- but because the base is smart. They know exactly what they want, and it isn't the sangine Mormon.

There's nothing wrong with a choleric candidate, except that they never win.

And this particular bunch have been so hugely flawed. Gingrich did the best, except as he reminded everyone why no one can stand him or trust him. Santorum is not such a great fit. He doesn't seem all that angry. But the base needs him to be angry, and they give him his only way to win, so he has to try.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The obsessed Romney haters don't care about anything but hurting and defeating Romney- even if it means 4 more years of Obama.

Team player Santorum" is openly calling for union Democrats to help Obama by crossing over and voting against Romney and for Santorum.
This treachery will cling to Santorum...who past all his santimonious Christian preaching, is just another greedy, ambitious DC influence peddlar and lawyer.

To hell with Sanatorium.

FedkaTheConvict said...

>>I think Romney has a nice demeanor. A nice sense of humor. Ever notice that when he talks, he always seems to be sort of chuckling? <<

Its a phony bonhomie.

The people who really count understand that the author of the progenitor to Obamacare will probably only tinker around the edges despite his current promises.

Wince said...

phx said...
Romney and his people will be so angry if Santorum pulls this off.

And the Obama people will be so happy. That's why Obama is urging leftist Democrats to vote Santorum.

Original Mike said...

"Ever notice that when he talks, he always seems to be sort of chuckling?"

I do that, too. It gets me in trouble. People think you're laughing at them.

Thorley Winston said...

That's a bug, not a feature, as Peggy Noonan has pointed out:

A particular problem is that he betrays little indignation at any of our problems and their causes. He's always sunny, pleasant, untouched by anger. This leaves people thinking, "Excuse me, but we are in crisis. Financially and culturally we fear our country is going down the drain. This guy doesn't seem to be feeling it. So why's he running?"

For a minute, I thought you were quoting from “What I Saw at the Revolution” and the complaints Noonan must have fielded about how Reagan chose to project optimism rather than anger.

The Crack Emcee said...

Romney says "I’m not willing to light my hair on fire to try and get support. I am who I am."

But I am willing to call anyone a bigot who challenges me.

That's being a good Mormon,...

sakredkow said...
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FedkaTheConvict said...

Ronald Reagan, September 1, 1980.

"The Carter record is a litany of despair, of broken promises, of sacred trusts abandoned and forgotten. His answer to all this misery? He tries to tell us that we're only in a recession, not a depression -- as if definitions -- words -- relieve our suffering. Let it show on the record that when the American people cried out for economic help, Jimmy Carter took refuge behind a dictionary. Well, if it's a definition he wants, I'll give him one: A recession is when your neighbor loses his job. A depression is when you lose yours. And recovery is when Jimmy Carter loses his!"

That's the "optimistic" Reagan?

Thorley Winston said...

The people who really count understand that the author of the progenitor to Obamacare will probably only tinker around the edges despite his current promises.

I disagree, Romney does seem to follow through on doing what he promises to do and he’s promised that if Congress sends him a bill to repeal Obamacare, he’d sign it, so I expect that he will.

What needs to be done, for those of us who want Obamacare repealed, is to (a) elect a Congress that will pass such a bill (that means keeping or expanding control in the House and getting either a filibuster proof majority in the Senate or finding some way around the filibuster) and (b) nominating the strongest of the remaining candidates and electing them as President.

Frankly at this point, I’m more worried about (a) then I am about (b) but it’s not as much fun to talk about Congressional strategies as it is presidential races.

One Particular Harbor said...

Look, I'm behind Romney, I think he's right for right now, but I also think he's kind of douchey. I HATE his chuckling, and his horrible, horrible voice. Hate. Like chalk on a blackboard for me.

That said, Santorum squicks me out even worse. Something about him strikes me as awfully dark. Like he has this secret laptop somewhere, loaded up with really, really creepy porn.

FedkaTheConvict said...

BTW, notice that Reagan attacked Carter personally. He didn't just say that his "policies are misguided"

Romney would do well to channel some of Reagan's righteous anger.

Andy said...

Oh, Rush didn't like being called a dumb-dumb.

"Well, I'm a member of the Republican base, I assume most of you are, so what I hear is that we're incendiary and that we react to that and all we want is for Obama to be attacked," Limbaugh said after reading the quote allowed in a mocking tone.

Is he really that lacking in self-awareness?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

A vote for Santorum in the primary is inconsequential to Obama now. Voting for Santorum now, helps Obama in November. Basic math, unless you're stuck on the short bus.

Santorum crossed a line today with his pandering to unions.

FedkaTheConvict said...

>>disagree, Romney does seem to follow through on doing what he promises to do and he’s promised that if Congress sends him a bill to repeal Obamacare, he’d sign it, so I expect that he will. <<

Lets ask Catholics in Massachusetts about his promises: Fact-Check: Did Romney Lie About Cardinal and Contraception During Wednesday Debate?

Bruce Hayden said...

I think Romney has a nice demeanor. A nice sense of humor. Ever notice that when he talks, he always seems to be sort of chuckling?

I think that an upbeat President is much better, long run, than an angry one. Something like how Reagan was so effective. Yes, he made a lot of great speeches. But part of why he was successful is that he most often came across as happy.

The problem is that a lot of us want to take out our frustration and anger about the mismanagement of the country by the Dems in general and Obama in particular, through our politicians. But, just assume for a minute that Gingrich or Santorum gets the nomination and wins. Neither is going to wear well with the American public over the long haul. Gingrich is too mean, and Santorum too sanctimonious. Maybe better than Obama, but they won't have the MSM, Hollyweird, etc. covering for them, as Obama does.

What we really need right now is another Reagan, of course, with his sunny disposition and faith in American exceptionalism. I think that the closest we have this time around in Romney.

bagoh20 said...

It's very unfortunate that the libertarians don't have a more moderate candidate. A lot of us are ready to give that a whirl. But, just like with Obama, we are not interested in "transforming America" - we just want to turn it back toward it's promise.

bagoh20 said...

I honestly don't think very many people are gonna wake up the day after the election and be very happy about it, no matter who wins.

If Obama wins, I think the mood will be the least optimistic of all. Even Democrats and independents who vote for him will have a feeling of dread.

At least if someone else wins there is the possibility of change, which is still what everyone wants.

traditionalguy said...

I saw Fox News while home for lunch and the reporterette challenged Santorum about his Robo Call.

The Catholic counterpuncher said that she should go ask Romney about his 47% Dem votes he received in his New Hampshire Primary victory.

Then he zinged , "...that's how bullies act, when you punch them back, they whine."

Romney is looking vulnerable to Santorum.

Peano said...
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Peano said...
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Cedarford said...

BTW, notice that Reagan attacked Carter personally. He didn't just say that his "policies are misguided"

Romney would do well to channel some of Reagan's righteous anger.

Not a bad point. Except the circumstances are a little different. The handlers around Reagan sensed the country was personally angry with Carter. It went past policy. To disliking the guy with his Santorum-like sanctimony, his loser ways. Where when things went wrong, he preached to us about how off-track we were as a country.

With Obama, the dislike, except on the far right of the guy, is not personal. The rest of America thinks he is a nice guy, but in over his head, with many misguided policies. Too liberal, too beholden to environmentalists.

With Romney, he does need to shift a little from the cheery, morning in America, shining city on a hill 30-year old Reagan shit. And get it out that he IS angry as well as optimistic...but not angry at Obama personally..but about Democrat policies that are causing the decline of America, costing us jobs, and crippling our kids and grandkids in debt to China and other wealthy lenders.

tim maguire said...

What sorts of outrageous things against Obama have been said by Gingrich or Santorum in this campaign?

Let's get specific here, which complaints about Obama does Romney think are out of bounds?

raf said...

Romney is right, the rubes will be the death of the GOP now and forever. It's time to cast off the religious right, make a clean break.

If the Reps were to do this, the Dems would immediately make a play for them. There is no ideological consistency requirement regarding religion, cf: African-American churches. All historical disdain and contempt would go right down the memory hole.

Even if they weren't successful, splitting them off from the Reps would count as a win for the Dems.

sakredkow said...
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John Stodder said...

Poor Mitt. He is a combined blend of four prior presidential nominees -- Dole/Algore/Kerry/McCain -- and he still can't get no respect.

Boy, you non-RINOs just think any insult is apt when it comes to this candidate.

How on earth is Romney anything like Dole, the consummate Senate insider? Or like McCain, a crusty faux sumbitch military type? Or like Gore or Kerry, who never did anything in their lives but politics?

He's a public-spirited businessman who developed a taste for politics, but with the training of an investor and entrepreneur. If you gave any of those four guys you compared him to $100, they'd give you back $20 and expect you to donate it to their campaigns in gratitude. If you gave Romney $100, he'd bring you back $500.

You don't like that his hair isn't on fire for the social issues? But what about the way he has conducted his life? He might not champion the social issues in the obsessive, sweaty-palmed way Santorum does, but he's lived them.

hopechange said...

Dan Riehl said today, "Romney ... views the conservative base as a bunch of dummies who need to hear harsh rhetoric to get excited about a candidate. ... If he had a clear understanding of what he's pretending to be, a conservative, he wouldn't run into this problem. " 
And then Dan Riehl said, " .... if there's a way to fail politically ... Romney is sure to find it, eventually." And there it is.
A commenter over at LI today, Jack Long, compared the Michigan race to two Wile E. Coyotes without a Road Runner. To elect Wile E. Coyote leaves the United States without a leader after the election.
Watch this speech. Copy the link and watch it when you have time. 
The American battle plan that fixes this is set forth in this speech by Newt from 2009 — “2012: VICTORY OR DEATH.” George Washington. 1776. The Delaware. The Hessians, who were NOT drunk. American History & Current Events. Predictions about 2010 election. Plan for 2012 and beyond. The lost opportunity of 2004. The true meaning of 2006. What it means to be an American. Why anyone can be an American. What we mean by "American Exceptionalism."
This speech has been a game-changer for many Americans in this primary. Find out for yourself. Think for yourself. 

bagoh20 said...

Damn, Reagan was good! I can't believe to this day that I voted against him. Then, I did a lot of growing up in the next 4 years before voting for him. Agree with him or not, you knew exactly where he stood. Candidates today seem most skilled at not telling you how they think, and especially how they feel.

John Stodder said...

Here's a piece that might cause a non-RINO to tear up their Barbie diary:


The conclusion:

Mitt’s approach to the thorny problem of reforming health care in the face of a veto-proof Democratic majority bent on a destructive alternative was one of the reasons why he won me over. Governors have to govern. They can’t simply strike ideological poses while the Democrats enact an agenda unmolested. Mitt Romney countered the opposition with a better plan, achieved overwhelming bipartisan support, and accomplished reform while still maintaining both a balanced budget and a rainy-day fund. Obama did none of those things.

Yeah, can you believe it? He didn't strike an ideological pose. What a RINO.

Hope Change said...

bagoh20 said...

Damn, Reagan was good! I can't believe to this day that I voted against him. Then, I did a lot of growing up in the next 4 years before voting for him. Agree with him or not, you knew exactly where he stood. Candidates today seem most skilled at not telling you how they think, and especially how they feel.

2/28/12 5:13 PM

watch this. http://kitmantv.blogspot.com/2009/11/part-ii-part-iii-part-iv.html


Bagoh20, I've reading your comments for a long time. How is this escaping your notice? Newt is telling you exactly what he believes and what he plans to do.

walter said...

i.e. I'm not negative.
(pointing) HE'S negative!

Such an imperfect candidate. But less fail than Obama. That's progressive.

Anyone else loving Obama's unifying post racial video promo for www.africanamericansforobama.org?

cassandra lite said...

Look what lighting his hair on fire did for Michael Jackson.

Bender said...

Someone please take away all sharp objects from Stodder --

That non-non-RINO Olympia Snowe has announced that she is not running for re-election.

friscoda said...

Robert Portman will be Romney's running mate

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