February 18, 2012

The Return of the Heart-Shaped Balloon.

You might remember last year's protest kitsch: a red heart-shaped balloon that — for months — remained inflated and trapped high up in the Wisconsin Capitol dome.

We were at the Capitol today, and somebody's managed to get a balloon back up there....


Cincinnatus said...

Air rifle --> no problem.

edutcher said...

Sure it's not the same one?

I mean the union slugs haven't been deflated yet, either.

madAsHell said...

The red heart balloon in the rotunda on Valentine's Day. It's the cognac, and roses on Poe's grave. It just happens.

chuck b. said...

Pretty dome. The Pantheon has that kind of recessed paneling in the ceiling (called coffering) to lighten the weight of the dome.

Our Bloomingdale's (used to be Emporium) has a dome, but no coffering.

chickelit said...

chuckb: The Pantheon rebuilt in 124 AD appears to have coffering.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

If I could find a souvenir
Just to prove the world was here
And here is a red balloon
I think of you and let it go

chickelit said...

@excuse my redundancy. I had a knee-jerk reaction.

chuck b. said...

Excused! It made me laugh and go "huh?". I was also going to say in Rome they call it "la Rotonda" (pronounced "ro-TOON-da").

LoafingOaf said...

Can a balloon actually damage that painting up there? I have no idea, but I'd guess if people keep releasing balloons they'll eventually damage the paint.

The rule of Lemnity said...

A long long time ago, before the GPS, balloons were used as guides posted along the road to signify you were on course to a party.

Unions don't believe the party is over.

Palladian said...

"Can a balloon actually damage that painting up there? I have no idea, but I'd guess if people keep releasing balloons they'll eventually damage the paint."

I doubt normal balloons would damage the paint. I think the problem is more that the balloons are an eyesore and troublesome for the building maintenance crew.

Tyrone Slothrop said...

Palladian said...

I think the problem is more that the balloons are an eyesore and troublesome for the building maintenance crew.

Too true. This job falls to me in the hotel where I work. I made a miniature blowgun and tiny darts that I use to discreetly kill them, preserving the guests from shock at the balloonicide. Of course, I undertake this task joyously. Helium balloons are evil, especially the red ones

garage mahal said...

Fighting Bob La Follette lives.

KCFleming said...

Just 98 short of an annoying pop song.

JAL said...

Heh Tyrone -- that is what I was thinking of. An airgun / pellet gun would risk damaging the really lovely (it is rather a spectacular building) rotunda dome.

But what kind of distance can you get? Maybe there is an illegal alien blow gunner from the Amazon (not the store) somewhere in WI who could do a great service for the people of WI?

Or you could volunteer if they paid you transportation, meals and hotel?

JAL said...

But I don't think you belong the the blow guuners union, do you?

Or is that a part of the Teamsters? Or, heaven forbid, SEIU?

captcha -- you're not going to believe this:
loweedf occupied

Curious George said...

"garage mahal said...
Fighting Bob La Follette lives."

You will probably react to learning of the loss with numbed disbelief. You may deny the reality of the loss at some level, in order to avoid the pain. Shock provides emotional protection from being overwhelmed all at once. This may last for weeks.

Sofa King said...

Fighting Bob La Follette lives.

And Frodo too!

garage mahal said...

Curious George reminds me what the person in charge of PR for Enron felt like a few months before it collapsed. "Do not panic!".

LoafingOaf said...

Palladian: "I doubt normal balloons would damage the paint. I think the problem is more that the balloons are an eyesore and troublesome for the building maintenance crew."

I found this: The state has banned balloons in the Capitol because the damage they can do to historic murals."When they touch that painting on a humid day, it adheres to the painting," Plale said. "When the humidity leaves, the balloon comes off and some of the paint comes with it.
"I don't think anyone wants to see an invaluable asset like that painting destroyed."

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