February 7, 2012

Karen Handel — VP for public policy at Susan G. Komen for the Cure — has resigned... why?

She'd been on the side of cutting off funding to Planned Parenthood:
A person with direct knowledge of decision-making at Komen's headquarters in Dallas said the grant-making criteria were adopted with the deliberate intention of targeting Planned Parenthood....

According to the person, who spoke on condition of anonymity for fear of repercussions, a driving force behind the move was Handel, who was hired by Komen last year as vice president for public policy after losing a campaign for governor in Georgia in which she stressed her anti-abortion views and frequently denounced Planned Parenthood....

Handel, a Republican, ran for Georgia governor in 2010, winning an endorsement from former vice presidential candidate and Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin. Handel then lost a primary runoff to former Georgia Congressman Nathan Deal, who won the general election.

Throughout the campaign, Deal accused Handel of being soft on abortion.

Deal repeatedly attacked Handel over a 2005 vote she took while serving on a metro Atlanta county commission to give more than $400,000 to Planned Parenthood....
Abortion politics. It's hard to position yourself in the middle, as it seems Handel has done, and she's managed to get slammed from one side and then the other and to lose 2 big jobs.


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Matt Sablan said...

My guess?

She doesn't want Komen to keep suffering for the original decision. Hence she's being painted as a crazy right wing person, endorsed by that woman! even, so she absorbs the brunt of it and leaves the cancer charity as undamaged as possible.

That or she broke the rule: Don't make your boss/company look stupid or draw negative attention (no matter how you do it).

bearing said...

I view it as very significant that she refused to take a severance package which was offered to her.

Brian Brown said...

Handel put out a statement saying in part:

the decision to update our granting model was made before I joined Komen, and the controversy related to Planned Parenthood has long been a concern to the organization. Neither the decision nor the changes themselves were based on anyone’s political beliefs or ideology.

But of course the reality based community narrative becomes Komen hired a right wing nut who decided to attack Planned Parenthood. Een though her views on PP were publicly documented.

How convenient.

machine said...

Handel...in the middle?

She pledged to eliminate state grants to PP for the provision of breast and cervical cancer screenings when she ran for governor of Georgia in 2010.

That failed so she got a job at Komen...

She probably declined the severance to avoid the "keep your mouth shut" clause...

Scott M said...

Oh, goodie. Another one. Do you think we here will solve the personhood dilemma once and for on on this thread?

Dan in Philly said...

Who knows how the court of history will view this kind of thing. Will they ridicule the culture which got so worked up over abortion as we now ridicule the one that got so worked up over prohibition, or will they side on the pro-lifers as we do on the abolitionists today?

"Will they find us wise, or silly,
Looking backwards, willy nilly" - stephen vincent benet

kjbe said...

She was allowed to "resign". You don't get offered a severance package when you quit your job.

YoungHegelian said...

One lesson we've all learned here is that, if you're a corporate entity, donating to Planned Parenthood is like true love and herpes. It's forever.

This is a Pyrrhic victory for PP. What corporation, NGO, or charity would ever get near them now?

Even loony lefties aren't thrilled with being extorted out of their money.

Matt Sablan said...

"This is a Pyrrhic victory for PP. What corporation, NGO, or charity would ever get near them now?"

Anyone who can do arithmetic after they ask.

'Well, you can donate, or we can explain how you turned us down.'

It's quite a good racket.

PatHMV said...

I don't think you can blame Handel for this. According to her, the decision was thoroughly vetted and presented to and approved by the Board of Directors. They screwed up their attempt to be in the middle by reneging on their decision. That made the initial decision appear to have been political from the beginning.

n.n said...

People just don't want to have a mature discussion about the premeditated, premature termination of human life (i.e. abortion). They do not want to review when dignity should be assigned to human life, instead succumbing to their dreams of instant gratification. They have become complacent and comfortable with deferring judgment to "experts" who are willingly rationalizing their dreams.

The AP's focus is intended to redirect focus away from Planned Parenthood to the Susan G. Komen foundation. The motivation is to remove attention from the regressive principle promoted by Planned Parenthood.

Anyway, we, as a society, have deemed it fit to assign dignity to all people, irrespective of their incidental features or behaviors. Unfortunately, we are still not prepared to establish when it should be assigned without arbitrary justification. Our dreams of physical, material, and ego instant gratification continue to take priority.

FedkaTheConvict said...

Thankfully I subscribe to the Kramer philosophy:

I don't wear any stupid ribbons

I don't donate to causes; when my boss tries to pressure me to donate to United Way I tell him I give at church

sakredkow said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Brennan said...

This anonymous source should resign from Komen and disclose the information they are sharing with the AP.

Ms. Handel is now directly contradicting what this anonymous source has told the AP.

edutcher said...

This is more bad publicity for Komen. Formerly, they were regarded as non-partisan.

Now they're regarded as an auxiliary of Himmler, Sanger & Co.

All the people who are against abortion (don't forget, donations doubled the day after they cut the racial purity crowd loose) will take their money elsewhere.

And, considering the mess GodZero created with the Catholics is only getting worse, this may indeed prove a very Pyrrhic victory.

cubanbob said...

The best revenge would be in November. A republican president and congress ought to be easily persuaded to eliminate all federal funding for abortion and abortion providers along with the elimination of the charitable and tax exempt status of abortion providers.

Brennan said...

I don't donate to causes; when my boss tries to pressure me to donate to United Way I tell him I give at church

Do you think that has negative repercussions?

I do the same thing. I do give to the Catholic Church only. However, the reason why I do that is because the United Way pays staff 6 figures and the Catholic Church pays pretty much nothing in salary.

The Church to me is a blue collar, voluntary NGO whereas the United Way is a white collar professional fundraising circus.

Alex said...

As usual when abortion comes up, nobody wants to talk about the elephant in the room. Namely that most abortions are done by blacks and browns. Is that a good thing for society, apparently Freakonomics say it is.

KCFleming said...

Planned Parenthood clinics do not perform mammograms on site (they refers them to other clinics).

They say they provide "screenings", whatever that means, but they do not perform mammograms.

Even today's NYT agrees with that.

So how PP qualifies for grants from Komen is a mystery.

Well, not a mystery, but a payoff, sharing the loot, just like Barry did with his donors via federal loan guarantees.

It's barely possible for the left to get any more corrupt, unless they start requiring young women to be subject to droit du seigneur, a la that great liberal hero JFK. he shared that loot as well, we now know.

Scott M said...

Does it mean we don't do what someone's church wants us to do?

So, phx, you see no possible way a non-religious pro-life argument can be made?

Alex said...

Legalized abortion reduced crime

But Christian conservatives have a fetish to make all babies be born regardless of how it affects society.

PatHMV said...

I agree with young Hegelian. This is not good for PP in the long run (and thank goodness for that!). Contra Matthew, it's far more difficult to generate public controversy over an entity's decision not to START funding something than it is to generate controversy over stopping something it's already begun.

In the former, there can be a multitude of plausible reasons given... don't meet our criteria, we don't have the funds right now, we're pursuing other options at the moment, etc. But once you START funding them to begin with, then most of those excuses dry up.

On the other hand, PP has probably guaranteed that nobody else will stop funding them for a while, so they can continue raking in cash from those folks for a good long time.

Komen is now completely screwed, though. They won't be trusted again by the left. No big Hollywood stars promoting "let's drape everything in pink" week any more. Which is good, because the sight of NFL players running around in pink socks or whatever ridiculous gimmick that was this year made me want to puke, and completely turned me against the organization to begin with. The NFL didn't participate in that because they really cared about promoting breast cancer awareness, they did it because Komen was politically powerful, and this was what all the "right" people were doing. Now, the sheen is off that rose, and hopefully we won't be forced to put up with that crap any more.

If Komen DOES manage to pull through, it will have to be a subservient toady to the left's agenda, never daring to leave the reservation ever again, which will do its own damage.

Sadly, at the end of all this, what suffers most is the work to prevent and treat breast cancer. Screw the damned politically correct liberals who turned this into such a massive political issue. In a fight between an organization that fights cancer and an organization which kills babies, they chose to defend the baby killing bunch.

Tobias said...

I still don't understand the connection between Planned Parenhood and helping prevent breast cancer....

Seeing Red said...

Since PP doesn't perform those services but only recommends, she was right to do so.

Is it really true there's a study or more out there suggesting a link to increased breast cancer and abortions?

KCFleming said...

Tobias, read my post above.

There. Is. No. Connection.


It's a payoff.


So you know the rest of Komen must be similarly corrupt.

MadisonMan said...

The one thing I've learned in this is that SGK as a place for donating money is pretty inefficient -- that is, bloated at the top. SGK is very good at promoting itself, however.

Race for the Cure won't look the same.

SBVOR said...

If anyone doubts that -- in this case -- abortion activists have HARMED the interests of women, examine the undeniable evidence:


Matt Sablan said...

"I still don't understand the connection between Planned Parenhood and helping prevent breast cancer...."

PP does offer screening/referrals in some areas/clinics.

Whether that warrants, what was it, +$600k, I guess is the question.

Seeing Red said...

And, considering the mess GodZero created with the Catholics is only getting worse, this may indeed prove a very Pyrrhic victory.

My friend a devout Catholic, just told us her priest who is socially liberal was in the pulpit giving his opinion.

He is not happy about it at all, the Catholic lefites just got bit, what did they think was going to happen?

Tobias said...

But Christian conservatives have a fetish to make all babies be born regardless of how it affects society.

...perhaps then, we should look at the excising those negative members of society beyond birth to see how we could affect positive too. Eugenics is alive and well.

Tobias said...

Pogo, we were posting at the same time. I hadn't heard it addressed much, although I suspected. Thanks for answering my question with your precog.

KCFleming said...

"PP does offer screening/referrals in some areas/clinics."

What is "screening" if not a mammogram?
A breast exam?
Are they serious?

What they mean is they offer to tell women to get it done somewhere else.

And for that they are eligible for Komen grant.

Shit, what a racket.

SBVOR said...

Alex seems to think that mass murder is an acceptable tool for social engineering. Sound familiar?

P.S.) I am a lifelong agnostic who happens to think mass murder is wrong.

Christopher in MA said...

"I still don't understand the connection between Planned Parenthood and preventing breast cancer."

Simple - more abortions means fewer girls. Fewer girls means fewer women. Fewer women mean less breast cancer. Win-win!

Seeing Red said...

But Christian conservatives have a fetish to make all babies be born regardless of how it affects society.

You really might want to think about what you just said, you're coming awfully close to a purity test.

FedkaTheConvict said...

"Do you think that has negative repercussions?"

No it hasn't or at least I haven't noticed any. The first year I arranged to have the pledge card sent to my home and I'd write a check (which I had no intention of doing). Then I thought about it and decided I wasn't going to lie; I just tell them that I give through my church.

I'm not Catholic but my church does very good work (second to Catholics in healthcare and education) and almost all the money donated goes directly to the intended recipients.

PP and Komen, not so much. Nancy Brinker could afford to give her own money. She's a huge Republican bundler and her family owns a major NY department store. The whole Komen enterprise is an self aggrandizing scheme.

Matt Sablan said...

Pogo, I happen to agree that that 600k could be better put to use elsewhere, but I think it is fair to say that some marginal breast cancer related things were happening at PP, as opposed to nothing at all.

It just doesn't sound -worth- 600k.

write_effort said...

For SGK to completely separate itself from PP required great planning and diplomatic skills. Their bases of support overlap quite a bit, and they needed to part as "friends" in a larger cause. If that was Handel's job she did it with extreme short-sightedness. SGK looked very much like they were aligning themselves with the kill PP crowd. If that's the case they shot themselves. PP is a giant among lots of women. Me included.

SBVOR said...


1) There are no PP offices ANYWHERE in the entire nation which provide mammograms.

Click here for the undeniable proof.

2) According to the CDC, "Mammograms are the best way to find breast cancer early". Hence, redirecting these grants to providers which actually provide mammograms would have more effectively and more efficiently served the needs of women. But, as always, the abortion activists were FAR more interested in making sure their bloated sacred cow (Planned Parenthood) remained VERY well fed.

MayBee said...

PP makes its money by cordoning off something called "women's health" from the more general "health" and so they need to keep all groups in their little corral.

Heaven forbid PP had to try to compete for taxpayer dollars and donations by just calling itself a public health clinic. If they let Komen wander away, how can they continue to pretend all women are one big special interest group unified by a big pink ribbon?

SBVOR said...


Your comment is fatally flawed.

For starters, if removing tax payer funding for mass murder amounts to killing PP, then maybe it's time for the mass murder factories to close up shop.

Scott M said...

all women are one big special interest group unified by a big pink ribbon

"ribbon" is not what my mind registered on the first read-through.

Rusty said...

Alex said...
Legalized abortion reduced crime

But Christian conservatives have a fetish to make all babies be born regardless of how it affects society.

Absolutely Alex, but where are you going to draw the line? Right now it's little black and brown babies(mostly black). What's next? People born with downs syndrome, MS, red hair, jews?
You wanna be the one to make the call?
I got a better idea. Why not use that energy to promote better birth control BEFORE the little egg starts to subdivide.

David said...

Money quote: According to the person, who spoke on condition of anonymity for fear of repercussions,

SBVOR said...

PP hands out millions of condoms so they can pretend they are more than a series of strategically placed mass murder factories (located in minority neighborhoods).

Click here and explode the PP myth that mass murder accounts for only 3% of what they do.

David said...

I'm pro choice.

I do not consider Planned Parenthood to be pro choice.

They are pro abortion.

edutcher said...

The woman clearly knew she'd be a lightning rod, so she left.

Alex said...

As usual when abortion comes up, nobody wants to talk about the elephant in the room. Namely that most abortions are done by blacks and browns. Is that a good thing for society, apparently Freakonomics say it is.

I've been talking about Sanger's friendship with Heinrich, etc.

If you want a quote, "The purpose in promoting birth control was 'to create a race of thoroughbreds,'" Birth Control Review, Nov. 1921 (p. 2).

Tobias said...

I still don't understand the connection between Planned Parenhood and helping prevent breast cancer....

In the immortal words of one of New York's Finest, "Welcome to da party, pal".

Brennan said...

If they let Komen wander away, how can they continue to pretend all women are one big special interest group unified by a big pink ribbon?

In my experience, Planned Parenthood is to "women's health" what Apple is to "computing". The followers of PP, as in the case of Apple followers, do not think something has evolved in their arena until the mothership says so. Ergo, all advancements in "women's health" that are not baptized by PP are not actual advancements in the eyes of Planned Parenthood supporters. Much like Apple supporters see other competitors achievements as simply a sideshow to actual achievements, only publicized by Apple.

Komen is now learning that lesson. However, at what cost? This decision will not really impact PP. They will keep on trucking along to protect their brand. It's highly effective and I would argue, unmatched by any other entity in the world.

The real problem for Komen is their supporters with reservations about the grants to Planned Parenthood to perform services that PP does not even perform is now in doubt. Will those donors continue to donate? Will they buy all the pink merchandise? Or, will they simply turn to an organization that actually is effective at finding a cure for breast cancer and funds organizations that actually meet a woman's needs when it comes to breast cancer prevention, detection, and treatment.

David said...

"Namely that most abortions are done by blacks and browns . . . "

Wrong. Most abortions are done by whites, who make lots of money doing them.

They are done on blacks and browns.

John henry said...

Susan G Komen is a somewhat shoddy organization anyway. I would never have donated to them before this incident and certainly will not now.

Look at what percentage of their funding actually goes to helping women as opposed to admin and "Raising awareness"

I've sometimes thought of starting an organization to raise funds from the gullible for sunglasses for South American lepers (not original with me). One can do very well indeed with a non-profit organization. Not only very well, but may, possibly, sometimes, do some good as well.

Someone said that they make all their donations via the Catholic Church. Good for you. I agree though I make mine mostly via the Seventh Day Adventist and Salvation Army churches following the same reasoning.

John Henry

Bender said...



Is it really that hard to recognize a conscience in action?

Rather, what is hard to see is how anyone, after this, could in all good conscience give money or otherwise associate with such an organization that is only going to then give that money to the nation's largest committer of abortion.

SBVOR said...

Give credit to the most effective propaganda machine EVER!

The "Progressives" have turned the maternal instinct so completely upside down that very many now believe their most sacred "right" is the "right" to murder their own children for no greater reason than personal convenience. They will DESTROY anybody and anything that is even alleged to threaten that "right".


shiloh said...

Why, because SGK wanted to survive. It's that basic.

Cut your losses er dead wait and move on.

Kinda like Watergate, ok bad analogy lol. I just want you to know that ... your president is not a crook! :D

ok, we now return you to Althouse and her conservatives whining about KH.

Jaq said...

I used to live in South Florida, if you planted a cypress tree, you would never be able to cut it down as it was protected. Sure, you could deal with the govt and try to get an exemption, if you wanted to expand your house or something, but the easy decision is to plant something else.

These are the kinds of perverse incentives that the left simply cannot understand. As noted above, contributing to planned parenthood is another.

Matt Sablan said...

"Why, because SGK wanted to survive. It's that basic."

The question then is: Why were they threatened with being killed off for not wanting to deal with an organization being investigated for criminal conduct?

traditionalguy said...

Handel was overtly religious but she was a north Metro Atlanta politician, where social conservative issues are seldom raised in politics. She was even a Log Cabin Republican member.

The runoff typically went to the second place finisher. Deal had 23% and Handel had 33% in the first election. But the facts remained that Deal was a man from rural Georgia and Handel was a woman, Yankee import, from northern Metro Atlanta.

Georgia is composed of Atlanta and the rest of the State that is jealous of Atlanta's influence.

That was why she lost the statewide race. Issues like her failure to hate the gays and a compromise vote funding Planned Parenthood were excuses. She lost in a GOP year because the GOP voters outside Atlanta were narrow minded.

edutcher said...

We must've told the truth.

shiloh says we're whining.

PS If we're discussing cutting losses, how many people under Barry's bus these days?

And Holder's place is already marked.

Seeing Red said...


Your comment is fatally flawed.

For starters, if removing tax payer funding for mass murder amounts to killing PP, then maybe it's time for the mass murder factories to close up shop.

They're on their last legs, the Catholic Church will be required to perform them or close their hospitals. They will be bought out by the big ones.

Obamacar has sanctioned and the state will perform it.

yoobee said...

Seeing Red: "Is it really true there's a study or more out there suggesting a link to increased breast cancer and abortions?"

Do a Google search for Dr. Louise Brinton and read about her position. She is a researcher for the National Cancer Institute who originally led the charge to disprove the connection between abortion, birth control pills, and breast cancer. In 2010, she reversed her position and said that her data indicates that there is a link. Unfortunately, very few major news media outlets reported her reversal.

Also, one other aspect of the debate that is not often addressed is the fact that most birth control pills actually act as abortifacients, rather than preventing pregnancy.

SBVOR said...

"Why, because SGK wanted to survive. It's that basic."

Oh, I see...
Was it the 100% increase in donations which threatened their survival?

Or, was it the propaganda machine(ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS, NPR, NYT, etc.) which they feared?

Christopher in MA said...

The observation has been made that this is analogous to the Wisconsin union thuggery. The secret word is "money." Once people weren't forced to fund the Democrats via union dues, they didn't.

The same with PP. If SGK and its money can be allowed to walk away, how many others might have the same blasphemous idea? Destroy the village (SKG's brand) in order to save it.

If any GOP contender had stones, they'd be crowing loud and long about the naked eagerness of the left to jettison any pretense of 'caring' or 'curing' in order to preserve the holy Democrat sacrament of murder.

shiloh said...

My pet edutcher already has a couple Obama deflections in this thread.

Congrats! :)

Scott M said...

Georgia is composed of Atlanta and the rest of the State that is jealous of Atlanta's influence.

When I did a two year gig in Augusta, we were not jealous of Atlanta's influence. We were jealous that their strippers actually stripped.

Matt Sablan said...

That's a kind of influence.

shiloh said...

Indeed Scott M, as "repressed" Althouse conservatives prefer full frontal strippers lol.

TMink said...

Alex wrote: "But Christian conservatives have a fetish to make all babies be born regardless of how it affects society."


Yes we do.


Scott M said...

Indeed Scott M, as "repressed" Althouse conservatives prefer full frontal strippers lol.

shiloh, please stop obsessing over every little word I type. It's unbecoming. If you resist this request and continue to do so, at least try to be funny. Clever, even. So far, you've proven woefully inept at either.

edutcher said...

shiloh said...

My pet edutcher already has a couple Obama deflections in this thread.


When I rip his face off several times a day?

I see he doesn't want to talk about cutting losses any more. Since he brought it up.

Just hates being beaten over the head with his own little snarks, doesn't he?

shiloh said...

Obsessed, is he who inanely replies to my innocuous post w/hyperbole. As he obsesses over my every word, as per usual.

Again Scott M, consistency is all I ask.

Christopher in MA said...

Scott, I said that I found the content of Garage's posts to be like an endless loop of "Yakety Sax" (AKA the Benny Hill Show theme). If you think of Shiloh's posts as the equivalent of a little boy farting in the bathtub and giggling at the bubbles, you'd probably find them at least funny, if not clever.

David said...

Since 1973, there have been somewhere between 50 and 65 million legal abortions performed in the United States. The rate of abortion is about 4 times as great among African Americans as among whites, and in more recent years about 35% of legal abortions have been performed on blacks, who number about 12% of the population. Somewhere between 13 and 20 million black children have been aborted since 1973. This has resulted in a reduction of black population estimated at 25% less than would be present if the abortions had not occurred.

The policies that have created this result have been promoted largely by white liberals, especially those from upper economic classes, with high level educations and considerable influence in government and in control of well funded powerful organizations like Planned Parenthood. The movement has gone well beyond just keeping abortion legal. They have effectively suppressed opposition to abortion, and have funded massive government and private encouragement and performance of abortions.

The shutdown and demonization of anyone,black or white, who simply points out the racial effect of this program is deafening. Anyone who dares call the program racist will be targeted for destruction. Such notions simply can not be allowed to exist.

History will have its reckoning though. I doubt that this very effective suppression of black population growth will be looked at kindly by future generations. It does not take much imagination to see that this policy, and those who promoted it, could be seen as one of the most shameful episodes in American history.

shiloh said...

edutcher, why so angry? Rhetorical.

Scott M said...

you'd probably find them at least funny, if not clever

I find them neither and certainly not up the intellectual depth shown by a little boy in a bath laughing at his own fart bubbles.

Bruce Hayden said...

I am not sure if they would have been hurt more if they had kept the ban on giving to PP, or not. But, in the end, they are going to suffer from this.

You get asked constantly at certain parts of the year to contribute - for example at the cash register of many stores. And, my usual response is to ask if they have donated for prostate cancer, and if they have, then donate for "the cure".

But, now, I have a second excuse for not contributing - I will ask if they know that some of the money goes to support Planned Parenthood, that does no breast exams, but is the nation's largest abortion provider. And, BTW, part of the reason why abortion is legal in the first place in this country (they were apparently involved in the early privacy litigation that led up to Roe v. Wade, just for that result).

And, I think that this connection between Komen and PP will ultimately do more harm than good, in terms of fund raising. A lot of people are likely to start thinking that wearing a pink bow is a pro-abortion statement.

Maybe unfair, but Komen did not handle this at all well. Much better if they had been able to sever their ties with PP quietly. In the scheme of things, it wasn't that much money, and I am sure that the Obama Administration could have found some way to make it up quietly. Maybe some sort of HHS slush fund aimed at education or promoting ObamaCare.

Brian Brown said...

The policies that have created this result have been promoted largely by white liberals, especially those from upper economic classes, with high level educations and considerable influence in government and in control of well funded powerful organizations like Planned Parenthood.

In other words, a whole lot of women who don't have children.

Seeing Red said...

I'm still trying to figure out why SGK is paying $600K so PP can go say - this place does mammograms.

That's a line and marketing in the PP places, it's not worth $600k.

Matt Sablan said...

"I'm still trying to figure out why SGK is paying $600K so PP can go say - this place does mammograms.

That's a line and marketing in the PP places, it's not worth $600k."

The 600k is so that this... unpleasantness doesn't have to happen again.

SBVOR said...

Bruce Hayden,

Technically, SGK has only said they will continue to consider grant applications from PP. They did not say they would continue to fund those grants. Time will tell.


traditionalguy said...

Scott M...You are right. Augusta is a unique place that, perhaps rightfully, looks down on Atlanta.

The rest of the State has no good reason, so only envy/jealousy explains it.

David said...

"In other words, a whole lot of women who don't have children."

And men. Men often have a quite selfish interest in legal abortion.

Anonymous said...

"It's barely possible for the left to get any more corrupt, unless they start requiring young women to be subject to droit du seigneur, a la that great liberal hero JFK. he shared that loot as well, we now know."

I think that ship has sailed. If you're a Bill Clinton or Ted Kennedy type who can be counted on to keep abortion legal, you are given a free pass to behave in the most depraved and selfish manner towards women, with hardly a peep from the Left.

Matt Sablan said...

What did that one lady say about lining up for Bill Clinton?

Anonymous said...

I think this is very good for Handel's political career and her conscience. I am sure she is personally opposed to abortion, so why put up with this policy? Her acquiescence would follow her forever.

Alex said...

David - what is your business what a man and woman decide to do about a pregnancy?

traditionalguy said...

Ending human population is the basic Environmentalist's goal.

PP has that covered. If PP added the mammograms, that would keep more breeding age women alive which defeats their whole purpose.

The Environment uber alles.

Alex said...

Tradguy - why do you take such an extreme position? This is not a battle between the Jesus-freaks and the green-freaks. All you guys represent maybe 10% of the population. The other 90% of us are just trying to muddle through the day somehow.

SBVOR said...


Are you suggesting that society should never stand in the way of any homicide? Or, are you just partial to murdering the unborn?

Alex said...

SBVOR - abortion is not homicide. 90% of the population does not agree with you.

SBVOR said...


1) As a biologist, I call tell you with absolute certainty that life begins at conception. Any attempt to concoct any other definition is a purely political, utterly unscientific, attempt to rationalize homicide. Go invent some other statistics. Lies are all your murderous ideology has got.

2) You dare to describe those who defend the defenseless as "extreme" when you have effectively admitted that you consider mass murder to be an acceptable tool for social engineering? Amazing!

Christopher in MA said...

"Abortion is not homicide. 90% of the population does not agree with you."

So the difference between 'murder' and 'inanimate clump of infesting cells' is subject to percentage points now? I'll have to remember that the next time I'm told people really support gay marriage, even when the numbers say otherwise.

Seeing Red said...

SBVOR - abortion is not homicide. 90% of the population does not agree with you.

Technology is changing that for the young, plus pointing out with all the abortions they are lucky to be here and the country has been very steady over the past almost 40 years...

60/40 split

basically don't like it, don't want to pay for it, but I'm not going to tell you what to do. But again, seeing hands & feet changes it from a sac o'cells.

write_effort said...

There is an uneasy feeling among women that influential segments of the GOP are opposed to contraception. This will be exploited in all the 2012 races. SGK may not be directly about this, but it adds to the atmosphere. How badly does the GOP want to lose? Oh, yeah and then blame it on nominating a moderate like MR (who is moving right at break neck speed).

Michael said...

Alex: Do you think your mother would have had a happier, fuller, more expressive life if you had not been on the scene? I personally do not know of any abortion fans who think about things like that and wonder if you do.

Seeing Red said...

ehhh, what's a few hundred million or billion for paradise on earth?

shiloh said...

"How badly does the GOP want to lose?"

Christine O'Donnell, Sharron Angle, Ken Buck and now mittens lol although the alternative to mittens are also god awful!

SBVOR said...

"seeing hands & feet changes it from a sac o'cells"

Saw the (first trimester) sonogram images just two weeks ago -- crystal clear.

Alex said...

SBVOR - humans have been practicing abortion and infanticide for eons.

Brennan said...

There is an uneasy feeling among women that influential segments of the GOP are opposed to contraception.

You forgot the punchline. Wait, there is a punchline. There must be a punchline. Because without one that statement is beyond ridiculous.

There is absolutely NO momentum whatsoever in the GOP opposed to contraception. There is opposition in the way some prophylactics are dispersed within the GOP.

Scott M said...

All you guys represent maybe 10% of the population. The other 90% of us are just trying to muddle through the day somehow.

The last time, Alex, you cited percentages on this subject, you were horribly wrong. Why should anyone believe a thing you say in this vein?

SBVOR said...

"There is an uneasy feeling among women that influential segments of the GOP are opposed to contraception."

Name ONE candidate who has voiced that position -- there are NONE!

Just another bald faced LIE from an ideology that knows no other tactic. How could they? After all, the entire "Progressive" ideology is PURE MYTHOLOGY!

Alex said...

Isn't Santorum on record being opposed to the morning-after pill?

Seeing Red said...

They didn't have the pill, norplant, the ring, the morning after pill spermicide or the surgical technology. Plus the education from a young age.

With everything that's available now, outside of rape or incest, there logically should be very little need for it, especially more than 3-4 times.

Seeing Red said...

Isn't Santorum on record being opposed to the morning-after pill?

See the list.

Christopher in MA said...

"There is an uneasy feeling among women that influential segments of the GOP are opposed to contraception."

Probably the same twits who nodded in agreement when Little Black Jesus said he'd never want his daughters "punished" with a child.

SBVOR said...


Humans have been practicing all manner of homicide for as long as humans have existed. Should all manner of homicide be legal? Or, are you just partial to murdering the unborn?

sakredkow said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
SBVOR said...

The morning after pill is NOT contraception -- it's abortion.

Contraception occurs BEFORE conception. Hence the name CONTRAception.

Brennan said...

Isn't Santorum on record being opposed to the morning-after pill?

Only if you don't finish the sentence.

Santorum is opposed to the morning after pill...disseminated without a prescription from licensed medical doctor.

Brennan said...

Contraception occurs BEFORE conception. Hence the name CONTRAception.

Dang science. Always getting in the way of a good narrative.

write_effort said...

Christine O'Donnell, Sharron Angle, Ken Buck and now mittens lol although the alternative to mittens are also god awful!

It's worse than that. And then there was the Super Bowl ad. Dumb. Dumb. Dumb. The big tent aspirations of the GOP have been narrowed to a backpacking tent.

edutcher said...

shiloh said...

Christine O'Donnell, Sharron Angle, Ken Buck and now mittens lol although the alternative to mittens are also god awful!

Glad shiloh admits GodZero is God awful.

This is progress.

yoobee said...

Alex: "Isn't Santorum on record being opposed to the morning-after pill?"

That doesn't exactly support your argument, Alex. The morning after pill acts to prevent implantation of a fertilized egg, ending a pregnancy. Therefore, it is an abortificient, not a contraceptive (at least not primarily).

Kirk Parker said...


"David - what is your business what a man and woman decide to do about a pregnancy?"

This. It's not like they're murdering a cat or something...

Christopher in MA said...

"Do you wonder where the perceptions of racism come from?"

It wasn't the GOP who wet their panties gushing that the SCOAMF was "sort of God." It wasn't McCain voters who had legions of Children of the Corn singing "Barack Hussein Obama, mmm, mmm, mmm."

After eight years of "Chimpy McBusHitler," I don't give a flying fuck what some Obama fellator thinks, no matter how quickly they throw the race card.

TMink said...

ASlex wrote: "humans have been practicing abortion and infanticide for eons."

True. It is interesting to me that the enemies of the Jewish people and God almost without exception praticed infant sacrifice as part of their religion.

Some things never change.


TMink said...

Sorry, that should have been Alex, the S was a slip, Freudian or finger, it was a slip.


SBVOR said...

"Christine O'Donnell, Sharron Angle, Ken Buck and now mittens"

I would happily choose any (or all) of those over Obama, Reid and Pelosi.

shiloh said...

Racist Christopher in MA rationalizations/deflections re: his racism are duly noted.

SBVOR said...

The racism card is always the last resort of the dishonest, the indoctrinated, the illiterate and the ill-informed (aka "Progressives").

sakredkow said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
edutcher said...

shiloh said...

Racist Christopher in MA rationalizations/deflections re: his racism are duly noted.

What's the race version of Godwin's Law?

PS Cleanup on aisle 2. shiloh has wet all over himself.


Rusty said...

Alex said...
SBVOR - abortion is not homicide. 90% of the population does not agree with you.

At one time a majority of citizens didn't think there was anything wrong with slavery either.

When that egg attaches itself to the uterine wall and begins to divide, unless there is a spontaneous abortion, it ain't a giraffe comin' out in nine months.
Said egg which is dividing already having all the required DNA to be a complete, unique human being.
Just sayin.

SBVOR said...


The racism card has been SO overplayed by the indoctrinated, the illiterate and the ill-informed (aka "Progressives") that nobody takes it seriously anymore.

I grew up in the 1950s. I saw REAL racism. There's a little bit left today. But, it's damn hard to find. The REAL racism today is institutionalized in programs such as "Affirmative Action" (aka Affirmative Racism).

PP is engaged in something which could accurately be described as genocide. The fact that there is no greater sacred cow among the Dims tells me everything I need to know about who the real racists are in this country (and always have been).

Scott M said...

Do you wonder where the perceptions of racism come from?

I wonder why you would want to admit that there are perceptions against an entire group of people (your subtext seems to imply) merely from the words of one commenter.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

I'm not sure if this just makes Shiloh a very successful troll, but he (I use the masculine pronoun very loosely) has actually influenced me.

I used to give liberals the benefit of the doubt, that maybe they were decent people who were just really stupid. I now have decided that people (again, a term that I use very loosely) like Shiloh are complete wastes of oxgygen and should probably be forcibly sterilized.

Thanks for motivating me to donate some money to Walker, even though I don't live in Wisconsin. I now take a personal interest in the recall race just on the off hope that Walker's victory will bring some amount of pain to pathetic internet trolls sad little lives.

Scott M said...

David - what is your business what a man and woman decide to do about a pregnancy

Alex, what is your business what a man and a woman decide to do with their newborn baby if they decide they made a big mistake and want out?

sakredkow said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
meanguy1969 said...

Alex said...

As usual when abortion comes up, nobody wants to talk about the elephant in the room. Namely that most abortions are done by blacks and browns. Is that a good thing for society, apparently Freakonomics say it is.

This is simply false. Blacks and Browns have abortions at a higher rate than whites, but whites have more abortions total (about 55%) according to the U.S. Census.


Scott M said...

I know a lot of non-racist Tea Partiers have made that compromise, but must we all?

Only if you believe progressives harbor no racism towa--ahhahahahaha AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

...sorry, I couldn't even finish typing that sent AhAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH

...hang on...whew...hah...hahhahah....ahHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH

SBVOR said...


If you seriously want to conflate a distortion of the intentions behind some string of words to the point where it is the moral equivalent of the obvious genocide perpetrated by PP, then I don't have much hope of getting through to you (or any other fully indoctrinated so-called "Progressives").

But, I knew that already.

sakredkow said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Seeing Red said...

David - what is your business what a man and woman decide to do about a pregnancy

they're expecting me to pay for it.

traditionalguy said...

Alex...I see your position. Muddling through life is a good thing, which all humans do very creatively.

But an elite working towards the goal goal of a pristine earth freed from degradation by muddling human life are the extremists here.

Like a barking watch dog, I usually point that extreme position out, wherever it tries to hide.

Muddle away. I will likely agree with you on most issues.

garage mahal said...

Thanks for motivating me to donate some money to Walker, even though I don't live in Wisconsin. I now take a personal interest in the recall race just on the off hope that Walker's victory will bring some amount of pain to pathetic internet trolls sad little lives.

Walker hired some pretty high flying criminal defense lawyers, so he'll need all the money he can get. To make a difference you'll have to give til it hurts!

SBVOR said...

The relationship between abortion and welfare is analogous to the relationship between death panels and health care.

Once the government assumes responsibility for entrapping minorities in dependence and poverty through their welfare programs, they then find a need to limit the growth of their welfare dependent clients -- mass murder is the answer.

Similarly, once the government assumes responsibility for health care, they then find a need to limit (otherwise entirely unsustainable) health care expenses. Again, mass murder (through neglect) is the answer.

Hence the platitude:
Nothing is ever so expensive as that which is "free".

President-Mom-Jeans said...

Ah, and here swoops in the other chromosomally challenged poster who is still all butt-hurt that the state will not act as union's collection agency.

How old are you garage about 50? I would be happy to donate to planned parenthood if it means you get a 150th trimester abortion.

P. S. Speaking as a real lawyer who has spent time working in the D.A's office in Miami, you are absolutely full of shit with your Walker criminal investigation fantasies.

AlphaLiberal said...

What the hell?

It's hard to position yourself in the middle, as it seems Handel has done,

She campaigned for Governor of Georgia promising to defund Planned Parenthood. That is not a centrist position!

Then, she dragged Komen into the culture wars over abortion in her attempts to further defund Planned Parenthood.

In what alternate universe is this considered part of the "middle?"

Thorley Winston said...

I don’t donate to the Susan G Komen Foundation for the same reasons that I never donate to the United Way:

1) Neither organization actually provides services (e.g. cancer research) but instead funnels part of the money that they collect to groups that do. If I give directly to the groups that actually perform the services that I find worthwhile, I can get the maximum bang for my buck (100 percent of my donation instead of 16 percent) and not have to worry about whether I’m helping them to also support groups, programs or services that I find wasteful or objectionable.

2) Any group who includes as part of its mission “raising awareness” of something that the general public is already aware of is most likely a group that is trying to “raise awareness” of its existence and that you can generate good publicity for your company if you “encourage” your employees or customers to donate.

I would strongly encourage people who want to donate money to fight breast cancer or any other disease to boycott aggregator groups like the Susan G Komen Foundation and the United Way and instead send the money you would otherwise donate directly to a hospital or research facility or other group that actually does the worthwhile work that you want to support.

Scott M said...

She campaigned for Governor of Georgia promising to defund Planned Parenthood. That is not a centrist position!

She ran in Georgia. Is it possible it's centrist in Georgia? I'm not saying it is, merely saying it's possible.

WV - "lemist" a person who hates small vermin who are prone to drowning for no good reason.

SBVOR said...

phx says:

"I didn't make a moral equivalency to anything"

By inference, you absolutely did all that AND MORE. You have given your tacit approval to the obvious genocide perpetrated by PP. But then you get your panties in a wad over the phrase "Little Black Jesus" (an obvious reference to morons who have openly proclaimed "Obama is my Jesus".

Through your actions, you have not merely drawn a moral equivalence; you have placed prohibited speech as the far HIGHER priority (making you a typically indoctrinated, illiterate and ill-informed "Progressive").


sakredkow said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
shiloh said...

edutcher's childish personal attack is also duly noted as he continues to obsess over my every word.

Scott M said...

Don't shoot from the hip son

You mean, like this?

I know a lot of non-racist Tea Partiers have made that compromise, but must we all?

You can't possibly know if that statement is true. You may feel it is, but you cannot know it is. Thus, you're, to paraphrase, pissing in the wind.

SBVOR said...

"name-calling" charges are the last resort of those who have no arguments left -- it's an even more desperate card to play than the racism card.

Typical "Progressive"...

garage mahal said...

P. S. Speaking as a real lawyer who has spent time working in the D.A's office in Miami, you are absolutely full of shit with your Walker criminal investigation fantasies.

Hahaha. Okay, whatever you say, attorney President-Mom-Jeans.

AlphaLiberal said...

Now the conservatives are back to denying racism exists or emanates from from the right wing.

One click a way I see a post commenting on conservative Charles Murray's new book, Coming Apart: The State of White America, 1960-2010 .

I guess he is a professor of Aryan Studies or something.

Other things from the rightwing that are supposedly not racist, either:
* Calling Barack Obama "the food stamp President."
* Saying that blacks should demand paychecks, not food stamps.
* Rick Santorum saying:
"I don't want to make black people's lives better by giving them somebody else's money, I want to give them the opportunity to go out and earn the money."

* Republican Pete Hoekstra puts out a video about "yellowgirl" who is said to be Chinese but walking through Vietnam, speaking in pidgin english.

This list goes on and on and on. To claim there is no racism in this country or the Republican Party is just idiotic at this point.

Brennan said...

She campaigned for Governor of Georgia promising to defund Planned Parenthood. That is not a centrist position!

In the GOP primary for Georgia Governor, it sure is.

Then, she dragged Komen into the culture wars over abortion in her attempts to further defund Planned Parenthood.

This is true based on what exactly? The anonymous source that talked to the AP that Ms. Handel contradicts on the record?

I hope you have more information. Do share.

sakredkow said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
SBVOR said...

AlphaLiberal (Troll),

1) Would you consider a title such as "Coming Apart: The State of Black America, 1960-2010" to be racist?

Like I said, so-called "Progressives" have SO overplayed the racism card that nobody takes it seriously anymore.

2) "Progressive" lies not-with-standing, Obama can absolutely be accurately and objectively described as the food stamp President.

But, as we know, so-called "Progressives" live in a fantasy world devoid of any contact with reality.

SBVOR said...

phx says:

"LOL, seriously? You call me names and..."

This continued obsession with prohibited speech combined with the continued tacit approval of the obvious genocide perpetrated by PP only serves to further reinforce the absolute accuracy of my previous assertion.

edutcher said...

shiloh said...

edutcher's childish personal attack is also duly noted as he continues to obsess over my every word.

And yet, and yet, shiloh rebuts none of what I say.

If his case is so good, he could.

But it's not, so he can't.

Rebuttal requires thought and it's tough to think when all of one's words come from Kos.

SBVOR said...


An inability to engage in the art of critical thinking is an obvious prerequisite to embracing Kos (or the so-called "Progressive" ideology).

But, we knew that already.

Michael said...

AlphaLiberal: Don't bother to read the Murray book. It will disappoint in that it is not about comparing races. It is about the difference between the upper crust and the shrinking middle class and does not take into account African Americans or Latinos. Really, this is a good place to not beclown yourself when you can avoid it easily by reading the book.

Rusty said...

And yet, and yet, shiloh rebuts none of what I say.

A perambulatin' non sequitir.

sakredkow said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lem Vibe Banditory said...

It's hard to position yourself in the middle, as it seems Handel has done, and she's managed to get slammed from one side and then the other and to lose 2 big jobs.

No other way of parting the baby..

Seeing Red said...

edutcher's childish personal attack is also duly noted as he continues to obsess over my every word.

Why are you so angry? Your comments were boring today, nothing to get angry at. I thought you were making those comments to get noticed? Someone finally notices and you get all bothered?

shiloh said...

edutcher, my #1 groupie, asks for a rebuttal ?!?

"What's the race version of Godwin's Law?

PS Cleanup on aisle 2. shiloh has wet all over himself."

A perambulatin' non sequitir. indeed!

As a few other Althouse cons assist my pet in his confusion.

Love said...

A survey released by the Public Religion Research Institute on Tuesday found that 58 percent of Catholics think businesses should be required to provide health plans with free birth control, compared with 55 percent of all Americans who agreed with the requirement. At 38 percent, white evangelical protestants were the least likely to agree free contraception should be provided by employers.

edutcher said...

When was the last time someone's groupie beat his head in with a tire iron?

And I still see no rebuttal.


PS And the fact that the Public Religion Research Institute has a leftward bent has no bearing on its findings, right?

shiloh said...

"58 percent of Catholics think businesses should be required to provide health plans with free birth control"

So Obama's new regulations that compel religious organisations to include morning-after pills and other contraceptives in employee health insurance coverage. ...

is probably much ado about nothing ie if a Catholic wasn't going to vote for Obama because of the new regs, they probably weren't going to vote for him anyways, regardless.

And doesn't everyone enjoy the "new wave" of Catholics who don't follow all of their "leaders" laws as the gospel truth. (50+) years of those same leaders covering up for child molesters notwithstanding. I digress.

Indeed, as many Catholics had no problem w/Obama being pro-choice in 2008. Gasp!

shiloh said...

"Public Religion Research Institute"

edutcher attacking the messenger instead of the message, er deflecting, as per usual.

Thorley Winston said...

A survey released by the Public Religion Research Institute

Any “survey” done by an advocacy group that doesn’t at a minimum include a copy of the questions, methodology and breakdown of the sample should be presumed to be a push poll unless and until proven otherwise.

Brian Brown said...

Other things from the rightwing that are supposedly not racist, either:
* Calling Barack Obama "the food stamp President."


Yes, because it is true it must be "racist"!

You are a parody.

Love said...

My question is this: If one is not "mandated" to buy or take contraceptives, what possible difference does an insurance company being required to pay for them matter...to anybody? The reasoning relates to the people who can't afford paying, being able to have contraception...to avoid the possibility of having an unwanted pregnancy...and a possible abortion.

Isn't that what 90% of the people here scream about every day?


And: I can't imagine not being able to tell your insurance company (if so willing or so religiously inclined) that you would not like for them to pay...that you'll pay yourself.

SBVOR said...


Haven't you heard?

There is NO SUCH THING as "free".

Wanna see what this "free" fantasy has done for health care (and housing, and "education", and every other sector this malignancy of entitlement has ever touched)?

Click here and here. Read it and weep.

Scott M said...

Other things from the rightwing that are supposedly not racist, either:
* Calling Barack Obama "the food stamp President."

Why is that racist? By sheer numbers, aren't there far more white people on food stamps than black?

Brian Brown said...

AlphaLiberal said...

Then, she dragged Komen into the culture wars over abortion in her attempts to further defund Planned Parenthood.

You mean other than the fact that Komen made this decision before she was hired, right?

Note: that fact is in the article you clearly decided not to read.

Brian Brown said...

Love said...
My question is this: If one is not "mandated" to buy or take contraceptives, what possible difference does an insurance company being required to pay for them matter...to anybody?


Costs go for insurance premiums go up.

I wouldn't expect you to understand this.

SBVOR said...

"I wouldn't expect you to understand this."

She won't.

By her own admission (on her profile page) her only interest is in "making people feel good" (at any cost).

Typical "Progressive"...

Love said...

Jay thinks Obama deserves the moniker as the "food stamP president.

Once again, this fool illustrates just how uneducated and uninformed he really is.

Via Lisa Levenstein is an associate professor of history at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro

The nation's food stamp program is an essential part of the American safety net. Why? Because people can't be productive — in school, at work or looking for work — if they are hungry and fearful about not having enough food to feed their families.

The program serves 46 million people, almost as many people as Medicare. And that's despite the fact that more than one-third of those eligible for the benefit are not receiving it. If all those who qualified for food stamps enrolled in the program, it would include 20% to 25% of Americans.

Not surprisingly, given the large numbers who participate, food stamp recipients are a diverse bunch, including the elderly, the disabled, one-parent families, two-parent families, low-wage workers, students, soldiers and the unemployed.

*Oh...and only 22% of food stamp recipients are black.

The architects of the program emphasized that it bolstered household consumption and shored up the retail economy.

Grocers preferred to have people standing in lines in their stores than standing in lines to take surplus food. Once the program was started, the grocery industry advertised the stamps to homemakers as smart, money-saving shopping tools.

In 2009, they pumped $50 billion into the economy. And, according to a 2008 USDA publication, the benefits extend beyond stores:

"Every $5 in new food stamp benefits generates a total of $9.20 in community spending," and each "$1 billion of retail food demand by food stamp recipients generates 3,300 farm jobs."

Conservatives are trying to smear Barack Obama by dubbing him the "food stamp president."

He should not run from the label but embrace it, positioning himself as a defender of American retailers and a protector of the security and integrity of all U.S. households.

Love said...

Jay - Are you saying that you think the "cost" of contraceptives is more than what unwanted pregnancies and possible abortions...would "cost??"

Get real.

Brian Brown said...

Love said...
Jay thinks Obama deserves the moniker as the "food stamP president.

Yes I do as he is.

From you own post:

He should not run from the label but embrace it,

Comedy gold.

shiloh said...

"Typical "Progressive"..."

Jay, by definition progressives are progressive and conservatives are conservative er regressive.

Hope this helps ...

Brian Brown said...

"Every $5 in new food stamp benefits generates a total of $9.20 in community spending," and each "$1 billion of retail food demand by food stamp recipients generates 3,300 farm jobs."


Then why don't we put all 300 million Americans on food stamps and have GDP growth of like 400%!!!

Oh, because that assertion is silly and ridiculous.

That's why.

Love said...

SBVOR - Where did I say anything was "free?"

I said tha insurance companies ouwld have to cover the cost of the contraceptives. I would assume there is some kind of premium attached to any policy.

Reading comprehension lacking?

Oh, and by the way...the rationale for any form of "mandate" in health care is to spread the "cost" over more people...driving the "cost" doen for everybody.

Same as car insurance.

SBVOR said...

Love (my ass),

Oh, HELL...
Let's just put the federal government in charge of feeding EVERYBODY.

Yeah, as phenomenally extreme as that sounds, Obama's already working on that horror show.

Love said...

Jay - The statement that:

"Every $5 in new food stamp benefits generates a total of $9.20 in community spending," and each "$1 billion of retail food demand by food stamp recipients generates 3,300 farm jobs."

Is not an "assertion" you idiot.

It's a statistic provided by the 2008 USDA publication that follows and calculates such things.

Brian Brown said...

Love said...
Jay thinks Obama deserves the moniker as the "food stamP president.

Once again, this fool illustrates just how uneducated and uninformed he really is.

And then you go on to post that Obama should embrace being the food stamp president.

Are you really this dumb or someone just having fun as a sock puppet?

Love said...

SBVOR - Once again...I have no idea what you're blathering on about.

Other than screaming and whining...your comment is irrelevant to the facts.

Brian Brown said...

Is not an "assertion" you idiot.

Yes it is. It has no basis in reality.

How do we know this?

Because there are 14 million more people on food stamps than when Obama was inaugurated and yet the economy has gotten worse and the deficit has increased.

So all this economic activity has not happend.

You blathering idiot.

SBVOR said...


"Progressive" is just the latest euphemism for Socialist. It is, of course, just a retread from the Woodrow Wilson era.

After American Socialists hijacked and then demolished the once noble term "Liberal", they needed yet another euphemism (and were not even creative enough to come up with a new one).

Love said...

Jay - Once again, after telling you in a previous session that I would not engage you because you apprently do not know how to read or understand other people's opinions (statistics/facts)...I'm afraid we're back to it again.

Please just bypass my comments and forget about any form of debate or discussion.

You're a complete waste of time.

sakredkow said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Brian Brown said...

Love said...
Jay - Once again, after telling you in a previous session that I would not engage you because you apprently do not know how to read or understand other people's opinions (statistics/facts).

Um, I clearly read what you posted.

They are not "facts" as easily demonstrated by what I said.

You can't apply any critical thinking to my response or your "facts" so now you're pretending that I'm "disregarding" something, when in fact I responded directly to it.

In other words, you're kind of incoherent.

SBVOR said...

"At a certain point you have to move on and try to engage the smart ones if you want an interesting argument."

Just play the "racism" card (or the "you're too stupid to understand the brilliance of my Socialist ideology" card), stamp your feet and run and hide.

Typical "Progressive"...

shiloh said...

"they needed yet another euphemism (and were not even creative enough to come up with a new one)."

Frank Luntz notwithstanding, this is party true as Reps are indeed, the party of childish name calling ...

blood slander, blood libel, porkulus, Obama care, statist, activist judge, socialized medicine, birther, death panels, they’re gonna take away our guns, illegal aliens, govt. bailout, refudiate, held hostage, ground zero mosque, death tax, marriage penalty, fair and balanced, giving aid and comfort to the enemy, Hitler, Islamo-fascists, Communists, Socialist, Marxist, wealth distributor, liberal media, pro-business/family/life, states’ rights, civil liberties, strict constructionist, etc.

Late addition ~ class warfare :-P


Please feel free to add to my list of conservative ad nauseam minutiae.

btw, one of my favs ~ "He's not like us" to which Obama should reply ... Thank god! :)

edutcher said...

shiloh said...

"Public Religion Research Institute"

edutcher attacking the messenger instead of the message, er deflecting, as per usual.

No deflect. At no point do they say how many Catholics, etc., were interviewed and whether an organization has an axe to grind should be taken into account before buying any poll results.

(I don't trust the Fox News poll, either...)

A random sample of 1000 people is just that. If there's no breakdown of how many of each group were questioned, we have no indication that a representative number of Catholics was included. It just says it was "weighted" according to age, sex, geography, etc., but at no point does it say an effort was made to be indicative of a representative proportion of each religion.

They could interview 10 Catholics and say with a straight face 60% of Catholics felt that way.

The network polls do it all the time.

As I say, the fact it's a Left-leaning outfit has no bearing, right?

Love said...

SBVOR - I just visted you blog site and found that you posted garbage like this (did you use Jay as your source?):

"I challenge ANY PP advocate to find any PP location ANYWHERE in the ENTIRE country which provides mammograms. Here’s a clue -- THERE ARE NONE!"

Over the past five years, Planned Parenthood health centers with Komen program funding have provided nearly 170,000 clinical breast exams out of the more than four million clinical breast exams performed nationwide at Planned Parenthood health centers, as well as more than 6,400 mammogram referrals out of 70,000 mammogram referrals.


Planned Parenthood of Central Texas is proud to provide comprehensive breast cancer screening for our patients, including mammography when needed. Through grants from the Central Texas affiliate of the Susan G. Komen Foundation and our participation in the Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening (BCCS) program (through the Texas Department of State Health Services), PPCT provides referrals and pays for mammograms and diagnostic follow up treatment for our patients at area radiology and surgical clinics.

Through these grants, in 2010 PPCT patients received 609 screening mammograms and 125 diagnostic mammograms; breast cancer was detected in 20 women. For most of these patients, Planned Parenthood is their only healthcare provider.

Through our participation in the BCCS program, patients who are diagnosed with breast or cervical cancer can be enrolled in the Medicaid for Breast and Cervical Cancer (MBCC) program, which ensures that they receive the necessary treatment to fight cancer.

Waco, TX Planned Parenthood Has Provided Over 2,000 Mammograms Since 2001. From a Waco Planned Parenthood Newsletter:

In 2009 we provided 487 mammograms and 162 diagnostic follow-up procedures for our patients. Since this program began in 2001, we have provided 2,683 mammograms to low-income women. [Waco Planned Parenthood, Spring/Summer 2010]

shiloh said...

A man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest ~ Lie la lie

Brian Brown said...

PCT provides referrals and pays for mammograms and diagnostic follow up treatment for our patients at area radiology and surgical clinics.


Um, that doesn't mean PP did the mammogram.

Which I guess you can't gather from what was posted.

Love said...

SBVOR - Would you like some mustard with that crow?

Brian Brown said...

Love said...
SBVOR - Would you like some mustard with that crow?


PP doesn't own any equipment allowing them to do a mammogram.

That is a fact that can't be disputed.

You and PP pretending they provide a mammogram by sending someone to area radiology and surgical clinics is rather funny.

Love said...

For the idiot who can't read"

"Planned Parenthood of Central Texas is proud to provide comprehensive breast cancer screening for our patients, including mammography when needed."

(including mammography when needed)

"Through these grants, in 2010 PPCT patients received 609 screening mammograms and 125 diagnostic mammograms; breast cancer was detected in 20 women. For most of these patients, Planned"

(patients received 609 screening mammograms and 125 diagnostic mammograms)

"Waco, TX Planned Parenthood Has Provided Over 2,000 Mammograms Since 2001. From a Waco Planned Parenthood Newsletter:

(Waco, TX Planned Parenthood Has Provided Over 2,000 Mammograms Since 2001)

In 2009 we provided 487 mammograms and 162 diagnostic follow-up procedures for our patients. Since this program began in 2001, we have provided 2,683 mammograms to low-income women. [Waco Planned Parenthood, Spring/Summer 2010]"

(Since this program began in 2001, we have provided 2,683 mammograms to low-income women)

Brian Brown said...

Love said...
For the idiot who can't read"

why don't you go to the Waco PP office and see if you can get a mammogram in the planned parenthood office and let us know how that works out, ok?

Brian Brown said...


You and PP pretending they provide a mammogram by sending someone to area radiology and surgical clinics is rather funny.

That's like McDonalds saying they provide hamburgers by sending you to Wendy's.

Love said...

The idiot: "PP doesn't own any equipment allowing them to do a mammogram."

"Through these grants, in 2010 PPCT patients received 609 screening mammograms and 125 diagnostic mammograms; breast cancer was detected in 20 women. For most of these patients, Planned"

"Waco, TX Planned Parenthood Has Provided Over 2,000 Mammograms Since 2001.

Since this program began in 2001, we have provided 2,683 mammograms to low-income women. [Waco Planned Parenthood, Spring/Summer 2010]"

SBVOR said...

Love (my ass),

You shouldn't make your brazen propaganda so pathetically easy to debunk.

Waco has two PP facilities. The first offers ONLY "mammogram referrals". The second offers ONLY "mammogram referrals".

As my post PROVES (using PP's own web site), there are no PP facilities ANYWHERE in the entire country which offer anything other than "mammogram referrals".

So, PP itself has exposed you as a bald faced liar (in other words, a typical "Progressive").

Brian Brown said...

Love said...
The idiot: "PP doesn't own any equipment allowing them to do a mammogram."

Hysterical you keep posting the same thing without understanding they are changing the commonly understood definition of "provides"

Love why can't you understand that?

are you dumb?

Brian Brown said...

Love said...
The idiot: "PP doesn't own any equipment allowing them to do a mammogram."


From you own silly paste job:

PCT provides referrals and pays for mammograms and diagnostic follow up treatment for our patients at area radiology and surgical clinics.

Planned Parenthood does not actually do mammograms.


At all.

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