February 2, 2012

"Donald Trump to endorse Mitt Romney for president today in Las Vegas, sources with knowledge of endorsement tell CNN."

Email just received.

Trump's a businessman. He can see who the winner is, and he's backing the winner. Rumors were that he was going to endorse Gingrich, as if Trump is all about conservatism (and Newt constitutes the conservative). Not so!


Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Trump is about future business opportunities..

Rush tells the story of a businessman who bought a stake in baseball's Texas Rangers. Somebody said to him.. 'I didn't know you were interested in baseball'.. 'What do you know about baseball'.. he responded.. 'I'm in business with the son of the president of the United States'.

Andy said...

Romney's attempt to seem as rich and out of touch as possible is an odd general election strategy.

Amexpat said...

I think he liked Romney riffing on his "you're fired" line.
Plus, he's going with the winner.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Ack. Andy R - Any thoughts on Jon Corzine?

Andy said...

Maybe Romney just likes having Trump around because Trump is almost as likely as he is to make some embarrassing bone-headed gaffe.

It's nice for Romney to have someone around to distract from his incompetence as a presidential candidate.

Patrick said...

Too bad for Mitt.

edutcher said...

Doesn't really hurt Milton. Doesn't help that much, either, since all the talk of GodZero's billion dollar war chest seems to be so much hot air.

PS Good one, April, although it applies as much to Zero as Corzine.

The Drill SGT said...

Trump's a businessman. He can see who the winner is, and he's backing the winner.

Why slander us business people with a connection to that guy. He's a publicity seeking opportunist

Toad Trend said...

"It's nice for Romney to have someone around to distract from his incompetence as a presidential candidate."

This, the apparent GodZero-Biden approach.

Bob Ellison said...

The endorsement question is interesting. Most pundits say endorsements don't really matter, but maybe it's all in the timing. Palin did an almost-endorsement of Gingrich just before the SC primary, and maybe it helped puff up the Gingrich bubble. I think that if she had done it earlier or later, Gingrich would not have scored quite as well.

What if God appeared to all of us and said "elect _____ POTUS"? Would we follow His guidance?

John Stodder said...

RINOs! Hide!

The hideout is at Trump National Golf Club in Rancho Palos Verdes. Knock twice and say "Obama-lite!"

The Drill SGT said...

Bob Ellison said...
What if God appeared to all of us and said "elect _____ POTUS"? Would we follow His guidance?

No, but if he appeared at a Presidental Debate and turned one of the candidates into a burning bush or a pillar of salt, I'd at least consider supporting the other guy...

John Stodder said...

Seriously...the best news here for anyone actually serious about beating Obama (vs. striking a pose): this means Trump won't run as a third-party candidate.

Hoosier Daddy said...

Isn't it funny how the Kerry/Edwards mega millions wasn't a problem for liberals?

Roman said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
machine said...

It's just another millionaire/billionaire against the rest of us...The GOP plan: protect the rich at the expense of the middle class!

Fen said...

Wasn't Trump's fortune made by being "too big to fail"?

There’s an old banking proverb: “If you owe the bank thousands (a small amount), then you have a problem. If you owe the bank millions (a large amount), then the bank has a problem.” The proverb is also given as: “If you owe the bank thousands (a small amount), then the bank owns you. If you owe the bank millions (a large amount), then you own the bank.” The proverb became associated with New York real estate developer Donald Trump and his money troubles of the early 1990s.


Toad Trend said...

"Isn't it funny how the Kerry/Edwards mega millions wasn't a problem for liberals?"

No. Liberalism IS hypocrisy. Simple, really.

traditionalguy said...

Money talks. Gingrich walks.

And Trump talks the talk bluntly about China stealing the American industrial base with 20 years of "unexpected" help from the US Government .

Trump will help Romney a lot. Trump has a good attitude towards common folks that actually helps defuse that Patrician attitude coming from Romney.

Richard Dolan said...

"Trump's a businessman."

Yes, indeed. And he's in the same business as Sheldon Adelson. You should take your own thought a bit more seriously. Perhaps there is something about their particular business (casino gambling in resort hotels) that makes them want to support Newt even if they'd prefer he not become president. It might be something as under-the-radar as a concern about on-line poker (not something a casino mogul would likely want). Perhaps they are envisioning a future legislative fight in which they'd want Newt's support and help (after all, he is quite likely to return to K Street when the primary season is over). These are guys who are well able to calculate the odds.

I don't have any idea why they are supporting Newt, but I suspect it relates much more directly to your "Trump's a businessman" idea than you think.

John Stodder said...

Isn't it funny how the Kerry/Edwards mega millions wasn't a problem for liberals?

Liberals are like bad comedians. They use whatever they can reach without straining themselves. Romney is rich so he must be out of touch. Bush had a Texas accent so he must've been a dumb, belligerent cowboy. Reagan was an actor, so what could he know about nuances? And Newt Gingrich is a crybaby... well a stuck clock is right twice a day.

machine said...

Isn't it funny that millionaires Kerry/Edwards fought for the middle class and against "trickle down"...

Contrary to popular GOP myth, Democrats are ok with people having money...

Fen said...

"Isn't it funny how the Kerry/Edwards mega millions wasn't a problem for liberals?"

Fen's Law.

Toad Trend said...

broken machine said

"Isn't it funny that millionaires Kerry/Edwards fought for the middle class and against "trickle down"..."

Right. You liberals are liars. You use the 'fairness/fair share' ruse to keep the plebes away from your gated homes. All the while being the worst voluntary contributors to charities, etc.


Scott M said...

Contrary to popular GOP myth, Democrats are ok with people having money...

That's by far and way the funniest thing you've ever posted, machine. Well-crafted, sir.

Toad Trend said...

"Fen's Law."

Hat tip, Fen.

Liberalism = posturing.

A never-ending game of charades.

caseym54 said...

If he were to endorse Gingrich, the press would deride it as the ravings of a crazy man. If he endorses Romney, it will be "seeing the light." If he were to endorse Obama, it would be on the front page of all newspapers for a week, with the headline "Republicans, You're Fired!"

William said...

Is there one human being in America whose vote will be influenced by Trump's endorsement? Here, in the anonymity of the internet, please reveal yourself.....Perhaps some of his ex-wives for passive aggressive reasons will vote for Gingrich, but other than that I don't think Trump's endorsement will influence anyone very much. I'm just sorry Michael Jackson is dead. I always looked to him for guidance in Presidential elections.

Christopher in MA said...

"Contrary to popular GOP myth, Democrats are OK with people having money."

Quite right. In fact, they're so OK with it that John Kerry registers his yacht in a different state to avoid taxes (and keep his money), the Kennedy family falsified Rose's death certificate (so they didn't have to pay death taxes, and thus, keep their money), the Clintons wrote off their dirty underwear on their tax returns (to keep their money). . .and, well, we could go on ad nauseam.

You're a pretty funny guy, machine. A little practice and you'll be able to play in the big leagues of foolishness with pros like Hat and Garage.

The Drill SGT said...

machine said...
Contrary to popular GOP myth, Democrats are ok with people having money...

and if it's the other people that have money, then confiscatory taxes are in order, but if you are a Kerry or a Kennedy, you want to get a tax loophole (Kennedy) or lie about it (Kerry) to dodge them.

Senator Kerry issued a press release touting "new tools" for the IRS "to detect, deter and discourage offshore tax abuses that currently allow companies and individuals avoid paying taxes." He said, "It repulsed me that while the average American plays by the rules and pays taxes, some of the biggest corporations avoid paying their fair share." And he vowed to "close the loophole that allows for offshore tax havens to help taxpayers shirk paying their fair share."

victoria said...

People still listen to Trump? People still care what he says? Urp, no!!!!

Vicki from Pasadena

Dan in Philly said...

Trump - engaging in shameless self-promotion since he was 5.

The Drill SGT said...

Chris beat me :(

exactly the same points, just a better typer :)

I'm Full of Soup said...


Do me a favor. Write your best law again..the one that begins "liberal don't really believe..."

That is a great one.

Dan in Philly said...

After reading "Andy R." and "The Machine" I've seen the light and decided to endorse a buinsess failure rather than a seccuess for the next president. With the Obama economy, there are plenty of them out there. Who better to lead this country than someone who has met with unmitigated failure? That's a slogan I can get behind!

"I can't make money in business! I can't run a company! My mis-management caused all my employees to lose their life savings when my company crashed and burned! Vote for me to lead this country into the next great era!!!!"

traditionalguy said...

If you want to understand this endorsement, you will need to check out who gave the biggest bucks to Harry Reid's last campaign to defeat Sharon Angle.

Trump develops casinos and hotels in Nevada. While Gingrich only writes his history books. Trump wants to build more monuments with his name on them.

Historians are a dime a dozen, but the favor of approved Nevada building permits, casino licenses, and utility capacity are priceless.

machine said...

Go ahead...nominate the gazillionare whose tax plan consists of more tax cuts for the uber wealthy....let's see how it shakes out...

Fen said...

@ AJ:

Fen's Law: The Left doesn't really believe in the things they lecture the rest of us about.

Use as your own as you wish.

Scott M said...

Go ahead...nominate the gazillionare whose tax plan consists of more tax cuts for the uber wealthy....let's see how it shakes out...

I remember very similar comments leading right up to November 4th 2010. That was a dark day for your side, machine, no?

Fen said...

machine: blah blah gazillionare blah uber wealthy blah

Careful, you won't have any hyperbole left for the Koch Brothers.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Thanks Fen. I will borrow it.

edutcher said...

machine said...

Isn't it funny that millionaires Kerry/Edwards fought for the middle class and against "trickle down"...

Contrary to popular GOP myth, Democrats are ok with people having money...

That's why they support the 99%, right?

That's why they want to tax the Hell out of anybody that has it, right?

Brian Brown said...

machine said...
Isn't it funny that millionaires Kerry/Edwards fought for the middle class and against "trickle down"...

You mean they fought for failing ideas?


The BLS lists the jobs created during the 8 years of the Reagan administration (1981-1989) at 17, 873,000 jobs

However, total jobs created in the 3 years(36 months) of the Obama economy are a negative 2,483,000.

Thanks for participating.

Brian Brown said...

Contrary to popular GOP myth, Democrats are ok with people having money...

Right. As long as that money comes from being in or close to, the government.

Obama, Kerry, Pelosi, Boxer, Clintons.

garage mahal said...

Romney gets endorsement from a birther. So awesome.

Christopher in MA said...

Speak of the devil. . .

Sal said...

Romney campaign is brilliant. If there's one endorsement that screams, "I DO care about the poor!" it is Donald Trump's

Scott M said...

If there's one endorsement that screams, "I DO care about the poor!" it is Donald Trump's

Why should he worry about the poor? There's a safety net. If it's broke, he'll fix it.

bgates said...

machine @ 10:19
It's just another millionaire/billionaire against the rest of us...The GOP plan: protect the rich at the expense of the middle class!

and 7 minutes later
Contrary to popular GOP myth, Democrats are ok with people having money...

Carol_Herman said...

BIG DEAL. Let them knock themselves out.

HBO is also doing a film on Sarah Palin's role, where McCain selected her. According to hollywood-weirdos, Sarah Palin cost McCain his presidential win.

I guess if you're going to dramatize stuff ... you might as well go with your masturbatory fantasies? How come hollywood can't let go of Sarah Palin?

As to what happens in Nevada? Do you know lots of people who go there come home broke?

Let's see. So far, Mitt's being sold as a christian. And, Mormonism isn't weird. And, the right wing social lunatics aren't out there on the fringes.

Yeah. Mormanism is like the "religion of peace." Keep telling people who adhering to the current regimen will make Obama less popular?

Welcome to America. Where what your religion is isn't supposed to count.

Oh. And, wait till you see HBO's ads for the Sarah Palin "biopic."

At least Sarah Palin has a good sense of humor.

Carol_Herman said...

I'm with Andy R @ 9:49 AM.

It's as good a motivation as any.

But, ahead, what happens with the "equal time" argument? Wasn't that what was holding Trump back? His TV show is not in the can, yet.

And, how far can a candidate get on "distractions?" And, hurt feelings that because he's a Mormon, he needs to fight prejudice?

Oh, for the stilted debates, ahead.

Oh, to see what HBO will offer. And, if I can pick up the coming show's DVD at Amazon.

Carol_Herman said...

What if Obama wins in 2012?

When FDR won 4 times. And, he proved he could do this while he was sick as a dog, in 1944 ... Pray tell, what would prevent the electorate from being told ("that two term rule is bad for us.")

What if Obama could also win term #3? And, term #4?

Bill Clinton could'a won the 2000 race.

Don't politicians mull "staying power?"

FDR's policies have staying power. The whole machinery of party politics was to get their hands on the powers to grow government JOBS.

Because there was so much hostility against the draft ... our military was put into the hands of putz'ez. And, the worry over being drafted has been taken off the table.

Now. Let's say Romney reaches out for the "MISSION POSITION?" Where kids graduate high school, and instead of college, MUST spend two years abroad. "On a mission." Kids without connections go to Africa. Mittens went to Paris. Can a Mormon enjoy himself in Paris?

Is Mormonism unique to America? What, with all the "missionary work" .. you'd think there would be devotees far and wide.

Oh. And, we also know "Islam was stopped at the Gates of Vienna."

So? How is the "outreach" gonna work out for them?

Hoosier Daddy said...

"... machine @ 10:19 It's just another millionaire/billionaire against the rest of us...The GOP plan: protect the rich at the expense of the middle class!

and 7 minutes later

Contrary to popular GOP myth, Democrats are ok with people having money..."

Makes you consider the possibility that liberalism is really schizophrenia.

Carol_Herman said...

"GAME CHANGE" A movie "biopic" of Sarah Palin getting chosen by McCain, to be his veep. As Julianne Moore sees it, she sees Palin as having a nervous breakdown.

Don't stampede over to HBO just yet. All they've released is this two-bit trailer.

However, HBO's program is due to flash out in March. No. Sarah Palin did not offer Julianne Moore any help.

But, yes. The line that Sarah Palin never said ... About seeing Russia from her front porch ... is there.

So, I guess the HBO "biopic" is a takeoff of Tina Fey playing Sarah Palin.

Buy popcorn.

damikesc said...

Edwards "fighting for the common man" consisted of using junk science to cause the number of C-sections in NC to quadruple with no impact on cerebral palsy rates and in vigorously opposing a trust fund to compensate all sufferers of cerebral palsy instead of the few he made millions off of.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Romney gets endorsement from a birther. So awesome

Romney gets an endorsement from a businessman that once was broke and has bounced back.

An American made success story.

netmarcos said...

Cool idea for national service, but it wouldn't work like that. There are no connections that can really have any influence on where you are sent. Why, in a typical multi-generational Mormon family missionaries have served in New England, Spain, Chile, Argentina, California, Bolivia, Portugal, Oklahoma, Maryland, and Florida.

And there are more Mormons living outside the US than there are here, so yeah; I guess it works some.

Brian Brown said...

...The GOP plan: protect the rich at the expense of the middle class!

Thanks to GW Bush, the "middle class" doesn't have federal income tax liability.

Cedarford said...

machine said...

Contrary to popular GOP myth, Democrats are ok with people having money...

Because SOMEONE has to have the money to give to noble needy poor demanding mo' free stuff, and the Hero government employees that serve the poor's needs.

Tarzan said...

"Contrary to popular GOP myth, Democrats are ok with Democrats having (other people's) money..."


jimspice said...

Ah. "Sources with knowledge." THAT'S why FOX News go it wrong: http://jimromenesko.com/2012/02/02/gingrich-romney/

Tarzan said...

Why should he worry about the poor? There's a safety net. If it's broke, he'll fix it.

So true. That was a very brave statement for Romney to make, knowing all the while that quirky-hat-types will be aghast at the lack of 'compassion' and out-of-touch-ness and so on.

On with the business of cutting the fat and balancing the books. Improvements in the lot of poor folks will have to come through the efforts of the poor folks themselves for now.

Brutal, I know. Time to go kick a puppy!

Cedarford said...

For nearly 50 years, the wants and needs and excuses for - the poor - has been at the forefront of who America should help.
Then Republicans slowly abandoned the silent majority in favor of Hero entrepreneurs, trickledown. Then both Partys got into boosting free trade, Globalization, tax cuts mainly benefiting the wealthiest, use of cheap illegal labor, and Wall Street "bubbles" as promoting the welfare of the average person and average part of America.

That it didn't is blindingly obvious.

Our industries were destroyed and we are trillions in hock to China. And the middle class is dying while people that have never worked are putting their families in Section 8 housing in the suburbs, getting free dental, healthcare, free utilities, 1,000 a month in food stamps...and the wealthiest have accrued more wealth than ever.

Romney can run on a "I'm for the ignored Silent Majority, the people that contribute" platform. By being for the 90%.

It rebuts the Dem argument that we only exist to give stuff to the lazy and indigent who demand mo' free stuff....and the hero government employees to serve the poor.
And the plutocrat Republican argument that what the middle class really needs is more free trade with China, Open Borders, and favors to Wall Street and the billionaires that will eventually trickle down to their prosperity.

Carol_Herman said...

It's "gimmicky"

Back in 1968, (and I can't remember the author). But I do remember the book: "PACKAGING THE PRESIDENT" ...

It told the story of how Madison Avenue "repackaged" Nixon as a pack of cigarettes.

I don't see the blinding flash of approval that Mitt gets, that sales him over the top in November.

However, I do see the media using its skills to keep Mitt afloat; as if he's some sort of life raft you jump into in case your ship capsizes over.

OH! And, did you catch Trump's reaction to the question asking if he gave up on a 3rd party run? And, he said "He runs only if Mitt is not the candidate."

Happy GOP convention to ya' all.

This leaves Sarah Palin's voice out there ... to defy the republican set that's counting on NOT having to do any battles between now ... And?

When is the GOP convention?

For Lincoln, at this point in time, back in 1860 ... he was NOBODY's "favorite son."

Still, he went to Chicago.

IF the printers had pre-printed the ballots? Those delegates would have put one of the "favorite sons" over the top! But, alas, the ballots weren't printed. They came in the next day.

And, from history you'd learn that at conventions ... delegates can often change the scenery.

You want another story? 1960. The democratic convention. (For Trivia, which reporter got bopped in the head?)

Eleanor Roosevelt was alive back in 1960. Harry Truman, however, remained home.

Politics. You sometimes don't even know whom the real heroes are.

I give Mitt less than 50/50.

Even when he races against Obama.

Gimmicks won't work.

Negative advertising will anger more people than those that convert.

Mormonism is the new "what?" ...

And, in November 2012 ... Only one man can win.

Will Biden still be on the ticket?

Michael said...

Trump will be a great proxy for Romney. Plain spoken, blunt and someone obviously impatient with our current leadership.

Trump is a promoter and both Romney and the U.S. could use some promotion at this point. Trump is brash and brash is something that Romney lacks and needs.

Cedarford has this right relative to where Romney can focus his campaign. As it happens that is where the money is. Lefties can blather on and on about the 1% but they only have 25%+ of the wealth. The vast middle class has got to be jump started through growth initiatives because that is where the 1% makes its money.

Carol_Herman said...

HELLO, "netmarcos."

I'm not recommending that teenagers leaving high school must choose going on a mission, instead of going to college.

And, those that don't go to college will be called "drop outs."

Sure. In 1968 the advertising guys on Madison Avenue RULED. Today? Not so much. Jobs are Madison Avenue are scarce, indeed.

But "gimmicks" get people to focus. It's like hollywood now making movies in 3-D.

Back in 1968 3-D wasn't a killer app. Ain't one now, either.

Oh, and in 1968 ... you were able to buy comic books that were inked in blue and red. And, came with their own 3-D glasses. Where are they now?

Carol_Herman said...

Romney & Trump.

Let's see how this "team ship" works out? Will Trump have to be named veep?

Or? Do they separate and go their own way?

What do you see when you step out onto your own front porch?

Me? I see that Mitt needed a gimmick. Because the old ladies in Florida didn't fart loud enough.

Carol_Herman said...

"Jump starting our economy?"

FDR didn't jump start it. He put men to work in camps that did "forestry." And, "big works projects." There were no unions to complain. I think the men were paid a dollar a day. For 5 days work. And, many men sent some money home to their wives and children.

FDR won 4 times. At no time did the economy "jump start."

I have an older cousin, who was born in 1929. For her whole childhood she called all her dolls "Eleanor." Because that's the name kids learned was the name of the First Lady. ALL HER DOLLS! For years and years! (Before Barbie.)

After FDR died, a rule went through to limit presidents to two-terms.

Back in 1988, the GOP was kicking themselves, because they knew Reagan would have gotten a 3rd term.

What happens next month, when HBO puts out it's "GAME CHANGE" biopic about Sarah Palin.

Notice the focus will be on Sarah Palin, and not John McCain.

John McCain is a very bitter man.

Also, so are a lot of others who ... ran ... and, also ran.

Americans don't have much respect for politicians.

John Stodder said...

Americans don't have much respect for politicians.

Nor should we. It would not be America if we did.

That's why I like Romney. I will never be in love with him, like so many were in love with Obama. I will never buy into him as a "transformational figure," even though perhaps he will be, given the challenges he would face if elected. It's an unsentimental, but firm, pick.

Look at it this way: If I were hiring, and my choices were the GOP field plus Obama and Clinton, I would hire Romney. That's the extent of my adherence to him. Every hire is a leap of faith to some degree, but I feel most comfortable with this hire, especially if the candidates are the candidates we have.

Unknown said...

Lord--Carol Herman is on a roll that surpasses her usual rolls--you go, girl (caveat: no comment re the content of her roll)

shiloh said...

"People still care what he says?"

Althouse cares or maybe she's just smitten w/the donald, like mittens and Walker.

Love said...

Well, that should push him over the top with people who like or trust Trump.

I'm guessing about 10-15 votes...tops.

Then again, based on this poll, you can't count out the GOP "dumber than dirt" voters:

Low-income Republican voters say the government does too little for poor people, according to a new Pew Research Center survey.

Over half of Republican-leaning registered voters earning less than $30,000 a year -- 57 percent -- say the government doesn't do enough to help the poor, while only 18 percent of these say it does too much, Pew found.

Nevertheless, the survey finds low-income Republicans distrust the government almost just as much as their more wealthy counterparts. Eighty-five percent of poorer conservatives said they trust the government "only some of the time" or "never," compared with 91 percent for wealthier Republican voters.

Michael said...

Shiloh: Have you noticed that smitten rhymes with mittens? I would think that by now you would. I realize it is so fucking funny in your circles but did you know that it is also tiresome in others? Cheers #3.

Love said...

"Americans don't have much respect for politicians."

Why should they?

Love said...

Michael - You're actually wasting your time touting Donald Trump as being "Plain spoken, blunt and someone obviously impatient with our current leadership."

Blunt I'll buy, but plain spoken?

Are we talking about the same snake oil salesman?

Michael said...

Love: Those are interesting stats. What is your point? Everyone knows that Republicans, rich and poor, distrust the government. And Republicans earning $30,000 or less definitely want the government to help the poor make more money. Pew had that right.

Michael said...

Love: Our snake oil salesman currently lives at 1600 Penn. Ave. in Washington, D.C. And he is by far the best to date, far better than Trump.

shiloh said...

"in your circles"

Not in a circle, btw Michael, what bubble are you in? Rhetorical.

Again, if it bothers you as it obviously does just avoid my posts. See, I've just solved your problem.

If not, you and Althouse can a have a circle jerk discussion re: free speech!

take care

Michael said...

Shiloh: Free speech? Surely you did not write "free speech" in a lame retort? You advance to #2. Well played.

shiloh said...

Michael your childish deflection is duly noted and very much expected.

Thanx for not disappointing and feel free to file this post under any # you wish.

mtrobertsattorney said...

Cedarford sets out an intresting strategy for Romney.

The question is whether Romney is savey enough or articulate enough to execute it. The closer people examine him, the more I fear they will see him as tone-deaf technocrat whose expertise lies only in reading financial reports. His robotic nature will lead to even more gaffes down the road and too much of his time will be spent explaining what he really meant. Should he get the nomination,the election will be about what Romney said and what did he mean. And Obama skates once again.

I'm beginning to think he is unelectable.

shiloh said...

"the more I fear"

Be afraid, be very afraid!

I ♥ Willard said...

If Willard is genuinely a hunter, I hope he'll shoot that varmint atop the Donald's head.

Love said...

Michael - "What is your point?"

Well, most people who read the poll would realize the bizarre notion that while low-income Republicans think the government does too little for poor people...while at the very same time having eighty-five percent of poorer conservatives saying they trust the government "only some of the time" or "never"...I would have to wonder exactly WHAT government they would trust to do MORE.

Are they thinking about forming their own "trustworthy" government to handle such relief?

Why is that so hard for you to understand how ridiculous their response to the polling is?

The red states scream to high heaven about "government" while at the same time paying in less taxes and collecting more in government assistance than others.

Here's something else that runs counter to the standard red state anti-government meme:

In 2005 the Tax Foundation" did a study to determine how much each state got in Taxpayer Money (Federal Money) in comparison to how much they paid in taxes. It included everything from Unemployment to Welfare etc.

The 32 states (and the District of Columbia) that got more in Federal Spending than they contributed -- 76% are Red States

17 of the 20 (85%) states receiving the most federal spending per dollar of federal taxes paid are Red States.

80% of the Top 10 states that feed at the federal trough, get more dollars back from the US Gov than they pay, are Red States, Voting GOP in 2008

Get it?

Love said...

I ♥ Willard said..."If Willard is genuinely a hunter, I hope he'll shoot that varmint atop the Donald's head."

Or at least let it ride on top of the station wagon.

Love said...

Digest this:

Add up the wealth of the last eight presidents, from Richard Nixon to Barack Obama. Then double that number. Now you're in Romney territory.

And people wonder why he can't relate to the average American?

Why should he?

I ♥ Willard said...

The Wisdom of Donald Trump, part 1:

"You know, it really doesn`t matter what [the media] write as long as you`ve got a young and beautiful piece of ass."

I ♥ Willard said...

The Wisdom of Donald Trump, part 2:

"I'll tell you, it's Big Business. If there is one word to describe Atlantic City, it's Big Business. Or two words---Big Business."

damikesc said...

And people wonder why he can't relate to the average American?

As opposed to the painfully dull and robotic automaton that so many on the Left soiled themselves over?

NOBODY is less in touch with the average person than the Obama family.

shiloh said...

but, but, but Obama!

And the Althouse band played on ...

Brian Brown said...

In 2005 the Tax Foundation" did a study to determine how much each state got in Taxpayer Money (Federal Money) in comparison to how much they paid in taxes. It included everything from Unemployment to Welfare etc

Except States don't contribute "tax money"

People paying taxes do.


Brian Brown said...

80% of the Top 10 states that feed at the federal trough, get more dollars back from the US Gov than they pay, are Red States, Voting GOP in 2008

Get it?

There is nothing to "get" other than the fact you are revealing yourself to be an economic illiterate.

I ♥ Willard said...

Jay is a real charmer. Has anyone else noticed?

I ♥ Willard said...


Revenant said...

And people wonder why he can't relate to the average American?


Brian Brown said...

In 2007, the richest 1 percent of taxpayers paid an average tax rate of 29.5 percent and provided 28.1 percent of federal revenues.

Guess what the % of revenues the bottom 20% of taxpayers provided, love?

Revenant said...

states that feed at the federal trough, get more dollars back from the US Gov than they pay

States pay income tax?

Huh. The things you learn on the Intertubes. I wonder what they list under "occupation".

Michael said...

Love. No i dont. Cutting and pasting random facts doesnt add up to a well made point. Best i can tell the poorer Republicans are not that smart or consistent. No different from poorer Democrats i expect. Was that yor point?

I ♥ Willard said...

The Wisdom of Donald Trump, part 3:

"All of the women on 'The Apprentice' flirted with me---consciously or unconsciously. That's to be expected."

Michael said...

Heart willard. Could you name a business person who endorsed Obama at this stage of the primaries when he was running? Me either. Might have been one, but unlikely memorable. Trump is a showman. Memorable.

yashu said...

And people wonder why he can't relate to the average American?

Whereas Obama has really endeared himself to the bitter clingers. His presidency has cemented that bond, for sure.

shiloh said...

“Mitt Romney is a basically small-business guy, if you really think about it. He was a hedge fund. He was a funds guy. He walked away with some money from a very good company that he didn’t create. He worked there. He didn’t create it.” ~ Donald Trump

Trump dismisses mittens!



"Whereas Obama yada yada yada"

but, but, but Obama!

Again, all I ask for is consistent whining about Obama from Althouse's flock. ✔

I'm Full of Soup said...

As Romney moves up and up and up in the polls vs. Prez Obama, the more furiously Shiloh & I Love Willard & Love & Garbage Mahal & Hatboy etc will post comments here. The smell of their growing despair is evident even over the internets.

I ♥ Willard said...

Could you name a business person who endorsed Obama at this stage of the primaries when he was running?

Chris Hughes?
Marc Andreessen?

Writ Small said...

All of this focus on Trump and Romney's unfortunate word choice describing concern for the "very poor" is having one nice side effect for Romney. It is putting all of the focus on the race to come between Romney and Obama.

Newt and Santorum are fading fast.

garage mahal said...

Trump dismisses mittens!


And this means more good news for Republicans! [and of course bad news for Democrats].

Michael said...

Heart Willard. Yes. Very few people would have known who they were Hughes worked for Obama. Penny Pritzker was who i thought of after i posted but she also was directly involved with Obama as an insider.

Did you remember off the top of your head or did you have to Google? I remembered all three, two by being reminded by you and one on my own.

shiloh said...

This is great news! for John McCain!

Yea, the day after he disses the poor, mittens gets endorsed by the donald. That's the ticket! ~ Perfect! :)

"Obama loves the smell of napalm er mittens imploding in the morning, ... Smell, 'ya know that gasoline smell, smells like... Victory."

Anonymous said...

Bow before The Donald all you little proles! Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated. The hairpiece is your new Lord and Master.

But I don't care. Don't care about any Donald except for Draper and maybe the duck too. I don't care about Romney. Don't care about Newt.

This evening is Green! Make way for Roseanne! She'll barnstorm American living rooms. Mainstream media will be unable to ignore her, but more importantly they will be unable to overlook the needs of average Americans in the run-up to the 2012 election.

Or so she says.

I say: Go Rosie! I ain't gonna vote for 'ya, but I like that you are gettin' in the race... after all, a candidate with strong name recognition who we all loved in the late 80s and 90s and who is running against the two parties can only make things interesting. Hopefully she can give Mitt and Barack some headaches.

Steve Koch said...


For months you have obsessed about a 3rd party candidate (especially Trump) to divide the GOP voters and guarantee Obama's reelection. You must be distraught that Trump is endorsing Mitt.

Looks like Mitt is working out an arrangement with Paul, too, so Paul won't be a 3rd party candidate either. I guess your last best hope for a 3rd party candidate to divide the Right is Palin.

You've started talking about the Mormon religion in this thread. Weren't you previously strongly for leaving religion out of politics?

Phil 314 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

The announcement is here.

on Twitter:
"vote for me, I'll fix this shit! -Barr 2012-"

Rosie will resonate with the public!

If she plays her cards right, she can be the protest candidate. Conservatives won't vote for her, but Liberals will.

If I were Althouse, I would make some bigoted nonsensical remark about how Rosie is the new marijuana candidate, appearing just as Paul's defeat is sinking in.

But I ain't Althouse, so I won't....

Carol_Herman said...

Trump's endorsement included a caveat.

A reporter asked Trump if now that he's declared for Romney, he won't mount his own 3rd party run ... Trump "qualified" his endorsement with "ONLY IF" Mitt is the nominee.

Is Mitt gonna need a new gimmick every day? I don't see how gimmicks are a successful ploy.

What happened to all those farting Floridians? When Gore argued about those hanging chads ... Dubya was fighting off Floridians until 9/11.

And, don't forget. For Dubya to finally "get" Florida back in 2000 ... He needed his brother's clout as governor.

Me thinks that Karl Rove is preparing Jeb Bush's campaign.

And, of course, in the news ahead ... you'll be hearing more about HBO's spoof (biopic) on Sarah Palin. Ed Harris looks good as John McCain.

Heck, we can all go stand on our porches, now, to see if we can see "I'll Ask Her."

You know, Russia has five time zones. We should be able to see something from our 3.

Mitt's an empty suit.

shiloh said...

"If I were Althouse, I would make some bigoted nonsensical remark about how Rosie is the new marijuana candidate, appearing just as Paul's defeat is sinking in."

Wouldn't be prudent! :-P Besides, the few liberals at Althouse wouldn't be Rosie's target audience.

Indeed, she would get the word out if it would help mittens.

Carol_Herman said...

Loving Willard @ 4:24 PM

What you said is not just a gem, but worthy of being a bumper sticker.

Phil 314 said...

I value all comments made in good faith. Try to understand this concept. It's not about your point of view or your mode of expression. We love disputes and diversity. But I won't allow bad faith commenters to leverage their destructiveness on my commitment to free speech.

I believe the blog has become nothing but bad faith. (And I'm not even talking about Carol's "Game Change" tangent.)

Phil 314 said...

PS: Its the Selling of the President.

Carol_Herman said...


I am not sitting at the table. Did I say that Donald Trump "could" run as an Independent? Yup.

Would a 3 way race do "funny" things to an incumbent? My only experience is Ross Perot. I had watched that night when he was on Larry King.

The elder Bush didn't see it coming.

In 1992, I knew that Bill Clinton gave some sort of speech at Dukakis' nomination victory. And, Clinton went on and on. (Could'a been for 3 hours.) I remember Bill Clinton hogged the TV spotlight to the point where Dukakis finally got to speak after 11 PM.)

You know, back in 1992, I didn't think Bill Clinton had enough votes to win.

After the race was over, I remember reading about Teddy Roosevelt's anger at Taft. And, how the GOP enters the 20th century with this fight on their hands ... AND, THEY BLEW IT!

Teddy Roosevelt ran as a Bull Moose. And, came in 2nd. The GOP came in 3rd.

Is 2012 a slam dunk year? If so, for whom? Mitt? REALLY? I think he'll come closer to John McCain's final result. (And, John McCain was a war hero.)

shiloh said...

"In 1992, I knew that Bill Clinton"

1988 and Clinton's speech was very longgg and quite :zzzz: so who knew (4) years later he would easily defeat an incumbent who could only muster 37.5% ...

carry on

shiloh said...

mittens will never be the GOTV nominee as he can only hope conservatives hatred of Obama is enough to get him over the top.

But alas, conservatives comprised only 34% of the presidential vote in 2004/2008. IOW preaching only to the choir will not get Reps to the promised land.

Carol_Herman said...

Shiloh, at 6:35PM, that's a fantastic catch! Trump teased about running. And,Trump took a shot at Mitt Romney's business record.

Okay. It surprised me that Trump has endorsed Mitt. But earlier, here, I had read Traditional Guy's 10:52 AM post. About how Trump gave money to Harry Reid, to defeat Sharon Angle.

And, I've drawn my own conclusion. there's something about the Tea Party that insider's don't like. And, Mitt decided he'd rather play with "powerful contributors.

Meanwhile? Obama keeps his powder dry.

IF it's gonna be Mitt, though, who gets the GOP honors ... I have a feeling you're not going to be turning on enough voters. But you're going great guns at turning them off yourselves.

And, Obama's powder stays dry.

How else does he skate in to another term? Will we have to wait until October to be "surprised?"

Carol_Herman said...

Thanks Phil @ 8:06 PM. "Selling" it is!

And, I remember the front cover of the book! Because at that time the Marlboro Man was one of the most successful ad campaigns ever. And, Nixon's face was on the carton of cigarettes. Or something like that.

It was Madison Avenue GENIUS!

Of course, look what happened to Nixon! (But it didn't happen to Bill Clinton.)

Now, for Mittens to win, he has to hope that the "wave" turns against Obama. Where Obama has way more cash - stashed - that anybody else. And, he won't start firing until he knows for sure ... who is gonna be the GOP nominee.

Cool. Obama keeps doing nothing. And, ya know what? It's not easy doing nothing.

shiloh said...

Carol, Obama is acting presidential er like an adult, much like Bush43 in 2004.

Revenant said...

I wish I could remember which of the commenters here said it, but reading Carol's posts is like watching a squirrel running.

Anyway, if you want a laugh, go back and look at what people here had to say last year when Trump was toying with the idea of running.

yashu said...

"...the few liberals at Althouse..."

Who seem to take up-- occupy-- the most space in the the comments lately.

Carol_Herman said...

Shiloh, at 8:13 PM: EXACTLY!

In 1988, on Dukakis' nomination night, Bill Clinton produced the "snoozer" of all time! Dukakis lost the cameras! Americans went to sleep.

That's why when 1992 rolled around, I thought Ross Perot had a real shot.

Of course, Ross Perot went crazy. And, before the election "WITHDREW."

He shed voters like crazy. And, still the elder Bush got tossed out of office. And, Bill Clinton won. That's my introduction to the Bill Clinton presidency.

If Trump was ever serious about running ... I think his endorsement of Mitt Romney was a shot he took into his own foot.

By the way, for the GOP nominee to win ... there's a need to galvanize voters who haven't shown up yet. (In Reagan's time they were called "blue collar democrats.") But Reagan, having once been a democrat, himself, did not make the standard errors. And, with the Bush family blocking him ... he rose to challenge Jimmy Carter back in 1980.

If it wasn't for Reagan, Jimmy Carter would have gotten his second term.

Yes. Unhappy Americans keep crappy incumbents in office. Just look at Congress. And, how hard it is to clean up that place.

shiloh said...

Revenant, one never has to go back in time to have a good laugh here.


yashu, don't feel threatened by the minority! :D

yashu said...

NB There are some good liberal commenters at Althouse I'd like to hear more from. But they aren't the ones "occupying" the comments sections lately.

To be specific, Willard & shiloh are the ones getting on my nerves-- not trolls, but with trollish tendencies. Andy's OK.

Revenant said...

not trolls, but with trollish tendencies. Andy's OK.

Andry, ironically, IS a troll in the classic sense. He throws out an insulting comment and then disappears from the thread, returning later to repeat the process.

Shiloh, Ritmo and company are just looking for arguments.

shiloh said...

Revenant, by definition any liberal, etc. who disagrees w/one of Althouse's conservative flock is looking for an argument.

But, on the bright side. W/out liberals, this blog would be a never ending conservative circle jerk.

Again, the easiest thing in the world is ignoring someone at a political blog, unless one is obsessed w/a particular poster(s).

yashu said...

Maybe you're right, Rev. But since he's not strafing every thread with his presence, he seems much more tolerable.

yashu said...

shiloh, I wish you would "disagree" more; argument's a good thing. I just wish you'd do less of the constant meta-whining.

yashu said...

Or less of the juvenile taunting, just for the sake of taunting. We get it already, you think conservatives are a bunch of idiotic sheep. Got anything else to say? I'd like to hear it.

shiloh said...


So pointing out that Althouse is totally anti-Obama, anti-Dem, pro mittens, pro Rep, Pro Walker, anti-union (oh the irony) ie the truth and her threads always reflect her political beliefs w/an occasional deviation re: equal protection under the law ~ gay rights, abortion etc. ... is meta whining.

Redundancy yes, meta-whining, not so much. In fact the absoluteness in all of Althouse's political posts is what I find somewhat amusing as I'm not really sure these are her true beliefs or if she is just trying to please her conservative flock.


and yes, I do consider many here Althouse's conservative sheep.

take care

Carol_Herman said...

How did the republican party get into such a pickle, where they are now defined by the social conservative's agenda?

Back in 1952, the reublicans were terrified that they'd be locked out of the White House. And, that's why the "country-club" approached Eisenhower.

Both parties, actually, approached Eisenhower. And, he's on record as saying he picked the republicans, because if he had picked the democraps, they'd have stuffed their fists up his ass ... and treated him as if he was nothing more than a puppet.

The country-club, however, stuck Nixon on Eisenhower's ticket.

In 1964 there was a colossal fight that broke out within the GOP tent. Barry Goldwater won it. And, Nelson Rockefeller lost.

In 1968 Nixon had to go in person to Nelson Rockefeller, to beg him for the GOP's nomination. (Nelson Rockefeller had him brought into his bedroom ... where the bed was elevated ... And, Nixon got "blessed." And, ran.

And, in 1968, the democratic party had its rebellion in the streets of Chicago.

The outsiders really never win.

I think the democrats, USING THE MEDIA! Have pushed the agenda we've all been watching. Now, why would the media be working against Obama?

Maybe, you think they are. But I don't.

I think the social conservative's message doesn't resonate outside its environment.

... And, yes. Sadly, Obama so far is skating into his second term.

Dante said...

Yeah, I read Newt had a big loss to the female vote. Guess he isn't good looking enough.

Revenant said...

Yeah, I read Newt had a big loss to the female vote. Guess he isn't good looking enough.

Or it could have something to do with him treating women like Kleenex.

I ♥ Willard said...

To be specific, Willard & shiloh are the ones getting on my nerves-- not trolls, but with trollish tendencies... I wish you would "disagree" more; argument's a good thing. I just wish you'd do less of the constant meta-whining.

Oh great... whining about perceived whining. Classic!

Sixty Bricks said...

Chump endorses Twit.

Michael said...

Twit types shit

Brian Brown said...

RASMUSSEN: Obama 45% Romney 45%

Astro said...

RINO endorses RINO.
Umm, yaaaawnn.

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