At our dinner last night, we encountered a woman sitting next to us -- she was alone and struck a conversation with us about where we come from.. The usual. But it turned out she was some OWS activist, liberal, Obot. What surprised me was she knew nothing, nothing of what had happened in primary 2008 between Hillary and Obama. I got all worked up telling her what had happened. To her credit she was patient and wanted to know more. But her ignorance baffled me. I guess when all of the media is in the tank for Obama, people like her will never know how bad he is.
Give AllenS a break...he was basically an innocent caught in the crossfire. It really embarrassed him and hurt his feelings to be deleted like that; he's a stand-up guy.
Yesterday we walked the trails around a new art museum. Our sons were playing near an outdoor sculpture of a pig when two sullen children, brother and sister, rode up on motorized scooters. The girl dismounted her scooter and climbed up on the pig's back.
Our two year old laughed and cried to the girl, "It's a statue of a pig!" She glanced at him without expression.
Our four year old tried engaging her more quietly, "Heh. It's a giant pig." She looked at him without indicating acknowlegement. He pressed on for a response, "Are you riding it?" She continued her disaffected gaze.
After a while she ended her joyless pig ride and mounted her scooter again, saying flatly and with the same dour expression to her brother, who appeared to be of identical disposition, "Let's go."
Most days, my kids will enjoy that sort of thing too, Freeman. Usually, it's great big rocks to climb, but they love stuff that lots of their friends just don't understand. I hope they never lose it.
Freeman, I saw a similar dynamic within the same family while in a campground a couple years ago: In the morning, a 5 or 6 year old boy burst out of a camper with a loud, sing-songy, "It's the best day everrrr!" But he was followed closely by his groggy teen sister who responded, "Shuuuut uuuup! You're ALWAYS saying that." Some enthusiasm dampening years and experiences in between, I guess.
I wonder how many American deaths Romney will be responsible for if he is elected. He is war-mongering, after all. And War means that American military workers, some of whom are still older children in their late teen years, get sent off to kill people and maybe die themselves. It's not good to kill your workers!
How many dead if Romney is elected? Maybe 5k more than with Obama? Maybe it could be 50k if the situation gets really bad.
I wonder if you Romney (and Obama!) voters have any sympathy for these children who you are sending off to their deaths, and their families.
Thinking about this, as I write it, I realize that there is no way I can vote for Obama OR Romney this year. Either choice is immoral.
After a while she ended her joyless pig ride and mounted her scooter again, saying flatly and with the same dour expression to her brother, who appeared to be of identical disposition, "Let's go."
Freeman - reminds me of my now 40 year old niece. She can such the joy out of any experience. Been that way all her life. I blame my sister for the way she raised her.
Who knows under what circumstances American soldiers may go to war? In the event that is required, however, I rather think the blame lies with America's enemies rather than whomever is President at the time.
Sympathy for the soldiers and their families? Of course, along with admiration and undying gratitude.
A question for those in the know about how blogger does stuff: Did they change something in the last week or so? On new posts, I have no links to go to the comments after #200 - but for stuff posted at the end of December, I can see and traverse the links. Happens with firefox 9 and 10, ie 9, and the current chrome download.
I won't be watching the Super Bowl, but without tha Packers playing I'm not too bothered. My choice to not watch NBC started with the switch to DTV and no longer able to get a signal (but I could finally get CBS.) I've contacted the station and their suggestion is an external antenna. If NBC had some good programs, I might spend the $.
And AllanS, I miss your comments too. Not knowing everything that transpired after that day, I just hope grace and forgiveness works on both sides.
Obama is my shepherd; I shall not work. He keepth jobs out of the hands of the people, Which leadeth the country to class warfare and polarization. He encourageth sloth; he leadeth the government to new heights in deficit spending. Yea, though I walk in the shadow of Economic collapse, I shall fear no depression: for Obama is with me. His handouts and monetary indiscretion supplement my income. He maintainest spending increases in the presence of insurmountable debt; He punisheth businesses with excessive regulations; And giveth the hard-earned fruits of labor to the unproductive. Surely, handouts and stimulus payments shall follow all the days of his administration; And I will stay unemployed forever.
I wish I could take credit for this, but I can't. It's being attributed to John Milford of Pennsylvania. It seems that it was originally published on.....the Huffington Post?!?!
There is a palpable difference between the evening Superbowl of the east and the midday one in the west. I like both atmospheres, but they are different experiences, because what can come before and after is different. The midwest experience is neither and both. In L.A., we will be watching in broad sunny daylight in the upper 70s. It's over before dinner time.
In the event that is required, however, I rather think the blame lies with America's enemies rather than whomever is President at the time.
That seems naive to me. I've never gotten into a physical fight, but there are many times that I could have if I had let myself be a little more angry or a little more drunk or a little less thoughtfully conscious. It has never been only about the other guy. Doesn't the same apply when it comes to American young people killing citizens of another country?
Right now it looks like I'll be voting for Rosie in November. I don't agree with the environmental focus of the Green Party, but it looks like she will be the only non-war-mongering anti-police-state candidate.
That's true. I hadn't considered that aspect of it. It is a shame, though, that the economy is so bad, because it means that for young people, the meat grinder will be the only viable option. I know a couple of people who had such terrible childhoods and neglectful parents that the only way they could transition into a normal life was via the military. I'm sure you do too. It wasn't exactly a free choice for them. I guess this is a side benefit, though, of the Republicans and Democrats together ruining our country: they get more military recruits than they need.
Wow!! I just googled "obama is my shepherd", and I'm late to the party!! This has been going since 2008.
This one is even funnier:
Obama is my Shepherd; I shall not work. He maketh me to lie down and watch Oprah: He leadeth me beside the still factories. He restoreth my bling: He leadeth me in the paths of idleness for Barrack’s name sake.
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the sharing of the wealth, I will fear no workfare: For thou art funding me; Thy gat and thy blade, they comfort me. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of people who actually produce; Thou annointest my teeth with gold; My pipe runneth over.
Surely rebates and Earned Income Credits shall follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the House of the Obama forever.
I wouldn't mind Romney winning like that, even if the Romney that wins is the same soulless opportunist as now. At least it would teach the Democrats a lesson, and hopefully they will be prompted by defeat to quickly clean up their house.
A stronger military pumps up my local economy. Of course I'm all for that.
I don't understand that. Why would you want the government to interfere in the economy like that? War spending is just more Keynesianism... and it is money, taken from you and me and spent by the likes of Obama and Romney, that is not put to productive use. Not to mention all the cronyism and corruption involved...
I don't understand that. Why would you want the government to interfere in the economy like that?
A standing army and marine corps is one of the few Constitutionally kosher functions of the Federal government. The benefit to the local economy is secondary, not primary.
You seem to be flirting with demilitarization* today, Julius. Are you for unilateral demilitarization, much like the Greens are for unilateral deindustrialization*?
_________________ *I hate those latinate constructions but can't think of better words offhand.
I'm not convinced that those secondary benefits exist. Did we get them from Bush II's Iraq War? Seems to me that all we got is a lot of debt and much higher gas prices. Iraq might have gotten some benefits... or maybe not, as it is still too early to tell.
It's not "demilitarization". My line of thinking comes from observing that neither Obama nor any of the Republican candidates save Paul mention peace anymore. Even Bush II, when he was running the first time, would stress that peace and prosperity was his goal. Nobody even pays it lip service anymore!
If I'm gonna be fucked over by my government, I would like at least a little bit of sweet talk first.
I'm not convinced that those secondary benefits exist. Did we get them from Bush II's Iraq War? Seems to me that all we got is a lot of debt and much higher gas prices.
Actually, around here at least, an awful lot of extra money was funneling into marine families. We tend to think that "all that money" got wasted in the sand, but a goodly portion of it went to benefits and salaries, combat pay, etc. So yes, that money trickled back here. Some of that money fueled speculative booms in real estate--just like many other places. Some of it put people through college; some of it went to China via consumer goods.
I'm not convinced that those secondary benefits exist. Did we get them from Bush II's Iraq War? Seems to me that all we got is a lot of debt and much higher gas prices.
"Violent crime is way down. So lets cut the police budget"
When you are back to talking about military pay and stuff like that affecting the economy, that's still money taken from you and me that is prevented from being put to a more productive use. In the long run it hurts the economy more than helping it.
@Fen -
But the "violent crime" you speak of is not way down! Right now North Korea is more volatile than ever, Iran is about ready to explode, Mexico is terrorized by criminals, Syria is murdering its citizens, etc... I think most people suspect that more anti-American terrorist groups are fermenting in various places worldwide now than ever.
Do you really believe that there is less violence, and potential for violence, now than in 2000?
@Julius: I'm trying to read between your lines but again, you seem to be suggesting demilitarization. Why don't don't you just come and say that?
"I'm for cutting the military"
I pointed out that the military was a legitimate function of the Federal government. If you want to talk about cutting waste, fraud and the like, that's another thing. The Dems used to have effective Senators like Bill Proxmire who did exactly that. But they weren't pacifists like the typical Madison liberals were back in the day.
This has been interesting, but it's time for me to be off.
2010 taught Dems a lesson ie fight fire w/fire and would like to thank Walker, Kasich, Rick Scott, Rick Snyder, boehner/cantor etc. for helping to light the Dem's flame.
2012 will be quite nasty, no surprise.
So let the games begin after Labor Day or wayyyy before. ;)
The "attempted" repackaging of mittens should be very entertaining. :)
Geez... you wake up in America and everybody thinks they run it. The Democrats think they're gonna sweep up; the Republicans think that just running Romney ensures victory. Everyone's delusional but me!
Is there a valley of glass where New York City once stood?
Um... no... there isn't... although there is still a building on the WTC site that is pathetically unfinished. But what does that have to do with what we were talking about?
It tells me I have an Inland North accent, but if I change the answer to one question (and it was the iffiest question for me) it switches me over to Midland.
YAY! I am The Midland! I am not a freak! ( least with my voice!)
"You have a Midland accent" is just another way of saying "you don't have an accent." You probably are from the Midland (Pennsylvania, southern Ohio, southern Indiana, southern Illinois, and Missouri) but then for all we know you could be from Florida or Charleston or one of those big southern cities like Atlanta or Dallas. You have a good voice for TV and radio.
shiloh - every year since 1994 I've heard Democrats complain that they are too nice and meek, when in fact all I hear from your side is slander, invective and hate. Essentially you pretend to be the victim when you are the abuser.
Whereas I will agree there's a lot of delusion at American political blogs lol.
Like turdblossom's permanent Rep majority pipe dream didn't quite work out, go figure. :D
The yin and yang of political winners and losers.
Next thing 'ya know a country w/a 300/400 year history of racial oppression will pick an African/American Communist, Socialist, Marxist, Islamo-Fascist Muslim, born in Kenya, as their president. Gasp!
Oh wait ...
Having voted for McGovern in '72, got used to political disappointment at an early age. Which is why I find the certitude of the conservatives at this blog and others somewhat amusing.
On a previous Mormon thread, I made a point that Utah was different, when it came to domestic crime - child abuse and the like - only to be challenged. Well, here's the latest on-going incident that has Utah enthralled, but the rest of the nation knows little-to-nothing about.
I know about which I speak - and the rest are liars.
Alex, there's a fine line between certitude and predictions as many here have predicted most any Republican would defeat Obama quite easily ie yada yada yada, and Althouse's tagalong Meade predicting his foolishness over a year and a half out, wayyy before he knew who the Rep nominee would be.
etc. etc. as Alex can do the research re: the many other conservative predictions the past (2) years.
Many conservatives were totally convinced there would be a double dip recession in 2010 and 2011. ok, ok, they were probably just wishin'/hopin'/prayin'. :-P
At RCP in 2008 there were several diehard conservatives who were totally convinced that an African/American would never be elected U.S. president. And yes, some are still in the fetal position having not quite recovered from their "personal" nightmare. :D
Um... no... there isn't... although there is still a building on the WTC site that is pathetically unfinished. But what does that have to do with what we were talking about?
The reason Islam resorts to terrorism is because they can't get bombers over our cities.
A lot of people, including Arthur Laffer, will tell you we never got out of the first dip, and many, including the Lefties' fave, MSLSD, contend we're in the second one bathtub swabbie says we aren't.
Certainly, the much-ballyhooed recovery has yet to materialize.
But shiloh will keep regurgitating numbers from 4 years ago to convince himself that it's all gonna work out, not wanting to admit that many of the groups that supported Zero last time are down at least a third.
PS Who exactly at RCP, predicted Zero wouldn't be elected, and when?
Only an idiot would think conservatives would hope for an economic setback for political gain. Conservatives are capitalists and hope to make money. Always better chances to earn more in a rising economy. Liberals with weak understanding of economics but a love of power via politics project. An absurd concept except among lefties who think an economic downturn is a plus.
"MadMan, I imagine there's a ton of UV protection on the windows and on the fabric."
There is (probably) some degree of UV wave filtering to those windows, though even ordinary glass filters a fairly significant amount of UV light. But even filtered light and artificial light is ultimately damaging to dyes, and to organic and synthetic fibers. These chairs, called "Executive Armchairs, Wood Legs" were designed by architect Eero Saarinen for Knoll in 1948, but the ones in the photograph are recent production examples (all of Saarinen's designs for Knoll are still in production) so I doubt the museum is concerned about fading or wear. These are, most likely, not part of the collection (they wouldn't be sitting on the floor with no protection or barriers if they were). This area looks like some sort of museum café rather than a gallery.
The table is also designed by Saarinen for Knoll, but again the one in the photograph is a more recent production because the table was not originally produced with that finish on the pedestal base.
"We were worried about the light on the painting ("Pink Lady")."
A legitimate concern. I'm quite surprised that a museum would hang a painting in direct sunlight like that. Even if the UV light is filtered out, through laminated window glass and UV-blocking picture varnish, light itself is still energy and still has an effect on pigments. And because this is natural light, the light levels and time of exposure, which is usually closely monitored and regulated in museums, can't be controlled. On top of that, many pink and red pigments are quite sensitive to light. Perhaps they frequently swap out the artwork that hangs in that spot. I'd hate to think the curatorial staff of what seems like a significant collection would be that negligent...
A pretty dead-on language assessment of this native Wisconsinite, Jess. A fun quiz for a former linguist...thanks!
You may think you speak "Standard English straight out of the dictionary" but when you step away from the Great Lakes you get asked annoying questions like "Are you from Wisconsin?" or "Are you from Chicago?" Chances are you call carbonated drinks "pop."
"The reason Islam resorts to terrorism is because they can't get bombers over our cities."
Any nation at any time in history could make such a general claim. "Bombers" might need to be replaced with "roving hordes" if you go back far enough. But this sort of "OMG TERRORISTS!" is so generic that it is meaningless.
But this sort of "OMG TERRORISTS!" is so generic that it is meaningless.
You're not getting the point.
If you look upthread, serveral of your posts question the need for America to project force. But if we don't extend our sphere of influence into the world, someone else will extend *their* sphere of influence into ours. You really don't understand or appreciate how thing like MEU-SOCs protect your way of life EVERY SINGE DAY.
The reason Islam is forced to engage in terrorism against us is because they can't get past our military with conventional warfare, ie. it would be much worse.
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Hope and change:
Hey AllanS, long time no see! Was thinking of you and your farm on this deep winter day.
That is what the Facebook office should look like.
She looks more red, or at least fuchsia.
And he looks like a meld of Edward G and Big Al.
PS Very good, Irene. I had to go back and look, but you nailed it.
At our dinner last night, we encountered a woman sitting next to us -- she was alone and struck a conversation with us about where we come from.. The usual. But it turned out she was some OWS activist, liberal, Obot. What surprised me was she knew nothing, nothing of what had happened in primary 2008 between Hillary and Obama. I got all worked up telling her what had happened. To her credit she was patient and wanted to know more. But her ignorance baffled me. I guess when all of the media is in the tank for Obama, people like her will never know how bad he is.
Trump talking about what happened to Hillary and what is coming Romney's way.
And what is up with that press conference of Newt's?
Hey AllanS, long time no see!
Apparently it's going to be awhile longer until you see his remarks undeleted, according to the resident Moscow-on-Mendota censor.
The cigarette as phallus?
Pink Lady is another favorite gin-based cocktail.
That is an excellent picture.
Give AllenS a break...he was basically an innocent caught in the crossfire. It really embarrassed him and hurt his feelings to be deleted like that; he's a stand-up guy.
Yesterday we walked the trails around a new art museum. Our sons were playing near an outdoor sculpture of a pig when two sullen children, brother and sister, rode up on motorized scooters. The girl dismounted her scooter and climbed up on the pig's back.
Our two year old laughed and cried to the girl, "It's a statue of a pig!" She glanced at him without expression.
Our four year old tried engaging her more quietly, "Heh. It's a giant pig." She looked at him without indicating acknowlegement. He pressed on for a response, "Are you riding it?" She continued her disaffected gaze.
After a while she ended her joyless pig ride and mounted her scooter again, saying flatly and with the same dour expression to her brother, who appeared to be of identical disposition, "Let's go."
Most days, my kids will enjoy that sort of thing too, Freeman. Usually, it's great big rocks to climb, but they love stuff that lots of their friends just don't understand. I hope they never lose it.
@Freeman: The maladjusted always resent the well-adjusted--no matter the age.
See it here all the time.
Freeman, I saw a similar dynamic within the same family while in a campground a couple years ago: In the morning, a 5 or 6 year old boy burst out of a camper with a loud, sing-songy, "It's the best day everrrr!" But he was followed closely by his groggy teen sister who responded, "Shuuuut uuuup! You're ALWAYS saying that." Some enthusiasm dampening years and experiences in between, I guess.
I wonder how many American deaths Romney will be responsible for if he is elected. He is war-mongering, after all. And War means that American military workers, some of whom are still older children in their late teen years, get sent off to kill people and maybe die themselves. It's not good to kill your workers!
How many dead if Romney is elected? Maybe 5k more than with Obama? Maybe it could be 50k if the situation gets really bad.
I wonder if you Romney (and Obama!) voters have any sympathy for these children who you are sending off to their deaths, and their families.
Thinking about this, as I write it, I realize that there is no way I can vote for Obama OR Romney this year. Either choice is immoral.
Meade must make penance before he may watch the game.
I bet he has to eat a goddam salad before he gets his steak as well.
wv: unking
After a while she ended her joyless pig ride and mounted her scooter again, saying flatly and with the same dour expression to her brother, who appeared to be of identical disposition, "Let's go."
Sounds like a bad 1960s biker B-movie.
Freeman - reminds me of my now 40 year old niece. She can such the joy out of any experience. Been that way all her life. I blame my sister for the way she raised her.
Sounds like a bad 1960s biker B-movie.
And yet, in the 19th century, Freeman's timeless story would have to be visualized sidesaddle.
Gender differences.
If you've never seen anyone look jaded and miserable atop a large, smiling bronze pig, you've missed something funny.
Who knows under what circumstances American soldiers may go to war? In the event that is required, however, I rather think the blame lies with America's enemies rather than whomever is President at the time.
Sympathy for the soldiers and their families? Of course, along with admiration and undying gratitude.
The Giants OWS.. and the Patriots are the tea parties.
Lem said...
The Giants OWS.. and the Patriots are the tea parties.
I considered that too Lem until I realized which side that put me on.
It'll be over soon enough, Lem. Now lie back and think of New England.
I came to that conclusion while thinking why I have a nagging fear that it will be 2008 all over again.
How Belichick keeps his players mum.. and how the Giants seem so undisciplined letting the players say pretty much whatever they want.
There is something desirable about that freedom that only Belichick is allowed to discard.
A question for those in the know about how blogger does stuff: Did they change something in the last week or so? On new posts, I have no links to go to the comments after #200 - but for stuff posted at the end of December, I can see and traverse the links. Happens with firefox 9 and 10, ie 9, and the current chrome download.
If you've never seen anyone look jaded and miserable atop a large, smiling bronze pig, you've missed something funny.
She sat athwart history, miming Pout
I won't be watching the Super Bowl, but without tha Packers playing I'm not too bothered. My choice to not watch NBC started with the switch to DTV and no longer able to get a signal (but I could finally get CBS.) I've contacted the station and their suggestion is an external antenna. If NBC had some good programs, I might spend the $.
And AllanS, I miss your comments too. Not knowing everything that transpired after that day, I just hope grace and forgiveness works on both sides.
Of course the 2008 fear extends to the 2012 election.
One side will enjoy insurmountable latitude. While the other side will try to fight with one hand tied behind its back.
Won't the sun fade those chairs eventually?
Psalm 20:12
Obama is my shepherd; I shall not work.
He keepth jobs out of the hands of the people,
Which leadeth the country to class warfare and polarization.
He encourageth sloth; he leadeth the government to new heights in deficit spending.
Yea, though I walk in the shadow of Economic collapse,
I shall fear no depression: for Obama is with me.
His handouts and monetary indiscretion supplement my income.
He maintainest spending increases in the presence of insurmountable debt;
He punisheth businesses with excessive regulations;
And giveth the hard-earned fruits of labor to the unproductive.
Surely, handouts and stimulus payments shall follow all the days of his administration;
And I will stay unemployed forever.
I wish I could take credit for this, but I can't. It's being attributed to John Milford of Pennsylvania. It seems that it was originally published on.....the Huffington Post?!?!
Usually museums try to keep the sun out.. or this is a lobby/gift shop area.
I love it.
There is a palpable difference between the evening Superbowl of the east and the midday one in the west. I like both atmospheres, but they are different experiences, because what can come before and after is different. The midwest experience is neither and both. In L.A., we will be watching in broad sunny daylight in the upper 70s. It's over before dinner time.
I mean.. I love the juxtaposition.. the play on words.. ah you know waht I mean.
Patrick wrote...
In the event that is required, however, I rather think the blame lies with America's enemies rather than whomever is President at the time.
That seems naive to me. I've never gotten into a physical fight, but there are many times that I could have if I had let myself be a little more angry or a little more drunk or a little less thoughtfully conscious. It has never been only about the other guy. Doesn't the same apply when it comes to American young people killing citizens of another country?
Right now it looks like I'll be voting for Rosie in November. I don't agree with the environmental focus of the Green Party, but it looks like she will be the only non-war-mongering anti-police-state candidate.
"Right now it looks like I'll be voting for Rosie in November."
I have my moments of strident ideology, but if it took me to that conclusion, I would stop trusting my own opinion and just not vote.
We have a volunteer military. Don't talk about them like they're conscripts being fed into the meat grinder.
@Revenant -
That's true. I hadn't considered that aspect of it. It is a shame, though, that the economy is so bad, because it means that for young people, the meat grinder will be the only viable option. I know a couple of people who had such terrible childhoods and neglectful parents that the only way they could transition into a normal life was via the military. I'm sure you do too. It wasn't exactly a free choice for them. I guess this is a side benefit, though, of the Republicans and Democrats together ruining our country: they get more military recruits than they need.
I just googled "obama is my shepherd", and I'm late to the party!! This has been going since 2008.
This one is even funnier:
Obama is my Shepherd; I shall not work.
He maketh me to lie down and watch Oprah:
He leadeth me beside the still factories.
He restoreth my bling:
He leadeth me in the paths of idleness for Barrack’s name sake.
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the sharing of the wealth,
I will fear no workfare: For thou art funding me;
Thy gat and thy blade, they comfort me.
Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of people who actually produce;
Thou annointest my teeth with gold; My pipe runneth over.
Surely rebates and Earned Income Credits shall follow me all the days of my life,
and I will dwell in the House of the Obama forever.
I would stop trusting my own opinion and just not vote.
I don't think there's much difference between voting for Rosie and not voting.
At least with Rosie you get the little flag sticker. Then I can pledge allegiance to my lapel! Yippie!
If the professor picks who to root for by whos got the better looking uniform.. the Patriots are in good shape.
See? The catch... and the stockings.
Right now it looks like I'll be voting for Rosie in November.
Good on you! If you're any kind of leading indicator, you'll cipher votes away from Obama which is a good thing. We need more like you!
@chickenlittle -
I wouldn't mind Romney winning like that, even if the Romney that wins is the same soulless opportunist as now. At least it would teach the Democrats a lesson, and hopefully they will be prompted by defeat to quickly clean up their house.
I guess this is a side benefit, though, of the Republicans and Democrats together ruining our country: they get more military recruits than they need.
A stronger military pumps up my local economy. Of course I'm all for that. Why should I cheer Obama's pumping up the DC economy and his enablers?
A stronger military pumps up my local economy. Of course I'm all for that.
I don't understand that. Why would you want the government to interfere in the economy like that? War spending is just more Keynesianism... and it is money, taken from you and me and spent by the likes of Obama and Romney, that is not put to productive use. Not to mention all the cronyism and corruption involved...
I don't understand that. Why would you want the government to interfere in the economy like that?
A standing army and marine corps is one of the few Constitutionally kosher functions of the Federal government. The benefit to the local economy is secondary, not primary.
You seem to be flirting with demilitarization* today, Julius. Are you for unilateral demilitarization, much like the Greens are for unilateral deindustrialization*?
*I hate those latinate constructions but can't think of better words offhand.
The thing about Saarinen furniture in a museum is that it's not always clear if it's a seating area or an exhibit.
@ chickenlittle -
I'm not convinced that those secondary benefits exist. Did we get them from Bush II's Iraq War? Seems to me that all we got is a lot of debt and much higher gas prices. Iraq might have gotten some benefits... or maybe not, as it is still too early to tell.
It's not "demilitarization". My line of thinking comes from observing that neither Obama nor any of the Republican candidates save Paul mention peace anymore. Even Bush II, when he was running the first time, would stress that peace and prosperity was his goal. Nobody even pays it lip service anymore!
If I'm gonna be fucked over by my government, I would like at least a little bit of sweet talk first.
I'm not convinced that those secondary benefits exist. Did we get them from Bush II's Iraq War? Seems to me that all we got is a lot of debt and much higher gas prices.
Actually, around here at least, an awful lot of extra money was funneling into marine families. We tend to think that "all that money" got wasted in the sand, but a goodly portion of it went to benefits and salaries, combat pay, etc. So yes, that money trickled back here. Some of that money fueled speculative booms in real estate--just like many other places. Some of it put people through college; some of it went to China via consumer goods.
I'm not convinced that those secondary benefits exist. Did we get them from Bush II's Iraq War? Seems to me that all we got is a lot of debt and much higher gas prices.
"Violent crime is way down. So lets cut the police budget"
@chickenlittle -
When you are back to talking about military pay and stuff like that affecting the economy, that's still money taken from you and me that is prevented from being put to a more productive use. In the long run it hurts the economy more than helping it.
@Fen -
But the "violent crime" you speak of is not way down! Right now North Korea is more volatile than ever, Iran is about ready to explode, Mexico is terrorized by criminals, Syria is murdering its citizens, etc... I think most people suspect that more anti-American terrorist groups are fermenting in various places worldwide now than ever.
Do you really believe that there is less violence, and potential for violence, now than in 2000?
@Julius: I'm trying to read between your lines but again, you seem to be suggesting demilitarization. Why don't don't you just come and say that?
"I'm for cutting the military"
I pointed out that the military was a legitimate function of the Federal government. If you want to talk about cutting waste, fraud and the like, that's another thing. The Dems used to have effective Senators like Bill Proxmire who did exactly that. But they weren't pacifists like the typical Madison liberals were back in the day.
This has been interesting, but it's time for me to be off.
Catch you later.
"At least it would teach the Democrats a lesson"
2010 taught Dems a lesson ie fight fire w/fire and would like to thank Walker, Kasich, Rick Scott, Rick Snyder, boehner/cantor etc. for helping to light the Dem's flame.
2012 will be quite nasty, no surprise.
So let the games begin after Labor Day or wayyyy before. ;)
The "attempted" repackaging of mittens should be very entertaining. :)
@ chickenlittle -
Why don't don't you just come and say that?
...because I don't know enough about the organization and operation of our national military to know if that is a good solution.
I think there is a much lower bar of knowledge for discussing the presidential candidates-- what they say and don't say is readily observable.
Do you really believe that there is less violence, and potential for violence, now than in 2000?
Is there a valley of glass where New York City once stood?
@shiloh -
Geez... you wake up in America and everybody thinks they run it. The Democrats think they're gonna sweep up; the Republicans think that just running Romney ensures victory. Everyone's delusional but me!
Is there a valley of glass where New York City once stood?
Um... no... there isn't... although there is still a building on the WTC site that is pathetically unfinished. But what does that have to do with what we were talking about?
Calypso Facto--
Thanks much Re: AllanS...
I didn't know, I seem to have missed the conflagration that happened here.
Something different, as befits the café:
It tells me I have an Inland North accent, but if I change the answer to one question (and it was the iffiest question for me) it switches me over to Midland.
@ Jess -
YAY! I am The Midland! I am not a freak! ( least with my voice!)
"You have a Midland accent" is just another way of saying "you don't have an accent." You probably are from the Midland (Pennsylvania, southern Ohio, southern Indiana, southern Illinois, and Missouri) but then for all we know you could be from Florida or Charleston or one of those big southern cities like Atlanta or Dallas. You have a good voice for TV and radio.
I grew up in Upstate NY.
shiloh - every year since 1994 I've heard Democrats complain that they are too nice and meek, when in fact all I hear from your side is slander, invective and hate. Essentially you pretend to be the victim when you are the abuser.
MadMan, I imagine there's a ton of UV protection on the windows and on the fabric.
I didn't know, I seem to have missed the conflagration that happened here.
Me, too.
But whatever happened, I side with AllanS.
And he looks like a meld of Edward G and Big Al.
Looks more like a tall DeVito to me.
I guess this is a side benefit, though, of the Republicans and Democrats together ruining our country: they get more military recruits than they need.
The American people ruined the country. Who elected these GOP and Donks all these decades?
and hopefully they will be prompted by defeat to quickly clean up their house.
And do what? Nominate Kucinich next time? You progressives had your chance with Howard Dean, and you blew it.
"Everyone's delusional but me!"
Whereas I will agree there's a lot of delusion at American political blogs lol.
Like turdblossom's permanent Rep majority pipe dream didn't quite work out, go figure. :D
The yin and yang of political winners and losers.
Next thing 'ya know a country w/a 300/400 year history of racial oppression will pick an African/American Communist, Socialist, Marxist, Islamo-Fascist Muslim, born in Kenya, as their president. Gasp!
Oh wait ...
Having voted for McGovern in '72, got used to political disappointment at an early age. Which is why I find the certitude of the conservatives at this blog and others somewhat amusing.
shiloh - apart from Jay-tard which conservatives have expressed 100% certitude in this election?
I seem to have missed the conflagration that happened here.
Same. Was it on a weekend?
On a previous Mormon thread, I made a point that Utah was different, when it came to domestic crime - child abuse and the like - only to be challenged. Well, here's the latest on-going incident that has Utah enthralled, but the rest of the nation knows little-to-nothing about.
I know about which I speak - and the rest are liars.
I like the chairs a lot, but that wall color is awful.
The Super Bowl's about to start! Already a tearjerker ad for Ronald McDonald Houses.
Go Pack Go! Oh wait...
Alex, there's a fine line between certitude and predictions as many here have predicted most any Republican would defeat Obama quite easily ie yada yada yada, and Althouse's tagalong Meade predicting his foolishness over a year and a half out, wayyy before he knew who the Rep nominee would be.
etc. etc. as Alex can do the research re: the many other conservative predictions the past (2) years.
Many conservatives were totally convinced there would be a double dip recession in 2010 and 2011. ok, ok, they were probably just wishin'/hopin'/prayin'. :-P
At RCP in 2008 there were several diehard conservatives who were totally convinced that an African/American would never be elected U.S. president. And yes, some are still in the fetal position having not quite recovered from their "personal" nightmare. :D
and so it goes ...
Um... no... there isn't... although there is still a building on the WTC site that is pathetically unfinished. But what does that have to do with what we were talking about?
The reason Islam resorts to terrorism is because they can't get bombers over our cities.
Freeman, have you visited the newly remodeled science museum in Little Rock?
A lot of people, including Arthur Laffer, will tell you we never got out of the first dip, and many, including the Lefties' fave, MSLSD, contend we're in the second one bathtub swabbie says we aren't.
Certainly, the much-ballyhooed recovery has yet to materialize.
And it looks more and more as if GodZero is in big trouble, especially where money is concerned.
But shiloh will keep regurgitating numbers from 4 years ago to convince himself that it's all gonna work out, not wanting to admit that many of the groups that supported Zero last time are down at least a third.
PS Who exactly at RCP, predicted Zero wouldn't be elected, and when?
Only an idiot would think conservatives would hope for an economic setback for political gain. Conservatives are capitalists and hope to make money. Always better chances to earn more in a rising economy. Liberals with weak understanding of economics but a love of power via politics project. An absurd concept except among lefties who think an economic downturn is a plus.
Peter, no, we haven't been yet. We'll have to go next time we find ourselves in Little Rock.
edutcher, is Jay your hero? Rhetorical.
Its Brady's to loose baby.
Tom Brady.. the quaterback of all time!
Wish I could be here with you comenting but I have to be in the other room with the big TV.. and the visitors.. and the food.
"MadMan, I imagine there's a ton of UV protection on the windows and on the fabric."
There is (probably) some degree of UV wave filtering to those windows, though even ordinary glass filters a fairly significant amount of UV light. But even filtered light and artificial light is ultimately damaging to dyes, and to organic and synthetic fibers. These chairs, called "Executive Armchairs, Wood Legs" were designed by architect Eero Saarinen for Knoll in 1948, but the ones in the photograph are recent production examples (all of Saarinen's designs for Knoll are still in production) so I doubt the museum is concerned about fading or wear. These are, most likely, not part of the collection (they wouldn't be sitting on the floor with no protection or barriers if they were). This area looks like some sort of museum café rather than a gallery.
The table is also designed by Saarinen for Knoll, but again the one in the photograph is a more recent production because the table was not originally produced with that finish on the pedestal base.
The reason Islam resorts to terrorism is because they can't get bombers over our cities.
Which raises questions like "what bombers?" and "launched from where?".
It's an alcove in the museum, not a cafe area, and the chairs are seating for visitors.
We were worried about the light on the painting ("Pink Lady").
"We were worried about the light on the painting ("Pink Lady")."
A legitimate concern. I'm quite surprised that a museum would hang a painting in direct sunlight like that. Even if the UV light is filtered out, through laminated window glass and UV-blocking picture varnish, light itself is still energy and still has an effect on pigments. And because this is natural light, the light levels and time of exposure, which is usually closely monitored and regulated in museums, can't be controlled. On top of that, many pink and red pigments are quite sensitive to light. Perhaps they frequently swap out the artwork that hangs in that spot. I'd hate to think the curatorial staff of what seems like a significant collection would be that negligent...
A pretty dead-on language assessment of this native Wisconsinite, Jess. A fun quiz for a former linguist...thanks!
You may think you speak "Standard English straight out of the dictionary" but when you step away from the Great Lakes you get asked annoying questions like "Are you from Wisconsin?" or "Are you from Chicago?" Chances are you call carbonated drinks "pop."
"The reason Islam resorts to terrorism is because they can't get bombers over our cities."
Why can't we just be sensible and smart....?BUT OH! NO!
"The reason Islam resorts to terrorism is because they can't get bombers over our cities."
Any nation at any time in history could make such a general claim. "Bombers" might need to be replaced with "roving hordes" if you go back far enough. But this sort of "OMG TERRORISTS!" is so generic that it is meaningless.
I love the painting and I love your picture of it.
But this sort of "OMG TERRORISTS!" is so generic that it is meaningless.
You're not getting the point.
If you look upthread, serveral of your posts question the need for America to project force. But if we don't extend our sphere of influence into the world, someone else will extend *their* sphere of influence into ours. You really don't understand or appreciate how thing like MEU-SOCs protect your way of life EVERY SINGE DAY.
The reason Islam is forced to engage in terrorism against us is because they can't get past our military with conventional warfare, ie. it would be much worse.
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