January 27, 2012

"You have a movie coming out, a fragrance, a new album and a tour—and now the Super Bowl. Was this a master plan?"

"No, everything kind of converged in a bottleneck. I was always planning on making a record when I finished my film but I ended up finishing my film much later than I had expected so, because I had already scheduled time with all the producers and writers for my record, I had to multitask and work on my record at the same time I was finishing my film. And then somehow it worked out that the record was being finished right around the time the movie was coming out. Then I got talked into doing the Super Bowl."

Madonna sounds quite smart, normal, and appealing in this interview with the Wall Street Journal.


Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Madonna doesn't appeal to me no matter how hard she tries. To help promote our Saul Alinsky president, she compared John McCain, a real war hero, to a Nazi. In my book that is unforgettable and unforgiveable.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

*Always a bonus to see Madonna with her legs spread open. I'm sure her mother would be proud.

Mark O said...

Normal? Well, that's what living in Wisconsin can get you.

Brian Brown said...

Dressed in a silk dress by the French couture house Vionnet and Chanel fingerless gloves that showcased her yoga-enhanced chaturanga arms, Madonna was perched on a Louis XVI-inspired settee in the Royal suite at the Waldorf-Astoria—where the Duke and Duchess of Windsor once lived in New York—as several of her favorite gardenia-scented Diptyque candles burned during a recent interview.

So normal.

PS, I do think at a certain point you've made enough money.

ricpic said...

Madonna's big on the I's. Whoda guessed?

Patrick said...

"Got talked into doing the Superbowl."

Yeah, I'm sure that took a lot of arm twisting.

William said...

The plus side of not being all that good looking is that the aging process is not so traumatic. Debby Harry is an Aphrodite temple in ruins. Sinead O'Connor looks coarse and cheap. But Madonna does not look significantly more hideous than she did in her prime.....Also, the usual sad story of female singers is to be bankrupted and exploited by their men and managers. Most of Madonna's life has been a commercial transaction, and she never got the short end of the deal. As such, she represents the goal and ideal that all feminists should strive for.

edutcher said...

Madonna's big talent was always marketing.

As an aging performer, her continued attempts to be edgy become increasingly risible.

Was this a master plan, too?

Known Unknown said...

I just hope the Professor doesn't send her any hydrangeas.

Known Unknown said...

Yeah, I'm sure that took a lot of arm twisting.

That's yoga-enhanced chaturanga arm twisting!

The Crack Emcee said...

Madonna sounds quite smart, normal, and appealing in this interview with the Wall Street Journal.

somebody should've asked her why she was hectoring political leaders to put Kabbalah water in nuclear reactors. Or why Peirs Morgan recently said her arms were grotesque.

And "yoga-enhanced chaturanga"? Yeah, that's normal.

Ann, you might want to take this time to re-read Meade's comment on liberal gullibility,...