January 6, 2012

Why does Gingrich keep calling Mitt Romney "timid"?

He even uses the word "timid" as a noun.
It seems like the creators of the ad decided to play around with the name "Mitt," so they flipped it over to get "tiM," flopped it back so it's "Mitt" again, then put them side by side to get "tiM-Mitt," which sounds like "timid."
It some kind of palindrome!

And then what would happen if Mitt picked Tim Pawlenty as his VP? The brains of poets will explode. But what kind of an ear for poetry do we average Americans have? Perhaps it doesn't matter whether you notice. It's harder to defend against the subliminal effects. The words seep directly into your emotions. You get these uneasy feelings about the candidate, and you don't know why.

And then again, we do hear poetry in the language of politics: I like Ike... tricky Dick.... Even when you hear it and you can defend against it, you're hooked. You do like Ike. And Dick Nixon is tricky.


Triangle Man said...

Aye for Newt! Eye of newt?

Mitt's the tits!


Anonymous said...

Couldn't resist bringing Palin into this, could you?

Pastafarian said...

"Even when you hear it and you can defend against it, you're hooked."

The old "if it rhymes, it must be true" effect.

If the gloves don't fit, you must acquit. It's like the Jedi mind trick -- it only works on very weak minds.

Anonymous said...

Uh, I think you meant "it only works on simple jerks."

SomeoneHasToSayIt said...

Here's a potential 2012 dream match-up:

Barry the Faerie and Gibbering Joe


Mighty Mitt and Marco the Magnificent

Ron said...
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Bart Hall (Kansas, USA) said...

To craft a politico's poem
To a degree you really must know him.
You don't have to be nice
If you just grab the dice,
Choose your words, take a breath and just throw 'em/

Ron said...

"These are the saddest of possible words,

Pawlenty to Romney to France.

Two posing RINOS, Home Plate in Third,

Pawlenty to Romney to France.

Ruthlessly pricking our NeoCon bubble,

Making the Liberals, speak, nay! Double!

Words that are heavy with nothing but trouble,

Pawlenty to Romney to France."

traditionalguy said...

I read a Scientific American article that said Newt Skywalker was the biggest nerd in the GOP race.

It rated Mitt second, but gave him credit for saying that his favorite novel was Battlefield Earth, a 1000 page sci-Fi thriller by L Ron Hubbard.

If Mitt's mind has been scientologized, that explains his eternally changing positions and his cardboard man personality.

Maybe Tom Cruise can play his VP.

Scott M said...

It rated Mitt second, but gave him credit for saying that his favorite novel was Battlefield Earth, a 1000 page sci-Fi thriller by L Ron Hubbard.

That does make one at least a second or third rate nerd. I read it when I was about 14, loved it, and waited impatiently for the movie. I had enough pull at the time to get one of the theaters to show a midnight screening for theater and radio staff only. Most were asleep by halfway through. I was wide awake, cursing Travolta and scientology in equal measures.

PS - Google must be co-opted by the scientologists. It gives me a misspelled squiggle unless I capitalize scientology, which I patently refuse to do.

BFE is a good story, but once you learn the undertones, it becomes nigh unpalatable

edutcher said...

Problem is, it's a little much of a stretch to be a good pun and, thus, doesn't seem like it's going to resonate.

Ann's suggestion regarding T-Paw would be one that would work a lot better.

Thorley Winston said...

It rated Mitt second, but gave him credit for saying that his favorite novel was Battlefield Earth, a 1000 page sci-Fi thriller by L Ron Hubbard.
I haven’t read the book but I saw (and hated) the movie. My takeaway from this is that Mitt Romney, like a lot of very successful people, probably doesn’t read a lot of fiction. Although I do give him props in 2007 for being a fan of “Lost” so there’s hope ;)

Bender said...

And then what would happen if Mitt picked Tim Pawlenty as his VP? The brains of poets will explode.

Explosions involve kinetic excitement. That does NOT describe Tim Yawnlenty, and that is doubly so were he to be paired with Romney. More likely, the brains of poets would immediately atrophy, shrivel, and die from such infinite boredom.

Joe said...

When things aren't going his way, Newt seems to become quite the asshole.

Known Unknown said...

It seems like the creators of the ad decided to play around with the name "Mitt," so they flipped it over to get "tiM," flopped it back so it's "Mitt" again, then put them side by side to get "tiM-Mitt," which sounds like "timid."

Wow. Political ad creators really are hacks.

Thorley Winston said...

Explosions involve kinetic excitement. That does NOT describe Tim Yawnlenty, and that is doubly so were he to be paired with Romney. More likely, the brains of poets would immediately atrophy, shrivel, and die from such infinite boredom.

So another point in favor of Pawlenty as a VP pick.

Scott M said...

So another point in favor of Pawlenty as a VP pick.

Well-crafted, sir. Almost poetic.

Rialby said...

BS. We just elected 2 guys 7 years after 9/11 whose names together sound like Osama bin Laden - Obama n Biden.

Anonymous said...

Anybody else look at the post title quickly and see "turd" instead of "timid"?

sakredkow said...
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sakredkow said...
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Roger Sweeny said...

Tim-Mitt/timid. That sounds like a rhyme a hip-hop artist would make.

But what kind of an ear for poetry do we average Americans have?

I understand the genre is quite popular.

rhhardin said...

It's not a noun even as used.

Timid won't create jobs...

Fir instance, it takes intensification

Very timid won't create jobs...

so it's still an adjective.

How does it do this? It's an ellipsis.

[Being] timid won't create jobs..

[Being very] timid won't create jobs.

It's put that way for focus.

le Douanier said...
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le Douanier said...

That's a great catch from the Alternate AltBlogger!

Listening to that clip, I think the first 'timid,' where a quote is being read, does end w/ a 'd' sound. So, the announcer is capable of the correct pronunciation. But, the next two times we hear 'timid' there is a different pronunciation. The 'd' sounds more like a 't.'

Other than this audio message, were there any hidden text messages? Perhaps there was a door that had a partially hidden label saying "push," as is common in commercial buildings. Timit is a 'PUS..."

mccullough said...

Gingrich is just upset that Mitt neutered him in Iowa.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Newt please just go away!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Why? Because Romney is timid. He's boring. He offers no big ideas. He has always gone with what has been politically expedient in the moment, afraid to commit to the task of long-term leadership. His public speaking is uninspiring.

But I understand full well why you, Althouse, ask the question and even make a whole post about it. You seem to be very conscious of timidity.

You, Althouse... you yourself used to be interesting. It seemed you cherished free speech, that you kept a very open mind, that you had a good sense of humor, and that you appreciated the community that you created.

But now? Oh dear... you seem to have grown into a partisan hack. Do you enjoy traveling down the road that Andrew Sullivan blazed?

It is clear that you have already decided to support Romney. You will offer your qualifications when it comes down to it, I'm sure... then you will point out that when faced with Romney v. Obama, you will go with the new guy. You will make a timid commitment.

And then you will blog about how you were right along about the effects of an Obama presidency. Of course your prognostications were just vague enough, and certainly numerous enough, to ensure that you can build up a narrative (with back-links!) that toots how gosh-darn smart you were.

Romney has a lot of the same qualities you do, Althouse. Timidity is his worst. You have been very timid lately too. So it must bother you greatly when Romney is attacked for his timidness. You know it's true. And you know, at some level, that the same sort of timidness has been the guiding philosophy of your blog lately.

But unlike Romney, you have the option of deleting this here comment! Delete away! Are you eying that potential "delete comment" click yet? As I write this, I think that you will be eying it! Does it bother you that only commenters who mostly agree with you on political issues can comment without justified worries about whether their comments will be deleted in a way that seems totally arbitrary?

Sometimes I think of all the threatening and harassing comments I have received on your blog all these years-- from the most degrading insults to actual threats of violence against me. Funny how those comments don't get deleted. I guess you, Althouse, are okay with harassment and threats of violence, at least when they come from people with the similar politics to you.

Cedarford said...

Joe said...
When things aren't going his way, Newt seems to become quite the asshole.
No, Newts always been an asshole, as not just to Dems but House Republicans that ousted him as Speaker and many of his former staffers. They say it loud and clear.
Under duress, the mask comes off Newt.

Newt is calling Romney timid because Romney is not bombastic by nature.
But it seems Romney is not timid in what he does in life...Went into a brawl with some drunken Froggies alone and knowing the outcome was he would be beat to a pulp - to get them to desist bothering a female Mormon worker. Had the guts to run against Teddy Kennedy, God of Massachusetts pretty sure he'd lose that one..still shed Teddy blood and brought him down to earth in the eyes of Mass voters. Took serious business risks with millions of his own money and the money of others imperiled. Risked his reputation trying to fix a nightmare dysfunctional Olympics with the whole world watching

Romney - not a timid man. Definitely cautious, but bold when big challenges come his way, and bold not out of an inflated sense of ego.

gadfly said...

With all due respects to the Althouse clan, both mom and son, there is nothing but unbridled free association to support the supposed linking of the words "Mitt" and "Timid."

I don't find it to be a very strong ad, since Newt neither spells out the problem with Mitt's plan nor how his own plan trumps it. In two weeks this puppy will not be remembered as having been produced.

I too am drawn to rhyming nicknames and being a product of the Great Depression I am stuck on the phrase "Dirty 30s." So what do we call the "10s" - no no, not the "Mit-Tens."

Mark Nielsen said...

Cedarford -- very well said. Mitt is/was not my first pick, but I think he's heads-and-shoulders above the others who actually ran. Anybody who follows Legal Insurrection can attest that the true Newt-heads are nearly rabid right now in their desire to see Romney get trashed. But I'll be surprised if Newt's attacks do the damage they're counting on.

Peter Hoh said...

Why is Gingrich doing this?

That's easy. The "big question — as the GOP chooses its candidate — is: Who is best at attacking Obama?"

The "timid" charge was enough to derail Pawlenty's campaign. Gingrich is hoping to do the same to Romney.

Peter Hoh said...

I am most certain that Romney won't pick Tim Pawlenty for the VP spot.

Romney needs Florida or Ohio. Pawlenty brings neither with him. Heck, there's no guarantee that he'd bring Minnesota's 10 electoral votes with him.

I used to think Petraeus would make for a great VP pick. I'm not so sure anymore. He's certainly been lying low, which is a great asset when it comes to actually serving as VP.

Phil 314 said...

He offers no big ideas.

After three years of BIG (read: EXPENSIVE) ideas, I've had my fill.

The Crack Emcee said...

And then what would happen if Mitt picked Tim Pawlenty as his VP?

We'd all die of boredom.

That's my guess anyway,..

The Crack Emcee said...


I read a Scientific American article that said Newt Skywalker was the biggest nerd in the GOP race.

It rated Mitt second, but gave him credit for saying that his favorite novel was Battlefield Earth, a 1000 page sci-Fi thriller by L Ron Hubbard.

But he's not a cultist. I repeat - NOT a cultist.

He's just the leading contender for President of the United States.

You people have GOT to be kidding me,...

The Crack Emcee said...


When things aren't going his way, Newt seems to become quite the asshole.

Name one contender for office who has done more, politically, for the American people. I'll wait.

I find it hard to comprehend how many of you brain dead gerbils seem to think the election of a president is American Idol or something,..

The Crack Emcee said...

Roger Sweeny,

Tim-Mitt/timid. That sounds like a rhyme a hip-hop artist would make.

No - I listen to a LOT of Rap and even rappers are smarter (and more clever) than that,...

The Crack Emcee said...


Went into a brawl with some drunken Froggies alone and knowing the outcome was he would be beat to a pulp - to get them to desist bothering a female Mormon worker.

Fighting the French - such bravery!

I used to sit in the center of many a French village, looking at the men and asking myself, "Is he a coward or gay?"

You're incredible, Cedie,...

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Desperation. I think his poll surge was fake. What gift this has been to the pro-democrat media.

btw- all the jabs at Gingrich in the media and on late night TV-- Imagine those same jabs and insults thrown at Obama. Yeah, I cannot imagine it either.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Obama's constant class warfare teleprompter speeches leave me, and I think a majority of Americans, cold.

Hagar said...

Newt Ginrich is in self-destruct mode.

rcommal said...

And then again, we do hear poetry in the language of politics: I like Ike... tricky Dick..

Is rhyming the same exact thing as poetry? Is rhythm?

Well, are they?

rcommal said...

As for palindromes this is what you all make me think of.

Perezoso said...

Gingrich should just be honest and call Mittens what he is--another sleazy mormon huckster, with his cheap floozie shilling for him (and a member of a heretical church)

The Crack Emcee said...


Gingrich should just be honest and call Mittens what he is--another sleazy mormon huckster, with his cheap floozie shilling for him (and a member of a heretical church)

I’m Inspired! You Inspired?!? I Can Feel The Inspiration!

Dustin said...

Oh, America has an ear for poetry.

Other than married women, the vast majority of folks here have names with iambic pentameter.

If you pay attention, we find many prettier ways of saying things, and are more pleased when others do.

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