January 29, 2012

We've found a dog. UPDATE: "Soleil."

Meade rescued a lost dog and managed to coax him into the house. (It's 20° out.) He's got a collar, but we haven't won his trust to the point where we can read it.

Sorry the picture is blurry. I don't want to trouble him, and he (or she) is walking around panting. Meade is great with dogs. I'm a dog novice, following orders not to pay attention to it.

ADDED: He/she's starting to get accustomed to us:

UPDATE: We were able to read the tag, called the owner, and now Soleil is gone. The sun has set on our bedogged life here in Madison, and so we must go on, dogless.

AND: Dog gone. Doggone.

MORE: Here's a sequence of pictures showing Meade winning the dog's trust. This happened after the dog was sitting on the floor between us for a while.
Meade saw that the dog had come over to me and sniffed. Then the dog went to Meade, smelled, paused, and re-smelled.

This is a kind of mother dog move that gives a feeling of security, I'm told:

After that, Meade is able to get the collar off (so he can read it).

Now, the collar is back on, and the dog is perfectly comfortable...

... enough to want to sit on Meade's lap...


Olson Johnson is right! said...

Let the dog come to you. He will know when to let you read his collar.

Ann Althouse said...


That's what we're doing.

And I posted a "found dog" message on Craigslist.

Ann Althouse said...

And Meade emailed the community email list.

Toad Trend said...

Its somebody's dog, and finding the owner shouldn't be difficult. A proper collar should include the information you need to get the dog home.

Your good deed for today.

Sorun said...

If the collar doesn't provide enough information, the dog may have an ID chip implant. I'm guessing a shelter could help with that.

This kind of stuff always seems to happen on Sunday when everything is closed.

edutcher said...

He looks like a nice dog and it would be a shame to send him to the pound.

Good for you.

The Blonde's always said she could never work as at a shelter, she'd want to take home all the strays (she's like that with people), so you get her Seal of Approval.

PS No phone number on the tag, or does it just have the license?

madAsHell said...

Although there is a leash law in town, I let my old dog wander. The dog had a collar, and a phone number. People would corral the dog, and then call me. I'd bring the dog home, and then let her wander again.

Anonymous said...

Poor little guy. He's lost!

Meade said...

@edutcher, she was a sweetheart. Until she finally warmed up to me, when I was able to look at her collar and read her name, I was thinking of her simply as "The Blonde". (Total respect intended.)

I'm Full of Soup said...

Tell us a bit about the owners- were they appreciative? Did they know you? What kind of dog name is that?

DaveW said...

It's hard to know why he/she might be there. Dogs don't speak English so I've never gotten an explanation from one.

Anyway, good on you guys for being willing to rescue.

chickelit said...

Soleil is like the stray commenter who briefly wanders into/onto your blog. Some say nothing--others bark loudly. Some stay and get adopted, usually befriended by Meade. Others get reclaimed. Some just run away when the seasons change.

m stone said...

Get a dog, Ann and Meade. It will change your life for the better.

What kind of yuppie name is Soleil? Sun. Give me a break. Does he bark with an edge too?

ricpic said...

There;s only one solution: go out and get un Fils de Soleil.

Toad Trend said...


As a local SPCA supporter I would ask you to rethink this practice. Too many bad things could happen to your dog. And though folks are generally willing to help a lost animal get home, you risk having the same person 'help' you twice. At that point a pattern would be recognized and you could be tagged a moron.

pm317 said...

Good looking dog and good for Meade.

madAsHell said...
I hope you know what your dog does (or doesn't do) when you let it loose. I had to battle a neighbor who let their dog loose and it would poop all over on our front yard. I mentioned it here about a month or so ago.

edutcher said...

When I was a kid, our next door neighbors had a dog like that, but they gave her a real dog name, Sandy.

Soleil, indeed.

I guess that's Madison.

But did Soleil warm up to Meade or Ann first?

Meade said...

@edutcher, she was a sweetheart. Until she finally warmed up to me, when I was able to look at her collar and read her name, I was thinking of her simply as "The Blonde". (Total respect intended.)

She completely understands.

Robert said...

"...and so we must go on, dogless."

An intentionally false statement, Professor.

You are missing out on one of the best parts of life.

Anonymous said...

The real question is how can you tell a dog is "lost"? Serious question.

Follow-up question: how far away did the dog live?

James said...

Nice looking dog and a great gesture by you and Meade.

I came across this sign while out earlier today: Call Walker

Robert said...

"I was thinking of her simply as "The Blonde". (Total respect intended.)"

Q: What do you call a really, really, really intelligent blonde?

A: A Golden Retriever

Rob said...

It's good that you didn't have to give back a stray dolphin. Then your life would have been porpoiseless.

themightypuck said...

You must go on Sans Soleil.

SteveR said...

Yeah I tend to think the dog wasn't lost, the owner lost him.

edutcher said...

Robert said...

"I was thinking of her simply as "The Blonde". (Total respect intended.)"

Q: What do you call a really, really, really intelligent blonde?

A: A Golden Retriever

No, you call her, "Nurse".

Irene said...

What was the beauty's real name?

Irene said...

If you need a doggie fix, you know where you can go.

Meade said...

We'll be right over!

Irene said...


Ann Althouse said...

";...and so we must go on, dog less.' An intentionally false statement, Professor."

I must go on. I can't go on. I'll go on.

Waiting for Dogot.

Ann Althouse said...

"Get a dog, Ann and Meade. It will change your life for the better."

Our life is too good for the hubristic overreaching that would be involved in an effort to change it "for the better."

Unknown said...

Beautiful dog, Professor--blessings on you and Meade for taking the time to provide for the dog. when we care for the least of God's creatures, we have done our best.

mariner said...

When you were following the dog around was that a Cirque du Soleil?

MikeR said...

Hmm. I see others' suggestions, but "soleil" סולל is "wanderer" or maybe "explorer" in Hebrew. Sounds appropriate.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I'm going to say the obvious..

What a nice blogable story.

Roger J. said...

Sorry you lost soleil--or rather you returned soliel to his or her owner--again, thank you for helping the dog and its owner be reunited--there will be stars in your crown.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Oh no, wait a minute.. what if that dog signed the recal petition..

Nice going guys.. now your good deed is going to bite you in ass ;)

Petunia said...

Suggestion: take a lost animal to a vet clinic for microchip scanning before you take it to a shelter.

Most vets have scanners and, if the chip is registered, you can get the animal back where it belongs without involving the humane society, which is probably overworked as it is and will have a lot of paperwork involved in getting the dog back, and might require involving animal control.

Glad Soleil is home safe. Nice of you two to take the dog in on such a cold day.

WV: "ablessew", for helping a dog in need.

Roger J. said...

Reba singing stars in my crown- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6De2jamv1ks

edutcher said...

Ann Althouse said...

"Get a dog, Ann and Meade. It will change your life for the better."

Our life is too good for the hubristic overreaching that would be involved in an effort to change it "for the better."

As far as it goes, things can always be made better, but I see you have achieved the best of both worlds.

You have a doggie pusher!!!!

PS Pups can be a lot of work. I think sometimes The Blonde keeps me around just for that.

But how can you live without a face like this in your life?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

But how can you live without a face like this in your life?

Although no mine.. I know exactly what you mean edutcher.. we have what looks like the same breed.

In fact, I got to go walk him.

Damon said...

"Get a dog, Ann and Meade. It will change your life for the better."

"Our life is too good for the hubristic overreaching that would be involved in an effort to change it 'for the better.'"

You don't get the dog to make you life better just like you don't have kids to make you life better; however, after a while you realize your life is better when they are around.

Trashhauler said...

Dogs will wander and the friendlier breeds tend to get picked up/fed/transported/turned in.

I won't get another dog until I buy an electronic fence. Even then, it won't keep out strays, so spaying is necessary.

Question: Does deep snow block out the signal from an electronic fence?

Meade said...

Lem said...
Oh no, wait a minute.. what if that dog signed the recal petition..

Nice going guys.. now your good deed is going to bite you in ass ;)

I admit, Lem, your comment gave me... (wait for it)... pause.

Roger J. said...

Meade--you and the professor have done good--thank you

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Good one Meade.

Methadras said...

What a cutie pie. Glad it all come together successfully.

Harrington said...


My neighbor has had very satisfactory results with his electronic fence for three years now and last year we had over 80 inches of snow.

traditionalguy said...

That's cool. It is like having a granddog.

You enjoy its love and energy, but send her home while there is still some energy left in you.

I bet Soleil will never forget your smell and your kind voice...and then one day as she takes her last doggy breath she will softly bark "Meade."

I'm a romantic.

Spread Eagle said...

Our life is too good for the hubristic overreaching that would be involved in an effort to change it "for the better."

No effort to change your life is involved. It just happens all on its own as a result. That's because a home without a dog and/or cat --I have both-- is just a house.

edutcher said...

Lem said...

But how can you live without a face like this in your life?

Although no mine.. I know exactly what you mean edutcher.. we have what looks like the same breed.

In fact, I got to go walk him.

It's not just a job, it's an adventure, but they really grow on you, don't they?


Anonymous said...

That's a sweet puppy.

y'all need a dog. She can chase the turkey cabal on your walks.

LarryK said...

Awwww....those pictures of Meade and the dog in your library were just too sweet. They also reminded me of Groucho's famous statement that outside of a dog a book is a man's best friend...inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.

WV: Swatogio, which is so cool I'm going to start using it as a real word

Update: new WV is nosyogie, which is almost as good

Olson Johnson is right! said...

I am weirdly happy the dog found its way home, or that home reached out and found its dog.

James Thurber knew more about the canine condition than any two-leg I've ever known. He wrote once about newspaper stories of dogs becoming lost and making their way back across mountains and tundra and thousands of miles and how we love those stories of prodigal redemption, but only turn a few pages into the classifieds and you see a dozen ads for lost missing and strayed dogs.

Did those dogs just not really want to go home? Did their natural libertarian brains tell them to strike out on their own for greener pastures and new destinies?

Trashhauler said...

"My neighbor has had very satisfactory results with his electronic fence for three years now and last year we had over 80 inches of snow."

Thanks, Harrington.

Ken Green said...

Meade is correct - squeezing the scruff of many mammals will make them respond by relaxing, as that's how they are carried around when they're very young. It's also what males do to females during mating to quiet them down: think of cats and horses, that bite at the scruff/nape of the neck.

Anonymous said...

The dog is gone but the fuse has been lit.

michaele said...

We have a little plaque hanging on a wall that says,

"My goal in life is to be the person my dog thinks I am"

My husband, who is out on the 3rd run of the day through the woods with our Australian Shepherd (they are a high energy breed) is totally worthy of this sweet sentiment. I think most of us sense that Meade would not disappoint a 4 legged companion, either.

Phil 314 said...

They grow up so fast.

Aridog said...

How nice, a doggie thread. Yep, you and Meade need one of these little Wisconsin bred puppies.

All grown up he'll guard your house and play well with others.

Tim Morrissey said...

A great story with a happy ending. Dog owners rely on people like you and Meade to act exactly as you did. Thank you!

Banshee said...

A little ray of sunshine on a sunny but cold day. :)

rhhardin said...

Spread crossed legs into a nest shape a little more and the dog will lie down there, but will not be too careful about what gets stepped on in the course of circling.

Bike rider deals with strange dog.

Ann Althouse said...

Methadras said... "What a cutie pie."

I know! Meade is adorable!

Saint Croix said...

I had to battle a neighbor who let their dog loose and it would poop all over on our front yard. I mentioned it here about a month or so ago.

The poop commentators kill me.

It's also what males do to females during mating to quiet them down: think of cats and horses, that bite at the scruff/nape of the neck.

I had a kid come up to me while I was walking my two dogs. Scout, Golden Retriever, 110 pounds, giant beast of a dog, best dog ever. Kid asks me if Scout bites. "Nope," says I. So Scout promptly puts a big paw on the kids shoulder, knocks him down, and mounts him.

I'm like, "Noooooooo!"

My other dog, a puppy on a retractable leash, runs around me, the kid, and Scout, trapping all 3 of us.

Scout, meanwhile, puts his teeth on the boy's shoulder to keep him in place for the mounting.

I'm just glad the kid had his pants on.

So the kid says, "he bit me!"

So I take the kid's shirt off. No bite marks.

But there's no way I could get the shirt back on the crying kid. So I have to take a crying, half naked boy home to his mom.

Who was really cool, thank God.

"My dog knocked him down," that's what I said.

Probably that kid is going to have nightmares about being raped by large hairy men for the rest of his life. My bad!

I got my dog's balls clipped the next day. When I picked him up at the vet, my dog barked at me, really pissed off about the castration. He was so mad.

Other than that, I don't think he missed them much. Still pretty aggressive, though. That vet thing about balls = aggression is totally a lie. No pups for Scout.

RIP, buddy. What a great dog. Sorry about the humping. Cripes, that kid's in high school now.

yashu said...

Aw. This is very heartwarming.

Both dog & Meade are ultra adorable.

jeff said...

You're right, don't get a dog if you plan on to continue to travel. I would love to have a dog, but I have to travel a great deal and it would be cruel to the dog to continue to leave him/her for a week or more a dozen times a year. I have someone come in every other day to make sure my cat is ok when I am gone, but a dog is so much more sociable.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

Mighty nice carpets you have there. Would be a shame if something happened to them.

Wouldn't want to end up with sun spots.

David said...

Nice going, Althouse and Meade.

There are other dogs that could benefit from your love.

When you are ready to get a dog, go to your local pound.

That's where I got my doggie. What a great day for us both.

Carnifex said...

That the dog trusted Meade so quickly gives you an indication of what kind of man you have(but I don't have to tell you that)

I find most animals, and young children excellent judges of people. They don't let their prejudices and logic interfere.

My wife and I both are animal magnets. We can literally walk down the street and animals will join us. For some reason, babies, and young children are fascinated by us. All the children in the neighborhood gather when I'm building something, or when she sits on the porch. She uses them as labor to pick in the garden, and such.

Beldar said...

Dogs are medicine for the soul.

Kirk Parker said...


No, Cirque du Soleil is when the dog needs to take a dump.

knox said...

"You're right, don't get a dog if you plan on to continue to travel. I would love to have a dog, but I have to travel a great deal and it would be cruel to the dog to continue to leave him/her for a week or more a dozen times a year."

Nonsense. Ask any dog in the pound if they'd rather be there... or in a loving home where the people have to hire a dogsitter every now and then.

Methadras said...

Ann Althouse said...

Methadras said... "What a cutie pie."

I know! Meade is adorable!


wv = quietwoof. how apt.

X said...

we found a stray yesterday too. siberian husky. I decided to walk the dog around the neighborhood to look for it's home and only got across the street before I found a lost dog poster. I called the owner and he didn't even know the dog was missing. the poster was from a few weeks ago when the dog (Abbey)had gotten loose before. my dog will stay in the front yard unsupervised. stray dogs like to come see her and this is probably the 10th dog we've reunited with owners over the years. my dog herself wandered by here as a stray 6 week old puppy over ten years ago.

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