January 3, 2012

"The US has agreed in principle to release high-ranking Taliban officials from Guantánamo Bay..."

"... in return for the Afghan insurgents' agreement to open a political office for peace negotiations in Qatar, the Guardian has learned."


PaulV said...

I doubt that the Taliban has a single leader who could do this.


This idea is convo to reason.

Mark O said...

If they are criminal defendants, in the Holder/Obama theory, they cannot be released without an Order of the appropriate Court, likely one near the Twin Towers. No? Of course, if they are pawns in a poltical game by the same two, all's fair. Send them back to kill someone else. But, put no American soldier near them.

Smart. Oh so smart.

The Drill SGT said...

surrender in motion

Chuck66 said...

Is this like the Arabs promising to get nice if Israel releases hundres of terrorists?

X said...

if he can get Bowe Bergdahl back, I'm for it.

Jason said...

If we gave away so much as a fucking paper clip without securing the return of Bowe Bergdahl first, then all our negotiators can eat a bag of dick, as far as I'm concerned.

Revenant said...

So we're releasing our prisoners in exchange for the *possibility* of peace negotiations? That seems kind of insane.

On the other hand, it will play well with Obama's domestic supporters -- and isn't that what this is all about?

SteveR said...

"what could go wrong?"

KCFleming said...

Negotiations are the New Year's weight loss diets of the political left.

Forever promised and as quickly abandoned.

Hagar said...

What PaulV said.

This is like negotiating with Indian "chiefs" in the old days, when most tribes did not have any such thing as a "chief."

Or not. "Negotiating" then worked kind of, since the US had overwhelming advantage in population and military force, and the eventual outcome was a given regardless of the "negotiations."
I do not see that that is the situation in Afghanistan.

Anonymous said...

Obama foreign policy is a complete bumbling disaster. If Obama knew he was going to surrender why his Afghanistan surge? How many US soldiers were wasted for a known losing cause?

purplepenquin said...

So we're releasing our prisoners in exchange for the *possibility* of peace negotiations? That seems kind of insane.

That was my first thought as well. It sounds like we are negotiating from a position of weakness.

Couple of my buddies who have been in Afghanistan told me if felt like we were getting our ass whipped, but I had no idea it was this bad...

Mr. Apropos said...

No one could possibly be dumb enough to believe them... except maybe the current class of clowns in the White House. Sad. :(

Beldar said...

Is there anyone foolish enough to doubt that these men, when released, will return to bloody and wicked ways?

Is there anyone foolish enough to doubt that America and the West will still be their targets?

Is there anyone so craven as to doubt that Barack Obama will bear the practical and moral responsibility for all the evil these men do after their release?

Ann Althouse said...

I guess we don't have to look for Mullah Omar anymore.

Anonymous said...

The BO admin raised the white flag 30 days ago when they stopped the drone strikes in Paistan....Johnson admin 'bombing halts' redux

Bill Beeman said...

Good God! This makes Carter look lie a foreign policy genius.

Who do they imagine has the power, much less the will, to carry out such an agreement. The administration is delusional. I'm ashamed to have such a President.

edutcher said...

Presumably, GodZero is hoping for another 9/11 before the election in the hope there will be a "Rally 'Round the Flag" effect in his favor.

WV "painglo" (no kidding) Especially if Iran has the bomb.

cliff claven said...

We apparently have adopted the Neville Chamberlain path toward peace.

Anonymous said...

..on the other hand, this is "The Guardian" and may be some sort of trial balloon.

MayBee said...

It isn't even an exchange for getting to some specific point in the negotiations.
It's for opening an office, wherein negotiations could at some point begin.

Moose said...

Fucking splendid.

Skipper said...

Yeah, that'll work. That's the ticket.

chickelit said...

Ann Althouse said...
I guess we don't have to look for Mullah Omar anymore.

That will save $ in the short run.

ambisinistral said...

Hard to imagine Obama would be stupid enough to do that prior to the election. Now, after the election... that's a different story.

ic said...

What we need is an all white Old Glory.

MayBee said...

Two things from the article jump out at me"To take this step, the [Obama] administration have to have sufficient confidence that the Taliban are going to reciprocate,"

I wonder exactly what he means by "have to have" confidence. Does he mean they should have? Or does he mean they do have?

"... The Qatar office is akin to the Taliban forming a Sinn Féin, a political wing to conduct negotiations,"

Sinn Féin was formed in 1905 and redesigned itself in 1970. Neither of those two comparisons make me feel especially hopeful about a prisoner release in exchange for forming something similar.

Automatic_Wing said...

..on the other hand, this is "The Guardian" and may be some sort of trial balloon.

My thought exactly. Throw it out there, let people argue about it a bit, see if it's something that might help him politically. Find out exactly how sick people are this war.

If there's a strong reaction against it, just deny the rumor and it's over.

Charlie Eklund said...

Looks like two checkmarks in the Win column for the Taliban.

1. The Taliban get some of their terrorists back.

2. The Taliban get continued negotiations with the US.

What does the US get from this deal?

Methadras said...

This move clearly demonstrates that the Urkle administration has zero issue with allowing our enemies to dictate policy as they see fit while they capitulate in agreement. Cater to your nut-job base while promoting your nut-job ideology all at the same time. In the leftard mind, this is win win, because after all, whatever he can get out of this before he gets evacuated from office with mean large sums of cash for his speaking engagement tours.

edutcher said...

ic said...

What we need is an all white Old Glory.

But that would be raaacissstt!!!

WV "rommut" What the Afrika Korps called the Desert Fox's dog.

David said...

Catch and release.

It's the sporty thing to do.

Very green also.

crosspatch said...

Well if the Guardian prints it, it *must* be true. (eyeroll)

dbp said...

If the "plan" is to let them go and then kill them with a drone strike, then it sounds like a good idea.

After a few rounds of this, the prisoners in Guantánamo will beg to remain there. When they are forced to leave, they will spend all their time and energy hiding.

The key here is that the first few released need to come to a sudden and violent end.

Patrick said...

sugar board them

Anonymous said...

Apparently Obama wants to get back to dealing with terror attacks, no matter their original, as U.S. criminal law issues. I seem to recall this is was Senator Obama's pov.

Cedarford said...

Jason said...
If we gave away so much as a fucking paper clip without securing the return of Bowe Bergdahl first,
Why? The soldier in question, Bergdahl, dropped his weapon, abandoned his post, went over the fence into an enemy village.
I suppose he would be worth trading for a couple low-ranking Talibani grunts of equal worth....but more than that?
I'd consider giving them all the Taliban in captivity if they would finger Ayman al-Zawahiri and the last of the Arab fighters, firmly declare on the honor of the Prophet that Afghanistan will no longer be a sanctuary for terrorists striking at the West from Afghanistan. AND the Taliban would pledge to respect the territories of and the right of peaceful lives of non-Pashtuns - like Uzbeks, Haziris, etc.
Then we could get out, tell Karzai and his gang of drug bandits that they are on their own. Probably ask them who were their Paki contacts on the bargain, and throw in Bergdahl so we could court-martial him.

damikesc said...

It is impressively easy to not take the man a bunch of people elected for no reason seriously. He is the friggin' embodiment of Carter.

Blue@9 said...

Remember all the lefties who said the war on terror was just a law enforcement matter?


technogypsy said...

Does anyone else feel like filking a parcel of rogues?

"We're bought and sold for foreign gold,
Such a parcel of rogues in one nation"

After all, he need those dollars for re-election...

Skyler said...

I'm going to be sick.

The Drill SGT said...

Charlie Eklund said...
Looks like two checkmarks in the Win column for the Taliban.

1. The Taliban get some of their terrorists back.

2. The Taliban get continued negotiations with the US.

What does the US get from this deal?

we've already declared we're pulling out in less than a year. Obama and the Taliban have a mutual interest in the following:

- Taliban get prisoners back thus looking good to their base
- WH looks like peacemakers thus looking good to their base
- Taliban runs the clock out till we cut and run
- WH runs the clock out till we cut and run
- Taliban reduces its losses in battles it was going to lose
- WH reduces its losses in a war it was going to lose
-- WH stays in power
- Taliban gains power
- America loses

what's not to love for both sides

bagoh20 said...

Yea, but McCain would be worse. Nothing will ever change my mind about that, because then I would have to do something I never do.

Toad Trend said...

"Yea, but McCain would be worse."

Buyer's remorse can manifest itself in many ways.

Known Unknown said...

Everyone is missing the point.

OfficeMax (US) gets to sell them office supplies!

Jason said...

Why? The soldier in question, Bergdahl, dropped his weapon, abandoned his post, went over the fence into an enemy village.

Source, fucktard?

Oh, that's right. That's what the Taliban says. And we all know they never lie about anything.

Of course, both you and the Taliban hate Jews, so you're predisposed to believe them.

But let's take your accusation at face value, you vile cur.

He's still ours.

If there's a desertion case to be made, or a treason case, then make it. But he's ours, either way.

Oh. Go to Hell, C-Fudd.

Anonymous said...

A sucker is born every minute.

So many of them in one single administration is kind of unusual tho.

Wince said...

Ann Althouse said...
I guess we don't have to look for Mullah Omar anymore.

Yea, but he's still got an eye out for you.

Pete said...

Thanks, Althouse, for helping get Obama elected so we can benefit from the genius of this kind of foreign policy.

Moose said...

Wait! Wait! I got it!
"Peace with honor"!

Do I get a cookie?

Cedarford said...

Why? The soldier in question, Bergdahl, dropped his weapon, abandoned his post, went over the fence into an enemy village.

Source, fucktard?

Oh, that's right. That's what the Taliban says. And we all know they never lie about anything.

Of course, both you and the Taliban hate Jews, so you're predisposed to believe them.

But let's take your accusation at face value, you vile cur.

He's still ours.

If there's a desertion case to be made, or a treason case, then make it. But he's ours, either way.

Oh. Go to Hell, C-Fudd.

Try using your brain instead of being a mindless "rah-rah" boy for every deserter because you somehow romanticize anything in uniform as a demi-god.
He wouldn't be the first soldier to desert to the enemy in war.
Just saying he isn't worth a high risk-rescue mission endangering other soldiers lives to retrieve him for court martial, not worth trading away KSM or other high-value enemy prisoners we have. If we find him in some back room after a village raid - sure! Put the cuffs on him and take hime into captivity awaiting charges. Or trade off some low -level "enlisted" Talibani grunts we have.

Source of his desertion was Col. Ralph Peters, as well as milblogs saying that the military declined to raid a town where he might have been held "because of the circumstances of leaving his post, the risk to good US soldiers of trying to get the guy back.
After getting in Taliban hands, he made a few anti-American propaganda videos and converted to Islam.
Like some of the Soviets that deserted to the Pashtun barbarians - he apparantly has not found their company that suitable..He tried bugging out from them..probably to get back in an American camp no matter how much trouble he is in - but got caught.

Moral of the story - don't drop your weapon, desert your post in a war zone to go off with your new enemy pals. You are pretty much on your own after that...though some pols are enraptured with the whole POW mystique since Vietnam days and are pressuring the military to "Save Bowe!".

JAL said...

I kind of like dbp's idea.

And I am not too thrilled with this idiocy. It illustrates the adolescence (if that) of this administration.

You'd think, based on the way this guy (BHO) keeps "promises" that he would be a little more sophisticated.

And since I have a family member headed to Afghanistan I have a personal interest in how this all goes down ....

Anonymous said...

The esteemed Beldar says "Is there anyone so craven as to doubt that Barack Obama will bear the practical and moral responsibility for all the evil these men do after their release?" (1/3 @ 5:40)

Well, I don't see it as craven, but I doubt if he will. I mean, rational people like you and I will try to make him responsible for it, but when has he taken responsibility for anything?

I come from the world or horse racing, where past performances foretell future events. If something goes bad, he's 1-9 to blame someone else.

Nora said...

This is a joke. Right?
... for we know that Talibanis and othet Islamaniacs are so keep on keeping the agreements.

X said...

the dude has berg in his name. that's got cedarford's jewdar senses tingling.

Chip S. said...

I suppose we should at least consider the possibility that these guys are being released in order to become predator drone targets.

Scott M said...

I suppose we should at least consider the possibility that these guys are being released in order to become predator drone targets.

Would anyone be in favor of secretly implanting these guys with locator-style microchips before they are released? Cuz I would.

Curious George said...

"Scott M said...
Would anyone be in favor of secretly implanting these guys with locator-style microchips before they are released? Cuz I would."

Sure, especially if it was hidden in and implanted by a .45

Revenant said...

Source of his desertion was Col. Ralph Peters

Ralph Peters left the Army eleven years before Bergdahl's capture.

Jim Howard said...

I wonder how many years will elapse before the Taliban agrees to the shape of the table?

Scott M said...

I wonder how many years will elapse before the Taliban agrees to the shape of the table?

That's at least five IED's, three amputations, and two dead US soldiers away. Please try to keep up.

Paul said...

"The US has agreed in principle to release high-ranking Taliban officials from Guantánamo Bay..."

Yea, like we believe the North Koreans will make peace. We believed the North Vietnamese would make peace. We believed HITLER would make peace.

No, Obama just wants an out. Just like Nixon did.

Cut and run and let the Taliban take over again.. and al-Qaeda will come in right behind. Just as the Communist did in Vietnam and Hitler did in Europe.

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