January 2, 2012

"Unless there's some new celebration by transference thing I don't know about..."

"... Ndamukong Suh mocking Aaron Rodgers' championship belt move after a sack in Sunday's Detroit Lions-Green Bay Packers game was the dumbest thing that happened during the early games in Week 17...."
For, you see, Aaron Rodgers wasn't playing on Sunday. He was resting for the playoffs. His backup, Matt Flynn, started in his place. So Suh celebrated a sack of Flynn by derisively performing Rodgers' signature move. That's like sticking out your tongue while posterizing John Paxson.


traditionalguy said...

Suh doesn't know how far to go in taunting opponents. He has made the taunting art into a taunting of himself as a football player who seriously hates the football game that he plays.

The other players just stare at him and feel sorry for him when he makes suicidal moves.

Anonymous said...

Me, I'm not of a mind to taunt Rogers. But if I were, rather than doing his move after sacking his stand-in, I would, pregame, pantomine someone pounding on a plate glass window, and then shout "Hey Rogers! Discount Doublecheck!" while doing the move.

Calypso Facto said...

Check the scoreboard, Mr. Suh.

Of course, speaking of embarrassing, the sportswriter should do the same:

The backup threw for a franchise record 480 yards and six touchdowns in leading the Packers to a 44(sic)-41 win that was meaningless for them, but potentially devastating for Detroit.

garage mahal said...

The Lions enjoy hating teams. The Packers enjoy beating teams.

MarkD said...

Class shows, doesn't it?

Michael Haz said...

Dear Mr. Suh: Your team has not been in a playoff game during this century, and has lost 21 games in a row at Lambeau Field. Your team lost to a JV quarterback yesterday.

And you're celebrating what, exactly?

Anonymous said...

LOL, Garage!

wv: lusen, origin Proto-Germanic, plural of loser

Michael Haz said...

Dear Mr. Suh: You need to develop your own signature move rather than imitate someone else's. This is a difficult thing, I understand, byt try to make it something other than beating your chest and howling like a street thug.

May I suggest a move for you? How about pretending to write out a penalty check for an NFL-levied fine? It would be meaningful, given your career of writing checks for fines.

By the way - that guy you sacked yesterday in your only good move of the game your team lost - he'll make more money next year than you will in your entire career.

Have a nice day.

kjbe said...

...and Grant gets an "excessive celebration" for doing a snow angel. Go figure.

Michael Haz said...

"...and Grant gets an "excessive celebration" for doing a snow angel. Go figure."

Under NFL rules, a player may not celebrate by making a snow angel unless said player also makes a snow wiccan and a snow evolving-creature, hence the penalty.

Ron said...

What this game showed me is that the Pack are ripe to be taken in the playoffs. All this smugness about a Detroit team that still is rebuilding and rung up the Pack defense like a pinball machine? Sorry....that the Lions made it as close as it was?...PackFail!

John Bragg said...

It's not often that I defend "Necronomicon Su"/"Runaround Sue", but today's the day.

The "championship belt move" isn't Rogers' move. It's a pro wrestling move, of rather long standing. It means "I'm coming for your title, champ. That belt around your waist will be around my waist." Which is exactly what Su and the Lions are trying to do, and still eligible to do.

The champ doesn't do that move--it makes no sense, he's got the belt. Rogers should have debuted a new move this season, pointing to his ring finger, then holding up two fingers for two rings.

Su does lose credibility for doing this in a game where his defense was shredded by a backup QB in his first start in a meaningless game for his team.

John Bragg said...

Oh, and you can absolutely do the move if you beat up the champ's protege/standin. Not so much if the standin beats you, though....

I guess the pro wrestling equivalent would be going to the top rope, doing the belt move, and then when you jump, the standin rolls out of the way and covers you after you hit the mat. As Rick Perry would say, Oops.

Toad Trend said...

It was pointed out to me long ago that when someone takes the opportunity to make an ass of themselves, its best to stand back and let them without getting involved.

If you choose to get involved, then it becomes difficult for other onlookers to know who the ass is vs. the respondent.

Do you think we'll see Suh in more ads like the hip Chrysler ad he was in???

Not if he keeps this nonsense up.

Ann Althouse said...

"Oh, and you can absolutely do the move if you beat up the champ's protege/standin."

So you're saying that is some new celebration by transference thing that Chris Chase doesn't know about.

Toad Trend said...

"Class shows, doesn't it?"

Class is its own 'non-statement', especially when it comes to football and sports in general.

Act like you've been there before.

Don't be dumb, and don't be dirty.

Humperdink said...

The whole celebration thing drives me batty. From an idiot celebrating as his team is getting smoked. To a cornerback dancing after making a tackle for a small loss (after giving up a 50 yard bomb on the play earlier).

But the best one was in Foxboro yesterday when Bills receiver Stevie (Stevie?) Johnson exposed a New Years "T" shirt under his uniform. Cost his team 15 yards, the mommentum and earned him a spot on the bench. The coach warned him a few weeks earlier after he mocked Plaxico Burress getting shot during a TD celebration in the Meadowlands.

Just no class.

Joe Schmoe said...

It used to be racist to pick on a black player for doing an on-field celebration. What happened?

Joe Schmoe said...

Looks like Detroit's inferiority complex extends to its football team.

If it pisses off the Packers, then they should keep Suh off their QB. Most fans like the pro wrestling-type byline (good guys vs. bad guys) whether they admit it or not.

I don't mind just about any celebrations. Before they cracked down, some of my favorites were:
* A receiver using the football as a chainsaw to cut down the goal post, complete with pulling the starter cord
* A receiver lobbing the football-as-grenade into a ring of his teammates; when it went off they all fell back in unison
* And the receiver who gave birth in the end zone to a healthy, happy football.

Since then the No Fun League has outlawed all of that stuff.

John Bragg said...

""Oh, and you can absolutely do the move if you beat up the champ's protege/standin."

So you're saying that is some new celebration by transference thing that Chris Chase doesn't know about."

Not new at all. If Big Bad is going to fight the Good Champ in a few weeks, it's very common booking to have Big Bad beat up Little Buddy to make Big Bad look big and bad, and give the Champ a motive for revenge. So taunting by proxy is not new either.

Mike said...

Suh suffers from the Sean Merriman problem. It's true that it ain't braggin if you can do it. But the blustering braggadocio of football's "bad boys" ultimately makes them look like clowns.

After Merrriman moved on from the Chargers the general manager was heard to remark, "Merriman was a member of the Charger team for about 45 minutes--and that was too long."

The act wears out its welcome.

Wince said...

A boy named Suh?

kjbe said...

Ron, by whom? SF, maybe, but NO tracks about the same as the Packers. I'm not too concerned, they overall they seem to make it work. Anyway, the Lions were favored, had more at stake and played a Packer team resting their key starters...and still lost.

Ron said...

Kit, if the Pack give up 560 yards(!) to practically anyone in the playoffs, like they did to the Lions....they will lose.

As for the Lions being favored! Like I said, the Lions are halfway through their rebuilding process, so I don't expect them to win these kind of games yet. So enough with the Cheezy gloating over beating a team that's just not there yet!

X said...

Will this be the year a Big 10 team finally wins the Rose Bowl?

Joe Schmoe said...

Act like you've been there before.

Mostly said by people who've never been there and will never go there. I'm not saying it's all alright; just saying scoring a touchdown, making an interception, or sacking a QB is a pretty heady thing accompanied by an emotional rush. I think it's okay to express yourself.

The act wears out its welcome.

Then his coaches and teammates should tell him to cut it the hell out. If a guy continues to cross an arbitrary line, that tells me his team lacks leadership. Other teams will take every opportunity to punish and cheap-shot the Lions, thanks to Mr. Suh. If his teammates don't like it, they need to get him under control or ownership needs to show him the door.

Cornroaster said...

"I don't mind just about any celebrations. Before they cracked down, some of my favorites were:
* A receiver using the football as a chainsaw to cut down the goal post, complete with pulling the starter cord
* A receiver lobbing the football-as-grenade into a ring of his teammates; when it went off they all fell back in unison
* And the receiver who gave birth in the end zone to a healthy, happy football.

Since then the No Fun League has outlawed all of that stuff."

I still think one of the best ever celebrations (although in a different sport) was Prince Fielder knocking down the bowling pins at home plate.

Tom Spaulding said...

Matt Flynn then quietly celebrated the ever-undisciplined Suh's encroachment penalty by continuing his game-winning drive to defeat the Lions... with a team of second-stringers at many key positions.

The Lions could not beat our backups with their starters, in a game that would have prevented them from getting their asses handed to them again, this time in New Orleans.

Ted Thompson and Mike McCarthy are the greatest personnel/coaching duo in football today, perhaps ever. We could win playoff games with Flynn and our backups, not to mention or starters, and since the Lions are a "playoff" team...we just did.

cliff claven said...

I noticed the Packers were also doing some 'hood antics. Charles Woodson doesn't abide that horseshit. He wasn't there to stop it. The Lions have no one to stop it. If you look @ the players that do all the macho, clownish, shit almost all were raised by single moms. Only a man can teach a boy how to be a man. And, only a woman can teach a girl how to be a woman.

Tom Spaulding said...

... enough with the Cheezy gloating over beating a team that's just not there yet!

Ron, the Lions could not beat GB in Detroit and could not beat them in "these kind of games": the kind where GB spots them Rodgers, Starks, Jennings, Woodson and Matthews...with a chance for Detroit to not travel to N.O. and nothing for GB to play for.

That's why we are gloating. See the difference?

Let us know when they're done rebuilding... and can beat Rodgers and Co. without Stafford, Johnson, Suh, etc.

Spread Eagle said...

By the way - that guy you sacked yesterday in your only good move of the game your team lost - he'll make more money next year than you will in your entire career.

Dude. Last year as a newly drafted rookie Suh got a five-year, $68 million contract with $40 million guaranteed. That, as a rookie who had not yet played an NFL down. Since then he has risen to the status of best defensive lineman in the league. Suh has more change in his left pocket right now than the Packer scrub QB will make in his entire career. I bet he ends up making more overall than flash-in-the-pan Rodgers makes too, Rodgers being a mere one concussion away from oblivion. Disapprove of Suh's attitude if you wish, but just remember attitude is what tends to happen when you're the best at what you do from jump, a kid who is already better than the men. Packer fans, get used to Suh being in your grill, because he's gonna be for a long time.

Tom Spaulding said...

Let me know when he's ready to beat "flash-in-the-pan" Rodgers, since he can't beat "scrub" Flynn and the GB practice squad.

And this year, he's ON our grille, not in it...along with a full compliment of Bears, Vikings, Saints, etc.

Now pass the napkins and BBQ sauce, and slice me off a chunk of Suh-rloin.

Patrick said...

Spread Eagle: "Since then he has risen to the status of best defensive lineman in the league."

Uh, really? Well, I guess the league leading 14 personal fouls in 2 years has to mean something. This anchor of a defensive lineman allowed a 2d stringer to toss 6 TD's. His 4 sacks put him nearly in line to have 25% of what Jared Allen had this year. Suh is good, but too undisciplined and selfish to help out his team much. Maybe if he was smart enough to avoid suspension, he'd be better. He was a huge disappointment this year. There's no way around it.

X said...

So when Rodgers does the discount double check, that's not a taunt? Right. I don't remember any of the great QBs doing that. It's all laughs and jokes right now. Let's see how it works out for him long term.

Joe Schmoe said...

The Yahoo sports writer is a goof, too. He says it's like sticking your tongue out while posterizing John Paxson. If a guy is going in for a dunk he doesn't care who's in front of him. Nor does he really have time to think about it.

This writer's just trying to stir things up. When they come up with Marquis de Queensbury rules for pro sports decorum, let me know then I'll give a hoot.

Ron said...

Tom, fans gloat when they win because...well, it's the jerky thing to do! Now, maybe you'll win and maybe not...but you can choose to not be a smug asshat!

Best O' Luck!

Tom Spaulding said...

I guess the smug asshat Suh was just practicing buckling his seatbelt for the flight down to the Superdome?


Alex said...

I'm shocked that no one wants to talk about the race of the taunter vs the race of the tauntee.

BJM said...

@Don't Tread

Do you think we'll see Suh in more ads like the hip Chrysler ad he was in???

Suh is refining his "loser' persona.

BTW-The words "hip" and "Chrysler" do not compute...Chrysler only sold 319,515 cars in 2011, the very unhip Jeep saved their bacon.

Thus Chrysler's fourth place sales finish behind the sales leader that "forgot" to install brake pads on 6000 Sonics and the import with major recall issues.

I Callahan said...

Let us know when they're done rebuilding... and can beat Rodgers and Co. without Stafford, Johnson, Suh, etc.

Yuk it up, cheeseheads, because about 2 years from now, when 1/2 of the Packers will be AARP members, the Lions will be on top.

I suspect you'll have until end-of-day 1/15/12 to enjoy the gloating.

Tom Spaulding said...



ambisinistral said...

"Yuk it up, cheeseheads, because about 2 years from now, when 1/2 of the Packers will be AARP members, the Lions will be on top."

Ahh... nothing like future smack to put the fear of God into an opposing fan.

"Why, just wait until 2019. Our boys will give your boys a butt-whupping they won't soon forget!!!"

Tom Spaulding said...

The Lions are the 4th OLDEST team in the NFL. Yuk that up.

Joe said...

I just looked at the Detroit Lions record over the years. My God, does this team suck. They may be the second worse franchise in NFL history after the Cardinals.

X said...

We could win playoff games with Flynn and our backups, not to mention or starters, and since the Lions are a "playoff" team...we just did.

are you the long snapper or something?

Tom Spaulding said...
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Tom Spaulding said...

Nah, it's common practice to refer to the team you are a fan of as "we". Is this news to you?

What an odd question.

In that vein, are you a former Nation of Islam leader?

jeff said...

"Act like you've been there before.

Mostly said by people who've never been there and will never go there. "

No, I'm pretty sure there have been successful people in sports who also have some class.

What a strange assumption.

X said...

In that vein, are you a former Nation of Islam leader?

poor comparison. I didn't refer to NOI as we nor did I refer to you as a sporting goods manufacturer. did you shit in a girl's closet?

X said...

Victory has a thousand fathers, but that dookie in the closet is an orphan.

Tom Spaulding said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tom Spaulding said...

Sorry, can't help you with who shit in your closet. What's a girl to do but ask, eh?

Jim Schwartz, maybe?

X said...

where's the evidence, right Tom?

Joe Schmoe said...

"No, I'm pretty sure there have been successful people in sports who also have some class.

What a strange assumption."

Hence the mostly, dumbass. Your assumption that no celebrating = class is also very misguided. Don't play sports, huh?

Joe Schmoe said...

jeff, when Victor Cruz danced to some salsa music after scoring a touchdown last night, that must've given you the vapors. The nerve! Classless.

J said...

They're halfway through rebuilding? What is this, a fifty year plan?

reformed trucker said...

"get used to Suh being in your grill" - Spread Eagle

No problem, a steam cleaner rinses road kill right off.

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