Brokaw — who wants the ad withdrawn — says: "I am extremely uncomfortable with the extended use of my personal image in this political ad. I do no want my role as a journalist compromised for political gain by any campaign."
Extended use? The ad is 30 seconds long. And how does it "compromise" Brokaw's role as a journalist? Anyone can see it's the archival footage of the news from 1997, and the point of using Brokaw is that it makes it plain that this is the straightforward news of that time, not any pumped up, slanted presentation.
... unless — ironically! — Tom Brokaw's role as a journalist is already — in the minds of viewers — compromised. I mean, when you look at this ad, do you think: Oh, there's that terrible left-leaning NBC News making what Gingrich did look as bad as possible? Or do you think: That's the regular, professional news as it appeared in 1997, informing us of some disturbingly bad things Gingrich did?
Obviously, Mitt Romney is using the clip on the theory that you'll think the latter, and therefore it boosts Brokaw's reputation as a neutral journalist. Brokaw's objection is self-undermining.
I have the copy of the U.S. Constitution, and it doesn't say anywhere anything that anybody can make Tom extremely uncomfortable with the extended use of his personal image.
They kinda look like brothers.
Shorter Brokaw: "Dammit, I'm not getting paid and Romney's rolling in money!"
Brokow always seemed more boring than biased. I never thought of him as a journalist, more as a blow-dried TV personality who made good.
He was pretty good interviewing chimps on the Today show though.
So what did he do?
See now, I've got no memory of 1997. In 1997 I had four children under the age of six. Nothing happened in the world that didn't include diapers, and no reason to put the diapers in permanent memory, so no memory.
So what did Gingrich do? Is this the scandal about him teaching a History class that the IRS later decided had nothing to do with politics so he didn't do anything wrong?
Maybe Brokaw is simply embarrassed.
Considering what a hatchet job this was at the time, I'm sure Mushmouth was all too happy to help his friends in the Democrat Party.
Now it makes him look like he's helping a Republican.
Can't have that.
He might have to forfeit his Communist card.
Like Brokaw, I'm embarrassed to see my past hairstyles on video.
Yeah, I agree Brokaw shouldn't have objected. Brokaw is in fact a hard leftist but comes off as an All American between the 40 yard markers good guy.
Brokaw could hardly contain his glee at the good news he was delivering..
Schadenfreude is not "straightforward news" at any time.
Is it this?
There's a CNN report at the end of the article.
I'm a little tired of public people getting miffed when their public statements show them to be something other than they think they are. Cowboy up people. Did you think you were playing in a sandbox?
Don't get me wrong, I don't support Newt in the primary, but what a hatchet job!
Why were they "accusations" against the Jim Wright, I think it was, who used to sell pallets of his books to lobbyists, and a judgement against Newt?
Wright was a corrupt fool who thought he was president, president of a banana republic, at that.
"I am extremely uncomfortable with the extended use of my personal image in this political ad. I do no want my role as a journalist compromised for political gain by any campaign."
And they accuse Newt of grandiosity..
Tom Brokaw is not very bright and his voice and mannerisms are even more annoying than Diane Sawyer's.
I help to destroy Gingrich on Thursday. As you all know, I want Romney to be the nominee.
I did the following:
- Emailed the Romney campaign to encourage them to focus on debate on Thursday. I suggested using humor. I told them Newt would use: cayman island and mutual funds.
- Emailed Rick and made him realize that he cannot win without going nuclear on Newt plus Romney. He should be angry and should demonstrate anger at all times. He did that.
- Emailed drudge all the stories coming about Reagan and Newt. He linked to at least one story in a short time after I emailed.
- Emailed CNN and made sure that Wolf be ready to be man-handled by Newt. Be ready I said. He was ready.
Bottom line: Everything worked as I envisioned. Newt bombed. It is over for the serial adulterer, ethically challenged, and fat-man.
Romney should run this clip, but he can get additional major points if he responds to Brokaw with some funny clips of Brokaw being a biased and clueless newsreader rather than "journalist."
Romney should pull a Gingrich.
What is really amazing is the kind of stuff they could get away with before the internet, the kind of blatant bias.
They still do it, but get called on it publicly.
Copying what the dems did did not excuse what Newt did. IMHO.
There is such a self-righteous swagger to Brokaw's shoulder-rocking delivery. Can’t see this moving a single Newtist.
Romney should pull it for ineffectiveness.
When Newt was running in 1998, he had the speech in campaigns for all House members. He said: I (he, that is) will use Clinton's affairs at every chance he got in every speech. Now, when people talk about his three wives, he blows up by going nuclear.
This man is sick. He is a fraud. I wish there was a journalist in America that in a debate took him apart: "You, Mr. Gingrich, are not only a shameless but a serial hypocrite. God help us should you win the nomination."
Tom Brokaw is not very bright..
Was Broadcast News (1987) based on Brokaw?.. maybe on Peter Jennings.. Peter Jennings.. the women.
Lem said...
Copying what the dems did did not excuse what Newt did. IMHO.
That's got a sarc tag on it, right?
I don't think this is the best Newt story of the hour. The real Newt story right now is the war going on between the hard core Newtists on Free Republic and elsewhere versus Matt Drudge.
They all believe Drudge is in the tank for Romney and "unfairly" using his web site to that end.
That's got a sarc tag on it, right?
I cant say that.. not with any certitude.
Steve Austin said...
I don't think this is the best Newt story of the hour. The real Newt story right now is the war going on between the hard core Newtists on Free Republic and elsewhere versus Matt Drudge.
It's difficult for any Newtist to have a hard core in weather this cold.
I think that Ann's link is screwed up - I got a video about boots and cats. Had to go through the linked Politico article to see the Romney/Gingrich/Brokaw ad.
Sorry Tom. If this were business, instead of politics, you might be able to win on a theory of appropriating your likeness or personality, or, maybe some sort of false attribution. But, its politics, and those rules are pretty much out the window. Otherwise, half the political ads would be actionable.
My view is that if Brokaw doesn't want this sort of thing, he shouldn't have been so obviously biased in his "news" reporting.
Now, I do have empathy for Gingrich here - he got hit with well over a hundred ethics complaints by Democrats trying to take him down, and the few that were found to be somewhat sketchy were fairly minor, in comparison with much of what goes on in Congress - just think of what the Republicans could do with Nancy Pelosi - including insider trading, lobbying for her family, etc. Or, how about Barney Frank or Chris Dodd (backers of Freddie and Fannie, and then architects of the "reforms" that essentially exempted the large financial institutions that caused the meltdown)?
This has become a favorite trick of the Democrats, as evidenced by their attempt to wreck similar havoc with Sarah Palin.
Keep in mind, that if Gingrich gets the nomination, Brokaw would be more than happy if the Obama campaign ran this ad back-to-back for the entire election season. Brokaw intended to harm Gingrich, and this ad is doing that - he just wants to control who gets to do the damage, and that doesn't include Republicans.
Wow! Romney's really giving Newt the finger. I guess the Mitts are really off.
I hope he hits as hard at Obama, cuz otherwise it's a no deal for me.
WE CITIZENS HAVE A MIGHTY STING. You know, I could be A-OK with a brokered convention. JAN BREWER FOR PRESIDENT, 2012.
Ha. The first thing I thought was that Tom Brokaw had the warm objectivity of a venomous reptile. Then I felt bad about demeaning venomous reptiles.
Tim in vermont said...
What is really amazing is the kind of stuff they could get away with before the internet, the kind of blatant bias.
I would cheer the demise of a least one major network. The Internet has made so many redundant. I think the story would be riveting and even boost the other's ratings.
Mitt really does have a tin ear, doesn't he? Does he really think showing Brokaw attacking Newt is going to lose Newt Republicans votes?
Amazing. Its like McCain trusting Katy Couric to be fair to Palin in 2008.
It may be an eye of the beholder thing, but Brokaw certainly seemed biased in his script and deliver.
What legal grounds, if any, does NBC have for demanding the ad be taken down. It seems extremely effective.
Good point by reocean. I was not thinking of a closed primary. I still think it will be somewhat effective. I think the avrage viewer can see both Brokaw's bias and the facts he reports.
Does he really think showing Brokaw attacking Newt is going to lose Newt Republicans votes?
He may as well dig up clips of Castro saying bad things about Newt and run those. In Florida.
If he looked really hard, he could probably find video of Castro saying bad things about Newt to Brokaw, while Tom smiled and nodded.
The add is misleading on the facts... as they were eventually resolved...
Or the guy on the video I linked to is lying.
And THIS is why ad time is so expensive.
Now THAT'S funny!
ha ha
Agree about the tin ear comment. One thing that unites the right is that we despise the MSM. I have not watched the MSM news in many years. Brokaw has zero credibility with the GOP voter.
Romney should stick to the facts, especially quotes from Newt and factual recounts of what he did. Hoist him by his own petard. There is a huge amount of material, it is counter productive to involve the MSM.
My main worries about Romney are that:
* he is out of touch with the current thinking of conservatives
* that he is too slow to react to political reality and not very politically adept
* that he will be too nice on the campaign trail
When Mitt efficiently and relentlessly attacks Newt, it actually reassures me and assuages a couple of my biggest worries about Mitt.
In the general election, use of MSM footage might be effective in persuading indy voters.
The Bastard from Bain is piggybacking on the 15 year old Dem hit job done to Gingrich as revenge for his whipping the Dems.
Ergo. Romney is a revenge seeking Dem himself...or he is a low class Mormon hit man who thinks lying his way into anything profitable, including the Presidency. is the way it's done at the Bain group.
He needs an integrity transplant.
The righties nominate these morons and then complain about all the "biased" reporting done when the dimwits start feeding on each other.
That would be the definition of collective insanity
This is what worries me about Romney, he simply cannot run a classy PRIMARY campaign. If he was slinging this mud against Obama - I wouldn't care. But why is he tossing this personal stuff against his fellow Republicans all time? Run on the freakin' issues and stop attacking Gingrich's personality or ethics.
This is why McCain and Huckabee hated Romney's guts in 2008. Its why the Huckster -instead of dropping out and supporting Romney (when McCain could still be stopped)- stayed in and basically gave it to McCain.
I wonder what Romney is going to be like as POTUS. Did he get along with his fellow Republicans when he was governor?
Then, there's the movie "The Iron Lady." It's about how the insider's in her own party, tossed Margaret Thatcher out of 10 Downing Street. Exactly how has that worked out for the Europeans?
She was against, the EURO, you know.
Brokaw's position is outrageous. I hold him in high regard even though he's a reflexive lefty, but this diminishes my regard for him. He's confused his role as a news reporter with that of a news maker -- worse, some sort of celebrity news maker who's entitled to manage and control and collect rents for the use of his image.
Very shabby.
Put another way: Who does Tom Brokaw think he is, Lady Gaga?
You know, what Newt's already done? He's turned Florida's Tuesday election into a nail biter.
Does Mittens get 25% (to take it all?)
Or do we get a replay of the second time zone chiming in with Newt pulling ahead?
Let me guess. If Newt wins. And, the numbers of close. The call will be that "MITT IS WITHIN RANGE."
I don't know about you, but I wasn't going to vote for Mitt. And, I still won't.
Oh, the "ethic's charge." It has to do with Newt being a professor in a college classroom!
I went to Amazon and bought audio: RENEWING AMERICAN CIVILIZATION. Just you wait. People will take another look.
And, also, just you wait! Congress is held in LOW esteem!
The republicans who are against Newt include a laundry list of very sour faced republicans ... like Karl Rove. (So, sure. They're preparing signs to invite Jeb Bush into the race.)
Up ahead? How far do you think Jeb Bush goes?
And, on February 22nd. When the pubbies hold their next debate, will Newt be there? (Because if Newt's at the debate ... then you're gonna see ratings.)
I noticed Ann tuned out the last debate. Such a shame. When Newt's on stage the debates are worth listening to ...
Are you gonna be watching Tuesday night's Florida returns? Why? You're absolutely sure Newt loses. Sounds, then, like the perfect time not to put on the TV.
When Mitt lost Carol_Herman he must have crossed a bright ethics line himself.
As a rule, Carol doesn't like southern politicians much. But she is supporting old Newton Leroy Gingrich just because she values the truth here.
I hope Tom doesn't start issuing.. you know ;)
(I thought about different versions of this joke and if it gets pulled I understand)
Put it another way..
I have the copy of the U.S. Constitution, and it doesn't say anywhere anything that anybody can make Tom extremely uncomfortable with the extended use of his personal image.
I suppose somewhere the phrase "Tom Brokaw is not pleased" means more than jack shit, but I'm not sure where that would be.
Perhaps his hair stylist has heard it more than once.
Pogo is Not Pleased.
Much scarier in caps and italics.
The greatest generation pontificates.
Searching the archives for what happens when Tom is uncomfortable, I came across this..
Did anyone else catch the "Today" show last year at some point when Tom Brokaw was filling in for Matt Lauer? It was his last day of co-hosting, and one of the cast, Ann Curry, I believe, asked him what it was like getting up so early in the morning for work again. The exchange went something like this:
TOM: Well, I was driving through the darkened streets of the city this morning, and around Wall Street and that area, I saw the homeless people in cardboard boxes and in doorways.
(Ann, Katie and Al look on with those mock-empathy looks that anchors get)
TOM: And then I thought to myself, "Well, at least they don't have to get up and go to work!"
(Horrified looks from the gang, who can't seem to believe he just said that, followed by a quick change of topic).
I cant find video.
For some reason, my aunt keeps giving me Brokaw books for Christmas. His ghostwriter does an excellent job of capturing his voice, unfortunately.
After an exhaustive near sisyphean experiment.. where no expense was spared.. are my results
(extra credits)
"Nancy Pelosi came to power"
About 2,860 [Google] results
"Newt Gingrich came to power"
About 11,200 [Google] results
Despite the time differential between the two speakerships, that should in principle favor Pelosi being written about more.. considering the Net was only an infant during Newts reign.. It is Newt who has been so distinguished with such high praise as to note his ascension to power many times more than Pelosi.. and despite Pelosi being the first woman.
(the writing is a mess, but I'm on a personal deadline)
Brokow: I do no want my role as a journalist compromised for political gain by any campaign.
Like a street corner whore complaining about wolf-whistles.
Pappyz: The righties nominate these morons and then complain about all the "biased" reporting done when the dimwits start feeding on each other.
That would be the definition of collective insanity
Definition of insanity: idiots like Pappy still believe the CBS memos were real.
Seriously, if you don't have the first clue why the Right finds the MSM to be no more than an arm of the DNC... you can't be educated.
All I could think of watching hat is "Ted Baxter". Does that make me a bad person?
My experiment proves that Newts grandiosity can be directly attributed to a steady supply of stories about himself.. for ever altering his mind.. its like a drug and the MSM the pusher.
That Moon colony is just a taste of whats coming.
(credit for the Zeligian effect)
Mitt really does have a tin ear, doesn't he?
You mean about trotting out Bob Dole -- Bob Dole! -- to attack Gingrich as being insufficiently conservative, thinking that Bob Dole -- Bob Dole! -- will convince and win over conservatives to Romney?
MSM-DNC CBS/NBC six/half-dozen
Why is Brokow ashamed of his attack on the Newster in 1997?
"All I could think of watching hat is "Ted Baxter"."
Sure you're not thinking of Dan Rather?
Fen said...
Pappyz: The righties nominate these morons and then complain about all the "biased" reporting done when the dimwits start feeding on each other. That would be the definition of collective insanity
Definition of insanity: idiots like Pappy still believe the CBS memos were real.
Seriously, if you don't have the first clue why the Right finds the MSM to be no more than an arm of the DNC... you can't be educated.
Anybody care to bet how enthusiastic Pappy is about the Demo nominee?
Talk about moron!
A graduate level Ivy League education and he is as ignorant of basic facts as, well, some teenager just out of one the schools run according to that "distinguished educator" William Ayers' methods.
PS Herman has endorsed Newt.
A little disappointing, but, then, I didn't expect a rave for Milton.
He's not.
He's merely a Bruce Springsteen fan.
"Born in the USA"
Where we obviously need... "More Monkey"!
Course that was not meant with disrespect to monkeys, nor people who are shamefully referred to as monkeys by those who never watched a Tarzan movie growing up.
More importantly...
NOT my immigration policy, as Tom Brokaw will now attest.
I got my credit!
And I don't even have website ;)
Oops. Sorry, I got carried away.
There was that monkey that ate that woman's face.
Don't think his name was Cheetah, though?
America's Politico wrote:
Emailed CNN and made sure that Wolf be ready to be man-handled by Newt. Be ready I said. He was ready.
You be an Ebonics stylist, AP? Gotta check them creds, make sure you be no racist makin' sport of the home boys.
Pappyz wrote:
The righties nominate these morons and then complain about all the "biased" reporting done when the dimwits start feeding on each other.
That would be the definition of collective insanity
Please revise for grammar, clarity and logic.
-The Editor
Collective insanity? You mean a Kibbutz?
I clicked on my archival self.. and I'm very pleased.
Move over Newt.
I've heard from Mark Levin the ethics charges were completely bogus, including dozens of ethics charges. Finally one charge stuck because Newt had no money left to fight them, and encourage republicans to vote in favor of the violation to get it over with and move on with business. Given Mark Levin actually worked on these charges at the time, it seems he ought to know.
Now, I don't know, but if that's actually correct, how does that make you feel about Romney? It reminds me of the tactics of another man, who now resides in the oval office.
I sure hope Romney loses.
Romney can't accuse Newt of something he knows isn't true.
But he can show a clip of Brokaw and just let it stand. That way he's not telling the lie, he's just showing something Brokaw said.
You know how it goes. You've known since high school. "I never said Sue Ann was a slut. I said that Jennifer called Sue Ann a slut."
Synova nails it.
Newt paid a $300,000 fine for those ethics violations. Politifact reports:
"On Jan. 17, 1997, the full committee held nearly six hours of televised hearings, then voted 7 to 1 to accept the subcommittee’s recommendation. The full House went on to pass the ethics report 395 to 28, with 196 Republicans voting for it and 26 voting against it."
Obviously Romney has to remind voters of this, it is part of Newt's record. Anything Newt has said or done that reflects poorly on Newt is going to be brought up. It is due diligence and it is exactly what Mitt should be doing to Newt.
"But he can show a clip of Brokaw and just let it stand. That way he's not telling the lie, he's just showing something Brokaw said."
That's not very different from Newt's unapologetic justification for the deceptive Bain attacks & Bain movie:
It's just "vetting", a necessary part of the primary process. This stuff is out there; it will come out in the general & be used by Obama-- better get it out there now, see how the candidate fares against it. Whatever the truth is, the perception of an ethical lapse (e.g. Romney's evil Gordon-Gekkoesque vulture capitalism) will be a real factor in the general election.
IMO, using an undoctored clip from an actual news broadcast and letting that "stand" seems more kosher to me than a mendacious Michael-Moore style "documentary" filled with misinformation.
Not defending this ad per se; just not shedding any tears for Newt here.
What, exactly, does Mittens "nail?"
It seems the "esteemed members" of congress were outraged that Newt Gingrich taught a college course, back in 1993.
WHAT A CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY! Think of it this way, to be IN that college classroom you needed to pass tests!
You know, I think Mitt Romney harmed himself with this tactic. I DON'T THINK what happens in Florida on Tuesday even matters.
What matters, ahead, is what's gonna happen on Sunday. And, the football Superbowl isn't in Florida.
Newt should just let Romney run out of gas.
Brokaw is still alive?
I heard he was so incensed he stopped slurring his L's.
Tom Brokaw's role as a journalist is already — in the minds of viewers — compromised.
Indeed it is.
It is funny how these people see themselves as "objective" yet have no clue how they are perceived.
Speaking of NBC stars, I have been to two commencements at Fordham Univ. Tim Russert spoke at the first one and he mostly shilled for his book "Big Russ".
Brokaw spoke at the 2nd one and I don't think he said anything particulary memorable or poignant.
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