January 26, 2012

"The most important debate yet" — according to the intro to the CNN debate starting now.

I'm not going to say I'll live-blog, because such promises seem to sap my energy these days, but feel free to talk about it in the comments, and I'll update if I've got anything to say (beyond the mundane descriptions and transcriptions).

ADDED: "I want anguish to be the official language of government," says Newt, or so it it almost sounds, as he pronounces "English."

AND: My son John is live-blogging, and I really do think he's an ace live-blogger.


Titus said...

I want to see Newt either rip Romney's face off or eat him.


Andy said...

Since the debate is in Florida, do you think anyone asks Romney about this, "Mormon Church's Prior Baptism Of Dead [Holocaust] Jews Could Raise Concerns For Florida Voters"?

Known Unknown said...

Oh, Andy.

On the other hand, how many frikking debates are there going to be? It's like this party has a death-by-thousand-cuts wish.

garage mahal said...

So, hard or soft shell tacos mofo. Huh!?

crosspatch said...

Romney chewed Newt a new one. I think Newt's catastrophizing on issues is going to backfire on him. "We aren't talking about 11 million grandmothers" indeed.

Beldar said...

Some sizable (double-digit) percentage of GOP voters listening to Mr. Gingrich on the question of illegal immigration are whispering to themselves one word that I didn't hear from the stage, but that I think may hole the S.S. Gingrich below the waterline: "amnesty." Whatever that will help him in Florida, I don't know. Many places, including (I think) Texas, I believe it is going to lose him primary votes on a net basis.

edutcher said...

Do we get to see Newt bitch slap another CNN anchor?

If not, it isn't "the most important debate yet".

And somebody tell Hatman the practice has been ongoing for something like a hundred years (if not more).

I don't doubt Milton has plenty of Jewish support. What should concern Hatman is that GodZero seems to be having problems with it.

And I have to agree with Beldar. I think Newt's peaked.

Beldar said...

@ crosspatch: I agree that was a devastating comeback by Mitt. He should have just stopped after that line, though: as he went into more detail, he diluted his point.

garage mahal said...

Newt chucks a grenade.

Mitt throws it back!

rhhardin said...

Anguish Languish

crosspatch said...

I think Romney's fundamental problem is that he just isn't the sort of emotional speaker that Gingrich is. Romney attempts to put a logical argument out there and have it evaluated on its merits. Newt goes right for "feelings" which are stronger than logic in marketing campaigns of all sorts.

Titus said...

Why don't they ever talk about Romney's record as Governor of Massachusetts?


crosspatch said...

I'm not getting the whole money angle. I am a capitalist. I don't think it is bad or shameful to be successful.

I'm not buying Newt's angle here. It makes him look bad in my opinion. And I'm not buying into the whole "envy politics" thing in general, either.

Beldar said...

If Wolf Blitzer has a friend in that room, it must mean that Wolf brought his own dog.

crosspatch said...

Titus, my take on Romney' record in Mass. might be different than most Americans. I lived there for a while. The General Court (legislature) is about 4-1 Democrat (or was last I looked). The legislature was determined to create a single-payer government insurance system. Romney realized he couldn't stop state medical care of some sort because the legislature could (easily) override any veto of his. What he did was managed to persuade the legislature to accept a plan that kept private insurance companies.

That the Democrats used it as a blueprint isn't surprising considering what happened to Hillarycare (which was the model for the initial plan Mass. had).

What Romney did was salvaged what he could out of a very very bad plan considering that there was no way he could stop it. There isn't a lot a Republican can do when the legislative branch is controlled by a huge majority.

I think Santorum is making points in this debate. He is looking like one of the adults in the room and Newt is looking like an entertainment act.

JohnJ said...

Mitt seems to have neutered Newt.

Who woulda' thought?

Chip Ahoy said...

rhhardin, I love it. I imagined animals talking. Animals with strange animal names. Then. Little Red Riding Hood. No?

Andy said...

Newt is looking like an entertainment act.

You mean, like, a joke?

crosspatch said...

I was thinking more "song and dance man". But Santorum is really impressing me in this debate.

crosspatch said...

Santorum is ready to step in it. A STATE government DOES have the power to mandate insurance coverage. The FEDERAL government doesn't.

Actually, the mandate is that employers are mandated to provide insurance for their employees, not that people are mandated to buy it, subtle but important difference.

I still don't like the notion of medical insurance provided by employers, though. It keeps people locked in jobs.

I have NO problems with the population of a STATE voting to have an insurance mandate. That is within the constitution. It is not within the constitution for the federal government to force this on people.

Carol_Herman said...

Oh, Titus. Instead, Newt's being presidential. Romney's shrinking.

And, the debates got interesting, again. So, what happens? You had to be in Tampa to hear this on the local radio.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

But Santorum is really impressing me in this debate.

Santorum needs an opening..

Either he opens up an account in the Caymans.. opens up his marriage.. or both ;)

Sunshine.. Florida..

Anonymous said...

The guys at the Washington Examiner have a twitter feed up. The tweets about the lunar discussion were very funny.

Titus said...

I am sick of all the Hispanic pandering.


Carol_Herman said...

Cubans are middle class.

Even before Castro, we had I LOVE LUCY. She was married to a Cuban.

Don't confuse Cubans with Puerto Rican's. Or Hispanics from Mexico.

And, now there won't be another debate for a month. Guess Whom people will want to see, again?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Newt doesn't have a conservative bone in his body.

Carol_Herman said...

Newt had some great lines, tonight.

He doesn't want to become preident, to preside over America's decline.

And, he wants more than just to have people with him. He's igniting the field with ideas!

While off to the side?

You know Margaret Thatcher got tossed out of office by her own, don't cha?

So did Newt! And, then? Newt got replaced by the high school wrestling coach, Hastert.

The GOP has a death wish.

Titus said...

Neither does Romney Lem.

He is the biggest fake ever.

His views will change tomorrow though if that helps.

He's also a big fat liar.

You should see all the fees he raised here in Mass.

Fucking fees for everything.

Also, he doesn't want to go back to the days of Reagan-at least he didn't a few years ago.

I think we should be able to visit Cuba. It would be so exotic and hot and hot Cuban hogs would be amazing.


Titus said...

Romney's wife was also a big supporter and financier of Planned Parenthood, but we won't mention that.


Alex said...

Who is with me for a nice heaping bowl of Kraft Mac & Cheese? I might even throw in some chicken strips!

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I was thinking if the establishment is in a panic.. maybe there is something to be in a panic about.

Aren't establishments usually solid?

What does it take to get an establishment in a panic?

Titus said...

If Rick Santorum lost some weight I would do him.

He has nice teeth.

traditionalguy said...

I am starting to feel empathy for Romney again. The poor guy just cannot communicate,

I think Romney has a huge problem discussing money. That sounds surprising from Mr Business Success himself, but I see from him it over and over.

Like church folks used to have a big secrecy problem discussing sex, Romney seems to see discussing money as a big secrecy problem.

Romney still seems to be running scared too.

Newt is just being himself, warts and all, which is the way to succeed with any crowd.

The moon Colony is the issue of the night. We should send the Mexican grandmothers up to the moon, Alice.

Alex said...

I'm thinking this is the night I'm going to go all out. Gonna have myself one of those extra large double cheddar bacon steakhouse burgers fully loaded of course, a side of large fries, large onion rings. As a second course, it's on to Macaroni Grill for their 2300 calories Spaghetti & Meatballs. If there's any room left, I'm headed straight to Cold Stone Creamery for a double fudge banana split.

You only live once right?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Santorum is too pristine.

crosspatch said...

What my heart tells me is anyone who supports Gingrich is either naive or ignorant. That ignorance might be from having been too young during the 1980's to remember how much of a worm Newt Gingrich really can be. He isn't out for anyone but Newt and isn't a team player. If he gets the nomination, there is no way he is going to get any crossover votes from center (Clinton) Democrats and there is no way he is going to get any support from Republicans in Congress. He'll be on his own.

I really don't want to see Gingrich as President and he is only just barely better than Obama, in my opinion.

Anonymous said...

Gov. Romney is winning the debate. This is what I did all day today:

- I sent emails to Romney campaign, asking them to make sure he was ready. I gave sample questions and requested he use humor. I told him to use family, olympics, etc.

- I sent emails to Rick Santorum's campaign asking him to go nuclear to everyone, esp. Newt.

- I sent emails to Newt to say that I only vote for him to go nuclear. So, I encouraged him to go nuclear.

- I sent emails to Drudge on stories about Newt. He linked to at least one (from Politico) after this.

- Etc.

In other words, I worked behind the scenes to disrupt Newt and did what I could to support and to prepare Mitt Romney.

So, I as a private citizen helped to make this debate success for Romney.

Is this so cool?

Ali Karim Bey Eorse

crosspatch said...

Out here in California, they don't count Cuban immigrants as "real" Hispanics because so many of them are Republicans. "Real" Hispanics have "Obamanos!" stickers on their cars, or something. I find that amazing. Groups that appear to claim to champion "rights" apparently don't like the notion of the right of individual political choice.

Anonymous said...

I also caught red-wing Newt bloggers red-handed. I sent Newt's Reagan mistakes to Red State, for example. So, I did what I could to disrupt Newt. My goal was to make him mad, go nuclear and thus look like a mad-dog. And, I wanted Romney to look professional, prepared, and humourous.

He has done it. FL goes to Mitt.

Now, with a great VP, we win.

johnnymcguirk said...

Rick Santorum seems like a great guy. I don't think he should be President.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Could somebody tell me Santorum has a drinking problem?

Give me something..

Speaking of Santorum.. Where is Palladian?

Anonymous said...

I sent two messages to Ric's team in FL and SC to get him look and act angrier. Keep it up. He looks bad. Newt goes nuclear.

Romney wins. I am good, am I not?

Ali Karim Bey Eorse

Known Unknown said...

I am sick of all the Hispanic pandering.

The preferred nomenclature is Hispandering.

edutcher said...

crosspatch said...

Out here in California, they don't count Cuban immigrants as "real" Hispanics because so many of them are Republicans. "Real" Hispanics have "Obamanos!" stickers on their cars, or something. I find that amazing. Groups that appear to claim to champion "rights" apparently don't like the notion of the right of individual political choice.

In the same sense that Sarah Palin and Maggie Thatcher aren't women and Allen West and Clarence Thomas aren't black.

Granted, there are cultural differences between the various Hispanic ethnicities (Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican), but I don't doubt Susana Martinez isn't a real Mexicana.

PS Newt sounds a little thready tonight.

Hope he's not sick.

sakredkow said...

Funny EMD :D

Chuck66 said...

Well if that what it takes to make the moon our 51st state, then I say bring Newt on.

traditionalguy said...

Where was Mitch Daniels? Was he there but could not be seen because the podium was too tall?

Jacksonville has a U S Navy base, and was home port to the USS JFK until recently.

Newt opened with a promise to put one back in Mayport.

It's cheaper than a Moon Colony. so maybe Romney would spend the money there. Just tell him that it's needed to defend the Cayman Islands.

Chuck66 said...

I wonder if the people who work for the State of Moon will have to contribute towards their health and retirement benefits.....

ricpic said...

Alex said...

I'm going to go all out...extra large double cheddar bacon steakhouse burger...a side of large fries, large onion rings...spaghetti & meatballs...double fudge banana split.

And after all that Alex will lay a loaf that puts Titus to shame.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...


What about Mypanic?

Or am I not part of the establishment ;)

Original Mike said...

"Well if that what it takes to make the moon our 51st state, then I say bring Newt on."

51st state? Give the moon to Wisconsin. It will make up for the theft of the UP.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Hispanic is sexist..

Chuck66 said...

Lem, you've probably seen that the hard core PC crowd has been using "Latino/Latina".

Mark O said...

Newt is dangerous for the same reason Obama is dangerous. Both mascarade as brilliant, educated, competent men. Neither one is any of those things. I'd bet large $ that neither ever took an econ class or could talk about the elasticity of demand or the intellectual history of the USA or, for Obama, 42 USC 1981 et. seq.

Both are bombastic and careless with facts.

Mark O said...

The Republicans are crazy. They would chew up Mitch Daniels just like all the others. Internecine bloodletting and they think it is good for the candidates.

Gald to see Andy R. out with some lovely bigotry.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Btw.. I'm not watching cable.. too expensive around these parts.

I could go to another room in the house but Caribbean Dominican baseball is on there.

(I expect extra credit for the for my loyalty.. see grandiosity)

crosspatch said...

"I'm not watching cable.. too expensive around these parts."

I watched the CNN webcast on my laptop. Kids were using the TV.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Lem, you've probably seen that the hard core PC crowd has been using "Latino/Latina".

Supremely unquestionably.. wise.

Phil 314 said...

Romney took it to Newt and Newt often looked gobsmacked. Newt tried to pivot to the anti media shtick and it fell flat.

Newt the conservative who:
-criticizes a successful businessman for being...successful
-demands the rich guy show us his tax return
-insists his opponent is "anti immigrant"
- has big visions for government
- wants to spend billions from a colony ON THE MOON!!!

PS Did I mention he's a HISTORIAN and he was teaching FANNIE MAE HISTORY (for a few million)

Titus said...

Frothy won the debate.

Romney, the complete and total fake who lies like a whore in Reno was second.

Newtsy third.

And thank God for Ron Paul.

If Romney doesn't win this election I believe he is going to become unconsolable and the thought of that is delish.

Phil 314 said...

and of course Andy early on demonstrates the obvious by his link

"does anyone think I'll have anything substantial or positive to mention regarding Republicans!?"

Shorter Andy:


Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I watched the CNN webcast on my laptop. Kids were using the TV.


You should have been here or at the son's live blog.. (your credits go to me)

I was not at the son's because I didn't like how he was alphabetically incorrect by putting Talkingpointsmemo before National Review.. showing bias.

(i want credit for noticing that btw)

Writ Small said...

Tough night for Newt.

Erick Erickson was scoring the debate on CNN and said that Mitt got the better of Newt but that really Santorum and Paul beat both of them due to the frontrunners bickering (and the fact that there were few foreign policy questions so that Paul was less unappealing to R's than normal).

Erickson is no fan of Romney, but if you follow his logic, he said Newt came in last.

Titus said...

Sex with Mitt must be so vanilla. Thrust, thrust in the vagine here comes baby Tag.

I bet Newt is kind of crazy and does anal.

Santorum, bareback, kind of hot.

Paul, probably no longer gets it up.


Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Tough night for Newt.

Maybe now Newt knows the news only Pelosi said she knows.. and that has the usually hard nosed Newt crest fallen.

But this all speculation.. of course..

What was that line?

I have to See a man about a horse.. of course.. as opposed to off course.

madAsHell said...

It's just filler between commercials.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Question that may not have been asked.. (i want some credit for this)

Governor have you asked the Church's blessing to run for the presidency?

Same question to speak.. talker Newt.

traditionalguy said...

The CNN after action panel all had pre-prepared anybody but Newt comments.

The raw fear of losing the House and Senate control where the money comes out is all that motivates today's GOP.

As for beating Obama, frankly my dear they don't seem to give a damn whether Romney loses or not. And lose he will if he is nominated.

Newt tonight was being himself. He really likes to listen to both sides and think about things.

I believe that the Florida voters are going to over-rule our GOP's heavy hitters and let Newt go on to super Tuesday.

deborah said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lem Vibe Banditory said...

A Newt silver lining I see is hes getting on in years.. he is 68.

You would think all those mistakes would make you wise.. just enough not to repeat them.. specially after people.. your own people show such willingness to bring them up and air them.

rcocean said...

Newt isn't really a conservative and neither is Romney. Paul's an undetectable Freak, so that leaves RS. So will he win? Of course not.

As shown in 2000, 1988, 2008, and 1996 when given a choice between a boring "real Conservative" and shiny, fake one, Republican's will choose glitter over substance every time.

deborah said...

Rally coal, orate.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Newt's catastrophizing on issues is going to backfire on him.

I recall minority Newt always stressing how important language was as a political tool.

Maybe minority Newt stayed minority.. throwing bombs.

Anonymous said...

Rick Santorum is against free trade. He doesn't understand basic economics. Therefore, he should not be president of the United States, his woeful inability to win notwithstanding.

Incidentally, Rick Santorum and Dick Gephardt are basically the same guy. Boring. Nice enough. Likeable and respectable. But against free trade and, therefore, awful.

Finally, I have decided that I can't vote for Gingrich for president. If he's the nominee, I'll vote for Gary Johnson, proudly. I'll wear a button.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Finally, I have decided that I can't vote for Gingrich for president.

Hold it seven.. its too early to say that.. think about Obama for another four years.

Anonymous said...

I simply can't vote for either big-government demagogue.

chuck b. said...

"I really do think he's an ace live-blogger."

I agree.

I also remember when he coined the term "non-blogosphere", and proclaimed his membership therein.

chuck b. said...

Apropos of perhaps nothing, or perhaps something, Happy Birthday to "Instant Karma!" by John Ono Lennon. You were written and recorded on on the same day, January 27, 1970. You are turning 42 years old.

WV flowergl

No, really.

Titus said...

Newtsy is probably pissed about his performance and banging Candy up the ass right now while she is screaming, "let me hear your big ideas".

Carnifex said...

Titus really letting the S and M flow tonight. You go girl! Nothin' wrong with being secure in your sexuality.

Its obvious that the R base has gotten tired of the go along to get along BS that constitutes government in DC. I look at this "field" of nominees and see no one electable.

Romney care is an Albatross waiting to fly home and take a big shit on the Romney presidential limosine. It doesn't matter that it was the best "deal" he could get, the base is fed up with dealers like Boehner, McConnel, Graham, McCain...I actually think he beats Obama but it will be the independents voting against O more than anything.

Gingrich is on old big government R. His willing to take on leftist endears him to the base, but his own past of deal making, and his pandering will cost him too many of the base who actually think, as opposed to emote. He scares the I's more than Obozo does, but independents are dumb as stumps, so that's understandable.

Santorum, Mr. personality, 'nuf said.

Paul. "I'm not saying Hitler was right...Well, yes. In fact, I am"

And these are what the R's send up against a charismatic black man. Who by dint of just being partly black, will garner 90% of the D vote, because like Independents they are basically dumb.(the smart D's are I's). They will ignore that O is the worst president in the history of the country, and vote for him because 1) he's the right color, and 2) he's got a D after his name.

So O' merely has to convince 10% of the I's to vote for him. That will be easy because as I stated earlier, I's, though dumb, are the smarter D's.


You said "Since the debate is in Florida, do you think anyone asks Romney about this, "Mormon Church's Prior Baptism Of Dead [Holocaust] Jews Could Raise Concerns For Florida Voters"?"

I reply, If Romney isn't the supreme leader of Church of Latter Day Saints, why do you think he has anything to do with it. I would assume if you belong to some organization that does something you don't agree with, or have no control over, you bear the complete responsibility for their actions, right? Or were you just trying to score points instead of making a serious comment.

LilEvie said...

Could have done without that visual, Tit-mus.

Alex said...

I simply can't vote for either big-government demagogue.

You think we have a choice between a small-government libertarian and a communist. Be an adult. Any Republican gives us a little bit better then Obama.

Steve Koch said...

If Newt gets the GOP nomination (which is unlikely), I would hold my nose and vote for him because he is orders of magnitude better than Obama. ABO.

It is nice to see that Mitt is improving his political skills and that GOP leadership has the wit and initiative to remind/inform GOP voters about the history/reality of Newt. Newt would almost certainly lose the general election vs Obama.

Revenant said...

I think Romney has a huge problem discussing money. That sounds surprising from Mr Business Success himself, but I see from him it over and over.

That's probably because he spent most of his career in the private sector.

In the private sector, saying something like "making lots of money is bad" or "you should pay more taxes then the law requires" will cause everybody to look at you like you're wearing your underpants on your head.

In politics, on the other hand, it is considered a devastating critique that takes advantage of a political vulnerability. Which is why Newt Gingrich is a presidential contender and not the guy being told "uh, that's nice, Newt -- now go do that Starbucks run like we told you to, the grown-ups are talking".

Revenant said...

think about Obama for another four years.

The four candidates left in the race are:

1. Bland Obama Lite
2. Asshole Obama Lite
3. Homophobe Obama Lite
4. Ron Paul (eek!)

Personally I'm voting for Gary Johnson too, but being as I live in California it doesn't actually matter. In some ways it is very liberating to have no say whatsoever in the Presidential race.

But it is a damned shame the Tea Party movement ended up having no candidate in the race.

new york said...

Republicans in Wisconsin decided that there should be new open pit mines despoiling the wilderness of Wisconsin, poisoning the rivers, polluting the air, and displacing the animals. Except they decided that these new poisonous open pit mines shouldn't be where white people are, they should occupy the land of the Bad River Tribe of Chippewa. When the members of the tribe went to Madison to protest this Republican entrenched racism, they were threatened with being removed from the gallery while observing this despicable vote. I stand with the Bad River Tribe in resisting the placement of white Republican open pit mines on the Bad River reservation.

Michael said...

New York. Usually the location of mines is established by the location of the thing to be extracted. In general it is not the race of the people above the ground that determines what is below the ground. This being Wisconsin, however....

Writ Small said...

Observations on the down-ticket men:

This was Santorum's best debate. His line about Newt and Mitt "playing petty, personal politics" was very effective. Never mind that two debates ago he was calling Newt grandiose and intoning that "I was there" in the days of Newt's troubled House leadership. The guy not slinging mud has typically benefitted, and Santorum may see a lift, but I suspect it's too late for him.

Paul's impact can't be understated. The other three are now almost afraid to bring up military intervention anywhere since it will trigger an automatic retaliation from Ron. This is rather helpful overall to the extent that independents are now paying attention. Paul had the most endearing line, which reminded me of Reagan's classic line to Mondale about not making his opponent's "relative youth and inexperience" an issue when Paul said "but you know, there are laws against age discrimination, so if you (Blitzer) push this too much, you better be careful." The crowd loved it and Blitzer couldn't contain a little smile. Paul's answer on the personal impact of religion was also great.

Then there's Newt's infatuation with the man. He compliments Paul whenever he can. It strikes me as overdone, but it's another sign of Paul's impact.

KCFleming said...

In lieu of watching another debate, I washed dishes, went on a walk, saw some mediocre local art, and talked with my wife.

On the "Art Walk" we were trapped into watching some chubby middle aged women do belly dancing (immediately running away was aborted by social convention).

These debates are like the belly dancing, I think. Entirely done by the wrong people. Ack.

Paco Wové said...

new york: we don't give a fuck where you "stand". Please take your off-topic, cut'n'paste narcissistic preening and shove it up your ass.

Thank you.

KCFleming said...

new york: Nothing about Obama despoiling the national economy for generations to come?


Then why should anyone give two shits about Wisconsin mines?

Michael Haz said...

New York -

I laugh in your general direction.

If you want to help the impoverished NW quadrant of WI, then convince a big software company like Google or Microsoft to move there and provide thousands of jobs. Otherwise, shaddup.

I dare you to take your UW hippie socialist bullshit to any bar in Hurley and see how it plays.

The mining jobs will be union jobs, by the way, with high pay scale and great benefits. Are you anti-union? You sound like you are.

Have you ever spent time on any of the Indian reservations in Wisconsin? I have, and I'll tell you two things: First, they are littered with junk. Junk cars, junk trucks and just plain junk-junk.

Second: The people on the reservation need money. They need jobs, rather than the handout they get from the casino profits. Why would you think otherwise?

As one who is familiar with how tribal/governmental negotiations occur, I'll tell you that the "objections" to the mine will go away as soon as the amount paid to the tribe for ore production is settled. It was ever thus.

You are such a rube.

Writ Small said...

Someone should do an analysis on not the answers, but the questions. I had a feeling through the first hour that CNN had it in for Newt. Minutes before the debate, John King was saying Newt said things that were "untrue" in the prior debate (the business about whether Newt offered friends to speak in his defense to ABC).

Early questions were about immigration, where Newt has the most liberal position, the attack ad that Rubio asked Newt to take down as unfair, the Freddie Mac business, and Romney's attack ad on Newt where Newt supposedly called Spanish "the language of the Ghetto."

Every one of those questions casts Newt in a bad light one way or the other. CNN seems to have learned from John King's ham-handed questioning the last time and really stuck it to Gingrich.

Jaske said...

So, if Obama raises the same points debating, Newt will act differently?

I actually think he will, in a good way.

Brian Brown said...

new york said...
Republicans in Wisconsin decided that there should be new open pit mines despoiling the wilderness of Wisconsin, poisoning the rivers

That's some funny stuff.

Though you left out that the Republicans want to throw old ladies and little children in the mines.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

We have a community organizer in the White House. No matter how much you hate Newt, the Obama joke is the biggest joke of all.

Rusty said...

new york said...
Republicans in Wisconsin decided that there should be new open pit mines despoiling the wilderness of Wisconsin, poisoning the rivers, polluting the air, and displacing the animals. Except they decided that these new poisonous open pit mines shouldn't be where white people are, they should occupy the land of the Bad River Tribe of Chippewa. When the members of the tribe went to Madison to protest this Republican entrenched racism, they were threatened with being removed from the gallery while observing this despicable vote. I stand with the Bad River Tribe in resisting the placement of white Republican open pit mines on the Bad River reservation.

You and reason don't meet up much, do ya?

Known Unknown said...

You would think New York's screen name would be Wisconsin, since he cares so much about the state's inhabitants.

Or he's just a Carpetblogger.

MikeR said...

Sigh. Most Americans no longer understand Space. Certain Romney doesn't. Gingrich actually is saying the right things there, and everyone attacks him for it. Sigh.

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