২১ জানুয়ারী, ২০১২

I think Gingrich is going to win in South Carolina.

And then what will happen?

ADDED: Gingrich is doing well because of his performance in the debates. Perhaps if Gingrich is the candidate, Obama won't debate him. Why give him a chance to shine? Here's why. Obama will predict that the majority of Americans will prefer the nice man who is President over the strange and brash man who is attempting to crush him. Think how we felt back in 2000 when this happened:

All Obama will need to do is stand his ground and be the normal person, and Gingrich will look like a jackass. Do not fear the Newt. He is self-limiting. Just like ManBearPig.

Now, picture Mitt Romney and Barack Obama in a debate. Come on, wake up and picture them. Hey! Come on! Look, it will be 2 low-key stammerers lulling you into a deep slumber. But before you drift off, something emotional will happen to you. One man will have made you feel some warmth. You'll care about him. Not you, my readers, the majority of you. But you, the American voters, the majority of you. You will feel something that you won't ever need to subject to a process of rational judgment. You will float on, half-asleep and into your polling place where you will make your mark next to the name Barack Obama.

২১৮টি মন্তব্য:

«সবচেয়ে পুরাতন   ‹পুরাতন   218 এর 201 – থেকে 218
mtrobertsattorney বলেছেন...

Here's the risk Obama and his advisors face if Newt wins the nomination.

Newt won't go after him like he does with the MSM. He will very gently, but cleverly, expose Obama for what he is--a semi-educated leftist who has just enough street smarts to convince many of the verbal class that he is brilliant statesman.

Newt will do this by instructing him in history and in particular American history, a subject Obama knows very little about, and by showing that his more notorious policy decisions are either irrational, or are intended as payback for a nation that has achieved its wealth by sacking the Third World. Of course, Newt won't use these words; he will leave it to the listener to draw these conclusions.

Newt's strategy is this: Once stripped of his facade of superior intelligence, Obama will be seen by the public as the bumblehead that he really is.

The voter's choice then will be between somebody, who may not be particularly likeable, but who at least has some interesting ideas for getting us out of the fix we are in, or a clueless emperor with no clothes.

shiloh বলেছেন...


Please please try to keep Newt's strategy a secret lol.

Underestimate Obama at your own peril and good luck trying to convince the 60% of voters who already have a negative view of Gingrich.

You can put lipstick on a hog and call it Monique, but it is still a pig ~ Ann Richards

ie Newt is an open book ~ nothing new under the sun ...

take care

Michael বলেছেন...

Very strong wiff of fear from our lefties. I think they know Newt might have more spine than Mitt and more brains than our smartest president ever. I think our tall thin elegant president might be made to sweat a little. Newt might make the press pry open some old topics that will make our smartest president ever squirm. Or he might have some dirt he will share later. He is, after all, unethical.

Writ Small বলেছেন...

Because winning with the fluffy bunny wabbit and making no changes in the situation..... is losing.

Did you watch the Bain movie? Even through all the distortions, it was obvious that Romney is a guy can make hard decisions that will piss people off for the calculated greater good.

Newt? We'll never know.

Writ Small বলেছেন...

Very strong wiff of fear from our lefties.

Huh? I just got back from Andrew Sullivan's blog. To say his is giddy would be an understatement.

Here's the Daily Kos reaction:

Newt isn't running for President. He's running for the nomination. And he is unlikely to have any other mode. It's the best of all worlds for us -- someone who can hijack the GOP nominating contest from their most electable general election possibility (Romney), and run a general election the same way Michelle Bachmann would.

The happiest people tonight are Newt's supporters. Second place is a toss-up between the Democrats and the Media.

wv: malsive - Newt's victory.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Writ Small -- Thank you for your service. So many conservatives are stuck on the ghost train, in full millennial mode. They believe -- of have convinced themselves that they think they believe -- that 2012 is some vital election. In this election, the true conservative (in this 15-minute cycle, a washed-up adulterer who promoted something identical to Obamacare) must win or the country is going to hell.

Gingrich can't win. If he does win, it will be an executive disaster. If he loses, there will be no hell. We'll muddle through to 2016, with a stagnant economy and less liberty.

GMay বলেছেন...

"In this election, the true conservative (in this 15-minute cycle, a washed-up adulterer who promoted something identical to Obamacare) must win or the country is going to hell.

Gingrich can't win. If he does win, it will be an executive disaster. If he loses, there will be no hell. We'll muddle through to 2016, with a stagnant economy and less liberty."

You're just not making any sense, which is not like you at all. An adulterer? After Bill Clinton, this really shouldn't be of any significant concern to a politician. But the most bizarre part of your argument now is about Gingrich promoting something similar to Obamacare. And the alternative is Mitt Fucking Romney???

Seriously, you Romneybots are just surreal sometimes. The country will have less liberty and a stagnant economy with 4 more years of Obama and no one seems to be able to explain how Romney is going to change that.

But Newt Gingrich is an asshole.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

But the most bizarre part of your argument now is about Gingrich promoting something similar to Obamacare

GMay -- it's true. Gingrich absolutely supported the same basic thing -- forcing people to get some form of health insurance. So did the Heritage Foundation.

Writ Small বলেছেন...

But tell me, who forced Romney to run for governor (and senator) in Massachusetts? Who forced Romney to make his home in one of the most leftist states in the country?

He did. Romney chose to live in and run in Massachusetts.

Romney went to college at Harvard and started Bain up in Boston. He made his multi-millions there, and decided to run for office. It would have been passing strange if he suddenly switched states to run for office. That's something only former first ladies whose husbands cheated on them get to do.

Incidentally, in NH, Romney won among the "very conservatives." That's because the people who watched him closely know he's a conservative. All of his "flips" were in the more conservative direction.

@ GMAY - Seven is absolutely correct. Gingrich supported the individual mandate - the cornerstone of ObamaCare - as recently as 2010. A loveseat with Nancy Pelosi wasn't the only uncomfortable position he's occupied.

hopechange বলেছেন...

You are tripping.

If Newt is the nominee, he will win a sweeping, decisive victory, and conservatives will win the House and Senate.

Then the actual work will begin, of restoring our country to its intended Constitutional framework.

-- no czars, a small federal government, enforcing the 10th Amendment and restoring power to local communities, states and the individual -- and so much more.

This is a remarkable opportunity. This is the chance of a lifetime.

I am completely tired of having the Establishment run our country as if they are Mr. Potter and we are Pottersville.

You will never understand what is being proposed by Newt as long as you get your information second- hand. The MSM is careful to keep it incoherent so as to distort Newt's proposals and make sure the proposals sound risky or stupid. It's done on purpose to make you think you know. But you don't.

Find out for yourself, using the greatest search capacity ever known to the little people, the internet.

You can watch Newt's speeches and find out for yourself. Here is a list of links to 17 speeches. http://newtgingrich360.com/profiles/blogs/2012-victory-or-death-newt-s-speeches-links-to-17-speeches

"2012:VICTORY OR DEATH" includes material about George Washington and his small American Army on Christmas Eve, 1776, the night they crossed the Delaware, some without shoes, feet wrapped in burlap, with their password that night "victory or death," because if the Americans didn't win the war, the British would put them all to death. Kind of compelling.

This is one small example of the sacrifices others have made so that we may live in the amazing freedom we have here in the United States.

The current administration is abrogating your freedoms and behaving lawlessly. If this is allowed to continue, your children and grandchildren will be significantly less free, less safe and almost certainly much more poor.

Self-government requires exertion. Otherwise we drift, and the staggering amounts of money that flow to Washington create, essentially, an attractive nuisance that draws all kinds who want to enrich themselves at everyone else's expense. We have an obligation to pay attention.

Why be colossally uniformed when you can become informed?

The speeches are fun and interesting. History, civics, current events -- you will almost certainly learn something. You can watch them on your smartphone or computer.


There is a new American revolution coming and it will be created from the energy and genius of the American people. We're going to restore our federal government to its intended parameters. Find out for yourself. You may find it interesting and even exciting.

Don't think you know when you don't. You can't fix what you don't know you don't know.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

I refer you to the post above by hopechange -- which I believe to be genuine, and not an excellent parody -- as a classical example of the ghost-train, cargo-cult millennialism among a contingent on the right.

You'd think that someday, somehow people would learn that there will be no earthly paradise, ever. The ghost train is not coming. The cargo does not actually come from the gods.

I can only advise you to read Edmund Burke, and to realize that the only thing that can result from any massive social change is disaster.

GMay বলেছেন...

"GMay -- it's true. Gingrich absolutely supported the same basic thing -- forcing people to get some form of health insurance. So did the Heritage Foundation."

No shit it's true. You're obviously being intentionally obtuse because you're not dumb enough to claim support for State-forced healthcare is a distinguishing point from Mitt "I Like Mandates" Romney.

GMay বলেছেন...

"@ GMAY - Seven is absolutely correct. Gingrich supported the individual mandate - the cornerstone of ObamaCare - as recently as 2010. A loveseat with Nancy Pelosi wasn't the only uncomfortable position he's occupied."

As I said to Seven - "No shit".

When one of you Romneybots can explain to me how this is distinguishable from Romney, I'll take you seriously

GMay বলেছেন...

"I refer you to the post above by hopechange -- which I believe to be genuine, and not an excellent parody..."

No way it's not parody.

Paco Wové বলেছেন...

"...real conservatives should not behave like emotional fish.

Yea, verily. The true conservative emulates the autistic wildebeest.

Bart DePalma বলেছেন...

shiloh said...Bart, Reagan's 1980 election did not regain Reps control of the House. In fact Reps lost seats in 1982.

Very true, but this was the period before the conservative Dem went extinct and all otiose Yellow Dog Dems saw the writing on the wall and voted for Reagan's reforms.

My only point here is that winning elections mean nothing if you cannot enact your policies.

shiloh বলেছেন...

"My only point here is that winning elections mean nothing if you cannot enact your policies."

Then, as you well know, you need an extreme conservative president and likewise congress.

And as you well know an extreme conservative president is unelectable. Hell, a moderate (((incumbent/wartime))) Republican president won re-election in 2004 w/(((50.7%))) against a very, very weak Dem nominee.

So Bartles, your Rep nirvana, like your buddy turdblossom's permanent Rep majority nonsense, is an unattainable pipe dream.


btw, if Tip O'Neill obstructed Reagan, like boehner is obstructing Obama, ole Dutch would have been dead in the water. But no, Tip comprimised w/Reagan and working together lifted both ships. Whereas boehner/cantor have been total obstructionists and their ship "may" totally sink in 2012, especially if Dems/Obama are lucky enough to have 26/60 Ginrich as the Rep nominee.

Newt! Newt! Newt!

take care

নামহীন বলেছেন...

GMay -- Which is it? I thought you were upset about Romneycare. But now you have been informed that Gingrich supported something identical.

If it's true -- as you seem to suggest -- that Romney and Gingrich are identical -- why not select the one who can beat Obama and not the one who has no earthly chance?

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