January 21, 2012

Cougar mascot rejected as offensive to women.

It was the students' top choice, but "principal Mary Bailey said carries an ugly connotation that is disrespectful to women."

Mary Bailey? Where have I heard that name before?

"She's an old maid... she never married... she's just about to close up the library."


Anonymous said...

What an incredibly stupid woman. Is that offensive to all women or just the incredibly stupid ones?

MayBee said...

They've decided to go with the mascot "Real Housewives".

SteveR said...

Its not an ugly connotation at all

edutcher said...

Would a puma be better?

If she rejects a panther, that would be raaacissst!

Ann Althouse said...

Mary Bailey? Where have I heard that name before?

"She's an old maid... she never married... she's just about to close up the library."

A song, perhaps, remembered from your youth.

Sam vfm #111 said...

My HS, Abilene Cooper still has the Cougar as a mascot.

Of course, Texas normally is not that PC, except in the big cities.

Anonymous said...

It could only be offensive to women if the mascot was a 45 year old woman in a miniskirt holding a martini not a large cat that lives int eh western US.

This is weapons grade stupid.

Hagar said...

Our public school systems are FUBAR.

Tank said...

Everyone wants to be a victim.

Everyone wants to be offended.

It's [now] the American way.

traditionalguy said...

The need to be needed in a ceremonial at best job of school administration is driving empowered bureaucrats insane. That woman is who is offensive to real women who are not insane like her.

Cougar is the label used for empowered women with money to call the shots over young men without money.

SGT Ted said...

Cougars are sleek, beautiful, to be respected and can be dangerous. They know what they want; younger men. They know they are sexy enough to go get it and aren't bashful about doing so.

I think women who are offended by the term are those most likely not to be one. And they can't stand it.

Since the term describes conduct, rather than just females in general, I'd say it is apt and true.

Men who do the same thing are called "dirty old men".

Ingrate Women should be happy they get named after a cool animal, rather than a borderline child molester.

Bender said...

Who made the perfectly innocent word "cougar" offensive to women? Certainly not a bunch of innocent school kids.

It was Bailey and her lot who made it a bad word. And now innocent kids who never would have known its corrupted illicit sexual meaning are no longer innocent, thanks to Bailey making this an issue.

kristinintexas said...

Laaaaaaaaame. I honestly didn't even make the connection until I went to the article and saw the picture of Courtney Cox.

If anything calls for the "lameness" tag I'd say this is it.

sarainitaly said...

Nick said...
It could only be offensive to women if the mascot was a 45 year old woman in a miniskirt holding a martini not a large cat that lives int eh western US.


This is incredibly stupid. Good thing she doesn't work at Oregon State.

KCFleming said...

The New Puritanism of the left requires an enormous degree of self-censorship and preference falsification.

Worse, it can easily be manipulated through its multicultural arm, eventuating acquiescence to sharia, as happened in Canada and England.

Mark O said...

Ratafia? Yes.

This unfortunate Bailey apparently does not realize that about 20 miles from her the Mormon university of BYU has a cougar as its mascot. Those naughty Mormons.

I hope she is fired immediately, but probably she will go on to a career in mediocrity and oppression.

No garters for her.

Brian Brown said...

I think they should have the mascot as a 47 year old woman with a drink in her hand leering at something in the distance...

chickelit said...

My middle school mascot was the cougar. It still is, I see: link.

Come to think of it, I had a couple teachers then who might be deemed cougars today. But I hardly noticed as my awakening attentions were fixated on a couple of female classmates.

sonicfrog said...

And Bears are a gay slur, along with "an amazing blind spot”.

(the last one is a Sully thing.)

Big Mike said...

The cougar mascot might be offensive to women, but Mary Bailey is offensive to everyone everywhere.

Automatic_Wing said...

That newscaster was kind of a cougar. Looked like she was wearing Mardi Gras beads, too.

KCFleming said...

Saying something is "offensive or disrespectful to women" doesn't narrow the field much.

Feminists are perpetually offended.

Like the faithful seeing Jesus' image in burnt toast, they see disrespect in every syllable spoken that they have not already approved.

I suggest the most appropriate mascot is The Hothouse Flowers or The Glass Menagerie.

strongoldguy said...

edutcher said, "Would a puma be better?"

That's exactly what I was thinking. That's what my oldest son would have done, back in the day when he was an "insolent little creep" for not showing proper deference to such silliness. It still wouldn't have been subtle enough,though. "They" still would have been furious with him.

On the other hand, his older sister (Class of 1999 vs. 2000)would have probably organized the local farmers and other such natives into a formidable force for common sense. She would have been lauded for being a fine example of how a young woman can lead.

ricpic said...

"The school board, which consists of six men and one woman..."

Six cowards allow one hysterical bully to have her way.

This crap will go on, backed by the threat of being called racist sexist or classist if you resist, until those with common sense locate their balls.

rhhardin said...

All cat themes are offensive to women.

Chip Ahoy said...

Whoah! Wai ... ¿como?

* blink, blink*

I just released myself from the mind-grip that is Recall Cam.

* tick *


So they're scanning and expect to pick out duplications electronically. I guess.

What? Oh, cougars. Yeah -- I'm okay -- the cougar thing is pretty stupid. Glad the item made the rounds to highlight the dumb.

KCFleming said...

Why not The Pussies?

Anne M Ford said...

Okay, maybe I am a little dense here, but isn't the TERM cougar offensive to women? Why don't we stop referring to women as "cougars" and be done with the whole issue. This is a little like throwing the baby out with the bath water.

KCFleming said...

The Corner Canyon High School Vagina Monologues.

Sorun said...

Has anything ever been rejected because it was deemed offensive to men?

Rialby said...

This past Christmas my wife called my attention to that scene. She thought it was funny that Mary Bailey as an old maid was a 29 year old woman with glasses. What was it about living with George Bailey that made her eyesight better?

Hagar said...

and guys, 55 is the new 45. Be careful out there.

iftheshoefits said...

Did anybody watch the news clip at the link? I saw the story when it originally broke here this week.

Brigham Young University, and three other high schools in the valley, already have the name. Those were the main reasons the name was rejected. Everybody's focusing on the other reason that was the cause for this post, because it's more fun.

I'm not for or against the decision (I don't care much about sports), just pointing out the rest of the story.

Freeman Hunt said...

We need a cougar eradication plan. There is no room in these United states for offensive animals.

strongoldguy said...

ricpic at 11:30 said: "The school board, which consists of six men and one woman..."

Six cowards allow one hysterical bully to have her way.

Scott Walker and the republicans in especially Wisconsin should pay attention. With all the talk of WEAC and other such unions being antagonistic to what it takes to serve the children, administrators are often worse. Would they have the Mary Baileys of the world doing the hiring and firing?

It is a very fortunate community that has even one pragmatic "business type" leader on their local school board. In general, they do the best they can when originally hiring senior administrators. Then the board sits back and pretends not to be manipulated and bullied by those whom are supposed to be working for them. Really, not to defer to the expert that you hired in the first place rather begs the question of whether you should have hired them in the first place; no?

strongoldguy said...

ricpic at 11:30 said: "The school board, which consists of six men and one woman..."

Six cowards allow one hysterical bully to have her way.

Scott Walker and the republicans in especially Wisconsin should pay attention. With all the talk of WEAC and other such unions being antagonistic to what it takes to serve the children, administrators are often worse. Would they have the Mary Baileys of the world doing the hiring and firing?

It is a very fortunate community that has even one pragmatic "business type" leader on their local school board. In general, they do the best they can when originally hiring senior administrators. Then the board sits back and pretends not to be manipulated and bullied by those whom are supposed to be working for them. Really, not to defer to the expert that you hired in the first place rather begs the question of whether you should have hired them in the first place; no?

Roger J. said...

Washington State University will be duly unimpressed--go Cougs--smack down those godless huskies--mash their faces in their lattes. Force those godless west siders to play in the snow.

Cougs rule.

Meade said...

Sorun said...
"Has anything ever been rejected because it was deemed offensive to men?"

I once rejected being called a prick but I wasn't really all that offended by it.

Ann Althouse said...

"She thought it was funny that Mary Bailey as an old maid was a 29 year old woman with glasses. What was it about living with George Bailey that made her eyesight better?"

She wouldn't have spent all her time reading. And the eyesight might be the same. The difference is whether a woman cares more about how she looks or how she sees.

Another thing about librarian Mary Bailey is big old eyebrows. They're like caterpillars!

Roger J. said...

Mary Bailey is Martin Scorcese's mother?

Anonymous said...

Oregon State University should watch its mascot.

Mark O said...

Perhaps the most disturbing part of the story is that the District had the students vote on the mascot. Then, when the vote was not what the autocrats wanted, they simply ignored the will of the students. There is a mighty lesson in that for all who have to deal with academia in any of its forms.

Don't trust anyone over 30.

Joe said...

The irony is that just down the freeway exists the BYU Cougars.

Rialby said...

"She wouldn't have spent all her time reading. And the eyesight might be the same. The difference is whether a woman cares more about how she looks or how she sees."

Isn't that an old wive's tale?

I suggested that it was the health benefits of semen that she was missing out on. Don't blame me. I read it on Insty.

Chip S. said...

"Cougar" is not insulting to women.

"Mountain lion" is another matter. Someone needs to have a word with Young Harris College President Cathy Cox.

Henry said...

As Joe and Mark O mentioned ... anyway, let's queue the BYU Fight Song:

O Rise, all loyal Cougars and hurl your challenge to the foe.
You will fight, day or night, rain or snow.
Loyal, Strong, and True
Wear the White and Blue.
While we sing, get set to spring.
Come on Cougars, it's up to you!
O Rise and Shout, the Cougars are out
Along the trail to fame and glory.
Rise and shout, our cheers will ring out,
As you unfold your vict'ry story.
On you go to vanquish the foe
For Alma Mater's sons and daughters.
As we join in song, in praise of you, our faith is strong.
We'll raise our colors high in the blue,
And cheer the Cougars of BYU.
"Ra, ra, ra, ra, ra (3x) GO COUGARS!"

MadisonMan said...

I'll never think of Janesville Craig the same way again.

Wince said...

Rialby said...

What was it about living with George Bailey that made her eyesight better?

Less masturbation. Duh.

Steven said...

God made the Idiot for practice, and then He made the School Board. — Mark Twain.

David said...

Mrs. Bailey should check out the University of South Carolina. The mascot is the Gamecock. Thus the chants, bumper stickers and t-shirts with "Go Cocks!"

If you want to insult a gamecock, you call it a choking chicken.

Stay in Utah, Mrs. Bailey.

Anthony said...

They should take another vote and name them the Corner Canyon MILFs. . . .

Geoff Matthews said...

Well, there is the Bingham High School team, which is the Miners in Jordan School district. If the two should play against each other, the usual suspects would be giggling.

Then there is the Jordan High Beet Diggers, which I think is far more imaginative.

Greg said...

Reminds me of what happened at a school where I used to teach.

When it originally opened, students voted for "North Shore Stallions" as the team name. The board rejected the name and instead substituted "Mustangs" -- because of the potential for sexual connotations associated with "stallion".


Henry said...

The RISD hockey team is the "Nads"



Olson Johnson is right! said...

I loved the IAWL clip. Such a great piece of cinema, that EVERYONE has seen a hundred times. This last year we watched it dubbed in Spanish on Telemundo.(just as great)

As for the High School mascot name- does anyone here remember their own mascot name?- or the better question- Did it have any impact on your development as a person or as a student?

We were St Pius X Lancers. We battled Hawks, Dragons, Tigers, and I think another school who were also the Lancers. So I don't see a lot of gravitas in this issue. Of course it does give the art classes a permanent muse- (I can't tell you how many dreadful student made posters I have seen of Pumas, Wildcats, and Lancers)

AlanKH said...

I remember an old "Shoe" comic strip. Skyler's school was looking for a new mascot, but rejected a number of typical sports names for various PC reasons. They finally went with the Hugging Geldings.

I dread to ponder a Geldings/Cougars matchup...

Old RPM Daddy said...

Well, for what it's worth, you've got Delphi High School in Indiana, home of the Oracles, and Speedway High School in the same state, home of the Sparkplugs.

WV = subdunk, which sounds like something Michael Jordan would do underwater

n.n said...

Slang is a euphemism for language corruption. In the worst case, it has been exploited as an emotional appeal to reject potential mascots, exploit businesses and consumers, and even to remove representatives from office.

At this rate, our civilization will voluntarily cluck and chirp its way to extinction.

Paul said...

So now is the term, Coyotes off limits in respect to Mexicans? Or how about the 'Ogres"?

Or can you call a team the 'Bats' still?

Is 'Pussycats' off limits now?

Heck, they already banned all the Indian terms lime 'Braves' from team names.

Just another example of liberal stupidity.

AlanKH said...

What's wrong with Ogres? Or Bats? Offensive to Animated-Americans and Vampire-Americans?

Now Moonbats I can understand...

james said...

I guess a better PC name would be: the large, endangered, tawny cat

but is wouldn't be as sexy …

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