January 31, 2012

Bobby Jindal compares Obama's encounter with Gov. Jan Brewer to something that happened to him.

It was a tarmac scene during Obama's first visit to Louisiana after the Gulf oil spill:
"He grabs me by the arm, takes me aside,” [Jindal] said, “Here’s the strange thing … I thought he’d be angry about the oil spill, the lack of resources; I thought he’d get down there and say, look governor, we’re going to do everything we can to work together. Instead, he was upset he was going to look bad; he was worried about some routine letter we had already sent to his administration, nothing important.”

Jindal said the reaction shocked him. “I was amazed at two things: one, that he was mad about the wrong things, and two, that he was so thin-skinned.” In a time of crisis, Jindal said the last thing he wanted or expected was for the president to stage what was “clearly a media stunt.”

“I wanted him to be the president of the country, and instead he was playing political theatrics.”
It seems like the "stunt" — if that's what it is — works pretty well. It sounds like Obama knows how to look cool — photographed from a distance — even when he seems "thin-skinned" to the person he's talking to, and then that person — with less attention to how it looks — interacts with him and looks angry and disrespecful.

Obviously, it was a media op, and a politician should be good at projecting the right image on those occasions. Of course, this TV appearance of Jindal's is also a media op, and Jindal is using this one well. I assume he also managed the theatrics of his tarmac encounter with Obama — since I don't remember seeing any pictures of that incident that were used against him, like the pictures of Brewer.

And that's not to say the pictures of Brewer hurt her. I don't think they did. I think the people who are going to like Brewer will like seeing her being feisty, standing up to the President. And she's got a book to sell them — "Scorpions for Breakfast" — and she got plenty of extra publicity for it. That last link goes to Amazon, where her book is #1 in the Government/Public Policy list.


Anonymous said...

What's most interesting about this is all the lefty media and bloggers pissing and moaning about how disrespectful Brewer was to Barry. Even that disgusting blob of crap Bill Maher said we needed to respect the president. He, who still insults Bush daily because he's got nothing else.

Hypocrites all.

Brian Brown said...

Dissent is the highest form of patriotism
-Thomas Jefferson

Rick O said...

Thanks for expressing this so well.

When I watched the video, I Governor Brewer appraoching with her letter and a tentative smile on her face. Obama invadess her space immeidately, towers over her and start speaking quickly and animateldy - presumably the attack on her book.

Then the video cuts away to behind the limo for awhile and we get the one pool photo of Brewer making the finger gesture that has people like Bob Schieffer and Donna Brazile so "outraged" at the "lack of respect."

I'd love to see the full string of photos, not just the one selected that makes Brewer look bad.

It truly is a Rashomon moment

Expat(ish) said...

Actually, Bobby looked pretty horrified at the time, but he's a real intellectual (unlike Peebo) and seems to step back and think before acting. Jan could learn from that, I suppose.

Plus he's a brown guy elected by a state full of white and black people, so the media playbook falters.

Like with Nikki Haley (another brown person elected by white and black people)(plus a female).


PS - WV was "labling" STG

Original Mike said...

It's been said that most Presidents grow into the job. Sadly, Obama hasn't.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

I'd love to see the full string of photos, not just the one selected that makes Brewer look bad.

You think that photo makes Brewer look bad?

The only thing that would have made her look even better would be if she had used a different finger.

Henry said...

It sounds like Obama knows how to look cool — photographed from a distance — even when he seems "thin-skinned" to the person he's talking to...

We thought we were electing a president and instead we got a Kabuki actor.

Important elements of kabuki include the mie (見得), in which the actor holds a picturesque pose to establish his character.[18]

Obama must be exhausted. He's been holding that pose for four years.

pdug said...

It fits the [clueless] white privilege narrative too well for many people not to go with Brewer is subconsciously indignant at a black president.

DADvocate said...

It's easy for Obama to take advantage of a media op, the media plays it for him the best they can. People are due respect not because of their position in life, but because of how they act, especially how they treat others. Barack is showing he deserves little respect. Bill Maher and the rest are a bunch of whiny butt cry babies.

paul a'barge said...

Democrats ... the party of cheap menswear.

caplight45 said...

She was just speaking truth to power. That's a good thing. Right?

pdug said...


Is there video of this? I can't find it, just stills.

DaveW said...

He is such a scumbag. He tried to physically intimidate that woman in public for political purposes. Bullying indeed.

I think Brewer looks pretty darn good standing up to a jerk pulling a stunt like that, but who knows what the average person thinks.

Mark O said...

Obama is a coward and all cowards are bullies.

Tyrone Slothrop said...

That quote from Bill Maher was the first time he's made me laugh in years.

Scott M said...

It sounds like Obama knows how to look cool

The early picture of him helmeted on a mountain bike suggest otherwise.

"Scorpions for Breakfast"

The Scorpions have a new studio album in the offing. How is that not cool? It will probably suck musically, but it's still cool.

Tim said...

"Obviously, it was a media op, and a politician should be good at projecting the right image on those occasions. Of course, this TV appearance of Jindal's is also a media op, and Jindal is using this one well. I assume he also managed the theatrics of his tarmac encounter with Obama — since I don't remember seeing any pictures of that incident that were used against him, like the pictures of Brewer."

Theatrics in politics are like so many shadows on the cave wall - a complete distraction.

The more value we place on theatrics, the more we deserve this ongoing failure of a president.

Had anyone paid attention to substance, no one but hardcore, idiot liberal Democrats would have voted for him. People who should have known better allowed themselves to be fooled, so now we get to read about the theatrics of a failing president.

Isn't that grand?

Tim said...

"It sounds like Obama knows how to look cool"

The early picture of him helmeted on a mountain bike suggest otherwise."

And so too the mom jeans while throwing like a girl at the ball park.

This guy is a tool.

dreams said...

President Pussy.

Hoosier Daddy said...

Didn't he jump Modo's ass way back cause she wrote something not nice about his ears?

Whiner in Chief

Rose said...

I'll have to look for the link that describes an almost identical encounter with Hillary - and the same Obama grabbing the arm, with his comments later that 'it was the first time I knew I could beat her, the fear in her eyes...' - so he clearly uses it to intimidate. He's pulled this same stunt on Jindal and Perry, and Hillary, who knows how many others. And then he's caught off mike saying how he hates Netanyahu. He's very sneaky and he is into the politics of destruction and intimidation.

Why in the world this isn't clear yet, I don't understand. Let's hope we fix this in November.

ricpic said...

I don't get it that so many are still surprised, ala Jindal, that Obama is nothing but a vainglorious destructive pissant. Actually I do get it: people put off the realization that they're in a nightmare as long as possible, till it's undeniable. Others, who voted for the nightmare, deny it forever because their ridiculously brittle egos are at stake.

Michele said...

Maybe Gov. Brewer should have played it like Hillary Clinton did when Rick Lazio invaded her personal space. Then I suppose the media would claim that Jan Brewer was playing the victim card.

traditionalguy said...

That reminds me of the lessons in "You Are the Message." That is a great book by Roger Ailes on people communicate with signals being more important than the words.

Brewer needs to read that book, as do most politicians.

Obama has it mastered.

And yes, Mitt Romney has never developed any skill in that area, except that his new Debate Coach taught him a little a week ago.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Actually I do get it: people put off the realization that they're in a nightmare as long as possible, till it's undeniable. Others, who voted for the nightmare, deny it forever because their ridiculously brittle egos are at stake.

Battered wife syndrome.

Hoosier Daddy said...

"... Why in the world this isn't clear yet, I don't understand..."

I think its quite clear. The problem is that a decent chunk of the electorate think his behavior is perfectly acceptable.

Christopher in MA said...

"She was just speaking truth to power. That's a good thing, right?"

Not since January of 2008. Dissent is now the highest form of racism, caplight. Make sure to denounce yourself for thoughtcrime.

Frankly, I'm surprised garage and the rest of the usual gang of idiots haven't come in yet to whine about Rethuglican disrespect to President Pissypants. Since the optic of Brewer's finger has been countered by pictures of Brian Williams poking Dubya in the chest, they must be waiting for the next round of "Look! Squirrel!" spin from the DNC.

chickelit said...

Sounds like it's time to cue the Jindal take downs around here...garage? Andy R.?

O' where art ye?

Carol_Herman said...

It's a good reminder, too, that we are composed of 50 States. Each one different. As a matter of fact, when Americans are asked "where they come from," they usually respond with a local destination.

Obama won in 2008, because McCain failed to connect.

For Obama, he started at his high, and went downhill from there. What got to me was how viscous Obama was against the cop in Cambridge, Massachusetts. He overlooked that his colleague Harvard professor was at fault.

So we got the silent beer summit.

The cop turned out to be the nice guy, too. So the media dropped the story.

For Obama, however, it's been one hot potato after another.

You think the media helps him?

Nah. The media can't do Resurrections. The GOP, however, can go wild, and nominate one of their typical losers.

Keep depending on your polls.

Hoosier Daddy said...

"... Others, who voted for the nightmare, deny it forever because their ridiculously brittle egos are at stake..."

Probably one of the most insightful observations of Obama supporters you'll find.

Well said.

Tyrone Slothrop said...

Insty has this amusing link.

Rose said...

here is the link -

Tension on the Tarmac - Maureen Dowd, New York Times

Usually, tarmacs are for joyous welcomes or teary goodbyes. But No Drama Obama saves his rare tempests for the runway.... Both of Obama’s tarmac tiffs worked in his favor. After his encounter with Hillary, he told advisers that it was the first time he knew he could beat her because he saw fear in her eyes.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Althouse - I don't think Obama succeeded in convincing the country he gave a damn about the Gulf. Afterall, it took him what 4-6 weeks before he even went down there?

I ♥ Willard said...

Everyone here knows Jan Brewer is insane, right? Sadly she passed her insanity on to her children. :(

That said, she's the perfect governor for Arizona.

PaulV said...

Some apologist for Obama posted the video link of the incident. The audio could not be understood because the jet engines were too loud. He said that was proof that Obama was not yelling. Dimwit. The attack ad on oil billionaire was on it so I will not link.

edutcher said...

GodZero is supposed to be so brilliant, but note how all these little stunts end up hurting him.

Somebody may be orchestrating this, but, as someone observed, he comes off as a thin-skinned whiner.

Mark O said...

Obama is a coward and all cowards are bullies.

There is no such thing as a single character flaw.

A bully is a coward is a liar, etc.

Petunia said...

You know, I can see people in 2008 voting for Obama because they were so Bush-deranged that they couldn't stand voting for another Republican. Or they'd been taken in by Obama's campaign and couldn't or wouldn't think critically about him. There certainly was absolutely nothing in his record to induce someone to vote for him or to think that he was even remotely qualified to be president.

But in 2012, the only reasons to vote for Obama are either that you like the way he's trying to destroy the country, or you're an idiot.

Henry said...

@I Love Willard -- Why you're perfectly vile. Why am I not surprised.

machine said...

Too bad 3 out of 4 witnesses (including Republicans) to the alleged Brewer/Obama ‘confrontation’ says that the whole thing wasn’t tense at all.

Gotta play the victim every time?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

No worries. Leftwing progs still worship their thin-skinned narcissist.

Known Unknown said...

Dissent is the highest form of patriotism
-Thomas Jefferson

Patriotism is the highest form of dissent.

chickelit said...

But in 2012, the only reasons to vote for Obama are either that you like the way he's trying to destroy the country, or you're an idiot.

I ♥ Willard self identified elsewhere as the former.

wv = "cystme" What, me worry?

chickelit said...

Careful Henry, Willard's awfully thin skinned too.

edutcher said...

Jay said...

Dissent is the highest form of patriotism
-Thomas Jefferson



We just got through establishing Tom - or even Martha or Sally - never said it.

Carol_Herman said...

Obama won in 2008, because McCain failed to connect.

And now nobody wants to hear GodZero anymore.

machine said...

Too bad 3 out of 4 witnesses (including Republicans) to the alleged Brewer/Obama ‘confrontation’ says that the whole thing wasn’t tense at all.

Gotta play the victim every time?

Yes, doesn't he?

Henry said...

@I Love Willard -- Why you're perfectly vile.

♥ is half the road company of Dumb and Dumber.

Brian Brown said...

We just got through establishing Tom - or even Martha or Sally - never said it.

Remember when the Democratic Presidential nominee proudly said it in 2004 and the liberal sheep went wild?

Of course he had moral authority to say it because he served in the military, you know!

Brian Brown said...

machine said...
Too bad 3 out of 4 witnesses (including Republicans) to the alleged Brewer/Obama ‘confrontation’ says that the whole thing wasn’t tense at all.

Why don't you give us a link to this?

Jim said...

I'm pretty skeptical of this stuff. As Machine said, there are credible witnesses who heard and saw the encounter up close and said that Brewer is overstating things quite a bit. Brewer has a history of bizarre lies, so I just don't take her word for anything anymore. This seems to be a coordinated effort to revive the 'thin skinned" meme on Obama, which didn't go so well the last time around. There's plenty of legitimate stuff to hit the guy on. Why waste our time with stupid he said/she said garbage?

Rusty said...

I ♥ Willard said...
Everyone here knows Jan Brewer is insane, right? Sadly she passed her insanity on to her children. :(

That said, she's the perfect governor for Arizona.

Have you met shiloh? I'm sure you two will enjoy Saturday mornings together in front of the TV.

Scott M said...

Brewer has a history of bizarre lies, so I just don't take her word for anything anymore.

How do you feel about Hillary in this regard?

sakredkow said...

I'm pretty skeptical of this stuff. As Machine said, there are credible witnesses who heard and saw the encounter up close and said that Brewer is overstating things quite a bit. Brewer has a history of bizarre lies, so I just don't take her word for anything anymore. This seems to be a coordinated effort to revive the 'thin skinned" meme on Obama, which didn't go so well the last time around. There's plenty of legitimate stuff to hit the guy on. Why waste our time with stupid he said/she said garbage?

OMG a voice of reason and non-hysteria. We'll see how far that gets you with some of the people in this bunch.

Next you'll be wanting us all to discuss politics by making arguments instead of namecalling. What a Rufus.

edutcher said...

Rusty said...

Everyone here knows Jan Brewer is insane, right? Sadly she passed her insanity on to her children. :(

That said, she's the perfect governor for Arizona.

Have you met shiloh? I'm sure you two will enjoy Saturday mornings together in front of the TV.

That's the other half of the road company of Dumb and Dumber.

They were the echo chamber yesterday.

Scott M said...

Brewer has a history of bizarre lies, so I just don't take her word for anything anymore.

How do you feel about Hillary in this regard?

The one to whom he gave the finger while doing a Jack Benny.

He really is a gutless punk.

ErnieG said...

Jan Brewer and Bobby Jindal both made the same big mistake: they were expecting to greet the President of the United States and instead got a political hack from Chicago.

Craig said...

The more of these comments I read the better I like Obama.

MayBee said...

I also remember when he pulled Senator Joe Lieberman aside on the Senate floor to reprimand him for not saying the exact right thing about Obama's religion.

MayBee said...

As Machine said, there are credible witnesses who heard and saw the encounter up close and said that Brewer is overstating things quite a bit

So on the tarmac, he didn't bring up her portrayal of him in her book?

Scott M said...

The more of these comments I read the better I like Obama.

That's really the only direction you can move, right?

shiloh said...

Wah, Wah, Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.

Let it out Althouse conservatives, let all your pent up Obama Derangement Syndrome frustrations out, 'cause again, "we" don't want any of you going postal! :-P

btw, Jindha is 5'9" so he probably feels threatened all the time lol.

Wah, Wah, Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.

kimsch said...

Yesterday Jehmu Green said that Gov Brewer was racist to shake her finger at the president like that. She pretty much said that all white people are racist, that it's an innate thing. There was a bit of a dichotomy there though. All white people are racist, they're born with it, they just can't help themselves. But they don't do anything to stop being racist.

It's like saying they were born white but don't do anything to be not-white.

She also said that no one had disrespected the presidency until the last three years.

The "Chimpy McBush Hitler" stuff wasn't disrespecting the presidency?

Known Unknown said...

A book titled "Scorpions for Breakfast" should have a better cover.

Sofa King said...

Wah, Wah, Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.

Let it out Althouse conservatives, let all your pent up Obama Derangement Syndrome frustrations out, 'cause again, "we" don't want any of you going postal! :-P

You are a very silly person. Nobody, and I mean nobody, whines here more than you. And always off-topic, too! Meta-whining.

Craig said...

When will he stop beating Michelle?

Brian Brown said...

And it is official, an Occupier has murdered his parents:

Co-workers said Poff and Kamin were having some arguments with their son, some of it having to do with him spending too much time in the Occupy Oakland encampment, but nothing that sounded beyond the scope of typical teenage rebelliousness.

Lovely bunch, that OWS crowd.

Jim said...

"How do you feel about Hillary in this regard?"

That's a nice attempt at misdirection, but I thought we were talking about Jan "beheadings in the desert and my dad died fighting the Nazis" Brewer.

The fact that you felt the need to drag Hillary into this indicates that you have the same issues with Brewer's trustworthyness but are afraid to say it.

MadisonMan said...

I've read two blogposts today about the same kind of thing. This one about Obama/Jindal/Brewer, and this one about interactions in different cultures (and political culture in the US is definitely something I'm not fluent in).

Rose said...

Jan Brewer and Bobby Jindal both made the same big mistake: they were expecting to greet the President of the United States and instead got a political hack from Chicago.


Dust Bunny Queen said...

Brewer has a history of bizarre lies,

Like what?

How about some examples.

Hoosier Daddy said...

"... but I thought we were talking about Jan "beheadings in the desert and my dad died fighting the Nazis" Brewer..."

We're also talking about "the cops acted stupidly" and "my uncle helped liberate Auschwitz" Obama.

edutcher said...

There have been beheadings in the desert.

Anybody hear of the Zetas?

And if the Hildabeast is the gold standard of truth for Lefties like Jim, they're in deep tapioca.

chickelit said...

Shilho thinks he's adding balance at the playground but really he's so "heavy" that the teeter-totter is just weighted down on the silly side.

I ♥ Willard said...

How about some examples.

1. "In response to the various personal attacks launched against her, many of which called her a Nazi, [Brewer] responded: 'Knowing that my father died fighting the Nazi regime in Germany, that I lost him when I was 11 because of that... and then to have them call me Hitler's daughter. It hurts. It's ugliness beyond anything I've ever experienced.'

However Brewer's father died in 1955 (ten years after World War II ended) from lung cancer, believed to be caused from constant exposure to chemicals while working as a civilian supervisor at the Hawthorne Army Depot in Nevada."

2. "After Brewer's statement that 'Our law enforcement agencies have found bodies in the desert either buried or just lying out there that have been beheaded,' a Fox News team investigated the claim. They concluded that in the last two years only one human skull had been found, and that had been the result of animals. Six medical examiners in Arizona from Yuma, Pima, Santa Cruz, Cochise, Pinal and Maricopa confirmed that they had no records of decapitated bodies."

I try to give Jan Brewer the benefit of doubt. I don't think she's lying; I think she's insane. After all, sane people remember where, when and how their father died.

Conclusion: Jan Brewer is nuts.

chickelit said...

Knowing that my father died fighting the Nazi regime in Germany, that I lost him when I was 11 because of that...

There is a curious inconsistency in Willard's prose: Jan Brewer would have been 11 in 1955...just like the facts say. May we have the original quote to resolve this, Willard?

Scott M said...

That's a nice attempt at misdirection, but I thought we were talking about Jan "beheadings in the desert and my dad died fighting the Nazis" Brewer.

The fact that you felt the need to drag Hillary into this indicates that you have the same issues with Brewer's trustworthyness but are afraid to say it.

You know nothing, Jim Snow. I could care less about Brewer or the incident in question so your claim to have insider knowledge of my bravery in the face of a relentless contrarian blog onslaught is lacking significantly.

It wasn't misdirection at all. In order to want to misdirect, I would have to want to protect Brewer. See above.

In the true stream-of-consciousness quality of a blog, I saw your statement "Brewer has a history of bizarre lies, so I just don't take her word for anything anymore" and wanted to see how consistent you were at applying that standard. You appear to be politically aware, so I figured you would have knowledge of Hillary's history of bizarre...statements, let's say...and I wanted your opinion on it.

Which you didn't give, I might add, in a nice little pretzel of irony.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Obama probably just has a complex when dealing with governors whose initials are JB or BJ.

Afterall, he is so brilliant and emotionally smart according to David Brooks. Heh.

Hoosier Daddy said...

It's pretty apparent Obama has problems with anyone who refuses genuflect in his presence.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Prez Obama is so aware of and sensitive to criticism that he must spend a lot of time surfing the net.

I wonder if HuffPO or Drudge are among his favorite websites?

I ♥ Willard said...

Jan Brewer would have been 11 in 1955...just like the facts say.

Um... I don't know how to break this news to you, but WW2 was over by 1955. So "just like the facts say" leaves out the important detail that her father couldn't have died fighting the Nazis in Germany in 1955.

Conclusion: Jan Brewer is nuts. Chickenlittle isn't far behind.

Cedarford said...

AJ Lynch said...
Althouse - I don't think Obama succeeded in convincing the country he gave a damn about the Gulf. Afterall, it took him what 4-6 weeks before he even went down there?

Good Presidents are knowledgable that symbols and optics are important, or have handlers working on that aspact of the public perception full time. (see Reagan, FDR, Clinton).

Unfortunately, certain bad Presidents (Obama) and bad candidates (Goldwater, Wallace, Jesse, Palin, Huckabee) also master most of the public craving for symbols and optics without providing the actual substance of leadership.

Obama is Jimmy Carter with better symbols and optics, but he misses on one important aspect. You don't have to rush to every disaster or personally meet with and console every Hero Victim Family of any high profile "hero deaths" if hero victims of terror, hero dead troops, hero dead of Tucson to show you are empathetic and CARE SO MUCH and Feeeeeeel People's pain...

But in Obama's case and Michelle's they have created bad symbols and bad optics through excess vacationing, foreign travel. Despite the silver tongue and command of other stupid things of showmanship the media wants.

And the impression of being aloof and detached from day to day woes of Americans and any adverse event that does not trigger the White House "must address the Hero Victims!" response.

Jim said...

I mention Brewer's history of bizarre falsehoods and ScottM goes, "But what about Hillary?!?", but I'm the one deflecting.

Wow. I can see now that any discourse with you is not worth my time. Enjoy your kool-aid.

Scott M said...

I'm trying to get an honest answer out of you, Jim. If, for no other reason, to see if you're being consistent across the political spectrum. Anything short of that would be simple ideology, not rationality.

As I said, I could care less about this Brewer/Obama thing. You made a statement that caught my interest and I asked, politely, I might add, if you had the same opinion in a different, but similar instance.

So...do you hold Hillary to the same standard as Brewer? Hillary has a history of bizarre statements, so do you stand on not taking her word for anything any more?

Or are you an ideologue?

dbp said...

Her story regarding her father's death is more complex and subtle than it is being portrayed.

“My father, Wilford Drinkwine, moved our family before I was born from Minnesota to Nevada to work at the Hawthorne Ammunition Depot in Western Nevada at the outset of World War II. He passed away when I was 11 years old,” Brewer said. “His death came after a long and painful battle with lung disease, contracted following years of exposure to hazardous chemicals and toxic fumes while working as a civil servant at the base.”

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

"This is my long-form birth certificate"
- Thomas Jefferson

chickelit said...

Willard, you are dissembling again. I was trying to lead you to examine what Brewer might have meant regarding the causes of her father's death in 1955, but in your infinite haste you fell short again and accuse another innocent of a factual error.

Only AlphaLiberal exceeds you in partisanship. You are also a mental midget.

sakredkow said...

Stick to the birther issue.

Toad Trend said...

"Hillary has a history of bizarre statements, so do you stand on not taking her word for anything any more? "

"Many of you are well enough off that the tax cuts may have helped you. We’re saying that for America to get back on track, we’re probably going to cut that short and not give it to you. We’re going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good."

"F**k off! It’s enough that I have to see you shit-kickers every day, I’m not going to talk to you too!! Just do your G*damn job and keep your mouth shut."

"I’m not going to have some reporters pawing through our papers. We are the president."

"I don't recall".

All uttered by Queen Cankles.

Matt Sablan said...

I remember when disrespecting the president was cool! It was... what, almost three and a half years ago or so?

Hoosier Daddy said...

All those Hillary quotes sound better in their original Russian.

Scott M said...

All those Hillary quotes sound better in their original Russian.


Matt Sablan said...

"This seems to be a coordinated effort to revive the 'thin skinned" meme on Obama, which didn't go so well the last time around."

We've been hearing he is thin-skinned since his primary with Hillary. The meme never went away, so it can't be revived.

shiloh said...

Althouse, if the best your conservative lemmings can do is lame, pathetic, sore loser sarcasm, childish personal attacks, and whining about Obama until the cows come home, I may have to relocate. :-P

Althouse's flock cheer !!! :D

ok, ok, that's what makes this site somewhat entertaining ie Reps whining 24/7. :)

Apologies to incessant whiners.

Hoosier Daddy said...

"... I may have to relocate..."

They have reasonable one way flights to Pyongyang.

Amartel said...

Well, of course you didn't see any photos of King Putt grabbing Bobby or otherwise acting like an asshole. Those photos don't get published. Duh. It's in the Book.

Thou shalt not publish images of The One looking stupid or assholish.

Thou shalt not publish material, including but not limited to obscure regulatory letters, that might be unhelpful to The One.

Thou shalt not converse freely with The One but shall speak only when spoken to.

Thou shalt avert thine eyes in His Presence.

Scott M said...

They have reasonable one way flights to Pyongyang.

And a beautiful hotel with lots of vacancies.

shiloh said...

Hoosier Daddy, have been to Singapore and Malaysia, but never had the urge to venture to N. Korea.

btw, Malaysia is quite beautiful, but don't use drugs ...

Scott M said...

Hoosier Daddy, have been to Singapore and Malaysia, but never had the urge to venture to N. Korea.

To be quite honest, I've been trying to talk my dad, a VN-vet, into going back. I'll follow him around checking out all of his old patrol areas and such as long as we can spend about a week inside that new, massive cave they found.

If VN's tourist trade doesn't explode because of that thing, something is seriously wrong.

Hoosier Daddy said...

"... but never had the urge to venture to N. Korea..."

I'm surprised. They have the kind of government and society your side seems hell bent on creating here.

Kirk Parker said...


OK, so the President is only half-racist? I could buy that...

Hoosier Daddy said...

"... And a beautiful hotel with lots of vacancies..."

Well Ted Turner said they aren't starving, they're just thin cause they ride bikes a lot.

Tyrone Slothrop said...

shiloh said...

I may have to relocate. :-P

Promises, promises.

edutcher said...

One reason GodZero may be feeling thin-skinned these days. He finds it "interesting" a software engineer can't find work because, according to Zero, he should.

On Slashdot a while ago, they did a poll of the assembled multitude and about 2/3 were out of work - programmers, software engineers, techies.

So Zero doesn't have a clue what's going on out there.

shiloh said...

Althouse, if the best your conservative lemmings can do is lame, pathetic, sore loser sarcasm, childish personal attacks, and whining about Obama until the cows come home, I may have to relocate. :-P

Althouse's flock cheer !!! :D

ok, ok, that's what makes this site somewhat entertaining ie Reps whining 24/7. :)

Apologies to incessant whiners.


OMG, they know the truth!!!!!

And they're telling it!!!!

And there's nothing we can do to stop it!!!!

PS Off Drudge, CBO rates current unemployment at 10%.

This is what shiloh calls, "whining".

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I think the people who are going to like Brewer will like seeing her being feisty, standing up to the President.

I don't think that them governors are on an equal footing with the president of US.. the way you seem to imply.

Crimso said...

'The "Chimpy McBush Hitler" stuff wasn't disrespecting the presidency?'

Indeed. When Star Khan Reince Priebus (h/t Ace) compared Obama to Schettino, CNN.com had a headline describing it as a "shocking" comparison. Oh yeah, Schettino's right up there with Hitler, Dahmer, and whoever came up with the idea for the movie "Ishtar."

Hagar said...

@willard et al.

"However Brewer's father died in 1955 (ten years after World War II ended) from lung cancer, believed to be caused from constant exposure to chemicals while working as a civilian supervisor at the Hawthorne Army Depot in Nevada."

WWII did not officially end until the occupations ended - May 8 1955 in Europe and 2 Sept. 1955 in Japan - so that is factually wrong.

And if Brewer's dad died from exposure to chemicals while working in a military facility during the active war, then he still was a war casualty, albeit a delayed one.

As for the "tarmac Incident," the photo is 1/1000th of a second frozen in time, and without a sound track there is no way of telling if Gov. Brewer is saying, "Now look here, Mr. President ...," or "I have this marvellous recipe for double choclate layer cake." In fact, since looking more closely at the photo, she appears to have her famous finger off to the side, near his left shoulder, it is more likely she was saying something in line with the latter statement at the time.

Gov. Brewer does not claim to have gotten in Mr. Obama's face, nor does he claim she did, so this brouhaha seems to have entirely been cooked up in Mr. Schieffer's fevered imagination.

As for rudeness, I think that lies more with the President. He is entitled to take up his difference of opinion with Gov. Brewer if he so wishes, but while being greeted at his arrival on a visit to her state is not the time or the place.

Toad Trend said...

"This is what shiloh calls, "whining"."

Why yes, in the mind of the leftist, truth telling IS whining.

Denial of reality is a feature, and not a bug. Why do you think they are the ones behind the damaging 'self-esteem' movement where 2+2=5?

The cultural damage is breathtaking, and they own it.

Scott M said...

"This is what shiloh calls, "whining"."

Perhaps shiloh can explain what political correctness is, if not institutionalized whining. Perhaps, if he/she can be so moved to explain that perhaps he/she can be so kind as to remind us which side of the spectrum foisted it upon the rest of us.

shiloh said...

To be sure, conservative whining at political blogs is a given, but Althouse lemmings have taken it to the nth degree, shocking lol.

Congrats! :)

Methadras said...

The only transparency in the Urkel administration is the one where you can see through his skin.

I ♥ Willard said...

WWII did not officially end until the occupations ended - May 8 1955 in Europe and 2 Sept. 1955 in Japan - so that is factually wrong.

Let me refer to a more credible source than "some guy commenting on a blog"...


"WWII did not officially end until the occupations ended - May 8 1955 in Europe and 2 Sept. 1955 in Japan - so that is factually wrong."


"World War II was a global set of conflicts, beginning in 1931 in Asia, 1935 in Africa, and 1939 in Europe, all lasting until 1945"

Sorry, random blog guy, mor reliable and authoritative sources than you say that World War 2 was over by 1955.

Conclusion: Jan Brewer is nuts. Stay tuned for more denial.

I ♥ Willard said...

Willard, you are dissembling again. I was trying to lead you to examine what Brewer might have meant regarding the causes of her father's death in 1955, but in your infinite haste you fell short again and accuse another innocent of a factual error.

I accept your concession and will try to minimize your embarrassment at saying such foolish things.

Facts: Brewer's father was not in the military. He did not fight Nazis in Germany. He did not die during World War 2.

Conclusion: Brewer is nuts. Chickenlittle is not far behind and is racing to close the gap.

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