December 31, 2011

"There's a lot of politics... and no honesty...."

And this isn't politics....

... is it?


Automatic_Wing said...

Some of his best friends are black!

edutcher said...

As they said on the Seaview, "Damage Control!! Dive! Dive!".

Joe said...

(The Crypto Jew)

“Look, LOOK I know some Nigrah’s!”

DaveW said...

Unfortunately for people trying to make this sort of case, Ron Paul voted against federal aid to Galveston when hurricane Ike absolutely flattened that island.

The island was in such a state that it was closed for weeks (a month?). The freeway to the place was 6" deep in washed over mud. There was no water, no sewage treatment, no medical treatment available.

Ron Paul voted against helping those people, his own constituents. That tells you more than this teary eyed video ever will.

Moose said...

As I recall W was known for being quite a likable and honorable man, but that was, if I recall correctly, seen to be unimportant as a quality for a President. I guess thats all different now...

MDIJim said...

Ron Paul deserves all the criticism he is getting. The fact that 0 got away to listening to Rev. Wright's racist sermons for 20 years does not excuse Paul from responsibility for what was said in newsletters bearing his name.

If there is anyway to do it, the Republicans should declare the primary season is over and get the clowns like Paul, Santorum, and Gingrich out of the picture. Yes, they are making Romney look good, but the process is making the Republicans look like a bunch of idiots. Well, maybe they are.

The Crack Emcee said...

This isn't politics....

It's Used In All The NewAge Hospitals,...Must Be Scientific!

Wince said...

You're just taking Ron Paul out of context.

The rule of Lemnity said...

What does it say that a couple of women with stories derailed Cain but Ron Paul's own words fail to make a dent with his followers.

A zombie appears easier to defend against than a Ronpaulinista.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Ron Paul followers would make excellent martian colonists.

William said...

I'm not a supporter of Ron Paul, but I do think that the story speaks well of him. I believe that his overall crankiness and orneriness would make him just the kind of man to speak out against racism when it was in full flower. Ron Paul is probably wrong about a lot of things, but if we caricature his crankiness as racism, we, not Ron Paul, will be the big losers.

Levi Starks said...

It really makes me angry when a miserable racist, isolationist, anti-FED, pro-lifer acts with such a high level of personal integrity. But then again that video depicts an event that occurred over 30 years ago. I'm sure Ron Paul is much meaner than he was back then in his prime.

Nomadic100 said...

I'm perfectly willing to believe that Ron Paul is, as a human being and a physician, compassionate and generous. Those qualities MAY even be the "sine qua non" for being President, but they are obviously insufficient in and of themselves. If Paul is bigoted toward some race in general, it does not mean that he would behave badly toward an individual of that race.

Clearly, however, many of Paul's convictions disqualify him from serious consideration for the Presidency.

Phil 314 said...

Has any claimed he was a poor physician?

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately for people trying to make this sort of case, Ron Paul voted against federal aid to Galveston when hurricane Ike absolutely flattened that island.

Perhaps you can find the clause in the constitution that gives the federal government the power to take money from people to give to others who willingly choose to live in places that are threatened by hurricanes. If you can't find that clause, then you have your answer as to why Ron Paul decided not to rob one group of Americans to buy votes from another.

MDIJim said...

Don't know enough about the Galveston aid vote to condemn or defend Paul, but Ken has a good point. Disaster aid is becoming another form of pork. Schumer's antics regarding the 9/11 first responders is an example.

People do suffer when a sand bar like Galveston suffers a direct hit from a hurricane and they should be helped, not coldly dismissed because maybe their parents or grandparents chose to live in Galveston. If politicians really cared they would look into some form of high-deductible catastrophic disaster insurance fund backstopped by the feds. I must be dreaming. That is sort of what flood insurance is, and its terms are so good that people are encouraged to build expensive houses on sand bars.

John henry said...

Re Galveston:

And yet Paul got 76% of the vote in his 2010 House run.

Up from 70% in 2008.

Paul's relations with his district, which is 25% hispanic and black, are interesting if you look at election results:

96 51% (first term)
98 55%
00 60%
02 68%
04 Unopposed
06 60%
08 unopposed (won primary with 70%)
10 76%

I wonder if we plotted this on a graph we might spot a trend?

As in, he has increased his majority every election since the first.

The people who know him best, the people who would be most likely to oppose him on Galveston aid or racism, seem to like him just fine.

Not bad for a "kook" as some describe him.

John Henry

John henry said...
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