"They’ve taken everything that I ever did for any young person and twisted it to say that my motives were sexual or whatever... I had kid after kid after kid who might say I was a father figure. And they just twisted that all."...
He... characterized his close experiences with children he took under his wing as “precious times,” and said that the physical aspect of the relationships “just happened that way.”
December 3, 2011
Sandusky gives the NYT a 4-hour interview.
Here. Excerpt:
Sure. Now let's wait until we hear from these precious children.
Proof that he is sick.
But, it's the kind of sickness that requires incarceration ... forever.
Maybe stuff will happen to him while he's in jail.
Hey, it "just happened that way."
When Costas did his telephone interview I surmised his attorney @ least knew enough not to let him be videotaped. I watched this video earlier this morning. My God, you witnessed legal malpractice and a classic case of body language screaming guilt. It is surreal.
Reminds me of that video that Eugene Volokh has occassionally posted.
A Law Prof and a Cop present a forceful case for never, ever, ever speaking to the police without your lawyer present. Ever. Never, never, never...
He can also raise money for charity!
Doesn't mean he'll ever admit to his pedophilia! And, all his victims. If anyone of them reads the NY Times, I hope they cancel their subscriptions!
Now you know, Sandusky is also a sociopath. While he probably thinks he's rescuing Penn State.
The most unfortunate people? The ones who believe him.
Hey, give the NY Times 4-hours, and they still can't get to the truth.
Wow--just fucking wow.
This is a good companion piece to this story:
Alleged victim's dinner with Sandusky was ok'd by police.
Earth to Sandusky .... just shut up already.
Rick PSU '73
"I had kid after kid after kid who might say I was a father figure."
This is why you hire a lawyer and, as nd notes, make sure he's competent.
The guy hangs himself every time he opens his mouth.
The Drill SGT said...
Reminds me of that video that Eugene Volokh has occassionally posted.
A Law Prof and a Cop present a forceful case for never, ever, ever speaking to the police without your lawyer present. Ever. Never, never, never...
And the corollary, which the Establishment Media always takes as a sign of guilt or whatever:
Never, never, ever get involved with anything remotely legal without first consulting and retaining a lawyer.
Q: What is the best thing about showering with 12 year-olds?
A: With wet hair they look like they're only 8.
They just have to rename the city as well.
Obliterate Sandusky!
Why, it's as if those boys took advantage of him! (Okay, maybe not quite that bad. Yet.) Do you think he actually believes he's the victim in all of this, or is he just trying to get us to believe that?
The interview is damning and I am sure the prosecution will use it in court. It seems to be a combination of a pedophiles' ability to rationalize his actions combined with the overwhelming arrogance that comes with being worshiped as a Penn State football coach.
He's creepy as hell too, and I have to wonder how anyone who knew him and saw him with these kids didn't pick-up on this. Then again, the evidence indicates that some did and did nothing.
"Reminds me of that video that Eugene Volokh has occassionally posted.
A Law Prof and a Cop present a forceful case for never, ever, ever speaking to the police without your lawyer present. Ever. Never, never, never..."
Well, he's got an attorney now who let him do this interview. He needs a better one I'm thinking.
He... characterized his close experiences with children he took under his wing as “precious times,” and said that the physical aspect of the relationships “just happened that way.”
Happy Valley ain't such a happy place.
The football "games" took in $82,000,000 a year. That program's screwed, now.
Sandusky in jail?
My bet is they can't seat a jury that doesn't know of the football program.
And, then? Most of the jurors will say "JoePa" is a saint.
No accounting for Sandusky "going so public." His lawyer must think getting a "world wide reputation" is worth the price?
Besides, the "real action" will probably happen in Civil Court. A different standard of proof.
The rapist said he was innocent, the physical aspect of the relationships “just happened that way.”
This guy should move to Afghanistan where to get out of jail, the raped has to marry the rapist and will be raped and slave for the rapist for the rest of her life.
He is self deluded by many years of tacit approval for using vulnerable 10 year olds who yearned for a father.
That is evil on so many levels that his career as a serial child abuser is going to take Penn State down with him. He has no shame since he was "giving the boys what they wanted."
first it was climategate I. then sandusky. then climategate II.
its getting damn hard to tell people i am still proud of my university.
I can only conclude Sandusky is going for an insanity plea; nothing else makes any sense to me.
“I would have dreams of we being in a squad meeting and that door fly open and kids come running through chasing one another, and what was I going to do?” he said. “Because, I mean, Joe was serious about football.”
Good grief is this guy creepy.
Unfortunately, Roger, I think he knows and knew exactly what he was doing. It probably went on for so long, that in his mind, it was all ok, because he was never stopped by anyone intervening on behalf of those kids.
He's cutting his own throat with these interviews, and that's a good thing.
I'm no Sandusky fan (I've been bagging on him as much as the next guy) but - as the founder of The Macho Response - let's stir the fucking pot, shall we?
1) I don't care how many kids came forward, I NEVER thought Michael Jackson did shit to anybody and nobody has ever proved he did.
2) One of the best "father figures" I ever had walked around nude in front of us boys and, yes, even showered with us after playing sports. None of us thought anything of it except, as boys will, for purposes of comparison,...to see what to expect. I don't think he thought about it at all.
3) If you believe the media, Herman Cain didn't have enough time to run a business because he was too focused on "getting busy"...
4) Man, there sure were a LOT of satanic cults running day care centers a while back, weren't there?
My point is, right or wrong, once this bullshit is out there, any man - ANY MAN - will have a hard time digging himself out from under whatever accusations people want to throw at him. We - as a newly feminized nation - are primed to think the worst of men and it doesn't take much to get us there. Just like with Herman Cain, all we've got is people talking - no evidence and nobody's looking for any - when we all know supposed eye witnesses are the worst kind you can have.
I'm not saying the guy is innocent, but this thread has sent my Spider Sense to tingling - that we've passed the point of rationality and are entering witch hunt territory - and, as you all know, I prefer real witches (or those claiming to be) to happily go there.
Food for thought - who's hungry?
Regretably Allen--you are probably correct.
The self-delusion of a sick mind. Pedophiles cannot be rehabilitated. If you ever read any interviews with John Gacy, or Jeffery Dahmer, they have/had the same (Dammit, having a brain fart, can't think of the word) lack of grasp of reality.
The first FBI profiler has a book with his interviews with these types. Smarter than average people, but manipulative to the core. All to make them look better in the light of publicity.
After over-weening protestations of innocence comes angry defiance, but all sham. No true humanity lies underneath. No sympathy, but empathy out the ying yang. That's why they're so good at manipulating people.
They can get a read on a victim almost immediately. Like sharks they'll circle their prey, bumping up against them to "taste" them, and to see if any alarms go off, and then the eye's roll up, and they go in for the kill.
Pedophilia is I believe the greatest evil on this Earth. I know that many who do it are victims themselves. Unfortunately, like a disease, it spreads geometrically. One violator will have more than one victim. Some of those victims will go on to be violators themselves, who have several victims.
The only solution I can see is that you must remove the original contagion, whether through prison with no parole, or the death sentence. Then council the victims but watch them like hawks. And when victim becomes victimizer, do it all over again.
My gut feeling is Sandusky and his attorney know he's toast and just want to provide "plausible" deniability for the greater crimes of sexual abuse. He's admitting the creepy stuff that has had eyewitnesses and prior confessions with explanation..."yes, I showered blah blah blah and maybe it was bad judgement but it was all very innocent and born out of my caring and loving these boys". He is also trying to help JoePa and PennState out. He thinks this may save his legacy and has no intention of going to court. I think we'll soon find him with a 9mm hole in his head with a weepy note saying how he is so depressed, it was all very innocent, and being dead the case against him will never happen.
My Preciousssssss.........
I wonder if he likes George Michael.
That's all I wanted, something special
Something sacred in your eyes
For just one moment, to be bold and naked at your side
Sometimes I think that you'll never understand me
Maybe this time is forever, say it can't be
That's all you wanted, something special
Someone sacred in your life
Just for one moment, to be warm and naked at my side
Sometimes I think that you'll never understand me
But something tells me together, we'd be happy
I will be your father figure
(Oh, baby)
Put your tiny hand in mine
(I'd love to)
I will be your preacher teacher
(Be your daddy)
Anything you have in mind
(It would make me)
I will be your father figure
(Very happy)
I have had enough of crime
(Please let me)
I will be the one who loves you
Till the end of time
That's all I wanted
But sometimes love can be mistaken for a crime
That's all I wanted, just to see my baby's blue eyes shine
This time I think that my lover understands me
If we have faith in each other then we can be strong
I will be your father figure
Put your tiny hand in mine
I will be your preacher teacher
Anything you have in mind
I will be your father figure
I have had enough of crime
I will be the one who loves you
Till the end of time
If you are the desert, I'll be the sea
If you ever hunger, hunger for me
Whatever you ask for, that's what I'll be
So when you remember the ones who have lied
Who said that they cared
But then laughed as you cried
Beautiful darling, don't think of me
Because all I ever wanted
It's in your eyes baby, baby
And love can't lie, no
(Greet me with the eyes of a child)
My love is always telling me so
(Heaven is a kiss and a smile)
Just hold on, hold on
I won't let you go, my baby
I will be your father figure
Put your tiny hand in mine
I will be your preacher teacher
Anything you have in mind
I will be your father figure
I have had enough of crime
So I am gonna love you
Till the end of time
I will be your father
I will be your preacher
I'll be your daddy
I will be the one who loves you
Till the end of time
What's the deal with that song anyway? It's creepy.
The weirdest thing about that song is that you don't have to change the lyrics at all to make it parody a pedophile.
My father never blew on my stomach...thank God.
I think the Pillsbury Dough Boy should be the roll model for all children.....Those who wonder how Sandusky was able to recruit so many ostensibly decent people as his enablers should look to those who came to the defense of Anthony Weiner and Herman Cain. We like to believe the best of people we like. Perhaps, it's as simple as that, and not a case of big time football or politics corrupting the soul.
O.K., witch hunt it is,...
I have no desire to blow on a child's stomach either...thank God.
My gut feeling is Sandusky and his attorney know he's toast and just want to provide "plausible" deniability for the greater crimes of sexual abuse.
The attorney is kind of borderline pedo himself, isn't he?
He probably hears Sandusky and thinks, "Oh yeah, that makes sense. Let's go with that."
Freeman- time has shown us that George Michael is not especially well balanced.
Crack, Your assertion is not worthy of debate. Even Stevie Wonder could read this pedophile's body language. You're breakin' my heart, dude.
"We - as a newly feminized nation - are primed to think the worst of men..."
Amen, Crack.
I fully believe that the long-term outcome of the feminist demonization of men is that America (and the West) will be come as sexually segregated as Saudi Arabia or Afghanistan- you'll see public spaces marked "Women and Children only", men will not be allowed to work near children in any way without heavy female supervision, etc.
It's already started.
I stand with Crack. A witch hunt is on. Sometimes the hunters find real witches, sometimes they do not. Problem is, only the most skilled (and most restrained) hunter can tell the difference.
Wow..It's the Advent of Moonbat Season! If we men don't take of these pedophiles[which the "men" of PSU did not] then it's open season gentlemen. And, in open season maybe a stray bullet hits a bystander. But this motherfucker is no bystander. Did you idiots watch the fucking tape??
David, Does it take a "skilled hunter" to see a man packn' a 10 year olds shit to know he's a pedophile?
Everything I know of life tells me that Herman Cain likes women. I don't suppose he's monstruous or evil, and, if elected President, he probably would not solicit a bj in the Oval Office. Nonetheless, the most credible explanation of these charges is that they are true. Alger Hiss claimed that he was the victim of a witch hunt.
Whether this is a witch hunt has little to do with Sandusky's guilt or innocence, imho. It sure looks like he is guilty. But comments like this reflect the witch hunt:
ndspinelli said...
Crack, Your assertion is not worthy of debate.
No chance he is not guilty, right? Burn the witch right now!
Looks can be deceiving.
Crack, Your assertion is not worthy of debate. Even Stevie Wonder could read this pedophile's body language. You're breakin' my heart, dude.
You're deciding a man's fate - based on body language - but it's my assertion that's not worthy of debate? Great. Hey, Ann's a lawyer, let's ask what statutes we have available to prosecute a guy on body language are:
They should come right after the ones based on what he had for dinner,...
You're deciding a man's fate - based on body language -
Nobody here is deciding Sandusky's fate.
I got the feeling he's just trying to salvage his reputation within the pedophile category: I'm not like some monster who only looked at children as sexual targets and went out and got them only for that. I had a larger benevolent enterprise, including helping many children, and in the course of doing that, I went over the line with some of them because I am weak and I made some mistakes. Please don't completely hate me.
Althouse- I don't read "I was weak" from him at all. I read "it was all very pleasant and harmless".
Crack, Did you read the grand jury testimony? Combine that, w/ the body language, and I'm fully convinced.
Here's the rub, Crack. I believe the premise about feminism and demonization of men has substantial merit. But you forfeit moral authority when you give a pass to all the men who let this guy prey on kids for decades. The debate is worthy, but not in this context. It's stupid, and I don't think you're normally stupid. There is a time and place to make that case..not here sir, not here. You diminish yourself and your premise.
Yes, He's going to try the Sally Fields Defense, "They like me..they really like me!"
Sandusky isn't saving anything worth saving.
It isn't so bad that Penn State is just another academically excellent University (my scary-smart niece is a graduate researcher there) that's funded by televised sport, or that it turns out JoPa is just a man who let the money talk while the evil walked - it isn't the clay.
It's that all these years PSU puffed out its chest and said it was better, that though they were winners, their players actually studied and graduated; that the UVa's and Mizzou's UPenn's of the world couldn't win and produce graduates, too.
It's that all these years JoPa proclaimed he was a Hero.
Now we're ALL just liars and poseurs.
Drill -- That is great stuff. Thanks.
"Food for thought - who's hungry?"
I get your point, Crack, and mostly agree with it, but . . .
This interview alone made so many bells and whistles go off in my head I'd bet a house payment that he sexually abused these kids.
Besides how is this a witch hunt when he gave an interview of his own free will? He's not being hunted, he's posing as a target.
Crack, there's a reason that a guy like Jeffrey Dahmer isn't the poster boy for the Innocence Project.
Sandusky was caught fucking some young boy in the shower, and it sounds like a witch hunt? He should have been burned at the stake immediately after he dried off.
He talks like members of NAMBLA when they try and rationalize their desires as normal and good for the kids.
If I had to place a bet in Vegas whether he is guilty or not I would have to bet he is. But that’s just my opinion. His guilt will be decided by a jury or himself through a plea bargain.
I believe child molesters cannot help themselves. The compulsion is apparently too strong. That’s why if I had my way once proven to be a molester they would be locked up for life without possibility of parole. The children must be protected.
I believe child molesters cannot help themselves.
You should substitute some other things in for child molesters and see how foolish and fundamentally immoral this statement is.
If people can't help themselves, there is no point in having laws, or courts, or morals. All of that implies choice.
Seven, we have laws so that when these people who cannot help themselves are caught, they can be brought to justice. Unfortunately, we cannot torture them before they are killed.
People who cannot help themselves do not belong in court, or prison. The whole edifice of our legal system is premised on free will. You haven't thought this through nearly deeply enough.
The proper answer here is that it's utterly absurd to say that pedophiles cannot control themselves.
It doesn't matter at all if pedophiles can help themselves or not, when they are caught, kill them.
How can you kill someone who has no free choice?
Moreover, we don't actually kill them. So you are just fantasizing.
True that.
Sandusky: But look at all the hundreds of boys I didn't bugger.
I sure hope they're investigating to determine if he was the only one corrupting this charity.
I wonder if the boys he molested remember those "precious times" as fondly as he does.
But, it's the kind of sickness that requires incarceration ... forever.
I'd prefer a bullet in his head.
Why should we pay to house and feed this pervert?
What is his lawyer thinking?
"I should quit."
No doubt.
Its either innocent till proven guilty or not.
I think these people should be rounded up and skewered publicly alongside busy highways.
But imagine being accused and instantly killed... Thats bullshit.
Imagine this:
Seven Machos gets accused maybe by some woman tomorrow of having sex with her son just to get back at him for whatever... The rest of you kill him... Then you find out the woman was just a vindictive cunt...
Due process.
But then again, maybe machos was guilty... maybe its why he wears a mask, lol
I wrote before without reading the interview, but now that I have, here are some further thoughts:
1) It is an odd interview - the stuff at the end, about his dog understanding, is bizarre - but interview subjects don't write their own articles. I've been interviewed countless times and found myself flabbergasted at the difference between what the reporter claims was said, or the dynamics of the conversation with the reporter, and what I actually said or what occured between us. For instance, here's an article from the San Francisco Chronicle that claimed:
Though he has worked with acclaimed groups such as the Broun Fellinis, Crack Emcee has not had much luck with his music. His most recent project, Little White Radio, looked destined to be his most commercially successful until his band members left to become the nucleus of Storm and Her Dirty Mouth.
How wrong can things get? I was the lead singer for the Broun Fellinis and left the group to go solo because I got bigger than they were and started taking advantage of opportunities not associated with music. And my LWR bandmates didn't leave - they were hired hands from the Broun Fellinis and Storm and Her Dirty Mouth to begin with. They merely continued playing in their respective bands because, amongst other things, the success of LWR caused rivalries and scheduling difficulties amongst friends. How any of that translates to "Crack Emcee has not had much luck with his music," I don't know,...but what I DO know is the writer left the reader with an impression that had NOTHING to do with reality.
2) The article states that in 1998 "Mr. Sandusky admitted to the police and child welfare authorities that he had most likely done something inappropriate, according to prosecutors" but "the local district attorney declined to prosecute." Why? I'd like to hear more because, in this cultural climate, he could've been forced to say anything just for the sake of political correctness.
3) I want to make clear I'm not defending the man, but vilifying the culture we live under. A lunatic ideology - actually several - have wormed their way into our country and made everything associated with them suspect, as far as I'm concerned. I've been in the position where other actors did everything wrong but I was made to suffer because I'm "a man."
I have not read the grand jury testimony, and will search it out for more info, but I don't see anything, here, to change my mind the man is innocent until PROVEN guilty - and body language certainly ain't gonna fulfill that mandate.
But, if that IS the level we've sunk to, then we might as well hang it up, as a fair and decent nation of laws, right here and now,...
That should read;
1) It is an odd ARTICLE,...
"I've been interviewed countless times and found myself flabbergasted at the difference between what the reporter claims was said, or the dynamics of the conversation with the reporter, and what I actually said or what occured between us"
Every interaction with someone is just another game of telephone.
Its human nature to interpret things with their own personal spin. Everyone is the center of their own universe.
Everything except for Select Quote. Because Select Quote is impartial.
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