December 6, 2011

Obama in Kansas: "It's great to be back in the state of Texas."

He was there to give his big speech, doubling down on class politics. (Growing — "gaping" — disparity in income "gives lie to the promise at the very heart of America: that this is the place where you can make it if you try.")


ricpic said...

C'mere middle class, you're my kinda folks and I'm gonna love you to death.

Jimmy said...

If it was Herman Cain, yadda, yadda...can this guy just go away?

Craig said...

I was born in Kansas, but left when I was seven and haven't been back since, though I did a flyover once in the last days of TWA from St. Louis to Seattle and witnessed an horrific thunderstorm over Kansas. Felt like it was just for me as the thunderstorms were my favorite part of living there.

KCFleming said...

America is fast becoming the place where you can make it if you have the right connections.

Trying, by itself, will get you little. The idea will be referenced in speeches from now on. Obama's use may be the first example of it. But the reality will be a return to aristocracy, clan, and tribe.

Success by sheer effort, like the Constitution, only honored in the breach.

edutcher said...

I don't think this was another 57 states thing.

He wasn't zapped out by weeks of campaigning. He should have known where he was.

Also, I know this is the guy who thinks the Union Pacific and the Central Pacific met in Utah to form the Intercontinental Railroad, but, did anyone think that Osawatomie KS is less associated with Teddy Roosevelt than with John Brown's bloody raid where people, women and children included, were murdered in the streets?

Talk about bad visuals!

coketown said...

While Mr Obama has spent recent months touring the US calling for the passage of his American Jobs Act, the Kansas speech saw him depart from the specifics of that legislative plan.

Instead the president offered a broader critique of key Republican ideas on how the economy can be revitalised.

I mean this sincerely: Obama is at his best when talking in vague abstractions. When it comes to talking specifics, he's all thumbs--which is why nothing he's said in three years has resonated with the public. He's spent all that time talking about specific policy aims and legislation.

I think the next year will see Obama revert back to his 2008 approach. Unfortunately, that approach only works when your record, like your rhetoric, is vague and abstract. He now has a concrete record, and it's not one that lends itself easily to abstract philosophizing. And, considering "income inequality" doesn't even crack the top ten of voter concerns, I doubt taking up the Occupy Wall Street gauntlet will resonate with voters. Similar to his attempts to connect his healthcare law with reviving the economy, it's hard to explain concisely how making rich people poor helps the economy.

Automatic_Wing said...

Obama is still bitching about the Bush tax cuts, I see.

Never mind that he signed the legislation extending them.

It's always someone else's fault.

Chuck66 said...

And...when Obama was in Eau Claire back in...probably 2008, he said he was happy "to be in the great state of Eau Claire". Now, we all know that the 57 states, the state of Eau Claire, or happy to be in Texas, are just simple stumbling over words that everyone does.

But to say the obvious, imagine if a Republican had said any of those things.

KCFleming said...

What's the matter with Kansas?

It looks just like Texas!

Craig said...

An Eau Claire is just like a Berliner, except the filling is custard instead of cherry jelly.

Anonymous said...

Osawatomie KS is less associated with Teddy Roosevelt than with John Brown's bloody raid where people, women and children included, were murdered in the streets?

For an educator, you sure are bad at history (almost, but not quite, as bad as DBQ is with the concept of progressive taxes). You got it exactly backwards. John Brown defended the town against pro-slavery partisans. The total casualties (on both sides) were about twenty--all men, no women or children. Nobody was "murdered in the streets"

Anonymous said...

I don't think this was another 57 states thing.

It's hilarious that you criticize someone for an incorrect statement and then relate an historical incident completely ass-backwards.

Henry said...

You'd think he'd take credit for the big drop in income disparity going on under his watch:

"You know what you Texkansas proles, you may think you have it rough, what with no jobs and no prospects, but thanks to my policies, the rich have been hurt even more. So stop complaining. Give me four more years and I will break the economy so bad that no one who invests money in a corporation will ever realize a dime of profit ever again."

KCFleming said...

Toto, I don't think Obama is in Kansas anymore.

Lyssa said...

disparity in income "gives lie to the promise at the very heart of America: that this is the place where you can make it if you try.")

Why? I can't imagine how the existence of income disparity in any way leads to the conclusion that you can't make it in America.

Now, if there were no income disparity, then the idea that you couldn't "make it" would certainly be true.

caplight said...

Why come to Kansas? He doesn't stand a chance of carrying it in 2012.

I can see getting the state or city wrong during an election when you are hitting five venues a day but really, Texas?

Known Unknown said...

It's hilarious that you criticize someone for an incorrect statement and then relate an historical incident completely ass-backwards.

One is the President, the other a blog commenter.

You figure it out.

Known Unknown said...

Lyssa nails it.

MayBee said...

Maguro- Obama signed the extension of the Bush tax cuts so that he could run against them again this time.
He has little else.

MayBee said...

Oh, yes yes Lyssa!

(what does his own recent wealth tell him about being able to make it if you try?)

john said...

Freder - The Pottawatomie Creek slayings were done by John Brown and his band. It wasn't Osawatomie but it was slaying of 5 pro-slavers. Just sayin'.

Henry said...

With broadswords.

Anonymous said...

The Pottawatomie Creek slayings were done by John Brown and his band. It wasn't Osawatomie but it was slaying of 5 pro-slavers. Just sayin'.

"Just sayin'" what? John Brown and his band also killed people at Harper's Ferry. What the hell does that have to do with who raided who at Osawatomie?

Educator was 100% wrong. I wasn't defending John Brown. I was just pointing out that educator doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground.

I'm Full of Soup said...


If you have money, it is because the system is rigged. If you don't have money, it is because the system is rigged. Got it? :)

I'm Full of Soup said...

If I was POTUS, I'd have one of my minions hand me an index card with the name of the town, state, mayor, high school team name etc etc so I did not make dumbass mistakes like this over and over.

Anonymous said...

In the immortal words of Ron White, "You can't fix stupid."

And in the immortal words of General Honore after Hurrican Katrina, some people are "stuck on stupid."

Freeman Hunt said...

"Kansas? Texas? Whatever. One of those not-gonna-vote-for-me states."

Freeman Hunt said...

"I knew it was one of those 'sus' states."

Carnifex said...

If this was the first or second time the angry sock monkey had such a slip it wouldn't be near such a worry.

Not only is this numbnuts our president, but supposedly a professor?!

He doesn't know there are only 50 states, he doesn't know how to pronounce corpsman, I could go on but why bother.

O'Reilly had Dr. Lamont Hill on tonite. Dr. Hill boasting about the Dems having "smarter" candidates than the Reps.

Really? Really?

If GodZero is an example of a well educated academic, then that just illustrates why our education system is so bad.

edutcher said...

OK, my bad, but, clearly, this is not the place people associate with Teddy Roosevelt.

Of course, if GodZero went down to San Juan Hill, he could also say, "Hi", to his soul mate, Fidel.

Anonymous said...

This blunder isn't nearly as bad as Obama's signing the guestbook at Westminster Abbey earlier this year with a date of May 2008.

Isn't it one of the standard tests for dimentia to ask the person what year it is?

cassandra lite said...

Obama channeling Bill Withers and John Edwards. "Just the two of us--the two Americas."

Synova said...

I've driven through Kansas a couple of times and I think that if I could chose where to live instead of having to be where I end up, I think I'd chose someplace in Kansas. McPherson is pretty and mid-sized.

Grow tomatoes and sweet cherries.

Mike said...

Edutcher writes:

"I don't think this was another 57 states thing.

He wasn't zapped out by weeks of campaigning. He should have known where he was."

You've got to be kidding me. This bozo couldn't find his backside with both hands.

Jane the Actuary said...

Here's what I don't get: raising taxes on the wealthy won't do anything about income inequality. Yeah, an explicitly redistributive tax system might mean more cash in the pockets of the middle/lower income group, but how would this affect actual (pre-tax) earned income?

Known Unknown said...

Here's what I don't get: raising taxes on the wealthy won't do anything about income inequality. Yeah, an explicitly redistributive tax system might mean more cash in the pockets of the middle/lower income group, but how would this affect actual (pre-tax) earned income?

I suspect there would still be a widening gap, but everyone would have less overall.

jacksonjay said...

Isn't the gaffe particularly troubling given the fact that he went to Osawatomie, KANSAS with the expressed intent of channeling TR? You know, reincarnate Progressive Teddy and throw it the face of the Republicans. Middle class, blah, blah, blah!

Ralph L said...

I'll be cynical and say it has nothing to do with income inequality, everything to do with increasing the value of tax breaks and other favors purchased from politicians.

JohnJ said...

“There are those who say (insert transparently simple-minded hyperbole). I’m here to say they’re wrong.”

JAL said...


Alex said...

Didn't Obama lose Kansas by 20 points? Why bother in a reddy red state?

MDIJim said...

Why do supposedly smart people think that raising taxes on the rich will reduce income disparity by any significant amount? The only way that would work would be by reducing the effort of upper income workers thereby depressing the overall economy. Is that what they want?

The rich should pay more in taxes because they have a greater stake, but the only purpose of taxes should be to finance government. Those who rail about income inequality, if they are not dummies, are demagogues who want an excuse to make government bigger.

Hagar said...

"Rich" Republicans deal in millions. "Rich" Democrats deal in billions.

Who does he think he is kidding with this crap?

Brian Brown said...

cokaygne said...
Why do supposedly smart people think that raising taxes on the rich will reduce income disparity by any significant amount?

They're not smart, and they're economically illiterate.

You see it in the comments here, the OWS rantings, and with Obama and his ilk.

Only a complete and utter imbecile would believe that raising taxes at a rate of 2.5% on income above $250,000 would reduce "income disparity"

Also note: "Income disparity" is not a problem.

Brian Brown said...

Freder Frederson said...

It's hilarious that you criticize someone for an incorrect statement

What is even more comical is you can't accept the fact that the President you voted for is utterly clueless.

X said...

If couples making over $250k is a problem, why does the government pay some individuals more than $125k? where's the government employee salary cap, Obama?

Hagar said...

Stuart Varney on Hannity last night sid he had not heard this kind of talk since he was a kid in England in the -50's.

Of course, the Labour luminairies Varney remembers were old men by then, and their ideas actually came from the 1920's, or even before WWI.

Hoosier Daddy said...

Someone remind me again how smart this guy is.

Hoosier Daddy said...

I think it would be a hoot if during one of his $10,000 a plate campaign fundraisers, he tells the attendees he is fighting to raise their taxes so they pay their fair share.

Wonder why he doesn't do that?

Michael said...

In his splendid speech the president informed us that banks have business models based on illegal activities. Odd that the president would know of these illegal business models (does he know what a "business model" even is?)and not have them prosecuted. Why are the evil doers who are known by the president not apprehended? It is very much like knowing all the places where there is medicare fraud but not addressing it until he gets something.

Our president is a very odd man striking a tone that will not work.

Jane the Actuary said...

Another "missing the point" bit: the reason why the rich have done well, the middle-class has stagnated, and the working class are losing out, is that globalism and technology are impacting these groups very differently. Entrepreneurs and executives do very well (and being a top-paid executive is the result of hard work and skill but also a fair measure of luck -- impressing the right people at the right time -- and tremendous people skills -- convincing everyone around you that you're a lot more brilliant than you are). But loads of middle-class and working-class jobs are being replaced by machines, computers, or foreigners, either here illegally and working for lower wages, or abroad, and many of the jobs that remain, or replaced those, pay much less because of supply-and-demand.

The Luddites did not smash machines because they were irrationally afraid of them, but because stable, middle-class people lost their livlihood. In that sense, we're Luddites now. There is no pat answer.

Insufficiently Sensitive said...

"gives lie to the promise at the very heart of America: that this is the place where you can make it if you try."

A lie? His pal Tony Rezko tried and made it, and Obama has benefited from that by his real estate acquisition. It's not a lie.

Jenny said...

There's a gaping dissonance between his ears.

Rocky2 said...

(Howdy, Althouse. Saw this blunt message on the net.)


Emperor and Empress Obama (professional vacationers) can be found in the Old Testament! Read on:

Proverbs 19:10 (NIV): "It is not fitting for a fool to live in luxury - how much worse for a slave to rule over princes!"
Also Proverbs 30:22 (NIV) which says that the earth cannot bear up under "a servant who becomes king."
And Ecclesiastes 5:2-3 (KJV) advises: "let thy words be few...a fool's voice is known by multitude of words."
Although Obama is not descended from slaves, he may feel that he's destined to become a black-slavery avenger.
Or maybe an enslaver of all free citizens!
For some stunning info on Pres. Obama and his fellow traitors, Google "Imam Bloomberg's Sharia Mosque," "Michelle Obama's Allah-day," "Obama Supports Public Depravity," "David Letterman's Hate Etc.," "Un-Americans Fight Franklin Graham" and also "Sandra Bernhard, Larry David, Kathy Griffin, Bill Maher, Joan Rivers, Sarah Silverman." Also Google "Prof. F. N. Lee's ISLAM IN THE BIBLE [PDF]."
PS - Since Christians are commanded to ask God to send severe judgment on persons who commit and support the worst forms of evil (see I Cor. 5 and note "taken away"), Christians everywhere should constantly pray that the Lord will soon "take away" or at least overthrow all US leaders (including subversive, America-hating, Jesus-bashing Hollywood shmucks) who continue to sear their conscience, who dangle every unspeakably filthy vice before young people, and who arrogantly trample the God-given rights of the majority including the rights of the unborn. Do we need a second American Revolution?
PPS - For a rare look at the 181-year-old endtime belief which has long neutralized millions of American patriots by promising them an "imminent rapture" off earth - which has diverted them away from being prepared to stand against all enemies, domestic as well as foreign - Google "Pretrib Rapture Politics," "Pretrib Rapture Dishonesty," "Pretrib Rapture Diehards," "Edward Irving is Unnerving," "Pretrib Rapture Secrecy," and "Pretrib Rapture - Hidden Facts" - all by the author of the bestselling nonfiction book "The Rapture Plot" (the most accurate and highly endorsed documentation on the pretrib rapture's long-covered-up-but-now-revealed beginnings in Britain in 1830 - see Armageddon Books).

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