December 15, 2011

Jezebel finds it "icky" to talk about what Malia and Sasha are wearing...

... because "They're not walking the red carpet, they're walking to school. They deserve privacy — and part of privacy is the protection from undue scrutiny."

And yet Malia and Sasha are not walking to school in the photograph that Jezebel publishes to illustrate its prissy faux-outrage. They are appearing alongside the President of the United States and the First Lady at a photo-op staged in front of Christmas decorations, and they are wearing bright-colored satiny dresses and smiling graciously at children dressed as Christmas elves. So there they are: political props.

But we're not supposed to talk about them because "They're not walking the red carpet, they're walking to school"? What they are doing in the very photo you're showing is far beyond a mere walk on the red carpet. They are walking in public, for political purposes, in the most conspicuous possible way. You can still argue that because they are children, we shouldn't talk about their clothes. But you'll have to, you know, actually make that argument.

I feel free to talk about their clothes. Their clothes are pretty, and they look adorable. There now, how "icky" is that?

By the way, is it okay to talk about Chelsea Clinton yet? Because she's — what? — 31? Remember when she said "I'm sorry, I don't talk to the press and that applies to you" to a child? In 2009, when she was 29. Now, suddenly, she is the press. That was clever, no? Going from you can never talk about me to now, I'm going to talk about everyone else in an instant. Now, she's going to lead a "purposely public life," now that she's controlling the cameras. She's a celebrity on purpose now. Before she was just a victim of circumstance, the child of a President, and yet she was paraded for political purposes whenever it served the interests of the President.

Oh, but no, no, no... you can't criticize now. Because look: a child! The child emits a halo of immunity protecting the most powerful man in the world.

I'm not saying we should mock the children, though. Just mock the President... and his wife... for their use of children — when that's what they do — and for everything else that flits through your icky mind.


Bayoneteer said...

How can you take anything from the Gawker brand websites seriously?

MayBee said...

I think the church picture was creepier. They made Malia hold hands with her dad, who was holding hands with Sasha, who was holding hands with her mom.
I think it was penance for not laughing at Dad's lame turkey jokes.

Why do politicians think teenagers hold hands with their parents?

BarryD said...

Why shouldn't we mock Chelsea Clinton?

KCFleming said...

Republcian spawn bad, Democrat scions good.

Republcian spawn are acceptable targets, asking for it really; Democrat scions are off limits.

Double that when the child is retarded (e.g. Palin vs. Kennedy).

MayBee said...

Reading the comments there makes me fear the quest to get Americans to stop letting politicians manipulate us via their wives and families is going to be a long, hard slog.

missred said...

as long as he is using them for props, they are fair game. not that they have done anything wrong yet, they are still "innocents" . but if i want to mock someone's style sense, i will. besides, i am sure the big mooch has a lot to say about what they wear. and her sense of style stinks.

Christopher in MA said...

Good lord, what a sickening bunch of commenters there, all creaming themselves at how gorgeous Moochelle is, and gushing that there just isn't any color she doesn't look good in.

Please. I call her the First Klingon because I give her the same respect the left gave Laura Bush, but honestly. She is, at best, a moderately attractive woman when she (or whomever dresses her) takes the time to clothe her in things appropriate to her figure - like the green dress she is wearing in the photo. But "the best looking family in the White House ever?" Not by a long shot.

And whichever daughter is on the right in that ghastly yellow thing with a pound of silver hanging off her neck - ugh. I'm sure the Obamas let the girls have some leeway in choosing their clothing, but couldn't the SCOAMF stop admiring himself in a mirror just long enough to tell her that the "I've got Bieber fever!" look is past its sell-by date?

garage mahal said...

Wow! The Obamas are really a beautiful and happy family. So normal. And look at Michelle, those gorgeous toned arms, and the look: sort of Jackie O-esque?

Nice to see a traditional and monogamous relationship in the White House. Just normal.

sakredkow said...

Don't wet yourself over this.

Lincolntf said...

That's the best picture of Chelsea I've ever seen.

MayBee said...

Garage- how do you know they are monogamous and happy?
Why do you care?

garage mahal said...

Garage- how do you know they are monogamous and happy?
Why do you care?

I can tell by the the look in Barack's eye as he glances at Michelle. Obvious starbursts going on here. And, ahem, who wouldn't!? I mean, look at her! Hubba hubba.

Tank said...

OK Lincoln, that was mean ...

but funny.

And, now that she's putting herself out as a reporter, who cares.

I'd lay off the Zero's kids. Not their fault their Mom and Dad are Zeros.

Pastafarian said...

garage, stop making fun of the first lady. She can't help it, she's big-boned.

You rude bastard.

ricpic said...

Speaking of mock, Steve Allen on the original Tonight Show would shout "Shmock! Shmock!" out of the blue on a regular basis. He got away with it because heartland America didn't make the connection that he was skating one letter away from thin ice.

pm317 said...

Garage, for your eyes only, hubba hubba!

glenn said...

Wish the same standards applied to Trig Palin or the Bush girls back when they were being the Bush girls.

sakredkow said...

This is always political ideologues at their best.

rhhardin said...

I hope nobody will talk about the Presidential dog either.

Notice by the way how easy Clinton is with his dog, or Bush was with his; compared to Obama.

With Obama it's find the brains in this picture.

ricpic said...

Michelle is Barry's beard and Barry was likely the only prospect Michelle had -- so she took it.

KCFleming said...

I just hope the Obama kids are enjoying taking, what it is now, 3 vacations a month?

So important during these tough economic times that they repeatedly jet off to tonier digs and warmer climes.

It gives us proles something to hope for.

While on vacay, I implore them to come up with more rules and regulations about how I should run my life, because clearly they know better than I do.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Generally, I disapprove of making criticisms of children's looks, style and especially physical characteristics the internet or anywhere else. Children and teenage girls already have fragile egos and their self worth as tied to their appearance can easily be damaged.

I'm sure, as the parent of a very tall and very beautiful daughter, that Malia (?) is already stressing out about her current gangly height and how it might affect her ability to date..etc. Don't worry about it. Ignore what people say. Stand tall. Be proud. Dress to enhance your assets. "Oh....and can you get that bowl off of the top shelf for me :-D"

HOWEVER, these children while in a public appearance, used as props by their parents should be dressed appropriately for the occasion. They are representing the entire United States as President, First Lady and First Family. As such, it is important that they dress to the status that they hold and EVEN the children need to be guided on what is appropriate.

Since they are just children, we can criticize the children's clothing without being mean. After all presumably their parents are still the arbiters of what they should be wearing.

Personally, I think in this photo the females look overdressed for the if they were going to a cocktail party.

Tasteless. But that seems to be the Obama meme.

James said...

I'll never forget the 2008 "family picnic" that Obama held in Fort Wayne. Hillary was leading him in the polls in Indiana and he trotted out his family to the picnic. Sasha took the microphone and told the crowd to "vote for my daddy."

garage mahal said...

Not sure where you're getting big boned from. Michelle would be considered petite compared to many past First Ladies.

MayBee said...

J Crew has used the first daughters to sell their clothing. Without an admonition from the White House. The White House has admonished other outlets for doing similar things, so I can only assume the WH approved of what J Crew did.

pm317 said...

Well Ann, aside from Clinton bashing and protecting your guy Obama talking about shallow things, can you, the law expert talk about the damage that Obama is doing? Or is it too activist for you? Where are the anti-war, liberals who wanted Guantanamo closed? Where are those that were crying against Patriot Act and wanting habeus corpus (spelling?) for foreigners?

Paul was backed by Senator Dianne Feinstein.

“Congress is essentially authorising the indefinite imprisonment of American citizens, without charge,” she said. “We are not a nation that locks up its citizens without charge.”

In fact, the heads of several security agencies, including the FBI, CIA, the director of national intelligence and the attorney general objected to the legislation. The Pentagon also said it was against the bill.

Read More here

MadisonMan said...

I don't think you should mock children. (defined as younger than 18). That's mean. Older than 21? Sure. They're adults.

I'm not sure what to make of the sleeves on Malia's dress (?) in that picture.

KCFleming said...

Do actual grown-ups say the word "icky"?

Is Jezebel 5 years old?

ricpic said...

To garbage, Michelle's big boned ass is a known unknown.

Brian Brown said...

Christopher in MA said...
Good lord, what a sickening bunch of commenters there, all creaming themselves at how gorgeous Moochelle is, and gushing that there just isn't any color she doesn't look good in

Keep in mind these same people beivieve theys understand the "science" behind "global "warming" and understand economics.

garage mahal said...
Wow! The Obamas are really a beautiful and happy family. So normal. And look at Michelle, those gorgeous toned arms, and the look: sort of Jackie O-esque?

See what I mean?

KCFleming said...

"I don't think you should mock children."

MadisonMan, see my rule above. This only applies to Democrats, whose First Kids are clearly from heaven, if any of them actually believed in such a place.

Anonymous said...

Insert "Trig Palin" in place of any of these children's names and see how the narrative changes.

Pastafarian said...

Very funny, garage (at 11:05). Great dead-pan delivery, you snarky SOB.

But seriously, it's beneath you to insult a woman based on her looks like that. Enough with the sarcasm.

KCFleming said...

"garage mahal said... And look at Michelle, those gorgeous toned arms..."

I take it back. "Icky" is entirely appropriate at times. As in "I feel all icky about TMI from Garage."

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Michelle's big boned ass is a known unknown.

mild case of Steatopygia: a common genetic trait.

Dressing appropriately can mask many figure flaws.

Also, just saying, not all men find this a flaw. It used to be considered quite attractive and possibly a survival characteristic.

And while I'm getting all antropological....look up Prognathism

traditionalguy said...

That reminds me of the jehovah Witnesses teams visiting door to door.

They drag along young children with the so that the target is shut up with politeness rules and gets the full assault. Then the target feels so sorry that theses small children are trapped by False Prophet Parents.

it is hard to say shut up, leave now or the police will be here in 5 minutes to arrest you for trespassing. The kids empart power.

Patrick said...

Actually, that picture looks really weird to me. The President has a very strange look in his eyes, and the daughter in the yellow looks uncomfortable (understandably). The daughter in the purple looks genuinely happy though.

I would hate to be in a President's family.

Christopher in MA said...

MadMan, I certainly don't think you should mock children. And frankly, I could live my life contentedly not knowing anything about the Obama daughters, or the Bush daughters or Chelsea -

(interpolation: joke heard on the Howie Carr radio show in Boston - Q: what do Massachusetts and the Clintons have in common? A: both have ugly Chelseas)

- BUT (and you saw this coming), the disgustingly vile slime the left threw at Trig Palin, as well as the fiendish delight the enemedia orgasmed in concerning the Bush daughters' alcohol indulgences, while at the same time covering up Chelsea's vomit-soaked, bar-crawling blackouts and ManBearPig's son's drunk driving and pot dealing, have changed my opinion. Every child of every Democrat, no matter their age, is fair game. If that's the way the left wants to play, then - to quote a noted philosopher - the right should punch back twice as hard.

And if you think the left hasn't already gearing up a "they're so clean cut, they must be closeted / sex addicts / drug fiends" whisper campaign about Mitt's kids, then you're in for a rude awakening.

Bob Ellison said...

It's a nice-looking first family, looking nice in a few pictures. They're good-looking folks, all and each of them. They have to do this stuff, or at least some of it. Lay off.

garage mahal said...

To garbage, Michelle's big boned ass is a known unknown.

Compared to what? Past First Ladies? Your wife? Post a pic of your wife for reference?

Maybe this would be a great time for everyone to post a pic of themselves or their spouses to show how much better shape they are compared to Michelle Obama.

Sofa King said...

Meanwhile, lefties in Wisconsin openly advocate for the harassment and intimidation of Scott Walkers children, and nobody cares.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Wait...what blog am I on?


Again. No one would be making much of how the Obamas dressed if the meme of how wonderful, beautiful, classy etc they are wasn't shoved down our throats.

Who you gonna believe the media in the tank for Obama or your own lyin' eyes?

Petunia said...

I think Malia's dress is a bit too short; she wouldn't be able to bend forward or crouch down to greet the children in front of her without great risk of showing her underwear, and so she has to stand back.

Mrs. Obama's dress looks nice on her; she can look very good when she is dressed appropriately, but some of her choices have been questionable at best.

Sasha looks very cute.

The President does have a rather odd look on his face, but IMHO it's just an unfortunate selection of photo.

The comments on the photo's website are nauseating.

prairie wind said...

Who talked Michelle out of wearing a belted cardigan over that lovely green dress?

I want that dress for my own. I wouldn't mind having her arms, either. The rear end, I already have, thank you very much.

Patrick said...

Garage: I think there are all sorts of sites on which people can post pics of their wives/girlfriends.* Uh, probably not here, though.

*So I'm told.

The Crack Emcee said...

I feel free to talk about their clothes. Their clothes are pretty, and they look adorable. There now, how "icky" is that?

Stop it - they're both as butt-ugly as their momma.

I mentioned you in a blog post - it's kind of "icky" too,..

Salamandyr said...

Mrs. Obama, when she chooses to smile, is a perfectly nice looking lady. I think the negative reaction to her derives more from the way certain people, for partisan reasons, have tried to claim she is some special beauty.

I don't think we really need beautiful people in the White House. They just need to be presentable. I'd say, at least appearance-wise, our current First Family qualifies.

SomeoneHasToSayIt said...

Come on folks, Chelsea's very existence is a miracle! Leave her alone.

Consider that her Dad has had dozens and dozens of un-prophylactic dalliances with dozens and dozens of women. Yet never a credible paternity suit, never a rumor of hushed up abortion.

The dog that didn't bark, perhaps?

damikesc said...

So Obama married a Wookie. Congrats to him.

The Crack Emcee said...

BTW - Chelsea's as ugly as her daddy.

And that ain't Bill,...

Paul said...

Calm down Ann.

Yes you are right but what they do is transparent. And after all, didn't Obama say his administration would be 'transparent'?

Curious George said...

garage mahal said...
Maybe this would be a great time for everyone to post a pic of themselves "

Just don't take one in a "I Tappa Kegga" T-Shirt. You don't want to add "Stupid" to "fat".

garage mahal said...

Just don't take one in a "I Tappa Kegga" T-Shirt. You don't want to add "Stupid" to "fat".

uh, you could be 400lbs for all we know. Talk is cheap.

MadisonMan said...

@ChristopherinMA, enjoy your race to the bottom.

As I would tell my kids...and if everyone wanted to jump off a cliff....?

Psychedelic George said...

What does one expect from a publication named after Jezebel, the pagan queen whose dead body was devoured by wild dogs?

You've probably read the men's edition--Baal. The children's version, Moloch, is dandy, too.

Curious George said...

"garage mahal said...
Just don't take one in a "I Tappa Kegga" T-Shirt. You don't want to add "Stupid" to "fat".

uh, you could be 400lbs for all we know. Talk is cheap."

Maybe. But I would never, ever, never ever, ever, never wear an "I Tappa Kegga" T-shirt.

Brian Brown said...

garage mahal said...
Talk is cheap

What I find funny is that you outed yourself as a commenter at Jezebel.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Pogo broke the MSM code!

He must have seen one of the reporters with the code written on their palm.

R= bad, D = get kneepads out.

garage mahal said...

What I find funny is that you outed yourself as a commenter at Jezebel.

Really? Which one Byro!?

bagoh20 said...

The Lincolns set the bar long ago, and settled the argument about looks and politics. Of course people had less free time back then and were generally wiser because of it.

And yes, Marry Todd was rockin' the ghetto onion back in the day.

bagoh20 said...

I mean Mary Todd.

I never encourage marriage.

Christopher in MA said...

All right, MadMan, here's my last bit on the subject. I patiently explained that I have no personal animus against the Obama girls. And I also stated that, if I never had to hear about them, their mother, or the children and spouses of ANY president, legislator or candidate, I would be perfectly happy. They should be not seen and not heard. Is that clear?

But as I pointed out, the left demonized the Bush daughters for eight years and threw out the most vile, disgusting comments about Trig Palin. And let's not forget the Kerry / Edwards utterly cynical "we wish happiness for your LESBIAN DAUGHTER!!!, Mr. Cheney" crap those two pieces of human sewage indulged in during the 2004 election.

I see no reason to adopt a "we're better than that" stance when it comes to a Democrat's spawn being shoved in my face. They have no moral authority to stand on and cannot plead for privacy when they have shown themselves so utterly contemptuous of the right's children / spouses.

If that's a "race to the bottom," in your sniffy Coddington Van Voorhess IV phrase, I am happy with it. Being "better" than leftist scum doesn't stop them (a lesson Mittens will learn the hard way, just as the loathsome backstabbing 'maverick' McStain did).

Democrats are like recalcitrant dogs. You have to shove their nose in their own feces before they'll ever change their behavior.

And that is that. I have other things to do today.

LilyBart said...

I think the negative reaction to her derives more from the way certain people, for partisan reasons, have tried to claim she is some special beauty.

More likely its things like this:

"First lady Michelle Obama and first daughters Sasha and Malia are headed to Hono­lulu on Friday for a 17-day vacation..."

edutcher said...

What I don't understand is why we even care what is posted on Jezebel.

It's like worrying what Lady Gaga says.

In all fairness to the Obama girls, they seem like a regular pair of kid kids (IYKWIM) who have already had it impressed on them that nobody gets to pick their parents.

BarryD said...

Why shouldn't we mock Chelsea Clinton?

Because she's doing such a good job of mocking herself?

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Michelle's big boned ass is a known unknown.

mild case of Steatopygia: a common genetic trait.

Sir Richard Burton found it absolutely alluring; of course, he was in the slave market in Cairo at the time.

ricpic said...

Michelle is Barry's beard and Barry was likely the only prospect Michelle had -- so she took it.

Then the rumors are correct.

garage mahal said...

the left demonized the Bush daughters for eight years and threw out the most vile, disgusting comments about Trig Palin.

"The left" is Wonkette. And the MSM is Andrew Sullivan. And the reason the hyenas on the right torment Michelle Obama is because someone said something nice about her in a Glamour magazine. WHAAAAA!

Toad Trend said...

Commenting on what they are wearing does not rise to the level of 'undue scrutiny'.

No, that's the job of the TSA and the rubber glove gang.

I think the girls look fine. Malia really has gotten tall, almost as tall as her father.

What I want to know is why are the children they are greeting dressed up as elves?

damikesc said...

And the reason the hyenas on the right torment Michelle Obama is because someone said something nice about her in a Glamour magazine. WHAAAAA!

She was in the Maxim Hot 100 one year. That's when I got sick of the crap involving that homely, homely, homely person. Heck, if I had a chance to hit it, I wouldn't do so with a surrogate penis.

Carla Bruni didn't make that list --- but Chewbacca Obama? Really?

garage mahal said...

Heck, if I had a chance to hit it, I wouldn't do so with a surrogate penis.

I doubt she would do you anyways.

damikesc said...

I doubt she would do you anyways.

Given that I don't look like a throw rug nor need a beard --- no, she probably wouldn't.

But I'd let her beat me in a game of chess.

You always let the wookie win.

Christopher in MA said...

"The 'left' is Wonkette."

Go google the phrase "Bush daughters drinking mainstream media," and see what comes up, you cretinous hack.

"And the MSM is Andrew Sullivan."

So having a writing gig in The Atlantic and Newsweek no longer qualifies you as a member of the MSM?

It's almost amusing watching the depths you'll sink to to excuse your loathsome, Molochian abomination of a party. Amusing, but expected.

garage mahal said...

No results found for "Bush daughters drinking mainstream media".

Toad Trend said...

"The left" is Wonkette. And the MSM is Andrew Sullivan."

And sex is a wink.

Christopher in MA said...

My mistake - "bush daughters drinking mainstream media comments." But I'm sure you'll figure out a way to dismiss or ignore the results.

And now I'm shutting off the computer. This is turning into a Mobius strip of nonsense and I'm giving you more attention than you deserve.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Christopher in MA:

And don't forget the MSM never ever mentions Joe Biden's multiple draft deferments but Dick Cheney was a warmongering draft dodger.

edutcher said...

ndspinelli said...

Predictable, boring, that order. We need some new blood, or good old blood.


vbspurs, by all means.

Some of the other old blood wasn't all that good.

purplepenquin said...

Meanwhile, lefties in Wisconsin openly advocate for the harassment and intimidation of Scott Walkers children, and nobody cares.

Nobody at all? Not even you?

Personally, this is the first I've heard about it. Please point me to the "lefties" that have done such a thing so I can respond to their vile and disgusting behavior.

Quaestor said...

garage mahal wrote:
I can tell by the the look in Barack's eye as he glances at Michelle. Obvious starbursts going on here. And, ahem, who wouldn't!? I mean, look at her! Hubba hubba.

Not so loud, ferchristake! And cut out the heavy breathing, ok? Your cum-breath is overpowering.

MayBee said...

Garage, that was funny. Thanks.

Toad Trend said...

"Predictable, boring, that order. We need some new blood, or good old blood."

spinelli, tell us, who is included, with your 'we'??? Do you want complements to boorishness or just run-of-the-mill sycophants?

Do tell.

garage mahal said...

Garage, that was funny. Thanks.


Sofa King said...


I won't bother, because you won't do shit and we both know it. But I happen to have the most recent example handy, so here it is:

James said...

From NPR:

"But before the sun set, most Walker supporters went home. And union forces again owned the streets, marching around the Capitol building. On the curb, teacher Leah Gustafson held a sign saying, "Scott, your son is in my class. I teach him, I protect him, I inspire him."

Gustafson said she teaches Walker's son in a school outside Milwaukee. Like much of organized labor, she also said she accepts the need for union workers to pay more for their pensions and health care.

"Absolutely, I get that," she said. "I understand that, and I am more than willing to do that. But it's the bargaining rights that really scare me. We have to obtain and retain teachers for the future, or our educational system is going to crumble.""

Patrick said...

As a conservative I say leave the kids alone. But I think liberals aren't able to play by that rule.

Sofa King said...

Not mention mobbing the family's private home while only the children were home.

James said...

From Politico:

"Michael Mulvey, a high school algebra teacher in Wauwatosa — the town Walker represented for a decade in the Legislature here — lapped the circular balcony over the main floor with a sign that read, “Scott, I taught your son algebra. My son just turned 5. Does he deserve a good education?”"

Any curious person could easily look up Michael Mulvey or Leah Gustafson and find out where they teach i.e. where the Walker kids attend school.

garage mahal said...

Facebook, Sofa? Are you fucking kidding us?

Unknown said...

Grant Park, Chicago - Election Night (note the color choices for the whole family - girls included)

Beta Rube said...

Sarah Palin is the hottest ever to run on a National ticket.

Makes Michelle look like the clumsy livestock she is.

Kirk Parker said...

Christopher in MA,

I completely disagree. When politicians drag out their kids*, the kids should still be beyond criticism--it's simply not their fault. But there's no reason to refrain from abominating the parents for abusing their kids in this way. I can't believe you don't see any difference between bad-mouthing the parents and bad-mouthing the kids.

*FWIW, I don't consider there to be anything wrong with having them silently present for a photo op, and even more so if it's in a holiday-oriented situation. But the moment they have the kids speak, or reference them in any way other than to introduce them (e.g. Carter's nonsense re "talks" about nuclear war with Amy) then the ostensible adults deserve heaps of vituperation.

JAL said...

The comments I read there brought back really bad memories of women swooning at The O's feet. In the comments Michelle can wear no wrong.

It's the idolatry that is appalling. (Why are libs like that? Is it a personality disorder of some kind? Or just severe insecurity? Scary.)

Me? Meh.

Sometimes Michelle picks something that looks good -- other times she is trying too hard to be "fashionable." Whatever the hey that means.

Other times she looks pretty bad. Strictly "who cares."

As for the "icky" thing with Jezzie about writing about the girls' "fashion" I think leaving them alone is just fine. Really. And her comment about walking to school was generic, not specific.

And Chelsea? Fair game now, honey.

JAL said...

@ GM Michelle would be considered petite compared to many past First Ladies.

hahahahhahhha ahaha ah h ah ha h a


damikesc said...

I completely disagree. When politicians drag out their kids*, the kids should still be beyond criticism--it's simply not their fault.

Agreed. It's not the kids' call in terms of being in the limelight.

I just wish the press would consistently practice the restraint.

Freeman Hunt said...

You know what else is "icky?" Referring to someone's dead baby as a "dead fetus" and making "judgey" comments about the grieving family.

Brian Brown said...

purplepenquin said...

Personally, this is the first I've heard about it.

Your ignorance is deliberate.

William said...

The Bush girls have turned out to be attractive, sane, and charming. (I've always wondered why Weiner didn't sext them.)....Some of the Reagan kids were completey crass and classless about cashing in on their father's Presidency. Ron Jr. has made a career out of it....In about thirty years, in order to raise bail for her third husband, Chelsea will write a tell all book about her parent's marriage......Romney is blessed not only with a trophy wife but with trophy kids. I think that's the subliminal reason for the antipathy towards him. He is just too blessed. If only he had a kid with a birth defect, he'd be way up there in the polls......Whatever my objections to Obama, his kids are fine and shoud be spared the kind of scrutiny, kind and unkind, that his wife gets.

Trochilus said...

Leave the kids alone while they are kids -- across the board.

By the way, I didn't see Chelsea in her NBC debut, so I have no opinion on that. But while channel surfing Wednesday, I did happen catch Clinton's interview on PBS with Peter Martins of the New York City Ballet, discussing George Balanchine's Nutcracker, apparently a featured performance this Christmas season.

I actually began watching the interview thinking to myself, "Oh, this should be rich!" in part based on having read the panning she had received in the WaPo.

And I was wrong.

Chelsea was knowledgeable and really quite engaging throughout the interview, as the two of them discussed the Balanchine influence on ballet here in the United States.

That was a topic on which I was not even remotely aware prior to watching the interview. Truth is, I've never attended a ballet. I do occasionally go see an opera -- once every few years -- but "ix-nay on the allet-bay!"

So, I learned something. Bottom line, I was very pleasantly surprised and would certainly watch her do other interviews.

I just looked for a clip to illustrate the point, but there was none on YouTube that I could find to link to. Nor could I find one on the PBS website.

Display Name said...

Insert "Walker's children" in place of any of these children's names and see how the narrative changes. Oh, wait, when the McGuyver Institute points to Walker's kids' Facebook pages it's because they don't want to draw attention to their private lives. They blanked out other names, but not Walker's kids.

DADvocate said...

Depending on what you say, it could be really creepy. It's actually kind of amazing how out of the spot light these kids are.

JFK's kids were all over the news and magazines. Nixon's kids got a fair amount of press as did LBJ's. Malia and Sasha appear so rarely that I almost forget about them.

pm317 said...

Trochilus said...

Thanks for the positive note on Chelsea Clinton. For many of us who saw her speak on the campaign trail in primary 2008, this does not come as a surprise. She is very articulate and would answer the audience question rattling off stats and other details with no effort.
Here are a couple of videos:

Campaign stop one

Campaign stop two

Anonymous said...

Interesting. The Jezebel site won't accept comments, my attempt to post rulted in some variation of "post failed". Twice. Using a legitimate email address. Perhaps they've posted all of the congratulatory Obama posts that they intend to publish?

wv: jousl-- shoving for position in blog comments

Beardog said...

Ever notice how much Chelsea Clinton looks like Web Hubbel?

Milwaukee said...

Dust Bunny Queen said...
Generally, I disapprove of making criticisms of children's looks, style and especially physical characteristics the internet or anywhere else. Children and teenage girls already have fragile egos and their self worth as tied to their appearance can easily be damaged.

So how did you feel about Mrs. 0 discussing her daughter's near brush with being fat? Michelle can be pretty harsh.

The line from Annie is that one is never fully dressed without a smile. Too often Michelle's smile makes my skin crawl. And when she isn't smiling, she is frightful.

Anonymous said...

What I think is "icky" is getting one's teenage and pre-teen daughters wear outfits that match mommie's, as Michel had done on many occasions.

Trochilus said...

pm317 responding to my prior comment at 12/15/11 4:50 PM ...
It may have seemed odd to some people I know, given the fact that I have never cared even one little bit for the politics of either of her parents.

But I do think they did the right thing shielding her from coverage while she was a kid.

And, on her part, Chelsea has ended up remarkably free of entanglements in any of the broad spectrum of negative behavior that too often snares children of public figures like politicians, or others with celebrity. Smart girl.

However, that defensive tactic was carried well into her adult life and, in 2008, it ultimately backfired on her, just a bit, while she was publicly campaigning for her mother. I even highlighted it at the time here.

* * * * *
UPDATE: 1:42 PM 12/31 Chelsea stiffs a nine year old reporter who has gotten interviews all across the specturm.

From the story:

"Do you think your dad would be a good 'first man' in the White House?" Sydney asked, but Chelsea brushed her question aside.

"I'm sorry, I don't talk to the press and that applies to you, unfortunately. Even though I think you're cute," Chelsea told the pint-sized journalist.

Could be she really doesn't have anything to say.
* * * * *

Turns out, I'm happy to acknowledge, that she indeed does have something to say. As noted above, I was very pleasantly surprised by her ease of manner and erudition in the interview with Peter Martins discussing Balanchine, and the current production of the Nutcracker.

And, yes, it is a topic she knows. But who wouldn't go to their strength in a first effort or two in a limelight role?

Swen said...

The rest of the family looks fairly normal, but someone should tell King Putt not to do his Mantan Moreland impression in public.

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