December 13, 2011

"In a weird way the country is not commensurate with [Obama's] gifts."

"That's a harsh thing to say but I have a feeling in the dark night of the soul, that's what he feels. I think he thinks that this is a[n] eighteenth century constitutional republic that needs s-s-significant updating."

So said Jon Meachum, the former Newsweek editor and present Random House editor on MSNBC the other day. Rush Limbaugh was delighted:
That's how you do it! That's how you get rid of him. That's how you convince him to move on. You tell him that he's so, so above this chump country. That's how you do it, folks. They listen to me. They did listen to me.
A few weeks early, Limbaugh had criticized Pat Caddell and Doug Schoen for telling Obama he should — for the good of the country — step aside and let Hillary be the 2012 Democratic Party nominee.
Now, the Schoen-Caddell plan comes down to putting the country above personal ambition.... Obama is a narcissist.  If you want Obama to step aside, you have to flatter him.  You have to tell him the office is beneath him.  If you tell Obama -- well, it's too late now. ...

Messrs. Caddell and Schoen, this, I'm afraid, will guarantee that he will stay.  But if you had flattered him, if you had told him that there are greater things, that the reason things are going the way they are is because he's just not challenged, this is just too small, that you can tell he's bored, you can tell he's not interested.  We all can see that he and Michelle don't like the White House.  They don't like living there.  They would rather be anywhere else.  Running this country is so uninteresting to him, so beneath his stature, so beneath his skill set, so beneath his intellect. The world is crying for a leader now, not just America, the world is crying for a leader, a leader that the United States will listen to.  Then maybe you guys coulda gotten him to quit.  I wish you'd-a called me. I wish you'da sent me a note.
ADDED: By the way, my reaction to the Schoen-Caddell column was similar to Rush's — and I was first:
... I can see Obama choosing to withdraw, with some magnificent long-term life plan. But pressure him out? Ridiculous! 


Will Cate said...

Actually "Jon" Meachum (we went to the same college, but I'm not a fan)

MadisonMan said...

He's too smart for us?


I'm way ahead of my time too. Trust me on this.

Original Mike said...

"That's how you do it! That's how you get rid of him. That's how you convince him to move on. You tell him that he's so, so above this chump country."

Isn't that the standard break up line? "It's not you, honey, it's me."

Joe Schmoe said...

How about the NBA could use a new commissioner? David Stern is getting a little long in the tooth there. They just had a protracted labor negotiation. Barry likes balling.

Christopher in MA said...

Slight correction, Rush. He does like the White House. He and Michelle Antoinette love being there. They just don't like being pestered. He doesn't like being dragged away from His NBA brackets to deal with political fallout from some shitty country like Israel. She doesn't like that She has to pretend their lavish Christmas spread is really for all of us, to help cheer us up during these difficult times.

At bottom, they're both fundamentally ghetto (or, since He is half-white, He can be fundamentally white trash). They want bling, but they don't want to have to work for it. They should just get it, because. . .well, because.

Rush knows better. The SCOAMF and his scowling consort have never lived this kind of high life before and never will again. If only you peasants would STFU and go away.

Chase said...

Barack Obama is man of several talents.

But none of them are a fit for the Presidency of the United States.

It was apparent before his election in 2008. Which raises the simple question:

What has changed?

cubanbob said...

And now you know why Newsweek is but a remnant of a shadow.

Sorun said...

Obama should be the Secretary General of the UN instead. Then he'd really be in a position to stop the seas' rise. Hehe.

I'm Full of Soup said...

It's much fun to watch these media bigshots say the stupidest things and their fellow panelists nod in agreement.

Mark Daniels said...

As to the "Obama is a narcissist" meme to which Limbaugh alludes in your citation, I don't find Obama any more narcissistic than any other person who has the audacity to say, "I want to be president."

Someone--I think it was Gore Vidal--once said that we ought to automatically exclude from consideration anybody who expresses the desire to be president. Coming from a narcissist like Vidal that sentiment might not carry much freight. But I do think it does have some merit, which is why in early US history, candidates for the presidency feigned disinterest in the office. Taking steps toward becoming president was unseemly (at least if they were seen).

My point is that people who want to be president are self-absorbed. Obama is no different.

Skipper said...

Obama is the Twelfth Imam.zotcre

Anonymous said...

But I do think it does have some merit, which is why in early US history, candidates for the presidency feigned disinterest in the office.

Formerly, candidates "stood" for office, staying at home with proxies doing the campaigning; now, they actively "run." The difference may be a sham, but standing instead of running for office had the advantage of projecting a hesitancy to power and a formal humility which appeals to me.

Maybe I'm just Victorian that way, though.

Henry said...

There's something disturbing about a journalist, any journalist, saying that Obama is "convincing" (Mike Barnacle at the link).

God save us from the easily convinced.

It's a kind of professional denial. It's too hard to admit "I'm a sucker" so the only alternative is to project virtues onto Obama that don't exist.

* * *

You know that there's a pattern here.

Al Gore, after BEING ROBBED in 2000, was also discovered to be too talented for the presidency. The United States wasn't big enough for him. He had to save the whole world.

Jimmy Carter, after losing TO AN ACTOR in 1980 was also discovered to be too talented for the presidency. He became the best ex-president EVER. Protector of humanity, solo diplomat, moral scold -- so much leeway he found once the shackles of responsibility were removed.

The role of world savior is always looking for a failed liberal to fill its empty sandals.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

When it comes to Obama, we're not worthy!

Fen said...

BARNICLE: He wins the presidency in 2008; overcoming all sorts of doubts and surpassing a field filled with a couple of truly, truly good candidates. I think he is stunned, given his gifts, and his inability to get anything really done in Congress. I think he's stunned by it.

RUSH: Stop it. He's stunned. He's so smart. He is stunned he can't get these plebes to go along. He is so stunned. With his gifts, with his superior talent and intelligence, he is shocked that he can't get these Neanderthals in Congress to go along with him. So this whole business of Obama being smart is a total con job.

Ah yes, we are not worthy to be led by the Diversity Hire of the United Stated (DHOTUS). I still think its because, secretly, we are all racist bigots who don't appreciate the Magnificence of The One.

People that need to tell you they are smart.. are not.

Joe said...

They should have urged Obama to step down and run for President of the World.

Fen said...

My point is that people who want to be president are self-absorbed. Obama is no different.

But Obama is several degrees of Narcissist above anyone else.

Its like saying "its not uncommon for President's to run up our debt. Obama is no different".

sorepaw said...

I don't find Obama any more narcissistic than any other person who has the audacity to say, "I want to be president."

Gotta disagree.

Some are more narcissistic than others.

Not every President would have reassured Marion Berry (who promptly started his retirement planning) that Democrats in Congress needn't fear losing the next election because "You've got me."

Not every President can't be bothered to call members of Congress (from his own party) on the phone.

Joe Schmoe said...

This is classic stage 1 Shock and Denial in the grieving process. Even after Barry's been exposed as completely impotent, some Dems like Meachum and Mike Barnicle (an unrepentant lefty blowhard from Boston) just can't admit how wrong they were about him.

It's time to move on to Pain & Guilt.

cubanbob said...

"In a weird way the country is not commensurate with [Obama's] gifts."
"That's a harsh thing to say but I have a feeling in the dark night of the soul, that's what he feels I think he thinks that this is a[n] eighteenth century constitutional republic that needs s-s-significant updating."

In a weird way is right. Obama is not commensurate with the needs of the country or with his real abilities.

The man can read a teleprompter rather well, wears a suit well and has a voice that with a couple-of-packs a day can develop the right timbre for the CBS Evening News anchor. Less stress and a much bigger paycheck

Take away all of the political special FX and the fawning of the various house organs and what is Obama really? A jumped up very junior state senator. Living proof of the Peter principal.

Psychedelic George said...

Considering what is going on in Europe, we'd best hope that Mr. Obama is taking his smart pills....

There's not enough money in the world to cover the collapse of major European banks which all have gigundo loans out to each other, not to mention the status of a half dozen rocky European governments. Not to mention the fizzling Chinese property bubble.

It seems like we are waiting for some history rhyming trigger event in an archduke getting shot.

Let's be glad that Romney has a great background in finance and that Gingrich isn't afraid to think big. Might make a good team together.

Be happy we are in America....Our banks are in better shape than many in Europe. Property prices seem to be bottoming. And because of our domestic tranquility and vast economic power, our currency is a safe haven. We'll muddle through.

Original Mike said...

"I think he is stunned, given his gifts, and his inability to get anything really done in Congress."

He was a Senator for what, 10minutes? His inability to get anything done, the press says. Is there any doubt why Obama thinks he's God's gift to humanity?

Brian Brown said...

given his gifts,


His "gifts" are to make guilty white people feel better about themselves by supporting him.

cubanbob said...

on second thought lets Give Obama the job he is truly deserving of (as Mick would say). Lets invade Kenya and set him up as President For Life.

Scott M said...

We'll muddle through.

Unless an archduke gets shot. Which, in our case, is someone like, oh, I dunno, Justin Beiber.

cubanbob said...

Psychedelic George said...
Considering what is going on in Europe, we'd best hope that Mr. Obama is taking his smart pills....

Sadly there is evidence of that. If anything he appears to be taking extra strength stupid pills.

Your comment about the dollar is indeed correct, not because the idiots in charge are doing a good job but compared to Eurozone we are less bad.

Meade said...

I don't think Obama necessarily has a narcissistic personality disorder. But I do think he has excessive feelings of self-importance. I thought so early in 2008 and there has been nothing since then to cause me to change my opinion of him.

sakredkow said...

That's a small way to criticize someone.

Tim said...

Talk about missing the lede:

"that's what he feels I think he thinks that this is a[n] eighteenth century constitutional republic that needs s-s-significant updating."

The real insight from this quote isn't how it relates to Obama, but rather that's how the alienated Left views America - that it's an "eighteenth century constitutional republic that needs s-s-significant updating."

We can't begin to understand, let alone counter, the alienated Left without fully, completely understanding they fundamentally want to remake America into something it never was, nor ever should be. None of the hallmarks of what they want America to be made into, nor could be made into, made America what it is today. Just like the idiots with "occupy wherever" who rail against "capitalism" while using their iPhones and iPads, they want it both ways - all of the benefits, but none of the costs or messy details.

These people have never built anything useful for anyone, yet they're first in line to complain about a world from which they do nothing but take.

The sooner we ignore them, the better.

Anonymous said...

To read Meachum's comments is to understand why 'Newsweek' went under. The reading public was just not commensurate with his editing skills.

Joe Schmoe said...

The internecine struggles are just beginning. Dems are starting to vocalize--publically--thoughts of replacing Barry with Hill.

National Review is almost in full anti-Newt mode.

Say what you want about Newt, but he has forced everyone else to step it up a notch.

edutcher said...

The last time a country had a leader who thought the people weren't worthy of him, he ordered that everything be destroyed so the Allies couldn't use it when they took over.

(yes, that's a Godwin alert)

xnar said...

We are not worthy!
We are not worthy!

Pastafarian said...


Are they making fun of Obama's stutter?

bgates said...

That's a small way to criticize someone.

In a weird way the criticism is not commensurate with Obama's gifts.

Obama deserves much, much bigger criticism.

pm317 said...


TOTUS is rolling its eyes and thinking where would he be without it.

Christopher in MA said...

So if the presidency of James Monroe was "The Era of Good Feelings," will the Obama presidency be the era of the Rogue Ale Arrogant Bastard ("You're Not Worthy") presidency?

garage mahal said...

It will be fun to watch the epic butthurt when Obama steamrolls Gingrich by about 40 states.

"White guilt!" "Lamestream media!" "Light bulbs!"

Scott M said...

It will be fun to watch the epic butthurt when Obama steamrolls Gingrich by about 40 states.


Joe Schmoe said...

Garage, when did you turn into America's Politico?

X said...

What an emperor is unelected in me!

DaveW said...

Dark Night of the Soul?

You're kidding. I've had it on my wish list at Amazon for over a year. I'm struck that a guy like Meachum would use the phrase.

Dark night of the soul is a famous Catholic treatise by St. John of the Cross. It is considered sort of like a post PHD Catholic work, the sort of thing people like me can't or shouldn't attempt to read. It is a deeply spiritual work and I seriously doubt the phrase came out of nowhere.


Of course, I might feel inspired to buy it now through the Althouse portal. But since she's cravenly cratered to trolls and I can't post reviews or ask for help on the Amazon threads I won't buy it here. I bought the Kindle Fire for my wife straight off Amazon deliberately to deny her the $15 she would have received had I bought it here.

Tim said...

Joe Schmoe said...

"Garage, when did you turn into America's Politico?"

There's evidence they aren't the same?

Anyway, I'll give this to Garage/America's Politico - they're just smart enough to know that people dumb enough to vote for Obama the first time around are most likely too dumb to learn from their mistakes, ergo, most likely Obama gets reelected.


Original Mike said...

"...people dumb enough to vote for Obama the first time around are most likely too dumb to learn from their mistakes"

I wish some enterprising reporter would track down that "Obama money" woman and ask her if she's still waiting for the check.

ricpic said...

It's unconscionable that Obama declared there to be 57 states and the states could rustle up only 50!

Cincinnatus said...

All politicians are extreme narcissists, but Obama seems to be setting new records for stupid, baseless narcissism.

Known Unknown said...

like being dragged away from His NBA brackets

No one fills out NBA brackets.

No one.

Christopher in MA said...

"It will be fun to watch the epic butthurt when Obama steamrolls Gingrich by about 40 states."

Duly noted. If Newt is even the nominee.

Of course, what will be fun for me is to watch your epic spittle-flecked breakdown when Little Black Jesus gets his coke-snorting ass handed to him on a plate, Walker handily holds on to the governorship and the GOP takes control of Congress.

"Koch Brothers!" "Corporate Media!" "Greedy One Percent!"

C R Krieger said...

Tim nailed it.  The buried lede is that Mr Meachum and his ilk would like to replace our decentralized 18th Century system with an early 19th Century centralized Bonapartist system.  Like David Cameron, I say "No Thanks".

Regards  —  Cliff

Christopher in MA said...

EMD - ah, quite right. I meant college brackets. Duly noted. My point stands, however.

garage mahal said...

Of course, what will be fun for me is to watch your epic spittle-flecked breakdown when Little Black Jesus gets his coke-snorting ass handed to him on a plate, Walker handily holds on to the governorship and the GOP takes control of Congress.

So are we still on with that Walker bet?

SPImmortal said...

It will be fun to watch the epic butthurt when Obama steamrolls Gingrich by about 40 states


lol Obama's behind both Gingrich and Romney in all the major swing states, and there isn't even a nominee yet.

By election day he'll be trailing whomever wins the nomination by double digits.

sorepaw said...

It will be fun to watch the epic butthurt when Obama steamrolls Gingrich by about 40 states.

Obama's going to carry 45 states.


Of course, the unit lacks the RAM or the disk storage to retain this output until November 2012.

But the rest of us will remember.

Christopher in MA said...

I told you before, garage, and I'll repeat it:

If Walker loses, I pay my debt like a man of honor. If he wins, you can take the money and spend it, flush it down the toilet or shove it up your ass for all I care. I have no intention of soiling myself by accepting anything from you.

Scott M said...

But the rest of us will remember.

I had honestly never been motivated to start a bookmark folder before today.

sorepaw said...

he thinks that this is a[n] eighteenth century constitutional republic that needs s-s-significant updating.

I also thought this was the key statement.

Barack Obama as the reincarnation of Woodrow Wilson, who despised the Declaration of Independence, especially the part about "unalienable rights," and longed for a Constitution on the British model (i.e., not written down anywhere).

MayBee said...

There have been enough stories now about how Obama thinks our citizens are ungovernable, or how he envies China's leaders' ability to dictate changes. Enough of his friendly news contacts have argued the same.

It seems to me time for a journalist to ask Obama outright if that is what he thinks. Are we nearly impossible to govern? Does he believe our constitutional republic needs significant updating? How so?

garage mahal said...

If Walker loses, I pay my debt like a man of honor. If he wins, you can take the money and spend it, flush it down the toilet or shove it up your ass for all I care. I have no intention of soiling myself by accepting anything from you.

Perfect. And I can't be over any sooner. It's getting ugly out there with Walker's thugs. When will Walker condemn these anti-democratic fascist goons?

Crunchy Frog said...

Isn't that the standard break up line? "It's not you, honey, it's me."

It's not me, it's you
It's not me, it's you
Always has been you
All the lies and stupid things you say and do
It's you
It's not me, it's you
All the lies and pain you put me through
I know that it's not me, it's you

Skillet, "It's Not Me It's You"

Brian Brown said...

garage mahal said...
It will be fun to watch the epic butthurt when Obama steamrolls Gingrich by about 40 states.

Right on cue:

According to a new USA Today/Gallup poll, both Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich would defeat President Obama in the general election in twelve key swing states. Romney is polling five points ahead of Obama, 48 percent to 43 percent, while Gingrich is three points ahead, 48 percent to 45 percent.

Why, it is almost as if you're stupid or something.

Brian Brown said...

Christopher in MA said...

Of course, what will be fun for me is to watch your epic spittle-flecked breakdown when Little Black Jesus gets his coke-snorting ass handed to him on a plate, Walker handily holds on to the governorship and the GOP takes control of Congress.

"Koch Brothers!" "Corporate Media!" "Greedy One Percent!"

Garage and his ilk will be whining about Citizens United.

Fen said...

Be gentle Jay. Considering Garage's "math" re economics, he prob thinks Obama can win without the 12 swing states...

garage mahal said...

Why, it is almost as if you're stupid or something.

Well I have to read your hackneyed analyses here daily, but keep deluding yourself into thinking a raging buffoon like Gingrich can win.

Scott M said...

keep deluding yourself into thinking a raging buffoon like Gingrich can win.

Both Bush and Obama won. The bar's pretty low.

Brian Brown said...

garage mahal said...
Why, it is almost as if you're stupid or something.

Well I have to read your hackneyed analyses here daily

Oh isn't that cute garagie!

“Since the heady days of 2008, a new USA TODAY/Gallup Swing States Poll finds the number of voters who identify themselves as Democratic or Democratic-leaning in these key states has eroded, down by 4 percentage points, while the ranks of Republicans have climbed by 5 points. Republican voters also are more attentive to the campaign, more enthusiastic about the election and more convinced that the outcome matters.”

But of course my "analysis" isn't so dumb as saying Obama would win 40 states.

Methadras said...

18th century constitutional republic sounds so, so, so backwards when a leftard mouthbreaths it. Doesn't it? Nevermind that the it's 235 years later and we still talk about the constitution as if it was made up yesterday.

Curious George said...

Jay said...

"But of course my "analysis" isn't so dumb as saying Obama would win 40 states."

Not so fast. Garage said he would win by 40 states, so he would have to win 45 (45-5) to accomplish that. Or in Obama's America 49 (49-8).

bagoh20 said...

You would have a hard time convincing him he's not qualified after a lifetime of being told he always was.

Somebody was lying.

Methadras said...

bagoh20 said...

You would have a hard time convincing him he's not qualified after a lifetime of being told he always was.

Somebody was lying.

Urkel is a direct outcome of what the self-esteem movement wrought. And still does.

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