December 31, 2011

"Hey" = the subject line on email from the President of the United States.


Steve Burri said...


Jason said...

Somebody should respond with this reply:


About the skyrocketing national debt and unending raising of the debt ceiling: it matters.

Please stop taking vacations every 4-6 weeks and actually get to work to start solving our country's economic problems.

To your defeat in 2012,
John Q. Taxpayer

TWM said...

Class is this man's (and his operation's) middle name.

Ron said...

wait til you get the one that starts "S'up, homegirl?"

Doesn't that make him authentic?

bagoh20 said...

It's very Occupyish: "Hey, give me stuff."

Tom Spaulding said...



About that presidency: It sucks.

If you can, please give your resignation today before you hit the back nine.

To the End of Your Term,


DaveW said...

What if I could only give $2.50? I guess I should go pound sand.

wv: squou (screw you)

Deb said...

AT least it didn't say "hey girl".

wv: frelot.

Charlie said...

I got this same email and thought it was very odd. Apparently, he has surrounded himself with idiots.

james conrad said...

Wonders if AA gave the $3?

bagoh20 said...

Doesn't he already have a billion dollars? How bad do you have to be if you can't win with a billion?

Can you imagine what the press would be saying right now if this was a Republican President with the current economics and the extensive golfing and vacations. Personally, I don't mind, but if this was McCain, he would simply not be allowed to do it. There would be pandemonium, and he would be looking for a way to get back in that P.O.W. camp to get some decent treatment and find a friend.

vza said...

I just deleted it without opening, thinking it was junk mail. I checked the properties, but would not believe it actually came from the Democratic Party. Unbelievable. What next? Yo?

SunnyJ said...

From the front porch of my farm in rural Wisconsin, the response to the "Hey" email:

Hay is for horses...didn't your Gramma teach you any manners?

Only time greeting someone with "Hey" is when you use the familiar with their name as in the famous line, "Hey Boo..." spoken by Scout.

(Would have gotten me the smack to the back of head and the infamous "one eye" stare down)

rcommal said...

Hey yourself.

SGT Ted said...

I'd rather give the 3 bucks to one of the bums that wanders by my house.

SGT Ted said...

Which golf course should I put as the address for my donation?

bagoh20 said...

I would expect, that if anyone sent out a mass email to millions just asking for $3, that they would probably get a nice chunk o' change. Throw in a video about your dog dying, and bang, let's go to Vegas!

Toad Trend said...

What you talkin' about, WILLIS???

My kids know that 'Hey' isn't a great way to start when you want to ask somebody for a handout. Generally, a more contrite starter like, 'excuse me' or 'do you have a minute' is a more tactful choice.

I expect more from a president.

rcommal said...

Hey ho!.

Freeman Hunt said...

Email back and ask him if he can spot you ten for a movie tonight.

Toad Trend said...

"Apparently, he has surrounded himself with idiots."


wv - rewask

SGT Ted said...

A pack of rich guys bumming money off of people who make far far less and the leader of those rich guys is always making a splash with his golf outings and extravigant tax-payer funded vacays. Such a Man of the People!

Whats that again about Corporate greed?

SGT Ted said...

The snark just writes itself with this clown of a President.

Mark O said...

I think he meant hay.

Toad Trend said...


Nice call on the Ramones.

Here's your Hey Hey follow up.

wv - pumplike


edutcher said...

Hey is for horses.

Ron said...

wait til you get the one that starts "S'up, homegirl?"

He'll tell you how tough he has it in da 'hood.

bagoh20 said...

Doesn't he already have a billion dollars? How bad do you have to be if you can't win with a billion?

NO HOpe.

Tank said...

He could put an Amazon link up so he could skim off commissions.

Just sayin.

Ann Althouse said...

"Wonders if AA gave the $3?"

I don't make political contributions.

In my entire life, I've given only a handful of times and not at all in over 10 years. The first time I ever gave was when Russ Feingold called me up personally and repeatedly when he was first running for the Senate. I think I gave to him twice and I think I once gave to his then brother-in-law Erpenbach (at the behest of Feingold). I think once or twice I gave to someone I knew personally here in Madison who was running for a local office.

That's it.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, Barry, I already sent my $3 to Gary Glitter.

MayBee said...

Maybe reporters (and everyone, erally) should start addressing him as "Barack". It's obviously what he wants to be called.

Wince said...

"NYT quotes Washington insiders calling Obama “remote,” “distant” and “perfunctory.”

Where would they get that idea?

Hey, Friend --
About the deadline tonight: It Matters.
If you can, give $3 or more today:

To 2012,


Elle said...


Wow, someone is phoning it in.

With a subject title like that, I'm surprised it didn't end up in the Spam folder. Seriously.

Joe Schmoe said...

"Hey" is bad, but the Friend thing creeps me out more. Very cult-like.

Kurt said...

I think this is a common technique with Democrat candidates. Somehow I ended up on Kirsten Gillibrand's e-mail list and many of the subject headers on those e-mails are almost as bad.

madAsHell said...

Was this a team effort, or did he compose the email by himself?

Should this be reported to

MayBee said...

Hey Barack, Hey Michelle-
I'm gonna be in Hawaii, mind if I stop by and drop off the $3? We can finally have that dinner we've been talking about.
Let's do this! Let's start the year with no regrets!

Love you! (I know you love me back)-

MayBee said...

Maybe Malia is writing the emails.

garage mahal said...

Consider this an inconsequential email subject line/Slam Obama With Whatever open thread!

YoungHegelian said...

Never, ever, underestimate how unprofessional this administration's minions can can be.

The second & third tier staffers for the administration are just morons. I'll be happy to see this administration lose in 2012 just to get these people out of town!

Unfortunately for the Democrats, these soon-to-be ex-staffers will be infesting the Democratic machine for years to come with their unprofessionalism.

shiloh said...

"I don't make political contributions."

I gave twice to Obama in 2008, my only (2) political contributions ever.

And got quite a ROI, Obama continuing to drive conservatives, especially here at Althouse, bat shit crazy notwithstanding.

btw, the Obama t-shirt was very nice, but probably pales in comparison to Althouse stuff. :D

MayBee said...

Garage- do you consider yourself better friends with Barack or Michelle?

SomeoneHasToSayIt said...

Feingold, Ann? Really?

I'll always remember him as the guy who once was the '1' in a Senate 99-1 vote. Just representing his constituents, I guess.

rcommal said...

Hey Hey

rcommal said...

Oh, c'mon, Garage Mahal! It's New Year's Eve--please get up and dance with me, just this once?

; ) : )

Charlie said...

You had me at "hey".

shiloh said...

rcommal, you can dance w/mittens!

harkin said...

I guess the "deadline" means he's going to stop asking for cash right?.......right?

rhhardin said...

You should get half off your New York Times subscription with it.

master cylinder said...

Hey Jason, dont know if you get any news outside of this outlet-but Bush's contribution to the skyrocketing debt was 5X what Obamas is. You know with, 2 un funded wars, the medicare drug provision, the tax cuts, etc... Were you bitching about that then? Didnt think so. Love to come here and feel the seethe. Great job Ann. Guess this kind of post keeps em from actually thinking about the candidates for president OTHER than Obama. And who wants to think about that? Not me, if I were not an Obama supporter.

Simon said...

During the Bush administration, many Democrats felt that the power of the Presidency had increased beyond safe bounds. Perhaps what we perceive as Obama's instinct to diminish and trivialize the Presidency—the beer summit, the endless interviews, the ineffectiveness, the simpering communications—is deliberate strategy? A kind of hobbling, if you will?

Tom Spaulding said...

Consider instead that this a Slam Obama and his Supporters With The Ridicule and Scorn They Richly Deserve open thread. As ALL threads should be in 2012.

Those of us who the President refers to as "bitter clingers" and "enemies that need to be punished" who should "sit in the back" and shut up as he drives us towards the endle$$ horizon on the Road to Dystopia will have our say on this and any thread.

Haven't YOU got your 3 bucks worth yet?

garage mahal said...

Oh, c'mon, Garage Mahal! It's New Year's Eve--please get up and dance with me, just this once?

Sure, but I really do suck! Sort of a pointless foot shuffling thing, accompanied by a lame finger snapping deal with the hands. I'm so bad I was even thinking of trying a few songs on my daughters Just Dance on WII, when no one was around. But then I knew if anyone ever caught me doing it, my friends would eventually find out. And I would be completely ruined.

David said...

Hey is for horses.

Obama should stop horsing around.

dbp said...

From the site:

"December 31st is the most important fundraising deadline in this campaign so far."

They don't explain why this should be so other than that it is because they say it is so.

"It's also the last day your donation will automatically enter you to win a meal with Barack, Michelle, and your guest."

So, are there to be no more of these Win a meal with Barak contests? Or will you have to check a box when you enter the next one?

David said...

Garage, how endearing. Happy New Year.

rcommal said...

I'm so bad I was even thinking of trying a few songs on my daughters Just Dance on WII, when no one was around.

You should have planned ahead and given each of your family members gift cards and then sent them off to the mall for a couple of hours.

Sure, but I really do suck! Sort of a pointless foot shuffling thing, accompanied by a lame finger snapping deal with the hands.

Oh, no problem! I'm used to that sort of thing.

Garage, how endearing.

Yes, yes it is, as a matter of fact.

Anonymous said...

Consider instead that this a Slam Obama and his Supporters With The Ridicule and Scorn They Richly Deserve open thread. As ALL threads should be in 2012.

Go ahead, knock yourself out.

Just realize there's no way you're getting him out of that house.

His re-election is a sure thing.

Anonymous said...

As my step-mother told me many times, hay is the first step of horse shit only she said horse stuff

gadfly said...

So Althouse checked out Feingold's closet!

If a politician kept calling me, I would put him on my personal "DO NOT VOTE" list.

Back then, I was a Wisconsin resident and I thankfully never even received an annoying robocall - but then again, I had moved "upstate" from Madison.

Just think of the vote for Feingold. Kasten would not have proposed and the Congress would not have passed the McCain- Feingold bill with all of its "unforseen consequences" that greatly raised the price of politics.

Jim said...

Gomer: Goober says hey!

Quaestor said...

shiloh wrote:
I gave twice to Obama in 2008, my only (2) political contributions ever.

Apparently shiloh is not sure of which of the famous three homophones is correct. Putting the numeral within parentheses only obscures the meaning, btw.

Speaking of things which come in threes, there are three kinds of fools: Firstly we have the ignorant fool, the fool whose foolishness is yet unknown to him. Next there is the repentant fool, once burned, twice shy as they say. Lastly we we have the arrogant fool, sad and hopeless, doomed like Sisyphus to endless repeat his foolishness.

Chuck66 said...

It's like when.....was it Jon Stewart called the President "Dude" to his face.

Chuck66 said...

AA, I don't give to political candidates as I am not a rich person. I could afford to give $10-25 to a candidate, but what would $10 do for a person who is raising thousands and thousands of dollars? So instead I give money to non-profits where I know my $10-25 will go directly for some project.

richard mcenroe said...

I got news for ya, Barry... when a grubby panhandler starts off with "Hey!" they don't get a penny from me...

richard mcenroe said...

James Conrad -- Hey, come on. She's gonna feel bad enough just voting for him again without giving him money too...

Methadras said...


shiloh said...

My buddy Quaestor, as always, thanx for the meaningless minutiae!

Rechecking grammar, spelling and punctuation. :-P

edutcher said...

shiloh said...

"I don't make political contributions."

I gave twice to Obama in 2008, my only (2) political contributions ever.

And got quite a ROI, Obama continuing to drive conservatives, especially here at Althouse, bat shit crazy notwithstanding.

The rest of the ROI: doubling inflation, unemployment, and gas prices is unimportant since Lefties don't care about money.


master cylinder said...

Hey Jason, dont know if you get any news outside of this outlet-but Bush's contribution to the skyrocketing debt was 5X what Obamas is.

He doesn't know because it isn't true.

Godzero is set to outstrip the debt Dubya racked up over 2 terms by the time his 1 term is done.

So maybe it's a good idea to confine Zero to one term if the cog-in-the-machine wants his contention to come close to being accurate.

John Stodder said...

I think he meant "Ahem," with the sound effect of tapping his feet impatiently.

Chef Mojo said...

been trying to meet you
must be a devil between us
or whores in my head
whores at my door
whores in my bed
but hey
where have you been?
if you go i will surely die
we're chained

uh said the man to the lady
uh said the lady to the man she adored
and the whores like a choir
go uh all night
and Mary ain't you tired of this
that the mother makes when the baby breaks
we're chained


You're welcome. Happy New Year, y'all!

Quaestor said...

edutcher wrote:
Lefties don't care other people's about money.


Such as big time Obama bucksman Courtney Dupree convicted of bank fraud.

Joe Schmoe said...

Consider this an inconsequential email subject line/Slam Obama With Whatever open thread!

Mahalotov Cocktail

Joe Schmoe said...

Those of us who the President refers to as "bitter clingers" and "enemies that need to be punished" who should "sit in the back" and shut up as he drives us towards the endle$$ horizon on the Road to Dystopia will have our say on this and any thread.

Haven't YOU got your 3 bucks worth yet?

Don't forget to eat your peas.

chickelit said...

Hey Hey, My My, these here threads can never die!

Awesome said...

It's all very Ryan Gosling "Hey Girl" meme isn't it. "Hey Aging Female Supporter. Remember the good times we had back in 2008?"

The Crack Emcee said...

Come on, you guys - they need the money!

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Maybe this is the Hope and Change Obama meant.

As oppose to.. remember this from the Bush years?

A mortified brother emailed his sister.. You wore flip-flops to the White House?


Automatic_Wing said...

Chickelit, do my eyes deceive me or is that really Dr. Jocelyn Elders in that Neil Young video? Good gawd, man.

The Crack Emcee said...

Joe Schmoe,

"Hey" is bad, but the Friend thing creeps me out more. Very cult-like.

There's the wind-up, and the pitch:

*Crack* - it's outta here!

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I'm not sure if this is correct but do cowboys use HEY or a combination close to that when herding cattle?

Hey is what this dog would bark if he could talk.

Obama is top dog and we are his cattle.

Blue@9 said...

It means his campaign is run by 20-somethings.

This is how I communicate with friends by text message. Astonishing that a President's re-election campaign would send out official communications with that greeting. Astonishing that there are no grown-ups or professionals looking at this stuff.

Michael Haz said...

Whoa, Bill Ayers sure writes some kick-ass fund raiser emails!

pm317 said...

Make Hey while the sun shines (in Hawaii).

cassandra lite said...

Hey must be for donkeys.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...


I haven't seen an AllenS comment in a while..

Hope he is doing OK.

(fair use under the Obama doctrine.. or is it regime)

Professor Obama.

chickelit said...

@Maguro: Could well be. The latest comment at that video: "The diversity of the audience is just remarkable."


pm317 said...

Hey Obama, I just made a donation much more than $3 to Clinton Global Foundation!!

Tom Spaulding said...

There is no reason, compelling or otherwise, to re-elect this man and his band of incompetents. He has done a horrible job by all metrics, regardless of the so-called "inherited" situation, and deserves to be fired.

Even given the current GOP field, I can't imagine a worse choice than four more years of what we just went through, and I refuse to reward him for his failures.

Quaestor said...

I've entered the "Have dinner with Barack and Michelle" contest via the no-donation option. If I win I'll be contributing some interesting table talk.

gk1 said...

What do you expect from these amateurs? That there is no adult supervision at all that this shit continues to happen is the disturbing part.

shiloh said...

zooby wins the thread, not a close call. :-P

Levi Starks said...

Seriously, they don't need the money at all.
This is simply a way of gauging the emotional status of his past/current supporters. It helps them to know how how much of the money they already have will need to be spent to bring the faithful back.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

..and you a law professor?

Brian Brown said...

master cylinder said...

Hey Jason, dont know if you get any news outside of this outlet-but Bush's contribution to the skyrocketing debt was 5X what Obamas is.

Um, that would be false as the debt under Obama increased more in just over 3 years than it did in 8 under Bush.

But you keep on, keeping on.

Brian Brown said...

shiloh said...

I gave twice to Obama in 2008, my only (2) political contributions ever.

And got quite a ROI,

Yes the ROI is:

Gallon of gas, up 100%
National Debt, up 36%
Unemployment: up by 3+ million
First Administration in the history of America to codify indefinite detention without trial in US law.

Keep clapping.

jeff said...

"Consider this an inconsequential email subject line/Slam Obama With Whatever open thread!" Normally, I would agree, but then I remember that plastic turkey nonsense, the "i can see Russia from my house" nonsense, to name just a couple examples and figure those are the rules now so this is in play.

chickelit said...

@Maguro: I mean, didn't you ever at least "feel" like one of those audience members whenever one of your favorite commenters went on a tear here? Not in this thread, but others, over the years?

Isn't that something to celebrate?

showbiz111 said...

This is sooo tacky for a Presisent to ask for three dollars in donations. It is like a hustler on a train who says please donate to me a quarter a dime or a penny is ok. Its demeaning. But I di have a suggestion to people who receive these requests send back a three dollar bill with the notation that this is what you made our money worth with your incompetent anti growth policies.

Simon said...

Maybe you should have yourself incorporated and reply that you'd like to give him the money just as soon as he drops his objection to such donations!

yashu said...

Chef Mojo,

Thanks for the Pixies song! Love.

And to all the Althouse denizens, past and present, hillbillies and flatlanders, and of course the formidable Meadehouse twosome itself, happy new year! May we all have (in one way or another) a blessed 2012.

Mike said...

"Hey"---the son of a gun has been flying around the country costing us a gazillion dollars an hour in his big foot carbon print jet and entourage. He's been making hay in political coontributions, and he sure as heck doesn't need--nor will he get--my $3. The Bamster can go pound sand.

james conrad said...

I don't make political contributions.

LOL, OK, just checking.

james conrad said...

James Conrad -- Hey, come on. She's gonna feel bad enough just voting for him again without giving him money too...

LOL, isnt so sure about that. I get the feeling AA is a moderate Dem who has been abandoned by the party leadership. Shes not alone on that score, trust me.

FULL DISCLOSURE: I went all in for Romney & contributed to his campaign this fall....may the force be with him

MarkD said...

Harvard Law Review editor, or did he mail that one in too?

He needs to sharpen his act. Jimmy Carter is a tough worst-single-term-ex-president to follow.

furious_a said...

In the spirit of the Season, I wished
the Obamas a great final year in the White House!

Roxer said...

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