I guess that means I'm live-blogging it.
12:18 Central Time: I'm watching Fox News, and they're talking about what it will mean if Mrs. Cain is not standing by his side. But she's never standing by his side, so that won't me anything. If she is... well, that would be unusual.
12:29: Gloria's there!
12:41: "It hurts... We know that these false and unproved allegations are not true... I am at peace with my God. I am at peace with my wife. And she is at peace with me. And I'm at peace with my family. And I am at peace with myself."
12:43: "I am suspending my presidential campaign because of the continued distraction, the continued hurt caused on me and my family, not because we are not fighters, not because I am not a fighter...."
12:45: "I am not going to be silenced and I am not going away." He has "Plan B: The Cain Solutions dot com."
12:46: I get the feeling Plan B is Sarah Palin mode.
12:48: Drudge: "No, We Cain't."
Would be awesome if Cain comes up to the podium and just smiles continually, and leaves.
Would be awesome if Cain comes up to the podium and just smiles continually, and leaves.
Only if Mark Block is standing behind him, smoking a cigarette and smiling knowingly.
His 15 minutes of fame is about to end.
He quits --- suspends campaign.
That about sums it up. His campaign was falling to peaces.
Happy these things came out now. Look at how John Edwards screwed up Hillary's chances.
I still like Herm. Just not as an elected leader. Perhaps he has a future as a Fox News contributer.
Please don't slime Sarah Palin by comparing Herman Clinton to her.
Or perhaps a writer for...whatever nudey magazine has the column where people write in about there...ummmmm....experiences.
"I was at the hotel bar while on a business trip and happened to make eye contact with this......"
It was the affair with Bristol, I think.
Please don't throw your support to Newt.
wv: coctout...hmmm.
I still like Herm. Just not as an elected leader
Well, he did contribute some valuable things to the campaign season.
1. A real and serious discussion and consideration of major income tax reform with his 999 plan.
2. Exposure of the left and the media as the morally corrupt racists and partisan hacks that they are. It was bad enough with Palin, the sexism and over the top hatred. With Cain it was just sheer racism because he strayed from the liberal plantation.
If nothing else, we can thank Herman Cain for reintroducing the double-breasted suit jacket to American politics.
Nothing says gravitas quite like a Pokemon reference.
Well, the Lefties take out another good man.
And people wonder why the best members of society don't want to get involved in government.
Thing is, a couple of years down the road, something will come out to vindicate him, as happened with Newt and Libby.
Only Democrats get a pass on adultery. The rules are clear.
They still can't post nekkid photos or use hookers, but give 'em time
GOP supporters: I beg you to support Cain. Send him money. Then focus on Perry or Gingrich. Ok-dokey? Your mission is to do what it takes to make Perry or Gingrich the nominee. The ticket should be Perry/Gingrich or Gingrich/Perry.
Do this please. It is vital for us in the Committee to Re-elect the POTUS.
NB: There is no such person as Romney. Ignore him. He is invisible. He is a flip-flopper. No Romney. Do not even bother to read about him, listen to him, etc.
Only Democrats get a pass on adultery. The rules are clear.
Vitter? Craig? Gingrich? Seriously?
If you are a black politician but not a Dem you will be crucified.
The Dems own the black vote.
Ditto women.
Hearsay stands as truth when the media acts as the propaganda arm of one party.
Right now this country is fucked good and proper with no end in sight.
AP, funny thing is, hard core conservatives say Romney and Cain are the only true conservatives in the race. They are attacking Gingrich as a liberal.
Most likely it will be Romney and a southern governor. Just to annoy the left, it should be Bobby Jindal, Nikki Haley, or what's his name from Florida.
Imagine the liberals heads explode if the Republicans run an Indian-American or a Hispanic-American for VP.
Another one hits the dust.
Chuck66. You got it. It will be Romney/Jindal. But, shhh! We want GOP ticket to be Perry and Gingrich.
It's not that Democrats exclusively get a free pass on adultery, it's that Bill Clinton neutron-bombed the issue out of existence, for everyone. Cain was not a serious candidate to begin with.
Go Newt!
"No, We Cain't."
Palin mode ain't so bad.
MSNBC to the contrary, you cannot "emerge" anonymously. This has not been a good episode.
That said, what wooried me about Herman Cain is that ever since Kennedy, newly elected Presidents have been expected to bring their own "mafias" to Washington to replace the outgoing gang, and I could not see where Herman Cain's would come from.
He surely was not thinking of leaving Obama's in place?
I think Romney would much rather have Rubio as VP than Jindal.
But I'm no longer confident that Romney is the default nominee.
Didn't Jindal already endorse Perry?
Andy R. said...
Only Democrats get a pass on adultery. The rules are clear.
Vitter? Craig? Gingrich? Seriously?
Craig and Newt lost their House seats and Vitter's leaving.
Hatman's still feeling the effects of those nightsticks to the head in Atlanta.
NYTNewYorker said...
If you are a black politician but not a Dem you will be crucified.
The Dems own the black vote.
Ditto women.
Not any more with women. Single mothers with 15 kids from 3 men, maybe.
And GodZero's approval among blacks is way down.
Wally Kalbacken said...
It's not that Democrats exclusively get a free pass on adultery, it's that Bill Clinton neutron-bombed the issue out of existence, for everyone. Cain was not a serious candidate to begin with.
Wrong on both counts. By the time Willie left, people were sick of him.
And the Breck Girl is looking at jail time, not another Senate run.
As for Herman, that's certainly the RINO and Demo line. Apparently, the FAIR Tax scares the Hell out of them.
12:48: Drudge: "No, We Cain't."
Drudge also headlined:
"Insiders predict/worry Gingrich can't win with 'angry badger' personality..."
Gingrich don't give shit.
Too bad. He was the best natural leader the GOP had.
Newt's pure aggressiveness may be able to defeat the Obama's rather good leadership style, just barely.
Newt is called a Georgian, but he was actually Pennsylvania born and raised but as an Army brat, in Harrisburg Pa. He ended up finishing HS in Columbus. Ga. when his dad got posted to Ft Benning.
Next he used his brains and aggressiveness to push his way through an Emory University BA, and a Tulane University Phd and landed in a College Professor's gig 70 miles west of Atlanta.
Then on his third try at it, he got a House of Representatives job that gave him his next opportunity to push and succesfully attack the Jim Wright Dem leadership using the new C-Span 2 man House proceedings to make televised speeches.
The Dem controlled legislature in Georgia then counter attacked Newt and reapportioned his southern suburban metro district into a mostly rural district he could not win, and balanced that with a northern suburban metro district.
So Newt like a good Army Brat just moved 80 miles to the northern district for his next posting and unexpectedly won among strangers there.
He actually uses his educated Yankee cultural background successfully in the Atlanta suburbs which are 60%+ Yankees.
It ain't Georgia. Its Atlanta that has been a mixture of Southerners and a Yankee immigrants colony since 1865.
So when the Meme arises that Newt is a Southern Good Ole Boy, that is a lie that will not stick to him.
It was odd watching CNN (of Atlanta origin) eliminating one native Atlantan to install a Pennsylvania Yankee, and immigrant Atlantan, as the likely GOP nominee.
Pretty sure Sarah Palin mode was Plan A for the accidental front runner.
The problem here is that most people who visit here do not realize how connected and expert I am on political campaigns. I was a reason the POTUS won WI. I know things, I cannot tell you how many candidates I help.
Peter, the reason Jindal will be VP for Romney is because he (Romney) would want to appeal to those he defeated (Perry's supporters). Also, Jindal was in Congress, Rhodes Scholar, health care wiz. He and Romney would be a team of accomplished manager.
But, I digress. GOP will nominate Perry and Gingrich. Forget what I said.
POTUS Obama wins everywhere.
Peace, It's Wonderful!
Guess it's hard to trump up someone who's paid for doing the trumped up thing.
The problem is most people who visit here do not realize how connected and expert I am on political campaigns.
No useful skills, eh AP?
edutcher: Craig and Newt lost their House seats and Vitter's leaving.
Craig was a Senator. He didn't lose his seat. He chose not to run for re-election.
Gingrich did not lose his House seat. He also chose not to run for re-election.
Got a citation for your claim that Vitter's leaving? He just won re-election in 2010. I was not able to find any articles indicating that Vitter has announced that he is leaving.
AP, you staked your political insight on the 2010 midterms and lost.
We had a bet going about that election. You haven't kept your side of the bargain.
12:46: I get the feeling Plan B is Sarah Palin mode.
Roger Ailes has already hinted that Sarah's million dollar paycheck for her babbling punditry is not a perpetual thing. Herman may not be a great replacement because many of the Fox viewers are conservatives that will not like a stereotypical black man drawn to white pussy, and only white pussy.
Plus his philandering might not play well with the female Fox audience and evangelicals.
Cains old, has enough money, he already survived one illness most in his lot die from in 5 years. Why not take him at his word that he wants to do public service and offer him a spot where he can really shake things up - Head of Commerce, (and if Republicans get Congress and a Mandate) - head of actually deconstructing an agency and reducing or eliminating Federal funding and powers (Education, EPA, Fannie/Freddie, Homeland Security's DEA and TSA).
EPA - Extreme right wing whack jobs have to understand you cannot just eliminate all Federal involvement in pollution and environment responsibilities because pollution and other impacts on us and species besides us are not truly up to each state when other states live with the consequences. But many excessive powers and the extremism of people within the EPA has hurt society in other ways - greatly added to costs and delays of production, building and maintaining infrastructure, cost taxpayers and businesses far more than the benefit gained. Same with other agencies that conservatives want powers reduced for or eliminated.
Given Cains ignorance of other nations, I would not offer him State, Treasury, Defense, or even the SEC as much of that agency is involved in businesses and banks now operating in international markets in places Cain has no real knowledge of.
"Craig and Newt lost their House seats and Vitter's leaving"
I don't know if you noticed, but Newt (I cheat on every wife I have with interns) Gingrich is the republican frontrunner...and neither Newt not Vitter lost their places in Congress because of their affairs...
and now another "leader" quits because of the left...ya right.
Newt didn't lose his seat. He was re-elected and quit the next day, both the Speakership and his house seat. How is that not petty, arrogant, and disrespectful to voters? He should have gone back to his new tiny office and done his job.
LilEvie is right -- I was incorrect above when I wrote that Gingrich didn't run for re-election.
Still haven't found any evidence supporting the claim that Vitter is leaving.
Peter Hoh said...
I think Romney would much rather have Rubio as VP than Jindal.
But I'm no longer confident that Romney is the default nominee.
Didn't Jindal already endorse Perry?
That's the beauty of the VP spot. You can offer it as a reconciliation sort of thing. Romney will never be loved by Southerners and the Christian Right. Jindal would be acceptable to them, but he is even more charisma challenged than Romney - though as smart or smarter.
So a VP acceptable to them is in order. Perry, Jeb whose last name shall not be mentioned...Rubio, Barbour.
I like Christie, but if Romney was nominee, you are talking about two Northeastern States Obama is likely to win within a day's bicycle ride of one another that the Rep nominee and VP are from?
No way!
A risky thing might be to "talk to the Bush's" - see if Jeb would be VP and Dubya would stay away from the Convention and race so Jeb is not overshadowed. HW is old and has a few years left and people would love it if he or wife Barbara were at the Convention and put Jebs name in nomination and gave a little speech about Dubya's brighter younger brother and how different the two were growing up...
It would suck for Dubya, but like McCain - he is a skunk at the garden party and is decent enough to take the non-person treatment hit as good for the Party and Country - much as Nixon accepted that he would hurt more than help Republicans if he had public visibility in elections after he resigned.
An affable & accomplished man however, as POTUS? uhhhh, noooooo, perhaps a secretary of commerce. Trying for president as your first elected office was always going to be a bridge to far.
So very disappointed. Another victim of the political/media smear machine.
A white guy settled a rape accusation, had a proven harrasment suit tossed thanks to perjury, attacks a woman on his late husband wake and move on. But he conservative black man must be lynched.
Rommey seriously? Even the freak Ron Paul and the witch believer would be better than Rommey.
Newt Rubio. Or Newt Christie are the better options.
I am an insider pol. From my super K-street consultant shindigs, I can assure you that the ticket WH/DNC/Committee to Re-elect is concerned about is Romney/Jindal.
But, I digress. GOP cannot accept Romney (thanks much). GOP cannot even see/hear/talk about Romney (thanks much again).
POTUS Obama will face Perry and/or Gingrich.
Only Democrats get a pass on adultery. The rules are clear.
Gary Hart would beg to differ.
If the affair story wasn't true, wouldn't it be actionable? Lawyers?
Herman Cain could sue. The zen master Hakuin had a different approach when he was accused of illicitly fathering a child to a young woman.
"Is that so?" he said.
The town's people made HIM raise the child.
Eventually it came out that someone else was actually the father. With shame the townspeople came to Hakuin to take the child back and to tell him they were wrong and now knew the truth.
"Is that so?" Hakuin said.
One of my favorites from Paul Reps' collection, Zen Bones Zen Flesh. Hey, you can buy it from Amazon and support Althouse!
There is a way to blame the liberals for Cain's exit. It is not his affairs that matte; it is the inexcusable fuss that the MSM has made of them!
It is essentially important that conservatives circle the (metaphorical) wagon around Cain and defend him against these Liberal terrorists!
Are you with us or are you with the terrorists?
Seems to me that Mr Cain, whose message I liked, lacked a certain element of judgment--If you are going up on the skyline, you better be clear on whats involved. That, coupled with his , IMO, lack of knowledge of the issues that would face him as president, tells me he overreached.
How can anyone, in this day and age, cant understand that previous conduct will become an issue. As Roger Simon said, "what were you thinking?"
Politico has taken big hit in ratings since their liberal bias has been exposed. Edwards trial and likely Bill Ricgardson indictment will not get to receive media coverage,
15 minutes of lame is more like it.
"No, we Cain't."
Harsh, funny and true.
phx said...
If the affair story wasn't true, wouldn't it be actionable? Lawyers?
When I was practicing, I told my clients that suing someone with no assets was a bad idea. In fact litigation overall is a bad idea, so don't say he should sue to establish the principle of his innocence.
Were these allegations true? I don't know. But now most people will believe that they were.
If Romney is nominated, Cain will run as a third party candidate. You heard it here first.
“Well, the Lefties take out another good man.”
“Exposure of the left and the media as the morally corrupt racists and partisan hacks that they are.”
“If you are a black politician but not a Dem you will be crucified.”
Question for the Limbaugh crowd:
How do you square your belief that liberals view conservatives as a bunch of racists with your belief that liberals were ever worried about Herman Cain becoming the nominee?
Easy Mikio,
Democrats are always calling Republicans the white party. Cain proves that the Tea Party is not racist as they claimed. Same reason Senate democrats blocked women and minorities W wanted to nominate as judges, They fear losing them fron the democrat plantation.
PaulV -
I'll tell ya what. You go ahead and think you hit a home run off my knuckleball and I’ll wait for someone who actually possesses a bat.
Only Democrats get a pass on adultery. The rules are clear.
Vitter? Craig? Gingrich? Seriously?
Yes, by all means, lets get into a pissing match as to which party has had more sex scandals
Your a minority so the liberals look out for you because they think you are to inferior to do it yourself. You actually rise out of that shit and become successful and get involved in politics... And the liberals destroy you.
Why do you vote demo again?
Mikio -- what you've said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent question or response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this thread is now dumber for having read to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.
Seven Machos said...
Mikio -- what you've said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent question or response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this thread is now dumber for having read to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.
Quoting adam sandler movies makes you almost as cool as using bill and teds bogus journey screen captures for your pic.
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