November 30, 2011

Whatever happened to Occupy [Your City]?

The Occupy movement seems to have dropped out of the news lately. Why did that happen? I think the people are still out there, but the coverage is mostly gone. There is this Drudge-linked AP report about campers in LA and Philadelphia getting rousted by the police. That's a news event — cops in riot gear, people arrested — and it's covered. What's missing is all the attention to the demands and critiques of the protesters — the political substance of the movement.

I'm guessing that the expression of the protesters — in form and substance — wasn't serving the interests journalists favor. Excessively left-wing speech coming out of an angry/confused/unclean face... it's not helping the mainstream Democrats.


Brian Brown said...

Considering not one elected Democrat, nor any prominent left wing spokesperson acknowledged, let alone condemned, the rapes that took place, I'd say that the "movement" is a parody.

Psychedelic George said...

Ours are still here, all in their expensive tents. A while back police in riot gear armed with semi-automatic rifles rousted the anarchists. It's been quiet since then.

Shanna said...

There's still some goobers camping in a parking lot in LR, at least there were this weekend. I think they've mostly been left alone.

They were shouting on street corners one weekend.

Lucius said...

Where else are they going to find left-wing speech?

A neatly-trimmed beardo Cultural Studies prof?

Still trying not to burst that ed bubble.

wv: sutti

Anonymous said...

I met a buddy of mine over by McPherson square the other day. He had just come from an interview, and was wearing suit. He told me a bunch of ragged kids in the square screamed at him that he is what is wrong with America.

This might be a reason. People recognizing what these protests really are: a tantrum.

Well that and the drug abuse, rapes, assaults, antisemitism, etc.

Tibore said...

While the overarching national coverage has mostly petered out, local news spots still appear here and there. For example, from Indiana University in Bloomington:

I agree though: It's like the news industry feels as though the narrative is worn out already.

X said...

Excessively left-wing speech coming out of an angry/confused/unclean face... it's not helping the mainstream Democrats.

I see what you did there byro-althouse.

Scott M said...

Excessively left-wing speech coming out of an angry/confused/unclean face... it's not helping the mainstream Democrats.

Well, there's that, and the fact that Animal Farm doesn't make a very complimentary commentary on the left's movement de jour. I realize that's glib, but, seriously, can you not wait for the first few books to come out that will delve into the daily inner workings and happenings in Zucatti? It really didn't take long at all for their little microsociety to fracture and produce it's own set of elites.

I remember a lot of bloggers and pundits from the left making wide-reaching statements back in October about how this was starting a new era in America and that they would definitely last through the winter cold. These protests have culminated in bupkis. I wonder what those bloggers and pundits were saying about the Tea Party rallies in 2009 that culminated in tangible, historic election results in 2010.

Paddy O said...

So, the Occupy LA response was given live TV coverage last evening, taking over whole newscasts.

Want to know why the movement collapsed? They interviewed the protesters. It wasn't that they were raging, disagreeable, or otherwise grand forces against a settled society. To a person, they were just plain uninteresting, with poor speaking skills, a message that was not as much incoherent as just lacking substance. It was just so clearly protest for protests sake that people just want them to go away, because when we try to listen they don't say anything.

Also, prior to the news switching to Occupy LA coverage, they were covering a live police chase that ended when the driver of the stolen truck made a bad turn, rammed into a parked car, ditched the truck and ran in the middle of houses and apartments. The helicopter watched him. This guy had made no end of highly dangerous maneuvers during the chase, bumping cars, going against traffic, through red lights.

When he finally seemed to stop running and was hiding, we expected police to swarm the area. Took, literally, about 5 minutes for us to see a police car. They had given up the chase as it entered the city of LA. The LAPD were all staging at Dodger's stadium and apparently couldn't bother to arrest the guy. So the news finally switched coverage--and nary a word was mentioned again about the GTA in real life.

We need the police to actually, you know, fight crime, and not be constantly pestered by the need to make sure a bunch of messageless protesters don't continue to destroy a park for no apparent reason than because they want to.

Roger J. said...
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Roger J. said...

What Tibore said--the media's attention span is very short: case in point: earthquake in Haiti followed by cholera which is still on going--as long as the media focuses on the first two weeks, they probably consider their job done and then move on. The fault dear brutus is not in our stars but in our media. And also I think in the short attention span of many of our citizens.

Robert Cook said...

If you look at today's there's coverage of ongoing/upcoming OW(YC) activity.

Scott M said...

They interviewed the protesters. It wasn't that they were raging, disagreeable, or otherwise grand forces against a settled society. To a person, they were just plain uninteresting, with poor speaking skills, a message that was not as much incoherent as just lacking substance.

Well, there's that, and the fact that they uttered aneurysm-inducing things like "I believe in personal property, not private property" in response to a request for the speaker in question to loan out his iPad2. The only people that make distinctions between private and personal property are the types that inhabit neo-Marxist forums and attend meetings called for on poorly-printed flyers.

Roger J. said...

Mr Cook--that is undoubtedly true, but what percentage of Americans get their news from I suspect not many. If it doesnt get covered by the major networks on the evening news, or SNL or the other comedy shows masquerading as news, it probably isnt going to be noticed by a significant percentage of viewers.

J said...

It was just so clearly protest for protests sake that people just want them to go away, because when we try to listen they don't say anything.

There is a message but not one most Ellay hipsters (including the Mayor's gang) want to hear.

Scott M said...

If you look at today's there's coverage of ongoing/upcoming OW(YC) activity.

Did they cover the four people that showed up to protest Macy's on Black Friday?

TosaGuy said...

It got cold and boring and our youth today have 5-minute attention spans.

RonF said...

As I said on a leftist blog last week, "The Occupy movement is staggering to a desultory end. There may yet be a populist left-wing equivalent of the Tea Party movement, but it will run away from the Occupy brand as fast as it can."

RonF said...

So you've heard of Occupy Wall Street and Occupy L.A.. What's our third largest city? Chicago, right? With a Democratic mayor straight from the White House and an all-D City Council. Heard of Occupy Chicago? No. Why? Because the first night that they tried to camp out in Grant Park Mayor Rahm sent the cops to roust them out before they could get settled in, and they've kept it that way ever since. He's no fool. The city electorate wouldn't stand for it and he knows it.

Roger J. said...

irrespective of whom the R's nominate, the democrat establishment embrace of the OWS movement will provide some great ad campaigns in the coming election. The D's bought it, they own it.

John henry said...

Don't forget to check out the OWS General Assembly website

virgil xenophon said...

Roger J/

Rush has a long had name for what you describe: "teh 'Drive-by' media." The passage of time seems to have done nothing to disprove the accuracy of his original observation..

Paddy O said...

So, who has the conch now?

sorepaw said...
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Roger J. said...

Virgil Xenophon: up twinkles all around :)

I did love the Colbert (I think) interview with Ketsup--priceless.

Scott M said...

So, who has the conch now?

They lost it. One of the "facilitators" left it on a table in the atrium of the Duetsche Bank where they were holding their meetings when the holder went outside for a toke break. When they came back, it was gone...probably stolen by one of the greedy, capitalist pigdogs who's clean, quiet, and nicely appointed atrium they had decided to hold their meetings in.

Cedarford said...

We all sort of understand the modus operandi of the "classical" progressives that dominated the media from the 60s up through the 90s (when alternatives emerged) and how they still wield enormous power in Hollywood, TV production, journalism.

They have their hoary "narratives", their cast of noble heroes, the bad guys in the white Christian population, and those who ascended to high Victimhood.
The members, liberals and progressive Jews, have from time to time formed Cabals to suppress certain information (John Edwards love child, MLK's shady idulgences) and promote other memes in lockstep (Bush is stupid, Nixon evil, the Kennedys were Gods, Obama as the 2nd Coming).

They went out of their way to try and find tea party members that would "fit" their casting and imagery - any stupid, ignorant, racist elements. Castigate them for their "overwhelming whiteness". While trying to build up OWS as noble everymen and women who were "fed up with Republicans and their cronies". Speaking Truth To Power and all that progressive Jewish and liberal boilerplate.

(Omitting as much as possible their infantile Leftism and "overwhelming whiteness - not that JournaList was not "overwhelmingly white", albeit drawn from small sectors of the white population.)

Of course, we see a lot of the new "conservative media" employing the same Alinsky tactics and use of narratives (the Richest are in fact our Noble Jobs creators, Bush was Our American Churchill, Obama is not native born)....And less concerned with change than spreading anger to fatten conservative pundit's wallets. Obsessed with imposing purity litmus tests, castigating moderates as RINOS.

Enough that conservative media is not functioning as a balance on the liberals and progressive Jews - but have become another source of polarization and dividing America to facilitate their own pursuit of money and power.

Henry said...

One of my most reliably liberal friends has started mocking the local Occupy College Hill group. When your populist movement is populated by the most privileged students in the world, it's time to give up.

Roger J. said...

Damn C4--you woke up on the wrong side of the bed today!

SGT Ted said...

The reason The media quit promoting OWS is because it was a pro-Obama/DNC propaganda operation that failed and continuing coverage was only hurting the Democrats.

J said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
J said...

The financial/banking class generally succeeds. For one, they have the corporate media and politicians (even nominal democrats) working for them--simply show a pic of Michael Moore at a protest and some grubby hippies and the tea-zombies will make up their mind. The marginalization of the Occupy message is fairly predictable.

Roger J. said...

think Sgt Ted has got it nailed. Regretably for the Ds they havent really distanced themselves--too bad so sad. I do hope the Rs use clips of the OWS slugs in the upcoming campaign--

Scott M said...

The marginalization of the Occupy message is fairly predictable.

Since you believe their message was marginalized, you must have a good grip on what that message was/is. Perhaps, J, you could expand on that? Just what is the message that got marginalized?

garage mahal said...

I suspect that's exactly what the Establishment media wanted it to do.

Funny. Why would multinational media conglomerates that go out of their way not to cover the issues OWS raise, want to highlight OWS?

KCFleming said...

Occupy [Your City]?


Never happened.

At least, you won't hear mention of it past January, certainly not by election time. And when mentioned, the Democrats will deny knowledge, mumble a reply, or lie about ever having supported them.

Anonymous said...

"I wonder what those bloggers and pundits were saying about the Tea Party rallies in 2009 that culminated in tangible, historic election results in 2010."

They weren't saying anything. They either hadn't noticed them or studiously and conspicuously avoided noticing them. Either way, they didn't talk about them. Quite the contrast to the OWS movement, which was noticed by the NYT and every other left-leaning news organization within minutes of the first tent going up. And, of course, the cheerleading immediately followed.

Meanwhile, in those first six months that the Tea Parties got virtually zero mainstream coverage, they grew and consolidated and organized independently of the media. They built a much more solid foundation than the OWS ever had because they were a real movement, not a media creation. Perhaps the lack of coverage was a blessing in disguise. I laugh to this day at the blog comment I read after the first Tax Day Tea Party on April 15, 2009 declaring it an 'Epic fail'. Depsite that dismissal, the Tea Party's power and influence grew and grew and it was Nancy Pelosi who learned the true meaning of epic fail in 2010.

J said...

Squatski, we leave that as an exercise (hint--Goldman Sachs, BAD). So like when lunch time arrives at the Peoria hardware store, google around for a few hours. Don't they have like a search function for dyslexic white trash available now? Yeah

Roger J. said...

Appears to me that whatever inchoate message they had, the movement has been reduced to farce.

Not a good outcome for them nor for the D's (Pelosi, Obama etc) that supported them, IMO.

Scott M said...

Funny. Why would multinational media conglomerates that go out of their way not to cover the issues OWS raise, want to highlight OWS?

Funny. I seem to recall nightly wall-to-wall coverage on all six majors for a good chunk of October. It started peetering out toward Halloween, but that's to be expected given how poorly the protestors were doing PR-wise. The really interesting stuff, being the inner-machinations of those handling the donations to the various protest sites, has yet to be fully explored. I'm betting it will be down-twinkles though.

AllenS said...

So, tell me, garage, what aspects of the Occupy Whatever did you really like?

Brian Brown said...

garage mahal said...

Funny. Why would multinational media conglomerates that go out of their way not to cover the issues OWS raise, want to highlight OWS?


I guess I won't bother reposting the comments you made here noting that there is a lot of news coverage of "inequality" and "wealth gaps"

You never fail to beclown yourself.

Never, ever.

Scott M said...

Squatski, we leave that as an exercise (hint--Goldman Sachs, BAD). So like when lunch time arrives at the Peoria hardware store, google around for a few hours. Don't they have like a search function for dyslexic white trash available now? Yeah

Predictably, you can't answer a simple question. When you start backing up your bullshit, people might start paying attention to you.

Roger J. said...

Hell--Byro J cant even tell me what a Byro is--not the sharpest tool in the shed by any means.
Rave on monkey shit.

J said...

Of course, we see a lot of the new "conservative media" employing the same Alinsky tactics and use of narratives (the Richest are in fact our Noble Jobs creators, Bush was Our American Churchill, Obama is not native born)....

Similar tactics but the ends are quite different, obviously C4. However I don't think all the protesters were Alinsky-style leftist-liberals. Some were but there was an anarchistic non-PC aspect as well, C4--. And topless girls at Z- Park.

The supposed liberal corporate media was not exactly approving--especially once a few slightly-anti-zionist messages appeared along with anti-capitalist ones. (Diss Goldman Sachs, ....and yr outta here, kiddo)

J said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
J said...

Roger J, perp,klansman, trash--I linked to the punk Byro-jay-sorepaw's site numerous times. but you're tweaking and can't even open a link. I suspect yr already like trading kiddie pics together, right puto.

Roger J. said...

Could it be: J is actually the love child of C4 and Carol Herman?

C4 and J together: wow! I am totally impressed.

Jews of the world (and Mormons, paganists, wiccans look out)--

Talk to the estate of Bob Byrd--he may have some extra Klan robes to sell you.

Brian Brown said...

J said...
Roger J, perp,klansman, trash--I linked to the punk Byro-jay-sorepaw's site numerous times. but you're tweaking and can't even open a link. I suspect yr already like trading kiddie pics together, right puto

do you ever get tired of making such an imbecile of yourself?

Roger J. said...

Could it be: J is actually the love child of C4 and Carol Herman?

C4 and J together: wow! I am totally impressed.

Jews of the world (and Mormons, paganists, wiccans look out)--

Talk to the estate of Bob Byrd--he may have some extra Klan robes to sell you.

Michael said...

I want to know where the 500k in donations to the NYC group ended up. The media doesnt have much curiosity about that aspect of the collapse of the OWS. Which leader of the leaderless has made off with the dough?

J said...

You're the klansman, Rog. the Tennessee teabug. And "down with G-man Sachs/JP Morgan/BoA exploitation/usury" doesn't mean approving of Mein Kampf (or kkk) except to untalented whore-spawn such as you and the Ahouse frat phags.

Scott M said...

Which leader of the leaderless has made off with the dough?

I don't know, but I'm betting the "leader" that was staying in a $700 per night hotel does.

Roger J. said...

Michael: thats easy--the one with three operational grey cells rather than participants with one grey cell.

garage mahal said...

I guess I won't bother reposting the comments you made here noting that there is a lot of news coverage of "inequality" and "wealth gaps"

I thought slithering out of the thread after being completely shamed yesterday would have been enough for you. But nope, back at again today, like nothing every happened. Didn't your mom and dad ever teach you anything about lying? Were you dropped on your head as a baby? Raised by wolves?

Robert Cook said...

"...the democrat (sic) establishment embrace of the OWS movement will provide some great ad campaigns in the coming election. The D's bought it, they own it."

Really? I hadn't noticed the democratic establishment as having embraced the OWS movement. It would have been refreshing if they had, but the Dems are nearly as unanimous in their servility to Wall Street as the Republicans, unashamed and unapologetic servants to the financial elites.

J said...

Jay Byro, mormon swine,
do you have like an attorney or a cop you can suck off to save you from CDC, pedo? Better get one .You're a bag of shit, Byro, like the whore who hatched ya. Poor Babs.

Roger J. said...

J: is it possible for your crack addled brain to formulate a sentence? You are scum; a worthless troll without any redeeming social value.

Brian Brown said...

garage mahal said...

I thought slithering out of the thread after being completely shamed yesterday would have been enough for you


I have not been "shamed" by anything, clown.

By the way, note that you can't even address your own incoherence. It is almost as if you're pretending to not have posted that the media were covering the OWS message or something.


J said...

you're the doper and wicca trash here Roger Klan-queer. Yr the shit of the earth, like yr leader Rush Limbaugh, or your mama's pussay, Got that satanist?

Roger J. said...

Jay-you seem to be fixed on whores as mothers--I suspect there is an explanation for that--you probably werent breast fed as a baby--although gotta tell you its difficult to imagine you as a baby.

Brian Brown said...

Robert Cook said...

Really? I hadn't noticed the democratic establishment as having embraced the OWS movement

Laugh out loud funny.

First Vice President Joe Biden and then President Obama signaled they sympathized with the movement. Then, House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi gave it a full-on embrace Sunday. “I support the message to the establishment, whether it's Wall Street or the political establishment and the rest, that change has to happen,” she said on ABC’s “This Week.” “We cannot continue in a way that does not — that is not relevant to their lives. People are angry.”

Your ignorance is beyond comical.

Roger J. said...

Jay--you gotta do better on your insults--they are just pathetic.

Come on, man--you can do better

J said...

You're shamed with your every post Byro-Ja AZ wicca trash. Then your birth was a shame, mormon dogfucker. Digby's got yr number too, klanfag

Roger J. said...

OMG: my 9:29

Jay not directed at you, but to the cretin known as J


Brian Brown said...

Robert Cook said...

Really? I hadn't noticed the democratic establishment as having embraced the OWS movement


Describing the protests as “serious” and “encouraging,” Rep. Peter Welch (D-Vt.) praised the sentiment motivating Occupy Wall Street and called for Congress to take heed. “It’s got a clear message, and that is frustration with the way that business is being done, the way that wealth is tilting towards the high end and the middle class is shrinking. And that message needs to be given,” Welch, a member of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, told me on Wednesday. What’s more he added, “it’s a real grassroots, citizens-led initiative. It’s not a top-down effort, it’s bottom up. In that sense, I think it’s very similar to the tea party.”

Note the headline: "Congressional Democrats embrace Occupy Wall Street"

Tim said...

"I'm guessing that the expression of the protesters — in form and substance — wasn't serving the interests journalists favor. Excessively left-wing speech coming out of an angry/confused/unclean face... it's not helping the mainstream Democrats."

Indeed so. The perpetually alienated are long on complaints, and even by exceptionally low Democrat standards, short on remotely viable solutions. The more the media paid attention to these twits, the greater the embarrassment to ostensibly "mainstream" Democrats.

The only question remaining is, did the journalists come to this conclusion on their own, or did the DNC blow the dog-whistle?

Roger J. said...

J: your flailing--not a pretty sight--come on man--suck it up and do better

J said...

Wait and see Rog. dreck.

Heh heh

Heart_Collector said...

I think with the release of modern warfare 3 and skyrim they all went back to their dorms / moms basements.

Roger J. said...

Mr Cook: if you dont think the Ds had embraced the OWS movement, you are either ill informed or willfully stupid.

J said...

Wait and see Rog. dreck.

Heh heh

Robert Cook said...

Weasel words from two or three high-placed Democratic politicians do not constitute "embrace" of the OWS movement. They're just pandering and trying to hedge their bets.

Brian Brown said...

J said...
Jay Byro, mormon swine,
do you have like an attorney or a cop you can suck off to save you from CDC, pedo? Better get one .You're a bag of shit, Byro, like the whore who hatched ya. Poor Babs

I love this. Really, it is just great. It shows the intellectual depth of the left.

Brian Brown said...

Robert Cook said...
Weasel words from two or three high-placed Democratic politicians do not constitute "embrace" of the OWS movement.

You are a shameless, lying piece of shit.

Roger J. said...

J: I wait and see every day--so what fate awaits me dude? You gonna come to my house and beat me up? You gonna report me to whom, precisely?

You are a vapid asshole, bereft of comprehension skills, whose only "talent" is invariable sexual comments about parentage.

You are lose in the game of life--now go get your mommy to give you your ritalin, change your diapers, and give you your bottle.

Brian Brown said...

Robert Cook said...
Weasel words from two or three high-placed Democratic politicians do not constitute "embrace" of the OWS movement.

How does one get to this level of dishonesty and igorance?


Brian Brown said...

Roger J. said...
OMG: my 9:29

Jay not directed at you, but to the cretin known as J

I know, no problem.

Tim said...

Roger J. said...

"J: is it possible for your crack addled brain to formulate a sentence? You are scum; a worthless troll without any redeeming social value."

Roger, forgive me, but this is the most obvious thing ever - no doubt the troll itself knows this to be true - so can't we just ignore it in hopes it slithers off to some other corner of the 'net?


MayBee said...

Want to know why the movement collapsed? They interviewed the protesters. It wasn't that they were raging, disagreeable, or otherwise grand forces against a settled society. To a person, they were just plain uninteresting, with poor speaking skills, a message that was not as much incoherent as just lacking substance. It was just so clearly protest for protests sake that people just want them to go away, because when we try to listen they don't say anything.

No kidding, PaddyO.

Last night they interviewed one of the main organizers, up from Occupy San Diego to help with the evacuation protest. He was so obviously high it was distracting. Then there were kids in gas masks and some guy telling people to read up on the Illuminati.

It would have been interesting to see what would have happened with the tents in tonight's expected Santa Ana wind event (hurricane force winds possible), although I suspect that is one reason they wanted to clear everything out now.

Roger J. said...

Mr Cook--it seems to that both Mr Obama and Former speaker Peolsi have commented favorably on the OWS movement--you may consider these inconsequential, but I think the endorsements speak for themselves.

Heart_Collector said...

"You are lose in the game of life"

Put this on a tshirt and ill buy one.

Robert Cook said...

Headlines aside, who among the democratic establishment embraced OWS? Again, the sincere support of it by a few dems here and there, and the empty rhetoric of a few others, does not constitute wholesale embrace of OWS by the Democrats.

I wish there had been wide and broad and sincere support for OWS by the dems, but I didn't see it.

Brian Brown said...

Weasel words from two or three high-placed Democratic politicians do not constitute "embrace" of the OWS movement.

The President, Vice President, House Minority Leader, Chairman of the "Progressive Caucus" are the Democratic establishment.

You are exhibit A why the left should not be treated in good faith in this country.

J said...

Roger Klan grrl-- that's you, atheist scum. You don't know what politics is, what Reason is, what life is, pig. Just another pig in human form. Like yr Pig-in-chief Limbaugher

Brian Brown said...

who among the democratic establishment embraced OWS?

The President, Vice President, House Minority Leader, Chairman of the "Progressive Caucus" are the Democratic establishment, shit ape.

Scott M said...

I think with the release of modern warfare 3 and skyrim they all went back to their dorms / moms basements.

HEY! I used that joke already...though I substituted BF3.

Roger J. said...

Tim: you are absolutely correct about ignoring trolls--but sometimes, I gotta tell you, the temptation is too much.

Tim said...

Robert Cook said...

"Weasel words from two or three high-placed Democratic politicians do not constitute "embrace" of the OWS movement."

It could be embedded in the DNC platform, celebrated with press releases and given a resolution from the Dali-Obama, and Robert Cook would still deny the Democrats had embraced the morons' movement.

Transparency is not your friend, Mr. Cook.

Scott M said...

Weasel words from two or three high-placed Democratic politicians do not constitute "embrace" of the OWS movement. They're just pandering and trying to hedge their bets.

You'll have to tell us what your definition of "embrace" would be in the context of this discussion.

On a related topic, Cook, does simply being a good and charitable person cause one to embrace Christianity?

J said...

just STFU Byro Jay, crack fag. Dope test time, too-day

your confused mumbling won't help yr t-shirt sales anyway

Roger J. said...

Apparently this morning, the better angels of my nature failed to show up--

While I do enjoy jerking J around, my divertimento hasnt dont much to move the thread along.

Apologies, and I will go rake leaves in penance

garage mahal said...

I have not been "shamed" by anything, clown.

You claimed I said something which was the complete opposite of what I said. You lied, I called you out on it, and you disappeared. That would shame any ordinary person, but you of course are an extraordinary douchebag.

Carnifex said...

Quick...someone check hell to see if it froze over! J said something I not only understand, but agree with!

Don't ever agree with ya J, but you do bring passion to a debate. Keep on.

J said...

the pig house

J said...

belch, pork

Robert Cook said...

"The President, Vice President, House Minority Leader, Chairman of the "Progressive Caucus" are the Democratic establishment, shit ape."

What did their "embrace" of OWS consist of?

Brian Brown said...

Democrats, meanwhile, have expressed sympathy for the protesters, saying they speak to the problems that Democrats have been trying to solve with laws like the Dodd Frank Act.

"We share the anger and frustration of so many Americans who have seen the enormous toll that an unchecked Wall Street has taken on the overwhelming majority of Americans while benefitting the super wealthy," Reps. Raul Grijalva, D-Ariz., and Keith Ellison, D-Minn., the co-chairs of the House Progressive Caucus, said in a statement last week

But, it isn't an embrace according to the resident shit ape.

Charlie said...

Occupy Maine has become a homeless person training facility.

Robert Cook said...

"On a related topic, Cook, does simply being a good and charitable person cause one to embrace Christianity?"

I guess that depends on what you mean by "embrace," but my answer is no.

Brian Brown said...

garage mahal said...

You claimed I said something which was the complete opposite of what I said.


I did no such thing.

J said...

white trash can't write.

thats the problem. Yr just WASP shit

Robert Cook said...

"'We share the anger and frustration of so many Americans who have seen the enormous toll that an unchecked Wall Street has taken on the overwhelming majority of Americans while benefitting the super wealthy,' Reps. Raul Grijalva, D-Ariz., and Keith Ellison, D-Minn., the co-chairs of the House Progressive Caucus, said in a statement last week."

Fine sentiments, but pure boilerplate and not specifically an embrace of OWS. Heck, OWS aren't even mentioned in this quote.

Don't think that just because a politician kisses babies on the campaign trail that he or she necessarily loves kids, and just because a few politicians utter make-nice feel-good comments for media consumption does not mean they have any intention of acting on their words. Support comes in action, not rhetoric.

Seeing Red said...

--although gotta tell you its difficult to imagine you as a baby.

I don't since all he does here is spit up and throw tantrums.

J said...

Rush Limbaugh, Caiaphas of the USA

Pure shit of the earth

Brian Brown said...

Fine sentiments, but pure boilerplate and not specifically an embrace of OWS


Except they are talking about the same issues the OWS crowd is, and only talking about it related to OWS protests.

The stupidity you must engage in to be a modern leftist is staggering.

There is no point in responding to you further as you're an abject dipshit who simply ignores facts.

Thanks for proving that, though.

Seeing Red said...

' Reps. Raul Grijalva, D-Ariz., and Keith Ellison, D-Minn.,

Grijalva who intimidated a voter by slapping a rolled up newpaper on her table continuously when she dared question him?

They could have had a female rocket scientist represent them but NOOOOOO


What a pair they make.

garage mahal said...

Instead of just saying "I guess I was wrong about that one", Jaytard doubles down on the lying again.

It's like you would need a stungun to stop this cocksucker from lying.

Paddy O said...

MayBee, that's the guy I saw too! The reporter was helping him finish sentences!

Seeing Red said...

Since we're all shit apes, J, what's your point?

Scott M said...

Since we're all shit apes, J, what's your point?

He doesn't have a point. His mother has an egg timer she uses to limit his online use, so he need to post as much as he can, as fast as he can before the bell dings. After that it's a diaper change and a nap before he beg her to get another online session.

Touching, really.

Scott M said...

Support comes in action, not rhetoric.

By that measure, RC, voters supported the Tea Party in 2010.

Brian Brown said...

garage mahal said...
Instead of just saying "I guess I was wrong about that one", Jaytard doubles down on the lying again.

Except I'm not lying.

Watching you pretend that you didn't dispute the assertion that was made about Frank's retirement speaks ill of you.

It's like you would need a stungun to stop this cocksucker from lying.

You mean like you asserting the media hasn't covered the issues OWS has been carrying on about?

Despite that fact that there are links in this thread to ABC, CBS, and the Washington post, and you asserted on this very blog that the issues they raised have been in the news lately. Like that, idiot?

Heart_Collector said...

Scott M said...
I think with the release of modern warfare 3 and skyrim they all went back to their dorms / moms basements.

HEY! I used that joke already...though I substituted BF3.

Ah sorry didnt mean to poach, im glad you have your finger on the pulse.

I dont think its a joke though I bet that claimed as many ows's as any other reason.

J your corney.

Seeing Red said...

Do you ever wonder how many phrases he has on macro?

click click before the timer ends. LOLOLOLOL gotta get it all in.

J said...

“When a government is dependent upon bankers for money, they and not the leaders of the government control the situation, since the hand that gives is above the hand that takes. Money has no motherland; financiers are without patriotism and without decency; their sole object is gain.”
Napoleon Bonaparte

There's your AM reading lesson, Gumphousers

edutcher said...

OccupyCleveland just faded; it really wasn't going to work well in the poorest big city in the country.

As for Akron, way too blue collar - no way the working stiffs were going to put up with it.

SGT Ted said...

The reason The media quit promoting OWS is because it was a pro-Obama/DNC propaganda operation that failed and continuing coverage was only hurting the Democrats.

Ah, but there's all that lovely video material that will go into political ads next year.

What's ironic is this was the Community Organizer Olympics and it failed in no small part because of Internet coverage. This shows what the end of centralized media is doing to the Lefties.

Imagine balanced coverage of the hippie dippy crowd 45 years ago.

garage mahal said...

Watching you pretend that you didn't dispute the assertion that was made about Frank's retirement speaks ill of you.

Me: "I said it's impossible to know why Obey retired. Just like when a Republican retires, or opts out running for a position, it would be impossible for me to know"

Keep lying Jay. I don't really care. But people should be aware of your habitual lying and distortions in the rare case they would want to interact with you.

J said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Roger J. said...

Umm J: it was Lenin that said that, not Ezra Pound

Google the quote and see what you come up with

Anonymous said...

So I guess this means, a la Elizabeth Warren, Occupy was just a foundation, a little community garden plot of fairness, a bit of righteous legislation in the concrete jungle of capital markets.

Given her rhetoric, you'd have thought it was time for the full revolution...

...gotta get that Senate seat.

Scott M said...

J quotes two authoritarian dictators, one right after the other, then thinks we should take what he has to say seriously despite epic levels of spelling and grammar abuse. This from a troll who claims to be a professional editor and published author. Once again, without backup.

Que J's response about not having anything to prove to anyone hereabouts, possibly sprinkled with obtuse references to Peoria and grunting.

Brian Brown said...

Keep lying Jay. I don't really care. But people should be aware of your habitual lying and distortions in the rare case they would want to interact with you.

Except I'm not lying.

And given what you posted in this thread, you're projecting.

Remember when you tried to pretend that the rapes taking place at various OWS sites, really were not?

That was pathetic, you silly little liar.

garage mahal said...

Except I'm not lying.

People can see you clearly are. You go from one lie to the next without skipping a beat. Either paste and link to what I actually said or sit the fuck down.

J said...

“Responsible government must now destroy banker rule … or banker mismanagement of public credit will destroy responsible government and the civilization that brought it into being.”

Ezra Pound

Not found on the golden plates of Moroni, Gumphouse

sorepaw said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
J said...

Back-up. Wow. Like you backing up to your fave klan-man at the bunker, eh Squatti.

There's plenty of backup on financial oppression and exploitation. I knew the quote was from Stalin. He had some issues. But the quote is quite apropo, eh, pork rind. Heh heh

Robert Cook said...

"The reason The media quit promoting OWS is because it was a pro-Obama/DNC propaganda...."



Brian Brown said...

People can see you clearly are.

Yes, keep repeating that. Really, you'll gain traction.

You go from one lie to the next without skipping a beat.

You mean like when you asserted go out of their way not to cover the issues OWS raise after asserting on this very blog the issues they raised are in the news?

Or the general fact it is an outright lie?

Like that?

J said...

""Except I'm not lying.""

Yes, you are jay-byro-sorepaw. That's all you do, AZ 'roids trash. Now belch more of your hick BS about what you take to be economics, trash. We need more evidence

garage mahal said...

Remember you said on this very blog you got your rocks off blowing goats? Kinky man. Kinky.

Roger J. said...

Its a quote from some dude named McGeer writing in Britsh Columbia in the 1930s

Scott M said...

If there was such a thing as a class remedial blog humor, J, you would be forced into it. Aside from dubious political debate and making bullshit assertions you cannot back up when challanged...'re simply not funny by any stretch of the imagination. Speaking of imaginary things, I hope that "book" you "got published" wasn't supposed to end up in the humor section.

Personally, I can't imagine what it's like to be so bereft of the ability to make anyone else but yourself "heh heh".

Roger J. said...

J--your first quote re rope was attibuted to Lenin, not
Stalin' the second quote was from some dude McGeer.

Tarzan said...

think Sgt Ted has got it nailed. Regretably for the Ds they havent really distanced themselves--too bad so sad. I do hope the Rs use clips of the OWS slugs in the upcoming campaign--

Above the pictures they can put the words, "THIS IS WHAT DEMOCRATS LOOK LIKE!"

J said...

There's no Larry the Cable guy here, yokels. Not the Limbaugh hour, or Annie Coulter snatchspeak, or little green footballs. You simply don't understand the issue. Yr the teabag trash here, like your boyfriend Roger. You're the shit, the problem, the zombies

Scott M said...

Yr the teabag trash here, like your boyfriend Roger. You're the shit, the problem, the zombies

And despite all your other shortcomings, benchpresser, you are simply not funny by any stretch of anyone's imagination.

Roger J. said...

J continues to be the Professor, adherence to free speech--As long as he doesnt use the N word, he's cool.

Michael said...

We note that even the die hard lefties on this blog no longer back the OWS. They have been thrown under the bus. Down the memory hole. Even the buzz phrases of three weeks ago are forgotten.

It was, any way you look at it, both entertaining and instructive.

Peter said...

‘PaddyO’ said, “Want to know why the movement collapsed? They interviewed the protesters. It wasn't that they were raging, disagreeable, or otherwise grand forces against a settled society. To a person, they were just plain uninteresting…”

Which is to say, it’s very much like the Adbusters magazine “famous for their spoof ads” that supposedly started this Occupy stuff

There’s surely some fun to be made of consumer culture, but the Adbusters staff has never had the wits to make it. Adbusters magazine has always been deadly-dull. Sort of like that “Surplus Value Theory of Labor” lecture you once heard from some earnest young leftie.

So why should anyone be surprised that their Street Theater is no better?

Brian Brown said...

garage mahal said...
Remember you said on this very blog you got your rocks off blowing goats?

Note how when you're called to account for your silly incoherence and lies, you degenerate into this level of discourse.

Want to guess why that is?

Brian Brown said...

J said...
""Except I'm not lying.""

Yes, you are jay-byro-sorepaw. That's all you do, AZ 'roids trash

you're off the charts, full-idiot today.

Though I do love this continued reference to "AZ"

Big Mike said...

Excessively left-wing speech coming out of an angry/confused/unclean face... it's not helping the mainstream Democrats.

Indeed. The ones Howard Stern interviewed were unbelievably inarticulate. How does one graduate from a four year college with no ability to engage in coherent speech?

NotWhoIUsedtoBe said...

Let's ask Cindy Sheehan.

Anonymous said...

More proof that this was all along a leftist choreographed "movement" to deflect heat from Hopey.

Now that the polls have turned decidedly south on these useful-idiots' play, they are no longer of use.

LordSomber said...

Five empty tents and two hobos at the literature table. I think feeding them keeps them around.

garage mahal said...

Want to guess why that is?

Cuz you ain't worth the time, Goat Whisperer.

Shanna said...

Looks like the Onion is still covering it!

Amartel said...

Was the "political substance" of the movement EVER clear? The Adbusters guy who supposedly started it wasn't even clear. It's always seemed to me to be a meeting of random malcontents and their random malcontent overlords.

Occupy SF is still at the Embarcadero in San Fran. Nice area when it's not occupied. SF has offered them some less prime real estate about 16 blocks south. (Without asking the new would-be neighbors, of course.) Last night on the news the occupiers were having a 'general assembly' to decide whether to move. Probably still going on. Drum solos and all.

Scott M said...

Occupy SF is still at the Embarcadero in San Fran. Nice area when it's not occupied. SF has offered them some less prime real estate about 16 blocks south.

Weren't they going to offer the occupiers office space at taxpayer expense?

J said...

The Klanhouse also ignores another aspect of Occupy: the right to assemble, protest, file grievances against the Govt.: better to allow DISSENT however ugly than obedience to the corporate-capitalist state.

J said...

Byro-jay-sorepaw, AZ trash, lie away, 'roids boy.

Got yr cyber-stalking traced, perp, and yr little tee-shirt shop closed soon goat-boy. Your Billy Idol act also about over, cabronita

Scott M said...

The Klanhouse also ignores another aspect of Occupy: the right to assemble, protest, file grievances against the Govt.: better to allow DISSENT however ugly than obedience to the corporate-capitalist state.

Shorter J: The Tea Party got hosed paying all those usage fees and should be reimbursed immediately.

Michael said...

The OWS has every right to assemble on the same terms as any other group wishing to express their political opinions. The government has a right to enforce those laws that are on the books relative to requiring parade permits, requiring demonstrators to not block sidewalks, etc. The notion that camping in public places otherwise not set aside for camping is a matter for the courts to handle but I think most would agree that the camping is not a component of speech.

I for one hope the OWS movements can hold out for another year. The message will become more clear as the movement decomposes.

Roger J. said...

ummm--thought the phrase was" peaceably assemble...."

The Sanity Inspector said...

The usurpation of the movement by the hard left was inevitable--and the media always puts those guys in soft focus, if they are forced to cover them at all.

Synova said...

"Shorter J: The Tea Party got hosed paying all those usage fees and should be reimbursed immediately."


new york said...

Anyone who wants to know about current or future occupy protests, events or activities can easily find that information on many internet websites. Occupy Phoenix for example today protested against lobbyists owning our state legislatures at the American Legislative Exchange Summit held at some fancy Scottsdale resort. OWS protested today against war profiteering at the 17th annual Aerospace & Defense Finance Conference in NYC. Occupy groups across the country are leading actions to protect homeowners from foreclosure, stop cuts to education and healthcare, and are winning federal lawsuits that allow them the right to stay in public parks indefinitely. Academics, economists, church leaders and other public figures are speaking out in favor of OWS causes. Corporate news media such as CNN and Fox news could not be expected to report on such stories. People who choose to be uninformed shall remain uninformed.

sorepaw said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Amartel said...

The political substance of the movement at last:
Stomp out capitalism.
Darn it, kids, we need some capitalism to pay for the government. Buh bye!

Amartel said...

The Tribe has spoken.
Auf wiedersehen.
Pack your knives (and your poop) and go.

new york said...

...numerous protests in NYC tonight, following Obama around for his events including a fundraising dinner on 12th street...Jackson Browne performs tomorrow 1pm at Zuccotti Park..and occupy faith, a NYC interfaith coalition that supports OWS will be protesting at Lincoln Center tomorrow with a mic check by Phillip Glass to protest the anti-democratic policies of Lincoln Center and Bloomberg on the last performance of Satyagraha which ironically depicts Gandhi's early struggle against colonial oppression in South Africa.

Paco Wové said...

New York's latest post reads like a press release.

...from Baghdad Bob, no less.

Insufficiently Sensitive said...

I'm guessing that the expression of the protesters — in form and substance — wasn't serving the interests journalists favor.... it's not helping the mainstream Democrats.

Except in Seattle, Portland and Oakland. There, the alleged 'occupiers' (actually they could be any sort of riffraff) are breaking into vacant homes and 'occupying' them by squatting.

The AP has a mushy article, chirping and cooing about their alleged desire for a 'sustainable community'. So if that helps the Democrats, that's where the journ-o-listic energy is going for the moment. But you won't find any curiosity among the AP about the sources of support for their groceries, and for the materials they expend in their alleged 'improvements' to the homes.

Is it their daddies, or the Tides Foundation?

Unknown said...

===If you look at today's there's coverage of ongoing/upcoming OW(YC) activity. ====

Yuba City was occupied?!?!?!?!

Michael said...

New York. Who has the 500 k? Have you split it up or is someone keeping it safe for use in the future? Who decides, etc?

Michael said...

New York. What has Lincoln Center done to offend 99% of the population?

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...


Apparently, Lincoln Center was "built where public housing and a preeminent Black neighborhood once stood." And tickets for Satyagraha are really expensive. And Bloomberg gave a lot of money to make the production possible.

The puzzling part is Glass's participation. He knew damn well at the time -- Satyagraha is more than thirty years old -- that he was writing really expensive music; why is he turning out in solidarity with people who think opera is a waste of money, that people who donate money to opera companies are starving the poor, and that Lincoln Center just takes up space better used for public housing?

It's all here -- which might also indicate why new york's posts read like press releases.

At least we haven't seen "Occupy Juilliard" and "Occupy Fordham University." Yet.

Marc in Eugene said...

Here in Eugene, Oregon the occupiers are up against a city council decision that is permitting them to occupy their park legally until the 15th; while Eugene and the present city council are generally reliable allies of the fashionable movements and causes (a ban on plastic bags is being debated...), a couple of the councillors are apparently... vacillating on whether to extend the variance that is allowing the campers to camp. The comrades' park is also (and has been since forever) one of the more visible gathering places for the area's homeless population/drugs-using population. The comrades and those two other populations don't co-exist without a certain friction....

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