November 2, 2011

Steve Colbert goes to Occupy Wall Street, then interviews a woman named Ketchup...

... and some guy who, like Ketchup, is not the leader of the movement, but is there to explain the mechanisms of leaderlessness... including wiggly-fingered hand gestures. Quite hilarious:

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Colbert Super PAC - Occupy Wall Street Co-Optportunity - On Location
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MadisonMan said...

You guys seem like a cult.

We're not.

You're not. But that's what a cult would say.

The clip is excellent, thanks.

Scott M said...

Colbert is the friggin' master at stuff like that.

I still want him to break out that Phil Ken Sebben at random points in any interview.

Robert Cook said...

Neither Ketchup nor the guy are "leaders" of OWS because they have no established leaders or leadership hierarchy, according to them.

Moose said...

I was fully ready to enjoy someone making fun of the OWS kiddies, but in the end, I just felt sorry for them and, once again, repelled by Colbert. He's not really funny. Offensive, mostly.

Robert Cook said...

"...because they have no established leaders or leadership hierarchy, according to them."

As you acknowledged in your lede.

Robert Cook said...

In case it's not clear, Colbert is most likely in sympathy with OWS, as he is not the right wing douche he plays so masterfully on tv. (That we get this is part of the joke.)

Toad Trend said...

The bit with the sausage is great.

Ketchup Hitler. Godwin, invoked.

bagoh20 said...

Yep, that is pretty damned funny, but the jokes are right there just hanging in the air at OWS. Every bit of video I've seen of the protests is funny as shit. The whole thing is skit comedy 24/7.
The protesters are like caricatures of 60's hippies, but they are too young or dense to realize it. They really think this stuff is new!

Robert Cook said...

And what's to feel sorry about for Ketchup and her friend? They explained themselves well and were rational, polite, and comfortable with themselves and their activism.

m stone said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Scott M said...

(That we get this is part of the joke.)

It started out as an obvious O'Reilly parody but has since taken on it's own life. I do think he's funny and love his voice work for Adult Swim. Apart from that, he was the first ever talk show host to get the guys from Rush to sit down long enough to get three words out of them and they tried to out-smartass him. Classic. That's one of the few TV moments I've got saved to the ol' hard drive and watch now and then.

Scott M said...

And what's to feel sorry about for Ketchup and her friend? They explained themselves well and were rational, polite, and comfortable with themselves and their activism.

I feel sorry for anyone that describes themselves as a female-bodied person. I feel doubly so for any offspring that female-bodied persons female body parts manages to gestate. That kid will TRULY be fucked up.

Anonymous said...

I'm not a fan of Colbert, but it was a good bit. The guy seemed to get the joke, but Ketchup (assume it was due to her redish hair and not a love of the corporation that is Heinze)was annoyed.

m stone said...

Bad publicity for OWS.

Colbert could make Mother Teresa look bad (if she were alive).

Ann Althouse said...

Who needs ketchup when you can dip your meat in champagne.

Ann Althouse said...

"The guy seemed to get the joke, but Ketchup (assume it was due to her redish hair and not a love of the corporation that is Heinze)was annoyed."

A good time was had by all.

m stone said...

et tutu, AA.

Anonymous said...

I laughed long and hard at this clip last night-

Colbert is very good at what he does.

BTW- "Ketchup" is the moonbat you see at the end of the now famous video of the trust fund rage boy Thurston Howell III.....or whatever his name is-

Psychedelic George said...

A more pathetic pair of mopes I have never seen.

What has America come to that we have produced such limp wristed goggle-eyed sheep?

Scott M said...

What has America come to that we have produced such limp wristed goggle-eyed sheep?

That's not fair. They were self-selected limp-wristed, goggle-eyed sheep.

Alex said...

Of course Colbert is on board with #OWS, he's a rabid leftist.

Saint Croix said...

In case it's not clear, Colbert is most likely in sympathy with OWS

Yeah, that's not clear at all. He's mocking the shit out of them.

Anonymous said...

more "Ketchup" the 1:43 mark

gerry said...

And what's to feel sorry about for Ketchup and her friend? They explained themselves well and were rational, polite, and comfortable with themselves and their activism.

You are not very self-aware, are you?

DADvocate said...

I forgive Colbert for every offense I've ever taken. I cried from laughing so hard.

Weren't these two time travelers on a Star Trek episode in 1967? Or, maybe one of Mork's cousins?

Anonymous said...

"DADvocate said...
I forgive Colbert for every offense I've ever taken. I cried from laughing so hard...."

Me too. I laughed so hard I may have internal injuries.

Shanna said...

You guys seem like a cult.

We're not.

You're not. But that's what a cult would say.


Ketchup was the name of one of my fathers childhood, and much beloved, dogs.

veni vidi vici said...

Just from the video still and the "ketchup" moniker, these people already look and sound like idiots.

Toad Trend said...

"And what's to feel sorry about for Ketchup and her friend? They explained themselves well and were rational..."

Inquiring minds want to know, Cookie, has your drip stopped working???

Michael said...

I hope when they get consensus they will get back to us.

veni vidi vici said...

"Who needs ketchup when you can dip your meat in champagne."

Tell that to her boyfriend.

MayBee said...

Gives me new insight into the Global Warming Consensus building process.

Scott M said...

Tell that to her boyfriend.

Reactionary pig. That was her male-bodied life partner.

Calypso Facto said...

Here's a send up of the OWS that got me to laugh out loud (but then, I am easily amused):

I am the 2%!

damikesc said...

Croix, rest assured....Colbert is very supportive of OWS. Doesn't like conservatism even a little.

Temujin said...


If you're not laughing at this, you take yourself way too seriously. And I would bet your serious beliefs are just as hilarious.

Share them, won't you?

Saint Croix said...

I was fully ready to enjoy someone making fun of the OWS kiddies, but in the end, I just felt sorry for them and, once again, repelled by Colbert. He's not really funny. Offensive, mostly.

What I love about Jon Stewart is that he always goes after the funny. And he, is my opinion, often fair to Republicans. He sees the humanity in people.

Colbert is far more partisan. All his humor revolves around ideology, and calling other people stupid. He's mean, basically, and injects a meanness into his comedy that wears on me. I can't watch his show at all.

In this clip I think he went into it with the idea of mocking Republicans. "Where's my limo?" And having the steak sent into his suite. So that was his plan.

But when he started talking to these two, he started mocking the hell out of them. He had to do it. He couldn't help himself.

He might have had the idea of being on the side of OWS, but what they were saying made it impossible for him to do anything but mock the hell out of them.

Triangle Man said...

This is hilarious! Sausage and champagne.

Anonymous said...

"And what's to feel sorry about for Ketchup and her friend? They explained themselves well and were rational, polite, and comfortable with themselves and their activism."

Seriously? They were a SNL skit all by themselves.

MayBee said...

Perfect take on things, Saint Croix.

MadisonMan said...

So am I the only one who thinks the two interviewed were actually actors and not part of OWS at all?

Bruce Hayden said...

Seriously? They were a SNL skit all by themselves.

So am I the only one who thinks the two interviewed were actually actors and not part of OWS at all

It will be interesting to find out whether they really are actors working for Cobert or actual protesters. On the one hand, they seemed to actually get upset at Cobert once or twice, but on the other hand, they were too cleanly dressed to have spent all that much time living in tents.

Should be interesting.

Michael said...

MadisonMan: I agree. Actors. Pretty good ones too. They are too clean for OWS and too much on message.

MayBee said...

I don't know, MadMan. She seems to be part of OWS:

Scott M said...

MadisonMan: I agree. Actors. Pretty good ones too. They are too clean for OWS and too much on message.

Comedy Central interns, if that's the case.

CJinPA said...

So TV has made it OK for hipsters to laugh at folks the rest of us have been laughing at for weeks.

The actual videos from the various OWS protests do a much better job, and they are pretty much endless in supply.

Welcome, Comedy Central.

Shouting Thomas said...

That's just about what OWS deserves. Hilarious.

Of course, I'm not speaking entirely for myself.

I'm just a collective of cells. No one of my cells is the leader of this male identified collective.

MayBee said...

And here is an OWS facilatator named Ketchup in The Nation

Not actors.

Triangle Man said...

I would pay good money to see video of a few minutes of their "consensus" meetings. At least I would watch for free on Youtube

Triangle Man said...

"You've got to think for yourselves. You are all individuals. We are individuals."

Triangle Man said...

Everyone will be included. Nothing will get done. Video proof.

Anonymous said...

I post a video taken at #OWS weeks ago showing little miss Ketchup, yet some really really smart Althouse readers think she's an actor hired by Colbert-


paminwi said...

Short & sweet definition of all the different hand gestures used at "occupy" events.!

At one time in the past at school meetings we had to use "fist to five" to show our level of agreement with the crap the school board was trying to push trough in my old school district. What a load of crap!

ricpic said...

Wiggling fingers down if you dare question their nobility. Yeah, they're open as hell to discussion.

Bruce Hayden said...

I would pay good money to see video of a few minutes of their "consensus" meetings. At least I would watch for free on Youtube.

The problem there is that it really doesn't matter if their method of conducting consensus meetings works or not - because it won't scale. We are living in a nation of over 300 million people, and they have possibly come up with a new way for a very small number of like minded people to come up with a consensus decision.

Is this way of coming to a small group decision any better than that practiced for almost 400 years in small towns in New England? Probably not, because the method utilized by the OWS people seems to be dependent upon the people involved being very like minded.

ricpic said...

Ketchup is an autonomous individual and will not answer to Catsup!

Anonymous said...

Love the clip! One of his best.

And the more that is revealed about the inherent idiocy of this movement, the more I want to see it continue. It's like a reality show: "Liberalism - From Twinkles to Tyranny."

Triangle Man said...


Aside from the hand signals, which might help this scale to a few hundred participants, I see nothing about their consensus procedure that distinguishes it from other common procedures. With a goal of unanimous consent on every issue, they will either devolve into factions or wallow in procedural inefficiency. Consensus should be reserved only for the most important "core" topics.

Psychedelic George said...



Ketchup good.

Triangle Man said...

I will also note, that although their consensus procedure may seem like it creates an even playing field for all, a skilled practitioner (or faction) can manipulate the process for political advantage.

Anonymous said...

The Ketchup Advisory Board was right. Ketchup has natural mellowing agents...

DADvocate said...

So am I the only one who thinks the two interviewed were actually actors and not part of OWS at all?

I've been wondering that myself. I'm having a hard time believing they're real. The hand gestures, etc are just too much.

Seeing Red said...

There has got to be some kind of hierarchy, who approves and signs the checks?

Seeing Red said...

Who will sign the tax returns?

Bruce Hayden said...

I found this interesting: NYC arrest records: Many Occupy Wall Street protesters live in luxury. (thanks to Instapundit).

For each of the 984 Occupy Wall Street protesters arrested in New York City between September 18 and October 15, police collected and filed an information sheet recording the arrestee’s name, age, sex, criminal charge, home address and — in most cases — race. The Daily Caller has obtained all of this information from a source in the New York City government.

Among addresses for which information is available, single-family homes listed on those police intake forms have a median value of $305,000 — a far higher number than the $185,400 median value of owner-occupied housing units in the United States

DADvocate said...

It looks like another case of truth being stranger than fiction.

wv - phoning: another hand gesture with thumb and little finger extended.

Hoosier Daddy said...

I don't understand why these people aren't taken seriously.

DADvocate said...

Who will sign the tax returns?

Speaking of tax returns, mine keeps coming back.

In response to the question: "List all dependents"
I replied –

"12 million illegal immigrants;
"3 million crack heads;
"42 million unemployable people on food stamps,
"2 million people in over 243 prisons;
"Half of Mexico ; and
"535 fools in the U.S. House and Senate.?
Apparently, this was NOT an acceptable answer.

Scott M said...

I don't understand why these people aren't taken seriously.

You mean the "female-bodied" thing wasn't an impediment to your understanding?

ndspinelli said...

I love the ending when Colbert tries to palm the guy some cash.

Bruce Hayden said...

Aside from the hand signals, which might help this scale to a few hundred participants, I see nothing about their consensus procedure that distinguishes it from other common procedures. With a goal of unanimous consent on every issue, they will either devolve into factions or wallow in procedural inefficiency. Consensus should be reserved only for the most important "core" topics.

I think that you call it well in your next post, that these procedural techniques, signals, etc., can be, and would be, exploited by those who are more interested in getting their own agenda passed than truly coming to a consensus decision.

But I am not sure if this would scale well to even a hundred participants. Maybe a couple dozen.

While admirable at some level, it shows a certain naiveté too. It is like these people really haven't tried to run a meeting before. It surely would have failed when I was president of my fraternity chapter, and ran those meetings, and likely would fail with the committee I run for the IEEE. Right now, our quarterly meetings are 5 hours long, and with this, it would likely take us a couple days, if that.

I say naive too, because much of this world does not lend itself to truly consensus decisions. When important decisions are being made, the most basic elements of man emerge, led by greed. Greed to best take care of his self, family, community, state, nation, etc., in pretty much that order. To pretend that this does not happen is naive - the naiveté that is the basic underpinning of socialism in all its guises and permutations.

cubanbob said...

DADvocate said...
Who will sign the tax returns?

Speaking of tax returns, mine keeps coming back.

In response to the question: "List all dependents"
I replied –

"12 million illegal immigrants;
"3 million crack heads;
"42 million unemployable people on food stamps,
"2 million people in over 243 prisons;
"Half of Mexico ; and
"535 fools in the U.S. House and Senate.?
Apparently, this was NOT an acceptable answer.

11/2/11 3:53 PM

You forgot two schmucks, plugs and TOTUS.

Seeing Red said...

People are starving.

So you support GM foods then?

MadisonMan said...

I post a video taken at #OWS weeks ago showing little miss Ketchup, yet some really really smart Althouse readers think she's an actor hired by Colbert-

My earnest apologies for not watching (or maybe just watching and forgetting) what you post. In the future I will try to remember that your posts are very very important.

Bruce Hayden said...

I don't understand why these people aren't taken seriously.

My view is that the more that we see of these protesters, the less most of us will take them seriously. Early on, the newness of the protests was somehow invigorating to a lot of people on the left, esp. since they could portray this as the liberal answer to the Tea Party movement.

But, the more you see of them, the more stark the differences between the two become. These two could almost have come from the hippie movement in the later 1960s, maybe before the Summer of Love brought the movement into reality (complete with thousands of hippie beggars starving and defecating all over San Francisco). And the frothing protesters show where that movement ultimately went.

wv: fleas - somehow applicable to the OWS campouts.

Bruce Hayden said...

Some of the hand gestures do have some history. The camp that my kid went to for a number of years used the wiggling fingers, esp. the up ones, to show approval. They did so so that their meetings, chapel services, etc. wouldn't get bogged down with applause. And, it actually worked quite well - awards ceremonies at the end of a term may have been half as long as a result. And, these hand signs were somewhat of a secret language that brought the campers, present and past, together.

Robert Cook said...

"But when he started talking to these two, he started mocking the hell out of them."

Not so much, no. Of course, he was having fun with them, as he does with all his guests, (as who of us is not at least a little ridiculous in our own pet certainties and foibles?), but he was really mocking "himself," that is, the right wing douche he plays on tv. He was mocking the attitudes toward OWS by those who disdain them. He was mocking Bill O'Reilly.

That's Colbert's act: he depicts the rightwing asshole, par excellence." Of course, he's so sharp and so funny (and also likable) that one can't help but be seduced by him. And apparently there are those who don't realize his act is an act.

Shouting Thomas said...

That's Colbert's act: he depicts the rightwing asshole, par excellence." Of course, he's so sharp and so funny (and also likable) that one can't help but be seduced by him. And apparently there are those who don't realize his act is an act.

He was, actually, mocking the left wing asshole, Kookie.

You know... like you.

Shouting Thomas said...

Kookie, you can't be for real.

Nobody can be that stupid.

Curious George said...

I will from this time forward be known as Giardiniera. I have a last name, but prefer not to say it on this blog.

Anonymous said...

Typical lib propagandist-

Knowing this clip make #OWS look like the total idiots that they are, somebody here tried to float the old "that's not us--they have to be paid actors" lie--

Instill the thought...3 or 4 others say "hey, I think you're right"

Next thing you know, it's etched in stone.

Everyone knows those are paid actors

Robert Cook said...

"He was, actually, mocking the left wing asshole...."

Which "left wing asshole" would that be?

Bayoneteer said...

Colbert's an asshole.

Shouting Thomas said...

Which "left wing asshole" would that be?

The two dimwit kids, Kookie.

I have the feeling you're old enough to know better.

What's your excuse?

MayBee said...

Who cares if Colbert's trying to mock the right wing in this and is sympathetic to OWS people?

They look ridiculous. He looks pretty much like Michael Moore and Russel Simmons.

Chip S. said...

Who cares if Colbert's trying to mock the right wing in this and is sympathetic to OWS people?

RCook cares. Intentions are everything to him. Outcomes? Meh.

Skyler said...

Saint Croix has perfectly summed this up.

William said...

I don't mean this in a snarky way. They seem like decent, likeable kids, if somewhat unworldly. I hope they go into primary school teaching. They could teach kids about Santa Claus and make it very credible and real for their wards. There must be some way to package and sell their extraordinary naivete and make a profit off it..... I wish them lots of luck negotiating for possession of the tent with a homeless schizo at 2 a.m.......I think Colbert tilted the interview. With just a little effort, you could find a dozens of demonstrators who are infinitely more obnoxious and self righteous than these two.

DADvocate said...

That's Colbert's act: he depicts the rightwing asshole, par excellence." Of course, he's so sharp and so funny (and also likable) that one can't help but be seduced by him. And apparently there are those who don't realize his act is an act.

Hands out with fingers wiggling down.

DADvocate said...

BTW - I've stated this before, but Cook is always the biggest wet blanket at the party. Every silver lining has a cloud (or a painfully twisted explanation).

David said...

Colbert goes mainstream: Fake But Accurate.

David said...

They aren't kids. Well into their 20's. maybe older.

And leaderless my ass. Cat herders are still herders.

Anonymous said...

Robert Cook said: He was mocking the attitudes toward OWS by those who disdain them. He was mocking Bill O'Reilly.

If Mr. Colbert's intent was to show that it is somehow wrong (or mockable) to mock these protesters, he failed, quite miserably.

(I think you're all reading too much into this- he was going for a laugh, and got one. That's all.)

- Lyssa

Anonymous said...

Ketchup reminds me WAY too much of myself at about age 11 (same red hair, bangs, oversized glasses). That was painful.

Anonymous said...

How would it be possible for this consensus thing not to wind up as simply meaning that everyone goes the way dictated by the biggest bully or most persistant? If I were to show up, would my capitalist voice be heard, and the meeting continue until either I changed my mind (or gave up) or I had convinced every single other person to go get a job and stop pooping in public?

vnjagvet said...

I'm afraid you would be blocked, Lysa.

Patrick said...

The Republicans' dwindling hopes rest entirely on more OWS folks like those two, assuming they are real. Which, God I hope they are not, because that is just sad.

sorepaw said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
showbiz111 said...

If your brains are french fried it's only appropriate you'd be named Ketchup. Given the lack of brain power I think Ketchup is due for treatment at the Mayo Clinic.

Charlie said...

My next band will be called Ketchup Hitler.

Robert Cook said...

"The two dimwit kids, Kookie."

No, he wasn't mocking them. He was kidding them, of course, but he was mocking the condescending blowhards of the world.

And how do they qualify as assholes? They were unfailingly polite, thoughtful, good-humored, and tolerant. That you may disagree with their politics or expression of their politics or think them naive does not make them assholes.

Learn to see beyond your own anger and resentments.

Anonymous said...

I'm afraid you would be blocked, Lysa.

I know, right? How can there be a consensus if people get blocked?

Robert Cook said...

"The New Republic is openly queasy about (OWS)."

Is The New Rebublic the arbiter of permitted leftist thought?

I am dubious myself as to what the various Occupy groups around the country can or will actually accomplish, but I think they're significant as an indicator of the broad dissatisfaction across the land with the corrupt and bankrupt (literally and figuratively) status quo of our military/industrial/political complex, which has brought us to a point where democracy, such as it ever actually functioned in this country, is so close to moribund as to be effectively dead.

Rather than scorn the OWS people for what may be a quixotic and ultimately fruitless effort, I applaud their idealism and naivete and desire to express themselves through cooperative nonviolent action, even in the face of sporadic thuggishness by some police in NYC and across the country.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

Bruce, don't be a dolt and don't take this Daily Caller nonsense seriously. The average price of a house in NYC is way higher than the average price of a house in the country as a whole.

walter said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Wince said...

I wonder if Ketchup was abused by Papa Tomato?

walter said...

Ha! It's all fun and games until someone gets a tear gas canister to the skull or molests an attendee. I have a not so unique finger gesture for this "movement". $450k and they're begging for donated blankies. I suppose shopping is beneath them.

Karl said...

I am intrigued by Ketchup. Does the cuff match the collar?

Her daddy should apologize to her.

Marc in Eugene said...

'Consensus' in the Occupied world doesn't mean 'unanimity'-- it's not that detached from reality. The different general assemblies set their own thresholds for 'consensus'-- 90 percent of those present at an assembly works here in Eugene, I think.

Saint Croix said...

And how do they qualify as assholes? They were unfailingly polite, thoughtful, good-humored, and tolerant.

I thought they were creepy, had no sense of humor, and were weirdly childish. You say "polite," I say "constipated," or "unable to feel anything."

It's what humanity looks like when your soul is sucked out of you and replaced with PC whitewash.

Before this video, I had the idea that OWS was a bunch of smelly hippies. Like it's wannabe Woodstock. But these two were way, way weirder than hippies.

Not a coincidence that Colbert brought up the "cult" word. They absolutely had a bit of brainwash about them.

walter said...

C'mon really think these folks wouldn't have walked when room service came in and he was munching away? I mean..if they were remotely legit. Ketchup should have defecated on his tray. That would have produced a great mug from Colbert.

el polacko said...

my take is that the cultists fully expected a supportive interview from one of their tv heroes and were baffled by the growing sense that he was mocking them. if you've lost colbert...

wdnelson93 said...

I was looking for a "cafe" thread for this. Lacking one, here it is. Facebook status seen today:

"Why is it that when I keep my child home from school for a couple days with a cold, administration tries to make me feel like a horrible parent, yet a staggering percentage of teachers in Oakland left their students in limbo today to take part in the strike? I'm supposed to schedule doctor's appointments after school ...because my child is somehow going to fall immeasurably behind in the educational process by missing that 50 minute class, but these jackholes walk off the job for a full day to march around downtown Oakland? Why don't they schedule to march and protest during their THREE MONTHS OFF during the summer? Fire them. Then they'll have a good reason to piss and moan."


Anonymous said...

" ... and were baffled by the growing sense that he was mocking them."

These idiots had no idea they were being blocked - er, mocked.

They're fucking morons.

They vote. They just don't call it a vote - so that no votes are ever counted, nor results released. That way, the foreign leadership of #OWS can do whatever it wants with the sweet, sweet donations (half a million so far ... they're even tradmarking the name! Soon ... logo emblazoned t-shirts and menses cups!

Tscottme said...

You gotta see "Jim Rockford" (AKA James Garner) knock the hippy chick off her high horse.

Robert Cook said...

"I thought they were creepy, had no sense of humor, and were weirdly childish. You say 'polite,' I say "constipated," or 'unable to feel anything.'"

You're revealing only yourself and your own perception of them, and basing your perception on a video intended--and edited--for humorous effect, cut down to 7 minutes from an encounter that probably lasted an hour or several.

They struck me as being entirely in on the joke, often smiling at Colbert's antics. As Prof. Althouse noted, "A good time was had by all."

Roger J. said...

have to agree with Cook--looks to me like these folks were having a good time, not taking themselves seriously, and enjoyng the moment--Ya know? not every thing has to have political meaning--lighten up and enjoy life.

David said...

The resume of Justin Wedes. (Can't find one for Ketchup.) He seems to be a laid off teacher of science. Has some actual academic achievements and is a good musician.

M.S. Ed, Adolescent Science Education, 2010, Pace University, New York, NY
B.S. with Honors, Physics & Linguistics, 2008, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
Science Teacher, South Brooklyn Community High School; Brooklyn, NY — June 2008- August 2010
Teach Physics & Digital Expression computer classes as NYC Teaching Fellow. Implemented school-wide email and document collaboration for students/staff. Created Digital Expression 2.0 after-school internship for students with interest in Graphic Design & Web Development.
Lab Assistant, University of Michigan Physics Department, Ann Arbor, MI — January 2008-June 2008
Developed and tested laboratory experiments for introductory undergraduate courses.
Research Intern, Summer Institute for Training in Biostatistics, Duke Clinical Research Institute, Durham, NC — Summer 2007
Worked on research team analyzing international cardiac disease data using statistical tools
English Tutor, Proyecto Avance Latino Mentoring Association (PALMA), Ann Arbor, MI — September 2005-January 2006
Tutored area latino elementary and high school students from high-need families in English and math in weekly volunteer program, creating lesson plans and organizing follow-up mentoring after completion of program
English Tutor, Colegio Humboldt, Caracas, Venezuela — Summer 2006
Tutored high school students in English grammar and led discussion group on American- Venezuelan politics in conjunction with summer research project on petroleum politics.
Written and oral fluency in Spanish. Basic writing skills and conversational proficiency in Portuguese (Brazilian). Knowledge of written and spoken Hebrew, French, and German.
Extensive experience with C++, SAS, Excel, Windows OS and Mac OS X
Accomplished jazz and classical pianist, having performed at Carnegie Hall (July 1, 2003), Disney World and all around metropolitan Detroit/Ann Arbor areas
Teachers Network Disseminator Award, Teachers Network Leadership Institute MetLife Fellowship, Power User (, Berkley High School 2004 Class Valedictorian, Michigan Math Prize Level II Qualifier, AP Scholar with Honor, University of Michigan Regents Scholarship

David said...

Wedes was valedictorian at Berkley High School, Berkley, Michigan. Berkley is an "overwhelmingly white" and affluent suburb of Detroit. Wedes went to UofM. Musician, claims fluency in Spanish and proficiency in several other languages. Good educational record. An achiever. Solid citizen type, lefty version. 25 years old (not a kid.)

Interesting fellow. If the Occupy movement ever decides to have leaders, he has the qualifications to be one.

sorepaw said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
sorepaw said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
sorepaw said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
sorepaw said...

And what's to feel sorry about for Ketchup and her friend? They explained themselves well and were rational, polite, and comfortable with themselves and their activism.

Uhh, they are eerily childish. And so flat of affect, one would have to wonder if they've been lobotomized.

Occasionally, for precious milliseconds, they seem to realize that Colbert might be funning them. Then the flicker goes out.

When Ketchup says she's a "female-bodied person," she takes the latest Politically Correct language (from the GLBTIQQ-plus-letter-du-jour crowd) past the point of absurdity. She probably will be the very last human being on the planet to get the joke.

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