ADDED: My son John is live-blogging the debate, and here's how he covered the Perry gaffe:
9:17 - My brother Chris IMs (and gives me permission to quote):UPDATE: Perry comments:
Perry just had the worst moment of any candidate in a debate I think I've ever seen!Perry started out by saying he was going to list 3 agencies that should be abolished. He said "Education, Commerce" — but then spent a very long time trying to think of the third one. Another candidate suggested: "EPA." Perry jokingly said, "Yeah, the EPA." The moderator asked Perry if he seriously meant the EPA, and he said no. Finally, he admitted he just couldn't think of the rest of his message. Perry ended his segment by actually saying out loud: "Oops!"
"I'm glad I had my boots on tonight... I stepped in it out there.... I stepped in it, man. Yeah, it was embarrassing. Of course it was."ADDED: I bet Rick Perry really hates the Energy Department now.
AND: Perry's Intrade stock crashed immediately. Click on "last day." It goes from around 9 to below 4 instantly.
And he would do stuff like that in his debates with Obama.
No thank you! Stop running Perry!
I love Perry. I love Cain.
It is Cain or Perry.
You both rock. GOP should just have Perry/Cain or Cain/Perry.
GOP: Just ignore Romney - he is the father of ObamaCare.
Okay? Again: Cain or Perry.
I have no idea what happened and refuse to watch. But it must have been awful. Can someone explain?
That poor guy, though. Apparently just not ready for prime time.
YEAAAARGHHHHH! (Couldn't watch that for days, either.
Of course, POTUS Obama will have super-super-easy victory with Cain/Perry or Perry/Cain.
GOP: I beg you. Please love Cain or Perry. Please REJECT Romney.
I feel for Perry because I have a bit of aphasia like he has, but geeze, I'm not running for anything.
He was having a good night until then, but, yes, we've all had them.
The only thing that saves him is that probably very few people saw it.
OT: I got on about 10 minutes late - had to find where it was - who was the moron in the beard who was overacting worse than Richard Boone in Have Gun, Will Travel?
Also OT: Whose brilliant idea was it to run those stupid twats along the bottom of the screen?
The stock ticker was bad enough, but watching them run in different sequences - not to mention the moronic comments - was enough to induce motion sickness.
Quick, someone call Steve Forbes for a lifeline.
This economic stuff is best left to the contributors, like its done in Texas.
Epic fail. Makes one cringe. And it wasn't like a gotcha question either.
I would say devastating because if you intend to close down entire Federal Departments then you had better be well familiar with their names.
I'll go out on a limb here and guess the Department Perry was reaching for is Agriculture.
Oh, well.
Pull the name of a Fed department out of a hat and get rid of it.
Won't hurt. Might help.
Perfect example of how we overvalue verbal ability over performance.
Since most of what we have to judge candidates by is speech, though...
He is done! There is no way you can field this guy against Obama and win. or if the Repubs are stupid enough to run him, give him a teleprompter.. War of the teleprompters.
Typical lamestream media and their gotcha questions.
What's next? Asking what magazines/papers they read?
I have no idea what happened and refuse to watch. But it must have been awful. Can someone explain?
He couldn't remember that one of the three cabinet departments he'd axe is (I'm guessing) the Department of Energy.
I understand how this can happen. Haven't most people who were alive then tried their best to forget all about the Carter Administration?
Newt's looking better and better.
That doesn't sound too awful. But I bet it was different to watch, sort of like Curb Your Enthusiasm.
Hey, Ed! You think Obama was behind this one, too?
Perry should drop out tomorrow.
Seven Machos said...
That doesn't sound too awful. But I bet it was different to watch, sort of like Curb Your Enthusiasm.
Hey, Ed! You think Obama was behind this one, too?
No, but I'm sure Seven knows, because it's sooo obvious, one of the other Republicans was behind it.
And, yes, I'm sure Seven watched every moment and can give a second by second account of how it went down.
I'm sure Seven watched every moment
I said at the outset that I did not and cannot watch it.
So, fail on your part, whatever you were trying to accomplish there.
Say, what's that burning pile or wreckage at the bottom of the cliff?
Oh, that's just Rick Perry...
wv: foldnele: "Whoa, Nelly! Fold while ya can!"
Paterno and Penn State's Pres are gone immediately!
It was a blatant attempt to pander to the senior moment sector of the electorate.....Really, it was pretty bad. A SNL moment. If you didn't see it tonight, just try to avoid seeing it in the next few weeks.....If someone screws up this bad, I question how much he sincerely, truly wants to be President.
I'm still trying to figure out what Obama did with those 7 states.
Has any candidate ever screwed up this badly in a debate? Is there any moment ever that compares? reports Paterno has been fired.
Seven Machos: I have no idea what happened and refuse to watch. But it must have been awful. Can someone explain?
That's why you should watch the debates. You get to see everything in context, without the spin everyone puts on it afterwards.
I actually think the clip makes it look better than it did in real time. You don't see how well everyone else was speaking in comparison.
I swore off political debates a long time ago. They are the worst theater -- though I do see the value in them for moments like these, as reported. If you can't handle this basic little dance without fucking up, you are grossly unfit for the presidency.
As an aside, a debate that would work for me would be between two candidates with no moderator, only a clock timer who the candidates agree to abide by. Let them talk to each other about issues. I know that wouldn't work with more than two or three people.
I'm shocked that a serious credible candidate like Perry is incapable of making it through a debate without seriously embarrassing himself.
Is it worse than these? Yes, because the media protected Obama and hid his 'devastating' failures. They made him go second after Hillary in almost every debate they had and threw softball questions at him. Perry or any other Republican won't get that love or protection.
Obama's 57 states
Breathelizer or inhaler, Bristol Town Hall He is yelling at the audience member for his failing.
William said...
It was a blatant attempt to pander to the senior moment sector of the electorate.....Really, it was pretty bad. A SNL moment. If you didn't see it tonight, just try to avoid seeing it in the next few weeks.....If someone screws up this bad, I question how much he sincerely, truly wants to be President.
I've been wondering if this is something his wife wants more than he does.
I can empathize in a situation like that when you're trying to keep straight all the things you want to say and hit that wall.
Chris Althouse Cohen said...
Has any candidate ever screwed up this badly in a debate? Is there any moment ever that compares?
Reagan's final debate with Mondale. Reagan was making his closing statement and blanked.
He then went off on another tack and finished his statement, but, at the time, I thought, "Oh, Christ, that's it".
Apparently not.
PS No fail, it was accomplished.
It was something that I think everyone does, and I really, really felt for him. But no one does it on national tv like that. If he'd been doing great in the past, I think he could laugh it off, but added to his other performances, it's devastating.
He really was doing well up to then, too.
Contrarian view: Thanks to a senior moment, we got a brief glimpse of the real human being who is Perry rather than the wind-up toy that usually shows up at these "debates". Knowing that he fucked up, under a lot of pressure he remained good-natured. I think he can spin this with some deft, self-deprecating humor involving 57 states and the Austrian language.
Seriously, does anyone here actually think that on Day One of a Perry Administration he'd just order that three cabinet departments be shitcanned? I don't know about you, but as much as I'd like to get rid of maybe 5 departments (don't expect me to name them), I wouldn't do it without a careful study of what really needs to go, what needs to be trimmed, and what tasks need to be transferred somewhere else.
edutcher: Reagan's final debate with Mondale. Reagan was making his closing statement and blanked.
Perry does something awkward in every single debate. And he's only getting worse.
Chris Althouse Cohen said...
Has any candidate ever screwed up this badly in a debate? Is there any moment ever that compares?
Obama would have, left to his own devices or lack thereof.
For about the first 30secs, Perry's mouth is running glibly enough that it seems almost as if he's just horsing around with the debaters and audience. He's definitely *not*, but he seems relaxed as though, you know, "oops" and he'll recover in the next second . . . any second now.
By the end it's just clear this was a glib talking point, drilled in to make him appealing to the Paul-ite types leaning towards a harder-right spending hawk than they'll expect to get with Romney.
The over-fast, overconfident, hectoring tone with which he began, then the clueless, aw shucks Senioritis crash is painful. We will certainly see a lot of replay.
I'll just sit here and wait for smart liberals like Palladian and Meadehouse to tell me how I'm supposed to react to all this. That would be the only true liberal thing to do!
Gerald Ford's Poland screwup was worse. But, this was pretty bad.
Can I pick "All of the Above"?
pm317 said...
Chris Althouse Cohen said...
Has any candidate ever screwed up this badly in a debate? Is there any moment ever that compares?
Obama would have, left to his own devices or lack thereof.
What are you talking about? Obama was in (if I remember correctly) 20 primary debates and three general election debates. He had every opportunity to screw up like this. It's not like the moderators tricked Perry tonight. Perry had a pre-prepared thing he was going to say, and he couldn't get through it.
Thanks for the update on joepa folks. I surmise he was trying to get ahead of the storm by resigning. As I've said, he was like J Edgar. He had to go and he was too egomaniacal and surrounded by sycophants to see it. saintshoutingthomas is sobbing.
Really, you would not vote for a man because he forgot something like that for the moment? I'm not saying Perry is one, but you really think a great, or good, and competent man never does that?
Too bad people don't choose that way with Obama's similar "ooo, ahhh, ummm, gaffes. Remember that one that went on forever. That has nothing to do with my opinion of him, although it doesn't help.
Campaign-ending? Good grief - we are hopeless.
Crease your pants well, men.
The worst debate performance ever?
Reagan in 1984, during his first debate against Mondale.
As Wiki recalls..."He referred to having started going to church "here in Washington", although the debate was in Louisville, Kentucky, referred to military uniforms as "wardrobe," and admitted to being "confused," among other mistakes."
Afterwards, the national buzz was that Reagan was senile. He looked wretched and confused throughout the debate.
Of course, during the rematch debate he got off that classic zinger about not taking advantage of Mondale's youth.
Folks gave Ron a pass because they knew and liked the old coot. Perry not so much.
Perry and Cain's people will mostly end up with Newt. Huntsman will remain at 2% if everyone else drops out. Santorum, Santorum.....Paul Ryan is the most powerful man up there. If he runs as a third party, he insures Comrade Obama's reelection. Assuming he doesn't and he says he won't, it's Newt and Romney in the Main Event. It will be like the SEC Championship, the real College Football Championship game...Now it is just a matter of letting Perry and Cain ease out with some dignity.
lyssared - " If he'd been doing great in the past, I think he could laugh it off, but added to his other performances, it's devastating."
My read on it, too. Everyone has a brain fart now and then, but with Perry it is a serial thing every other time he opens his mouth.
You forgot "interesting."
They're smart and interesting.
If you don't see things their way you're dumb and boring, of course.
Perry did his job, which was to prevent Palin from running.
Conservatives have a death wish, somewhat like Lemmings, and always want to lose.
That's why they will support Romney.
Perry had a pre-prepared thing he was going to say, and he couldn't get through it.
And you had an opportunity to proofread and edit your comment, yet you posted "pre-prepared".
We're humans. It's our nature to fuck up.
PBJ -- Why do you spend your time at the blog of someone you find stupid and insipid? Wouldn't any reasonable person of any political persuasion consider that deranged?
Note that Ron Paul is trying to help him out... nice guy that Paul is...
But Perry was finished long ago. He is known to be as much of a blank-out dude, and whether that is due to alcohol or not is irrelevent because he acts drunk, just as much as Cain is known to be a sleazy black guy who wants to slip his big Negro pepperoni into whatever woman is before him.
So the chips fall as they do, and the nominee is going to Romney.
Everybody now realizes it. All the commentators and insiders and string-pullers realize it. It's just like when everybody realized that McCain was going to be the nominee in 2008-- time to line up and get behind him and put the best fact forward.
But the outcome will be the same: Romney will fall to Obama for the same reason McCain did-- an uninspiring, untrustworthy candidate who doesn't have any marketing difference from the devil that we already know.
If we lived in a parliamentary system, the opposition party would be shadowing the party in command at every opportunity. They would be pointing out mistakes, saying specifically what they would do differently, and using these differences to build a solid alternative political future. Save Paul, the Republicans ain't doing this. And thus they will lose.
Jason (the commenter) said...
edutcher: Reagan's final debate with Mondale. Reagan was making his closing statement and blanked.
Perry does something awkward in every single debate. And he's only getting worse.
Disagree. He hasn't been bad the last couple of outings and was doing pretty well up until this.
This, however, hurts.
Chris Althouse Cohen said...
Has any candidate ever screwed up this badly in a debate? Is there any moment ever that compares?
Obama would have, left to his own devices or lack thereof.
What are you talking about? Obama was in (if I remember correctly) 20 primary debates and three general election debates. He had every opportunity to screw up like this. It's not like the moderators tricked Perry tonight. Perry had a pre-prepared thing he was going to say, and he couldn't get through it.
It's called a brain freeze. You get a little older, you'll understand and be a little more forgiving.
They're smart and interesting.
If you don't see things their way you're dumb and boring, of course.
Nope. You've only got to be dumb or boring to conform to the observation.
In the interest of tolerance and comity, I won't make the obvious next comment.
I've repeatedly stated (w/o irony) that Althouse is much smarter than I am. Nothing's changed.
Chris Althouse Cohen said...
Well, it was a running joke during primary 2008 about the way media protected Obama in debates. Even SNL made a parody of it -- can't find the SNL video but here is Hillary venting her anger at the media and rightfully so.
Perry was already Texas toast.
Good try, Perry. Not this time fella.
Perry showed what can happen when you forget your lines ad didn't really have any conviction.
Julius -- Your racist innuendo aside (because it's so embarrassingly stupid), how was Obama the devil anyone knew in 2008?
Your gross generalizations are so simple that they are laughable.
“Perry had a pre-prepared thing he was going to say, and he couldn't get through it.”
Exactly. This was to be a canned response to a presumably well-rehearsed question.
It was even more awful, live. I visibly cringed two or three times. Midway through, my wife said, Why doesn’t he just sit down and compose himself? (Can you imagine?)
Absolutely devastating. It’s effectively over for Perry, even if he doesn’t yet know it.
When I watch the loop, it struck me as funny stuff. Obviously not funny for Perry, but for the opportunity Ron Paul had to feed Perry stuff Ron Paul wanted eliminated.
The 1st time, Perry got Education and Commerce, then agreed with Paul on the EPA.
Then he didn't.
The 2nd time he tried before giving up, he only remembered Education, forgetting Commerce as well as energy before Paul prompted him " said Commerce".
Ron Paul squandered a fine moment where he could have fed Perry just about anything Paul wants to eliminate..."Rick psssst..The Department of the Federal Reserve...remember? No? Pssssst - it's the Department of Aid to Israel. No? OK, now I remember what your campaign wanted eliminated Rick...Its the Department of Housing! That's it!"
They're smart and interesting
And liberals should feel lucky that True Liberals will even tolerate them because they're so exhausting to be around!
Sorepaw -- Julius posted something like this the other day. I assumed it was sarcasm poorly pulled off, as it was so over the top.
Note to Julius: sarcasm is hard -- the hardest thing in writing. If you are being sarcastic, and people don't get it, it's on you. Try harder.
If you are being serious, you are a racist prick.
Ron Paul is the one who, by the clock, should've been 'entitled' to a Senior Moment. Instead he's the one being feisty.
This must be gratifying for Paul, considering how Perry set hands on him in an early debate.
Perry is an adequate, long-time governor for a bastion Red State. Good for him. But he's just clearly out of his league in the Presidential field. Until about a week before he announced, noone ever pondered him as a President. It's now easy to see why.
The hubris event was that Perry had just done a two minute finger pointing rant on how only he among the 8 on stage had the real plan to do in DC the same miracle he had done for Texas...and that he would begin on day one with eliminating three entire useless Agencies.
Then he could not remember, try as he might, what were the Agencies three that Steve Forbes had told him about.
The eyes of Texas were upon him tonight. His donations should slow way up now. Texans know how to buy the politicians they need, but they don't like to pay for a loser.
Racist... Moi???
No, no... I supported Cain and his 9-9-9 whatever until he decided to choose the ole' Republican party line over the principle of Federalism... by that I mean insisting on the re-establishment of DOMA as the law of the land.
So how could I be racist? I voted for Obama. I voted for the first black President too.
Besides, I am just stating the general opinion, as I observe it, of the Republican voters. And they, my dear fellow commenters, are just as aware of-- and scared of!-- Cain's Negro-ness as they are of Romney's Mormon-ness.
But they'll choose the Mormon over the black man... while secretly, in their heart of hearts, pining for the return of someone like Richard Nixon, and singing along with Carroll O'Connor and Edith... "Boy you knew who you were then, girls were girls and men were men"....
Racist prick and a political idiot.
Truly a dreadful combination.
@DeadJ--The RepubliKKKans you describe sound like they would go absolutely crazy for an ultra-white guy from some bastion of Lutheranism.
So what happened to Pawlenty?
I don't get the impression that the Conservatives did a very good job of saying what they would do differently, before the last British election. But that's probably why they're in a coalition government now.
I was thinking more broadly, beyond Britain to the Continent... and specifically, the country of Denmark. where leadership just changed from right to left and where I spend a good deal of my time.
@Chip S.--
So what happened to Pawlenty?
No love from K Street. No love from Wall Street.
You don't get to the show unless you are willing to play ball.
Oh dear, I am very much channeling Ritmo in responding to comments of my comments... but what the hell-- I'm as charged up on Vodka as Perry probably was for this debate, so bring it on...
Garage said;
I'll just sit here and wait for smart liberals like Palladian and Meadehouse to tell me how I'm supposed to react to all this. That would be the only true liberal thing to do!
11/9/11 9:40 PM
Yeah that.
At least Rick Perry can go to sleep (or go to sleep the rest of the way, being half in the sack during the debate)...knowing Joe Paterno had a worse day.
The better people were Cain, Newt, Huntsman and of course, Romney.
I don't think Huntsman appealed to many, but he was poised and sharp.
Cain did well - considering that half the political reporters out there are combing these sex charges and Cains denials. And wondering if "traditional family values social conservatives" are prepared to reward Cain's infidelity if the charges do prove he is a philandering pussy chaser. And lied like Anthony Weiner did about key details and denials of things he knew were true. because "Clinton did worse - or - we have to save Herman because he makes Liberals Heads EXPLODE!!"
Romney was solid. He knew his stuff cold, actually started throwing a little charisma off. Looked classy not playing along with the Cain "gotcha!" question he was thrown.
Newt, as I mentioned before, plays The "Perfessor" as well as Obama. It is a schtick, but one that has serves Newt well as a premium-paid lecturer and pundit. He uses pregnant pauses well, then softly and intensely tells you of the profound insight, the hidden great truth, the idea only a Great Mind such as his could grasp. And he is now SHARING that with you, you are being educated in the cosmic things that only a Perfessor Obama or Perfessor Gingrich can see and understand.
No love from K Street. No love from Wall Street.
Yes. Because they don't back likely losers.
The question remains, why was the whitest guy in the early field not considered a likely hit among the racial and religious bigots who determine the GOP nominee?
"And liberals should feel lucky that True Liberals will even tolerate them because they're so exhausting to be around!"
Oh indeed.
Warner Huntington IIIl, Vivian Kensington, and I were just discussing this over tea.
Thankfully--in addition to being smart and interesting--lib-con, con-lib, neo-classical-lib folks are uniquely qualified to deal w/ such devastating burdens. Only they could handle such adversity.
Are we missing any other positive attributes? If we've left out any deserved praise I'm sure Meadehouse will fill in the oversight w/ some more self congratulatory commentary.
Chip -- How deep, really, can you expect to dig the shallow, shallow water of this person's mind? What do you expect to find beyond the gross caricatures and sadly drawn generalizations?
Garage said;
They're smart and interesting
And liberals should feel lucky that True Liberals will even tolerate them because they're so exhausting to be around!
11/9/11 10:11 PM
How bored they would become without us, soon they would be tearing each other to shreds,oops they already do it.
@Allie--You think the wingers here are mean b/c you don't notice all the times when we're being nice to you and your friends.
For instance, when garage wrote
I'll just sit here and wait for smart liberals like Palladian and Meadehouse to tell me how I'm supposed to react to all this...
not a single Althouse hillbilly replied...
Well, it would certainly raise the quality of your comments.
See how nice we really are?
It's not devastating because he forgot, it's as Mike K said: it showed that he really didn't feel it. It made him look like a typical politician rather than a good one. I really don't want a good one though either.
I don't care if a guy has Tourette syndrome, if he has the right answer and it's clear that it's his own well understood opinion.
Wouldn't a President with Tourette's be fabulous? Forget Mohammed cartoons - wait till you hear what our guy has to say about you and your mother.
It's worse than simple transitory brain freeze or senior moment or debate-related anxiety.
This shows he has only thought in general terms or only superficially about making huge changes. He sounded to me like he was hoping the #shrinkgov't bandwagon without having already processed at least scores of examples why those Departments are sufficiently destructive to be eliminated. Empires in themselves, his reasons had better be good and cogent, but apparently they are not even readily available. He couldn't think of all three names because he doesn't have the neural network established that connect to the names. Fail.
What do you expect to find beyond the gross caricatures and sadly drawn generalizations?
Well, I've always meant to learn more about Denmark.
Unlike many Departments, Commerce produces something most people use everyday.
Why the hate for the Dept of Commerce?
'How bored they would become without us...'
Well, you do supply comic relief, apple bottom. You have that going for you. Garage...not so much.
I don't see what's so bad about that. Momentary lapses aren't, um...
I don't stand against Democrats. I stand against things that don't work and triteness.
Allie -- You are particularly trite and boring. Come on, dude. Say something interesting.
Cain will be the final exam to grade the racists level in the South. Herman has all that southern men usually respect in his intelligence, graceful style and courage.
Will the White Flowerhood of Southern Belles Under Assault being injected into the dramatist persona of Cain make the white men suddenly take notice Herman's skin color?
Watch for the South Carolina and Florida votes. I am very interested to see the answer.
The rest of Herman's challenge is the old North vs South culture bias. The sexual morality issue is only their peg to hang their hats on.
GBS presented that problem in Pygmalian, except Professor Higgins' answer is not really working.
Unlike many Departments, Commerce produces something most people use everyday.
Just move responsibility for weather forecasts to the CIA. Don't they actually control it?
I for one hope that these candidates stop dropping like flies. It would be better to have an open nomination well into next year.
It would be better to have an open nomination well into next year.
But how would the MSM know who to attack?
A convention with no clear front-runner in the age of twitter and facebook would be fascinating. And very bloggable.
Mad -- I think we are in agreement here. Right?
Just wondering--is it possible that every Republican candidate folds? Could the party just nominate "nobody" on a platform of "First, do no harm"? I mean, does the Constitution actually require that the presidency be filled?
How about a pair of dead men for POTUS and VPOTUS.
Ike and Ronnie?
Just spitballin' here.
Chip -- I will run if nominated. I will serve if elected. But nobody wants that.
Legend has it that a couple of decades ago a guy ran for prez of the student gov't at the U. of Ga. on a promise to dissolve the student gov't if elected.
He won, and he did. Or so I've been told.
@Seven Machos: That's an interesting thought; but frankly, it doesn't look like anybody in this GOP field is even going to keep it going at the Dodd for Prez or Biden for Prez level.
Everybody remotely plausible has Evan Bayded out of this thing already.
I don't think Santorum or Gingrich can even kid themselves they're running for Veep.
Unless somebody drafts Thune in for drama, it looks over. And I think this must be how the Powers That Be want it. Everybody else has a place-setting in the Romney Cabinet.
Debates are overrated, IMO. This clip shows one of the reasons - a person with better memory does not mean a person with better decision making, or better problem solver. Latter are qualities way more essential for executive, than good memory or smooth talk. It's a pitty Repablicans make such a show with these debates.
t-guy gets it in his comment above.
For Cain to be viable, the institutional racist baggage of the GOP needs to be identified and called out by those on the Right side of things.
Pretending it doesn't exist only inhibits overcoming it.
Say "negro negro black man" ten times and thou shalth be healed.
@Seven, I think so.
Will the White Flowerhood of Southern Belles Under Assault being injected into the dramatist persona of Cain make the white men suddenly take notice Herman's skin color?
"[South Carolina Governor] Nikki Haley was born Nimrata Nikki Randhawa in Bamberg, South Carolina on January 20, 1972. Her parents, Dr. Ajit and Raj Randhawa, are Sikh immigrants from Amritsar, Punjab, India. She has two brothers, Mitti and Charan, and a sister, Simran."--Wikipedia
It may interest you to learn that the south has changed a bit since you studied about it in the movies.
Julius -- You are the only person here talking about race, and in a shallow, laughable way at that.
Cain's skin color has nothing to do with anything. It has nothing to do with these allegations. It has nothing to do with his utter political inexperience. It has nothing to do with his popularity in recent polls.
I repeat: you and only you are talking about race when it is so clearly not a factor. That makes you a racist, your silly shallowness notwithstanding.
Sigh. What stupid stuff determines elections today.
traditionalguy said...
Cain will be the final exam to grade the racists level in the South. Herman has all that southern men usually respect in his intelligence, graceful style and courage.
Will the White Flowerhood of Southern Belles Under Assault being injected into the dramatist persona of Cain make the white men suddenly take notice Herman's skin color?
Love how brain-dead conservatives have embraced the idea that a married black man allegedly chasing a bevy of blonde, white pussy is No Big Deal at All - because to object - WOULD BE RACIST! RACIST!
The same dumb conservatives, of course, see Newt as a moral family values man and Anthony Weiner as a depraved perv who "betrayed his wife". Same with Spitzer.
7Machos - "Cain's skin color has nothing to do with anything."
It does on his viability if you have Southern conservatives seeing a married black man that is a serial white blonde pussy chaser, if charges are true.
An oversexed OJ.
As for the general election- who exactly would black voters, especially women go for? Obama the family man without a whiff of sex scandal, or the supposedly oversexed black man that went through a period of rampant infidelity and wanted the "white pussy upgrade" (right into the black horndog stereotype - "Wheh de White Bitches At??"
@Cford--That's not the way I read tradguy's comment.
I thought he was describing the Dems' likely strategy if Cain falls as a result of these allegations.
It's win-win for the Dems. Either the Repubs are racists for hatin' on Herman, or else they're supporters of a sexual predator.
Cedarford -- Cain will nit win the nomination and would not have won the nomination had these allegations not arisen. So it doesn't matter.
By the way, the Jewish person will win the election, because Jews control everything.
Jews control everything
Except black sexuality. Nothing can control that.
Chip -- Agreed! I had forgotten about that. You put the force of nature that is the black libido and an unstoppable Jewish super-powerful person together and you get...Lenny Kravitz, Jordan Farmar, Drake, and Halle Berry (according to the Internet).
That's a hook-nosed foursome that will fuck the whole wide world into submission, then charge it interest for the privilege.
I am happy at the existence of Romney.
Halle Berry is so powerful I'd submit to a bris if she offered to perform it.
Unless I saw a copy of Werewolf's Guide to Life on her coffee table, that is.
Romney is the Nixon who looks like Reagan.
I grow more fond of him every day.
(ok, he's more like Ford. But still . . .)
So, as a result, in the end it will be Romney.
And we say that Perry is the stupid one.
Ha. Talk about chopping your head off to snark at your nose.
Ooooo I just loathe awkward moments! An awkward moment on television makes me ill at ease. Perry made me ill at ease and has lost whatever support I once had for him, which admittedly wasn't much.
It's to weep, to think people judged a Daniels or a Pawlenty as an awful option. And here we are.
If Romney triumphs, I will blame the activist base. It's been playing with fire for nigh on two years now, and now it's getting burnt, which would be fine, except the rest of us will be going up in smoke as well.
Male menopause?
Looks like Perry picked the wrong week to quit amphetamines.
We have to start thinning the pack somewhere, looks like this is a good place to start.
Ah... would you fuck off to America with your appropriate fuckin' Barack Obama!
The attempted fix was worse than the stumble. Romney in the same situation would either have just named the two he could think of and continued on, or named some plausible third department, but he NEVER would have sat there with his jaw open racking his "brain."
Perry isn't very agile in general, and this is just one more example. He couldn't afford the gaffe.
He's gone soon, and his votes get split by Cain and Newt.
rcommal said...
It's to weep, to think people judged a Daniels or a Pawlenty as an awful option. And here we are.
Neither Daniels nor Pawlenty (as we saw in the first debate) had the stomach for a fight.
They judged themselves.
Exactly. This was to be a canned response to a presumably well-rehearsed question.
That he muffed it means he's not serious about making the cuts. He hasn't done the research, its not his own idea. Its just something he thinks will resonate with the voters.
What a huge disappointment he's turned out to be.
I'm going to market those smelling strips to morgue guys place under their nose. For when we have to pull the lever for Romney...
Chip said it much better than me:
"It's worse than simple transitory brain freeze or senior moment or debate-related anxiety.
This shows he has only thought in general terms or only superficially about making huge changes. He sounded to me like he was hoping the #shrinkgov't bandwagon without having already processed at least scores of examples why those Departments are sufficiently destructive to be eliminated. Empires in themselves, his reasons had better be good and cogent, but apparently they are not even readily available. He couldn't think of all three names because he doesn't have the neural network established that connect to the names. Fail."
I would hate to be Mrs. Rick Perry and have to try to put a positive consoling spin on that disaster.
Watching Perry on CNN this morning, and now I'm not so sure this is bad for him. He gets a chance to laugh at himself and appears very human. Everyone does this every now and then, and the CNN reporter is being nasty about it in a way that makes him appear sympathetic.
Plus, he's getting a chance to lay out his plans, and sounds good and knowledgable.
Eh, he's already been doing so badly that chances seem as good as not that this could be helpful.
- Lyssa
The word salad attack on Romney as a flip flopper was worse. People forget items on lists they've committed to memory, but if you can't effectively blast Romney for being a flip flopper, you don't deserve to call yourself a politician.
The tragedy for Perry is that while he passionately hates Romney, all his actions - oppo dump on Cain and debate fail - seem to be handing the nomination to Romney.
Well, Gov. Perry, if its any consolation Gov. Brewer survived and won.
Lyssa: Everyone does this every now and then, and the CNN reporter is being nasty about it in a way that makes him appear sympathetic.
Maybe so. But Seven's "not ready for prime time" comment resonates with me.
I can't put my finger on exactly what it is about Perry that bothers me. Maybe he seems incompetent to me because, as a Texan, I had such high expectations of him.
He comes acros to me as a football jock running for Prom King, instead of a smart and savy student running for class president.
Again, I can't verbalize what troubles me re him. But its like I keep exepcting him to tap me on the shoulder and ask to copy my lab notes. Again.
At every debate we see that Ron Paul is the only candidate interested in liberty and freedom, and the only candidate advocating the kinds of changes necessary to save us from flying over the cliff (if it's even possible).
Instead, we'll talk about Perry (who should really just give it up today), Newt (Mr. sit on the couch with his pal, Nancy), and Romney (a "moderate" (ie. liberal) technocrat who will do ... wait, no one really knows - he still thinks having a state take over all of healthcare is a good idea - woo woo boy, what a conservative).
Damn--I cant believe people spend their time looking at this interminable debate thing
Apparently a relative small of group of people cant figure out a more productive use of their time
The Rs need to drop this whole debate thing--It isnt helping.
BTW--anyone got viewer stats on this farce? Probably down at Anderson Cooper's level.
[Perry] comes acros to me as a football jock running for Prom King, instead of a smart and savy student running for class president.
Again, I can't verbalize what troubles me re him. But its like I keep exepcting him to tap me on the shoulder and ask to copy my lab notes. Again.
Excellent metaphor.
Inexcusable gaffe. has an interesting and fun 9 question quiz that that "matches" your views to a GOP candidate.
Perry's mistake was he limited himself at the start to only three agencies to eliminate.
That said, he's a sucky candidate.
Not that I'm am political supporter of Rick Perry... but, I love you Rick Perry.
My life is partially a story about chronic brain freeze. :)
Oh, and we should also remember... Thomas Jefferson was apparently poor speaker. He may have even not liked to get up and speak. So much so that he almost always communicated with the government through letters.
No way he would be running for office today. Not that Perry is like Jefferson. He's better... he doesn't own any black people.
Perry's out. Cain's out. The only semi-conservative left who can stop Romney is Newt. has an interesting and fun 9 question quiz that that "matches" your views to a GOP candidate.
Hell's Bells. I got a Newt.
Brain freeze. I'm so glad it wasn't me.
I've never liked Perry much. Never voted for him. But somehow the guy wins every time. It's kind of a mystery to people in this state how he does it. I wouldn't bet against him, a lot of people have done so and lost.
It's a shame and sad, he is so obviously a good man.
Herman Cain claims that he respects women, yet he mockingly refers to Nancy Pelosi as "princess Nancy"
It wasn't pretty, but it was Cicero compared to when Obama did this as a candidate:
Up at REDDIT, Rick Perry is now the poster boy for:
ROCK, SCISSORS ... And, "um"
Won't matter to Texans.
And, just like the other 7 condendahs, not a Chinaman's Chance In Hell to get nominated.
Who hasn't had a brain fart in their lives. I'm not a Perry fan at all, but come on folks. This is meaningless in the overall picture. So Erkle still gets to be president over 57 states and he didn't need to say that in a debate either, he said it on the campaign trail. The media is fucking stupid and frankly Ann, if your son sees this as a horrible campaign ending error, well, then he isn't that bright either.
What's it gonna take the conservatives to learn there are republicans out there who do not want the religious nutters in this country "picking" a presidential candidate?
After McCain's debacle, there should have been enough awareness to go around ... that future presidential candidates are going to need to be popular with a large cross-section of voters!
Ronald Reagan, as the successful governor of California OWNED the credentials that he appealed to BLUE STATE VOTERS.
Yes, he also appealed to conservatives. While he did NOT appeal to the Rockefellers. Or the Bush's. Who are the mainstay tent OWNERS of the GOP's "country club."
The media is gonna help the country club.
Sarah Palin got pushed aside because the media knows she's got an ability to connect!
IF Sarah Palin was on that stage last night ... today we would not be discussing Rick Perry's brain fart.
We'd be in solid discusions about obama's ERRORS of leadership. And, WHY crony capitalism is still alive.
Both Donald Trump and Sarah Palin would also have you discussing ways to make federal agencies MORE responsive. And, yes. Where waste would be cut out of the equation. And, good businesses practices put in.
The media, the republicans, and the democraps, are all against a very real discussion of how you can STOP CRONY CAPITALISM from keeping the same stinkers in place who have caused this problem.
Oh, yeah. And, Corzine's name would have been specifically mentioned.
What's with the 8 candidates that they are terrified to mention someone who came onto the playing field FROM GOLDMAN SACKS!
Rick Perry did not have a single solution to offer ... on his list of what he would cut. Couldn't remember a 3rd cabinet chair? He could have said he'd go back to a system of no more than 10 cabinet chairs. And, NO CZARS.
It's such a shame to see debaters blowing the whole debate!
Conservatives, meanwhile, do not have enough cards in their hands to win.
It's like watching candy being taken from a baby.
What about all of Obama's babbling when he's off teleprompter? This was just drawing a blank and being gracious about it.
The RepubliKKKans ? do you mean the DemoKKKrats?
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