The Democratic Party of Wisconsin, which had announced its intention last month to launch the recall Nov. 15, quickly branded the move a "dirty Republican ploy," but it's not clear what Brandt's loyalties are.Screwup or dirty trick?
ADDED: Apparently, Brandt is a Walker supporter:
The unusual move of having a supporter file recall paperwork immediately angered Walker opponents, who suspected it was made to give the governor a chance to begin raising money before organizers begin their actual recall campaign.AND: By filing as if he were seriously attempting to recall Walker, Brandt makes it possible for Walker to begin fundraising (and it's unlimited fundraising):
Officials with GAB confirmed Friday that the formation of Brandt's committee would allow Walker to begin fundraising now, a full 11 days before the Democratic Party of Wisconsin had planned to officially start the recall effort on Nov. 15.
Phone messages left at Brandt's home were not returned. In the handwritten form, he listed himself as the committee's treasurer and said he should be exempt from filing campaign finance reports because the committee would not raise more than $1,000 in a calendar year. That small amount of funding would make it impossible to collect and organize a half million signatures....
Cathy Waller, executive director of the Waukesha County Republican Party, said she did not know who Brandt was and did not believe that he has been active in county Republican politics. State Republican Party Executive Director Stephan Thompson said that he also didn't know Brandt and that the Republican Party was not involved in the filing....
Mike McCabe, executive director of the Wisconsin Democracy Campaign, said the effort also appeared fishy. "It smells like a fake petition drive," said McCabe, whose group tracks political donations.
For campaign purposes, that won't matter. Since the petition has been filed, under state law Walker can immediately begin receiving unlimited political donations from supporters to use for defending himself against a recall.
Why is it dirty?
Dems just hate it when lowly citizens act on their own. Muskego? Probably some redneck.
If it's a dirty trick it's a good one.
Dirty trick?
I'd say it's giving the recallers what they claim they want.
Sometimes the best way to shut somebody up is to give them what they want.
@Allie's Apple: You forgot the /sarc tag. Had me going there for a moment!
WV: ockpant - the sounds I made when I read your post
Timing is everything.
Wisconsin is endlessly entertaining.
Unlike Oakland which is turning out as expected, cross between Lord of the Flies, Escape from New York and the Zombie Apocalypse. No surprises from Oakland.
...the war is on.
Yeah, and the first battle has the Dems with their thumbs in their asses whining about some guy some from Muskego. Good start.
Thank God its the Koch brothers to the rescue. They missed out on buying the url for ows but they can sure help here.
I think they are being swayed somewhat by OWS however. It is rumored that they are thinking of shutting down all of their enterprises in solidarity with OWS Oakland. Firing the employees too.
I think we got 80K new jobs in October. Need 130,000 to keep even with population growth.
Look for Tuesday's Ohio referendum vote on Kasich's Walker-like moves to be a precursor of events to come.
Shock and awe, baby. Shock and awe.
So the Dems decide to start recalling everyone because the rules allow it...and then the rules get used against them and they cry like the little bitches they are.
"Allie's Apple said...
David Brandt contributed to Walkers campaign. So they use a stooge to lob the first volley, the war is on."
Why the call for violence? Oh and...
Good. Fucking. Luck.
The Democrats have been using every device they can get their hands on. They can't very well complain when they are outplayed. They are the ones who turned everything into a game.
"It's not over until we win." That's their attitude. When the tables are turned... you can't cry about it.
It's so pathetically obvious that Walker will win this. The only question is how much will he succeed in promoting himself along the way.
The only question is how much will he succeed in promoting himself along the way.
And how much wasted time and MONEY it will cost the taxpayers of your State.
As our friend David Blaska likes to say:
Recall Walker, fondly.
Maybe the Koch brothers called up Walker and told him they had $8000 burning a hole in their pocket.
Awww Allie's Apple starts throwing stones, gets a sharp retort, and collapses like a little Progessive beanie baggy... ha.
Icky, I am far from collapsing, you don't know me do you?
This has got to leave a mark. When the Dems get their own strategy thrown in their faces, they cry foul. I fear the reaction when "Walks On Water" gets the boot from the White House. They will probably go totally ballistic.
It's brilliant! Best political theater in the country.
"The petition was filed by David Brandt of Muskego in Waukesha County and the "Close Friends to Recall Walker" committee. Brandt said in the government filing that he was registering a recall committee to "fulfill my friend's last request."
From the Milwaukee Journal. This is great!!
"friend's last request"? Is it a wink? A joke?
"Stan, yes, we might start hoarding bullets and buying rice and beans in 50 pound sacks like conservative cry babies did when Obama won."
I missed that recall election. When was that again? I remember they waited until the next regularly scheduled election though. But I have been busy at work, maybe I just missed the recall.
Maybe Walker will lose and we can become Greece, but without the lovely Islands and appealing climate. Make the morons happy. Bankruptcy is A-OK if it involves early retirement and lifetime benefits.
Stan, yes, we might start hoarding bullets and buying rice and beans in 50 pound sacks like conservative cry babies did when Obama won.
That wasn't because they thought there would be some kind of war. They just figured with a Democrat running things we'd end up with, you know, 9% unemployment and hippies crapping in the parks.
If the Democrats collect signatures is Brandt legally obligated to turn them in?
Ann, does David Brant and his filling committee have some type of extended advantage since they filed first? Is it possibly that dastardly brilliant?
Is that now the official petition under which the recall is held? He said he didn't have to file campaign finance paperwork since he wouldn't raise over $1000 dollars. The Dems didn't want one of their rogue committees filing and there must be a reason.
So where so we send our money? Link please!
Allie - Next time my name rolls off your mouth, choke on it.
I fully expect the GOP felons to slash tires on get out the vote vans and bribe destitute voters with sandwiches and cigs.
Cool. Conservatives are beginning to act proactively. More power to them. Let the competition continue to reveal their true nature.
Nice to see Crack stop by, btw.
Jason (the commenter) said...
"So where so we send our money? Link please!"
Friends of Scott Walker, Kate Lind, Treasurer.
PO Box 620437
Middleton, WI 53562-0437
Office Phone: (608) 257-2455
Great, now Garage and Allie will be up all night leaving obnoxious voice messages.
Ah, those devious Republicans - beating the Democrats at their own game.
The Lefties are really getting into the Stalin level of paranoia.
Allie's Apple said...
Dirty tricks, not at all surprising. Let the BIG MONEY start rolling in.I suspect this is just the beginning of some incredibly nasty underhanded crap by the WI GOP. Wonder how many felons they'll employ this go round?
Yes, it's only justifiable if the Democrats do it.
Stan, yes, we might start hoarding bullets and buying rice and beans in 50 pound sacks like conservative cry babies did when Obama won.
After reading this and this, it seems pretty prescient.
Thanks for the tip Meade.
Just left a donation and volunteered. The Rotunda crybabies begged for a fight, but they have no idea what's coming.
"After reading this and this, it seems pretty prescient."
Seems an occupier in For Collinscouldn't hold his horses on lighting bon fires.
TCB-n-a-Flash said...
Ann, does David Brant and his filling committee have some type of extended advantage since they filed first? Is it possibly that dastardly brilliant?
11/4/11 8:47 PM
TCB-n-a-Flash said...
Is that now the official petition under which the recall is held? He said he didn't have to file campaign finance paperwork since he wouldn't raise over $1000 dollars. The Dems didn't want one of their rogue committees filing and there must be a reason.
To answer your This will really have no impact on the Dems recall efforts. It does help Walker raise funds without limitation against a successful recall petition. And as AA will fail big.
Look ofor these assholes to try to recall very GOP office holder moving forward.
I love it.
Game on, Democrats. You wanted this re-call fight, now your going to get it in full.
A loophole in WI election law allows donors to make unlimited contributions to Scott Walker's campaign fund. This at the time when union money of pouring into the Occupy [Name of City] nonsense.
Trick question for the Dems: Who will run against Scott Walker? Seriously, who? Your party has zero bench strength.
Property tax bills will be sent to every property owner next month. No increase in the school tax portion, if your school board was smart enough to hold off signing it's labor contract renewal. State income taxes will be due a short time later. No increase.
Whoever runs against Walker will have to campaign on RAISING TAXES.
Seriously, Mike Tate, you really want this tar pit of a fight?
I'm not at all a Walker fan, but they'd of been stupid not to do this. BTW, this was very much expected.
Yeah, you're just supposed to sit there and take it while Democracy is undermined. Like in the 2004 Presidential ballot recount in Florida.
If a Recall (Governor Scott) Walker petition has the name of Bud Selig, 1060 W. Addison Street, Chicago IL, 60613, that's me.
I'm going to sign them all - no problema.
They need an advertisement with every single one of the Republican Presidential candidates in it.
"You know, we may have our differences during the debates and on the campaign trail, but we all endorse Governor Walker."
The Democrats have been using every device they can get their hands on. They can't very well complain when they are outplayed. They are the ones who turned everything into a game.
But only Republicans are playing dirty. Running fake Democrats in primaries, giving out shots for recall signatures, initiating a recall of Walker from a Walker supporter. For a measly two week fund raising advantage. Impressive. Isn't exactly a vote of confidence for their own policies, is it?
Republicans even filed first on the recalls of the Dem 14. Remember? Walker's closest aides are getting raided by the FBI, Walker himself has spent over 60k defending himself in the John Doe Investigation. And on and on and on.
Can you name one thing that even remotely approaches the craven sleaze ball politics of the WIGOP from the Dem side?
Weak shit, as per your usual.
When I voted for Governor, I assumed win or lose it was for a four year term.
Democrats want to subvert the will of the Wisconsin electorate in the same way that a tantrum prone child wants to subvert the will of adults.
And the adults are putting their foot down. It's over.
Can you name one thing that even remotely approaches the craven sleaze ball politics of the WIGOP from the Dem side?
Jim "Casino" Doyle's pay-for-play tenure as governor, for starters.
Hey Karl, I hate Madison Nazi's.
Hey garage, how about Diamond Jim Doyle hiding liabilities and double counting revenue to hide the budget deficit he created.
Or the entire Democrat party going off on some wacko conspiracy theory about how greedy Jew businessmen secretly control the state.
G-M said "But only Republicans are playing dirty."
Thanks for clearing that up. Just as I was thinking that there are no angels...
Found this on Wikipedia - mostly mentions Jim Doyle: The Frankenstein Veto.
Governor Jim Doyle used selective deletion to transform "a 272-word section of the Legislature's budget into a 20-word sentence that took $427 million from the transportation budget and gave it to public schools."
Maybe that's why public school teachers and their unions now act like a bunch of heroin addicts.
Ok I've got a quirky sense of humor ... but that is seriously funny!
Listening to Wisconsin Democrats complain about dirty tricks brings a smile to my face and a song to my heart.
I don't see how this rises to the level of a "dirty trick". It's not like there's any question as to whether or not the Democrats are going to file.
Sounds like the WalkerCamp isn't as confident as Althouse is in regards to his winning a recall, and thus they feel the need for extra time to raise money.
PS - Did Karl really just admit...on a blog ran by an officer of the court...that he is intending to commit fraud/perjury?
I guess I would prefer to see the people of Wisonsin make this decision--alas, the recall will be nationalized IMO
Do have to say that Wisconsin politics are fascinating.
Breaking news--Andy Rooney dead at 92--RIP Mr Roponey
Throw all the dirty tricks the left use right back at them. The left cheat and lie - led by their leaders Michael Moore and Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and Barack Obama. Punch back, twice as hard.
Yeah! surely a dirty trick. How come repubs do not lay down and just take it, whichever way it comes from the Dems
David Brandt...political ninja!
It's a brave gambit, I hope it works out for Walker.
Curious George said...
"garage mahal said..."
Let's break it down:
"But only Republicans are playing dirty. Running fake Democrats in primaries, giving out shots for recall signatures, initiating a recall of Walker from a Walker supporter. For a measly two week fund raising advantage. Impressive. Isn't exactly a vote of confidence for their own policies, is it?
Can you name one thing that even remotely approaches the craven sleaze ball politics of the WIGOP from the Dem side?"
1) Well, the Dems gave food for actual votes, not just for recall petition signatures.
2) All WI Senators flee state to avoid vote.
3) Collusion with local officials, union leaders, and Senators to push contracts through during the delay caused by fleebagging.
4)Out of State union members voting in recalls.
Oh, wait, you said one. Sorry. Do me a favor, just pick one above.
"Republicans even filed first on the recalls of the Dem 14. Remember?"
Yawn. How is this pertinent? Are you suggesting that the Dems only filed in retaliation? Really?
"Walker's closest aides are getting raided by the FBI, Walker himself has spent over 60k defending himself in the John Doe Investigation. And on and on and on."
We have been over this bullshit before. Why do you keep posting this lie?
1)Name the aides douchebag. 2)Walker hasn't spent one fucking cent defending himself in the John Doe investigation. Unless you can name a charge. What is he charged with? Answer. Nothing.
"Weak shit, as per your usual."
Full of shit, as per usual.
We have been over this bullshit before. Why do you keep posting this lie?
Scott Walker's campaign fund has paid nearly $60,000 to the firm it hired late last year to respond to questions raised by a John Doe criminal investigation.
I know we've been over this before, is that you can't fucking read, or you can't follow a link?
Do you get on the site before taking your Seroquel? There is a manic quality to your repeatedly inane posts.
BTW, As a psychologist, I have found that psych nurses are very often dumber than a box of rocks. Most of the hospital-based nurses I know tend to agree.
Generally speaking Ad Hominem attacks are best reserved for those who truly deserve them. I find you and Garbage quite deserving.
What garage said:
"Walker himself has spent over 60k defending himself in the John Doe Investigation."
and his proof:
"garage mahal said...
Scott Walker's campaign fund has paid nearly $60,000 to the firm it hired late last year to respond to questions raised by a John Doe criminal investigation."
So Walker did not himself pay anything. Strike One.
And if you read the link you get this:
"a secret investigation into whether Walker's former county staffers were campaigning on county time."
So this money wasn't spent defending Walker. Strike Two
It wasn't spent defending anyone! Strike three. Grab some bench Corky.
But let's continue:
"How much of the nearly $60,000 was directly attributable to the John Doe? The first-term governor's staff isn't saying."
You said it was "over", the story said it was under ("nearly" would be mean it would have to be "less" Corky), but they really don't even know the amount.
Strike Four.
"I know we've been over this before, is that you can't fucking read, or you can't follow a link?"
I can both read and follow a link. You seem to have a problem with reading comprehension. Or are just a fucking liar. Or likely both.
So, you ignored the other question, who are Walker's closest aides that have been raided by the FBI?
Fransicko, IF you are truly a Psychologist, which I seriously doubt, I fear for your patients. Seroquel is an extended and slow release, long acting med, as a Psychologist you would have known that, your ignorance is showing. I suspect that instead you need to pop a Xanax ask your shrink for a refill, if you don't have any left.
Delicious watching Curious George fall over himself trying to defend a two bit crook like Walker. How fitting.
Just google Cynthia Archer. Maybe add "FBI" "battering ram" "confiscated computer" "architect of budget repair bill". Then for fun google "Wisconsin & Southern Railroad" "convicted" "felon" "illegal campaign contributions" "immunity". That should keep you occupied.
Curious George said...
Curious George said...
"garage mahal said...
Delicious watching Curious George fall over himself trying to defend a two bit crook like Walker. How fitting.
Just google Cynthia Archer. Maybe add "FBI" "battering ram" "confiscated computer" "architect of budget repair bill". Then for fun google "Wisconsin & Southern Railroad" "convicted" "felon" "illegal campaign contributions" "immunity". That should keep you occupied."
You lie, I point it out. But FOCUS, you said "aides". Who is the other one?
I'm not distracted by "shiny things" like the retards you hang out with. But as far as the Southern Railroad thing, we discussed that before also. Another lie you keep repeating. Walker was not at all involved in that crime. The prosecutors even said so.
Strike Five.
Stan, yes, we might start hoarding bullets and buying rice and beans in 50 pound sacks like conservative cry babies did when Obama won.
Reminds me, we are going to Costco tomorrow. Buy more rice and beans. AND peanut butter before it becomes any more expensive (have you seen the prices lately!) for the Armageddon Pantry
Never hurts to be prepared for anything.
And the ammo is not just for hunting deer either.
So when Walker wins the recall election, what new temper tantrums do the Wisconsin Dems plan to throw.
"Allie's Apple said...
Garage, they want to so desperately to forget that a John Doe investigation is still in progress. Archer was the Deputy Secretary of the DOA and deeply involved in every aspect of the Walker administration. They POUNDED down her front door, I wonder why? I don't think it because the FBI agents were just having a bad day."
Not at all. I just point out that garage needs to lie about what this amounts to...which to date is nada.
Why do you suppose that is? Is he a compulsive liar? Could be. Is it born our of bitter frustration of his pathetic worldview swirling in the bowl? Who knows?
He constantly makes the claim that aides have been raided. That is FALSE.
He constantly says that Walker has spent money defending himself. That is false.
This has been going on for the better part of year, and it has amounted to nothing but a staffer making a few blog posts during "state time".
And now we can add YOU to the list of liars:
"They POUNDED down her front door, I wonder why?"
Uh, that is also total bullshit.
"Archer was home at the time and opened the door to yelling agents"
So you lied. I wonder why?
Keep grasping at straws and lying, and I will just keep showing what a pathetic tools you are.
So you lied. I wonder why?
Because she is an ignorant twit (so close...all I need is to buy a different vowel) who wants to throw stones and then whines and cries when people respond in kind.
Be careful or Apple Annie will accuse you of cyber stalking, call you names, make up posts about things you never said, and stalk you by go to other people's blogs and leaving weird paranoid messages about you.
Unhinged is a mild diagnosis.
A quiet east Madison neighborhood awoke to the sound of FBI agents pounding a battering ram on the door of a home at 502 Dunning Street around 6:45 a.m.
"I saw Cindy come out once with one of the agents in the back and she looked like she was fine," said next-door neighbor Dale Riechers.
Archer was a key member of Governor Scott Walker's staff in Milwaukee County and at the state level until August 19th.
That's the day she quit her $124,000 a year job at the Department of Administration citing "personal family matters."
Curiously, the day before, she had accepted a $99,000 a year job at the Department of Children and Families, but still hasn't started there, because she's been on a leave of absence.
"I knew she worked for Walker, but I didn't know how high up she was until I read online, this morning, the article that appeared in the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel," said Riechers.
The Journal-Sentinel broke the story this morning, reporting that FBI agents had raided the house and stayed here for more than two hours.
it appears she opened the door BEFORe it was rammed open, BUT they WERE using a battering ram.
Dust Bunny, I see you're back to your sweet old self again, I was beginning to worry about your abrupt personality change during the week, glad to know it was an aberration.
"Allie's Apple said...
A quiet east Madison neighborhood awoke to the sound of FBI agents pounding a battering ram on the door of a home at 502 Dunning Street around 6:45 a.m."
"it appears she opened the door BEFORe it was rammed open, BUT they WERE using a battering ram."
sorry, but that dog won't hunt. As I have shown.
And the rams used to open doors do it on one try.
But even if we take your revised take on all still lied the first time. You said they "They POUNDED down her front door, I wonder why?"
I wonder why?
I also love how you, like garage, when caught in a lie, muddy the water with a bunch of unrelated information.
But then I bring daylight.
If you really were a psych nurse, you would know that Seroquel is commonly used for bipolar disorder in conjunction with SSRIs. It tends to reduce Manic episodes, which your behavior on this site suggests. It's pretty sedating, so most patients take it at night.
Perhaps, you are prescribed a different medication "cocktail" to manage your obvious symptoms.
Did they teach you anything in nursing school, outside of cleaning bottoms? Did you learn anything on-the-job? It appears not.
In case you didn't know (a pretty good guess given your clearly demonstrated ignorance), psychologists do not prescribe psychotropic medication, except a very few in New Mexico and possibly one other state.
You and Garbage make an interesting couple; a manic-depressive and a histrionic personality disorder (with passive-aggressive tendencies).
Fransicko, if politics affects you this strongly to engage in such a level of ad homonym attacks on someone you do not know over a differing political opinion than your own, then you sir, are in need of a board review of your ability to practice, If you are who you say you are. Doctor, heal thyself
Dirty tricks, not at all surprising. Let the BIG MONEY start rolling in.I suspect this is just the beginning of some incredibly nasty underhanded crap by the WI GOP. Wonder how many felons they'll employ this go round?
Mistaking Republicans for Democrats again?
then you sir, are in need of a board review of your ability to practice
Aaaaaand she's off to the races. Threatening posters again.
In previous threads she threatened to sue me for cyber stalking, when I did no such thing. Because I was 'mean' to her in responding to her posts and wilted her delicate sensibilities, she retaliates with her own cyber stalking.
Threatened Trooper York and speculated on how much his wife's boutique business was worth because she wanted to sue him for making fun of her.
Accused Hoosier of stalking her as well and many others who post here.
The woman is deranged and now wants to threaten you.
Democratic DA's in Wisconsin are known for bringing charges against Republicans for campaign doings that happen every election season and all the time on both sides. This is a witch hunt by DA Chisolm. It is a time bomb set to go off when it can do the most good for the recall folks.
It isn't anything else.
David Brandt contributed to Walkers campaign. So they use a stooge to lob the first volley, the war is on.
People who think this entire thing are required to wait for idiots to pursue their idiotic proposal? Hardly. It was brilliant.
Oh good grief Curious George, we are fighting a war of words and who has the richest and most powerful contributors. BUT with conceal carry legal now in the Capitol, things could end up going very very wrong and ending tragically, if both sides don keep their heads on straight. don't see conservatives storming buildings and sending death threats to bloggers or lawmakers. If you did, I'd be more concerned about both sides needing to keep their heads on straight.
One side tends to do so as is anyways.
Can you name one thing that even remotely approaches the craven sleaze ball politics of the WIGOP from the Dem side?
You mean outside of running out of the state to avoid a vote?
Fransicko, if politics affects you this strongly to engage in such a level of ad homonym attacks on someone you do not know over a differing political opinion than your own
...the irony is blinding here...
From Nurse Alley: "Fransicko, if politics affects you this strongly to engage in such a level of ad homonym attacks on someone you do not know over a differing political opinion than your own, then you sir, are in need of a board review of your ability to practice, If you are who you say you are. Doctor, heal thyself"
Dearest Nurse: I am sure you would like to be on a Board of Commissars to determine who is politically correct enough to practice. That is after you finish the cleanup in Room 4.
It astounds me that lefties throw BS at people, but when it comes back at them, look out! Since you can't accuse me of sexual harassment, why not malpractice?
"Dearest Nurse: I am sure you would like to be on a Board of Commissars to determine who is politically correct enough to practice. That is after you finish the cleanup in Room 4."
That's beautiful.
Hey Allie's Apple, are you a Republican troll trying to make Democrats look bad? Because it's ACORN that hires felons to help with their vote fraud, not Republicans.
So, can Walker start raising some of that money, and run ads on stations that hit both Ohio and Wisconsin, talking about all the successes of his reforms?
I'm sure Gov. Kaisch wouldn't mind. :-)
Lets analyze(yes play on words) why I feel you are not fit to practice (if indeed you are a Psychologist as you say).
You and I have not had any previous interaction here on Althouse, we do not know each other personally.
You show up here and the first comment you lob way way is this;
Do you get on the site before taking your Seroquel? There is a manic quality to your repeatedly inane posts.
BTW, As a psychologist, I have found that psych nurses are very often dumber than a box of rocks. Most of the hospital-based nurses I know tend to agree.
Generally speaking Ad Hominem attacks are best reserved for those who truly deserve them. I find you and Garbage quite deserving.
11/5/11 8:56 AM
I respond by questioning your assertion that you are a Psychologist because your knowledge of the drug Seroquel was lacking, one cannot take a Seroquel and get immediate effects, it's a long lasting timed dose.A real Psychologist would have known this.
You then go on to "diagnose" me sight unseen on a VERY PUBLIC forum. A real Psychologist would never do such a thing. Diagnosing sight unseen, a complete stranger would get a real Psychologist in front of those commissars you speak of .
Then you go on to say this;
If you really were a psych nurse, you would know that Seroquel is commonly used for bipolar disorder in conjunction with SSRIs. It tends to reduce Manic episodes, which your behavior on this site suggests. It's pretty sedating, so most patients take it at night.
Perhaps, you are prescribed a different medication "cocktail" to manage your obvious symptoms.
Did they teach you anything in nursing school, outside of cleaning bottoms? Did you learn anything on-the-job? It appears not.
In case you didn't know (a pretty good guess given your clearly demonstrated ignorance), psychologists do not prescribe psychotropic medication, except a very few in New Mexico and possibly one other state.
11/5/11 11:19 AM
----------------------------------------- I did not say you prescribed meds , now did I? Read more carefully. A real Psychologist would be aware of what meds his patients were taking and must be up to date on the psychotropic drugs, even we nurses know the meds we give to our patients.
So now it's my turn to diagnose what ails you, are a fraud and you are a hater. No meds can cure that.
"my late husband was..."
Reminds me of the old joke. Q: Why do husbands die before their wive do? A: Because they want to.
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