November 21, 2011

The pepper-spray meme goes viral.

More where that came from: here.


Toad Trend said...



Scott M said...

Simply AWEsome.

Scott M said...

If the Elian Gonzalez closet photo had happened recently, I bet it would have gotten the same treatment.

Original Mike said...

He's really gonna wish he hadn't done that.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

So the protesters are putting themselves in the position of God.


Petunia said...

I kind of like the Picasso one. A vast improvement over the original.

chuck said...

Atheists wear helmets?

MadisonMan said...

I like the Seurat one.

@OMike, he was probably just following orders.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I kind of like the Picasso one. A vast improvement over the original.

May the newly disgraced Lt Pike come to you and personally pepper spray you ;)

That video reminds me of that famous don't taze me bro video.

Original Mike said...

"@OMike, he was probably just following orders."

Well, then that guy's in trouble, too.

Alex said...

To the left this is equivalent to the Tibetan monk setting himself on fire or something like that. Everyone I showed the video to went LMAO, good going police!

Known Unknown said...

To the left this is equivalent to the Tibetan monk setting himself on fire or something like that

I've seen OWS-related propaganda that misappropriates the Tiananmen Square tank guy.

Robert Cook said...

"I kind of like the Picasso one. A vast improvement over the original."

No, it's really not.

Original Mike said...

Have to agree with Robert.

BarryD said...

Are you sure that's not deodorant?

Alex said...

I've seen OWS-related propaganda that misappropriates the Tiananmen Square tank guy.

It took real courage for that Chinese guy to stand up to an entire brutal Communist regime. It takes no stones to bang drums all day long knowing that limp-wristed mayors do nothing to you. Personally, I'd put the fear of God into these jerks.

garage mahal said...

Pepper spray is the new waterboarding. "It's perfectly fine to use and it doesn't hurt that bad!"

Alex said...

Guess what garabage? I still don't have a problem with waterboarding. Heck I'm peeved that they didn't use more old-fashioned tried and trusted techniques like shocking the genitals or cutting off one finger at a time.

garage mahal said...

I'm peeved that they didn't use more old-fashioned tried and trusted techniques like shocking the genitals or cutting off one finger at a time.

Who is they?

Amartel said...

Oh, please. Photoshop him into a Bruegel painting. One with misbehaving peasants.

Alex said...

Who is they?

The Bush Brown Shirts of course. Zig Bush!

Triangle Man said...

Personally, I'd put the fear of God into these jerks.

No you wouldn't, you pussy.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Pepper spray is the new waterboarding.

That's a weak link garage..

You are comparing a technique used for the purposes of gathering life saving intel to a police crowd hit or mist.

There is no comparison.

Palladian said...

I hate the defacement and debasement of art.

What was once a monument of human achievement is now fodder for lame internet jokes about lame people doing lame things.

Psychedelic George said...

Though it seems clear many of the Occupy folks are a clueless lot, I suspect that had the internet existed in the 1960s, we would have seen comments similar to the ones above following the posting of photographs of Negroes being hit with fire hose blasts.

Earthly power shows itself most like God's when mercy seasons justice. Mercy is mightiest in the mightiest, so said a lawyer lady some time back.

traditionalguy said...

I guess if all you have to claim martyrdom by is an episode of pepper spray irritating skins and eyes, then that must become the MOTHER OF ALL TORTURES!

And this is from the generation that wants to see Obama's Death Panels up and running after the 2012 elections.

ndspinelli said...

I use pepper spray on my burritos.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I hate the defacement and debasement of art.

What was once a monument of human achievement is now fodder for lame internet jokes about lame people doing lame things

I agree.

Scott M said...

I hate the defacement and debasement of art.

It's technically only debasement. Hopefully that will make you feel 50% better.

Alex said...

Ask yourself why the MSM is not really pumping up this "police brutality". Because Davis is a lefty town and there are no Republicans to blame.

The message seems to be - it's ok for lefty towns to crack lefty skulls. Or to put it another way, "they're my bastards and I'll take care of 'em".

edutcher said...

Apparently, the order to move was legal and given after a couple of hours of negotiation and the decision to stay and let the cops move them was given from someone in radio contact with the Occupiers to create a media event (haven't heard that one in 40 years).

Classic Uncle Saul, right out of the 60s.

And I'll bet that video is being applauded coast to coast by people sick and tired of the Occupation.

roesch/voltaire said...

I like them all because they capture the attitude expressed by many towards our youth summed up by this comment:
"The root of the problem can be found in their helicopter MadisonMan type parents. Spray those kids with systemic expulsions."

Yes students are suppose to be an open docile book and then after graduation maybe they can protest, or join the army or get a job because someone over 18 can not think for themselves, cannot consider the excessive force used at Berkeley as something to protest. This is the same old--Reminds me of the pejorative comments made about the students who worked in the civil rights movement- same old, same old.

Paddy O said...

God created pepper spray man?

MadisonMan said...

By the way, Congrats to the Wisconsin Men's Cross-Country Team! National Champs!

Scott M said...

God created pepper spray man?

I interpreted that differently. To me, it was God's second attempt at Creation. The instant captured was where God goes into get the rib to create Eve, but Man, knowing full well the shit women got us into last time, is showing his reluctance this time around.

DADvocate said...

Are you sure that's not deodorant?

No. It's spray-on tan.

Anonymous said...

It is a pity do you not think? Paterno said he wants to finish till end of the season. The trustees need not think about him. Well, he is fired.

Katehi says the university needs her. She knows things, etc. Well, what do you think will happen?

Why do Higher Ed and Pols think they can get away with it. Anthony the NYC congressman had to resign.

It is time for Occupiers to take back America.

TWM said...

'Pepper spray is the new waterboarding. "It's perfectly fine to use and it doesn't hurt that bad!"'

Every cop gets sprayed in training so they can arm with pepper-spray. And frankly it doesn't hurt that bad. Some people barely notice it, while others are fine after some water, or even better, saline wash in their eyes.

OWS is gonna have to work harder for their game-changing outrage . . .

Humperdink said...

Madison Man "By the way, Congrats to the Wisconsin Men's Cross-Country Team! National Champs! "

Carrying your sports team anecdote a bit further..... you, of course know who is coming to Madison to play the Badgers this weekend in football. Go Nittany Lions!!! (BTW we are not that good. The OSU Buckeyes were worse.)

Nora said...

The choice of picture that were chosen for defacement demonstrates that the flea party is still undecided what they want to be heros or victims.

Levi Starks said...

Few college students are so lucky to have learned so much about life so early.
They enrolled to receive an education, and they're getting it.
People who dare oppose totalitarian regimes have throughout history put themselves at risk of imprisonment or death.
A few hours of discomfort hardly makes them martyr's
Maybe next time they'll take "the Man" a little more seriously.

Carol_Herman said...

Take another look!

Michelangelo painted the HUMAN BRAIN ... As Adam reached up to touch a finger ... He fit all these angels, and god ... into the structure of the human brain.

I dunno about the "police pepper spray" thing. It's probably gonna end up as part of the "occupy fail."

While in Cairo, to get rid of the tents ... they put them on fire.

If I had to guess? To the average Egyptian "it was about time."

As to "mace" ... and "sprays" ... whose to say the students didn't start it? By spraying the police, first?

I could care less.

J said...

Fairly tame compared to the baton beatings or rubber bullets some Cal students received--and probably the PC non-toxic form (not the full strength shit they use on street perps).

Hopefully the cowboys will be ready when the Romney rallies hit Cal. Up against the wall, LDS mutha-f-er SPRAYYYYYYYYYYY

Anonymous said...

Not enough nightstick.

Anonymous said...

"Every cop gets sprayed in training so they can arm with pepper-spray."

In the US Marines we get to go into the tear gas house.


Yeah it's a joy forever. When I last did it they made us take the gas masks off and sing the Marine Corps Hymn. Before that I never knew snot could stretch all the way from the nose to the boot.

So I'm not really all that impressed by their experience.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Notice progressive always....and I mean always (sorta) co-opt that which is traditionally virtuous, and use the symbolism to illustrate how they are being victimized.

Think about that illustration.

That Christian illustration.

Every die hard progressive would LOOOOOVE to pepper-spray a Christian.

Yet, they use that imagery to portray themselves as the virtuous and righteous-

Again--and, I'll say it over and over and over until it starts to click-

If you want to know what a leftist is up to, look no further than what they accuse others of.

The template always fits.

Man, I hate using the word "always"--but

J said...

Many phony, pious judeo-christians could use a good pepper sprayin'.

John Hagee, pisssssssssss

LDS Elders, pizzzzzzzzzz


A. Shmendrik said...

Works for me.

TMink said...

I really enjoyed the video and sent it to several friends. If the man with the pepper spray says move or get sprayed, I move.

That's just me.


Spread Eagle said...

I'm siding with the cop. He did what I'd have done to those layabouts. Just on general principles. Some people are just begging for a good pepper spraying.

garage mahal said...
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garage mahal said...
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garage mahal said...

In the US Marines we get to go into the tear gas house.

To prepare you if you were captured and subjected to unfair treatment by the enemy? Sounds like you really don't want any part of that!

Automatic_Wing said...

What Would Pepper-spray Man Do?

glenn said...

Actually the only people who stand to lose their jobs here are public hacks so who cares. Ga-run-teed nobody in the private sector is dumb enough to do what those Campus Cops did. And I'm hoping the Chancellor has to go to.

glenn said...

And I thought the teargas house was pretty cool. Soak your undress blues with that stuff and you'ld be teared up all day. Those kids are wusses. In my day when that dumb public hack started spraying us down we would have jumped up and said "Right here dude" When I was an unruly youth in the 50's the cops used billy clubs. And your parents kicked your ass for getting in trouble with the cops.

Craig said...

I use it for my arthritis. Distracts the pain receptors. When your skin is on fire you hardly notice the deep bone and joint ache.

MadisonMan said...

I've read that bee stings do the same thing. Not quite ready to try that, but somedays when my ankle is aching, I get close.

Automatic_Wing said...

To prepare you if you were captured and subjected to unfair treatment by the enemy? Sounds like you really don't want any part of that!

No, it's got nothing to do with being captured. They send you into the tear gas house with your mask and chem suit on to make sure you know how to wear your gear. If you don't feel the burn, you're doing it right.

Then they have you take off your mask and count to ten so that you feel the effect of the tear gas. This is to imprint something into your subconscious/reptile brain: Being gassed is not fun and your gear will protect you if wear it right.

glenn said...

Right you are Maguro. Problem being if you are wearing late 50's issue undress blues the gas soaks in. Then you form up and march off to navigation class or fieldstripping a tommy gun class and you are right back in the gas chamber. But these kids will never know anything about that.

Carol_Herman said...

Yeah. But it's a joke.

Gone's the picture of the badge.

Gone's the voice of Sgt. Friday.

And, gone's the reason for carrying guns, I guess?

Pepper spray costs less than other solutions. What would a cop rather have issued? A can of spray? Or a baton?

Did you know lots of postmen carry pepper spray? They're afraid of dogs.

Anonymous said...

@ garage mahal

"To prepare you if you were captured and subjected to unfair treatment by the enemy? Sounds like you really don't want any part of that!"

Nope. As part of our NBC (Nuclear Biological Chemical) warfare training. Later on during my USMC tour I got to experience tear gas in many more fun fun fun ways. And not always with a gas mask available either.

As for your question. Seriously. Who uses tear gas on prisoners unless they're trying to escape or rioting?

edutcher said...

The point was made on O'Really that, if those kids were hit with pepper, it must have been very dilute because they were practically hosed with it and you don't see much of a reaction on their part.

Anonymous said...

Somewhere, a marketing genius at Dr. Pepper has got an idea...

Anonymous said...

Somehow I doubt so much attention would be paid to this if the sidewalk being cleared was outside of an abortion clinic.

garage mahal said...

Being gassed is not fun and your gear will protect you if wear it right.

So the question is whether American citizens need to undergo some sort of chemical weapons training, as they do in the military, to prepare them if they choose to participate in democracy and maybe show up at a protest rally that is theoretically still protected under the First Amendment. Should they start seriously start to consider protective measures like gas masks to protect them against our government? Probably be good to know.

I ask that because I encountered about 40-60 pro Walker supporters at last Saturday's pro recall Walker rally. At first I wanted to mock them somehow, maybe because their numbers were small or whatever, then I thought I would join their side if the government wanted to make them go away with tear gas or pepper spray. Then I asked myself, "would they do the same thing" Then I asked myself "why does anyone have to worry about being gassed in American streets for something our Founders thought to put in our very first Amendment to our Constitution?"

Wince said...

Surprisingly, I found the images quite humorous, and not necessarily negative to the cop.

It's more "Don't Tease Me Bro" than Kent State.

In this, the Occupiers don't have the Kent State image they crave.

There is no victim image, much less one who is sympathetic either because of his righteousness (Selma) or disproportionality of the force used (Kent State).

Instead, the icon you've got is a cop trapsing through art history, superhero-like, wielding his non-lethal, organic pepper spray.

Another OccupyFail.

Mary Beth said...

A large collection of the pepper spray meme pictures.

beast said...

Astonishingly enough I agree with edwardroyce.That might be because as an instructor in chemical warfare techniques I had to walk into a tear gas house every thirty days for two years.Personally I like to see the over privileged scum get some Golden Temple action.

beast said...

And before anybody claims First Amendment protections let us have just a little analysis.1)Unlawful assembly on private property is an illegal act after you are warned for trespassing.2)Linking arms and refusing to obey lawful commands from the police constitutes resisting an officer without violence-a crime in my state.3) according to the Use of Force Matrix of the Florida Dept of Law Enforcement after lawful commands are disobeyed and simple physical procedures such as takedowns can not force compliance then either pain compliance techniques or chemical weapons are authorised in order to affect an arrest.The only problem legally I can see for the police at UC-Davis is complete ignorance and lack of support from the administration.Oh anf a failure to immediately lock up everyone who failed to comply.Of course they were significantly outnumbered.

Largo said...

"So the question is "

Garage, that is -a- question. It may be -the- question for you. But I think edwardroyce's mention of the Marines was merely incidental to his recount of his own experiences with gas, and his take on the severity of the pain experienced by the sprayed protesters.

To be sure his comment is subjective, and might not speak to deeper issues of the propriety of the use of pepper spray, but it does address a question that -some- here are interested in.

Don't be quick to denigrate the -some-. -I'm- interested in what he said about his experiences. Your speaking of 'the' question makes me feel just that much less comfortable in asking him further about it.

AllenS said...

The cop thought that he grabbed his can of Lysol, but instead grabbed the pepper spray. It could happen.

master cylinder said...

pepper spray is a vegeatable-whats the big deal?

Mary Beth said...

It has morphed again.

SGT Ted said...

The press attempt to gin up the outrage over this is drama queenery on crack. Brian Williams asks "what if it were your kid?" as if breaking the law is the sacred right of the special snowflakes that comprise OWS.

If that were my kid I'd laugh at him and ask him what did he think was going to happen if he disobeyed a cop telling him to quit trespassing? I would also be concerned that hhanging out with wannabe communists and that mob rule is ok.

RagingNanite said...

I made one too!!

tubino said...

It was a college campus, and it wasn't trespassing. The whole concept of public space seems to be tough for some people to grasp.

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