"... to hold a rally with union leaders. Some of our reporters on the street estimate the crowd has swelled to well over 1,000. Protesters are expected to convene on city bridges around 6p.m."
Well over 1,000, eh? The Wisconsin protests at their height topped 100,000. And these folks are in New York City. Madison, Wisconsin has less than 3% of the population of NYC, yet we had 100 times as many protesters. And OWS has 1,000 times the press coverage. How do you figure that? I guess it's like the reason why I covered the Wisconsin protests: They were right down the street.
City police and OWS leaders--sorry, "organizers"--were yesterday estimating turnout of over 10,000. The movement has certainly lost steam, along with dignity, respect, accountability, and intrigue.
Man, these people are so much more better behaved than those mean, nasty, disruptive Tea Party guys.
And convening on city bridges? Because the 99%, apparently, don't have to commute home. Only the rich do.
I'm horny.
City police and OWS leaders--sorry, "organizers"--were yesterday estimating turnout of over 10,000.
There are more than 10-15k there right now with more piling into Foley Sq according to NBC4 in NYC.
So when are the cops going to sick the police doga on them along with the tear gas and rightous beatings? I want my evening news to be entertaining.
Well, it sounds like those fucks have succeeded in massively delaying my commute here in Milwaukee.
Thanks a lot, assholes!
Nothing converts people to your cause better than making them late to work.
@Garage: NBC 4 only said "thousands." You just pulled that 10-15 thousand number out of your ass. Or from Al-Jazeera English. Whichever.
It takes the Union buses longer to get through traffic in NY than Madison.
The rent a mob will arrive soon enough to shit on, rape, infect, shoot, stab, and vandalize the place.
You know, real patriots.
OWS is a major distraction created explicitly to take people's minds off of the dismal performance of Obama and all his scandals -- Solyndra, F&F, Obamacare.... and OWS seems to work as a deterrent to tea party crowd who are mostly docile. The tea party people would probably not want to assemble and then deal with confronting these OWS fools.
Iowahawk: Drama Queens of the Stone Age
The OWS folks are openly revolutionary. They take their intellectual leadership from Adbusters.
Their V.I. Lenin is Chris Hedges who writes in just about the thuggish style you'd expect.
Nothing converts people to your cause better than making them late to work.
Nothing converts people to your cause better than making them late getting home after a long day at work.
wv: multype
Oh, this will win them so much support from The People.
And at rush hour, too.
And the unions will bask in their reflected glory.
This should be part of every Republican Congressional ad next year.
PS Who is gonna control the Senate after next year?
Just remember the Demos own the Occupation.
@Shouting Thomas
Thanks for the Chris Hedges link. I really got a kick out of this:
Chant back to us our phrases about democracy, greatness and freedom. Vote in our rigged political theater.
That sure sounds like OWS human mic and GA "twinkles".
Ask me if I care.
All you need to know about the difference between current day liberals and conservatives has been on display in these two movements: OWS and the Tea Party.
Look at the messages, the goals, the people and the behavior. It's all there.
One of them is embarrassing and other is necessary to save this nation from European style disaster.
Europe has shown a real penchant for that over the centuries. We should never look that direction for answers or vision.
Own the movement garage.
Keep cheering these fucks on.
wv: falin
I wonder if they notice any irony in meeting with Union Leaders to support "the 99%", who have roundly rejected unionization?
I can't believe how the likes of CNN are covering this ridiculousness non-movement.
The actually tried to get a police deputy to call for investigation simply because they showed cops arresting some girl who broke through the barricade and CNN people thought it was too physical. They simply arrested her.
OWS makes me think of Jack Cade's rebellion, attacking the financial center and demanding radical debt relief.
Be brave, then; for your captain is brave, and vows reformation. There shall be in England seven halfpenny loaves sold for a penny; * * * all the realm shall be in common; * * * and when I am king * * * there shall be no money; all shall eat and drink on my score * * *.
The first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers.
Nay, that I mean to do. Is not this a lamentable thing * * * that parchment, being scribbled o'er, should undo a man? Some say the bee stings: but I say, 'tis the bee's wax; for I did but seal once to a thing, and I was never mine own man since.
There will be no official crowd count.
So it can be whatever you want.
Some of our reporters on far-away blogs report that the crowd has swelled to a MILLION people. Protesters are streaming into Foley square by the MILLIONS. 99% of NYC is there.
You Say You Want a Revolution.
New York metero contains 15 million people. There are probably more people there having appendectomies today than "protesting."
wv: littlywo
Funny, I just made my way home to Brooklyn from work in Manhattan, and I didn't see a single OWS person all day, nor did anyone on the street or among my students seem to care or even be aware that there were thousands! of people CHARGING and STREAMING through the streets of Manhattan. The subway was operating normally as well.
99%, eh?
garage mahal said...
City police and OWS leaders--sorry, "organizers"--were yesterday estimating turnout of over 10,000.
There are more than 10-15k there right now with more piling into Foley Sq according to NBC4 in NYC.
LOL! Garage giving breathless NYC protester coverage, that's rich.
WV: scarrei, too!
A live stream of the OWS protesthttp://polizeros.com/2011/11/17/occupy-wall-street-live-stream/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+PoliticsInTheZeros+%28Politics+in+the+Zeros%29:
I buy ammo in 5k lots of one calber! I could take out the whole crowd and have lots left over for the real zombies!
Last week I occupied a part of the Chihuahuan Desert in Big Bend National Park. My battery failed so I had to bike 20 miles to find someone to help me.
I'll concede higher turnout to #ows.
"... Own the movement garage.
Keep cheering these fucks on...."
These people are pathetic.
"99%, eh?"
Sampling error.
And OWS has 1,000 times the press coverage. How do you figure that?
Cincinnati had 5x or more as many for the Tea Part rallies.
The activities in Madison certainly did seem under-reported. I didn't talk to anyone in the Cincinnati are who knew half as much about the Madison stuff as I did.
Of course, anything that happens in New York or California is more important than anything that happens elsewhere.
wv - unite wft?
Uh huh.
Too bad you never got a count of all the people who "camped out" in front of the Apple Store. When one of their products come out.
So, how many lined up for the iPad?
The iPhone?
Was it safe to carry cash? Or were people using Visa Cards?
Here? There are more than 1000 cops on duty. Throw in a big force for the subway system, too.
And, what you'll see is a circus. Which the media will make a big hoopla over.
But you tell me. At graduation ... when some of these credentialed idiots got to "graduate." How many students were there? (1000 would be a very small school!)
What about football?
What about Happy Valley? Where Peterno ruled ... who many people could fit into the stands ...
What did the freeways look like ... as all the alumni streamed into Happy Valley?
How many people drive to Yale games?
Even in the Rose Bowl, here in Pasadena ... only a 1000 people would be a lousy showing.
You know, in spite of journalism schools ... the Internet's provided an education all its own.
You've learned to read between the lines. Hallelujah.
Can we send Snake Plissken to clear Foley Square???
NY Daily News:
“City Council member Jumaane Williams was part of a large group of protesters who were arrested for blocking the entrance to the Brooklyn Bridge this evening.”
“A large group of union protesters were arrested earlier this evening when they sat down and blocked the Manhattan-side entrance to the Brooklyn Bridge.”
…and this:
“(Barbara Ross) says the hot dog business is booming thanks to the crowd.”
If they're "in" or near Foley Square ... notice how they can't get into their former zoo headquarters.
Zucotti Park's got new rules.
And, police enforcement.
(Don't know if you saw this. But 1000 police moved in on the night ... if you want to call 4:00 AM ... still the night ... to be evacuated.)
There were 26 loads of garbage trucks towing away the contents of Zucotti Park.
This was brought to a big warehouse on the West Side. Dumped. And, then "plucked" and "organized." So that tents went into one place. Tarps, another. And, all the other stuff that was once owned by individual "occupants." Belongings retrieved included "electronics." iPads. iPhones. Shoes. Drums. Drugs. And, weapons.
The "occupiers" were told ... that if they went to the West Side warehouse ... they'd be allowed in ... 15 at a time to "pick up" their belongings.
They were lucky they could put their pants, coats and shoes on ...
Getting them out of the park was an organized military operation.
I'm proud of the police.
Aren't you?
"Black Friday" is coming.
How many people will be lined up at Walmart's for bargains?
You know, in a real stampede ... the media guys can get mowed down. ONE: If they dare try to break into the front of the line.
And, TWO. If they are in the front of the line. And, it's 6:00 O'Clock in the morning. The Friday after Thanksgiving. And, the lot is full.
Maybe, we won't get any counts?
Because as far as NYC goes ... Wall Street is a tourist attraction! And, small businesses want their customers back.
@Garage: NBC 4 only said "thousands." You just pulled that 10-15 thousand number out of your ass.
garage pulls a lot of things out of his ass. Don't get too close.
So, garage is STILL totally behind a group of rapists, murderers, thugs, criminals, and now people who harass and threaten kids.
Can somebody driving by accidentally run over a few of those idiots if they won't move?
You just pulled that 10-15 thousand number out of your ass.
Negative. The report I seen from the NBC4 helicopter said 10k a few hours ago. I don't care if you believe it or not honestly.
I love the "they're insignificantly small, AND blocking traffic everywhere!" comments here though.
Who said that they were finished , done, after they kicked them out of Zuccatti Park? Looks like the movement isn't dead after all. Looks like all over the country Occupy is growing.
The media has been wildly inaccurate in their portrayal of OWS. Maybe they think it makes them appear unbiased, maybe they are just scared, or maybe they are just responding on auto pilot. Eventually they will sort it all out. It does make you wonder what else they are missing.
As a kid I lived in a small town in the middle of nowhere; my town had more people than come to these protests. From what I've heard, people from the entire country came to NYC for this. And this was a 'day of action', it was everybody they could find.
Right now on the street, the Occupiers are wondering why so few people showed up.
Right now on the street, the Occupiers are wondering why so few people showed up.
Because most sane people don't want to catch scabies, typhus, tuberculosis, e-coli and the other general cooties that the OWS scum are carrying.
“Looks like the movement isn't dead after all.”
Movement? In what sense does this ongoing tantrum resemble a “movement”?
More like a slow-acting, fatal disease (…unless I’m missing something).
Where would Obama and Soros be without the pampered useful idiot undergrads of Columbia and NYU signifying their "authenticity" by turning out for these fight the powah temper tantrums? They'd be down to their hard core fellow gangsters. Never enough of them to make a revolution.
Right now on the street, the Occupiers are wondering why so few people showed up.
So thousands of miles away, you know this.....how?
Looks like the movement isn't dead after all.
The movement looks a lot like the undead.
I do like how they terrorized those rich kids on their way to school. You must be proud.
Movement? In what sense does this ongoing tantrum resemble a “movement”?
"Movement? In what sense does this ongoing tantrum resemble a “movement”?"
I can think of one kind of "movement" that these people resemble...
This morning the NPR people breathlessly assured my the OWS protest were "just like the protests that brought down the Greek government."
I was laughing so hard the other drivers must have wondered what the joke was. I mean, yeah, a few thousand people protesting in a country of 340 million is just like over a million protesting in a country of 6.3 million.
NPR has been shilling relentlessly for OWS. You'd think they would have ended up with more than just the protest-as-lifestyle types.
I can think of one kind of "movement" that these people resemble...
Wait, what movement? You didn't see one person in this movement ALL DAY. Or your students!
Finally. I got an avatar.
Huffington Post:
“‘We have power, we have friends, nothing will stop us, we fight till the end!’ hollered Patrick Inosanto, a 10-year-old fifth grader at Brooklyn’s P.S. 261. Inosanto was dwarfed by the throngs of protesters he marched with — but they repeated his chants and amplified his cheers through the people’s mic.”
“Inosanto’s group calls itself the ‘children’s brigade,’ after a similar protest action in Oakland, Calif. It is part of the 99% School, according to the group’s spokeswoman Rivka Gewirtz Little, a movement started on Oct. 3 by parents in East Harlem that works in support of Occupy Wall Street by holding teach-ins for children and families.”
I just had a fleeting sense that we’re doomed, but it will pass.
This morning the NPR people breathlessly assured my the OWS protest were "just like the protests that brought down the Greek government."
Whats ironic is that it was the benefits for life spending spree that ultimately brought down the Greek government. And these OWS dumbasses want the same kind of reckless welfare spending that has bankrupted Greece and Italy, and Spain.
"I love the "they're insignificantly small, AND blocking traffic everywhere!" comments here though."
Specifically, which comments are you referring to? I dont see a single one that claims they are both significantly small AND blocking traffic everywhere, much less comment(s).
What garage doesn't get is that NOBODY is more pro-OWS than conservatives.
We LOVE that.
Own this nonsense.
I love the "they're insignificantly small, AND blocking traffic everywhere!" comments here though.
You can block a six-lane freeway with five people. A few dozen people could block all car traffic in and out of Manhattan if the laid down in the right places.
During the Rodney King riots, a handful of misguided students here in San Diego marched down and blockaded Interstate 5 for a few hours.
The subtext continues to be the leftist media types creaming in their jeans about this "revolution", one even more anemic that the legendary 60s anti-war protests.
You just pulled that 10-15 thousand number out of your ass.
Negative. The report I seen from the NBC4 helicopter said 10k a few hours ago. I don't care if you believe it or not honestly.
And besides, they promised you there would be no math.
NYPD estimated 32, 650 protestors marched over the Brooklyn Bridge tonight.
A thousand protesters? You know a grocery store in that area offering free coffee could draw at least that many people.
As far as the Occupy people are concerned, turn out the lights 'cause your party's over.
"NYPD estimated 32, 650 protestors marched over the Brooklyn Bridge tonight."
So that's about .4077% of the population of New York City. So the OWS isn't 99%. Hell, it's not even 1%!
New York: NYPD estimated 32, 650 protestors marched over the Brooklyn Bridge tonight.
Link or don't bother mentioning it. (That goes for everybody!)
NYPD estimated 32, 650 protestors marched over the Brooklyn Bridge tonight.
That's oddly precise for an estimate. I wonder how they do the counting?
"That's oddly precise for an estimate. I wonder how they do the counting?"
A press release from OWS, Inc.?
".. That's oddly precise for an estimate. I wonder how they do the counting?.."
OWS is a major distraction created explicitly to take people's minds off of the dismal performance of Obama and all his scandals -- Solyndra, F&F, Obamacare.... and OWS seems to work as a deterrent to tea party crowd who are mostly docile.
Don't forget MF Global, where Obama banking advisor, former Democratic Senator and governor, John Corleone (sorry, Corzine) and crew apparently stole over a half a billion dollars of money from their customers.
Or, that GE filed 57k-page tax return; paid no taxes on $14b in profits... Yes, the same Government Electric that got TARP funds and a lot of green energy money. And whose (former) NBC/MSNBC unit acted as a subsidiary of the White House press office for Obama's first two years. And, whose chairman is a close Obama advisor.
I gotz me an abatar, two!
"Link or don't bother mentioning it. (That goes for everybody!)"
Ned Pondry said...
I gotz me an abatar, two!
Me three!
I'm looking at the Twitter trends for NYC and don't see anything OWS-related.
(My sources say twitter is blocking #ows retweets, but my sources are also crazy, so I can't be certain.)
Wisconsin Ann. W-i-s-c-o-n-s-i-n.
95% of Americans probably couldn't tell you if Wisconsin was a state or a foreign country that speaks Austrian. About all anybody actually knows about Wisconsin is that they are involved with dairy products.
And cannibalism.
You can only eat so much dairy before everything in the brain goes haywire.
wv: ateumme. I swear to God.
Hate is a unifying emotion for some people.
You know.
Days like this make me want to break out the Benny Hill music or maybe a banjo and a bottle of good bourbon or a really jacked up paintball gun.
I swear if there is a Just God He will one day make it possible for me to hunt OWS members with a paintball gun while drunk on bourbon and to the sound of Benny Hill music.
My life would then be complete.
And Obama is a SCOAMF.
NYPD estimated 32, 650 protestors marched over the Brooklyn Bridge tonight.
There must be 57 card carrying members from the Defense Department alone!
I stand by my earlier estimate of millions. MILLIONS! Many chose to protest by hailing taxis. Others by delivering Chinese take-out. Some charged through the streets to movie theaters and stood in line. Others charged up to Madison Square Garden to resolutely watch college basketball.
You really have to click through to read the updates at the link to get the flavor of this milquetoast protest. My favorite:
9:02 PM Rheana Murray People are starting to pile into Zuccotti Park, where about 400 protesters are now gathered, Kerry Burke reports. Police presence has also increased to a few dozen.
Main topic of discussion is how people can reclaim belongings that were seized early Tuesday morning.
If property is theft, what do you do when you get your stuff back?
I guess only other people's property is theft.
How would you feel if you just found out an OWS protester had the key to your house, and you're away on vacation?
Now what if it was a Tea Partier?
I think you're right, Henry. EVERYONE in New York is an OWS protester! Just today, I knocked on the restroom door at school and a voice from within shouted "Occupied!"
Wow garage is really breathless! He truly believes the American Bolshevik Revolution is upon us. He's cumming as we type.
Thinking of Madison and all the pizza boxes with deeply philosophical messages on them, today I asked the pizza delivery guy if they made any deliveries to Occupy Denver two blocks straight thataway and he goes, "No, our boss says we need a real address." And then there's a pause and we both go, "HaHaHaHaHa," because you can't make a reliable delivery to a light blue tent.
Hundreds? Many farms in Wisconsin have more cows than that.
And the sign said long haired freaky people need not occupy.
The dirty, fuggin' hippies, and the SEIU upset the evening commute in Seattle. They blocked University bridge with a protest.....or loitering.
I know, editing and all that, and I'm sure this isn't representative of all of the geniuses at OWS, but even Garage will get a kick out of this Daily Show feature.
Occupy goons storm St. Louis courthouse
Own it garage mahal. Own it.
Chris Hedges link was really interesting. He is definitely serious about revolution and seems to have studied it.
Conservatives should get serious about getting police deunionized. Once the police are political allies with the left, things can get out of hand pretty quickly.
I'm watching The Ed Show report on OWS.
I'm reminded of those shows that promote kid reporters.
Reporter for a Conservative publication , The Daily Caller
was beaten by NYPD. Officers.
While covering Occupy Wall Street’s “Day of Action” Thursday morning, Daily Caller reporter Michelle Fields and videographer Direna Cousins were struck by NYPD officers as police tried to clear Wall Street of protesters.
“The police officers were beating the protesters with batons, and were also beating the media,” Fields told TheDC. “They hit Direna and me with batons. They hit other members of the press in order to get them to move out of the street.”
Both were struck, but neither sustained injuries that required hospitalization.
Clear indications that Fields and Cousins were members of the press didn’t stop the NYPD beating.
“Direna had a camera in her hand and I had a microphone, and we were being hit,” she said. “When I fell to the ground I said at one point, ‘I’m just covering this! I’m covering this!’ And the officer just said, ‘Come on, get up, get up,’ before pulling me up by my jacket.’”
In the crush of the crowd, Fields and Cousins were unable to get out of the street and comply with the NYPD’s orders.
“The protesters came up to me right away and asked if I needed any medical assistance. They were actually very kind and helpful. It was the police officers who were very aggressive,” Fields added.
The throng of protesters massing around entrances to the New York Stock Exchange was just the first indication of a full day of “nonviolent direct action” the Occupy Wall Street movement has planned for November 17.
At 3:00 p.m. protesters plan to “occupy” the New York City subway system. Those plans may be thwarted now that police have corralled many of them into Zuccotti park, the site of the encampment that police rousted earlier in the week.
“You do not have a parade permit! You are blocking the street!” one police officer shouted through a bullhorn.
“The police officers pushed the protesters back into the park,” Fields said at 11:00 a.m. from a short distance away. “They basically barricaded everyone so that they couldn’t move — except toward the park — and they got everyone back in after a couple of hours.”
“They kicked the protestors out a couple of days ago,” she observed, “and now they’re forcing them back into the park. The protesters are actually stuck in the park right now, they’re sort of barricaded in.”
If the police are ordered to clear an unruly, uncooperative, illegal mob from the street, do you really expect them to ignore everyone with a camera or an excuse? Get the hell out of the way. You don't have to be in the cops'faces resisting their orders to cover the action.
It's beginning to look like a death rattle for "progressivism". And not a moment too soon.
Don't worry Garage, not all of the OWS protestors interfered with little kids trying to go to school. but a whole lot of them, apparently.
>>>>New York: NYPD estimated 32, 650 protestors marched over the Brooklyn Bridge tonight.
Link or don't bother mentioning it. (That goes for everybody!)<<<<
According to a quick Google, the source seems to be a "police scanner."
I.e., Someone (apparently anonymous, aside from an Internet handle) claims to have overheard this on a police scanner.
This bogus source is then echoed endlessly across the web. Eg "opednews" states it as a fact, with "Source: NYPD":
It's really quite humorous. Next, accusations of a "media blackout"!
Worst possible timing for Obama's re-election bid. Imagine every day from now to the election is going to feature "days of violence by OWS hippies". The campaign ads write themselves. Obama is going to regret the day he decided to demonize Wall Street & bankers.
Of most importance is our understanding of how detrimental law has been to America over the last 30 years.
I cannot fathom not taking personal responsibility, which is in fact why I do take personal responsibility, for the fact America is on its knees. It is my fault.
Perhaps the coming sea change so many fear will happen will somehow end law guilds, thereby releasing American fervor in a "piss on you" manner of unprecedented growth, spiritual as well as economically?
Barack Obama?
Joe Biden?
John Kerry?
I don't remember if he went to law school or not and I am too lazy to look it up but I wouldn't bet that John F'ing Kerry didn't go to law school.
John Edwards?
Al Gore?
1L before congress, which is damn close to a straight up lawyer if you ask me.
Joe Lieberman?
Lawyer (I am pretty sure at least).
Bill Clinton?
Mike Dukakis?
Lawyer (I think but I"m not sure but c'mon... he's gotta be right? right?).
Jimmy Carter?
NOT A LAWYER, which does tend to disprove whatever point one might think I was trying to prove, which I've promptly forgotten.
Carry on then in service of Justice, Democrats.
Maybe all this stool in the big cities will finally break their stranglehold on banking and finance. I can buy anything I want in the burbs or on the internet. maybe the resturants are better but is it really worth the extra money. Dunno .. Really.
Millions and billions are so yesterday. They are rounding errors. We now count by trillions. So how many trillions of demonstrators were occupying Wall Street yesterday? Feel free to count zombies, space aliens and those who were there in spirit if not in body. That’s how you get to 99%!
I want an avatar too!
SO far, I have found the 32650 number on posts and the democratic underground and the daily mail in the UK.
John Kerry did go to law school. Boston College.
NYPD estimated 32, 650 protestors marched over the Brooklyn Bridge tonight.
But 32,647 of them were just people walking home from work.
OWS, one of the most unintentioally funny because its sooooo lame movements evah!
No honest person can come to any other conclusion that this "movement" has faltered. Did anyone catch the Daily Show's on the spot reporting of the idiots in Zucatti Park? Not only was there a very real split, both geographically and demographically, between the "rich" protestors and all there stuff and the poor protestors, but the "working groups" and such were meeting in the Atrium of the Duetsche Bank building! LOL
One idiot was giving forth about societies responsibility to economic justice and the reporter asked him (because he was waving it around while talking) "Would you let one of them use your Ipad2?" He said, "No, but I am for free access to technology". When she pressed him on it, he refused to admit he would allow someone from the poor side of the protest to use his stuff because he believed in a difference between private property and personal property.
It would be hysterical if only it were funny.
I bet you didn't have anything this cool in Madison:
A series of messages projected onto the Verizon building in lower Manhattan during the march across the Brooklyn Bridge
Ann the answer to your question can be found by calling your realtor. Location, location, location.
Thw OWS NYC is in the heart of the American media empire. That they are mere blocks from Black Rock makes their story accessible.
Even if the turnout was 10,000 (it was probably several thousand with most participating in the Bfooklyn Bridge march), it doesn't amount to much. This was the Big Action by this so-called "movement" purporting to reoresent 99 percent. After two months of wall to wall media coverage, most of it sympathetic, in a metro area with 18 million people, 10,000 would piddling, 3,000 embarassing.
Yet, it is hard to embarass this bunch, as long as media continues to be favorable. Local NBC-TV News, for example, had several reporters live on the streets who delivered breathless accounts as if this were the 1963 March on Washington. Camera frames focused narrowly so that any crowd looked big.
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