"I'm so disgusted by that that something horrible is going to come . . . I, I, am I alone here? Am I over-reacting? I'm sickened by that... Who is this man? Who does he think he is? And why is he surging in the polls? I don't get it. I mean to hear Newt Gingrich standing on literally his high horse, after taking advantage of the system, cashing in, being the biggest, literally the biggest hypocrite in the Repubican field, probably in politics today. The biggest hypocrite.... It's disgusting. It's absolutely disgusting. It's a very angry way to start the show. I'm extremely sorry. But it's the first time I'd seen that. And it literally made my skin crawl."
IN THE COMMENTS: Pogo writes: "How high was the horse he stood on?/Pretty damn acrobatic for a fat man./And how was the dismount?"
That made me think of
the original Occupy Wall Street Adbusters ad:
You know, Mika was reacting to something Newt said about OWS. (You can hear it at the link.) Perhaps someone can photoshop that lady on the Wall Street Bull into a Newt balancing on tiptoe on a horse.
How high was the horse he stood on?
Pretty damn acrobatic for a fat man.
And how was the dismount?
And no comment, Mika, about Pelosi pretty much tripling her net worth over the last four years? That doesn't 'sicken' you? Pretty selective in your pathologies.
"Brzezinski began her rant by declaring "it shouldn't be surprising, coming from me." That was presumably an allusion to her frankly acknowledged personal animus toward Gingrich, apparently stemming from an incident in which Newt had insulted Mika's father Zbigniew Brzezinski as Jimmy Carter's former National Security Adviser sat in the audience."
Isn't it wonderful to know that she has her job because of her ability and not because of her father was a big cheese in government. Just as disgusting in my view.
Mika also thinks that Abe Lincoln is her favorite "founding father."
Its all down hill from there.
Where was Joe Scarborough when we needed him?
Remember, intolerance and hypocrisy are the only sins on the left.
Although you aren't supposed to tolerate hypocrites or Republicans, so tolerance has its limits.
If you are a Democrat, by definition you cannot be a hypocrite, either because you espouse no standards at all, or because you espouse and legislate standards popular to the left, even while violating them.
Which isn't real hypocrisy, as that can only exist on the right. Again, by definition, and as seen here, in practice.
It's literally a circular definition.
It's a very angry way to start the show
Um, the defining characteristic of the modern left is anger.
You're not sorry.
Mika is inconsequential. What is not, however, is the fact that someone who was forced to step down as Speaker of the House, is once again trying for the White House. If you don't think that won't come up from an Obama campaign that's got nothing BUT negativity to run on, you're either an OWS survivor or a prospective swampland purchaser.
Are you going to Scarborough unfair?
Parsing rage, Brzezinski unkind.
I find the segment quite interesting. She expressed outrage over a video that has been travelling around conservative blogs winning praise and high fives. Her guests did not seem to disagree at all with her assessment.
Is there any middle ground at all? Can Newt's comments be observed as possibly having merit in some way, at least from some points of view? I'd have thought so, but Brzezinski is convinced that it's impossible.
She is as perplexed as I: "And why is he surging in the polls? I don't get it." I can disliking Newt and what he said, but I'm amazed that someone paid to analyze and disseminate news is so frankly unable to do so herself.
[Pogo: not bad. Not bad at all.]
Yes, Newt is disgusted and thinks protestors should get a job and take a bath! (Remember the blurbs for Dont Look Back: "Not for people who bathe").
So Mika is sickened by Newt and he makes her skin crawl!
Now how does that make you feel? Doesn't it just disgust you?
Don't you want in on this?
Uh, messed up there: "I can understand liking or disliking..."
phx, my skin is literally standing on a high horse over your shameless attempt to belittle people's collective disgust.
I know, I know, another person who means "figuratively" or "virtually", but says "literally". It's getting so common that descriptivists are starting to defend it.
I used to wonder whether it was because "virtual" had acquired another meaning in computer technology, but . . . probably not.
Such usage cannot be sanctioned, and therefore, should be severely sanctioned.
Such usage cannot be sanctioned, and therefore, should be severely sanctioned.
Such users must be decimated with awesome force, exspecially if they have ever axed someone a question or told someone the store they are looking for is acrost the street.
Mika got her job because
1. Woman - ie. AA.
2. Reasonably cute.
3. Famous father.
Why should I care what she thinks or what acrobatics her skin can perform?
phx, my skin is literally standing on a high horse
I am amazed to meet someone even more disturbingly disgusted by this than myself.
I think we all must like being worked into a lather, huh?
The unemployed libido loves being worked into a lather.
Newt is a very polarizing figure, still.
He was the most loathed politician in America in the late 90s, and has strong detractors not just in the liberal camp, but with independents that see him as the poster boy of K Street corruption that spawned Tom DeLay, Hastert, and Obama's donors. Even Republicans are split on him. (Half think he is an idea a minute genius...the other half believes him an ineffective, self-indulgent blowhard that was justly ousted as Speaker by the Republicans)
phx said...
The unemployed libido loves being worked into a lather.
Half think he is an idea a minute genius...the other half believes him an ineffective, self-indulgent blowhard that was justly ousted as Speaker by the Republicans
It is possible to be both simultaneously, isn't it? Ineffective and genius aren't mutually exclusive. On a serious note, though, listening to Brit Hume running down the laundry listen of Newt negatives (lol) just reinforced my opinion that the guy is nigh unelectable...in any election but this one.
When did "get a job" stop being a punchline? Newt trolled Mika's inner comment thread and she doesn't even know it.
One thing I've always appreciated about political professionals (James Carville for example) is that nothing sickens them. They know how the game is played.
It takes a special kind of forced stupidity to be selectively sickened by politics.
I hate television talk. I'm not selective. It's all crap. Mika, get a real job.
The biggest hypocrite in politics, sweetie? Bigger than Hillary "I've always been a Mets fan" Clinton? Bigger than your daddy's "Ah'm jus' a simple peantu farmer lookin' to bring peace" boss? Please. You're only disgusted because Newt dares to blaspheme your little religious movement.
And did you catch the bit where she whines that it's terrible of Newt to tell them to go get jobs because there are no jobs? There are plenty of JOBS, Mika (and, honestly, what knid of name is that? Is it short for something?) - the problem is that your little OWS slime want a big bucks job that lets them surf the net all day, engage in unlimited personal calls and knock off at 2.00pm after a hard day's work. No, those "jobs" aren't there. But if anyone of them washed up, put on some clean clothes and spent a day answering want ads, they'd find a job.
But that would require work. Nope. Wouldn't be prudent.
wv - "undes." What Mika's got twisted into a knot.
Mika Emilie Leonia Brzezinski
It's a commie name.
wv - "undes." What Mika's got twisted into a knot.
What Zbigniew never told anyone is that Mika's name was Mike and that he used to wear briefs. Seriously...watch "Mika" for the Adam's apple.
I will not deny that there is a lot of hypocrisy that clings to Newt Gingrich like an ill-fitting brassiere. Zbig's daughter should get over it though -- and if she makes a claim, she should back it up with facts, not ranting.
Newt has that effect on most people who spend any time around him.
I believe it is because his Professor's stance fails to affirms people's ideas and instead gives them really neat new ideas.
So far so good. But then he does it again. And then he does it again.
You are left with the angry feeling that the man has no care for you as his supporter, and then you stop supporting him.
That is not the way to lead a group towards a goal which is what a President needs skill at doing.
The non-Mitt crew seems to relish the thought that Gingrich will do some smart tricks to the Obama.
But what happens when Mitt does it to them next??
Oops. I meant what happens when Newt does it to them again?
Mika's dad knows best...for everybody.
Mika's at a loss, what to do, what to do, without her Louboutins on. Especially the ones with the red soles. Mika can't, just can't, won't live without them!
That said, I'd like to literally crawl over Mika's skin, and give her a bath -- and a job.
I don't get the adbuster's ad. What is our one demand? To dance on top of the bull? To do something that is clearly impossible? (free unicorns for all). Beauty to win out over money?
Seriously, it's a cool image, but help me out here.
This is outrageous.
I wonder how Mika's delicate stomach would hold up if she was forced to stand near some of the human feces on the ground in an OWS camp.
Mika is not a sex object, EDH!
What Newt did is a part of the problem with Washington and is not a credit to him. But how many of us would have passed on the opportunity to make millions if we were presented with it, an opportunity requiring no law breaking? Few I suspect.
Newt is not a political virgin, but there are many good aspects to him and his philosophy of government. I personally think he is the best of the lot, such as it is. I don't think George Washington will run.
If we are going to elect an experienced politician, and I think we need one, we are not going to get a political virgin.
Why isn't Mika disgusted over her dad's meddling in Afghanistan which sucked the Russians in, then left a power vacuum, which invited al-Quaeda to form a base...
You get the idea
I am really not sure how discredited, etc., Newt was as speaker. They did to him what they tried later with Gov. Palin, but at a much higher level - filing some hundred or so ethics complaints against him, with all but one being dismissed, and that one not really admitted, just consented to.
And the reason for the ethics attack? First, Gingrich had used (real) ethics complaints to bring down one of his predecessors as Speaker. And, his Contract with America won the House for the Republicans for the first time in maybe 40 years, and won it big enough that they were able to hold it for 12, which they hadn't done since before FDR.
I am not saying that he is ethically clean, but rather, is, I would guess, about average for anyone who has spent as much time around Washington, D.C. or in national politics. Probably cleaner than John Kerry and Al Gore, and much cleaner than either of the Clintons, the present occupant of the White House, Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid. But likely less clean than any of the other Republican nominees. (and, no, Democrats do not have a corner on corruption - it is just that they are the ones yelling corruption, yet tolerate far worse from their own politicians).
It's a testament to logic of voting for Obama that Newt even has a chance and is leading in the polls.
Although I love a lot of what Newt says, he has a way of saying it that just pisses people off. The base loves that, but the squishy middle people are easily persuaded by such optics as sounding mean. Unfortunately, the election is all about pushing those squishy invertebrates into your cup.
Oh, and when I mentioned Democratic corruption, I forgot to mention former Dem. Senator, governor, and Obama economic advisor Jon Corzine, whose company appears now to maybe have misappropriated $1.2 billion (up from $600 million) of customer money. This is getting up into the Berney Madoff level of theft.
My thoughts are with Candy Gingrich and how she deals with the libtard media.
I love Candy. She seems so real.
Bruce Hayden said...
I am really not sure how discredited, etc., Newt was as speaker. They did to him what they tried later with Gov. Palin,
The problem with that thinking is that "They!" are not the nefarious forces of the mainstream media that cast Palin as not ready for primetime...but with Newt "They!" happened to be his fellow Republicans that found him to be an incompetent, polarizing leader, executive, and administrator.
The media did not sway Republicans to purge Newt...Newt swayed Republicans to purge Newt with his antics.
(Remember too that once Newt had power, he promptly went to sabotaging key parts of his own Contract With America. Term limits, pork constraints? "That is so yesterday. I now have 4 Great New Ideas! Just thought of them this month! Forget that term limits and anti-pork stuff. We are running the show now."
Bruce Hayden, good points all.
bagoh20 says "Although I love a lot of what Newt says, he has a way of saying it that just pisses people off." There are lots of reasons for this, like the Professorial arrogance noted above, the hypocrisy, and the dissembling over his profiteering with Freddie Mac.
But Newt has a way of saying it that just pisses people off. I submit that the primary reason is that he has a high and rather whiny voice. We have not had a POTUS with a voice that high since Kennedy, and his voice had a richness that tended to negate its high pitch. Before Kennedy, Presidents spoke to us mostly through low-fidelity radios that did not transmit voice quality very well, so that quality was not a major factor.
It's a devastating image problem. If Newt's voice-- just the pitch and tone-- were more like that of John Kerry, I'd say he might stand a chance. As it is, up against Obama's beautiful voice, no.
The other reason that I think the left goes berserko with Gingrich is that he makes them look like fools. And, this would clearly include President Obama, should Gingrich get the nomination. He is a very bright, articulate, man, who has spent 30 years or so learning how to be very good on his feet and win debates.
Apparently, maybe 30 years ago, before he went into politics, he had a short meeting with a pre-Presidential Ronald Reagan. And Gingrich asked Reagan how he was so good. He showed Newt a stack of index cards with discussion topics. Reagan would pick maybe 5 of them, almost at random, for a speech, then shuffle them. That always put him on edge, adding an element of suspense or danger to his speeches.
Gingrich has tried to follow this for the 30 years since he got this tip. He is smarter and better read than Reagan was, but doesn't have the film schooled voice or delivery.
I predict that if Gingrich were nominated, he would make short work of President Obama. Obama has the schooled voice, but little else that Reagan had. And, most importantly, he hasn't taken the time and effort to learn to debate well on his feet or to learn the subject matter that well - or at least not at the level that Gingrich would and does. All that takes a lot more time and energy than President Obama has every been willing to commit to anything, except, maybe, his golf game.
I don't get the adbuster's ad. What is our one demand?
Bring a tent.
If Newt's voice-- just the pitch and tone-- were more like that of John Kerry, I'd say he might stand a chance.
Are you suggesting that Newt start gargling ketchup?
Newtron's Bombs keep him surging. Pandering, adultering, philandering, glad-handing clown.
He called for a return to traditional religion - so does that mean we'll return to sacrificing bulls in our churches and stoning people in the streets?
Chrisin MA - "And did you catch the bit where she whines that it's terrible of Newt to tell them to go get jobs because there are no jobs? There are plenty of JOBS, Mika (and, honestly, what knid of name is that? Is it short for something?)"
1. Mika, and the name Mika, is of Polish and Czech ancestry. It is a rather nice 1st name for a girl, IMO.
The effective unemployment rate is 20%, including people that have given up looking for a job and are not included in the official stats. In some cities, the jobless rate for young black males between 18 and 30 is pushing 50%. That is social dynamite.
2. With free trade with China, and other major jobs creation woes (no more bubbles, world suffering serious production overcapacity and a race to the lowest cost bidder of 3rd world labor) - no one but the smuggest old conservatives are arguing that there are "plenty of jobs". Certainly not at a decent wage, or jobs that offer health insurance with the position.
I would agree that Gingrich's delivery is a big reason that even many of those who agree with him tend to dislike the way he speaks. It is maybe is professorial way he speaks down to everyone (and, yes, Obama has this too, and, yes, maybe from the short time he too spent at the front of classrooms - but I think Gingrich is worse here).
Thinking about the way that Gingrich delivers his message, I think that he makes a far better attack dog than he would a President. Imagine listening to State of the Union messages for a President Gingrich. I think that we would get fed up with the way that he speaks down to everyone within the first couple of months of his Presidency, and it would go downhill from there. And being Newt, he wouldn't not speak, if given half a chance, which he would have plenty of as President.
This is another reason that Romney would make the better President - he looks, acts, and sounds Presidential. Much more so than the current occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania.
So, maybe the best ticket would be Romney/Gingrich, except that I don't see Newt settling for a supporting role.
You know, if a new analyst 'just doesn't get it', perhaps she's in the wrong profession. Or needs a new pair of political goggle.
Personally, I won't vote for Gingrich if he running against Satan, but that's my politics.
I get this picture of her skin crawling like an alien.
It's like in The Thing when the hot wire is put in the alien blood and all the alien skin starts to crawl and run away.
Newt is the hot wire! And your skin is crawling, you alien.
And what's wrong with a bath, anyway? That's good advice.
She's either at the forefront of a new version of English, heavily influenced by the internet and the constant barrage polemics we see in all walks of life now, a kind of Chaucer for postmodernism, or I am literally pissed off that someone could get paid to speak that poorly and it is not myself.
so does that mean we'll return to sacrificing bulls in our churches and stoning people in the streets?
No, it means we all have to grow beards, pray to trees, and build large stone henges in our back yards.
Are you going to Scarborough unfair?
Parsing rage, Brzezinski unkind.
LOL awesome. Feeling groovy.
Newt would be nobody's first choice to play Santa at the orphanage's Christmas party. I can't understand how the left is able to gin up so much hatred for such essentially likable people as Michele Bachmann and Herman Cain, but Gingrich really is a load. He's the very opposite of teflon. He's the Pampers politician, totally absorbent of all the crap that's flung his way.....I agree with many of the things Newt says, but he always looks too pleased with his intellect and insights. Telling the OWS gang to take a bath is like telling Newt to take off a few pounds. The criticism is too obvious and appears more mean spirited than trenchant ....I think we should all be grateful that Mika's father blessed her with a two syllable first name. Who among us can spell the father's name without first looking it up? I think we all have better things in life to do than spell Zbiggie's name correctly, and he spared us this pointless labor when he named his daughter.
I don't get the adbuster's ad. What is our one demand? To dance on top of the bull?
So...they planned not to have a message?
You know Candy has a waxed cunt.
Have you seen some of the protesters in Cairo?
They are fucking hot.
Yum, muzzie hog.
Mika would have freaked back in the hippie era when some comedian (think it might have been Alan Sherman) said the hippie motto was, "Down with math and don't take a bath".
How dast those Americans expect people to stop being Commies and amount to something.
joewxman said...
Isn't it wonderful to know that she has her job because of her ability and not because of her father was a big cheese in government. Just as disgusting in my view.
Apparently, it's now corporate policy at the Peacock. Chelsea couldn't get in until both parents were big cheeses in government.
Lord knows she can't do anything else well, unless you count being carried out of bars soused to the gills by her Secret Service detail.
Brett Cottrell said...
Newtron's Bombs keep him surging. Pandering, adultering, philandering, glad-handing clown.
Who obviously has the Lefties scared green.
He called for a return to traditional religion - so does that mean we'll return to sacrificing bulls in our churches and stoning people in the streets?
No, that sounds more like the Occupation.
Mika needs to remember Richard Nixon's advice to inside-the beltway-players: "Only the amateurs stay mad".
Let's not forget Newt the Chickenhawk
Not to worry Mika, he'll be the next star to implode.
Interesting to see how the right keeps hitching up their wagons to these guys and then a little vetting happens and their horse drops dead. On to the next star!
My prediction is, the next star and the one who gets the nomination is Santorum.
Let's not forget Newt the Chickenhawk
Hi dum-dum.
Can you tell us which branch Bill Clinton (bombs away on Iraq, supported OIF) and President Obama (bombs away on Iraq, Afghanistan, and Libya) served?
Thanks in advance.
The image is very interesting, in a way perhaps not intended by the OWS. The woman, who represents the arts, dances on the back of the mighty bull of capitalism. The bull must support her dancing, because she is inconsequential as air, and she hates him for it.
Dissent hurts, don't it, Byro-Jay, AZ-stoner sockpup, cyber-perp. Your TP schtick a joke (tho that is you, as demo blogs have discovered--yo Digby), like your career, scum--better stick to the Titus schtick
Please nominate Newt...then he will go down in history as having contributed to reelecting two Democratic presidents.
Krugman: [Newt]...a stupid man's idea of what a smart man sounds like.
The base loves that, but the squishy middle people are easily persuaded by such optics as sounding mean.
Newt has been running a fantastic campaign. He's been super-nice to all Republicans. He has nothing bad to say about his fellow Republicans.
And he's attacking the Occupy crowd. And he's attacking the media. It's us vs. them.
I think that's a very smart campaign strategy in the primary season. Very, very smart.
". . .no one but the smuggest old conservatives are arguing that there are 'plenty of jobs.' Certainly not at a decent wage or jobs that offer health insurance with the position."
So there aren't plenty of jobs until there are plenty of jobs, just ones the spoiled OWS brats won't take.
Here's this smug old conservative's position. Take. A. Job. Even if it sucks ("that's why it's caled 'work,' not 'fun'" as my old granddaddy used to say). Take two. Or three if you have to. Work hard. Get there early. Stay late. Have an ethic. Make yourself useful. Make yourself needed. Then shed the more onerous jobs as the one where your hard work brings promotion becomes more profitable.
Cut down on your ethically-grown, ecologically-sustainable fair trade hipster douchebag coffee. Get rid of your cell phone junk programs. Stop surfing YouTube. Get off Facebook. Stop trying to live like "How I Met Your Mother."
Grow the fuck up.
Clear enough, gruppenfuhrer?
machine said...
Please nominate Newt...then he will go down in history as having contributed to reelecting two Democratic presidents.
Sure he will. If Newt helped re-elect Willie, it was by instituting welfare reform and a balanced budget over the former Serial Rapist In Chief's objections and dragging him into it kicking and screaming.
Note, please, that the Lefties always take this tack with someone they're trying to slime because they're that afraid of them.
PS William is on the money, 1000%.
"machine", if that Krugman quote wasn't in the Times, I'll assume it's fake, per the genius Nobel laureate's instructions.
Other smart things Krugman has said: Our reaction to 9-11 was shameful; social security is a Ponzi scheme (1996)and that it's not (2011); that Obama's second year in office proves that "cutting spending" (?!!) doesn't create jobs; and that the one thing we need to turn the economy around is an invasion from outer space.
I'm detecting a theme against concern trolls and liberals: Please do us a favor and nominate Newt.
Sure thing, buddy, I'll do my best.
Dissent hurts, don't it, Byro-Jay, AZ-stoner sockpup, cyber-perp
Your response indicates the question proved the point.
Thanks for participating, you unhinged goon.
no one but the smuggest old conservatives are arguing that there are "plenty of jobs". Certainly not at a decent wage, or jobs that offer health insurance with the position.
In your ignorance, maybe you should read this.
Your post was a profile in stupidity.
Actually, McDonald's is hiring, and thanks to the beneficence of Dear Leader continues to offer its own health insurance to even part-time employers.
Yep...just like we are afraid of the Quitta from Wasilla...
Mickey D's, aren't they paying about $18/hr in North Dakota?
Terrible Newt for telling those people to do what we do every day. Shame, shame.
machine said...
Yep...just like we are afraid of the Quitta from Wasilla...
That he has to put it that way shows how much the Lefties are afraid of her.
The phrase, "Death panels", ring any bells?
She galvanized opposition to ZeroCare with 2 words.
Jay and ChristopherinMA -
So lets get it straight. America doesn't need to create jobs. There is no jobs problem.
It just needs those punks and indolent old white workers in places like industrially dead Buffalo to get off their asses and find all the great jobs out there begging to be filled.
Cut down on your ethically-grown, ecologically-sustainable fair trade hipster douchebag coffee. Get rid of your cell phone junk programs. Stop surfing YouTube. Get off Facebook. Stop trying to live like "How I Met Your Mother."
I might actually support a new federal assistance program if all it did were send out DVDs of The Pursuit of Happyness
I wish she'd video recorded her skin literally crawling; that would have been cool (and probably a hit on youtube.)
So lets get it straight. America doesn't need to create jobs. There is no jobs problem.
No, there's a huge jobs problem. It also goes hand-in-hand with the huge lazy-ass whiner problem.
No, there's a huge jobs problem. It also goes hand-in-hand with the huge lazy-ass whiner problem.
While I don't see things from a woman's point of view, owing in large part to my own external plumbing, I cannot, for the life of me, imagine going a year, let alone two years, on unemployment. My sense of responsibility as a husband and father would kick in and I'd got get myself one of those crappy jobs. I'd lay good odds I'd be one of their supervisors within a couple of months as well.
Cultivating excellent work ethics is not something we excel at in this society.
So lets get it straight. America doesn't need to create jobs. There is no jobs problem.
Yeah, that's what I said.
Again, you're an idiot.
What will ME-ka say when the protesters actually do eventually take a bath, and get a job?
Newt might win 30 electoral votes. America's Politico and I decided that was the inevitable result after consulting at Yarrows with scones.
"America doesn't need to create jobs. There is no jobs problem."
Which is not what I said, you jackhole. What I am saying is that poor little Mika has her thong all damp and twisty because there are supposedly no jobs anywhere for anyone, which is simply a lie.
Unemployment is a huge problem, as is this administration's deliberate jobs-destroying "green" agenda, and you can bet your swastika that if Obama was a Republican, there would be endless stories about the true unemployment rate, not the fake 9% number that Little Black Jesus and his fellators keep putting out.
Scott had it right - if you have any sense of honor or dignity, you go find a job - ANY JOB - and do your damndest to keep your head above water, with your eye open for any chance of advancement.
But since the truly poisonous mentality of the New Deal / Great Society took hold - that we have a right to stop working at 65, that we should be allowed to spend the next 20-30 years "finding" ourselves, with expenses paid by a pension and Social Security, that the government will always take care of us in extremis - that, as Billy Hollis wrote, we have been assured since the 1930s that we have the FUNDAMENTAL RIGHT to a soft life - such concepts as shame and dignity are now considered a sucker's game.
I can remember that, even as late as the 1970s, many families would rather go hungry than shame themselves by using food stamps. Now, if you don't have a WIC card all filled up by Uncle Sugar, you're the sucker.
"Thinking about the way that Gingrich delivers his message, I think that he makes a far better attack dog than he would a President."
I've altered my opinion of Gingrich somewhat, mostly due to an acquaintance who has had some personal dealings with Newt and insists he's not the dilettante I took him for (though whenever I remember his fascination with the Tofflers, I start drifting back to my original take.)
However, the contrast to Reagan is telling. Ronaldus Magnus may have been a wonderful, skilled extemporaneous speaker, as the notecard anecdote illustrates, but in no way was he an idea-a-minute factory; he never lost sight of the One or Two Big Ideas that needed to be pushed (in his case particularly, winning the cold war.)
Ah yes, the selective faux-rage of the leftards. It's right there on display. I'd love to see her cringe-worthy reaction for her to get out of her ivory tower to mingle with the OWS little people and have her think, "Wow, you guys really do need a bath."
If I was single, I'd say I'd fuck her into senselessness, but frankly, I don't need to fuck her, the rest writes itself.
Love William's description of Newt as "the Pampers politician" Shit really does stick to him.
However, the contrast to Reagan is telling. Ronaldus Magnus may have been a wonderful, skilled extemporaneous speaker, as the notecard anecdote illustrates, but in no way was he an idea-a-minute factory; he never lost sight of the One or Two Big Ideas that needed to be pushed (in his case particularly, winning the cold war.)
I agree. One of the things that I would worry about with a President Gingrich is his idea-a-minute way of operating. I don't think that we need someone like that in the White House, but rather, someone who can diligently attack the morass that was left him by his predecessors (and, esp., but not exclusively, President Obama and the 111th Congress). I don't think that Gingrich has that in him.
Who cares?
"...Half think he is an idea a minute genius...the other half believes him an ineffective, self-indulgent blowhard"
I'm with the 50% on this one.
I could more easily picture Newt balancing tiptoe on an elephant.
Krugman: [Newt]...a stupid man's idea of what a smart man sounds like.
Krugman has proved himself the inferior intellect in that matchup. He's a one-trick pony whose trick didn't work.
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